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Welcome address

On behalf of organizing committee, I am honored and delighted to welcome all

distinguished guests, keynotes and invited speakers, and participant to the mathematics,
science, and computer science education international seminar (MSCEIS) 2018. This
seminar is the 6th international seminar which held annually started since 2013
organized by Faculty mathematics and science Education of UPI. In particular, the
theme of MSCEIS 2018 is Strengthening Scientific Literacy and Character Building.
The MSCEIS 2018 should be beneficial for all participants. We can share and learn
many current topics in various research fields. We do hope this event could facilitate all
participants to interact each other intensively for extending scientific network in the

We are pleased to inform that around 296 participants are attending this seminar. There
are 247 presented orally and 49 papers papers presented by poster covering variety
subjects of mathematics, science, computer science and science education. Especially,
there are three keynote speakers and ten invited speakers come from Australia,
Netherland, Japan, South Korea, and Indonesia for plenary and parallel sessions,

Seminar aside, Bandung is one of wonderful travel destinations. From the perfect
weather to the great foods, cultures, and scenaries. Please enjoy your stay in Bandung.

The MSCEIS 2018 could not occured without great assistance and supports of many
parties. In closing, we wish to express our gratitude to all keynotes and invited speakers
who have come to share their knowledges in this event. Also, we gratefully thank to all
participant for your contribution to MSCEIS 2018. In advance, we would like to extend
our appreciation and sincerely thank to Rector and vice rectors of Indonesia University
of Education for continues support to this seminar. Finally, I would like to thank the
advisory board, steering and organizing committee members for making this event

We wish all participants a very fruitful and pleasant scientic programs of this seminar.

Thank you,

Dr. Achmad Samsudin

Chairman of MSCEIS 2018


Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar

(MSCEIS) 2018

Steering Committee

Siti Fatimah, S.Pd, M.Si, Ph.D

Prof. Dr. Yaya Sukjaya Kusumah Dr. Bambang Supriatno, M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Munir, M.IT Dr. Diana Rochintaniawati, M.Ed.
Prof. Dr. Phil Ari Widodo, M.Ed. Dr. rer. nat. Ahmad Mudzakir, M.Si.
Dr. Nahadi, M.Pd Dr. Sufyani Prabawanto, M.Ed.
Dr. Dadi Rusdiana, M.Si Dr. Fitri Khoerunnisa, M.Si.
Dr. Taufik Ramlan Ramalis, M.Si.
Organizing Committee

Chairpersons Ceremony, Presentation and Program

Dr. Achmad Samsudin, M.Pd. Dr. Ahmad Aminudin, M.Si.
Dr. Winny Liliawati, M.Si.
Secretarial staffs Heli Siti H. M., Ph.D.
Dr. Ridwan Efendi, M.Pd. Galuh Yuliani, Ph.D.
Muhamad Gina Nugraha, M.Pd., M.Si. Dr. Judhistira Aria Utama, M.Si.
Duden Saepuzaman, M.Pd., M.Si. Dr. Rini Solihat, M.Si
Isnie Yusnitha, M.Ed. Irma Rahma Suwarma, Ph.D.
Rika Rafikah Agustin, M.Pd. Agus Fany Chandra Wijaya, M.Pd.
Iyan Sopian, S.T.
Papers and Publication
Dr. Lilik Hasanah, M.Si.
Treasurer Dr. Eng. Asep Bayu D. N., M.Eng.
Dr. Mimin Iryanti, M.Si. Al Jupri, Ph.D.
Tuszie Widiyantie, Ph.D. Lala Septem Riza, Ph.D.
Accomodation and Ceremony Dr. Diah Kusumawati, M.Si.
Ikmanda Nugraha, M.Pd. Dr. Endi Suhendi, M.Si.
Dian Hendriana, M.Pd. Dr. Rizky R.
Lilit Rusyati, M.Pd. Dr. Rani Megasari
Erna Piantari, M.T. Dr. Siti Aisyah, M.Si.
Gun Gun Gumilar, M.Si. Dr. Kusnadi, M.Si.

Website Development Documentation

Nanang Dwi Ardi, M.T. Cahyo Puji Asmoro, S.Pd.
Dr. Eka Cahya Prima, M.T. Eddy Prasetyo Nugroho, M.T.
Herbert, M.T.

Time Activity Venue
07.00 – 07.55 Registration BallRoom Lobby
BallRoom 1 & 2
Opening Ceremony
2nd Floor
07.55 – 07.58 Opening Video
07:58 – 08.00 Audience Conditioning
08.00 – 08.05 Singing Indonesia National Anthem by SASEFI
08.05 – 08.10 Conference report by Chairman of MSCEIS 2018:
Dr. Achmad Samsudin
08.10 – 08.15 Speech of FPMIPA Dean: Siti Fatimah, Ph.D.
08.15 – 08.25 Speech of Rector & Open the Conference Officially:
Prof. Dr. Asep Kadarohman
08.25 – 08.40 Art Performance by KIG
08.40 – 08.50 Photo Session
08.50 – 09.15 Coffee Break
BallRoom 1 & 2
1st Plenary Session
2nd Floor
09.15 – 09.55 Moderator: Al Jupri, Ph. D.
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Paul Drijvers, Ph.D.
09.55 – 10.35 Moderator: Galuh Yuliani, Ph.D.
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Alan L. Chaffee, Ph.D.
10.35 – 11.15 Moderator: Ikmanda Nugraha, M.Pd.
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Hiroki Fujii, Ph.D.
11.15 – 11.20 Souvenir Awarding to All Keynote Speakers by Dean of
2nd Plenary Session
Physics & Physics Education Jayagiri Room
Moderator: Dr. Endi Suhendi, M.Si. Ground Floor
11.30 – 11.45 Invited Speaker #1: Dr. Lilik Hasanah, M.Si.
11.45 – 12.00 Invited Speaker #2: Dr. Parlindungan Sinaga, M.Si.
Mathematics Education Parahyangan Room
Moderator: Dr. Rizky Rosjanuardi, M.Si. Ground Floor
11.30 – 11.45 Invited Speaker #1: Tomoko Fujihira
11.45 – 12.00 Invited Speaker #2: Prof. Turmudi, Ph.D.
Computer Science & Computer Science Education Mandalagiri1 Room
Moderator: Lala Septem Riza, Ph.D. 2nd Floor
11.30 – 11.45 Invited Speaker #1: Prof. Dr. Yuwaldi Away
11.45 – 12.00 Invited Speaker #2: Prof. Dr. Wawan Setiawan
Biology & Chemistry Mandalagiri 2 Room
Moderator: Dr. Rini Solihat, M.Si. 2nd Floor
11.30 – 11.45 Invited Speaker #1: Maelita Ramdani Moeis, Ph.D.
11.45 – 12.00 Invited Speaker #2: Dr. rer. nat. Ahmad Mudzakir
Science Education & Integrated Science Wastukencana Room
Moderator: Agus Fany Chandra Wijaya, M.Pd. 2nd Floor
11.30 – 11.45 Invited Speaker #1: Prof. Sun-Kyung Lee, Ph.D.
11.45 – 12.00 Invited Speaker #2: Prof. Dr. Phil. Ari Widodo
Lunch Break & Poster Session
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch Break Restaurant
12:00 – 13.00 Poster Session BallRoom Lobby
Parallel Session
13.00 – 15.30 1st Parallel Session Follow the Instruction
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee Break Ground & 2nd Floor
16.00 – 17.00 2nd Parallel Session Follow the Instruction


Welcome Address ................................................................................................i

The Commitee......................................................................................................ii
MSCEIS 2018 Program ......................................................................................iii
Abstract of Keynote Speaker..............................................................................1
Abstract of Invited Speaker................................................................................4
Parallel Session Schedule ....................................................................................13
Abstract list of Parallel 1 ....................................................................................15
Abstract list of Parallel 2 ....................................................................................40
Abstract list of Parallel 3 ....................................................................................66
Abstract list of Parallel 4 ....................................................................................92
Abstract list of Parallel 5 ....................................................................................118
Abstract list of Parallel 6 ....................................................................................144
Abstract list of Parallel 7 ....................................................................................170
Abstract list of Parallel 8 ....................................................................................195
Abstract list of Parallel 9 ....................................................................................221
Abstract list of Parallel 10 ..................................................................................246
Abstract list of Parallel 11 ..................................................................................270
Poster List.............................................................................................................292

A realistic view on using digital tools in mathematics education

Paul Drijvers
Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University


Nowadays, powerful digital tools are available to foster the teaching and learning of
mathematics. This availability, however, raises many questions: how to integrate them
in the teaching, which role for doing mathematics with paper and pen, and which
consequences for mathematics curricula? How to make students use these tools as
instruments in their work? What is a feasible, realistic approach to using digital tools in
mathematics education?. In this lecture, these questions will be considered from a
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) perspective. We claim that a key point in
RME, namely the idea that mathematics should be meaningful to students, also applies
to the way in which digital technology is integrated in secondary mathematics

Materials for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Utilisation

Alan L Chaffee
School of Chemistry, Monash University


Managing CO2 emissions is an important concern for our society. The chemistry
discipline can help to address this issue by developing new materials such as sorbents
to capture the CO2 for sequestration and catalysts that enable CO2 to be converted into
useful chemical or fuel products. CO2 capture from concentrated point sources, such as
fossil fuel fired power stations, has been well studied, but the consideration of its
capture directly from air, in which it is very dilute, is a more recent concept. Air capture
units could be located anywhere in an opportunistic fashion – for example, near a
sequestration site or a chemical production facility. The generation of fuels from CO2
could conceptually consume a significant proportion of the CO2 emitted globally, but
this would also require a source of hydrogen. The hydrogen must be provided in a
manner that does not itself generate CO2 emissions. Novel materials that are coming
out of our own and other research laboratories will be presented, as will some fledgling
commercial ventures to capture and utilize CO2 from air. The manner in which these
concepts are introduced to our senior undergraduate students will be introduced. This
occurs both through course work and through research projects that may be either
individual or group based.

Development of Science Teachers’ Training Programmmes Focused on ESD:
Experiences in the Asian Network

Hiroki Fujii
Graduate School of Education, Okayama University

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), which UNESCO leads and coordinates
globally since 2005, is currently promoted worldwide through the Global Action
Programme (GAP) on ESD as well as through the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on
education under Target 4.7. During this time, Okayama University has hold the only
UNITWIN/UNESCO chair programmme on ESD in Asian countries and participates at
the Okayama Regional Centre of Expertise on ESD authorized by the United Nations
University, and has energetically promoted teacher education on ESD; it has developed
its teacher training programmmes focusing on prospective teachers as well as teachers
in schools, in liaison with the Associated Schools Project University Network
(ASPUnivNet) organized by 22 universities in Japan to support UNESCO associated
schools. Building on the above achievements, Okayama University launched the core-
to-core programme (2017-2019) “Formation of International Centre of Excellence to
Promote Teacher Education on ESD”, supported by the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (JSPS). The programme aims to collaboratively develop
guidelines and recommendations to reorient teacher education in Asia toward
sustainability, coordinating with core institutions on teacher education in East Asia
(China, Japan, Mongolia and Repulic of Korea) and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Lao
PDR and Myanmar). About 50 members of the project are now tackling to
collaboratively develop teacher training programmes on ESD based on lesson study and
to propose their Asian framework. On the basis of the development of the programmes,
we pursues to establish core institutions on ESD, construct academic networks among
each institution and to train researchers on ESD of future generations. In my research
team of Okayama University, Japan, we have been developing two new prospective
science teachers’ training programmes on ESD. First, we focus on the programme with
a special emphasis on lesson study over a compulsory course of two months,
“Elementary Science Education Methodology Development” and “Secondary Science
Education Methodology Development”, in which third-year undergraduate students
enroll and participate directly following school practice for one month. In these
courses, students conduct lesson study such as creating a lesson plan, practicing
demonstration lessons and reflecting on the lessons that are practiced in order to
practically learn the science education methodology. They try to incorporate the ideas
and purposes of ESD into units and topics of science lessons in such a way that students
will want to practice and complete them. Second, we focus on an elective course
offered at the undergraduate and graduate levels, “Science Education and ESD”, which
has the aim of training talented science teachers; the course helps students learn about
the development and utilization of bioenergy. The students registered in this course take
a lecture which cover junior and senior high school chemistry lessons focused on
sustainability and visit sites of a biomass town where bioenergy based on woody
biomass is developed and utilized. They have been able to expand their ideas of how to
incorporate the idea and purposes of ESD into the contents and topics of science

Simulation and Modeling of Devices Characteristics in Various Physics Field and
Its Verification

Lilik Hasanah

Department of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



One way to learn about new physical systems is by simulating the characteristics of the
systems to predict its properties and obtain physical models without fabrication.
Simulation and modeling can be done analytically and numerically or using
commercially available software. Simulation and modeling can be implemented in all
physics fields. In material physics field, it is useful to study and predict the new
nanoelectronics devices characteristics. The result shows that the simulation is similar
with the experiment data for current-voltage (IV) characteristic on Si/Si1-xGex/Si
heterojunction bipolar transistor, Al/SiO2/Si and Ge/HfO2/Al MOS diode also
InGaN/GaN LED and Solar cells based on Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST). Then, the method
can be used to calculate electron tunneling current on armchair graphene nanoribbon
bipolar transistor and predict parameters of microring resonator (MRR) as optical
sensor. We have also done simulation in instrumentation physics field to simulate
physical layers characteristics in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). We have also
developed simulation modelling on earth physics field i.e to identify graben structure
using gravity method. Futhermore, simulation and modelling can be applied to various
study fields.

Developing The Science Textbooks Using The Model Of The Procces Of Writing
Teaching Materials

Parlindungan Sinaga

Department of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



Science textbooks have great impacts on science education in schools. One of the goals
of science education in the school is to prepare individuals for lifelong science
education in the real world, therefore, it is important to study to what extent science
textbooks are designed to meet that the goal. We developed the science textbooks using
the model of the procces of writing teaching materials to write the science textbooks.
The steps in writing the textbooks were as follows: 1) Analyzing the secondary school
science curriculum: forcore competencies, basic competencies, and graduates’
competency standards in accordance with each level; 2) Formulating writing goals
containing the statements of what competencies should be acquired by audiences after
learning or reading the teaching materials, such as competency in scientific literacy and
the knowledge that builds scientific literacy. Writing goals were elaborated using a
series of indicators; 3) Selecting and sorting materials or contents that would be
internally suitable and so that their breadth would be in accordance with the demands of
the curriculum; 4) Outlining the sequence of discussions in the science textbooks; 5)
Creating concept maps; 6) Revising the outlines; 7) Representing the concepts covered
in the outlines and translating them so that each concept was create in multiple
representations; 8) Translating outlines into writing by combining the verbal and visual
representations so that the writing became cohesive; 9) Testing the quality of the
science textbooks using stakeholders, namely teachers and a team of experts; 10)
Testing the understandability or readability using secondary school students; 11) Using
the results of the quality and readability tests to revise the drafts of the science
textbooks; 12) Field testing by implementing the instructional materials in the schools’
teaching and learning method. The field tests were conducted to identify whether there
was a significant difference in: scientific literacy, conceptual mastery, critical thinking
between the students using the new science textbooks developed in the research and
those using the standard textbooks. The result of testing the quality and readability
school science textbooks developed in this research have a medium to high category of
readability of main ideas. The results of the implementing in teaching and learning
activities show that there is a significant difference in the increased scientific literacy,
conceptual mastery and critical thinking between students using the new science
textbooks and those using the standard textbook.

Reflection from Repeating The Pisa – Like Problems to Improve Mathematical
Literacy for Junior Secondary Students in Indonesia


Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)



Mathematical literacy is a very important competence need to be developed in

educational context. This competence is very useful for facing life in the 21st century.
This article aims to describe the results of repeating the PISA-like problems for the 15
year-old students as the selected samples in Bandung city. The real PISA test in
Indonesia was originally applied to the randomly selected samples from all over
Indonesia. However for this study, the samples were selected puposively only from the
top secondary schools in Bandung city. There were three levels of samples; the top, the
middle, and the low levels of top schools involved in the study with the total of 310
students. The design of sample problems were derived and adapted from the PISA
problems. The results of the test indicated that the students’ achievement was in
average 32 out of 100 scores. It was far from the expected result. However, it didn’t
mean that the students were not able to do and understand Mathematics. A data analysis
showed that the mathematical concepts delivered to the students were different from the
mathematical literacy developed by PISA team. Therefore, the author is interested to
write a hypotheses “Eventhough the PISA test is conducted repeatedly, the PISA test
results of Indonesian students are always in the bottom level since the mathematics
teaching in the classroom is not improved”. I would like to propose for the readers and
the policy maker to follow up the suggestion based on the result of low level of PISA
test. This study gives an illustration that the PISA test would be beneficial for our
educational context. It will improve classroom’s quality and therefore build
mathematical literacy for students.

Strategy to Improve Programming Skills in the Internet of things (IoT) Era

Yuwaldi Away

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda

Aceh, Indonesia


Future generations need to prepare themselves with two communication skills, namely
communication with people and communication with computers. Communication with
computers is done by computer programming. Computer programming, in addition to
being a science, is also a skill that needs to be learned, practiced and maintained by
these skills so that they can continue to be improved. Programming skill is one of
important skills that computer engineer, computer scientist, computer science
students. Internet of things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, IEEE:
"A network of items embedded with sensors connected to the Internet." IoT
applications are "smart devices" that can be programmed to control sensors and
actuators from web applications through a microcontroller. Nowday, there are many
Single Board Computer (SBC) technologies like Arduino or Raspberry Pi with WiFi or
Bluetooth features. By using SBC, a programmer can easily develop IoT applications
anywhere and anytime. To improve programming skills, especially microcontroller
programming for IoT-based applications, it is recommended to develop the program by
utilizing the latest communication technology and IDE (Integrated Development
Environment) including smartphone communication with bluetooth, smartphone with
ESP/wifi module or using a smartphone with a web IDE. Finally, scientists,
programmers, students and hobbyists in maintaining programming skills easily.

Development of Smart Conten Model Based on Augmented Reality

Wawan Setiawan, Siti Fatimah, Enjun Juniati, and Ahmad Syukron Surur

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



Augmented Reality (AR) is a visual technology that combines objects or virtual worlds
into real-world as in real time and enhances user's perception and interaction with the
real world. The information conveyed by the virtual object helps the user perform the
activities / tasks in the real world. The convenience offered makes AR technology
usable to various fields, such as military, medicine, education, industrial engineering to
entertainment. Augmented reality in its development is easier and cheaper and can be
implemented widely in various multimedia. The main objective of this research is to
develop augmented reality-based multimedia to support student learning activities with
Research and Development (R & D) method. In this study used conical sliced material
which is one of the fundamental material that must be mastered properly. This research
produces a multimedia learning model of mathematics specifically cone material based
augmented reality. Multimedia augmented reality fits with the development of
multimedia technology that is increasingly facilitated in its implementation. The
resulting multimedia meets operational standards based on aspects of opening, setting,
and closing. Multimedia based on augmented reality is easy to operate, can help and
improve understanding, and can motivate learners.

Synthetic Biology : alternative technology toward product autonomy in Indonesia

Sony Suhandono & Maelita R. Moeis

School of Life Sciences & Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung



Synthetic biology is a relatively new interdisciplinary field that integrates the rapid
advances in molecular biology with computer science and engineering. The large open
access databases of well characterized genes and genetic elements provide the raw
materials to design a new biological system that is not yet present in nature (in silico
experiment, dry lab). Advances in molecular biology methods and robotics provide the
tools to construct the designed system (wet lab). Synthetic biology has potential
applications in various fields such as biofuel and medicine. Research funds for
applications of synthetic biology are growing rapidly in the world. Many small startups
managed to raise venture funds for their companies. In this presentation a few examples
of the application of synthetic biology will be discussed further.

Ionic Liquids in Chemistry Education: Ionic Liquids as a Subject-Model to
Enhance Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers’ View of Technochemistry

Ahmad Mudzakir, Hernani, and Tuszie Widhiyanti

Department of Chemistry Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



Our research-group-work relates to an effort to respond the demand of curriculum

modernization in order to overcome the weakness of Indonesian students' scientific
literacy as reported on PISA (Programme for International Students Assessment) study
since 2000-2015. Science education curricula should promote scientific literacy and
prepare individuals to participate in rapidly changing scientifically and technologically
oriented societies. Equally important is the need to develop a critical understanding of
the nature of technology and how it relates not only to science but also to society. If the
importance of an appreciation of the nature of science and technological development is
accepted, then science teachers are obliged to strive for better ways to improve
students’ understanding of the nature of science and technology. It is widely believed
that chemistry teachers must recognize the nature of chemistry and technology
(technochemistry) to assist their students in preparing an explanation of a phenomenon
scientifically correctly and understanding critically about technology and it relationship
with society. The ionic liquids are materials consists of anions and cations, without
neutral molecules, and has very low melting point (temperature ranged below 100oC,
even mostly ranged at around room temperature). The Ionic liquids are selected as a
subject-model to enhance pre-service chemistry teachers’ view of technochemistry
under several considerations. Firstly, the application of ionic liquids as new generation
of green solvents, electrolyte materials, and engineering fluids on the last decade has
drawn the great attention of international community of science and technology.
Secondly, scientific explanation of ionic liquids context composed by many facts,
principles, laws, models, and theory that can be used to reinforce the content of school
chemistry learning as a media on developing of thinking skill (process/competency) as
required by PISA. Thirdly, Ionic liquids based modern tehnology also can be applied as
a discourse on strengthening the attitude toward science and technology.

Scientific Literacy, Competencies and Education for Sustainable Development
Towards a Sustainable Future

Sun-Kyung Lee

Cheongju National University of Education

Republic of Korea


How should science education contribute to a sustainable future for a particular

society? Recently there have been some significant incidents in Korea that are closely
related to a sustainable future. Regarding the resumption of construction of nuclear
power plants that were suspended during construction, 471 citizens decided to continue
the construction of the nuclear power plant through the decision made after the two-
night and three-day joint discussion, but not to build a new nuclear power plant.
Secondly, conflicts were caused by the disposal of recycled plastics including vinyl
products in cities such as Seoul in 2018, which caused deep concerns or the
sustainability of Korean society. The third is the problem of climate change, the most
extreme heat ever. These issues are important examples of how complex realities are
based on real world issues such as energy use and supply, waste management and
climate change. This is not only a science education, but also a sustainability of
environment, economy and society, which is closely linked to equity.Science education
should be able to understand and explain these issues, to promote scientific literacy that
can think critically, and to foster competences to contribute to the problem-solving
process. This presentation briefly introduces the international trends of the SDGs and
education for sustainable development, andthen emphasizes the importance of
scientific literacy and competence for transforming a society in science education. In
addition, it explores cases of Korea and other countries where science education and
education for sustainable development can be integrated in schools.

Facilitating the Implementation of STEM-based Lessons by Suporting the
development of Teachers Technological Pedagogocal Content Knowledge

Ari Widodo

FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



Literature suggests that STEM-based lesson is one of the recommended teaching

strategies to promote students’ competencies in science, technology, engineering and
mathematics. Despite numerous supports provided to teachers to implement the new
teaching strategy, however, STEM-based lesson is not yet commonly practice at
schools. This paper discusses efforts to promote teachers’ TPACK as a strategy to build
teachers competencies and confidence to implement STEM-based lessons. The project
deliberately focuses on the improvement of teachers’ TPACK since teachers’ TPACK
is a unique knowledge that shapes teachers’ teaching practice. This project applies the
basic priciples of lesson study (plan – do –see) as a framework for improving teachers’
competencies. The study finds that attempts to introduce innovations to teachers should
not only focus on the the innovation itself but also other factors such as teachers’ self-
confidence and supporting environment.

Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar (MSCEIS) 2018
Saturday, 27 October 2018


Paralel 1 Paralel 2 Paralel 3 Paralel 4 Paralel 5 Paralel 6 Paralel 7 Paralel 8 Paralel 9 Paralel 10 Paralel 11
1 2 1 2
Moderator :
Dr. Endi Isnie Duden Agus Fany Heli Siti
Nanang Dwi Rafikah Eddy Prasetyo Dr. Kusnadi, Dr. Eka Cahya
Suhendi, Yusnitha, Saepuzaman, Herbert, M.T. Chandra Wijaya, Halimah,
Ardi, M.T. Agustin, Nuhroho, M.T. M.Si. Prima, M.T.
M.Si. M.Ed. M.Si., M.Pd. M.Pd. Ph.D.
13:00 - 13:10 ABS-141 ABS-8 ABS-312 ABS-11 ABS-286 ABS-89 ABS-249 ABS-386 ABS-396 ABS-374 ABS-255
13:10 13:20 ABS-163 ABS-83 ABS-207 ABS-157 ABS-287 ABS-319 ABS-250 ABS-178 ABS-397 ABS-375 ABS-276
13:20 - 13:30 ABS-165 ABS-85 ABS-210 ABS-241 ABS-288 ABS-269 ABS-254 ABS-179 ABS-398 ABS-376 ABS-322
13:30 - 13:40 ABS-180 ABS-105 ABS-213 ABS-248 ABS-289 ABS-101 ABS-257 ABS-194 ABS-399 ABS-377 ABS-329
13:40 - 13:50 ABS-217 ABS-106 ABS-218 ABS-25 ABS-290 ABS-102 ABS-26 ABS-202 ABS-400 ABS-378 ABS-58
13:50 - 14:00 ABS-23 ABS-107 ABS-244 ABS-252 ABS-291 ABS-115 ABS-261 ABS-230 ABS-401 ABS-379 ABS-130
14:00 - 14:10 ABS-233 ABS-108 ABS-253 ABS-274 ABS-324 ABS-12 ABS-3 ABS-394 ABS-402 ABS-40 ABS-212
14:10 - 14:20 ABS-24 ABS-109 ABS-263 ABS-298 ABS-37 ABS-123 ABS-30 ABS-5 ABS-403 ABS-42 ABS-391
14:20 - 14:30 ABS-299 ABS-119 ABS-267 ABS-300 ABS-62 ABS-126 ABS-304 ABS-74 ABS-100 ABS-44 ABS-57
14:30 - 14:40 ABS-323 ABS-120 ABS-268 ABS-325 ABS-65 ABS-127 ABS-311 ABS-81 ABS-152 ABS-90 ABS-63
14:40 - 14:50 ABS-34 ABS-122 ABS-28 ABS-381 ABS-66 ABS-132 ABS-334 ABS-355 ABS-175 ABS-326 ABS-77
14:50 - 15:00 ABS-342 ABS-137 ABS-29 ABS-382 ABS 284 ABS-144 ABS-336 ABS-103 ABS-187 ABS-368 ABS-181
15:00 - 15:30 Coffe Break


Paralel 1 Paralel 2 Paralel 3 Paralel 4 Paralel 5 Paralel 6 Paralel 7 Paralel 8 Paralel 9 Paralel 10 Paralel 11
Time 1 2 1 2
Moderator :
Dr. Winny Dr. Ahmad Tuszie
Dr. Mimin Dr. Rani Dr. Siti Aisyah, Dr. Diah K., Lilit Rusyati, Tri Suwandi, Nanang Judhistira
Liliawati, Aminudin, Widhiyanti,
Iryanti, M.Si. Megasari M.Si. M.Si. M.Pd. S.Pd., M.Sc. Winarno, M.Pd. Aria Utama
M.Si. M.Si. Ph.D.
15:30 - 15:40 ABS-361 ABS-138 ABS-296 ABS-97 ABS-18 ABS-147 ABS-356 ABS-136 ABS-216 ABS-76 ABS-236
15:40 - 15:50 ABS-366 ABS-14 ABS-2 ABS-10 ABS-226 ABS-150 ABS-360 ABS-177 ABS-22 ABS-121 ABS-243
15:50 - 16:00 ABS-156 ABS-143 ABS-32 ABS-149 ABS-231 ABS-159 ABS-365 ABS-60 ABS-27 ABS-229 ABS-116
16:00 - 16:10 ABS-167 ABS-145 ABS-321 ABS-353 ABS-232 ABS-17 ABS-380 ABS-171 ABS-307 ABS-31 ABS-237
16:10 - 16:20 ABS-46 ABS-148 ABS-33 ABS-39 ABS-264 ABS-174 ABS-50 ABS-354 ABS-351 ABS-389 ABS-47
16:20 - 16:30 ABS-52 ABS-154 ABS-335 ABS-260 ABS-295 ABS-176 ABS-55 ABS-359 ABS-369 ABS-392 ABS-99
16:30 - 16:40 ABS-64 ABS-173 ABS-343 ABS-278 ABS-383 ABS-191 ABS-7 ABS-238 ABS-67 ABS-388 ABS-82
16:40 - 16:50 ABS-70 ABS-189 ABS-35 ABS-279 ABS-385 ABS-21 ABS-84 ABS-111 ABS-71 ABS-306 ABS-98
16:50 - 17:00 ABS-73 ABS-192 ABS-371 ABS-281 ABS-395 ABS-219 ABS-9 ABS-128 ABS-92 ABS-327
17:00 - 17:10 ABS-78 ABS-193 ABS-372 ABS-282 ABS-48 ABS-235 ABS-93 ABS-133 ABS-172 ABS-339
17:10 - 17:20 ABS-197 ABS-373 ABS-283 ABS-69 ABS-245 ABS-146 ABS-142
17:20 - 17:30



No. Topic Tittle

1. Physics [ABS-141] Design of Temperature Measuring Instrument
Using NTC Thermistor of Fe2TiO5 Sensor Based on
Microcontroller Atmega 328

Siti Sarah Munifah*, Wiendartun, Ahmad Aminudin

2. Physics [ABS-163] The Effect Of Temperature On 3d Rock Structure
Of Andesite Rock Sample Taken From Potential Geothermal
Area, Sulawesi-Indonesia

Mardiannisa Fitri*, Lilik Hasanah, F.D.E Latief , Selly Feranie

3. Physics [ABS-165] Analysis of Complexity of the Connected Pore
Structure 3D Porous Medium using Tortuosity and

Nur Rahmi*, Fourier Dzar Eljabbar Latief, Selly Feranie

4. Physics [ABS-180] The Effect of Uniaxial Pressure on Development on
3D Fracture and Its Properties of Clay Cap Rock on One
Potential Geothermal Area in Candi Umbul-Telomoyo,
Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

Sumarni*, Selly Feranie, N D Ardi, F D E Latief

5. Physics [ABS-217] investigation on fractal characteristics and its
relation with 3D fracture parameters on 3D fracture models

Selly Feranie*, Sumarni*, F.D.E Latief**


Siska Nuraidah*, Ahmad Aminudin, Waslaluddin

7. Physics [ABS-233] Instrumentation & control system for SAMOP
reactor experimental facility

Syarip, Rosyid M, Dewita, Abimanyu A


Peny Saptiani, M Haidzar Aziz, Mimin Iryanti, Ahmad


No. Topic Tittle
9. Physics [ABS-299] Application of Kirchhoff Prestack Time Migration
Method of the 2D Marine Seismic Data for Mapping the
Subsurface Structures in Dip Case Southern Aru, West
Papua, Indonesia

Hani Yusrina Safura*, Andrian Wilyan Djaja, Nanang Dwi Ardi,

Priatin Hadi Wijaya
10. Physics [ABS-323] The properties of zinc sodium phosphate glass
system with various concentration of chromium oxide doped

A S Budi*, A H Permana, D Muliyati, N Primasari, E S Sazali

and D Ambarwulan

Eneng Riska Rahayu P.*, Ahmad Aminudin, Mimin Iryanti.


Ria Triayomi
13. Physics [ABS-361] Pore Structure Characterization of Concrete
Mixtures With Different Aggregates Using Digital Image
Processing Analysis

Fourier Dzar Eljabbar Latief*, Imran Hilman Mohammad, Ayomi

Dita Rarasati, Nuraziz Handika
14. Physics [ABS-366] Development of Static Solar Panel Equipped by an
Active Reflector Based on LDR Sensors

Widyaningrum Indrasari, Riser Fahdiran, Esmar Budi, Umiatin,

Nur Salma Yusuf Hasanah
15. Physics [ABS-156] Classification of Tomato Maturity Level with
Light Reflection Method using LDR Sensor

Muhammad Hafizhankarim Wachid, Lusianti Surya Ningsih, R.

Silvia Putri Raharja Effendi, Dian Ahmad Hapidin, Khairurrijal
16. Physiscs [ABS-167] Velocity measurements using LDR Sensor

Khairurrijal Khairurrijal, Dian Ahmad Hapidin, Abas Syahbana,

Fery Krisnanto, Muhamad Zia Pratama Hernawan, Muhammad
Isro Fiordi
17. Physics Education [ABS-46] The influence of Scientific Creativity and Critical
worksheets (SCCW) on creative thinking skills and critical
scientific as well as students cognitive abilities on project-
based learning Work and Energy Concepts.

R Wulansari,H Rusnayati, D Saepuzaman, S Karim and S Feranie


No. Topic Tittle
18. Physics Education [ABS-52] The Development of PDEODE*E Task based Three
Stay Two Stray on Static Fluid.

Rien Ainur Rahmi, Achmad Samsudin, Harun Imansyah

19. Physics Education [ABS-64] Investigating The Ability of Multiple
Representations and Scientific Consistency of Senior High
School Students on Newton Laws

M. Furqon*, Muslim**
20. Physics Education [ABS-70] Improved Problem Solving Skills of Student
through Cooperative Problem Solving Model Related to
Dynamic Fluid Topic

A Malik, W Kumala, D Mulhayatiah, H Aliah, W Darmalaksana,

A Setiawan, M M Chusni, Y Dirgantara, R D Agustina, C
Rochman, N Hermita, A Samsudin
21. Physics Education [ABS-73] Investigating 11th Graders Mental Models: An
Example of Hydraulic System

Dewi Yulianawati*, Lilik Hasanah, and Achmad Samsudin

22. Physics Education [ABS-78] Identifying SMM on momentum and impulse using
two tier diagnostic test

F Nurzhimi, A Samsudin, I Kaniawati, and N J Fratiwi

Design of Temperature Measuring Instrument Using NTC Thermistor of Fe2TiO5
Sensor Based on Microcontroller Atmega 328

Siti Sarah Munifah (a*), Wiendartun (a), Ahmad Aminudin (a)

a) Physics Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas

Pendidikan Indonesia


Thermistor is one of temperature sensor which works based on resistance changes. In a

previous study, an NTC thermistor of Fe2TiO5 was made in the form of raw pellet
without doping, sintered at a temperature of 1200 o C for 2 hours in oxygen. A
thermistor constant value that obtained from the characterization process is 3642.7
MOhm. This result showed that the thermistor has good quality because it has relatively
large constant thermistor. Fe2TiO5 is one of semiconductors that used as basic material
for main fabrication component of NTCs as temperature sensor. In this study,
temperature measuring instrument using NTC Fe2TiO5 sensor based on
microcontroller was made. The NTC is assembled in parallel with a fixed resistor and
then assembled on ICLM741 and microcontroller ATMEGA 328. The magnitude of the
resistor varies at 1 MOhm, 2 MOhm, and 3 MOhm with each resistor having a
tolerance value of 1%. From these variations we get sensitivity value with the value of
0.0026 MOhm/ oC, 0.0091 MOhm/ oC, and 0.0155 MOhm/ oC, respectively. As result,
this temperature measuring instrument shows good sensitivity when assembled in
parallel using 3 MOhm fixed resistor and capable of measuring the temperature in the
range 26.3oC until 134.5oC.

Keywords: NTC Thermistor; Fe2TiO5; Temperature Sensor; Sensitivity; Temperature


Topic: Physics


Mardiannisa Fitri (a*), Lilik Hasanah (a), F.D.E Latief (b,c) , Selly Feranie (a)

a. Digital Rock Physics and Soil Mechanical Laboratory, Departement of Physics

Education, Indonesia University of Education, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung
40154, Indonesia
b. Laboratory of Porous Medium and Fluid Dynamics, Physics Earth and Complex
System, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
c. Laboratory of Micro-CT, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut
Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


An andesite rock sample was taken from potential geothermal area on Lili-Sepporaki,
west Sulawesi. The sample is an impermeable cap rock with a high silica mineral at
alteration zone around a manifestation. Its Three-dimensional rock structure was
analyzed to see its change due to temperature. The sample had given heat treatment in
room temperature (24˚C), 100˚C, 150˚C, 200˚C, dan 250˚C. Sample in room
temperature and after heat treatment then scanned using a micro-Computed
Tomography Scan (μ-CT Scan). 300 image μ-CT Scan results were reconstructed and
characterized its 3D pore and mineral structure. The result found that, rock properties
[porosity {ϕ (T)}, specific surface area {SsA (T)} decrease polynomial for pore
structure and increase polynomial as temperature increases. This result show that as
temperature increases the volume of mineral is bigger make the pore volume smaller.
The Fractal dimension for pore structure (2,65 ± 0,02) and for mineral structure (2,89 ±

Keywords: pore structure, mineral structure, fractal dimention, permeability

Topic: Physics

Analysis of Complexity of the Connected Pore Structure 3D Porous Medium using
Tortuosity and Permeability

Nur Rahmi (a*), Fourier Dzar Eljabbar Latief (b), Selly Feranie (a)

a) Digital Rock Physics and Soil Mechanical Laboratory, Department of Physics

Education, Indonesia University of Education, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung
40154, Indonesia
b) Rock Physics and Complex System Laboratory, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


The complexity of the connected pore structure of porous medium samples has been
analyzed using tortuosity and permeability parameter. In measuring the tortuosity and
absolute permeability in this porous medium samples, porosity is made equal to four
models, which is 15%. Porous medium samples are arranged by placing grains of
varying radius (10, 15, 20, 25 pixels) that are randomly distributed and overlapping in a
200 x 200 x 200 medium. The fluid flows of the rock models were analyzed on the y-
direction. Connected pore tracing for porous medium was done using the Simple
Neurite Tracer which produces the coordinate of the connected pore path which is then
used to calculate the value of tortuosity. Tortuosity is calculated by using the definition
of the ratio between the sum of the curvaceous angles of the connected pore path to the
distance between two facing sides of the sample. Absolute permeability is calculated by
using Lattice Boltzmann Method. For four sample models, it was found that tortuosity
value is inversely proportional to the permeability value.

Keywords: Tortuosity; Permeability; Simple Neurite Tracer; Porous Medium

Topic: Physics

The Effect of Uniaxial Pressure on Development on 3D Fracture and Its
Properties of Clay Cap Rock on One Potential Geothermal Area in Candi Umbul-
Telomoyo, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

Sumarni (a*), Selly Feranie (a), N D Ardi (a), F D E Latief (b)

a) Digital Rock Physics and Soil Mechanical Laboratory, Departement of Physics

Education, Faculty of Education Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Indonesian University of Education
Jalan Setiabudhi no. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Physics of Earth and Complex System, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jalan Ganesha no. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


The geothermal potential of Candi Umbul-Telomoyo is very interesting to be observed

due to the emergence of geothermal manifestations. A sample of clay cap rock on
geothermal area in Candi Umbul-Telomoyo, Semarang has been digitized to the
observe 3D fracture development due to the influence of uniaxial pressure. The 3D
fracture were analyzed using digital image processing and analysis method. The sample
is an altered ceses andesite breccia with diameter of 4.4 cm and height of 4.3 cm. The
rock sample was collected from well at 590 m. Rock sample was given uniaxial
pressure treatment of 59 bar, 75 bar, 91 bar, 107 bar, 123 bar and 156 bar. The results
show that 3D fracture develops as pressure increase are total orientation {θ (P)},
aperture {e (P), fracture density {Φ (P)}, fracture intensity {I (P)} and fractal
dimension {D (P)}. Total orientation and fracture intensity have polynomial to relative
to the given pressure. Aperture and fractal dimension are linearly proportional to the
give pressure, while the fracture density is exponentially proportional to the give
pressure. The effect of increasing pressure to the safety of this geothermal clay cap was
studied by conducting a continuous uniaxial compressive test on the sample. From this
test, it is observed that the sample broken at the pressure of 478 bar. The results of this
study are expected to provide an overview of the characteristics of the clay cap rock
and the clay cap stability on Geothermal Area Candi-Umbul Telomoyo.

Keywords: fracture characteristics, uniaxial pressure, clay cap

Topic: Physics

investigation on fractal characteristics and its relation with 3D fracture
parameters on 3D fracture models

Selly Feranie*, Sumarni*, F.D.E Latief**

* Physics Department, UPI

** Physics Complex System, Physics Department ITB


3D fracture models have been generated to be investigated its fractal characteristic and
fracture parameters using image analysis. The 3d Fractal dimension is calculated using
box counting. Tthe fracture parameter such as Fracture aperture calculated using
Trabecular separation parameter and Fracture Intensity calculated using skletonize the
fracture and 3D fractal dimension calculated using box counting method.We generated
Five 3D fracture models with the same density but different aperture and intensity and
calculate its fractal dimension. We found that theres a positive correlation between 3D
fractal dimension with all 3d fracture parameters e.g., aperture and intensity

Keywords: fractal characteristics on 3D Fracture model

Topic: Physics


Siska Nuraidah*, Ahmad Aminudin, Waslaluddin

Program Studi Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jl Dr.Setiabudhi No 229, Bandung, Indonesia.


Grease amount inside a food can influence humans health. Grease amount in a food has
correlation with cholesterol amount which could lead to various diseases, as stated in
Regulation of the Minister of Health number 30, year 2013, clause number 4, and verse
number 2 which said that more than 67 grams of total fat per day for each person leads
to hypertension, stroke, diabetes, and cardiac arrest risk. This research purposed to
characterize wasted grease amount of food towards various spinning cycle of grease
filtering machine. Various methods could be implemented to decrease the grease
amount in a food, potato chips. Using the influence of centripetal force by applying
motors spinning rate became the method which was implemented in this research.
Determining volume of wasted grease amount was done by scaling food before grease
filtering process then re-scale after filtering process was done. In order to find out the
volume of wasted grease was through a division between the mass of wasted grease
with the density of grease which is 0.8 g/cm3. Examination result shows potato chips
grease amount decreased up to 10%. Wasted grease amount towards linear spinning
rate with 0.99 determination coefficient graph also found based on experiments
implementation. The result of research determines for each 1 rpm increase from
spinning cycle, the numbers of wasted grease amount is 10.9 grams.

Keywords: Spinning rate, Wasted Grease Amount, Filtering Machine

Topic: Physics

Instrumentation & control system for SAMOP reactor experimental facility

Syarip(1), Rosyid M(1), Dewita(1), Abimanyu A(2)

(1) Centre for Accelerator Science & Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency,
JL. Babarsari, POB 6101 ykbb, Yogyakarta
(2) Polytechnic Institute of Nuclear Technology, Yogyakarta.



The instrumentation and control system (ICS) for a subcritical nuclear reactor
experimental facility for producing Mo-99 radioisotope is presented in this paper. The
system is designed based on the defense-in-depth concept. A sub-critical reactor
experimental facility for Mo-99 production (SAMOP) has been designed and being
constructed at the Centre for Accelerator Science and Technology (CAST), Nuclear
Energy Agency (BATAN). The reactor subcritical facility is fuelled by uranyl nitrate
and driven by an external neutron source from the radial beam-port of Kartini reactor.
The SAMOP-ICS was designed using 2 neutron detectors of fission chamber and
compensated ionization chamber types and provided with a safety rod made from
boron-aluminum (boral) used for shutting-down the reactor in emergency condition.
The method used for reactor protection system is based on hardwired with a fail-safe
principle. The safety rod drive mechanism is designed by using rack and pinion, and
provided by the safety button of key release and electromagnetic holder status.

Keywords: instrumentation system, nuclear, reactor, subcritical, Mo-99, uranyl nitrate

Topic: Physics


Peny Saptiani, M Haidzar Aziz, Mimin Iryanti, Ahmad Aminudin

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The concentration of CO2 in soil and air is strongly influenced by temperature. When
the temperature increase, the thermal energy will increase too and make the particle
motion faster . In detecting CO2 gases, the MG-811 gas sensor has a high sensitivity in
detecting CO2 gases in the air. The purpose of the research is characterized the
electrical properties of MG-811 gas sensor toward temperature alteration. The used
method is the experimental method, where the chamber is made of iron filled with CO2
derived from the CO2 gas tube. In the chamber has been paired digital thermometer and
MG-811 gas sensor. The temperature alteration in the CO2 gas is regulated by the
heater element attached to the chamber. The output of the MG-811 gas sensor will be
processed by microcontroller, so it measures the CO2 concentration in units of parts per
millions (ppm). The higher the measured temperature on the gas causes faster particle
motion, the measured CO2 gas concentration is high and the resulting output voltage is
low. But it happens if the temperature change high, because the gas sensor response is
slower than the temperature sensor used.

Keywords: CO2 gases, heater element, MG-811 gas sensor, concentration

Topic: Physics

Application of Kirchhoff Prestack Time Migration Method of the 2D Marine
Seismic Data for Mapping the Subsurface Structures in Dip Case Southern Aru,
West Papua, Indonesia

Hani Yusrina Safura (a*), Andrian Wilyan Djaja (b), Nanang Dwi Ardi (a), Priatin
Hadi Wijaya (b)

a) Physics Studies Program, Indonesia University of Education , Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.
229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Center for Research and Development of Marine Geology, Jl. Dr. Djunjunan No.236,
Bandung 40174, Indonesia


The natural resources of oil and gas potential in the West Papua waters constitute a
significant expansion of oil and gas investments in Indonesias maritime specifically the
eastern region. South Aru is located at the eastern edge of the basin trough Aru and
includes one of the most potential oil and gas basins. Complex geological structures
such as the case of large dip make seismic cross section results do not represent the
subsurface structure of the earth nearing the actual subsurface geological conditions.
The working principle of Kirchhoff Prestack Time Migration is looking for reflector
positions using delay time of wave energy reflection to get a better seismic section on
the tilted reflector with less diffraction effect and have little effect arch (smiling effect)
which generates seismic section that can represent the subsurface structure of the earth.
However, Kirchhoff Prestack Time Migration has a weakness, namely the inability to
represent seismic sections accurately when there is a complex velocity structure due to
approximations used in representing and calculating green functions, wave travel time
and amplitude. The research data were analyzed is multichannel reflection seismic data
of marine zones, namely the line 12th of the South Aru, West Papua waters. The results
obtained in the form of time migrated section are analyzed based on their reflectivity In
this research found that the cross section of the subsurface structure represented by a
migrated seismic section amounted overall in 6107 CDP, along the path as far as 110
km with CDP space is 12.5 m with reflectivity cross section of generally more clearly
observed after the migration process is carried out so that the resolution of cross section
seismic better than that have not been migrated seismic section, which can be useful as
the data is ready to be interpreted as the purposes of determination prospects of natural
resources, especially regarding the hydrocarbon potential of the South Aru, West Papua

Keywords: Kirchhoff Prestack Time Migration, Seismic Reflection, Time Migrated

Section, Dip, Complex

Topic: Physics

The properties of zinc sodium phosphate glass system with various concentration
of chromium oxide doped

A S Budi(1)*, A H Permana(1), D Muliyati(1), N Primasari(2), E S Sazali(3) and D


(1)Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

(2)Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Presiden, Bekasi, Indonesia
(3)Department of Physics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Malaysia

*Corresponding e-mail:


In this research, we investigate the properties of zinc sodium phosphate glass system
with various concentration of chromium oxide doped. The glass system was
synthesized using melt quenching technique. The concentration of chromium oxide
varying from 0.5% to 2.5%. We perform the vicker hardness test using 980 mNewton
pressure. The test results show the concentration of chromium oxide effect to the
hardness scale of glass system. We also perform FTIR test for knowing the relationship
between the wavenumber and percentage of transmittance.

Keywords: zinc sodium phosphate glass, chromium oxide doped

Topic: Physics


Eneng Riska Rahayu P.*, Ahmad Aminudin, Mimin Iryanti.

Physics Program, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikaan Indonesia

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung
*Email :


Soil water content is one of the measurable parameters which can be used as a reference
in the selection of efficient land use. The methods used for measure the soil water
content is gravimetric method which is commonly used for direct measuring and
indirectly method with the measurement of traits related to water content, namely the
dielectric constant (relative permittivity). Interdigital capacitor sensor is designed as a
unit of measurement of soil water content. Interdigital capacitor sensor (IDC-S) is a
capacitive sensor which is able to change the value of the physical parameters to
electrical quantities (capacitance). The measurement of IDC-S capacitance value of soil
water content variety was done. It is shown that greater percentage of soil water content
cause greater value of capacitance. The greater number of sensor electrode increase its
sensitivity. IDC-S has sensitivity of 5.589 pF for N= 200 electerodes, 4.6362 pF/% for
N=150 electrodes and 3.8865 F/% for N=100 electrodes.

Keywords: Capacitive Sensor; Interdigital Capacitor Sensor; Diectric; Soil Water


Topic: Physics


Ria Triayomi

Primary School Teacher Education, Catholic University of Musi Charitas,

Jl. Bangau No.60 Palembang 30113, Indonesia.


Hovercraft is a vehicle that glides over a smooth surface by hovering over an air
cushion. Therefore, hovercraft is also called Air-Cushion Vehicle or ACV. Hovercraft
creates air vents, which are trapped under the vehicle with a curtain around the base.
Air currents can make air cushion on the soil, smooth surface or water. A simple mini
hovercraft that used for physics learning media on the pressure principal explains the
utilization of air pressure on the mini hovercraft. The making of this mini hovercraft as
a learning media is aimed to show the concept of pressure. From the results of
observation and analysis of the data, it was proved that air pressure generated can
produce bigger lift than the mini hovercraft weight. The air flowing out from the
balloon in the bottom caused the mini hovercraft to be pushed upward.

Keywords: Mini hovercraft, learning pressure

Topic: Physics

Pore Structure Characterization of Concrete Mixtures With Different Aggregates
Using Digital Image Processing Analysis

Fourier Dzar Eljabbar Latief (a*), Imran Hilman Mohammad (b), Ayomi Dita Rarasati
(c), Nuraziz Handika (c)

a) Physics of Earth and Complex Systems, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural

Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) Department of Geophysics, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jalan Raya Bandung Sumedang
KM 21, Jatinangor, Sumedang 45363 Indonesia
c) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia,
Kampus UI Depok, Depok 16424, Indonesia


The presence of pores in a volume of concrete obviously affects the compressive

strength of concrete (fc). Furthermore, characteristics of pores formed in concrete may
vary, such as in shape, in size, in volume, and/or in its orientation tendencies. These
characteristics also depend on the ingredient materials and the concrete casting process.
In this research, three types of concrete in a form of cylindrical sample were analysed
in order to investigate their pore structure characteristics. The first type of specimen is a
core sample taken from a beam of an existing reinforced concrete structure building. It
has 18 MPa of compressive strength. For the second type, an instant concrete with 40
MPa of designed compressive strength and 9 cm of slump test was chosen. The third
sample is a concrete with Oil Palm Shell (OPS) as coarse aggregate substitution with 17
MPa of compressive strength. These three kinds of sample were scanned with a Bruker
Micro-CT SkyScan 1173 device. The scanning process produced a set of projection
images which were then reconstructed to obtain three-dimensional digital grayscale
images. The pores inside the concrete sample are detected as dark pixels which
represent low density structure. Based on the detected pores, the characteristics such as
the volume distribution, the size distribution, the spatial distribution, as well as several
structural descriptors such as shape, orientation and eccentricity of the pores were
analysed. This study concludes that the type of aggregate greatly influences the
characteristics of the pore formed in a concrete.

Keywords: pore structure; digital image processing analysis; instant concrete; normal
concrete; oil palm shell concrete; cylindrical specimen

Topic: Physics

Development of Static Solar Panel Equipped by an Active Reflector Based on LDR

Widyaningrum Indrasari, Riser Fahdiran, Esmar Budi, Umiatin, Nur Salma Yusuf

Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

JL. Rawamangun Muka No.1 Jakarta, Indonesia


Solar panels are a very effective source of renewable energy in Indonesia. To increase
the output power of solar panels, especially on the static solar panels, a reflector is
required as an additional device. This paper describes development of a static solar
panel equipped with an active reflector. Five LDR sensors are mounted on the top of
the reflector, to detect the highest solar intensity. Meanwhile, a DC motor as a reflector
drive system is mounted on the bottom of the reflector. The slope angle of the solar
panel is 45 and the reflector is 105 to the negative axis. The reflector will move in a
semi-circular path, following the direction of the highest solar intensity detected by the
LDR sensor. Three different reflectors used to optimize the output power, there are
stainless steel, aluminum foil, and mirror. Solar panel with mirror reflector produces the
largest output power compared to other reflectors. The output power of this device
increases 1.6 times to the solar panels without reflector.

