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International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 9 (1992) 283-301 283


A checklist for evaluating ergonomic risk factors resulting

from awkward postures of the legs, trunk and neck

W.M. Keyserling, M. B r o u w e r and B.A. Silverstein

Center for Ergonomics, The University of Michigan, 1205 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, M1 48109, USA

(Received February 15, 1992; accepted in revised form April 15, 1992)


A one-page checklist for determining the presence of ergonomic risk factors associated with awkward postures of the lower
extremities, trunk and neck was developed and evaluated as part of a joint labor-management ergonomics intervention program.
This checklist was used by plant personnel at four work sites to assess the postural requirements on 335 cyclical (i.e., work-cycle
duration less than five minutes) manufacturing and warehouse jobs. In addition, results generated by the checklist were compared
to the results of ergonomic analyses performed by persons with advanced training in occupational ergonomics.
Workers were observed using awkward postures for most of the jobs in the survey. Awkward postures of the lower extremities
were relatively uncommon, occurring in 25 percent or less of the jobs. Awkward postures of the trunk and neck were common,
occurring in more than 70 percent of the jobs. Results generated by the checklist were generally in agreement with results
generated by the experienced ergonomists; however, the checklist was found to be more sensitive in identifying the presence of
awkward postures.
The checklist was found to be an effective rapid-screening instrument for identifying cyclical jobs that expose workers to
potentially harmful postures. However, the checklist methodology did not include sufficient documentation of work methods to
identify the specific job attributes associated with these exposures. Furthermore, the checklist was not used to evaluate non-cyclical
jobs (e.g., maintenance and skilled trades).

Relevance to industry

Awkward postures used in the work place may lead to worker pain and injury. The checklist presented here is a quick and
sensitive screening tool for identifying jobs with exposures to postural stresses. It was effectively used by shop floor employees to
analyze a variety of manufacturing and warehouse jobs.


Ergonomic checklist; job analysis; ergonomic risk factors; awkward postures.

Introduction metabolism. If the contractions are of sufficient

magnitude, the blood supply to the muscles is
Awkward postures are postures that when used reduced, limiting the supply of oxygen and other
repetitively or for prolonged periods result in nutrients and allowing waste products to build
increased risk of fatigue, pain or injury. These up. This leads to fatigue and pain in the muscles
postures are sustained either actively by muscle ( A s t r a n d e t al., 1986). P a s s i v e l o a d i n g s t r e s s e s t h e
contractions or passively by compressive or ten- tissues and may result in strain. This tissue strain
sile l o a d s o n b o n e s , m u s c l e s , t e n d o n s , l i g a m e n t s , may lead immediately to feelings of pain or
etc. ( C h a f f i n e t al., 1984). M u s c l e c o n t r a c t i o n s numbness or may accumulate over time and re-
require energy and produce waste products of s u l t in t i s s u e d a m a g e o r p a i n . T a b l e 1 lists s o m e

0169-1936/92/$05.00 © 1992 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved

284 W.M. Keyserling et al. / Checklist for evaluating ergonomic risk factors

Table 1
Adverse health effects associated with various postures.

Posture Adverse health effects Reference

Standing stationary Compression neuropathies Feldman et al., 1983
Using a foot pedal Pain in the low back, hip and knee Corlett et al., 1976
Kneeling Increased heart rate and oxygen consumption Sato et al., 1973
Compression neuropathies Feldman et al., 1983
Squatting Compression neuropathies Feldman et al., 1983
Sitting w / b a c k support Compression neuropathies Feldman et al., 1983
Sitting w / o back support Low back pain Grandjean et al., 1983
Mild flexion/trunk Increased heart rate and oxygen consumption Sato et al., 1973
Back pain Punnett et al., 1991
Andersson, 1981
Severe flexion/trunk Increased heart rate and oxygen consumption Sato et al., 1973
Back pain Punnett et al., 1991
Andersson, 1981
Twisted/bent/trunk Back pain Punnett et al., 1991
Andersson, 1981
Mild flexion/neck Neck pain and stiffness Grandjean et al., 1983

Severe flexion/neck Pain in the neck, upper back and arms Harms-Ringdahl et al., 1986b
Neck pain and stiffness Grandjean et al., 1983
Twist/bent/neck Neck and shoulder pain Tola et al., 1988
Headache Travell, 1967
Extension/neck Neck pain Travell, 1967

Table 2
Percentage of workers who reported pain in various areas of the body over various time periods.

Occupation Neck Back Hip Thighs Knee Calf Ankle Feet Time Reference
Butcher 27 55 9 26 20 3 mon Magnusson et al., 1987
Melters 20 34 28 42 30 1 day Paluch, 1989
Molders 10 26 20 32 24 1 day Paluch, 1989
Maintenance workers 11 20 22 38 22 1 day Paluch, 1989
Air craft loaders 18 27 10(t) 35 6(f) 7 day Stalhammar et al., 1986
Air craft loaders 38 63 24(t) 63 20(f) 1 yr Stalhammar et al., 1986
Fishermen 19 52 13 25 11 1 yr Torner et al., 1988
Slaughterhouse workers 49(s) 42 1 yr Viikari-Juntura, 1983
Electronics assembly 64 11 10 12 4(a) Westgaard et al., 1984
Cable makers 31 39 4 4 0(a) Westgaard et al., 1984
Machine operators (45-49) 86 Tola et al., 1988
Carpenters (45-49) 76 Tola et al., 1988
Office workers (45-49) 62 Tola et al., 1988
Strawberry pickers 14 60 10(1) Maeda et al., 1980
Eggplant pickers 11 43 40(1) Maeda et al., 1980
Note: (a) includes ankles; (f) includes feet; (1) includes legs; (s) includes shoulder; (t) includes thigh. Some values estimated from
W.M. Keyserlinget al. / Checklist for evaluating ergonomic risk factors 285

