Rangkuman Pemsis Wulan

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Wulan Rosmeinasari (23419016)

Mapping election campaigns through negative entropy: Triple and

Quadruple Helix approach to South Korea’s 2012 presidential election
Korean voters have increasingly shared their thoughts on candidates during
elections, and the national election for mayors and school superintendents on June 2, 2010
(Nam et al. 2013)—and encouraged others to vote by posting their on-site experiences
with others on social net- working sites (SNSs).
Given the horizontal nature of internet-mediated communication, any attempt to
measure the dynamic properties of political actors in the social media sphere may fail
without considering the probability distribution associated with the occurrence of a
particular event (Silver 2012; Taleb 2012). Recently, Taleb (2012) argued in his book
Antifragile that a society can be conceived as a complex fabric consisting of an extended
disorder-family including uncertainty, chance, and entropy, among others. Therefore, such
disorder-system can be better derived by empirical data mining, not by some a priori
theorem. In social and communication sciences, entropy-based indicators have been
widely used for exploring entropy values generated from university-industry-government
(UIG) relationships. The present study examines how a presidential election can be shared
through digitized networks as a communication system and how the salience of the co-
occurrence of politicians can be measured using entropy indicators within these complex
socio-informational systems.
This study examines the information entropy produced by various types of web-
mediated and social media plat- forms before the election, particularly with respect to
presidential candidates. Twitter showed the greatest negative entropy, followed by
Facebook and Google, in that order. This indicates that Twitter may be the most open
communication system, followed by Facebook. As a result, researchers as well as
political analysts have increasingly turned to new indicators that can better reflect this
new political phenomenon. This study proposes negative entropy not as a
comprehensive or representative index of elections but as an experimental and
innovative measure for events occurring in social media environments.

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