Keywords: static solar panel, active reflector, LDR sensor, reflector drive

Topic: Physics

Classification of Tomato Maturity Level with Light Reflection Method using LDR

Muhammad Hafizhankarim Wachid (a), Lusianti Surya Ningsih (a), R. Silvia Putri
Raharja Effendi (a), Dian Ahmad Hapidin (a,b), Khairurrijal Khairurrijal (a,b)

a)Department of physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung

40132, Indonesia
b) Research Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


Tomato is one of the most popular plants in home-scale plantations because it is

relatively easy to grow especially in tropical climates. Tomatoes production and
distribution are high but the process of maturity is quick. Farmers require to classify the
level of tomato maturity accurately in order to reduce the risk of decay during the
distribution and storage process. Many tomato maturity classification methods utilize
reflected light such as Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Color Blob, Learning
Vector, and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). However, these methods have
disadvantages in cost, complicated data processing, and time of processing data.
Therefore, a low cost and reliable system for classifying the tomato maturity is needed.
This paper discusses a system to classify tomato maturity with light reflection using
light dependence resistor (LDR) sensor. The tomato maturity classification was based
on reflected light received by the LDR with the light source was from red-green-blue
(RGB) LED. LDR and LED were covered with a non-transparent black container to
isolate the sensor from ambient light. The light emitted from the LED would be
reflected by the tomato skin, then the reflected light was captured by the LDR. LDR
was connected to a circuit containing a Wheatstone bridge and a differential amplifier
with an output connected to Arduino module. The LDR resistance will change followed
by the change in the output voltage of the Wheatstone bridge, which will be amplified
by the differential amplifier. In this study, we used the method of comparison of
experimental results with the results of reference color measurements that printed on
paper. This method is able to classify the maturity of tomatoes into 6 level based on
United States Standards for Grades of Fresh Tomatoes. There are red, light red, pink,
turning, breakers, and green. Experimental data and reference data were obtained with
the same pattern for each level of maturity. This device has a high precision with output
standard deviation of 0.0786 V for red reflection, 0.0375 V for green reflection, and
0.0033 V for blue reflection. A light reflecting method using LDR sensor is good
enough for the classification of tomato maturity level. The instrument design allowed
the measurement result unaffected by the intensity of ambient light so that higher
accuracy and precision can be achieved.

Keywords: Tomato; Light reflection; LDR sensor; RGB

Topic: Physics

Velocity measurements using LDR Sensor

Khairurrijal Khairurrijal (a,b), Dian Ahmad Hapidin (a), Abas Syahbana (a), Fery
Krisnanto (a), Muhamad Zia Pratama Hernawan (a), Muhammad Isro Fiordi (a)

a) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut

Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) Research Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jalan Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


Velocity is a physical quantity that is widely used in everyday life. The adverse
utilization of the quantity makes the methods and measurement devices are necessary.
The most common methods to obtain velocity is by measuring distance traveled by an
object in a spesific interval of time. Another way to do this, one could take an
advantage from any material that could interact with light in such way there exist a
change of physical quantity when the intensity of light modified. This velocity
measuring devices work by utilizing the sensor response when an objects pass through
it. The commonly used sensors are infrared sensors. By observing the start and end
times, at least two such sensors are required in the speed measurement. One sensor that
can substitute infrared sensors also rarely used in the velocity measurement is the LDR.
LDR is an electric component which its resistance value rises if the intensity of the light
on it decreases. This means that the resistance will increase if any object passes through
a light-illuminated LDR. In this paper, we discuss velocity measurement using single
LDR sensor. To observe the start-finish response, the light sensitive part of LDR sensor
will be partially covered (1 x 2.1 cm2), allowing single LDR sensor to detect the
velocity of an object. The response of the sensor design will be seen in the graph of the
voltage-time graph reading from the bridge circuit and the signal conditioning. In the
experiments that performed, the sensor is passed by an objects of different sizes (3.5 x
5.1 cm2 and 3.5 x 0.35 cm2). This size differences produce different outputs. So that
the effect of the object size to the device responses can be analyzed. In addition, by
placing the cover that unequally divided the LDR light-sensitive part, the object motion
direction could be predicted from the time-voltage graph pattern. By applying graph
pattern analysis algorithms to the processing unit, the device can be used to measure
both speed and motion direction of the object. The resulting output signal depended on
the size of the object passing through the sensor, the size of the LDR, and the LDR
cover size.

Keywords: Velocity; Measurement; Electronic circuit; LDR

Topic: Physics

The influence of Scientific Creativity and Critical worksheets (SCCW) on creative
thinking skills and critical scientific as well as students cognitive abilities on
project-based learning Work and Energy Concepts.

R Wulansari,H Rusnayati, D Saepuzaman, S Karim and S Feranie A

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study describes the influence of scientific creativity and critical worksheet
(SCCW) to the creative thinking and scientific critical as well as students cognitive
ability of Work and Energy concept. The aim of this study was to find out the
improvement of cognitive ability, creative thinking skill and critically scientific
students with applied model of project-based learning integrated with SCCW and
conventional student worksheet (CSW). This study is based on one of the 21st Century
Partnership Learning Framework which contains the skills that must be possessed by
learners in the 21st century, which is focused on scientific creative thinking skills and
critical scientific thinking skills. The research method used is pre-experimental research
with randomized control group pretest-postest design. The result of the research shows
that project based learning integrated with SCCW can improve the creative thinking
skill and scientific criticism and cognitive ability of students with bigger improvement
than the implementation of project based learning which is integrated with CSW.

Keywords: SCCW, Project Based Learning, Cognitive Ability, Scientific Creative

Thinking Ability, Scientific Critical Thinking Ability

Topic: Physics Education

The Development of PDEODE*E Task based Three Stay Two Stray on Static

Rien Ainur Rahmi, Achmad Samsudin, Harun Imansyah

Department of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung


Misconception occur due to several factors, including students, teachers, content of

book or teaching materials, and learning models and strategies used. Learning models
and strategies greatly affect to the ability of students understanding of the concept. Low
conceptual understanding can easy make the students being misconception. Therefore,
the purpose of this research was to developing PDEODE*E task based one of
cooperative learning model type on static fluid material. This research used 4D method
(Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) and this research restricted on static fluid
conceptual. Participant in this research are 25 XI grade students on science program.
This research used effect size to analyze the impact of PDEODE*E task based three
stay two stray to reduce the students misconception. Results shown that the value of
effect size is 1.09 with large effect" interpretation. It is mean that PDEODE*E task
based three stay two stray is effective to use on learning activity in the classroom to
reduce students misconception on static fluid.

Keywords: Misconception, PDEODE*E, Three Stay Two Stray, Static Fluid.

Topic: Physics Education

Investigating The Ability of Multiple Representations and Scientific Consistency
of Senior High School Students on Newton Laws

M. Furqon (a*), Muslim (b**)

a*) Physics Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate, Indonesia University of

Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b**)Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education,
Indonesia University of Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154,



The ability of multiple representations and scientific consistency are two things closely
related to students conceptual understanding. The research has been carried out aims to
find out the ability of multiple representations and scientific consistency of high school
students in Newtons laws. The multiple representations measured includes verbal,
vector, motion map, graph, and bar chart representations. The scientific consistency
measured is the consistency of students in correctly and consistently answering each of
the three questions which presents different representations. The research method used
is survey. The research instruments used were a multiple representations test consisting
of 5 items to measure multiple representations ability and Representational Variant of
Force Concept Inventory (R-FCI) test consisting of 27 items. The research samples
consisted of 102 students from class X, XI, and XII at SMA Negeri 14 Bandung who
were selected using stratified random sampling technique. The data obtained were
analyzed using the Zipgrade Item Analysis Tool and R-FCI Consistency Analysis Tool.
The results showed that the type of representation that is most mastered by students is
vector representation and most students are categorized as inconsistent.

Keywords: Multiple Representations; Scientific Consistency; Newton Laws

Topic: Physics Education

Improved Problem Solving Skills of Student through Cooperative Problem
Solving Model Related to Dynamic Fluid Topic

A Malik1 a), W Kumala1, D Mulhayatiah1, H Aliah2, W Darmalaksana3, A Setiawan4,

M M Chusni1, Y Dirgantara1, R D Agustina1, C Rochman1, N Hermita5, A Samsudin6

1 Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H.
Nasution No. 105 Bandung 40614, Indonesia
2 Jurusan Fisika, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H. Nasution No. 105
Bandung 40614, Indonesia
3 Pusat Penelitian dan Penerbitan, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H.
Nasution No. 105 Bandung 40614, Indonesia
4 Departemen Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229,
Bandung 40154, Indonesia
5 Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru 28293, Indonesia
6 Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Problem-solving skills are needed to prepare for the working world. Based on a
preliminary study at SMAN 1 Banjaran, the average score of student problem-solving
skills is low. This study aims to Determine the improvement of student problem-solving
abilities after applied Cooperative Problem Solving (CPS) models on the topic of
dynamic fluid. The research method used is a pre-experiment design with one group
pretest-posttest design. The subjects of this study were students of class XI IPA 2
SMAN 1 Banjaran selected by purposive sampling technique amounted to 30 people.
The students problem-solving ability is measured through an essay test and a
supporting instrument in the form of student worksheets. The results Showed that there
was an increase of in the problem-solving skills of students with <g> of 0.68 medium
categories. Based on the paired sample t-test where tcount (12.24) > ttable (2.05)
indicates that there is the influence of CPS models to improve students problem-solving
skills. The average results of the student worksheet analysis indicate that there is an
increase in student problem-solving skills at each meeting and the average value is
categorized well. Thus, the CPS models can be used as an alternative learning model
that can improve the problem-solving skills of the student on the topic of dynamic fluid.

Keywords: Problem solving skills, Cooperative Problem Solving

Topic: Physics Education

Investigating 11th Graders Mental Models: An Example of Hydraulic System

Dewi Yulianawati (*), Lilik Hasanah, and Achmad Samsudin

Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl.

Dr.Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Mental models aid us to comprehend the establishment of objects, the progress of the
process and to assert a notion about it. In this study, we grasp a mental model as an
internal delineation, which acts aout as a structural analog of situations. Even though
mental models are the deputation of lore inflictes throughout a cognitive activity, they
also reflect personal beliefs. This study consigns to investigating the mental model used
by elevent graders in describing Hydraulic System. For Example, the graders believe
when the distance of two fluid-filled cylinders closer then the increase in output piston
is greater. Participants were 16th and 17th years old (N=106) of eleventh graders from
one of the Secondary s\School in West Java. The data unruffles through Three Tier
Open Ended Tests (3TOET) was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The
results assert that the particiants built a diversity of mental models about Hydraulic
System and almost all conduct defective mental models rather than a scientifically
appropriate one.

Keywords: Mental Models, Hydraulic System

Topic: Physics Education

Identifying SMM on momentum and impulse using two tier diagnostic test

F Nurzhimi, A Samsudin, I Kaniawati, and N J Fratiwi

Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Almost students have difficulties to understand the concept of momentum and impulse
because the concept of momentum and impulse is still considered abstract in physics.
The aim of this research was to find students mental models of momentum and impulse.
The participants of this research were eleven grade students of senior high school in
Bandung. This sample have been selected from 30 students (17 boys and 13 girls, their
age average 16 years old) in the one of senior high school at Bandung. The research
method is a case study with descriptive quantitative analysis. The data analysis was
carried in two stages. The first identified student level of understanding and the second
identified the student model of understanding. The diagnostic test utilized to find
students mental models was two tier test in the form of open ended questions as many
as 5 questions. The result shows that mental models of eleven grade students which
have been identified in the three categories that are, Initial 62,6%, Synthetic 26,7%, and
Scientific 10,7%. In conclusion, mental models of the scientific category is lower than
other categories.

Keywords: mental models, momentum and impulse, two tier diagnostic test.

Topic: Physics Education


EDU PHY (Ballroom 2)

No. Topic Tittle

1. Physics Education [ABS-8] Computer simulation-assisted conceptual change text
(CS-CCT): a preliminary study on fluid dynamics

Galih Dwi Putra, Achmad Samsudin

2. Physics Education [ABS-83] The analysis of tenth grade LMM on work and

N Putri, A Samsudin, M G Nugraha, and N J Fratiwi

3. Physics Education [ABS-85] Whats Wrong With Cookbook Experiment? A Case
Study of Its Impacts Toward Learning Outcomes of Pre-
Service Physics Teachers

Yusiran*, Siswanto, B. Subali, Hartono, D. Sartika, Syahrir, S.

Gumilar, E. Ellianawati, Farikah, I. Khaldun
4. Physics Education [ABS-105] Influence of scientific creativity and critical
worksheet (SCCW) on project based learning to increase
cognitive ability, scientif creative skills and scientific critical
skills senior high school students on sound wave problem

S Kartika*, D Saepuzaman, H Rusnayati, S Karim and S Feranie

5. Physics Education [ABS-106] Enhancing Cognitive Ability in Physics Learning
by Implanting Argumentation Activity on Inquiry Lab

Siswanto*, Yusiran, B. Subali, Hartono, S. Gumilar, L. Utami, A.

Amiruddin, Ahmad Muhlisin, E. Juliyanto, E. Trisnowati
6. Physics Education [ABS-107] ICT Media Utilization Model to Increase Science
Process Skills on Natural Science Lessons in Junior High

Agus Suyatna*, Muhammad Gina Nugraha, Ismi Rakhmawati

7. Physics Education [ABS-108] Comparative Study of Laboratory Management
Capability among Physics Students at UIN Sunan Gunung
Djati and UIN Sunan Kalijaga

M M Chusni*, A Hasanah, A M Ghazali, R Zakwandi, R F R

Nurzaman, M F Nurfauzan, Y Dirgantara, R D Agustina, A
Malik, A Samsudin
8. Physics Education [ABS-109] Assimilating the Verses of Quran into Prospective
Physics Teacher at Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Thaha
Saifuddin Jambi

Hadri Hasan and S Sukarno

9. Physics Education [ABS-119] Overcoming students misconceptions about simple
harmonic motion through interactive conceptual instruction
(ICI) with computer simulation

W N Maulidina, A Samsudin, I Kaniawati

No. Topic Tittle
10. Physics Education [ABS-120] An Investigation of students misconceptions about
momentum and impulse through interactive conceptual
instruction (ICI) with computer simulation

G Triyani, A Danawan, I Suyana, I Kaniawati

11. Physics Education [ABS-122] Facilitating of fourth grade students problem
solving skills on Friction

Y Gumala*, A Suhandi, E Syaodih, B Maftuh, A R Ningsih, R N

Afiffah, D Maulana, Qonita, H Handayani, N Hermita and A
12. Physics Education [ABS-137] Analysis of scientific literation-based junior high
school physics teaching materials readability on students
increasing scientific literation skills

Heni Rusnayati, Gristianti Herviana, Ika Mustika Sari

13. Physics Education [ABS-138] Effectiveness of implementation interactive
conceptual instruction (ICI) with computer simulation to
overcome students misconceptions about newton law of

W D Aryani*, E Suhendi, I Suyana, A Samsudin, and I Kaniawati

14. Physics Education [ABS-14] The Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills Test in
Social-Problems for Physics Education Students with RASCH

Lucky Nindi Riandika Marfui (a*), Ilfiandra (b), Nurhudaya

15. Physics Education [ABS-143] Improving scientific literacy for high school
students through problem based learning with reading
infusion strategic on global warming topic

Isonamia Bakti Nasution, Winny Liliawati and Lilik Hasanah

16. Physics Education [ABS-145] The Effectiveness Of The OIDDE Learning Model
With Reading Infusion To Improve 21st Century Skills

Iklima marifatilla, Dr. Ridwan Efendi, Dr. Lilik Hasanah

17. Physics Education [ABS-148] Developing the Physics Magazine as an Alternative
of Personal Learning Media

Dwi Sulisworo*, Adetyas Ristiani , Dian Artha Kusumaningtyas

18. Physics Education [ABS-154] Develop childrens science process skills through
building activities in center of beam: optical geometry in

R N Afifah*, E Syaodih, A Suhandi, B Maftuh, N Hermita, H

Handayan, F Qonita, A R Ningsih, Y Gumala, D Maulana, and A
19. Physics Education [ABS-173] Use of Geoelectric Practicum Module for Physics
Education Students

R D Agustina, M M Chusni, A Malik, Y Dirgantara, A Samsudin

No. Topic Tittle
20. Physics Education [ABS-189] Enhancing Student Creative Thingking Skills
Through HOTVL Design

Ary Utary Nur*, Agus Setiawan, Taufik Ramlan Ramalis,

21. Physics Education [ABS-192] Identifying kindergarten childrens idea about heat
and temperature concept

Qonita*, E Syaodih, A Suhandi, B Maftuh, N Hermita, H

Handayani, R Nurafifah, A R Ningsih, Y Gumala, D Maulana,
and A Samsudin
22. Physics Education [ABS-193] Development of MBI2 as Interactive Media in
Order To Enhance Scientific Communication Skills in Global
Warming Subject

A R N Firmansyah, D T Chandra, I Kaniawati, A Samsudin, H

Novia, P Siahaan
23. Physics Education [ABS-197] Implementation of Levels of Inquiry to Improve
Sound Wave Concept Mastery in Junior High School

Raden Giovanni Ariantara*, Setiya Utari, Saeful Karim

Computer simulation-assisted conceptual change text (CS-CCT): a preliminary
study on fluid dynamics

Galih Dwi Putra , Achmad Samsudin.

Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


Previously, the development CCT has been conducting since previous decade until
currently age. However, the latest version of CCT immobile has several weaknesses in
such aspects as: the visualization of abstract concept and it has seldom been assisted by
computer simulation. This research aims to develop Computer Simulation-Assisted
Conceptual Change Text (CS-CCT) by way of a continuation of the previous research
combined with computer simulation. A Formative Development Method (FODEM) has
been utilised to obtain a valid and comprehensive collecting-data. A FODEM consist of
three components that are: (1) needs analysis, (2) implementation and (3) formative
evaluation. Participants were occupied from 35 students (17 years old in average) who
studied in one of Senior High School located in Bandung city. The result shows that
CS-CCT is able to be designed and developed in term of facilitating students to change
their conceptions. Thus, it could be concluded that the development of CS-CCT are
able to facilitate students conceptual change on fluid dynamics conceptions.

Keywords: Computer simulation-assissted conceptual change text, fluid dynamic,

Conceptual Change, FODEM .

Topic: Physics Education

The analysis of tenth grade LMM on work and energy

N Putri, A Samsudin, M G Nugraha, and N J Fratiwi

Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The purpose of this research was to intimidated LMM (Leaners Mental Model) of work
and energy. The mental model can be used to considered more extremely apparatus of
misconceptions. The research method is an occasion study with mixed methods. The
samples are 30 tenth grade students (14 boys and 16 girls, their ages were middling 16
years-old) at one of senior high school in Bandung. The research sample used cluster
random sampling technique or random class. LMM was analysis through two-tier test
in the form of open-ended questions as many as 5 questions. The data investigation was
approved purchasable in two stages. In the first stage the analysis leaners level of
understanding and in the second stage the analysis leaners model of understanding. The
result illustrations that mental models have been identified in the three categories, that
are, 1) Scientific 26,7%, 2) Synthetic 16%, 3) Initial 57,3%. In conclusion, mental
model of the initial category is higher than other categories.

Keywords: Leaners Mental Model (LMM), work and energy

Topic: Physics Education

Whats Wrong With Cookbook Experiment? A Case Study of Its Impacts Toward
Learning Outcomes of Pre-Service Physics Teachers

Yusiran (a*), Siswanto (b), B. Subali (c), Hartono (c), D. Sartika (d), Syahrir (e), S.
Gumilar (f), E. Ellianawati (c), Farikah (b), I. Khaldun (a)

(a) Department of Physic Education, STKIP Taman Siswa Bima, Bima, Indonesia
(b) Department of Natural Science Education, Universitas Tidar, Magelang, Indonesia
(c) Department of Physic, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
(d) Department of Physic Education, Universitas Sulawesi Barat, Majene, Indonesia
(e) Department of Mathematic Education, IKIP Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia
(f) Department of Primary Teacher of Education, STKIP 11 April Sumedang, Indonesia


The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of cookbook experiment
toward learning outcomes of pre-service physics teachers. A case study was conducted
dealing with laboratory activities of pre-service physics teacher in one private
university in Bima, Indonesia. The result of this study depicted that cookbook
experiment as a form of laboratory activities was carried out almost eight years.
However, as a common experiment conducted in college, cookbook experiment did not
offer the great opportunities to pre-service physics teachers in exploring their skills.
The impact of this affected them in two aspects; achievement of cognitive learning
ability and students interest toward learning process. There are several reasons why
these were occurred; the cookbook experiment did not: facilitate pre-service physics
teachers in constructing and strengthening concepts deeply, making the joyful and
meaningful learning process, and flourishing the diverse skills needed by students such
as higher order thinking skills.

Keywords: Laboratory Activities, Cookbook experiment, Learning Outcomes, Cognitif

Ability, Students interest

Topic: Physics Education

Influence of scientific creativity and critical worksheet (SCCW) on project based
learning to increase cognitive ability, scientif creative skills and scientific critical
skills senior high school students on sound wave problem

S Kartika*, D Saepuzaman, H Rusnayati, S Karim and S Feranie A

Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The aims of this study to determine the effect of SSCW on project based learning in
improving the cognitive abilities, students scientific and scientific creative thinking
skills on sound wave problem. The research method used is pre-experimental research
with randomized control group pretest-postest design. The research phase involves
preparation, execution, and final stage. At the preparatory stage is a preliminary study,
RPP preparation, and instrument validation by 4 expert validators. At the
implementation stage is done in one high school in Bandung with pretest, the
implementation of learning using project based learning with conventional student
worksheet (CSW) and SSCW, then given the final test (posttest). The study participants
were 22 students of both control class and experimental class in one of high school in
Bandung. The instrument used is the instrument of cognitive ability and scientific
thinking as well as scientific critical thinking skills. Implementation of SCCW on
project-based learning can improve creative thinking skills and critical scientific and
cognitive abilities of students with greater improvement than the application of SCW
on project-based learning.

Keywords: Creative and Scientific Critical Worksheet (SCCW), Project Based

Learning Cognitive Ability, Scientific Creative Thinking Ability, Scientific Critical
Thinking Ability

Topic: Physics Education

Enhancing Cognitive Ability in Physics Learning by Implanting Argumentation
Activity on Inquiry Lab

Siswanto (a*), Yusiran (b), B. Subali (c), Hartono (c), S. Gumilar (d), L. Utami (e), A.
Amiruddin (e), Ahmad Muhlisin (a), E. Juliyanto (a), E. Trisnowati (a)

(a) Department of Natural Science Education, Universitas Tidar, Magelang, Indonesia

(b) Department of Physic Education, STKIP Taman Siswa Bima, Bima, Indonesia
(c) Department of Physic, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
(d) Department of Primary Teacher of Education, STKIP 11 April Sumedang,
(e) Departmen of Computer Engineering, STMIK AKBA, Makasar, Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to acquire depiction of cognitive ability enhancement

which the laboratory activities based inquiry implanted argumentation activities was
conducted as main process in the classroom activities. A quasi experiment method with
non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest was carried out to implement this
treatment. The participants of this study were students grade XI in one of public senior
high schools in Bima, Indonesia. They were divided into two groups, experimental and
control group, using purposive sampling. Experimental group was provided great
opportunities to conduct laboratory activities based inquiry implanted argumentation
activities while control group uses laboratory activities based inquiry. In order to
recognize the cognitive ability of students, an instrument was developed in form of
multiple choices. This study revealed that the mean difference of two groups was
significantly different which cognitive ability of experimental group was higher than
this control group and was in intermediate category from normalized gain perspective.
From this findings, implanting argumentation activities on inquiry lab played prominent
role in constructing model and theory of knowledge for students in enhancing their
cognitive abilities.

Keywords: cognitive ability, inquiry laboratory, argumentation activity, laboratory


Topic: Physics Education

ICT Media Utilization Model to Increase Science Process Skills on Natural Science
Lessons in Junior High School

Agus Suyatna (a*), Muhammad Gina Nugraha (b), Ismi Rakhmawati (c)

a) Physics Education, Graduate Program, Lampung University

Jl. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 1, Bandar Lampung, INDONESIA
b) Physics Education Department, Indonesian Education University
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 228, Bandung, INDONESIA
c) Biology Education, Lampung University
Jl. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 1, Bandar Lampung, INDONESIA


The purpose of this research is to determine the model and utilization of the
information communication technology (ICT) that effectively improve the science
process skill (SPS). The method used is quasi-experiment. The sample was selected as
many as 12 classes of junior high schools in Lampung Province with average initial
ability were equivalent. The material that is learned is about the measurement. Data
were collected using SPS observation sheet and analyzed using two-way ANOVA. The
first factor is ICT media model those are the tutorial and the simulation media model of
measuring instrument. The second factor is the utilization model of ICT media those
are the substitute-experimental, the substitute-demonstration, the complement-
experimental, the complement-demonstration, the supplement-experimental, and the
supplement-demonstration. The result of the research shows that there is no difference
of SPS caused by the difference of ICT media model, there is a difference of SPS
caused by the different model of ICT utilization. There is an interaction between media
utilization model and ICT media model in terms of SPS. The highest SPS was obtained
from the learning using the tutorial media model that was learned as a supplement using
the experimental method.