of the adverse health effects associated with awk- exposure to ergonomichazards that lead to cumulative trauma
ward lower extremity, trunk and neck postures. disorders and related injuries and illnesses."
Pain is often associated with awkward postures
(see table 1). Table 2 summarizes the percentage The O S H A guidelines recommend that an effec-
of workers in different industries who have expe- tive control program include a systematic analysis
rienced pain in the lower extremity, trunk or of the work site to recognize, identify and correct
neck. These data are taken from studies that ergonomic hazards. The guidelines further rec-
investigated the relationship between working ommend the use of a checklist to identify jobs
posture and discomfort, pain a n d / o r injury. The with ergonomic hazards, including awkward pos-
data in table 2 indicate that low back pain is a tures. The second step was to use the checklist to
common problem. Furthermore, pain is experi- analyze a variety of industrial tasks. The final
enced in the neck, knee, calf and feet by about step was to compare the checklist results with the
one-third of workers in some industries. results of experienced ergonomists to confirm
Many methods for measuring posture are that shop floor workers with one week of er-
available. Atha (1984) reviewed posture measure- gonomic training could correctly identify er-
ment for sports applications including: photo- gonomic stresses resulting from awkward pos-
graphic methods, goniometers, accelerometers tures.
and opto-electronic co-ordinate analyzers. Many The following sections describe the develop-
of these methods are impractical for use on the ment, implementation and evaluation of a check-
shop floor because of cost, complexity, calibration list to evaluate ergonomic risk factors associated
difficulties and the invasiveness of the technique. with awkward postures of the neck, trunk and
Other methods for describing posture include lower extremities. A similar checklist designed to
direct observation and manual recording using screen for upper extremity risk factors (Keyser-
forms (Karhu et al., 1977; Corlett et al., 1979; ling et al., in press) was also developed as part of
Priel, 1974) and computer-aided methods (Key- this study.
serling, 1986; Kilbom et al., 1986b). Limitations
of these methods for use as shop-floor screening
tools include: cost, the level of training required, Methods
the application time and the need for additional
analysis using special equipment to determine the Objectives and environment
exposure level. In spite of these limitations, these
methods and others have been used to describe The checklist described below was developed
workers' posture. in conjunction with a 42-month longitudinal study
The study reported below involved three steps. to evaluate the effectiveness of a joint union-
The first step was to design and develop a screen- management program in reducing ergonomic in-
ing tool that could be used quickly, easily, and juries and disorders in a large automotive corpo-
accurately by shop floor workers with a minimum ration. This study was performed at four work
of training or equipment. The screening tool de- sites (an engine plant, a metal stamping plant and
veloped was a checklist, as has recently been two parts distribution warehouses), all located in
suggested by OSHA. Due to the significant er- the same metropolitan area.
gonomic problems in the meatpacking industry, The checklist was designed to be a structured
the Occupational Safety and Health Administra- ergonomic job evaluation tool for use on the
tion (OSHA) issued a document titled "Ergo- plant floor by representatives of management and
nomic Program Management Guidelines for labor. All users participated in a one-week train-
Meatpacking Plants" (OSHA, 1990). This publi- ing program that included lectures on ergonomic
cation states: fundamentals as well as pr/ictical exercises on job
analysis and use of the checklist. Other than this
"The goal of any safety and health program is to prevent one-week course, most users had no additional
injuries and illnesses by removing their causes. For er- formal training in ergonomics.
gonomics, this goal is to eliminate or materiallyreduce worker The posture checklist was designed to function
286 W.M. Keyserlinget al. / Checklistfor eL'aluating ergonomic riskfactors

as a rapid, sensitive screening tool to identify jobs Star: Substantial exposure to postural stress
with potentially harmful exposures to ergonomic was present, indicating significant risk of in-
stress. The speed-of.use criterion required that it jury.
should be completed in about five minutes. The The most common mapping between the dura-
sensitivity criterion required that the checklist tion of awkward posture and the associated stress
identify the presence of all potentially harmful rating was:
postural stresses. As a screening tool, the check-
Duration . . . . . . Stress rating
list was designed to be biased, more likely to
Never . . . . . . Zero
classify an "acceptable" job as a " p r o b l e m " job (a
Sometimes . . . . . . Check
false positive) than to classify a " p r o b l e m " job as
Greater than one-third- . . . . . Star
"acceptable" (a false negative). The checklist was
not designed to be a diagnostic tool. Therefore, it However, there were several important deviations
did not provide sufficient information to identify from this general rule, as discussed in the next
specific work attributes responsible for excessive section.
stress or provide insights as to how the job could Once the checklist was completed, the total
be redesigned to reduce ergonomic stress. (Ad- number of checks and stars were summed, pro-
ditional analyses using open-ended methods were ducing an overall score of posture stresses. (Note:
required to accomplish these objectives. These Because the rating system was qualitative (i.e.,
follow-up analyses would also identify situations "star" responses on different questions did not
where the checklist produced a false positive.) necessarily indicate equal levels of absolute risk),
checklist users were instructed to interpret the
Checklist fundamentals overall score with caution. Since the checklist was
designed as a screening tool to identify jobs which
A complete version of the Posture Checklist should undergo follow-up analyses, any job re-
and the associated explanatory notes are pre- ceiving one or more "Stars" was considered to
sented in the Appendix. The checklist consisted have high priority for additional investigation and
of a series of objective questions with multiple analysis.)
choice responses. Each question was designed to
evaluate the presence and duration of exposure Development of checklist questions
to awkward postures. The following categories
were used to estimate the duration of exposure: The checklist was structured to identify three
Never: The job involved no exposure to the general categories of exposure to awkward pos-
particular posture. tures: Lower Extremities, Trunk and Neck. Refer
Sometimes: The posture was required to per- to the appendix for details regarding posture and
form the job, however the total duration of the activity definitions, duration categories and asso-
posture was less than one-third of the work ciated stress ratings.
cycle or work day.
Greater than one-third: The posture was re- Lower extremity postures and activities
quired to perform the job and the total dura- Work situations that required employees to
tion was greater than one-third of the work stand stationary with the feet bearing the body's
cycle or work day. weight for a prolonged period of time were iden-
The response to each question resulted in a tified in Question 1. Standing stationary can be a
stress rating (see checklist in the Appendix) that risk factor for pain in the low back, hips, legs,
utilized a three-level qualitative scale: knees, ankles and feet (Buckle et al., 1986; Ryan,
Zero: Using the posture for the indicated du- 1989). Standing has also b e e n associated with
ration presented insignificant risk of injury or compression of the posterior tibial nerve at the
illness. ankle (Aguayo, 1975), increased venous pressure
Check: Moderate exposure to postural stress in the legs and varicose veins (Coffman, 1975).
was present, indicating a potential risk of in- Because these symptoms are the result of pro-
jury to some workers. longed exposure, " N e v e r " and "Sometimes" were
W.M. Keyserling et al. / Checklist for evaluating ergonomic risk factors 287

