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NIM : 1807113443






Plan Title : Riot that occurred during the reform era.

Film : Dibalik Film 98

Problem For Analysis :

 What is important the period of the reform in that incident.

 Incident that occurred during the reform era

Hypothesis :

1. What is important the period of the reform in that incident.

Reformasi is a drastic change for improvement (social, political or
religious fields) in a society or state. The cause of the reform was a lack
of trust in the government. Trust in the government is reduced because
the government doesn’t take sides with the interests of the people.
Important for the country is a change for improvement social, political
and economy in a country. Improvement makes everyone to be more
prosperous than before. The chaos that had occurred in the past had
diminished. It is better for this country.
The background of the monetary crisis made almost everyone panic and
be in fear. Residents were confused about the situation of the country
which was precarious, a joint movement of students throughout
Indonesia demanding the resignation of President Suharto.

With the peak on May 13-14 when the Trisakti Tragedy occurred. The
nation's dark tragedy
Amid uncertain conditions, President Soeharto decided to continue
going to Cairo to attend the G-15 Summit. Meanwhile B.J vice president
Habibie was shocked by the shooting incident in Trisakti which led to a
major riot, why did this happen?

Behind the dark tragedy is another story, the story of a family scattered
and the story of a couple who are separated.

BAGUS (26), a Second Lieutenant, was in a vacillating situation when

faced with an extraordinary situation. The responsibility as a security
officer must clash with his main obligation to safeguard,

SALMA (23) an employee of the State Palace, his wife who was
pregnant. Unfortunately, Salma must be in a situation that is not
conducive and dangerous when she is trapped in a riot and is declared
missing. A Good Heart that is indecisive, changes when it has to accept
this fact. Moreover, added by pressure from Bagus's boss who stated that
as a soldier must prioritize the task and as men abstinence to be whiny
just because of small events.
While the riots that occurred forced President Soeharto to return from
Cairo earlier. The government is faced with a difficult situation.
Community leaders and several representatives of CSOs directly asked
President Suharto to resign. But he did not budge and planned to form a
reform committee and cabinet to answer the demand.

Meanwhile, good fortune is reluctant to side with Bagus. DIANA (20),

her sister-in-law, a student reform activist, had to clash with her when
she found out her brother Salma was missing in the midst of a riot. Not
wanting to lose and throwing accusations at each other, Diana accused
Bagus of not being able to look after Salma. As if it had fallen on a
ladder too, there was no word of solution when talking to Diana, only
scolding and good curses can.

The situation was even more complicated when DANIEL (20) Diana's
boyfriend, a Chinese descendant who also fought for change, had to lose
his father and brother during the May 14 riots. Even Daniel was almost
trapped by a sweeping citizen filtering Non-Indigenous people, which at
the time became the peak of racial issues in Indonesia. Luckily Daniel
survived and found his family and then joined Exodus to leave

On the other hand the efforts of President Suharto to form a reform

committee and cabinet did not get a positive response. Even MPR
chairman Harmoko asked the president wisely and wisely to resign. In
addition, 14 ministers refused to join the reform cabinet.
A good search for Salma paid off, Salma was saved and carried away to
a hospital. At the moment of the birth of his first child, Bagus and Diana
found Salma. The baby they are waiting for must also be born when a
new reform struggle is born.

2. Incident that occurred during the reform era

This incident makes some chaos and make a lot of losses for this
country. In addition, the economy is also getting worse, KKN is
rampant, and the law cannot be entorced. There were 3 things that were
demanded on the reformation in 1998, namely eradicating KKN,
lowering Soeharto from the seat of government, and abolishing the dual
function of ABRI
This situation triggered a return to a larger wave of demonstrations on
May 13-14, 1998. There were many destruction of shops, homes,
offices, and vehicles belonging to ethnic Chinese. The demonstrators
also occupied the Parliament Building and there were many demands
that President Soeharto step down from his post. On May 21, 1998,
President Soeharto placed his position at the State Palace and appointed
his deputy, B.Jababie, to replace his position as President of the
Republic of Indonesia. With the fall of Soeharto and the advancement of
B.J.Habibie as president, there was also a period of reform in Indonesia.

 Due to clashes between demonstrators and security forces.

Four students were shot at the incident. The four students are Elang
Mulya Lesmana, Heri Hartanto, Hendrawan Sie, and Hafidhin Royan.
Attachment :

Raising the Indonesian flag above the mpr building.

Due to clashes between demonstrators and security forces.

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