Keywords: ICT Media Utilization; Science Process Skill

Topic: Physics Education

Comparative Study of Laboratory Management Capability among Physics
Students at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati and UIN Sunan Kalijaga

M M Chusni12 a), A Hasanah3, A M Ghazali4, R Zakwandi2, R F R Nurzaman2, M F

Nurfauzan2, Y Dirgantara2, R D Agustina2, A Malik2, A Samsudin5

1 Program Studi S-3 Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Jl. Ir.
Sutami 36 A, Surakarta (Solo), 57126, Indonesia
2 Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A. H. Nasution No.
105 Bandung 40614, Indonesia
3 Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A. H. Nasution No.
105 Bandung 40614, Indonesia
4 Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Studi Agama, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A. H. Nasution
No. 105 Bandung 40614, Indonesia
5 Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The laboratory is one of science education facilities. The physics teacher is must be
have a capability to manage a laboratory. The aim of this research is compare the
laboratory management capability of the students in physics education department at
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung and UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The research
method is used comparison method between two subject groups. Subjects in the
research are students of physics education department at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati and
UIN Sunan Kalijaga that choice used purpose sampling method. The data of theoretical
in the term of management laboratory were collected by spreading the instruments in
the form of a multiple choice test and essay. The data analyse used t-test method. Based
on the analyse data the sig is 0,488 > 0,05 indicated the subjects group not have
significant differences. The analyse of degree of difficulty is shown that each of
subjects group not have a significant differences of value. But, the value that obtain by
the students are still low. Generally, the researchers conclude that no significant
differences among the student capability. Other that, this study indicates that student
capability to manage the laboratory is low. This is must to increase in the next time to
prepare the student become a professional pre-service physics teachers.

Keywords: Capability of laboratory management, Physics Students

Topic: Physics Education

Assimilating the Verses of Quran into Prospective Physics Teacher at Universitas
Islam Negeri Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Hadri Hasan (a) S Sukarno (b)

(a) Lecturer of Quranic Exegesis of Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin


(b) Lecturer of physics at Tarbiyah faculty of Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi


This study endeavored to response the subsequent requests: "(1) what are the Verses of
Quran (VoQ) that are appropriate to be assimilated into Physics Instruction Prospective
Teacher Student of Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi (UIN STS-
Jambi)? And (2) In what subjects of basic physic (BP) can be assimilated? To this
finale, percentage technique in addition to discussion stayed cast-off to gather
documents from ten contributors. Contributors are physics education lecturers in BP
courses as many as 3 people. All of contributors were also lectures and prospective
teacher student at UIN STS Jambi. Contributors were requested to contribute their own
competency on the rightness of the VoQ for assimilating in UIN STS Jambi and to give
their competency in which BP these verses might be assimilated. A built survey
involved of 150 VoQ was rummage-sale to convey out. Outcome of reseacrch was:
Kinematics 30 (20%), Dynamics 28 (18.67%), Momentum 16 (10.67%), Work-Energy
13.67 (9.11%), Strong objects 15.33 (10.22%), Fluid 16 (10.67%), Heat 3 (2%), and the
rest 28 (18.67%). Based on the consequences of this study, it is acclaimed that
Assimilated VoQ-Physic Instruction approach might be UIN STS Jambi curricula-

Keywords: Verses of Quran (VoQ), basic physic (BP), assimilating

Topic: Physics Education

Overcoming students misconceptions about simple harmonic motion through
interactive conceptual instruction (ICI) with computer simulation

W N Maulidina, A Samsudin, I Kaniawati

Departement of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia


Physics is a part of science that contain many concepts. To understand a physics

concept students often experience misconceptions, including on simple harmonic
motion subject. As has been shown by previous research, one of the ways to
overcoming students misconception was by implemented Interactive Conceptual
Instruction (ICI). Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of
ICI with computer simulation to overcoming students misconception on simple
harmonic motion subject. This research used case study method. The instruments
utilized to determine students misconception were pretest and post test in the form four-
tier diagnostic test related to simple harmonic motion. The data were obtained through
30 students followed ICI with computer simulation. The results show that the value of
effect size is in the "medium effect" category. It can be concluded that the
implementation of ICI with computer simulation effective to overcoming students
misconception on simple harmonic motion subject.

Keywords: Misconceptions, Interactive Conceptual Instruction (ICI), Computer

Simulation, Simple Harmonic Motion

Topic: Physics Education

An Investigation of students misconceptions about momentum and impulse
through interactive conceptual instruction (ICI) with computer simulation

G Triyani, A Danawan, I Suyana, I Kaniawati

Departement of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia


Learning of physics always related to conceptual understanding. In the learning

process, there can be a difference in conceptual understanding that causes
misconceptions. Misconceptions can occur in a variety of physics material, including
on momentum and impulse. The purpose of this study was to investigate students
misconceptions about momentum and impulse through Interactive Conceptual
Instruction with computer simulation. This study was conducted to 10th grade were
devided into two groups: experimental group and control group which each consists of
30 students. The method used is quasi-experimental with research design is pre-test and
post-test. The instrument used to investigate students misconceptions is form four-tier
diagnostic test. The result shows that misconceptions in the experimental group is less
than the control group. It can be concluded that Interactive Conceptual Instruction with
computer simulation is better in facilitating student learning process on momentum and

Keywords: Misconceptions, Interactive Conceptual Instruction (ICI), Computer

Simulation, Momentum and Impulse

Topic: Physics Education

Facilitating of fourth grade students problem solving skills on Friction

Y Gumala1*, A Suhandi1,2, E Syaodih1,3, B Maftuh1, A R Ningsih1, R N Afiffah3, D

Maulana1, Qonita3, H Handayani1, N Hermita4 and A Samsudin2

1Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Dasar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3Departemen Pendidikan Guru Anak Usia Dini, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl.
Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
4Prodi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia


This research purposes to designate students problem-solving skills on friction

concerning elementary level through experiential learning. The indicators of problem-
solving skills applied in this research were the indicators convinced to the problem-
solving skills on force and impulse. A descriptive-qualitative design has already been
contented to collect data from fourth-grade elementary students in one of school in
Bandung Barat Regency (37 participants: 9-10 years old). The instrument which is
developed formed essay with the interview process. The result appearances that every
single characteristic of problem-solving skills has been developed and described such
as identification, arguments hypothesis, reasoning and alternate solution. To
summarize, the experiential learning is able to designate the 4th-grade elementary
students problem-solving skills on friction

Keywords: problem solving skills, fourth graders , friction

Topic: Physics Education


Heni Rusnayati1, Gristianti Herviana1, Ika Mustika Sari1

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The background of this study was the lack of scientific literation skills of Indonesian
students according to the research that have done by PISA. The preliminary shows that
the average score of scientific literation skills is 56,2. The aim of this study is to know
the readability of scientific literation-based physics teaching materials. The readability
of teaching materials is divided into four chapter which in each chapter consist of
characteristics from the aspect of scientific literation for example, science knowledge,
investigation of the nature of science, science as a way of thinking,and interaction
between science, technology and society. One shot experimental design has been used
as the method of this study. The data is obtained through scientific literation skill test
and cloze procedure test of teaching materials on second year junior high school
students. Narrow test shows that the percentage of teaching materials readability is
67,5% and wide test shows that the percentage of teaching materials readability is
71.87%. It is implied from this result that the scientific literation-based physics
teaching material has high level of readability.

Keywords: readability, scientific literation, junior high school students

Topic: Physics Education

Effectiveness of implementation interactive conceptual instruction (ICI) with
computer simulation to overcome students misconceptions about newton law of

W D Aryani (*), E Suhendi, I Suyana, A Samsudin, and I Kaniawati

Departement of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung, Indonesia
* Email :


Misconceptions caused by many factors, based on previous observation is the difficulty

of students in visualizing or imagining the concept given, thus obstructing students to
achiev the goal of physics learning. Misconceptions can occur in a variety of physics
matter such as newton law of gravitation. This research aimed to know the
effectiveness of implementation interactive conceptual instruction (ICI) with computer
simulation to overcome students misconceptions about newton law of gravitation. The
sample of this research are 35 students in 10th grade which choose by using purposive
sampling, and the instrument used to identify students misconceptions is four-tier
diagnostic test. The method research used is quasi experiment with research design is
one group pretest-posttest design. The results show that the value of effect size is in
medium range. So, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of implementation ICI
with computer simulation can overcome students misconceptions about newton law of

Keywords: Misconceptions, Interactive Conceptual Instruction (ICI), Computer

Simulation, Newton Law of Gravitation

Topic: Physics Education

The Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills Test in Social-Problems for Physics
Education Students with RASCH Model

Lucky Nindi Riandika Marfui (a*), Ilfiandra (b), Nurhudaya (b)

a) Guidance and Counseling Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jalan Setiabudhi no 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Guidance and Counseling Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Setiabudhi no 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Individuals who explore scientific science, are required to be critical of some social
issues rather than in the scientific only. Critical thinking skills construct was developed
based on Faciones theory in Delphi Reports in 1999, which mentions critical thinking
components including interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and
self-regulation skills. This study aims to identify the level of critical thinking skills of
Physics Education students in the youth category at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
The subjects are 44 students with age ranges from 18 to 21 years old. The results of this
study indicate the level of critical thinking skills of physics education program students
in the low category with a percentage of 39%. This test when tested to physics
education students has a reliability coefficient of 0.64, with the most difficult item
number is the number 5 and easiest number 21 from RASCH Model analysis results.
Physics students tend to have low analytical skills and inference ability in critical
thinking, while the ability of evaluation and self-regulation are high for addressing a

Keywords: Critical Thinking Skills Test, Physics Education Students, Facione Theory,

Topic: Physics Education

Improving scientific literacy for high school students through problem based
learning with reading infusion strategic on global warming topic

Isonamia Bakti Nasution, Winny Liliawati, and Lilik Hasanah

Departemen Fisika, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The scientific literacy is an important skill to be provided to students as a form of

preparing citizens who are able to compete in the 21st century. The scientific literacy
has become the main goal of physics learning. However, PISA results show that the
scientific literacy of Indonesian students is lower compared to other countries. Reading
acitivity can improving students scientific literacy. The aims of this study is to
comparing the development of students scientific literacy on global warming topic
through problem based learning with reading infusion strategy and only problem based
learning . This research was administered via quasi experiment method with pretest-
postest nonequivalent control group design. The subjects of this research consisted of
44 students of XI MIA at a high school in Bandung. The students are divided into 2
groups. The improving scientific literacy students are determined based on normalized
gain analysis from pretest and posttest scores on global warming topic. The result
shows that improving scientific literacy in experiment group is higher than control
group. The results clarify that problem based learning with reading infusion strategy in
physics learning is be able to improving scientific literacy students at high school level.

Keywords: Scientific Literacy, PISA, Problem Based Learning,Reading Infusion,

Global Warming,

Topic: Physics Education

The Effectiveness Of The OIDDE Learning Model With Reading Infusion To
Improve 21st Century Skills

Iklima marifatillah(a*); Dr. Ridwan Efendi(b*); Dr. Lilik Hasanah (c*)

Sekolah pasca Sarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


the abilities that students must possess as a result of learning are to have critical and
creative thinking skills, communication skills and collaborative skills. These skills are
called 21st century skills. Those skills are very important to be trained during the
learning process. Ones of learning models that considered effective for trained 21st
century skills is the OIDDE model. To know the effectiveness of the model, we used
reading infusions strategy as a comparison. after learning, students that learning with
OIDDE and reading infusion models have increased and get higher score of critical
thinking skills and creative thinking compared to OIDDE classes, as well as acquired
skills profiles of communication and collaboration skills. Hypothesis test using
ANOVA shows the average difference. the effectiveness of the model is shown by the
value of d-value with the weak category.

Keywords: OIDDE learning model; 21st Century Skill

Topic: Physics Education

Developing the Physics Magazine as an Alternative of Personal Learning Media

Dwi Sulisworo (a)*, Adetyas Ristiani (b), Dian Artha Kusumaningtyas (c)

a) b) c) Physics Education Department, Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia



Recently, IT literacy of the student in school is relatively high. Efforts to provide

learning services that match the characteristics of the millennium generation will be one
of the solutions to utilize this technology effectively in learning. Various open
educational resources will significantly enhance personal learning activities; one of
them is the physics magazine. This study is development research that aims to produce
physics magazine on the subject of momentum, impulse, and collision. Learning
features provided in this magazine include reading the concept, enrichment reading,
crossword puzzles, multiple choice, essays, practicum, and so on. Various alternative
activities are provided so that students can learn from anywhere they like. Physics
experts and media experts validate this media. The result scores are 3.69 for the physics
subject aspects and 4.18 for the media aspects out of 5. It shows a reasonable level of
eligibility. Furthermore, this magazine was piloted on 26 students to see the level of
interest in physics learning using this magazine. The result is a high level of interest
(4.04 out of 5). It means that student can use this physics magazine to enhance the
learning interest on physics.

Keywords: education; magazine; learning interest; learning media; personalized

learning environment; physics

Topic: Physics Education

Develop childrens science process skills through building activities in center of
beam: optical geometry in focus

R N Afifah (a*), E Syaodih (a,b), A Suhandi (c), B Maftuh (b), N Hermita (d), H
Handayani (a, b), F Qonita (a), A R Ningsih (b), Y Gumala (b), D Maulana (b), and A
Samsudin (c)

a) Program Studi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Program Studi Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
c) Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi
No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
d) Prodi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia


This research aims to develop childrens science process through building beam learning
activities. This research describes of the implementation of building activities in the
center of beam focus of optical geometry in beams context. The instrument used in this
research is the ability of science process. This study was conducted on 18 children early
childhood in Bandung. Design the research used is descriptive qualitative. The results
obtained indicate that building beams activity is able to give positive contribution to the
development of children science process skills in TK Kartika XVI Bandung. Building
activities also provide a positive response to the cognitive, physical, motor, language,
religious, and emotional social development of children. The conclusion of this
research that the process of building beam can positively impact on various aspects of
child development.

Keywords: process skills; sains; beam of geometry

Topic: Physics Education

Use of Geoelectric Practicum Module for Physics Education Students

R D Agustina1 a), M M Chusni1, A Malik1, Y Dirgantara1, A Samsudin2

1 Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A. H. Nasution No.
105 Bandung 40614, Indonesia
2 Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The purpose this research development geoelectric module in supporting material of

Earth and Space Science lecture. Method this research used Research and
Development. The design research that includes analysis, design, development,
implementation, and evaluation. The subject oh this study where student of physics
education on Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati. Feasibility of
geoelectric module on expert search result and field practitioner. The result show that
the geoelectric module meet the standard of the feasibility aspect of the teaching

Keywords: Geoelectric module, research and development

Topic: Physics Education

Enhancing Student Creative Thingking Skills Through HOTVL Design

Ary Utary Nur (a*), Agus Setiawan (b), Taufik Ramlan Ramalis (c), Nurhayati (d)

a) Program Studi S2 Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan

Indonesia, Jl Setiabudi No.229, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl
Setiabudi No.229, Bandung, Indonesia
c) Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl Setiabudi
No.229, Bandung, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to investigate the creative thinking skills improvement
through Higher Order Thinking Virtual Lab (HOTVL) learning. This research used a
quasi experiment method with pre-and posttest group design. 57 students took part in
this research from eleventh grade student in senior high school which is divided in two
classes, experiment and control group. Student of experiment group using HOTVL
experiment design and control group using lab virtual verification design. Students’
creative thinking skill were measured using tests of creative thinking skill in form of
nine essay question about global warming. Learning activities in this research
completed with worksheet and lab virtual learning multimedia. This research using item
respon theory (IRT) to analyze the data. The result showed that the persentage of
students’ latent variable (score) of creative thinking skill in HOTVL class was higher
than the persentage of students’ score in lab virtual verification

Keywords: Higher Order Thinking; Virtual lab; Creative thinking

Topic: Physics Education

Identifying kindergarten childrens idea about heat and temperature concept

Qonita1*, E Syaodih1,3, A Suhandi2,3, B Maftuh3, N Hermita4, H Handayani3, R

Nurafifah1, A R Ningsih3, Y Gumala3, D Maulana3, and A Samsudin2

1Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Universitas Pendidikan

Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3Departemen Pendidikan Dasar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
4Prodi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia


This study aim is to identifying the childrens idea of the heat and temperature in their
daily activity. Heat and temperature is the physic concept that easily found in children
daily life. Knowing children idea is important to fix misconception because they bring
the concept by themselves experience. A descriptive-qualitative design with
observation has been implemented to gather data from 44 (5-6 years) children in three
kindergartens in Tasikmalaya. The result showed that the children in early years
understanding temperature as qualitative notion that they can sense rather than
qualitative notion. Some case children use the same terms to describe the different
temperature.. This result can give description about childrens prior idea related heat and
temperature to avoid or fix the misconception in the next level education.

Keywords: Early Science Education, Physics Education, Early Childhood Education

Topic: Physics Education

Development of MBI2 as Interactive Media in Order To Enhance Scientific
Communication Skills in Global Warming Subject

A R N Firmansyah, D T Chandra, I Kaniawati, A Samsudin, H Novia, P Siahaan

Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi

No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The needs of technology-based learning media on physics subject is increased in each

year, however the learning media often not contextual with the learning subject since
certain subject is more suitable with direct experiment. The purpose of this research is
to develop media that integrated with the subject (MBI2) in order to enhance scientific
communication skills on subject that difficult to observe such global warming subject.
This Research develop a media using Sadimans developing model within the step is
Identifying the need, formulate the aim, formulate the materials, developing media
measuring tools, create a storyboard, and assessing & Revision. Thirty students in some
middle school already participated in this research. The result approve that the students
is encouraged to more communicative and showing a great development when using
MBI2 on global warming subject. With the conclusion is the utilization of MBI2 could
be used for further research that related with enhancement of scientific communication

Keywords: MBI2, Scientific Communication, Global Warming

Topic: Physics Education

Implementation of Levels of Inquiry to Improve Sound Wave Concept Mastery in
Junior High School

Raden Giovanni Ariantara (a*), Setiya Utari (a), Saeful Karim (a)

a) Departement of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education,

Indonesia University of Education, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154,


The low mastery of physics concept was caused by a lack of experimental abilities in
the learning process. Levels of Inquiry (LoI) is an appropriate step for develop
experimental abilities because it has a systematic, structured stages, and it can flexibly
applied to the various dominancy of students and teachers role according to conditions.
This study was conducted to observe students sound wave concept mastery
improvements after the implementation of LoI in learning. The study used one group
pretest-posttest design, wich involved 152 students in one of public junior high school
in Bandung. Instrument used in this study was descriptive concept mastery test. Data
were analyzed using t-test and normalized gain to determine the improvement of
students concept mastery. The results showed that students sound wave concept
mastery improvement was improved by Levels of Inquiry in overall (<g> = 0,38). The
results also included detailed analysist of students concept mastery development by
general, each cognitive aspect and each sub matters of lesson. Based on the results,
Levels of Inquiry (LoI) implementations can improve the students concept mastery on
sound wave.

Keywords: Levels of Inquiry; Science Concept Mastery; Sound Waves

Topic: Physics Education


EDU PHY (Jayagiri 1)

No. Topic Tittle

1. Physics Education [ABS-312] Scaffolding Learning Model to Improve Habits of
Mind Student

Eko Susilowati, Tantri Mayasari, Nanang Winarno, Dadi

Rusdiana, Ida Kaniawati
2. Physics Education [ABS-207] Apply Model of Teaching Levels of Inquiry for
Identifying Experimental Skills on Solar System Matter in
The Middle School

Annisa Nurjanah*, Setiya Utari, Taufik Ramlan Ramalis, Dadi

3. Physics Education [ABS-210] Correlation Reading Infusion (RI) and Scientific
Literacy Competence (SLC) XI Grade Students on the Topic
of Sound Wave

Diana Maulidia, Setiya Utari, Purwanto, Saeful Karim, Duden

Saepuzaman, Muhamad Gina Nugraha, Eka Cahya Prima
4. Physics Education [ABS-213] Students self reflection ability on thermal
insulation concept

N Nurjannah, A Setiawan, D Rusdiana, and M Muslim

5. Physics Education [ABS-218] Effectiveness of The Use of Developed Teachers
Book in Guiding the Implementation of Physics Learning that
Provides Scientific Literacy and Instill Spiritual Attitudes

A Suhandi and A Samsudin


Firmanul Catur Wibowo, Dina Rahmi Darman, Suherman, Nurul

Anriani, M. Noor Faizin, Achmad Samsudin, Andi Suhandi,
Supriyatman, Andri Suherman, M. Nurtanto, Sulaeman Deni
Ramdani, Haris Abizar, Moh. Fawaid
7. Physics Education [ABS-253] The Development of Virtual Laboratory on Fluid

Eidelweis D J, A Setiawan, P Siahaan, D Susanti, Y Samantha

and C Rochman

8. Physics Education [ABS-263] Stakeholder view of competency profiles

(pedagogical, professional, social and personality) graduate of
the physics education

Y Dirgantara1, A Malik1, A Samsudin2, E K Yuningsih1, M M

Chusni1, R D Agustina1, M N Fairuzillah3

No. Topic Tittle
9. Physics Education [ABS-267] Profile of Multiple Representation Skills of Senior
High School Students in Bandung on Linear Motion

Bayti Rahmadewi*, Andhy Setiawan, Parsaoran Siahaan

10. Physics Education [ABS-268] Developing of physics practical module based on
scientific approach for tenth grade in senior high school

I Y Putra, D Dasmo, D L Saraswati, I A D Astuti, N Nurullaeli, Y

B Bhakti, and I B Rangka
11. Physics Education [ABS-28] An analysis of students mental models using
temperature and heat transfer-diagnostic test (THT-DT)

R Dewi*, M G Nugraha and A Samsudin

12. Physics Education [ABS-29] Development of four-tier diagnostic test (FTDT) to
identify students mental models on static fluid

F Kafiyani* and A Samsudin

13. Physics Education [ABS-296] Developing CAI-PBL with DDD-E model on
Magnetic Fields Concept

Abdul Fatah Maemunnur, Didi Teguh Chandra, Achmad

14 Physics Education [ABS-2] The Characteristics of Development Teachers
Pedagogy Competencies of Electromagnetics Test

L Hakim*, P Sinaga, A Setiawan

15. Physics Education [ABS-32] VARK learning style: a quasi experiment research
on impulse and momentum

I Sintia, H Rusnayati, and A Samsudin

16. Physics Education [ABS-321] Practicing Integrated STEM in Renewable Energy
Projects: Solar Power

M Mustika, J Maknun, L Hasanah

17. Physics Education [ABS-33] Collaboration skills based multimedia-based
integrated instruction: a development study on refraction

Y C Setiawan, A Samsudin, E Suhendi, H Novia, I Kaniawati, D T

Chandra, P Siahaan
18. Physics Education [ABS-335] Using the inductive approach (IA) on physics
learning to enhance students critical thinking (CT) skills

Muliana*, Yusiran, Agustinasari, Asriyadin, E Susilawati, F

Sarnita, Siswanto, S Gumilar, Gustina, A Erwinsyah

19. Physics Education [ABS-343] The challenge of implementing STEM for senior
high school students in the city border of Jambi

A Syarkowi, M. Hendri

No. Topic Tittle
20. Physics Education [ABS-35] Development of Computer Simulation-Assisted
Conceptual Change Model (CS-CCM) to change students
conception on gas kinetic theory

N Azizah* and A Samsudin

21. Physics Education [ABS-371] Profile of Consept Understanding Ability and
Learning Motivation of High School Student Case Study in
class XI MIPA in Rectiniliner Motion

Ermawati Dewi*, Ahmad Samsudin ,and Muslim

22. Physics Education [ABS-372] Identification Of Misconception Of Global
Warming Materials : Impact And Solutions At The Middle

Khalid Hamzah*, Winny Liliawati

23. Physics Education [ABS-373] Identification of high school student misconception
using Three-tier diagnostic test in global warming symptoms

Satriadi*, Achmad Samsudin and Winny Liliawati

Scaffolding Learning Model to Improve Habits of Mind Student

Eko Susilowati1,a), Tantri Mayasari2,b), Nanang Winarno3,b), Dadi Rusdiana4,b), Ida


1)Department of Physics Education, FKIP, Lambung Mangkurat University,

2)Department of Physics Education, PMIPA, PGRI Madiun University, Madiun
3,4,5)Department of Physics Education, FMIPA, Indonesia University of Education,

a)Corresponding author:



Habits of Mind (HoM) consisting of critical thinking, creative thinking, and self
regulation is one way to build the character of students. The course syntax of
scaffolding learning model consisting of orientation phase, training, task support,
conceptual and procedural scaffolding, and meta cognition and strategy scaffolding was
discovered. This study aims to improve habits of mind students through scaffolding
learning model. This research involves 96 participants of Physics Education Students
taking Waves and Optic course, 46 students in the experimental class and 50 students in
the control class. The research design used qualitative and quantitative data as mixed
methods analysis. The results show that improving habits of mind students (critical
thinking, creative thinking, and self regulation) in good category.

Keywords: scaffolding, learning model, habits of mind

Topic: Physics Education

Apply Model of Teaching Levels of Inquiry for Identifying Experimental Skills on
Solar System Matter in The Middle School

Annisa Nurjanah (a*), Setiya Utari (a), Taufik Ramlan Ramalis (a), Dadi Rusdiana (a)

Department of Physics Education, FPMIPA, Indonesia University of Education

Jalan Dr, Setiabudhi 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Apply model of teaching Levels of Inquiry in middle school level can identifying
experiment skills with find the similarity from every level in Levels of Inquiry that
appropriate with ten aspect of experimental skills that is adopted from Brotosiwojo and
Richard J. Rezba. There are observation, making prediction, knowing variable,
formulating hypotheses, operating variable, designing experimental procedure,
collecting data, analyzing data, and making conclusion. This research is applied in the
one of the middle school in Lembang, West Java with solar system as the matter. The
research design used one group pretest-posttest design to 30 seventh grade students.
Learning approach used is semi experimental because solar system matter in the middle
school does not give much mathematic analyze. Collecting data from three meetings
with different sub matter (time zone, moon phase, and solar eclipse). Instrument that is
used on this research is student worksheet assessed using Lati score (very poor, poor,
fair, good, and excellent). The result of this research is identifying experiment skills can
use its model and get the enhancing skills from first to third meeting with the result is
poor, fair, and good.

Keywords: Levels of Inquiry; Experimental Skills; Solar System

Topic: Physics Education

Correlation Reading Infusion (RI) and Scientific Literacy Competence (SLC) XI
Grade Students on the Topic of Sound Wave

Diana Maulidia, Setiya Utari, Purwanto, Saeful Karim, Duden Saepuzaman, Muhamad
Gina Nugraha, Eka Cahya Prima

Indonesia University of Education


The results of previous research shows that there are difficulties in establishing KLS if
students do not have enough pengatahuan, therefore students need to be given support
knowledge through RI. Experimental study with one group pretest posttest design using
a sample of 40 students were taken by cluster random sampling of a population of 238
students of class XI in one high school in Bandung aims to get an idea about the
correlation of RI with KLS. RI instrument developed using a conceptual model and
results of logical validity with CVR and CVI analysis obtained by value of 0.99 with
the appropriate category and KLS instruments developed under the framework of PISA
2015 in the form of 11 questions covering descriptions explain scientific phenomena,
designing scientific research, and evaluate and interpret scientific research with
empirical test results show the average value of the validity of the whole grains of 0.50
with a valid category and reliability of 0.72 to a high category. Results of research with
correlation analysis product moment correlation values RI with KLS was 0.97 with a
very high correlation category. This suggests that a class XI student in high school it
was important reading material infusion on sound waves that KLS development process
becomes easier.