assigned ratings of " Z e r o " , while " > 1 / 3 cycle" shown to be a risk factor in the development of
was assigned a "Check". low back pain (Magora, 1972); reported to cause
Worker use of a foot pedal while standing was compression of the sciatic nerve (Deverell et al.,
the focus of Question 2. Standing use of a foot 1968; Aguayo, 1975), and foot swelling (Winkel et
pedal has been found to be a risk factor for pain al., 1988). Sitting without a back support was
at the knee, hip a n d / o r low back (Corlett et al., addressed in Question 7. Sitting in a seat
1978). equipped with lumbar support has been shown to
Lying on the back or side, addressed in Ques- reduce the stress on the lumbar spine in biome-
tion 3, was included in the checklist for several chanical studies (Andersson et al., 1974a;
reasons. First, lying down and getting up can Andersson et al., 1974b). Because sitting with
place a high metabolic demand on the operator, back support reduces the stress on the back,
especially if the task is repetitive. Second, lying Never and Sometimes sitting were rated a Zero
down, when associated with maintenance proce- on the checklist, while sitting for more than 1 / 3
dures, often involves confined spaces, constrained of the day was rated a Check.
postures a n d / o r infrequently performed (and Non-neutral trunk postures were examined us-
therefore, unaccustomed) tasks. The resulting ing Questions 8 through 11. Postures such as
stresses are often cited as risk factors for pain in flexion, twisting, or lateral bending have been
various parts of the body. Third, lying down often associated with increased risk of back pain (Pun-
results in inadequate body support, stressing the nett et al., 1991). Other risks include: increased
muscles used to support the head, arms or legs, discomfort in the lower extremities and decreased
or causing mechanical contact stress with the time a posture can be maintained as the angle of
workstation. flexion increases (Boussenna et al., 1982); and
The duration of kneeling was evaluated by increased biomechanical loads (Andersson et al.,
Question 4. Kneeling was defined as one or both 1977; Nachemson, 1966). Because severe forward
knees touching the ground. Kneeling has been: bending (more than 45 degrees forward flexion) is
(1) rated a stressful posture by foundry workers so stressful, any exposure to this posture received
and ergonomic experts (Karhu et al., 1977); (2) a "Star" rating. Extension of the trunk (Question
reported to increase the risk of pain or injury at 10) was included to complete the trunk posture
the knee (Tanaka et al., 1982); and (3) reported description.
to cause compression of the peroneal nerve
(Spaans, 1970). Neck posture
Squatting (an included angle between the thigh Mild neck flexion of between 20 degrees and
and calf of less than 150 degrees) was identified 45 degrees was the focus of Question 12. Neck
in Question 5. Squatting has been: (1) rated as a flexion has been shown to be related to neck pain
stressful posture by foundry workers and er- as a function of the angle of flexion, the time
gonomic experts (Karhu et al., 1977); (2) reported spent with the neck flexed and the number of
to cause compression of the common peroneal flexions per hour (Hunting et al., 1980; Kilbom et
nerve (Koller et al., 1980; Sandhu et al., 1976); al., 1986a; Kilbom et al., 1987). Since these symp-
and (3) reported to cause the compression of the toms develop from prolonged exposure, "Never"
posterior tibial nerve (Joubert, 1972). Deep and "Sometimes" were assigned " Z e r o " ratings;
squatting has been associated with compression while " > 1 / 3 cycle" was assigned a "Check"
of the plantar nerves (Aguayo, 1975) and has rating.
been shown to increase bone-on-bone and com- Severe neck flexion of more than 45 degrees
pression forces in the knee by a biomechanical was analyzed using Question 13. This posture has
model (Ariel, 1974). been associated with the following: 360 percent
increase in the moment about the C7-T1 joint,
Trunk posture which may be damaging to the passive tissue
Sitting during the work day was evaluated in supporting the load (Harms-Ringdahl et al.,
Questions 6 and 7. Sitting with a back support 1986a); and increased fatigue rates (Chaffin,
was the focus of Question 6. Sitting has been 1973). Finally, maximal forward neck flexion can
288 W.M. Keyserling et al. / Checklist for evaluating ergonomic risk factors

cause pain or discomfort after only 15 minutes of components etc.); visual and tactile inspections of
exposure (Harms-Ringdahl et al., 1986b). replacement parts; manual and semi-automated
Neck extension (backward bending) of more packaging of single parts; and manual handling of
than 20 degrees, which is reported to cause neck packaged parts for temporary storage or ship-
pain (.VanWely, 1970), was evaluated using Ques- ment.
tion 14. Statistics summarizing responses to checklist
Neck twisting a n d / o r lateral bending of more questions are presented in the Results section for
than 20 degrees was monitored using Question each participating plant and for the total study.
15. These postures have been shown to result in Responses that gave the same stress ratings for
increased occurrence of neck and shoulder symp- multiple duration categories were pooled. Thus
toms (Tola et al., 1988). "Zero" stress responses in Questions 1, 6 and 12
were pooled into a duration category of " < 1/3
Using the checklist: A survey o f awkward posture in cycle" (see the checklist in the Appendix and
four plants tables 5, 6 and 7). Also, the "Star" stress ratings
in Question 9 were pooled into a duration cate-
The checklist was used to evaluate ergonomic gory of "Any". In addition, a Chi-square test of
stresses resulting from awkward postures on 335 independence (Gibbons, 1971) was used to evalu-
jobs in selected departments of four different ate the significance of plant effects.
plants. These analyses were performed by plant
Evaluating the checklist as a screening tool
employees following a one-week ergonomics
training program that included instruction and The checklist presented in the Appendix was
practice in checklist use. Because the checklists designed to function as a rapid screening tool for
were used prior to the implementation of any job use by persons with relatively little training and
improvements to reduce exposures to ergonomic experience in ergonomics to identify jobs with
stresses, the resulting data described the status of potentially harmful awkward postures. In order
posture risk factors at the outset of the joint to assess the effectiveness of the checklist in
labor-management ergonomics program. accomplishing these objectives, responses to
Work activities and specific job requirements checklist questions covering trunk and neck pos-
varied considerably among and within the plants. tures were compared to the results of "expert"
Job requirements in the engine plant (n = 67 computer-aided video analyses performed by uni-
jobs) included: repetitive manual handling of versity personnel (research engineers and ad-
moderately heavy parts (e.g., 25 kg. engine heads) vanced graduate students) with extensive experi-
when loading and unloading automated machin- ence in ergonomic job analysis techniques. The
ing, surface finishing and assembly equipment; comparison was made using a subset of 51 of the
visual and tactile inspections of in-process parts; 335 jobs. All 51 of these jobs were analyzed for
and manual assembly operations. In the metal the trunk postures. However, of the 51 jobs only
stamping plant (n = 133 jobs) job requirements 24 were analyzed for neck posture. The remain-
included: manual handling of blanks a n d / o r pre- ing 27 jobs were not analyzed because the work-
viously stamped parts when loading or unloading ers' heads were not captured on video tape for
presses and semi-automated welding equipment; the whole work cycle. There were two reasons for
using operating controls such as "two-handed the reduced sample size for neck posture compar-
safety buttons" to activate power presses and isons. First, the worker's face was not included in
welding machines; and stacking moderately-heavy video tape, where possible, to maintain the
finished components to containers for shipping. anonymity of subjects. Second, the head was
At the two warehouses (n = 57 jobs in Ware- blocked from view by parts of the workstation or
house A, n = 78 jobs in Warehouse B), job re- the worker's body. For a complete description of
quirements included: manually depalletizing bulk the "expert" analysis procedures and methods
incoming shipments of a variety of light and mod- see Keyserling et al. (1991).
erately-heavy automotive replacement parts (cata- The expert analysis of trunk and neck posture
lytic converters, transmission components, brake was performed using a quantitative computer-
W.M. Keyserling et al. / Checklist for evaluating ergonomic risk factors 289