Keywords: Correlation, Reading Infusion, Scientific Literacy

Topic: Physics Education

Students self reflection ability on thermal insulation concept

N Nurjannah, A Setiawan, D Rusdiana, and M Muslim

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Universitas Tadulako


We have already probed students self-reflection ability on thermal insulation concept.

Self-reflection is needed to investigated because it influences the development of
students conceptual understanding. The thermal insulation problem has been given to
20 preservice physics students who have been enrolled in the Introductory Physics I.
The test has precisely analyzed in qualitative way. An analysis of collected data has
mainly focused on students self reflection on thermal insulation problem. Based on data
analysis, it can be concluded that students self-reflection ability on thermal insulation
concept is still poor category.

Keywords: self reflection ability, thermal insulation concept

Topic: Physics Education

Effectiveness of The Use of Developed Teachers Book in Guiding the
Implementation of Physics Learning that Provides Scientific Literacy and Instill
Spiritual Attitudes

A Suhandi and A Samsudin

Department of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung 40154,



Research and development to produce Physics teacher book products to guide the
planning and implementation of Physics teaching in accordance with the standards of
the Physics teaching process according to the 2013 curriculum and can provide
scientific literacy and instill students spiritual attitudes has been carried out. Usage test
of the developed teacher books have been carried out in one of the high schools in West
Java. The usage teacher book test involved a one of physics teacher and 40 students in
the senior high school. The focus of the research is to get an overview of the
effectiveness of the use of the developed physics teacher books in guiding teachers to
carry out physics learning that can improve the scientific literacy and spiritual attitudes
of students. The instrument used to collect data on scientific literacy and students
spiritual attitudes is the scientific literacy test and the spiritual attitude scale
respectively. The effectiveness of the teacher book in guiding the teacher to carry out
physics teaching is determined based on the number of students who achieve a high
increase in scientific literacy and spiritual attitudes. The results of the study show that
the use of the developed teacher books has high effectiveness in guiding teachers to
carry out physics learning that can improve scientific literacy and moderate
effectiveness in instill a spiritual attitude

Keywords: Physics Teachers Book, Scientific Literacy, Spiritual Attitude

Topic: Physics Education


Firmanul Catur Wibowo1, Dina Rahmi Darman1, Suherman2, Nurul Anriani3, M.

Noor Faizin5, Achmad Samsudin4, Andi Suhandi4, Supriyatman6, Andri Suherman1,
M. Nurtanto7, Sulaeman Deni Ramdani7, Haris Abizar7, Moh. Fawaid7

1Department of Physics Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, INDONESIA

2Department of Non-Formanl Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa,
3Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa,
4Department of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, INDONESIA
5Junior High School 2 Kudus City, Kudus, INDONESIA
6Department of Physics Education, Universitas Tadulako, INDONESIA
7Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng
Tirtayasa, INDONESIA


This study to aims the effect of ASSET (Assessment Simulation Test) with CRI
(Certainty of Response Index) to reconstruction physics conception and identification
of student misconception. The study focused on the results of the concept of Optic
concept and the quantity of misconceptions of students on the use of ASSET in one of
University in Serang City. Data to draw conclusions of research results, collected
through the provision of understanding of the concept of using Four Tier test conducted
after the implementation of learning. To achieve the purpose of this study used quasi
experimental research method with Quasi Experiment preview-post-test control group
design. The subject of this research involves two groups: control group and
experimental group using "ASSET". The highest level of comprehension is 76,67%,
Understanding Part 15,56%, Understanding 5,56%, Understanding level 2.22% and the
lowest level of understanding at the No Answer level of 0%. It can be concluded that
the significant effect uses of "ASSET for reconstruction conception data from both
groups indicate the improvement of the quantity of misconception of conception

Keywords: ASSET, CRI, Reconstruction conception, and Optic

Topic: Physics Education

The Development of Virtual Laboratory on Fluid Materials

Eidelweis D J1, A Setiawan2, P Siahaan3, D Susanti4, Y Samantha5 and C Rochman6

1 Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Majalengka University

2 Mechanical Engineering Education, Indonesia University of Education
3 Physics Education, Indonesia University of Education
4 Informatics Engineering, Majalengka University
5 Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Majalengka University
6 Physics Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


This study aims to develop the learning media in the form of a virtual laboratory on
fluid concept. The method used in this research is research and development (R & D)
with the following steps: (1) literature study, (2) needs analysis, (3) the design of virtual
lab learning media, (4) the development of virtual lab learning media, (5) validation, (6)
product trial, (7) product revision. The virtual laboratory learning media has passed the
validation test stage with the percentage of achievement of 80% according to the
material expert, 82% according to the media expert, and 85% according to the physicist
of physics education which is interpreted very well, and 80% according to the well-
interpreted learning expert. The result of the limited test to the students shows the
percentage of achievement of 83% which indicates students interest in using virtual
laboratory learning media in Basic Physics course in Fluid material. There was an
increase of pretest and posttest outcomes tested on the learner, i.e. from 61.13 of pretest
to 87.87 of postest. Based on validation test result, test and prestest post test result, it
can be concluded that virtual laboratory learning media on Fluid material of
development result has fulfilled requirement as basic physics learning media in one of

Keywords: development of learning media, virtual laboratory, fluid

Topic: Physics Education

Stakeholder view of competency profiles (pedagogical, professional, social and
personality) graduate of the physics education

Y Dirgantara1, A. Malik1, A Samsudin2, E K Yuningsih1, M M Chusni1, R D

Agustina1, M N Fairuzillah3

1Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika Jurusan Pendidikan MIPA, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan
Keguruan UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A. H. Nasution No 105, Bandung, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229,
Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Departing from the increasingly fierce world of work, every study program at various
universities needs to prepare graduates that are able to compete for the global world.
This study aims to determine the level of competence of undergraduate graduates of
physics education program UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, especially pedagogic,
professional, social and personality competencies as well as efforts to improve the
weakness of prospective teachers in welcoming the world of work. The method used is
survey. The subjects of this study are graduates of physics education program. The
instrument used is a questionnaire filled by the supervisor of graduate users. Analysis
of data obtained based on a percentage of answers to respondents, then qualified as the
good category, good, enough and less. The result of the research shows that physics
education physics graduate of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung pedagogic
competence has a good qualification (69%), professional competence has a good
qualification (68%), social competence has a good qualification (67%) and well-
qualified personality competence (71%). Thus, in general, the competence of physics
education program graduates UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung is good and
acceptable by stakeholders.

Keywords: competency profiles, physics education

Topic: Physics Education

Profile of Multiple Representation Skills of Senior High School Students in
Bandung on Linear Motion

Bayti Rahmadewi (a*), Andhy Setiawan (b), Parsaoran Siahaan (c)

a) Departement of Physics Education, School of Postgraduate, Indonesia University of

Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Pyhsics Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Indonesia University of
Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
c) Sains Education Program, School of Postgraduate, Indonesia University of Education
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to determine the profile of student translating among
modes of representation skill on physics. The ability to represent information on
physics problem into verbal, graphical and mathematical representations in order to
help students define suited physics concepts on solving physics problems. Participants
included 28 11st grade students in a Senior High School located in Bandung. The
sampling technique is random sampling. This study used description method to
describe the profile of student translating among modes of representation skill. The
findings showed that student translating information among modes of representation
skills were classified as low category with 54.44% of mastery. The highest average
score on student ability to represent pictorial information into mathematical format was
69.60% from its ideal maximum score. Whilst students ability to represent pictorial
format into graphical reached 25%. The use of Problem Based Learning worksheet with
multiple representations approach is recommended to increase student multiple
representation skills.

Keywords: Multirepresentation; Verbal; Graphic; Mathematical; Linear Motion

Topic: Physics Education

Developing of physics practical module based on scientific approach for tenth
grade in senior high school

I Y Putra, D Dasmo, D L Saraswati, I A D Astuti, N Nurullaeli, Y B Bhakti, and I B


Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia


This research tries to develop and offer a module for physics teaching aid in senior high
school. ADDIE model was adopted as a method to realize this learning module. The
module development is especially addressed to Tenth Grade in Senior High School.
The module was justified on the content, design and language aspect by the selected
expert. The results of this study indicate that the average of score validity on the
content is 4.41 or 88%; module design reached 3.90 or 78%; and language aspect of
module is 4.01 or 81%. Assessment of the three aspects of module development
demonstrates that the developed modules settle into good category. Then, it can be
confirmed that the Physical Practice Module Based on Scientific Methods for Tenth
Grade in Senior High School was satisfactory. We are delighted about the findings of
this research that strengthens us to draw up of field investigations on students.

Keywords: Physics Module, Practical Learning, ADDIE Model, Validation Stage

Topic: Physics Education

An analysis of students mental models using temperature and heat transfer-
diagnostic test (THT-DT)

R Dewi*, M G Nugraha and A Samsudin

Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


Students mental models can be identified through a students concept understanding. In

one study found that one of the students difficulties in learning physics is to understand
the concepts of physics, so it can be identified that students have a low mental models.
The purpose of this study was to analyse students mental models based on the level of
understanding by using diagnostic tests. The instrument has been developed in the form
of four tier test to analyse mental models in temperature and heat concept. A four tier
test is a test of multiple choice with reason of semi closed answer with confidence
rating. The results obtained from the test, classified according to the category of mental
models of students. This research used descriptive quantitative method. The subject of
the study was 30 eleventh grade students (average age 16 years) in Senior High School
in Bandung and has been studying the material temperature and heat transfer. Research
results show that 4 students in scientific model level, 8 students in synthetic level, and
18 students in initial model level. In conclusion, the development of THT-DT four-tier
test-items is one of potential diagnostic test instrument that able to analyse the level of
students mental models.

Keywords: mental models; temperature and heat transfer; diagnostic test

Topic: Physics Education

Development of four-tier diagnostic test (FTDT) to identify students mental
models on static fluid

F Kafiyani* and A Samsudin

Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


Four-Tier diagnostic test on some previous studies are usually used to diagnose
misconceptions and conceptual change. In this study, the four-tier diagnostic test
(FTDT) has been used to identify students mental models on static fluid. Based on the
mastery of students concept on static fluid, mental models will have classified into
three categories: 1) initial model, 2) synthetic model and 3) scientific model. The
research method utilized is the Dick and Crey model, which has four steps: 1)
development of analysis diagnostic test, 2) diagnostic test design, 3) implementation
and 4) evaluation. The instrument has been collected to 40 students at senior high
school in Bandung. Result study shows that students mental models, which are Initial
model (42.5%), synthetic model (37.5%) and scientific model (20%). It can be
concluded that four-tier diagnostic test (FDTD) is able to identify students mental
models in static fluid.

Keywords: four-tier diagnostic test (FTDT), mental models, static fluid

Topic: Physics Education

Developing CAI-PBL with DDD-E model on Magnetic Fields Concept

Abdul Fatah Maemunnur, Didi Teguh Chandra, Achmad Samsudin

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Technological developments are widely used in various fields including education.

Computers is a product of technological development where in the world of education
is used as a tool or media in learning. Today has been a lot of computer-based learning
media but still focused on the delivery of material only. While the research will be
developed is the making of CAI were in it integrated a model of learning to deliver the
material. The purpose of this research is to develop a product of CAI through problem-
based learning on magnetic field material. This research uses DDD-E (Decide, Design,
Develop and Evaluate) development method. At the phase of the decision has analyzed
the needs associated with the manufacture of CAI-PBL. Furthermore, based on the
results of needs analysis, CAI-PBL is designed and developed by researchers. Then
validated at the evaluate stage by three validators (two physicists, and one media
expert). It can be concluded that the development of CAI-PBL can have the potential to
solve problem-solving skills.

Keywords: CAI, PBL, Magnetic Fields, DDD-E model

Topic: Physics Education

The Characteristics of Development Teachers Pedagogy Competencies of
Electromagnetics Test

L Hakim(a*), P Sinaga(b), A Setiawan(c)

a) Prodi Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas PGRI Palembang,

b) Department Pendidikan Fisika UPI Bandung
c) Department Teknik Mesin UPI Bandung


The aim of this research was to evaluate the faces of the pedagogy competencies test
and quantity mistakes rendering to classical test theory and item response theory. The
test was constructed on the fundamental concepts and essential content of the
electromagnetics, with an orientation to the pedagogy competencies physics teacher.
The pedagogy competencies designate is the competencies integrated into teaching and
learning electromagnetic. The research method is a mixed-method with embedded
experimental models. The analysis was based on 40 answers of pre-service who have
taken training teaching in school (PPL) courses at the Physics Education Department.
Based on classical test theory indicates that 15 test items were analyzed, 12 items were
good quality with reliability index is 0.74. As of information function and standard
error measurement of item response theory, the conclusion of this evaluation is that the
model 3PL is better to use when evaluating the test.

Keywords: pedagogy competencies;item response theory;electromagnetic

Topic: Physics Education

VARK learning style: a quasi experiment research on impulse and momentum

I Sintia, H Rusnayati, and A Samsudin

Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No.229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Each person have different preference in learning and processing information which
describe by learning style. The VARK Learning styles divide learning style into visual,
aural, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. Most of learning process in class only providing
aural and visual learner, teacher need to broaden their teaching style so that they may
reach a great number of their student. This research aim to identify students learning
style and compare physics learning result between visual learner and aural learner in
impulse momentum material. Research was designed according to quasi experiment
design with 50 senior high school students as participants. The VARK Questionnaire
has been utilized to identify students learning styles. The result shows 18% of the
students are visual, 20% Aural, 18% Reading, 24% kinesthetic, and 20% multimodes.
In addition we compare learning result between visual and aural learner and it show
that visual learners better than aural learners which is shown by N-gain value. <g> =
0,65 for visual learner, <g>=0,59 for aural learner. In conclusion, knowing student
learning style is beneficial for teacher to broaden their teaching style so its best suited
to all students.

Keywords: Learning Style; VARK; Impulse Momentum; Visual, Aural;

Topic: Physics Education

Practicing Integrated STEM in Renewable Energy Projects: Solar Power

Tantri Mayasari, Eko Susilowati

Universitas PGRI Madiun, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat


This paper describes students content knowledge of STEM in the process of project
based learning. The selected project in this study is renewable energy (solar power),
because Indonesia is located on the equator line which gets abundant sunlight as well as
to popularize alternative energy in Indonesia as an effort to prevent global warming.
This study was designed to determine the effectiveness of Solar Power Project to
promote students content knowledge of STEM. The subjects were 28 pre service
physics teachers divided into seven groups. This research used both qualitative and
quantitative methods (mixed methods). Pre test and post test of STEM knowledge as
quantitative data were conducted to determine students achievement and the
effectiveness of learning. Furthermore, the shift of students STEM knowledge was
tracked using video recording, task, reports, and interviews. Quantitative data were
analyzed using a paired t test, whereas quantitative data were analyzed by triangulation
of data. The results of the study showed that science content knowledge experienced
the largest increase, followed by engineering, technology and the last is mathematics. in
conclusion, solar power project can be helpful in enhancing students achievement of
STEM knowledge and generate meaningful learning.

Keywords: STEM, renewable energy, project based learning

Topic: Physics Education

Collaboration skills based multimedia-based integrated instruction: a
development study on refraction concept

Y C Setiawan, A Samsudin, E Suhendi, H Novia, I Kaniawati, D T Chandra, P Siahaan

Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


Development of physics interactive multimedia is still rarely found, especially

regarding to collaboration skills enhancement. This study is having a purpose to
develop a Multimedia-Based Integrated Instruction (MBI2) that expected to enhance
students collaboration skills. Researcher uses Sadiman model of development research
method which consists of identifying students need, formulating instructional objective,
formulating learning materials, developing evaluation instrument, producing, and
revising. As a research sample, thirty five eight grader students in Bandung are being
involved in this study. Result shows that mean value of students collaboration skills
score is increasing from 2.7 to 3.3 (by maximum score of 4). It can be concluded that
development of Multimedia-Based Integrated Instruction (MBI2) research is capable
for enhancing junior high school students collaboration skills on refraction concept.

Keywords: MBI2; Collaboration skills; Refraction concept; Sadiman model

Topic: Physics Education

Using the inductive approach (IA) on physics learning to enhance students critical
thinking (CT) skills

Muliana (a*), Yusiran (a), Agustinasari (a), Asriyadin (a), E Susilawati (a), F Sarnita
(a), Siswanto (b), S Gumilar (c), Gustina (d), A Erwinsyah (e)

(a) Department of Physic Education, STKIP Taman Siswa Bima, Bima, Indonesia
(b) Department of Natural Science Education,Universitas Tidar, Magelang, Indonesia
(c) Department of Primary Teacher of Education, STKIP 11 April, Sumedang,
(d) Department of Physic Education, Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia
(e) IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia


CT skills are one of the skills required by students in facing the real world problems in
21st century era. They can be trained by using several approaches in science learning
context. However, there is a little study focused to investigate the impact IA toward CT
skills. This present study investigated the implementation of IA to enhance students CT
skills. The experimental study, which was one group pretest post test design, has been
conducted to garner data from participants. There were 36 students (grade XI) who
contributed as participants and they came from one public senior high school in
Indonesia. In order to obtain data, an instrument dealing CT skills was developed
dealing with physics concepts. This finding result revealed that students CT skills
enhanced in intermediate category based on normalized gain (N-gain). A consideration
of the implication of this present study is a deep insight in students CT skills in
Indonesian high schools.

Keywords: The inductive approach, critical thinking skills, physics learning

Topic: Physics Education

The challenge of implementing STEM for senior high school students in the city
border of Jambi

A Syarkowi, M. Hendri

Physics education department, Jambi University, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to describe challenges of implementation of STEM

learning for senior high students in the border of the city in Jambi. Case study research
design was used for this research. The STEM project which used was a simple
telescope. A teacher and 35 students were observed along the learning process and then
5 students who have the problem in learning and the teacher were interviewed after
stem learning done. This study finds if to implement STEM learning in this typical area
was quite challenging. The main problem was how to manage a class with low
motivation for learning. The other challenge was to find ingredients and component for
the project. However, implement STEM for teaching and learning in this area was very

Keywords: Challenges, Learning, STEM

Topic: Physics Education

Development of Computer Simulation-Assisted Conceptual Change Model (CS-
CCM) to change students conception on gas kinetic theory

N Azizah* and A Samsudin

Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study aims to develop computer simulation-assisted conceptual change model to

change students conception on gas kinetic theory. This study has been conducted to
senior high school students because gas kinetic theory is an abstract concept, so that the
conceptions usually increase misunderstanding and misconceptions of students. The
research development has been implemented in the ADDIE development model. The
ADDIE model consist of: Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate.
Respondents in this study amounted to approximately 36 students (average age of 17
years old), who came from one of high school in Bandung. The results show that CS-
CCM can be designed and developed to facilitate change students conception on gas
kinetic theory. Thus, it can be concluded that the development of CS-CCM is able to
facilitate conceptual change of students conception on gas kinetic theory.

Keywords: computer simulation-assisted conceptual change model (CS-CCM); change

students conception; gas kinetic theory

Topic: Physics Education

Profile of Consept Understanding Ability and Learning Motivation of High School
Student Case Study in class XI MIPA in Rectiniliner Motion

Ermawati Dewi 1*, Ahmad Samsudin 2,and Muslim2

1Sekolah Pascasarjana, Program Magister Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr.

Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 401554, Indonesia
2 Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 299, Bandung 401554, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the ability to understand the concepts and motivations of
the 11th grade students of SMAN in Karawang on straight motion material. This study
is a single case case study research where research is conducted to examine the
conditions and situations that are happening, so as to provide an overview based on
facts found in the field aiming to find out factually. The problem studied is the ability to
understand students concepts and motivation. The instrument used in this study is a test
of the ability to understand concepts with multiple choice questions as many as 15
questions, questionnaires of students learning motivation with ARCS questions. The
low ability to understand students concepts in each indicator with the percentage for
indicators exemplifies (72.22%), describes the conclusions (55.56%), interprets (41.67),
compares (47.22%), explains (57.64%) determines (72.22%) and classify (61.11%)%).
Most students are in the low learning motivation category, which is 33 students. While
students who are in the medium motivation category are 2 high motivation students, 1
studenttitles and abstracts to identify relevant articles in literature searches, great care
should be taken in constructing both.

Keywords: Concept Understanding, Motivation

Topic: Physics Education


Khalid Hamzah*, Winny Liliawati

Pascasarjana Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Fisika


This study aims to identify the misconceptions of global warming material : impact and
solutions using a three tier test diagnostic instrument. The IPBA material in the 2013
curriculum global warming chapter is given in class XI semester 2 so it is very new for
high school students. The object of this study were 61 high school students in class XII
who were scattered in two schools in Bandung, West Java randomly. The results of the
analysis obtained a percentage of the number of students who experienced
misconceptions were more than students who understood the concept of 40.2%, while
students who understood the concept were 36.6%, with a lack of knowledge of 16.5%
and an error of 6.7%. Percentage of students who experience more misconceptions in
submersion solutions for global warming than submersion of global warming impacts
of 45.74% while in submersion the impact of global warming is 31.85%. These results
indicate that students still experience misconceptions on IPBA material caused by
learning methods and the use of teaching aids that are still lacking.


Topic: Physics Education

Identification of high school student misconception using Three-tier diagnostic test
in global warming symptoms

Satriadi*, Achmad Samsudin2 and Winny Liliawati2

1Sekolah Pascasarjana Program Magister Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.
2Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.


This research is a case study of the identification of high school students

misconceptions on the material of Global Warming Symptoms. The object of this
research is 68 class XII high school students who are randomly distributed in two
schools in Bandung, West Java. The instrument used in this study is a Three Tier
Diagnostic Test consisting of 12 items. As a data collection tool used research
instruments in the form of Three Tier Diagnostic Test with 3 levels of questions. At the
first level the questions are in the form of multiple choice, the second level is reasoned
choice and the third level is the level of confidence in answering the first and second
levels. The results show that by using the Three Tier Diagnostic Test, students can
understand concepts well, experience misconceptions, or do not understand the concept
at all. Students who experience misconceptions are grouped into several categories,
namely high (more than 45.4%) as many as 44 students with the highest misconception
percentage of 83.33%, moderate (between 27.3% -45.5%) of 11, and low ( less than
27.3%) as many as 13 students with the lowest misconception percentage of 8.33%.

Keywords: Misconception, High School Students, Symptoms of Global Warming

Topic: Physics Education


MATH / COM (Jayagiri 2)

No. Topic Title

1 Mathematics [ABS-11] Graphical depiction of three-way association in
contingency table using Tucker3

Karunia Eka Lestari*, Udjianna Sekteria Pasaribu, Sapto Wahyu

2 Mathematics [ABS-157] Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) Value in
Predator Prey Model with Holling Type II Functional Response

Fadilah Ilahi*, Ana Widiana

3 Mathematics [ABS-241] The partition dimension of subdivision graph on the

Amrullah, Syahrul A., Harry S., Turmuzi M., Yunita S. A.

4 Mathematics [ABS-248] Effect of Depth and Width of Periodic Trapezoidal
Channels to Water Content in Soil: A Numerical Study.

Imam Solekhudin
5 Mathematics [ABS-25] Total Irregular Labeling of Some Disjoint Union

Rismawati Ramdani
6 Mathematics [ABS-252] Number of failures for Weibull hazard function with
fuzzy shape parameter

Hennie Husniah , Rohmana & Asep K. Supriatna

7 Mathematics [ABS-274] A thin Power-law Fluid underside a horizontal plane

kartika yulianti

8 Mathematics [ABS-298] Mathematical Properties of n x n Nonnegative

Matrix Case of Irreducible Leslie Matrix

*Ema Carnia, Nursanti Anggriani, Maya Gustyana & Asep K.

9 Mathematics [ABS-300] Steady State Conditions Predictions of Time-
Dependent Infiltration Problems: An LTDRM with a
Predictor-Corrector Scheme Approach

Millatuz Zahroh and Imam Solekhudin

10 Mathematics [ABS-325] Epidemic model in a population with Allee effect

using fuzzy approach

Z Amarti*, N Anggriani, E D Wiraningsih, A K Supriatna

11 Mathematics [ABS-381] A New Approach Solution for Fuzzy Assignment
Problem Using The Zimmermann Method of Development

Fitriani Agustina, Lukman

12 Mathematics [ABS-382] Sufficient and Necessary Conditions for Generalized
Holders Inequality In p-Summable Sequence Spaces

Al A.Masta, S. Fatimah, A.Arsisari, Y. Y. Putra, and F.Apriani

13 Mathematics [ABS-97] On the Bipanharmonic real and complex valued

Endang Cahya MA, Sumanang Muhtar Gozali


Sumi Amilia, Nar Herrhyanto, Entit Puspita

15 Mathematics [ABS-149] Ethnomathematics on Woven Fabric (Tembe
Nggoli) of Mbojo Tribe Society

16 Mathematics [ABS-353] Application of Modularity-Maximizing Graph
Communities in Cross-Sector Linkages: Case Study in
Agricultural Sector

Irlan Adiyatma Rum*, Yosini Deliana

17 Mathematics [ABS-39] Estimate Model Of Total Fertility Rate Based On
Effectivness Of Contraceptives

Gani Gunawan1*, Eti Kurniati2, dan Icih Sukarsih3


Alusyanti Primawati*, Aulia Paramita, Lukman, Itsar Bolo Rangka

19 Computer Science [ABS-278] Dijkstra Algorithm for Nearest Route
Determination and Estimated Cost of Official Travel

M Irfan*, F Muzaki, C N Alam, P Dauni, M A Ramdhani, A

20 Computer Science [ABS-279] Decision Support System Design of Higher
Education Scholarship Recipients with Android-Based

M Irfan*, R S Adipradana, B Subaeki, C N Alam, M A Ramdhani, B

A Muhammad
21 Computer Science [ABS-281] Web-Based Design for Lecturer Performance
Reporting Applications

M Irfan*, R Saprudin, C N Alam, D R Ramdania, M A Ramdhani,

D Yusli

22 Computer Science [ABS-282] Android-based Expert System Design for Drug
Selection using Certainty Factor

C Slamet*, B Firmanda DA, M A Ramdhani, W Darmalaksana, A S

Enjang, D Yusli
23 Computer Science [ABS-283] Decision Support System Design for Determining
Brown Sugar Quality with Weighted Product Method

I Taufik, A Saleh, C Slamet*, D S Maylawati, M A Ramdhani, B A


Graphical depiction of three-way association in contingency table using Tucker3

Karunia Eka Lestari(a*), Udjianna Sekteria Pasaribu(b), Sapto Wahyu Indratno(c)

a,b,c) Statistics Research Division, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia



In the last few decades, Tucker3 considered a very important method to solve the
decomposition problems for cube matrix. Various analyses have been performed in
different fields by utilizing Tucker3, included in a three-way correspondence analysis
(CA3). CA3 is a graphical method for representing information of the association
structure (dependency) between the three categorical variables in three-way
contingency table. The main problem in CA3 i.e. how the graphic capable to depict
associations in low dimensional space (dimensional reduction), with as much
information as possible. In this study, the problem is solved with Tucker3. Tucker3
contribute in identifying new vectors that are mutually orthogonal, so the dependency
values between variables can be depicted on Cartesian coordinates. As a case study,
Tucker3 is applied to household data which containing information on race, educational
attainment and employment status.