aided procedure (Keyserling, 1990) that mea- None: less than 1 percent of the cycle time was
sured the actual time and the percentage of the spent in the posture of interest;
work cycle during which the trunk and neck were Some: 1 to 33 percent of the cycle time was
in various pre-defined postures. The definitions spent in the posture of interest;
of trunk and neck postures used by the experts More than one-third: more than 33 percent of
and the checklist were the same. These postures the cycle time was spent in the posture of
are depicted in figure 1. interest.
To facilitate comparison with checklist results, As described above, the responses to several
percentage of cycle times obtained in the expert checklist questions were pooled based on the
analysis were transformed into one of the follow- stress ratings. To match the pooled checklist cate-
ing duration categories: gories the expert results for Questions 9 and 12

Table 3
Results of a survey of 335 automotive jobs using a checklist to identify lower extremity postures and activities.

Criterion Plant Checklist response Sig.

_< 1 / 3 cycle > 1 / 3 cycle
Standing stationary Engine 86.6 13.4
(Question 1) Pressed metal 65.4 34.6
Warehouse A 73.7 26.3
Warehouse B 80.8 19.2
Overall 74.6 25.4

Never Some- > 1 / 3 cycle

Lying on back or Engine 94.0 6.0 0.0
side (Question 2) Pressed metal 100.0 0.0 0.0
Warehouse A 98.2 1.8 0.0
Warehouse B 100.0 0.0 0.0
Overall 98.5 1.5 0.0

Never Some- > 1 / 3 cycle

Using a foot pedal Engine 100.0 0.0 0.0
while standing Pressed metal 100.0 0.0 0.0
(Question 3) Warehouse A 84.2 5.3 10.5
Warehouse B 89.7 2.6 7.7
Overall 94.9 1.5 3.6

Never Some- > 1 / 3 cycle

Kneeling Engine 80.6 19.4 0.0
(Question 4) Pressed metal 98.5 1.5 0.0
Warehouse A 84.2 15.8 0.0
Warehouse B 93.6 5.1 1.3
Overall 91.3 8.4 0.3

Never Some- > 1 / 3 cycle

Knees bent or Engine 62.7 37.3 0.0
squatting (Question 5) Pressed metal 97.0 3.0 0.0
Warehouse A 33.3 54.4 12.3
Warehouse B 74.4 24.4 1.3
Overall 74.0 23.6 2.4
* p < 0.01 using Chi-square test of independence.
(Engine = 67 jobs, Pressed metal = 133 jobs, W a r e h o u s e A = 57 jobs, W a r e h o u s e B = 78 jobs)
290 W.M. Keyserling et al. / Checklist for evaluating ergonomic risk factors

I c, ,f"/ E/~..-~ I .~ the categories were < 33 percent and > 33 per-
The checklist results were compared to the
.... ' expert analysis using two-way 3 x 3 or 2 x 2 con-
tingency tables:

Expert Checklist classification

classification Never Sometimes > 1 / 3 Cycle
Some - = +
1 Sland Extension (or< -20 degrees) 6 Lie - On Back or Side
2 Sland- Neulral 7 Sit- Neutral > 33% Cycle - - =
3 Stand - Mild Fiexion (~> 20 degrees) 8 Sit Flexion
4 Stand - Severe Flexion (c~ > 45 degrees) 9 Sit - Bend/Twist
5 BenclFfwisl ( ~ or 7 > 20 degrees)
Where the checklist and the expert were in
agreement, the table entry would be on the main
diagonal (an " = " in the above example). Where
the checklist over-estimated ergonomic stress rel-
ative to the expert analysis, the table entry was in
the upper right corner (a " + " in the above
( ~ TWISTING example). Similarly, if the checklist underesti-
mated ergonomic stress, the table entry was in
the lower left corner (a " - " in the example).
1 Exlensldn (or< 20 degrees)
2 Neulral
3 Mild Flexion (c~> 20 degrees)
4 Severe Flexion (0~ > 45 degrees) Results
5 Bendqwist ( J~or'~> 20 degrees)

Fig. 1. Standard trunk and neck posture used in the expert Survey of postural stresses based on checklist re-
analysis (Keyserling, 1990).

were combined into similar categories. For Ques- Lower extremity postures and activities
tion 9, the categories were " N o n e " and " A n y " Lower extremity postures and activities stresses
( > 1 percent of the cycle time). For Question 12, evaluated in checklist Questions 1-5 are summar-

Table 4
Results of a survey of 335 automotive jobs using a checklist to identify postural risk factors associated with sitting.

Criterion Plant Checklist response Sig.

_< 1 / 3 cycle > 1 / 3 cycle
Sitting with back Engine 97.0 3.0
support (Question 6) Pressed metal 98.5 1.5
Warehouse A 75.4 24.6
Warehouse B 87.2 12.8
Overall 91.6 8.4

Never Some- > 1 / 3 cycle

Sitting without back Engine 92.5 6.0 1.5
support (Question 7) Pressed metal 99.2 0.8 0.0
Warehouse A 63.2 31.6 5.3
Warehouse B 87.2 10.3 2.6
Overall 89.0 9.3 1.8

* p < 0.01 using Chi-square test of independence.