Keywords: Tucker3, three-way correspondence analysis, cube matrix, dimensional


Topic: Mathematics

Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) Value in Predator Prey Model with Holling
Type II Functional Response

Fadilah Ilahi (a*), Ana Widiana (b)

(a) Department of Mathematics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A.H. Nasution No.105,
Bandung, Indonesia
(b) Department of Biology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A.H. Nasution No. 105,
Bandung, Indonesia


Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) is a management exploitation that aims to

maximize the catch but still maintain its sustainability. In this article, the authors try to
build a model which have been modified from basic Lotka-Volterra model with
addition logistic function to prey population and Holling Type II functional response to
predator population as well as harvesting of both population. The equilibrium points
and the stability are done here through the linearization. Numerical simulations are
shown to illustrate the dynamics of the two populations. Based on the results of analysis
and numerical simulation, the MSY value can be achieved when the harvesting effort
does not exceed or equal the MSY value.

Keywords: maximum sustainable yield (MSY), harvesting, Holling type II, predator-

Topic: Mathematics

The partition dimension of subdivision graph on the Star

Amrullah, Syahrul A., Harry S., Turmuzi M., Yunita S. A.

Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

Mataram University, Jl. Majapahit 62 Mataram, Indonesia


The partition dimension of the graphs is one of the open problems in graph theory. One
of the methods which are used researcher is a graph operation, for example, subdivision
operations. Let $G$ be a connected graph, the subdivision operation of $G$ is an
operation in $G$ with order $n$ that replaces any edge of $G$ by a path $ P_{k_i+2}$
for $k_i\geq 1$ and $i\in [1,n]$. The result graph of this operation is called the
subdivision graph, is denoted by $S(G(E;k_1,k_2,\cdots,k_n))$. Furthermore, if each
$k_i=1$, then the subdivision graph is denoted by $S(G)$. One of the most recent
results on the partition dimension of subdivision operation in the general graphs is
published by Amrullah, et al 2016. However, the results show only un upper and lower
bounds of the subdivision graph partition dimension. Therefore, this paper is devoted to
finding the partition dimension of subdivision graph $S(G)$ and
$S(G(E;k_1,k_2,\cdots,k_n))$ on special star graphs $G=K_{1,n}$.

Keywords: Partition dimension; star graph,;resolving partition;subdivision

Topic: Mathematics

Effect of Depth and Width of Periodic Trapezoidal Channels to Water Content in
Soil: A Numerical Study.

Imam Solekhudin

Department of Mathematics, Universitas Gadjah Mada


In this paper, problems involving steady infiltration from periodic trapezoidal channels
are considered. There are variations in the depth and width of the periodic channels.
The governing equation of the problems, which is Richards equation, is transformed
into a modified Helmholtz equation. The modified Helmholtz equation is then solved
numerically using Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Methods (DRBEM). Solutions
obtained are then compared and discussed to observe effects of the depth and width of
the channels to water content in the soil.

Keywords: Infiltration; periodic channels; DRBEM.

Topic: Mathematics

Total Irregular Labeling of Some Disjoint Union Graphs

Rismawati Ramdani

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Let $G=(V(G),E(G))$ be a graph and $k$ be a positive integer. A total $k$-labeling of

$G$ is a map $f: V(G)\cup E(G)\rightarrow \{1,2,\ldots,k \}$. The edge weight $uv$
under the labeling $f$ is denoted by $w_f(uv)$ and defined by
$w_f(uv)=f(u)+f(uv)+f(v)$. The vertex weight $v$ under the labeling $f$ is denoted by
$w_f(v)$ and defined by $w_f(v) = f(v) + \sum_{uv \in{E(G)}} {f(uv)}$. A total $k$-
labeling of $G$ is called edge irregular or vertex irregular, respectively, if there are no
two edges with the same weight or there are no two vertices with the same weight. The
total edge irregularity strength of $G$, denoted by $tes(G)$, is the minimum $k$ such
that $G$ has an edge irregular total $k$-labeling. The total vertex irregularity strength
of $G$, denoted by $tvs(G)$, is the minimum $k$ such that $G$ has a vertex irregular
total $k$-labeling. Both of two labelings were introduced by Ba\v{c}a, Jendro\v{l},
Miller, and Ryan in 2007. In 2012, Marzuki, Salman, and Miller combined the two
labelings above into a new labeling, namely, totally irregular total $k$-labeling. A total
$k$-labeling of $G$ is called totally irregular total labeling, if the weight of each edge
is distinct and the weight of each vertex is distinct. The total irregularity strength of
$G$, denoted by $ts(G)$, is the minimum $k$ such that $G$ has a totally irregular total
$k$-labeling.In this paper, we determine the total edge irregularity strength, the total
vertex irregularity strength, and the total irregularity strength of some disjoint union

Keywords: disjoint union graph,edge irregular total labeling, total irregularity strength,
totally irregular total labeling, vertex irregular total labeling

Topic: Mathematics

Number of failures for Weibull hazard function with fuzzy shape parameter

Hennie Husniah (1), Rohmana (1) & Asep K. Supriatna (2)

1. Department of Industrial Engineering, Langlangbuana University, Jl. Karapitan no

116, Bandung 40261, Indonesia

2. Department of Mathematics, Padjadjaran University, Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang

Km 21, Jatinangor 45363, Indonesia


Number of failures play important role in maintenance strategy for industrial

equipment, either repairable or non-repairable ones. There are several form of known
distribution used to model the failures of an industrial equipment. Weibull distribution,
and its hazard function, is among the most used distribution. Most maintenance models
in literature mainly consider certain or crisp condition in a deterministic form.
However, many real phenomena seem do not suitable to model in such certain or crisp
condition. One approach to model a possibilistic uncertainty is by applying the fuzzy
number theory. In this paper, we discuss the Weibull hazard function by assuming a
fuzzy shape parameter. We look for the number of failures generating by the function
using two different methods. The first one assumes that the fuzziness of the shape
parameter propagates to the number of failures with the same form of fuzzy number
membership. The second one use the fuzziness of the shape parameter in the
computation of the number of failures directly, through the concept of alpha-cut or
alpha-level. Some comparisons regarding these approaches are presented.

Keywords: Triangular fuzzy number, alpha-cut, Weinbull distribution, number of


Topic: Mathematics

A thin Power-law Fluid underside a horizontal plane

kartika yulianti

Department of Mathematics Education

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


In this paper we investigate the dynamic of thin Power-law Fluid underside of a

horizontal plane. Using lubrication approximation, we derive the governing equation
for height of the thin film under the action of gravity and the surface tension. Based on
simulations, results show that the height of the thin film is strongly dependent upon the
value of the surface tension and the characteristic of the fluid.

Keywords: thin film, power-law fluid, gravity

Topic: Mathematics

Mathematical Properties of n x n Nonnegative Matrix Case of Irreducible Leslie

*Ema Carnia, Nursanti Anggriani, Maya Gustyana & Asep K. Supriatna

Department of Mathematics, Padjadjaran University, Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km

21, Jatinangor 45363, Indonesia


Perron-Frobenius theorem describe five properties of irreducible nonnegative matrix.

Leslie matrix is one of nonnegative matrix. Leslie matrix that used in this research is
limited to the irreducible Leslie matrix. In previous research has been proven that
irreducible Leslie matrix satisfies three properties in Perron-Frobenius theorem by
spectral radius. This research completed the previous research, proving that irreducible
Leslie matrix has a unique Perron vector and satisfies Collatz Wielandt formula. Leslie
matrix is a primitive matrix. It is used to calculate the number of population in the
future. Growth of population is interpreted by value spectral radius of Leslie matrix.

Keywords: Leslie matrix, positive matrix, Peron Frobenius

Topic: Mathematics

Steady State Conditions Predictions of Time-Dependent Infiltration Problems: An
LTDRM with a Predictor-Corrector Scheme Approach

Millatuz Zahroh and Imam Solekhudin

Department of Mathematics, Universitas Gadjah Mada


In this paper, time-dependent infiltration problems from periodic irrigation channels

with root-water uptake processes are studied. The governing equation of the problems
is a Richards equation. To solve the problems numerically, a set of transformations
involving Kirchhoff transformation and dimensionless variables, and a Laplace
Transform Dual Reciprocity Method (LTDRM) with a predictor corrector scheme are
employed. Finally, Gaver-Stehfest formula and diffusivity factor are used to obtain the
numerical solutions of these problems at clay-loam soil, silt-loam soil and clay soil with
root-water uptake process. Predictions of time needed to achieve steady state conditions
are presented and discussed.

Keywords: Steady state prediction; Infiltration; periodic channels; LTDRM.

Topic: Mathematics

Epidemic model in a population with Allee effect using fuzzy approach

Z Amarti (a*), N Anggriani (a), E D Wiraningsih (b), A K Supriatna (a)

(a) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

Universitas Padjadjaran, INDONESIA
(b) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, INDONESIA


Epidemiology has been defined as the study of disease distribution and its determinants
in human population. The epidemic growth model is an important tools used in
preparing good management for society to predict the future of the population and the
spread of disease. Epidemic models are usually formed in differential equations or
systems of differential equations, depending on the complexity of the underlying
properties of the population. One example of biological complexity is the Allee effect.
In this paper we discuss a Logistic epidemic by considering the Allee effect on the
population. Dynamic analysis is performed by determining fixed point and its stability
analysis in crisp condition. We found the Basic Reproduction Ratio (BRR) for the
model. The properties of the solution of the model are explored by the use of its
numerical solution. The numerical solution is obtained using the Runge-Kutta method.
Further exploration is done through a fuzzy theory approach to accommodate
uncertainty, inaccuracy and uncertainty in epidemiological problems.

Keywords: Logistic epidemic model; Allee effect; Fuzzy theory

Topic: Mathematics

A New Approach Solution for Fuzzy Assignment Problem Using The
Zimmermann Method of Development

Fitriani Agustina, Lukman

Department of Mathematica, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154 Indonesia


Transportation problems and assignment problems are special cases of linear

programming problems. Entit et al [1] studied about the development of Zimmerman
method to solve fuzzy linear programming problems was known as the Zimmerman
method of development. The Zimmerman method of development was carried out
using the concept of Zimmermann method and Thoranis ranking function. This paper
discusses about solution for fuzzy assignment problems with parameter costs being
fuzzy number using the Zimmermann of development that introduced by Entit et al [1].
In this article also presents an illustration of a numerical example about the
Zimmermann method of development for solving fuzzy assignment problems.

Keywords: Fuzzy Assignment, Zimmermann Method

Topic: Mathematics

Sufficient and Necessary Conditions for Generalized Holders Inequality In p-
Summable Sequence Spaces

Al A.Masta1, S. Fatimah2, A.Arsisari3, Y. Y. Putra4, and F.Apriani5

1,2Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudi no. 229, Bandung 40154, INDONESIA.
3,4,5Department of Mathematics Education, Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu
Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung, Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan 51, Kabupaten
Bangka Tengah, Bangka Belitung, 33684, INDONESIA.


In this paper, we discuss the generalized Ho ̈lder’s inequality in p-summable sequence

spaces. In particular,we shall provesufficient and necessary conditions for generalized
Ho ̈lder’s inequality in those spaces. One of the keys to prove our results is to estimate
the norms of characteristic sequences in R

Keywords: Holders Inequality, p-Summable Sequence Spaces

Topic: Mathematics

On the Bipanharmonic real and complex valued Function

Endang Cahya MA(1), Sumanang Muhtar Gozali(2)

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika FPMIPA UPI


In this article we study the basic properties of bipanharmonic function. In addition, we

also give the solution of bipanharmonic equations on the a bove half plane.

Keywords: bipanharmonic

Topic: Mathematics


Sumi Amilia, Nar Herrhyanto, Entit Puspita

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Human development index is one of indicators to determine developed country.

According to the data from Central Bureau of Statistics in 2016, human development
index of Papua, West Papua, and East Nusa Tenggara, are lower than other provinces.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between human
development index and four variable such as life expectancy, school life expectancy,
average school duration, and average per capita expenditure affecting an improvement
of human development index. Data of human development index and 4 variables used
in this study was obtained from the article Human Development Index 2016 published
by Central Bureau of Statistics. Method used in modelling human development index in
2016 was semiparametric spline regression method. Linear spline, quadratic spline, and
cubic spline were models applied in this study, whereas one point of knot was
implemented as well. As a result, all variables significantly affected the human
development index in Papua, while in West Papua, variables of both average school
duration and average per capita expenditure related to human development index
significantly. In contrast to Papua and West Papua, three variables such as school life
expectancy, average school duration, and average per capita expenditure contributed on
human development index in East Nusa Tenggara.

Keywords: Human Development Index, Semiparametric Spline Regression Model,

Linear Spline, Quadratic Spline, Cubic Spline

Topic: Mathematics

Ethnomathematics on Woven Fabric (Tembe Nggoli) of Mbojo Tribe Society




This study aims to reveal the relationship of mathematics with a culture that has been
considered to be unrelated. This research was conducted on Mbojo Tribe society in
Bima and Dompu districts. The focus of this research was about the weaving activities
of the mbojo tribe society that produces the geometry pattern on their woven fabrics
(Tembe Nggoli). The method used in this research was ethnography method with data
collection technique that was through observation, interview to the weaver community
of Tembe Nggoli of Mbojo tribe society, documentation of geometry forms contained
on Tembe Nggoli, to the making of field notes followed by literature study about
geometry. The results of this study indicate that there is a concept of goemetry at
woven fabric (Tembe Nggoli) of mbojo tribe society that can be used as a source of
learning and make students and the community better understand the relationship
between their culture with the concept of mathematics.

Keywords: Tembe Nggoli, Geometry Forms, Ethnography

Topic: Mathematics

Application of Modularity-Maximizing Graph Communities in Cross-Sector
Linkages: Case Study in Agricultural Sector

Irlan Adiyatma Rum (a*), Yosini Deliana (b)

a) Department of Economics, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung Indonesia

b) Department of Agribusiness, Universitass Padjadjaran, Bandung Indonesia


The network literature has shown that the great interest is to identify communities.
There are many approaches for finding such partitions and one of them is by using
modularity-maximizing graph. In this paper, graph application is used to determine
cross-sector communities in the economy, especially related with agricultural sector.
From I/O analysis, we derive intersectoral linkages and determine the leading sectors in
the economy. Then, we use a particular natural approach called Leuvain modularity
maximization to compute the modularity clustering across sectors. This paper reveals
conditions for or properties of the maximum modularity of an intersectoral network.
The number of clusters vary when the intersectoral network is changed. This paper
shows that this approach creates interesting community structures for agricultural
sector. Finally, we highlight the performance and quality of our approach versus
standard I/O analysis.

Keywords: Leuvain Modularity, Clustering, Intersectoral Linkages, Agricultural Sector

Topic: Mathematics

Estimate Model Of Total Fertility Rate Based On Effectivness Of Contraceptives

Gani Gunawan1*, Eti Kurniati2, dan Icih Sukarsih3

Program Studi Matematika, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Ranggamalela No. 1,

Bandung 40154, Indonesia.


The calculation of population can be calculated directly through a population census.

One of the factors that can affect the number of people in a region is the birth rate or
fertility rate. Generally, fertility data collection provide information only on the
number of popuation living at the time of the census, and did not record a complete
number of live births who later died at the time of the census. This causes the
calculation of the fertility rate directly is not possible, so it takes a mathematical
method that can indirectly be used to calculate the fertility rate in a region. In this paper
we will show an indirect way of calculating fertility. Where this can determine the
prevalent birth rate as an indicator of successful control of population through family
planning program (KB). So through this calculation can be determined total fertility
rate based on the effectiveness of the use of contraceptives..

Keywords: Family Planning (KB), Total Fertility Rate (TFR), Crude Birth Rate

Topic: Mathematics


Alusyanti Primawati*, Aulia Paramita, Lukman, Itsar Bolo Rangka

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jalan Raya Tengah No. 80, Jakarta Timur 13760,


The development of e-commerce or e-Market technology today creates a culture of

Smartphone usage as the main media in communicating and doing business so it makes
the opportunity to be utilized in overcoming every conventional issues in doing
business. One of the issues in Pasar Tanah Abang is the congestion due to the large
number of visitors coming from outside Jakarta. Therefore, a proper market
development strategy is needed. The method used in this research was SWOT
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats). The strategy is composed of the
calculations described in the EFE (External Factor Evaluation) and IFE Matrix (Internal
Factor Evaluation). The results obtained from this research explain that the strategy of
market development by designing the Online Market application is legally specific for
the official seller in Pasar Tanah Abang is one of the right strategy in overcoming the
issues in Pasar Tanah Abang. Furthermore, the design of Online Market System
application for PasarTanah Abang (Blok F) produced in this research is part of the
implementation of market development strategy.

Keywords: SWOT Analysis, Matrix EFE, Matrix IFE, Online Market System, Pasar
Tanah Abang

Topic: Computer Science

Dijkstra Algorithm for Nearest Route Determination and Estimated Cost of
Official Travel

M Irfan*, F Muzaki, C N Alam, P Dauni, M A Ramdhani, A Rahman

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung



The purpose of this Decision Support System (DSS) design is to analyze the nearest
route of a position, which then carried out financing analysis for transportation to the
specified location. The design methodology of this study is the Android-based
application system by utilizing the mapping of the region on the hardware in the form
of a smartphone. The analysis model chosen for this DSS is Dijkstra algorithm. The
subject of system user is Coordinator of Islamic Higher Education (KOPERTAIS)
region II for West Java and Banten. The design results show the good system
capabilities of the system to select and determine the nearest route and estimate the cost
of official travel so that official travel can be efficiently done based on the time and
cost perspective.

Keywords: Android, Decision Support System, Dijkstra Algorithm, Nearby routes,

Travel Expense Estimates

Topic: Computer Science

Decision Support System Design of Higher Education Scholarship Recipients with

M Irfan*, R S Adipradana, B Subaeki, C N Alam, M A Ramdhani, B A Muhammad

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung



The purpose of this study is to present the design of Decision Support System (DSS) to
analyze the college scholarship recipients on the android-based. The design
methodology for selecting scholarship recipients is used Fuzzy Multiple Attribute
Decision Making (Fuzzy MADM). Fuzzy MADM is an algorithm that used to find the
optimal result of a number of alternatives with certain criteria. This method is chosen
because the calculation of this method uses multiplication to correlate the attribute
rating and only yields the largest value that will be selected as an alternative
scholarship recipient. The object set in this research is UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung student. The design system is made based on android with hardware in the
form of smart phone. The design results have a level of compliance with regulatory
standards that have been established. The results also indicate the logical and
appropriate target selection mechanism for scholarship recipients for the most eligible
students who receivede scholarship assistance.

Keywords: Information System, Scholarship, Weighted Product Method

Topic: Computer Science

Web-Based Design for Lecturer Performance Reporting Applications

M Irfan*, R Saprudin, C N Alam, D R Ramdania, M A Ramdhani, D Yusli

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung



A lecturer as an educator in a college institution obtains professional appreciation for

their work through certification of lecturer who is rewarded in the form of lecturer
allowance. To obtain a lecturer allowance, lecturers are required to report their
academic activities. The purpose of this study is to describe the design of web-based
lecturer performance reporting applications. In this study the application is modeled
with UML modeling (Unified Modeling Language) that describes a system design. The
object of research that used as a user of the application is a lecturer of Private Islamic
Higher Education. The results of application design show that the system can work
well, can process data of lecturer activities among others: education, research,
community service, and supporting which then converted to semester unit value (SKS).
This lecture performance reporting application is user friendly, easy access, good
system security, and have a good data base.

Keywords: College, Higher Education, Lecturer, Performance, Report

Topic: Computer Science

Android-based Expert System Design for Drug Selection using Certainty Factor

C Slamet(*a), B Firmanda DA (a), M A Ramdhani(a), W Darmalaksana(b), A S Enjang

(c), D Yusli (a)

(a) Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia

(b)Department of Hadits Science, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(c)Department of Journalistic and Public Relations, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung,



Handling some types of diseases require medical therapy in the form of drug delivery.
Appropriate medication should be conducted with assistance from medical experts for
doses and types of drugs can be given properly and correctly. This study aims to
discuss drug selection system design using certain certainty factor method with
android-based. The disease that used as a discussion object is diabetes mellitus disease.
System design methodology uses UML (Unified Modeling Language) modeling
approach. The design results show that the system can make an early diagnosis of
diabetes mellitus type II and drug selection recommendation for diabetes mellitus type
II. Since health is essential to the safety of the human psyche, this application system
can only be used as the third opinion of the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type II.

Keywords: Certainty Factor, Diabetes Mellitus, Expert System, Medicine

Topic: Computer Science

Decision Support System Design for Determining Brown Sugar Quality with
Weighted Product Method

I Taufik, A Saleh, C Slamet*, D S Maylawati, M A Ramdhani, B A Muhammad

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung



Brown sugar is the result of processing the coconut juice with a distinctive taste, so that
its use cannot be replaced by other types of sugar. The purpose of this research is to
design of Decision Support System (DSS) using a Multi Attribute Decision Making
(MADM) model by applying Weighted Product (WP) method to determine the quality
of brown sugar. WP method was chosen because the problem in this research is a
ranking problem. The WP method is able to select the best alternative from a number of
alternatives and its superiority in weighting technique. This system is designed by using
Php and MySql as the database programming language. This system can rank the
brown sugar by calculating the criteria weight. The weight value is searched for each
attribute, then conduct the ranking process to determine the optimal alternative, which
is the best brown sugar and decent in terms of ranking. Based on the tests performed, a
system capable to produce the best ranking in accordance with the calculations used, so
that the system this can be speed up the selection of red sugar.

Keywords: Multi Attribute Decision Making, Ranking, Weighted Product

Topic: Computer Science


COM / EDU COM (Parahyangan 1)

No. Topic Title

1 Computer Science [ABS-286] Linear Congruent Method on Computer Based Test
for New Student Admission

W B Zulfikar*, A Fajar, A Wahana, D S Maylawati, M A Ramdhani

2 Computer Science [ABS-287] Comparison of Naive Bayes Classifier and C4.5
Algorithms in Predicting Student Study Period

Y A Gerhana*, I Fallah, W B Zulfikar, D S Maylawati, M A

3 Computer Science [ABS-288] Creditworthiness System with K-Means Model
Based Z-Score

Y A Gerhana*, S C Kusuma, W B Zulfikar, D S Maylawati, M A

4 Computer Science [ABS-289] Designing Futsal Match Finder Application with
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

W Uriawan*, W Agustian, Y A Gerhana, J Jumadi, M A Ramdhani,

A Rahman
5 Computer Science [ABS-290] Eligibility Determination of Qurban Animals using
K-Nearest Neighbor

W Uriawan*, F Fathurrahman, A Kodir, A R Atmadja, M A

6 Computer Science [ABS-291] Comparison of K-Nearest Neighbor and Support
Vector Machine for Choosing Senior High School

M Irfan*, A R Nurhidayat, A Wahana, D S Maylawati, Muhammad

Ali Ramdhani
7 Computer Science [ABS-324] Development of Human Machine Interface for
Supporting the Disaster Mitigation System in the City using
Wireless Sensor Network

Asep Najmurrokhman*, Kusnandar, Ady Syaripudin, Achmad


Cahyo Prianto,Nisa Hanum Harani

9 Computer Science [ABS-62] Implementation and Experimental Analysis of
Random Forrest in R Parallel Computing

Nur Azizah, Yaya Wihardi, Lala Septem Riza

No. Topic Title
10 Computer Science [ABS-65] Terrain Model and Gridding Method Variations for
Making Topographic Maps

Rina Marina Masri

11 Computer Science [ABS-66] Railway Geometric Design Based on Satellite
Imagery and Digital Terrain Model

Iskandar Muda Purwaamijaya

12 Computer Science [ABS-284] K-Means Algorithm for Mapping by Utilizing
Google Maps Imagery

Y A Gerhana*, A P Fuzilesmana, U Syarifuddin, A R Atmadja, M A


Maulana Firdaus Nurrokhim, Lala Septem Riza, Rasim

14 Computer Science [ABS-226] Assessing Knowledge Management System Maturity

Education Level of Teacher Professional Competence

Novi Sofia Fitriasari*, Rani Megasari, Erna Piantari

15 Computer Science [ABS-231] Learning How Computers Work with Combining
Education CS Unplugged and Raspberry Pi

Sylvia Soviani, Jajang Kusnendar, Harsa Wara Prabawa

16 Computer Science [ABS-232] Bajos Adventure: developing students
Education computational thinking skills through mobile application

Jajang Kusnendar, Harsa Wara Prabawa, Rahmanda

17 Computer Science [ABS-264] Developing Art Geometric App Based on Flash
Education Player for Student in Elementary School

A Irawan, Syamsiah, IB Rangka, Z Niswati, FA Mustika, Y

Wibawanti, N Alamsyah, D Marlina, W Rahayu, EAR Pinahayu
18 Computer Science [ABS-295] Implementation of Python Source Code Comparison
Education Results with Java Using Bubble Sort Method

Entik Insanudin

19 Computer Science [ABS-383] Developing An Interactive Multimedia of Network

Education Topology Based on Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic
Learning Model for Vocational Students

E Junaeti, Munir, S Mulya and Erlangga

No. Topic Title
20 Computer Science [ABS-385] Digital Learning Model Based on Intelligent
Education Tutoring System in 3DMUVLE

Rasim, Munir, Yusep Rosmansyah, Armein Z.R Langi

21 Computer Science [ABS-395] Using Simulation in Network Security Learning
R Yuliana1, E P Nugroho2, E Junaeti, J Kusnendar and H W

22 Computer Science [ABS-48] Application of Problem Based Learning Assisted

Education Intelligent Learning Media to Improve the Cognitive Aspects

Wahyudin, Lala Septem Riza, Ridwan Efendi, Ilham

[ABS-69] Education Service System Engineering for Quality
Equalization of High School Education in West Java
Computer Science
Rizky Rachman Judhieputra, M.Kom, Budi Laksono Putro S.Si,

Linear Congruent Method on Computer Based Test for New Student Admission

W B Zulfikar*, A Fajar, A Wahana, D S Maylawati, M A Ramdhani

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung



The new admissions examination is an early process in advanced education. Through

the entrance examination, the school can select students with the best potential. The
exam results can be used as a standard of candidate ability which can further be utilized
as a determination of content, methods, and learning strategies. The purpose of this
study is to design a system using Linear Congruent Method (LCM) algorithm on the
Computer Based Test (CBT) for the new admissions exam. The system build using
Waterfall software development life cycle method. The designation of the LCM
algorithm is based on consideration of the conformity of the LCM algorithm to be used
in the randomization of questions on CBT. The result of experiment shows the ability
of LCM to rendomize the question and answer of new student admission test is running
well, so that the exam process can avoid the cheating of examinees, and on the other
hand the assessment can do objectively, quickly, and accurately.

Keywords: Classification, Computer Based Test, Linear Congruent Method,


Topic: Computer Science

Comparison of Naive Bayes Classifier and C4.5 Algorithms in Predicting Student
Study Period

Y A Gerhana*, I Fallah, W B Zulfikar, D S Maylawati, M A Ramdhani

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung



This study aims to compare Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm with C4.5 in predicting
the study period of student. The data for this study is collected from Department of
Informatics UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Software development method that
used is Rational Unified Process (RUP). Comparison of both algorithms is the accuracy
of predicting student study period and the speed of data processing. The attributes that
used are student id, name, gender, GPA, entry point, tahfidz (cited the holy Quran as a
special attribute on the case study), previous school, and extra activities during lecture.
The result of this study shows that Naive Bayes Classifier and C4.5 algorithm can be
applied to predict the study period of students well and accurate enough. The accuracy
of Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm is around 88% better slightly than the C4.5
algorithm that has accuracy around 87%. However, the processing time of algorithm
C4.5 is better than the algorithm Naive Bayes Classifier, C4.5 has processing time
0.003 nanosecond and N Naive Bayes Classifier has 12.7 nanosecond.

Keywords: C4.5 , Naive Bayes Classifier, Prediction, Student Study Period

Topic: Computer Science

Creditworthiness System with K-Means Model Based Z-Score

Y A Gerhana*, S C Kusuma, W B Zulfikar, D S Maylawati, M A Ramdhani

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Evaluation of the creditors ability needs to be done before the debtor provides the loan.
The purpose of system design in this study is to establish a creditworthiness system by
implementing K-Mean based Z-Score. The method of system design that used in this
research is Rational Unified Process (RUP). The case study of thos research is in the
Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) at Senior High School 1st Cileunyi, Bandung.
K-Means method based Z-Score is used by the author as a model for solving problems,
wherein the author uses three clusters with four parameters that applied to the method.
Based on the results of the experiments, the application can classify prospective credits
into three groups based on the four parameters. Those three groups among others: "OK"
as many as 37 members, "Warning" as many as 28 members and "Bad" as many as 5
members. The results of those groups are used as a credit recommendation to the KSP.

Keywords: Clustering, K-Means, Loan, Save, Z-Score

Topic: Computer Science

Designing Futsal Match Finder Application with Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

W Uriawan*, W Agustian, Y A Gerhana, J Jumadi, M A Ramdhani, A Rahman

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung



Information about the locations where futsal competition is taking place is needed for
the futsal team to meet each other and compete. The purpose of designing Futsal Match
Finder is to determine the position of futsal field location and help the shortest path to
the field by implementing Floyd-Warshall algorithm. Application system design
methodology that used in this research is prototype model. System test results show that
the Floyd-Warshall algorithm can help find the shortest path to the location of the
opposite futsal team. The futsal opponent search system based on the shortest distance
can provide a solution to improve the ability of futsal players who have less
relationship with other futsal team.

Keywords: Floyd-Warshall, Futsal, Location

Topic: Computer Science

Eligibility Determination of Qurban Animals using K-Nearest Neighbor

W Uriawan*, F Fathurrahman, A Kodir, A R Atmadja, M A Ramdhani

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung



The Qurban is one of the most important worship services for Muslims. Choosing an
eligible Qurban animals according to the shariah (law) of Islam and health is the main
thing. This study aims to utilize technology in determining the eligibility of Qurban
animals both based on the Islamic law and health. This research uses Prototype
approach as software development life cycle method. The K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
algorithm is used to determine the eligibility of Qurban animals based on several input
parameters, including animal type, weight, age, gender, sight, health, body condition,
and mental. The experimental results show that KNN is successfully implemented and
is able to help determine the eligibility of animals for Qurban well, so that the people
who perform Qurban worship are not harmed and the reward of the Qurban can be
achieved perfectly.

Keywords: Eligibility, K-Nearest Neighbor, Qurban

Topic: Computer Science

Comparison of K-Nearest Neighbor and Support Vector Machine for Choosing
Senior High School

M Irfan*, A R Nurhidayat, A Wahana, D S Maylawati, Muhammad Ali Ramdhani

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung



Aim of this research is to compare K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support Vector
Machine (SVM) algorithm which are used for choosing senior high school
recommendation. As we know that education is an important aspect in the development
of a nation. The methodology that used in this research is data mining through
Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) stages, which consist of: cleaning, data
integration, data selection, data transformation, data mining, pattern evaluation, and
knowledge presentation. KNN and SVM are the most common algorithms used in data
mining and decision support system. Either KNN or SVM in this research is used for
classifying type of senior high school in accordance with input parameters, among
others national examination score, student interest, and counselor suggestion. Based on
the experiment with several training and testing data, the result shows that SVM is
better than KNN. SVM has an accuracy value around 97,1%, while KNN has an
accuracy value around 88,5%. And also SVM has processing time faster than KNN.

Keywords: Comparison, Data Mining, K-Nearst Neighbor, Support Vector Machine

Topic: Computer Science

Development of Human Machine Interface for Supporting the Disaster Mitigation
System in the City using Wireless Sensor Network

Asep Najmurrokhman(a*), Kusnandar(a), Ady Syaripudin(a), Achmad Munir(b)

(a) Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan
Jend. Sudirman PO Box 148 Cimahi 40533, Indonesia
(b) School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan
Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia


Disasters that include building fires, earthquakes, floods, and so on are the inevitable
things in city life. Disaster mitigation should be undertaken to mitigate the adverse
impacts of the disaster. Its activities span for an early warning system until the
evacuation of the victim to a safer place. With the advancement of information
technology, an integrated system can be built to support the disaster mitigation system
in the city. This paper describes a development of a prototype of human machine
interface for supporting the disaster mitigation system in the city. This prototype
comprises sensors, microcontroller, communication module, and information system to
capture and display the disaster location. Three parameters including smoke
concentration, temperature, and vibration are sent to the monitoring room at any time
using the wireless sensor network framework. Disaster indication which can cover in
this system includes the building fire and earthquake. The building fire indicators are
rendered by raising a smoke concentration and temperature up to the certain level,
while earthquake indicators are provided by vibrations sent by vibration sensors. The
location of the disaster site is displayed in the monitoring room and delivered to the city
authority who handling the disaster via mobile phone.

Keywords: arduino microcontroller; disaster mitigation; human machine interface;

wireless sensor network;

Topic: Computer Science


Cahyo Prianto,Nisa Hanum Harani

Department of Informatics Engineering Politeknik Pos


Government has made efforts to improve the level of social life as an object of national
development either by providing direct cash assistance or a program to create jobs.
Fund distributed to the community is not small. In order to realize its effectiveness, the
distribution of fund will have to meet the community needs in the right target.
The data mining is a method of extracting data to find the hidden patterns of the data.
The data are processed by using K-Means and C4.5 algorithm. The algorithm is used to
quarry, cluster and classify the data on the community economy; so the results of this
study, as expected, are data on families being included into pre-prosperous family,
prosperous family 1, and prosperous family 2 categories, thereby making the data on
the priorities of families who receiving assistance available. Of the three categories, the
pre-prosperous families are necessary to receive attention, as they have not been able to
meet the minimum basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, health, and worship. It is
related to the background of several variables such as age, education, occupation, and
the number of dependents.

Keywords: Assistance, K-Means, C4.5, Pre-Prosperous Family

Topic: Computer Science

Implementation and Experimental Analysis of Random Forrest in R Parallel

Nur Azizah, Yaya Wihardi, Lala Septem Riza

Department of Computer Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Random forest is a method for building models by combining decision trees or decision
trees generated from bootstrap samples and random features. A common problem that
often occurs when implementing random forest in a single core is the long processing
time because it uses a lot of data training and builds a lot of tree as the model as well.
Therefore, this study proposes the random forest method with parallel computing
implemented in the R programming language. Several datasets are used in the
experiments, such as the Iris dataset, the quality of the wine, and the diagnostic data of
female diabetes Pima Indians. Results obtained from the experimentation show that the
computational time used when running random forest with parallel computing is shorter
than when running a random forest using only a single processor. It means that the
implementation has been successful.

Keywords: Decision Tree, Random Forest, R High Performance Computing, Parallel

Computing, R Programming Language

Topic: Computer Science

Terrain Model and Gridding Method Variations for Making Topographic Maps

Rina Marina Masri

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Associate Professor of Civil Engineerinng


The aim of research were (1) exploring gridding method for making topographic maps,
(2) inventing terrain model that producing from 3 d data, (3) structuring standard
operational procedure for making topographic maps, (4) producing topographic maps
from terrestrial surveying data, digital terrain model, computer aided mapping and
satellite imagery, (5) evaluating topographic maps which produced. The research is
using descriptive method. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia was study location. The
research was conducted on September 2017 to December 2017. Geometric calcuation is
used to calculate absisca, ordinate and height information, using spread sheet.
Topographic map which was producing contour line from digital terrain model
software, satellite imagery from internet, line map from computer aided mapping
software could be more accurate and effective than conventional and analog method..
Keywords : terrain model, gridding method, topographic map

Keywords: terrain model, gridding method, topographic map

Topic: Computer Science

Railway Geometric Design Based on Satellite Imagery and Digital Terrain Model

Iskandar Muda Purwaamijaya

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Associate Professor of Civil Engineering


The purpose of research were (1) a conceptual, functional model designed and
implementation for railway geometric design, (2) standard operational procedure made
for railway geometric design using satellite imagery and digital terrain model, (3)
calculated geometric information on the railway route so that fulfilling geometric
national and international standard, (4) horizontal alignment drawing presented on the
railway route, (5) vertical alignment drawing presented on the railway route.
Descriptive method is used for the research. South Sumatra Province, Indonesia was
study location. The research was conducted on July 2016 to January 2017. A spatial
analysis is used to calculate horizontal and vertical geometric information. Horizontal
and vertical geometric calculated on railway route based on satellite image and digital
terrain model could be faster, easier and cheaper than terrestrial and analog method.

Keywords: railway, geometric, satellite imagery, digital terrain model

Topic: Computer Science

K-Means Algorithm for Mapping by Utilizing Google Maps Imagery

Y A Gerhana*, A P Fuzilesmana, U Syarifuddin, A R Atmadja, M A Ramdhani

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung



In several cases, data mapping that is available today has not much done digitally yet.
Too much data that is involved in data filling process causing a long mapping process.
The purpose of this research is to design the system by implementing K-Means
Clustering Algorithm for data mapping using Google Maps imagery. The object of
system design in this research is the plantation area in Sukabumi Regency, Indonesia.
The system design methodology that used is the UML (Unified Modeling Language)
approach. Based on the results of system testing, K-Means Clustering algorithm can
determine and cluster the plantation area with potency of commodity with three level,
among others high level, medium level, and low level, which is further indicated by
spatial data.

Keywords: Cluster, Commodity, Google Maps, K-Means Clustering

Topic: Computer Science


Maulana Firdaus Nurrokhim, Lala Septem Riza, Rasim

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Sequence teaching materials is very important in learning because it will improve the
effectiveness of learning. But not all teachers can make the sequences in detail and
accurate. The purpose of this research generates sequences of teaching materials
automatically by using the concept map. The approach used is the Information
Retrieval Approach and the use of the CoreNLP library. Mind map is generated from
articles or other teaching materials. Testing is done by comparing the mind map of
automatic generation with mind map made by experts. The results showed 52.5%

Keywords: Sequence Teaching Material, Mind Map, CoreNLP, Information Retrieval


Topic: Computer Science Education

Assessing Knowledge Management System Maturity Level of Teacher
Professional Competence

Novi Sofia Fitriasari (a*), Rani Megasari(b), Erna Piantari(b)

(a) UPI Campus In Serang

Jalan Ciracas nomor 18, Serang-Banten
(b) Computer Science Education Department,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Setiabudhi No 229 Bandung


Improving the teacher competence is the most important thing to improve the quality of
national education. Indonesia Government regulates the teacher professional
competence so it can be measured and evaluated. Knowledge Management System has
been widely implemented in schools to improve the effectiveness of learning. However,
it is not specifically for teacher professional achievement. This paper presents the
assessment process to measure the maturity level of Knowledge Management System
for Senior High School Program in Lab School UPI. The assessment of maturity level
is based on five elements of Knowledge Management System i.e. Organization,
Knowledge Management Process, Knowledge Management Technology and
Knowledge Artifact. 3T Frameworks was used to measure maturity level of Knowledge
Management System.

Keywords: Knowledge Management System, Knowledge Management System of

Education Organization, Teacher Professional Competence, Framework 3T

Topic: Computer Science Education

Learning How Computers Work with Combining CS Unplugged and Raspberry

Sylvia Soviani, Jajang Kusnendar, Harsa Wara Prabawa

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Almost from the beginning, computer science was hampered by the perception that
computer science exclusively focused on programming. This results in computational-
related learning being very limited and minimally taught to students. The widespread
use of ICT tools in indirect learning has changed the way students interact with content.
Conventionally, content is delivered orally to students, who at the same time rely more
on approaches that tend to be teacher-centered. This paper presents a slightly different
approach, while keeping the teacher at the center of control of classroom activities but
students are given the opportunity to explore the content to be learned by: role playing
(CS-Unplugged) and conducting a series of experiments (Rapsberry Pi). This learning
activity aims to provide students with a foundation of knowledge about how computers
work. One of its activities is to provide opportunities for students to do simulations and
experimentations about how the computer works through CS Unplugged collaboration
and the Role Playing method. The basic knowledge formed from the simulation was
then used as the basis for assembling a simple computer using Raspberry Pi. An
important point that can be taken from this simulation activity is that the computer does
not understand what the computer is doing. The computer only follows the instructions
given by computer users. Based on the results of observations and interviews
conducted, the utilization of CS Unplugged provides a learning experience that builds
on the initial concept of how computers work. This is shown by an increase in students
motivation and enthusiasm in learning how the computer works. This experience is
what then makes it easy for students to do various computer assembly experiments
using Raspberry Pi.

Keywords: How Computers Work, CS Unplugged, Raspberry Pi

Topic: Computer Science Education

Bajos Adventure: developing students computational thinking skills through
mobile application

Jajang Kusnendar, Harsa Wara Prabawa, Rahmanda

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Idea about the necessity of ownership and developing the ability of computational
thinking emerged in the last few decades. This raises a number of other interesting
derivative ideas, including how to teach and train students computational thinking
skills. This study aims to develop a game-based mobile applications that can be used as
a tool in melatihkan computational thinking skills. In addition, this study also aims to
identify the relationship between the learning experience that students get through such
mobile applications with some fundamental skills in computational thinking,
particularly in terms of generalizing and algorithmic abilities. The data show that
students computational thinking skills can be shaped even upgraded in a relatively short
time through media that is indeed scenarized to teach and train computing thinking
skills. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to participate teachers who can pedagogically
facilitate students deadlock in connecting what students have obtained through the
media with the concept to be taught.

Keywords: Computational Thinking Skills, Mobile application

Topic: Computer Science Education

Developing Art Geometric App Based on Flash Player for Student in Elementary

A Irawan (a), Syamsiah (b), IB Rangka (c), Z Niswati (d), FA Mustika (e), Y Wibawanti
(f), N Alamsyah (g), D Marlina (h), W Rahayu (i), EAR Pinahayu (j)

(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta.

Jl. Raya Tengah No. 80 Kel. Gedong Pasar Rebo Jakarta Timur


The purpose of research is develop learning mathematics to the matter wake up Three
dimensions based e-learning use macromedia flash. A method of this research is
research and development ( rnd ). The phase that carried out is to identify matter by
means of a analyze needs that is in research locations. Next design products which
adjusted with needs of material geometric three dimensions. Math teacher and the
design do validation to judge feasibility products have been made , repair based on
input from validator and to pilot a small scale / limited products. The research was done
at student in Elementary School . The results of the study of applications that can help
teachers in conducting the process of learning and the teaching material to receive help
students geometric about three dimensions. Next undergone a try to use the widely,
revision of the material further and mass production math as the basis for elementary

Keywords: macromedia flash , e-learning , three dimensions

Topic: Computer Science Education

Implementation of Python Source Code Comparison Results with Java Using
Bubble Sort Method

Entik Insanudin

a) School of Applied Science, Telkom University

Jl. Telekomunikasi No. 1 Terusan Buah Batu,
Bandung 40257, Indonesia


Abstract- In the implementation of Python and Java source code comparison results are
more focused on the scale of the ratio of the number of lines of code, file capacity, and
access speed. As for the background of this writing because there are so many
programming languages that can be used with the same results but overall we do not
know which programming language is more optimal and efficient in terms of the
number of lines of code better known in the programming language is LOC (Line of
Code) capacity of file access speed. In this study, the authors focus only on Java
programming language and python course as a first step to know the ratio of the
number of lines of code, file capacity, and access density. To determine the comparison
there is a method used is bubble short. For the results of the implementation is shown in
the form of comparison table in accordance with the results of testing programming by
making the same application that is the application of calculator both programming
language Java and Python programming language. The results of the implementation of
the comparison of these programming languages for Python programming language to
produce the number of LOC (line of code) or the number of lines of code as much as
10, the capacity of the file extension .py by 506 bytes and txt extension of 397 bytes
and access speed approximately for less more 4 seconds. While Java produces the
number of LOC (line of code) or the number of lines of code as much as 11, the
capacity of the file extension. Java of 86.2 Kbytes and extension txt of 477 bytes and
access speed for 7 seconds. So do not close the possibility to make other applications
python programming language will be more optimal and efficient.

Keywords: Java, Python, Loc, Bubble Sort

Topic: Computer Science Education

Developing An Interactive Multimedia of Network Topology Based on Visual,
Auditory, and Kinaesthetic Learning Model for Vocational Students

E Junaeti, Munir, S Mulya and Erlangga

Department of Computer Science Eduaction, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl Dr.

Setiabudhi No 229, Bandung, Indonesia


Network topology is a knowledge in basic network subjects that is often disregarded to

be grasped by almost all vocational students whose learning activities are dominated by
practicum. Whereas network topology is a basic concept that is important in order to
comprehend the concept of networking further. This research was aimed to develop a
concept and design of interactive multimedia of network topology to be implemented in
visual, audio, and kinaesthetic (VAK) learning model. This study used the overall life
cycle method to develop multimedia. The design of this media adopts the constitutive
elements of situated learning in interactive multimedia. The multimedia features
correspond to Gagnes events which serve well as a framework for the successful
development of educational multimedia modules. The experiment was carried out at the
vocational school Binawisata Lembang, Indonesia, involving thirty tenth grade students
majoring in software engineering as the research subjects. The result of the experiment
was then analyzed using a quantitative method approach. It was revealed that students
perceptions of the media were very good. Based on the results obtained during
experiment, the developed media was proven to have positive impacts on improvement
of students cognitive abilities

Keywords: Instructional interactive multimedia, Network topology, VAK learning

model, Vocational Students, Cognitive abilities

Topic: Computer Science Education

Digital Learning Model Based on Intelligent Tutoring System in 3DMUVLE

1,2Rasim, 2Munir, 1Yusep Rosmansyah, 1Armein Z.R Langi

1School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung, Indonesia

2Department of Computer Science Education

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Jl. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been used in broad education
both for pre-learning, in-learning, and post-learning. But its use often generalizes
learning material for all students even though each student has different characters and
abilities. ITS is able to provide learning materials according to students models. This
study aims to model ITS-based digital learning. This model consists of two parts,
namely curriculum development and virtual learning environment. Curriculum
development produces teaching materials that are suitable for each student model while
virtual learning is a learning interface for students. This model integrates MOODLE,
SLOODLE and OPENSIM. The students model used is Myer Briggs Type Indicator
(MBTI). The results of this study are 16 types of students and 16 types of learning
material. The implication of this research is a comprehensive model that integrates
curriculum development and VLE.

Keywords: Personal Learning, ITS, MBTI, 3DMUVLE

Topic: Computer Science Education

Using Simulation in Network Security Learning

R Yuliana1, E P Nugroho2, E Junaeti, J Kusnendar and H W Prabawa

Departement of Computer Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Widespread use of computer networks, opening up opportunities for the emergence of

crimes involving computer technology itself. If crime or attacks have occurred, reliable
handling is needed to overcome crimes in the internet. In general, simulation can be
understood as a representation of imitation of the functionality of a system or process.
Preliminary studies related to the development of simulation tools in network security
learning show information that simulation in general can increase student involvement.
In its development, the simulation media utilizes Fungus 3.7.0 software. Fungus is a
package available for engine unity. The feasibility of using simulation media in
learning is judged on the basis of an instrument that generally evaluates several
important components in learning media, including the availability of information for
students, content-structure and navigation, interactivity, and assistance and accessibility
technology. The development of network security simulation devices has not been able
to ascertain whether the involvement of simulations in the learning process improves
students cognitive abilities.

Keywords: simulation, security learning

Topic: Computer Science Education

Application of Problem Based Learning Assisted Intelligent Learning Media to
Improve the Cognitive Aspects

Wahyudin, Lala Septem Riza, Ridwan Efendi, Ilham

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Problem Solving is one of the capabilities that must be possessed by students in the
department of Software Engineering, this ability is directly proportional to the cognitive
abilities possessed by learners. Problem Based Learning Method (PBL) is a proven
learning method in improving problem solving ability of learners. To determine the
effect of PBL on students majoring in Software Engineering, conducted research on
students, using the PBL method that is assisted with learning media. Learners are
divided into groups to be given a problem to be solved by each group. Educators can
provide educators questions that lead to the solution of problems given to learners in
the form of materials, scripts or in other forms of learning media. Learning media made
with Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) where this media can guide learners in depth of
certain material that has not been mastered. This can be seen from giving media
suggestions to learners after doing pretest or posttest. The results of this study can be
quite successful with an increase in the gain index of 0.36 that can be categorized as a
moderate increase.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning (PBL), Software Engineering, Intelligent Tutoring

System (ITS).

Topic: Computer Science Education

Education Service System Engineering for Quality Equalization of High School
Education in West Java

Rizky Rachman Judhieputra, M.Kom, Budi Laksono Putro S.Si, M.T.



The problem of unequal quality of high school education in West Java with the
viewpoint of Senior High School (SMA) due to the assessment of the quality of
education in Indonesia is still focused on Students, Teachers, Principals, and Parents
separately. Supposedly the assessors of high school quality are assessed based on an
education service system. Research studies related to high school as an educational
service are well suited to a service science approach, and the term educational service
system. The "educational service system" study discusses educational sector issues in
the perspective of a service system consisting of components, functions, interfaces,
component linkages, inputs, processes, and outputs. The purpose of this research is to
create educational service system model to improve the quality of high school
education services in West Java. Creation of Educational Service Model System with
service engineering method with stages: service innovation, service engineering, and
service measurement. Output of Educational Service model model System in the form
of learning management system (LMS) based on moodle. The prototype measurement
result "Educational Service System" model shows the efficiency of high school
education service system. The research output is expected to solve the problem of
equalization of high school education quality in West Java.

Keywords: Service System, Service Engineering, Learning Management System

(LMS), Educational Service System

Topic: Computer Science Education


EDU COM/EDU MAT (Parahyangan 2)

No. Topic Tittle

1. Computer Science [ABS-89] E-portofolia assessment model on Collaborative
Education Problem Solving (CPS) learning based on digital learning

Heri Sutarno, Budi Laksono Putro, Rizky Rachman Judhie Putra,

Erna Piantari
2. Computer Science [ABS-319] Students acceptance towards blended learning
Education implementation

Winarto, Maludin Panjaitan, Anggiat Parluhutan Tambunan

3. Computer Science [ABS-269] Implementation of an automated grading system
Education with a subtractive clustering method

Nisa Hanum Harani*, Putri Suciani Hafid, Cahyo Prianto

4. Mathematics [ABS-101] Implementation of Cooperative Integrated
Education Reading and Composition (CIRC) to enhance mathematical
argumentation ability of mathematics teacher students

Cita Dwi Rosita*, Yaya Sukjaya Kusumah, Didi Suryadi, Bana G

5. Mathematics [ABS-102] Reflective abstraction in mathematics learning
Risnina Wafiqoh, Yaya Sukjaya Kusumah
6. Mathematics [ABS-115] Rigorous mathematical thinking: why are
Education cognitive levels important in three-dimensional learning for
pre-service teachers?