(Engine = 67 jobs, Pressed metal = 133 jobs, W a r e h o u s e A = 57 jobs, Warehouse B = 78 jobs)
W.M. Keyserling et aL / Checklist for ecaluating ergonomic risk factors 291

ized in table 3. S t a t i o n a r y s t a n d i n g (Q1) for m o r e als were used for o p e r a t i n g packaging m a c h i n e s

t h a n o n e - t h i r d of the cycle time was r e q u i r e d o n a n d various types of i n d u s t r i a l trucks.
a b o u t 25 p e r c e n t of the jobs. It was most preva- K n e e l i n g (Q4) was p r e s e n t in 9 p e r c e n t of the
lent in the pressed m e t a l p l a n t w h e r e workers jobs. In the e n g i n e plant, it was associated with
o p e r a t e d presses a n d s e m i - a u t o m a t e d welders. I n m a i n t e n a n c e workers setting up m a c h i n e s a n d
the o t h e r plants, s t a t i o n a r y p o s t u r e was less com- with stock h a n d l e r s working at or n e a r floor level
m o n since workers h a d to carry parts b e t w e e n d u r i n g p a l l e t i z i n g / d e p a l l e t i z i n g . I n w a r e h o u s e A,
conveyors a n d pallets or bins. k n e e l i n g o c c u r r e d w h e n a s s e m b l i n g a n d filling
Lying o n the back or side (Q2) was quite rare, large w o o d e n crates with parts for shipping.
observed o n only 1.5 p e r c e n t of the jobs a n d S q u a t t i n g (Q5) was r e c o r d e d in 26 p e r c e n t of
usually associated with the setup or servicing of the jobs. I n the e n g i n e plant, it was associated
equipment. with h a n d l i n g parts o n the lower levels of pallets.
U s i n g a foot p e d a l while s t a n d i n g (Q3) was I n b o t h warehouses, s q u a t t i n g resulted from
r e q u i r e d o n 5 p e r c e n t of the jobs. This risk factor working at the lower levels of pallets a n d bins
was observed in the w a r e h o u s e s w h e r e foot ped- a n d w h e n retrieving parts from a rack storage

Table 5
Results of a survey of 335 automotive jobs using a checklist to identify postural risk factors associated with trunk posture.
Criterion Plant Checklist response Sig.
Never Some- > 1/3 cycle
Mild forward trunk Engine 7.5 67.2 25.4
bending ( > 20°) Pressed metal 12.0 82.7 5.3
(Question 8) Warehouse A 12.3 54.4 33.3
Warehouse B 10.3 64.1 25.6
Overall 10.7 70.4 18.8 **
Never Any
Severe forward Engine 20.9 79.1
trunk bending ( > 45°) Pressed metal 72.2 27.8
(Question 9) Warehouse A 40.4 59.6
Warehouse B 37.2 62.8
Overall 48.4 51.6 **
Never Some- > 1/3 cycle
Backward trunk Engine 94.0 6.0 0.0
bending ( > 20°) Pressed metal 97.0 3.0 0.0
(Question 10) Warehouse A 84.2 14.0 1.8
Warehouse B 97.4 2.6 0.0
Overall 94.3 5.4 0.3 *
Never Some- > 1/3 cycle
Twisting or lateral Engine 17.9 68.7 13.4
trunk bending ( > 20°) Pressed metal 22.6 74.4 3.0
(Question 11) Warehouse A 10.5 73.7 15.8
Warehouse B 20.5 59.0 20.5
Overall 19.1 69.6 11.3 **
* p < 0.05 using Chi-square test of independence.
** p < 0.01 using Chi-square test of independence.
(Engine = 67 jobs, Pressed metal = 133 jobs, Warehouse A = 57 jobs, Warehouse B = 78 jobs)
292 W.M. Keyserling et al. / Checklist for ecaluating ergonomic risk factors

system. Less kneeling and squatting were re- storage into individual containers. In contrast,
quired in the pressed metal plant because parts sitting at the other facilities was extremely rare
were supplied to the workers on conveyors or in (with few exceptions, e.g. inspection tasks) be-
parts bins that were positioned between knuckle cause of the dimensions of the workstation and
and elbow height. material handling requirements.

T r u n k p o s t u r e s - sitting Trunk postures - standing

Survey results for sitting (Q6 and 7) are pre- Trunk posture results are presented in table 5.
sented in table 4. Eight percent of workers sat Mild flexion (Q8) occurred on 89 percent of the
with back support for more than one third of the jobs, with 19 percent of the jobs requiring this
day, while 11 percent sat without back support. posture for more than one-third of the cycle time.
These low figures are attributable to the nature In the pressed metal plant, however, only 5 per-
of the work (materials handling and machine cent of the jobs had more than one-third of cycle
operation) and the workstation layout (i.e., it is spent in mild flexion. This was due to the exten-
uncommon to find seated jobs in "heavy" manu- sive use of conveyors and parts bins positioned
facturing or warehouse operations). Sitting was between knuckle and elbow height.
most common in warehouses A and B, where Severe trunk flexion (greater than 45 degrees)
workers sat while repacking small parts from bulk for any duration was required on 52 percent of

Table 6
Results of a survey of 335 automotive jobs using a checklist to identify postural risk factors associated with neck posture.

Criterion Plant Checklist response Sig.

_< 1 / 3 cycle > 1 / 3 cycle
Mild forward neck Engine 70.1 29.9
flexion ( > 20 °) Pressed metal 82.0 18.0
(Question 12) Warehouse A 45.6 54.4
Warehouse B 67.9 32.1
Overall 70.1 29.9

Never Some- > 1 / 3 cycle

Severe forward neck Engine 29.9 64.2 6.0
flexion ( > 45 °) Pressed metal 71.4 20.3 8.3
(Question 13) Warehouse A 52.6 40.4 7.0
Warehouse B 65.4 25.6 9.0
Overall 58.5 33.7 7.8

Never Some- > 1 / 3 cycle

Backward neck Engine 92.5 7.5 0.0
bending ( > 20 °) Pressed metal 98.5 1.5 0.0
(Question 14) Warehouse A 45,6 49.1 5.3
Warehouse B 84,6 11.5 3.8
Overall 85,7 13.1 1.8

Never Some- > 1 / 3 cycle

Twisting or lateral Engine 17.9 65.7 16.4
neck bending ( > 20 °) Pressed metal 30,8 63.2 6.0
(Question 15) Warehouse A 5.3 70.2 24.6
Warehouse B 38.5 51.3 10.3
Overall 25.7 62.1 12.2
* p < 0 . 0 1 using Chi-square test of independence.
(Engine = 67 jobs, Pressed metal = 133 jobs, W a r e h o u s e A = 57 jobs, W a r e h o u s e B = 78 jobs)
W..M. Keyserling et al. / Checklist for evaluating ergonomic risk factors 293

the jobs. In the engine plant, this posture was Table 7

used in 79 percent of the jobs, while in the Checklist vs. expert analysis of postural stresses associated
pressed metal plant exposure occurred in only with mild trunk flexion (20°-45°).
about 28 percent of the jobs. The engine plant Experts Checklist result
exposure was the result of reaching across 5- results
Never Sometimes > 1/3 cycle
foot-wide pallets a n d / o r reaching below knee
level to get parts from the lower level(s) of pallets
( < 1% cycle) 0 7 3
placed on the floor. Some
The least prevalent trunk risk factor was ex- (1-33% cycle) 2 24 15
tension, which was present in only 6 percent of > 33% cycle 0 0 0
the jobs (Q10). This posture was most common at Perfect agreement (main diagonal)= 24 jobs, 47 percent of
warehouse A (about 16 percent of jobs) and was jobs in sample
associated with industrial truck drivers looking up Checklist rating > Expert rating = 25 jobs, 49 percent of jobs
while getting or placing loads. in sample
Checklist rating < Expert rating = 2 jobs, 4 percent of jobs in
Twisting or lateral bending of the trunk was
observed in 81 percent of the jobs (Qll). Fewer
workers in the pressed metal plant used pro-
longed twisted/bent postures because of the ef-
fective layout of conveyors and parts bins. Table 8
Checklist vs. expert analysis of postural stresses associated
Neck posture with severe trunk flexion (more than 45°).
Neck posture survey results are presented in Expert Checklist result
table 6. Mild neck flexion of 20 degrees to 45 result
Never Sometimes
degrees (Q12) for more than one-third of the None
cycle time was found in 30 percent of the jobs, ( < 1% cycle) 17 16
with a maximum of 54 percent on the jobs in Some
warehouse A. In this plant, neck flexion occurred ( > 1% cycle) 1 17
on jobs where bulk parts were packaged into Perfect agreement (main diagonal)= 34 jobs, 67 percent of
individual containers on low benches and ma- jobs in sample
chines. Checklist rating > Expert rating = 16 jobs, 31 percent of jobs
Severe neck flexion of more than 45 degrees in sample
Checklist rating < Expert rating = 1 jobs, 2 percent of jobs in
(Q12) was observed in 41 percent of the jobs. The sample
range was from 29 percent of the jobs in pressed
metal to 70 percent of the jobs in the engine
plant. Neck flexion was required in the engine
Table 9
plant when working at the lower levels of pallets
and in assembly and inspection tasks located at or Checklist vs. expert analysis of postural stresses associated
below waist height. with twisting or lateral bending of the trunk ( > 20°).

Neck extension was relatively uncommon, pre- Experts Checklist result

sent in only 14 percent of the jobs. In warehouse results
Never Sometimes > 1/3 cycle
A, however, it was observed in 54 percent of the None
jobs, due to the number of jobs which required ( < 1% cycle) 3 16 5
looking up (i.e. industrial truck driver). Some
Twisting or lateral bending of the neck was (1-33% cycle) 5 15 6
required in 74 percent of the jobs. Warehouse A > 33%cycle 0 1 0
stands out again with 95 percent of the jobs Perfect agreement (main diagonal)= 18 jobs, 35 percent of
requiring some twisting or lateral bending and 24 jobs in sample
Checklist rating > Expert rating = 27 jobs, 53 percent of jobs
percent of the jobs requiring prolonged twisting/
in sample
bending. The twisting or lateral bending was re- Checklist rating < Expert rating = 6 jobs, 12 percent of jobs in
quired in the two main tasks at warehouse A: ( t ) sample
294 W.M. Keyserling et al. / Checklist for ecaluating ergonomic risk factors

Table 10 Table 12
Checklist vs. expert analysis of postural stresses associated Checklist vs. expert analysis of postural stresses associated
with mild neck flexion (20°-45°). with neck extension ( > 20°).

Expert Checklist result Experts Checklist result

result < 1 / 3 cycle > 1 / 3 cycle results Never Sometimes > 1 / 3 cycle
Some None
(1-33% cycle) 8 7 ( < 1% cycle) 18 2 1
> 33% cycle 9 0 Some
(1-33% cycle) 3 0 0
Perfect agreement (main diagonal)= 8 jobs, 33 percent of jobs
> 33% cycle 0 0 0
in sample
Checklist rating > Expert rating = 7 jobs, 29 percent of jobs in Perfect agreement (main diagonal)= 18 jobs, 75 percent of
sample jobs in sample
Checklist rating < Expert rating = 9 jobs, 38 percent of jobs in Checklist rating > Expert rating = 3 jobs, 12 percent of jobs in
sample sample
Checklist rating < Expert rating = 3 jobs, 12 percent of jobs in

operating industrial trucks and (2) repacking bulk

parts into individual containers.
(3) the checklist underestimated the risk factor
Checklist responses us. "expert" findings exposure compared to the expert analysis.
(4) the checklist overestimated or agreed with
The results of the two-way comparisons be- the expert results (our measure of sensitivity).
tween the checklist and expert results are pre- As can be seen from the right most column in
sented in tables 7 through 13. Table 14 summar- Table 14, the checklist functioned as a sensitive
izes these comparisons listing the checklist item screening tool for all of the postures except mild
being compared, the number of jobs used in the neck flexion (table 10) and twisted or laterally
comparison and the number and percent of jobs bent neck (table 13). Another problem evident
where: from table 14 is that for mild trunk flexion (table
(1) the two methods were in agreement, 7) and trunk twisted or laterally bent (table 9) the
(2) the checklist overestimated the risk factor checklist overestimated the exposure to these
exposure compared to the expert analysis,

Table 11 Table 13
Checklist vs. expert analysis of postural stresses associated Checklist vs. expert analysis of postural stresses associated
with severe neck flexion ( > 45°). with twisting or lateral bending of the neck ( > 20°).

Experts Checklist result Experts Checklist result

results Never Sometimes > 1 / 3 cycle results Never Sometimes > 1 / 3 cycle
None None
( < 1% cycle) 14 6 2 ( < 1% cycle) 1 2 0
Some Some
(1-33% cycle) 1 1 0 (1-33% cycle) 6 7 3
> 33% cycle 0 0 0 > 33% cycle 1 1 3
Perfect agreement (main diagonal)= 15 jobs, 63 percent of Perfect agreement (main diagonal)= 11 jobs, 46 percent of
jobs in sample jobs in sample
Checklist rating > Expert rating = 8 jobs, 33 percent of jobs in Checklist rating > Expert rating = 5 jobs, 21 percent of jobs in
sample sample
Checklist rating < Expert rating = 1 jobs, 4 percent of jobs in Checklist rating < Expert rating = 8 jobs, 33 percent of jobs in
sample sample
W..M. Keyserling et al. / Checklist for evaluating ergonomic risk factors 295

postures on 49 percent or more of the jobs. See bending stemmed from situations where parts,
the discussion section for an interpretation of tools or machine controls were located beside or
these findings. behind the worker.
Awkward neck postures were reported in all
plants. Mild and severe flexion resulted from low,
Discussion close workstations in the warehouses and engine
plant. Extension was observed among industrial
truck drivers who looked up while getting or
Survey of posture stresses setting loads. Twisting or lateral bending oc-
curred when part supplies, tools or machine con-
This sub-section summarizes the awkward pos- trois were located to the side or behind the
tures observed in this study by jobs and plants worker.
where they were prevalent. Awkward postures of Since the checklist used to evaluate these jobs
the lower extremity were prevalent on about 25 was intended as a screening tool only, jobs rated
percent of the surveyed jobs. Prolonged standing as hazardous were expected to have follow-up
was required of machine operators in the pressed evaluations using more sophisticated procedures
metal plant and the warehouses. Standing use of (e.g., slow-motion analysis of videotapes, mea-
a foot pedal was observed among industrial truck surement of postures etc.). These evaluations
drivers and machine operators in the warehouses. would weed out false positives and relate postural
Squatting and kneeling occurred while handling stresses to specific job elements providing insights
parts from the bottom of pallets and bins placed for redesign.
on the floor in the warehouses and engine plant.
Awkward trunk postures were observed on over
70 percent of the jobs. Prolonged sitting was Lack of agreement between checklist and "expert"
associated with industrial truck drivers and work- results
ers assembling and packaging parts kits in the
warehouses. Mild flexion was used while reaching Experimental protocol
to load and unload machines and while reaching The protocol used in this study introduced
for parts at the far side of pallets and bins in all measurement error that may have contributed to
plants. Severe flexion resulted from working at the lack of agreement between the checklist and
the lower levels of pallets and bins and from tong the expert findings. Policy established at the out-
horizontal reaches (e.g., across large pallets and set of the study to assure independence of the
bins and across obstructions such as machine checklist and expert analyses mandated that data
guards) in the engine plant and rack system frame collection for these activities could not be per-
members in the warehouses. Twisting or lateral formed simultaneously; and in most cases the

Table 14
Summary of the comparisons.

Checklist Number Agree Overestimate Underestimate Sensitive

item of jobs Number Number Number
(percent) (percent) (percent) percent
Trunk flexion 51 24 (47) 25 (49) 2 (4) 96
Trunk sev flexion 51 34 (67) 16 (31) 1 (2) 98
Trunk twist bent 51 18 (35) 27 (53) 6 (12) 88
Neck flexion 24 8 (33) 7 (29) 9 (38) 62
Neck sev flexion 24 15 (63) 8 (33) 1 (4) 96
Neck extension 24 18 (75) 3 (12) 3 (12) 88
Neck twist bent 24 11 (46) 5 (21) 8 (33) 67
296 W.M. Keyserlinget al. / Checklistfor evaluating ergonomic risk factors

interval between data collection for the checklist direct observation allows the analyst to move
and data collection for the expert analyses was around for the best view, to use three-dimen-
several months. During this period some workers sional cues and to talk to the worker about the
were reassigned; and there were many instances postures used. The advantage of the videotape
where different workers were observed for the analysis is that the tape can be played in slow and
checklist and expert analyses. The resulting dif- stop motion, allowing time to study and measure
ferences in worker anthropometry and individual the postures. Also, the videotape allows use of
work methods could have contributed to poor the computer to quantify the time spent in each
correlation on work-method-sensitive measures posture, while this was estimated by checklist
such as trunk and neck postures. (The signifi- users.
cance of an individual's work methods on the Lack of agreement may have also resulted
nature and magnitude of measured ergonomic from differences in the expert and checklist
stresses has been documented in previous studies methods. Due to limitations imposed by software
(Aaras et al., 1988; Hammarskjold et al., 1989; and hardware, the expert could choose one and
Stetson et al., 1991)). Furthermore, in a small only one of the following postures at a given time:
number of warehouse jobs, there were minor extension, neutral, mild flexion, severe flexion or
differences in the size, shape, weight a n d / o r twisted/laterally bent. Therefore, when a worker
packaging of parts considered for the checklist used two postures simultaneously, mild flexion
and expert analyses. These differences may have and twisting/lateral bending for example, only
changed the work method, contributing to poor the more stressful one of the two was recorded in
correlations in the trunk and neck posture com- the expert analysis. Thus, the expert analysis un-
parisons. While the lack of consistency in work der-reported awkward postures that were simul-
methods a n d / o r handled parts would not system- taneous. In contrast, the checklist recorded the
atically bias the results of either the checklist or duration of each posture separately. Because of
expert analyses, it could increase the "noise" or this capability, the checklist produced higher per-
lack of agreement between the two systems in a centages than the expert analysis for any single
job-by-job comparison of findings. category of awkward postures. Resource limita-
Differences in the results of multiple er- tions and protocol did not permit a detailed anal-
gonomic analyses which are caused by changes in ysis of this effect.
workers a n d / o r work methods are difficult to
explain. In order to facilitate comparisons among Long-cycle and non-repetitive jobs
different job analysis techniques in situations Variability between the checklist and expert
where workers a n d / o r work methods change, it is results was also noted for jobs with long cycle
essential that worker characteristics (e.g., body times and for jobs that were not repetitive. An
size, dominant hand etc.) and work methods be example of a long cycle time job was transferring
meticulously documented at the time of data col- parts between a pallet and a production line. The
lection. This documentation can prove to be in- changing work height on the pallet required that
valuable in understanding changes in the appar- the analysts consider the postures used for the
ent level of ergonomic stress when the same job is entire pallet and not just at the moment of obser-
analyzed at different points in time or by differ- vations. Since limited time was available to com-
ent methods. See Keyserling et al. (1991) for plete the analysis, actual observations may not
additional information on ergonomic job analysis have covered the full range of postures used.
and documentation of work methods. Differences in the portion of the pallet observed
Another explanation for the lack of consis- could lead to poor agreement in the comparison
tency between the checklist and expert evalua- of results.
tions of neck and trunk postures is that the Non-repetitive jobs included repair operations
checklist was completed during direct observation in the engine and pressed metal plants. Non-rep-
of the job while the expert analyses were com- etitive jobs in the warehouses included picking
pleted from There is a tradeoff be- and packing activities where a wide variety of
tween the two methods. Doing the analysis by parts were handled. These jobs were especially
W.M. Keyserlinget al. / Checklistfor evaluatingergonomic riskfactors 297

frustrating to the analysts because the actions and less than trunk posture and ergonomic risk fac-
postures were often different for each part han- tors associated with upper extremity cumulative
dled. The lack of repetition in these jobs made trauma disorders. This training bias may have
determination of the postures and their duration resulted in less awareness and therefore underre-
difficult because many postures were seen only porting of neck postures. Second, awkward neck
once, reducing the accuracy of both the expert posture such as mild flexion was very common
and checklist results and leading to increased according to informal feedback from the analysts.
variability in their comparison. To better analyze Because mild neck flexion was both common and
non-repetitive jobs a different approach such as not percieved as a serious ergonomic problem,
work sampling might be helpful (Niebel, 1988). the checklist users may have been unresponsive
We are currently exploring alternative methods to this question.
for the analysis of non-repetitive jobs.
User acceptance
Inter-analyst differences
Another source of variability was the differ- Although the acceptability and ease-of-use of
ence among analysts. A controlled study to evalu- the checklist were never formally evaluated, sev-
ate the effects of different analysts studying the eral interviews were held with checklist users to
same job was not possible due to limited re- elicit comments and suggestions for change. These
sources. The inter-analyst variability might be re- interviews revealed that, in general, the checklist
duced through training. The training would in- was well accepted. New users of the checklist
volve using the checklist to analyze videotapes of found it to be a useful tool for learning specific
several jobs for which postural exposure was postural risk factors. As users gained experience
known. Comparison of the checklist results with performing ergonomic job evaluations, the check-
the "standard" results would identify analyst- list served as a reminder or prompt to assure that
specific problems in recognizing postures or esti- some of the more subtle risk factors were not
mating durations. These problems could then be overlooked. Some users reported problems in
addressed. classifying postures into neutral vs. non-neutral
categories (due to the inability to directly mea-
sure joint angles) and in estimating the duration
Sources contributing to checklist overestimation of of non-neutral postures. Many users were frus-
awkward postures trated by the inability of the checklist to associate
Sensitivity was important to minimize the the presence of risk factors ("checks" and "stars"
number of "problem" jobs classified as "accepta- on the form) with specific work activities. These
ble" (false negatives). To increase the sensitivity, users suggested that the checklist be modified to
the analysts who completed the checklists were allow them to make supplemental notes in order
instructed to choose the longer duration category to identify the work activities responsible for pos-
or the more severe posture category (e.g., severe tural risk factors. This is another argument in
trunk flexion vs. mild trunk flexion) in borderline favor of documenting worker characteristics and
cases. These instructions would lead to some work methods at the time of data collection. This
documentation would facilitate the checklist's use
as a diagnostic aid in determining specific causes
Sources contributing to checklist underestimation of ergonomic stress.
of awkward postures Although the "zero", "check", "star" system
As mentioned in the results section, underesti- used for rating stresses is not a universally recog-
mation of the stress associated with mild flexion nized system of ordinal ranking, checklist users
and twisting or lateral bending of the neck oc- reported no problem in learning or applying this
curred for about one-third of the jobs in the system. However, alternate ranking systems such
comparison. This underestimation may have been as "green", "yellow", " r e d " or "1", "2", "3" may
influenced by the following factors. First, in the be more intuitive, particularly for users who do
analyst training, neck posture was emphasized not participate in a one-week training program.
298 W.M. Keyserling et al. / Checklist for evaluating ergonomic risk factors

Summary A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s and d i s c l a i m e r

A one-page checklist for evaluating ergonomic The authors thank Ms. Juliann Leonard, Mr.
risk factors associated with awkward postures was A n d r e w Bigelow, and Ms. Lisa M u r p h y for their
developed and evaluated as part of a joint union- assistance in the collection and analysis of data.
m a n a g e m e n t ergonomics intervention program. T h e authors also thank the E r g o n o m i c Coordina-
This checklist was designed to be used by persons tors and E r g o n o m i c Monitors at the participating
with limited ergonomic training as a rapid screen- plant sites for facilitation of collection of in-plant
ing tool for identifying jobs with exposures to data.
awkward postures. T h e checklist was used to as- This project was supported by joint funds from
sess postural risk factors on 335 jobs in four the U A W / G M National Joint Committee on
plants and was found to be an effective instru- Health and Safety, which does not necessarily
ment for identifying potentially harmful expo- support or endorse the findings herein and which
sures. are solely the responsibility of the authors.


Job Number



never sometimes > 1 / 3 cycle

General Body Posture / Legs
1. Standing stationary (no walking or leaning) o o ,~
2. Using a foot pedal while standing o ~ *
3. Lying on back or side o .~¢ *
4. Kneeling o /J *
5. Knees bent or squatting o ~ *

never < 1 / 3 day > 1 / 3 day

6. Sitting with back support o o /,,I
7. Sitting without back support o ~,~ *

never sometimes > 1 / 3 cycle

Trunk Posture
8. Mild forward bending (> 20°) o ~ *

9. Severe forward bending (> 45 °) o

10. Backward bending (> 20°) o /I *

11. Twisting or lateral bending (> 20°) o /J *

Neck Posture
12. Mild forward bending (> 20°) O 0
13. Severe forward bending (> 45 °) 0 P'¢ *
14. Backward bending (> 20°) O P'¢ *
15. Twisting or lateral bending (> 20°) 0 t, j *

Total Score =
(No. of * 's) (No. of t f s )
W.M. Keyserling et a L / Checklist for evaluating ergonomic risk factors 299


1. S t a n d i n g stationary (no walking or leaning)
Standing - T h e e n t i r e weight of t h e body is s u p p o r t e d by the worker's legs.
Stationary - T h e w o r k e r r e m a i n s in a s t a n d i n g posture without moving the lower extremities.
2. U s i n g a foot p e d a l while s t a n d i n g
T h e weight of the body is s u p p o r t e d by o n e foot while the o t h e r foot o p e r a t e s a pedal.
4. K n e e l i n g
O n e or two k n e e s t o u c h the ground.
5. K n e e s b e n t or squatting
T h e included angle b e t w e e n the thigh a n d the calf is less t h a n 150 ° .

Trunk Posture , I

I i! I ~z


mild is 20* - 45° from vertical
severe is > 45° from vertical

Neck Posture

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