Siska Firmasari*, Dina Pratiwi Dwi Santi

7. Mathematics [ABS-12] Pedagogis and didaktis of junior high school
Education teachers on learning process on mathematical problem

Y Harisman*, Y S Kusumah, K Kusnandi

8. Mathematics [ABS-123] Realistic mathematics education with local
Education instruction theory for enhancement student peocedural

Ida Nuraida, Yaya S Kusumah, Bana G Kartasasmita

9. Mathematics [ABS-126] Learning obstacles on the concept of function: a
Education hermeneutics phenomenological study

Stefanus Raynaldo Septyawan*, Didi Suryadi, Nurjanah

10. Mathematics [ABS-127] The implementation of Problem Based Learning
Education (PBL) model viewed from mathematical connection
competence on x year students of vocational high school

Frida Noor Fatimah, Riyadi, Dewi Retno Sari

No. Topic Tittle
11. Mathematics [ABS-132] Analysis of students mathematics resilience
Education abilities on linear program material

Laelasari*, Darhim, S. Prabawanto

12. Mathematics [ABS-144] The relationship between pre-service mathematics
Education teachers conceptions of geometry and teaching skills

Irmawati Liliana Kusuma Dewi, Sri Asnawati

13. Mathematics [ABS-147] Experience of novice teachers to present
Education mathematical problems

W Ramadianti, N Priatna
14. Mathematics [ABS-150] Development of teaching materials based on
Education ethnomathematics on woven fabrics (Tembe Nggoli) mbojo
tribe society for junior high school students

Sowanto and Edi Mulyadin

15. Mathematics [ABS-159] Surala Ninja: A mathematics e-learning based on
Education learning management system as an alternative learning in
primary school mathematics

R. Marwatia*, T. Fujihirab, A. Furuoka, K. Yuliantia

16. Mathematics [ABS-17] Pbl-teamteaching on developing vocational
Education mathematics textbook

A Maharani*, Darhim, J Sabandar, and T Herman

17. Mathematics [ABS-174] Mathematical connections process for elementary
Education school students in problem solving of statistics

Elsa Astari, Marsigit

18. Mathematics [ABS-176] Is functional skills mathematics approach relevant
Education to stimulate students mathematical problem solving?

Rina Oktaviyanthi, Ria Noviana Agus, Yani Supriani, Usep

19. Mathematics [ABS-191] Enhancement mathematical problem solving skill
Education and achievement self efficacy through thinking actively in a
social context learning model

Wieka Septiyana*, Endang Cahya Mulyaning Asih, and Dadan

20. Mathematics [ABS-21] Activity impacts in problem based learning and
Education mathematical problem posing on critical thinking ability

Bambang Eko Susilo*, Turmudi

21. Mathematics [ABS-219] Validation of integrated STEM mathematical
Education project-based learning materials

N Priatna*, R Sispiyati, S A Lorenzia

No. Topic Tittle
22. Mathematics [ABS-235] The enhancement of mathematical generalization
Education reasoning ability of university students through concept
attainment model

Lilis Marina Angraini*, Yaya Sukjaya Kusumah,. Jarnawi Afgani

23. Mathematics [ABS-245] Mathematical connection ability of deaf student in
Education completing social arithmetic tests

Samuel Igo Leton,Wahyudin, Darhim

E-portofolia assessment model on Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) learning
based on digital learning environment

Heri Sutarno, Budi Laksono Putro, Rizky Rachman Judhie Putra, Erna Piantari

Computer Science Education Department

Faculty of Mathematics and Science Indonesia University of Education


The 21st Century Skill is the knowledge and skills needed to deal with the problems of
the 21st century. There are a number of views on 21st century skills proposed based on
the research of various research institutes (P21, EnGauge, ATC21S, NETS / ISTE, EU,
and OECD), on what competencies and skills humans must have in the globalization
era. This study uses the concept of 21st century skills published by The University of
Melbourne in the KSAVE framework (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, Values, Ethics).
The KSAVE framework illustrates that collaborative problem-solving (CPS) lessons,
and learning through a digital network are the glue of 21st century skills (Griffin and
Care, 2015). Learning CPS is a glue for the achievement of critical thinking skills,
problem solving, decision-making and collaboration. While learning through a digital
network is a combination of information literacy skills, ICT literacy, personal
responsibility, and social responsibility. This study aims to create an e-Portfolio
assessment model on CPS learning based on learning through a digital network in the
form of moodle learning management system (LMS). e-Portfolio is a digital portfolio to
record students learning process and performance in proof of electronic data collection
process using LMS. e-Portfolio aims to show students learning outcomes in terms of
Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, Values, Ethics based on the KSAVE framework. The
results of the implementation of ePortofolio model in Database class - Computer
Science Program - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia can represent the result of student
learning process in terms of Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, Values, Ethics well.

Keywords: 21st Century Skill, Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS), e-Portfolio,

Learning Management System (LMS)

Topic: Computer Science Education

Students acceptance towards blended learning implementation

Winarto, Maludin Panjaitan, Anggiat Parluhutan Tambunan

Universitas Methodist Indonesia, Medan, Sumatra Utara


The purpose of the study is to investigate students acceptance towards blended learning
implementation. It focuses on students perceptions and attitudes towards using as a learning management tool and face-to-face learning. The case study
has been conducted among business students in a private university in Medan, North
Sumatera. The research employed a quantitative approach based on Technological
Acceptance Model (TAM), and asked the students to fulfill a questionnaire. They also
were interviewed to acquire insights about the blended learning implementation. The
study concludes that the students perceptions and attitudes were positive towards the
learning management tools in term of the usefulness and the ease of use. However,
negative impressions also were underlined during the interview with the students. The
research implications and suggestions for future research are explained at the end of the

Keywords: blended learning; perceive usefulness; perceive ease of use; TAM;


Topic: Computer Science Education

Implementation of an automated grading system with a subtractive clustering

Nisa Hanum Harani (a*), Putri Suciani Hafid (b), Cahyo Prianto(a)

a) Politeknik Pos Indonesia

Jalan Sariasih No.54, Sarijadi, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40151
b)Politeknik Pos Indonesia
Jalan Sariasih No.54, Sarijadi, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40151


The Trainee participants exam process has been conducted conventionally during the
examination process, the scoring/test scores, and the division of high and low scores of
participants. The Exam tends to be risky because it spends a long time and high
accuracy. In this study built an online exam system that implements auto grading that
facilitates the Learning Center and the participants Management Trainee. Regarding the
exam process, giving and receiving scores/grades quickly. This research using fuzzy
subtractive clustering method, because of fuzzy subtractive clustering able to generate
rules without initializing the number of clusters at the beginning of the process. The
formation of the number of rules/clusters is influenced by the radius and reject, ratio,
while the accept ratio does not affect the cluster results. Fuzzy subtractive clustering is
used to define high and low scores of participants. Following the calculation to
determine the group value of Management Trainee participants that is by using two
parameters of the data used is the value of Written Comprehensive Examination and
Oral Comprehensive Examination. The test results showed the cluster that formed as
much as 2 groups by using samples of 10 data with the value of each, the test using the
value of accept ratio 0.6, rejects ratio 0.2, radius 0.8, and squash factor 1.25.

Keywords: Auto grading, CBT, Fuzzy subtractive clustering, Data Mining

Topic: Computer Science Education

Implementation of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) to
enhance mathematical argumentation ability of mathematics teacher students

Cita Dwi Rosita (a*), Yaya Sukjaya Kusumah (b) Didi Suryadi (b) Bana G
Kartasasmita (b)

a) Faculty of Teacher and Science Education, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati

Jalan Pemuda 32, Cirebon 45132, West Java, Indonesia
b) School of Post Graduate, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze whether there are differences in the enhancement of
mathematical argumentation ability between students who received Cooperative
Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) learning and students who received
conventional learning. The research method chosen is quasi-experiment using
nonequivalent control group design. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive
statistics and inferential statistics. The results show that the average enhances the ability
of students mathematical argumentation who received CIRC learning are better than
students who received conventional learning. When reviewed based on PMK (Prior
Mathematical Knowledge), a mathematical argumentation ability of upper and middle
PMK group students in CIRC learning classes are better than students mathematical
argumentation in conventional learning. Nevertheless, students mathematical
argumentation ability in the lower PMK groups between the CIRC learning class and
the conventional learning class is not different.

Keywords: CIRC learning; mathematical argument ability

Topic: Mathematics Education

Reflective abstraction in mathematics learning

Risnina Wafiqoh, Yaya Sukjaya Kusumah

Education University of Indonesia


In Mathematics learning, before the concept of learning material is related to another

concept of learning material, the students are expected to have good Reflective
Abstraction capability. In Mathematics learning, if a student has good Reflective
Abstraction capability, the student will not find difficulty in Mathematics learning
which are the difficulty in comprehending the material learned, the difficulty in
comprehending and doing tasks given by the teachers, and the difficulty in learning
other Mathematics learning materials. Reflective Abstraction is students capability in
changing, integrating or relating available concept to to project and create structures in
new situation. There are four levels on the abstraction process, namely: introduction,
representation, structural abstraction, structural awareness. From the four levels of
abstraction process, indicators are then derived on each level.

Keywords: Reflective Abstraction, Mathematics Learning

Topic: Mathematics Education

Rigorous mathematical thinking: why are cognitive levels important in three-
dimensional learning for pre-service teachers?

Siska Firmasari (a*), Dina Pratiwi Dwi Santi (b)

(a,b)Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati,

Jl. Perjuangan No. 01, Cirebon, 45135, Indonesia


The study of three-dimensional material is closely related to cultivating the abstract

ability of high-level students. The capability in question is rigour mathematical thinking
(RMT). Not many researchers have taken the theme of RMT, whereas the published
research results do not focus on the relationship with the cognitive level of pre-service
mathematics teachers. RMT on pre-service teachers is important because they must
have abstraction ability to teach correctly according to the concept. This study aims to
determine the rigour mathematical thinking ability of pre-service teachers based on the
cognitive level of the three-dimensional material. Researchers used descriptive
qualitative methods, because using the instrument in the form of test sheets and
interviews. The sample of the study is a student of pre-service mathematics teachers
who are studying three dimensional material as much as three people. one each for low,
medium, and high cognitive levels. The results show that cognitive level plays an
important role in the abstract material of the third dimension for pre-service teachers
who are closely related to RMT. Candidates for low cognitive level teachers enter RMT
qualitative level, while quantitative level, and high abstract relational level. Research
results can be a rationale for giving appropriate treatment to pre-service teachers before
carrying out teaching practice.

Keywords: Rigorous Mathematical Thinking, Cognitive Level, Pre-service

Mathematics Teacher

Topic: Mathematics Education

Pedagogis and didaktis of junior high school teachers on learning process on
mathematical problem solving

Y Harisman (a,b*), Y S Kusumah (a), K Kusnandi (a)

a) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

b) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Jl. Gunung
Pangilun Padang Utara Kota Padang Sumatera Barat 25000, Indonesia


Mathematical problem solving is the core of the learning process of mathematics. How
teachers do the learning process of problem solving is very important to discuss. This
study aims to see how the three junior high school teachers in the learning process of
problem solving. The type of this research was descriptive research with survey
method. Three volunteer teachers from three schools were made as research subjects.
Each teacher had documented the learning process that had been conducted during
three meetings. Observation material was the topic of geometry, this is because this
topic would enable the process of learning about mathematical problem solving. The
videos would be analyzed to see how the depth and breadth of pedagogical and didactic
aspects. The results of the video analysis would be recorded and coded to see the
differences in understanding the problem, selecting the problem solving strategy,
implementing the problem solving strategy, and verifying the problem solving solution.
Based on the research results obtained theory that suggests three categories of depth of
didactic and pedagogical aspects of teachers in problem solving learning. These three
categories were named with good, very good, and excellent category. Each category
would be presented in this paper.

Keywords: problem solving, didatic, pedagogik

Topic: Mathematics Education

Realistic Mathematics Education with Local Instruction Theory for Enhancement
Student Peocedural Fluency

Ida Nuraida (a*) Yaya S Kusumah (b*) Bana G Kartasasmita (c*)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia; Universitas Galuh


This research is motivated by the lack of application of realistic mathematics learning

and the low procedural fluency ability in schools. The research objective is to analyze
the improvement and achievement of procedural fluency based on students initial
mathematical abilities in learning reaistic mathematics and LIT. The research method
used was design research with two cycles. Population in SMP Negeri 5 Kota
Tasikmalaya with sample class XI. The instrument used in this study is the question of
the ability of procedural fluency in the form of a description. Data processing uses
statistical tests and research results show that realistic mathematics learning with LIT
can improve procedural fluency. The achievement and improvement of procedural
fluency for students who receive RME learning with LIT is greater than students who
receive RME learning seen from PMK

Keywords: RME, LIT

Topic: Mathematics Education

Learning obstacles on the concept of function: a hermeneutics phenomenological

Stefanus Raynaldo Septyawan*, Didi Suryadi, Nurjanah

Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The meaning of a mathematical concept especially function which formed by students

is subjective in nature and has its own interpretation. Therefore, this reality is important
to examine further. This study aims to explore the learning obstacles on the concept of
function based on the students meaning of the concept and how students acquire as well
as construct the meaning related to their experiences. This is a qualitative study with
uses a hermeneutics phenomenological approach involving 10th grade students who
have learned about function. The data collected through a test and interview.
Interviewed data transcribed and then conducted in-depth analysis for the
understanding of the meaning revealed. The results of this study showed that various
meanings of the concept of function expressed students still informative, tend to be
partial, and also limited on what they have learned during the classroom. Hence, this
indicates that there are learning obstacles on the concept of function that includes
ontogenic and epistemological obstacles. Ontogenic obstacles includes the lack of
sufficient understanding of the basic concept of function and an interest to the topic.
While epistemological obstacles include students difficulty when faced another
problem with different contexts or forms.

Keywords: learning obstacles; the concept of function; phenomenology hermeneutics

Topic: Mathematics Education

The implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model viewed from
mathematical connection competence on x year students of vocational high school

Frida Noor Fatimah 1,a) Riyadi1, Dewi Retno Sari2.

1Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami

No.36 A, Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta, Indonesia
2Departement of Mathematics, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No.36 A,
Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta, Indonesia


The study aimed to prove the implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model
having better achievement than conventional model in improving students mathematic
connection competence. The method used is qualitative with control group doing
preliminary test and post test. Population of the study were X year students of
vocational school in Kabupaten Sukoharjo. The sample was X year students of SMK
Pelayaran Pancasila Kartasura. Instrument used was test of mathematical connection
ability. The result showed that with significance level &#945; = 0,05 showed that
Problem Based Learning (PBL) model was better significantly than conventional
learning model to improve students mathematic connection ability.

Keywords: Keywords: Learning Model, Problem Based Learning, Mathematical


Topic: Mathematics Education

Analysis of students mathematics resilience abilities on linear program material

Laelasari (a*), Darhim (b), S. Prabawanto (b)

a. Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon University, Indonesia

b. Indonesia Education University, Indonesia


Abstract. Many assumptions assume mathematical tasks are difficult, resulting in many
students who feel a phobia or anxiety, or at least avoid involvement in any effort that
may be required. This also happens among the students who follow lectures, especially
the Linear Program. Students feel difficulty and easily give up in solving math
problems. This study aims to analyze students mathematics resilience abilities on
Linear Program material. The research method used one group pretest-posttest design.
Population in this research is all student of semester 3 of Unswagati Cirebon
Mathematics Education Study Program. The sample of research was taken by purposive
sampling technique as many as 54 students who have been able to teach the Linear
Program. Instruments in this study the final value of student learning outcomes that
have followed the Linear Program material and mathematics resilience questionnaire.
The result of the research shows that there is a difference of mathematics resilience
ability between a high and medium-high group, and there is the influence of
mathematics resilience on student learning result on Linear Program material.

Keywords: Mathematics resilience, linear program

Topic: Mathematics Education

The relationship between pre-service mathematics teachers conceptions of
geometry and teaching skills

Irmawati Liliana Kusuma Dewi (1), Sri Asnawati (2)

(1) Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati

(2) Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati


The purpose of this research is to find out the correlation between understanding the
geometry concept of mathematics pre-service teacher and teaching ability, in explaining
the concept of geometry systematically in a planned order, so that the students are
easier to understand. The research method is an experiment, and the sampling technique
is purposive. The research instrument is a practice test. Data understanding of geometry
concept comes from the Final Test of Geometry course, while the data of teaching
ability comes from teaching practice score on geometry topic. The statistical test uses
the Pearson Product Moment correlation test and linearity test. The results of this
research are: (1) there is a significant correlation between students concept
comprehension ability and geometry teaching ability; (2) the relationship between
students conceptual understanding and geometry teaching ability is in the medium
category; (3) the magnitude of the influence between the understanding of student
concepts and geometry teaching ability is 46.5%. It indicates that there is another factor
of 53.5% that affects the ability of pre-service teacher teaching on geometry topics in
addition to student concept comprehension.

Keywords: Conceptions Of Geometry, Teaching Skills

Topic: Mathematics Education

Experience of novice teachers to present mathematical problems

W Ramadianti (a), N Priatna (b)

(a,b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Mathematical problems are important in mathematics learning. Teachers should give

students the opportunity to solve the problem. Novice teachers face some obstacles to
present mathematical problems in their class. This study aims to describe experience of
novice teachers to present mathematical problems for their students. This article
discusses the barriers experienced by novice teachers to present math problems. This
research is a qualitative research. Data were collected by interviewing five novice
teachers. The results of this study reveal that novice teachers rarely present problems in
mathematics learning. Low mathematical understanding ability of students are the main
obstacle of novice teachers. Novice teachers assume that presenting problems in
learning effect students to be more confused. The findings of this study indicate that
learning mathematics by novice teachers have not instructed students with problem-
solving ability maximally. For further research it is necessary to analyze the ability of
novice teachers in preparing mathematical problems.

Keywords: novice teachers; mathematical problems

Topic: Mathematics Education

Development of teaching materials based on ethnomathematics on woven fabrics
(Tembe Nggoli) Mbojo Tribe society for junior high school students

Sowanto and Edi Mulyadin



This research is based on the absence of teaching materials about the concept of
geometry that is able to facilitate the students connecting the culture, especially Tembe
Nggoli which is one of the woven cloth of mbojo-NTB with the concept of
mathematics. Ethnomathematics is a mathematical bridge with culture, and
ethnography recognizes the different ways of doing mathematics in community
activities. The product of this study is to produce teaching materials that can be in the
form of student worksheets. The method used is the research design (design research)
which includes: (1) preliminary design, in this phase, is made Hypothetical Learning
Trajectory (HLT) hypothesis learning; (2) experiments, in this phase existing designs
are tested to students; (3) retrospective analysis, in this phase the researchers compare
the HLT with the actual student learning process. The results of this research showed
that task 1 which was presented in teaching materials by considering learning obstacle
and preliminary study able to facilitate students to define the properties of triangles
based on their angle. The other tasks presented in the teaching material by considering
learning obstacle and preliminary studies were able to facilitate each student to identify
the properties of squares, parallelogram, and rhombus.

Keywords: Teaching Materials, Ethnomathematics, Design Research

Topic: Mathematics Education

Surala Ninja: A mathematics e-Learning based on learning management system
as an alternative learning in primary school mathematics

R. Marwatia*, T. Fujihirab, A. Furuoka, K. Yuliantia

a) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, FPMIPA UPI

b) SuRaLa Net co., Japan


e-learning based on Learning Management System (LMS) has contributed a lot to the
education system. e-Learning based on LMS includes learning management, student
management, evaluation management components, online practice, online material
content, online assessment. ‘Surala Ninja!’ is a mathematics e-learning for elementary
level. It will examine how ‘Surala Ninja!’ e-learning meets LMS components and how
‘Surala Ninja!’! LMS improves numeracy skills, trains mathematical thinking, embed
learning characters, and compares it with the 2013 school curriculum. The results show
that although ‘Surala Ninja!’ content and the low-level curriculum is sliced mainly,
but ‘Surala Ninja!’ contains a lot of reinforcement and deepening of material not
provided in school so that LMS-based e-learning can be an alternative to individual

Keywords: e-learning, LMS, mathematical thinking, individual learning

Topic: Mathematics Education

Pbl-teamteaching on developing vocational mathematics textbook

A Maharani1*, Darhim2, J Sabandar3, and T Herman4

1Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Djati, Jl.

Perjuangan No. 1, Cirebon 45134, Indonesia;
2Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, IKIP Siliwangi, Jl. Terusan Jendral Sudirman,
Cimahi, Indonesia
4Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Abstract. This paper is the result of development research to produce mathematics

textbook which can be used as one of learning resource for vocational students of
competence of light vehicle engineering skill and Business and Motorcycle Technique.
The research method used in the development of this textbook is the research and
development method (Research Design and Development). Development is carried out
through development stages according to Sugiyono[1], namely (1) potentials and
problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, and (5) design
revisions. Research product in the form of textbook of mathematics vocational school
material Geometry & Measurement based on creative thinking ability. The product of
the development was validated by 3 lecturers and 2 Mathematics teachers from two
different schools. The results showed that textbook mathematics vocational school
material Geometry & Measurement-based creative thinking ability has a valid validity

Keywords: Textbooks, PBL-team teaching, creative thinking skills,vocational school

Topic: Mathematics Education

Mathematical Connections Process for Elementary School Students in Problem
Solving of Statistics

1Elsa Astari, 2Marsigit

Graduate Elementary Education Program, Yogyakarta State University


The mathematical connection process is intended as the steps of students in connecting

mathematics. This study belongs to research which aims to describe the ability of
mathematics connections of high-level students who are high-ability and low in
problem-solving of statistics. Data analysis of the students mathematical connection
ability of student use triangulation technique from the result of the observation with the
student worksheet and result of the written test with the interview. The results show that
students with high mathematical ability have mathematical connection process more
complete in problem-solving steps rather than students with low mathematical ability
who do not Look Back. Students with the high mathematical ability which is indicated
by students are able to identify and formulate math problems, implement settlement
strategies and be able to explain the results according to the original problem.

Keywords: mathematical connections

Topic: Mathematics Education

Is functional skills mathematics approach relevant to stimulate students
mathematical problem solving?

Rina Oktaviyanthi, Ria Noviana Agus, Yani Supriani, Usep Sholahudin

Universitas Serang Raya


This study described the stimulation structure of problem-solving skills obtained by

students who were taught mathematics using functional skills mathematics approach. A
descriptive exploratory qualitative approach was used to examine the students
stimulation structure. Participants included three students from different level of
mathematics ability in the second semester students of mathematics education program
at Universitas Serang Raya. The data gained from the students problem-solving
working collaborated with in-depth interviews focused on the students thinking refers
to the functional skills mathematics completeness indicator. Exploration results showed
the percentage of stimulation for each student of high, moderate and low mathematics
ability are 81.8%, 54.5% and 36.7%. The relevance of the implementation of the
functional skills mathematics approach was explained in more detail in the discussion.

Keywords: functional skills mathematics, problem solving, stimulation structure

Topic: Mathematics Education

Enhancement mathematical problem solving skill and achievement self efficacy
through thinking actively in a social context learning model

Wieka Septiyana (a*), Endang Cahya Mulyaning Asih (b) and Dadan Dasari (b)

Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl Dr.

Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The low ability of mathematical problem solving and the importance of self efficacy for
the students become the basis of this research. The TASC learning model is one of the
learning models that was expected to overcome the problem. This study aims to
examine the ability of mathematical problem solving and self efficacy. The design used
non-equivalent control group design and the subjects were students of grade VII in one
of junior high school in Bandung. The instruments were used the problem solving tests
and self efficacy scales. At the 0.05 significance level, it can be concluded that: a) The
enhancement of students mathematical problem solving ability who recieved TASC
learning model is significantly higher than the students who received the usual learning
reviewed by overall students and medium early mathematical ability; b) The
achievement of mathematical self efficacy of students who received TASC learning
model is better than the students who received the usual learning reviewed by overall
students and medium early mathematical ability. The use of questions that explore
students ideas and questions that guide students to decide decisions for medium early
mathematical abillity students should be more diverse to develop students skills in
determining problem-solving strategies.

Keywords: Thinking actively in a social context learning Model; Mathematical

problem solving; self efficacy

Activity impacts in problem based learning and mathematical problem posing on
critical thinking ability

Bambang Eko Susilo (a,b*), Turmudi (c)

a) School of Post Graduate of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229,
40154 Bandung, Indonesia
b) Universitas Negeri Semarang, Kampus Sekaran, Gunungpati, 50229 Semarang,
c) School of Post Graduate of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229,
40154 Bandung, Indonesia


Critical thinking ability is an important aspect developed in mathematics learning.

Critical thinking ability as one of the higher-order thinking skills is needed in solving
math problems and complex problems, in the life of multinational and multicultural
relations. Critical thinking ability strived for its development with various forms of
learning models, approaches, and strategies, such as Problem Based Learning and
Mathematical Problem Posing. This research discusses activity impacts in Problem
Based Learning and Mathematical Problem Posing on critical thinking ability. The
method used in this research is literature review through stages: problem formulation,
literature search, data evaluation, analysis, and interpretation. The review included
experimental studies between the years 2002 to 2017. The results showed that student
activities in learning as a consequence of the syntax of Problem Based Learning and the
steps of Mathematical Problem Posing have related to the stages with the indicators of
critical thinking ability, so that activities in Problem Based Learning and Mathematical
Problem Posing have impacts in developing students critical thinking ability.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning; Mathematical Problem Posing; Critical thinking

ability; Activity impacts

Topic: Mathematics Education

Validation of integrated STEM mathematical project-based learning materials

N Priatna*, R Sispiyati, S A Lorenzia

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Abstract. This study aims to produce mathematics teaching materials that satisfy the
criteria of validity and through a process of validations teaching materials. Mathematics
teaching materials developed by project-based learning integrated STEM can be said to
be quite new so that the validation process is an important thing that teaching materials
must be passed to measure its feasibility. This research is part of the research and
developement (R & D) where this developement stage yields the percentage of the
prevalence of teaching materials. Researchs data obtained from the process of face
validation, construct validation, and content validation by the experts of material test,
experts of media, and small scope trials in 36 student of junior high school. The results
of the validation process of the test subjects can be concluded that the materials being
developed are feasible and valid for use in broad scope trials or furthermore feasible to
be used in the learning process.

Keywords: Validation, STEM mathematical project-based learning, materials

Topic: Mathematics Education

The enhancement of mathematical generalization reasoning ability of university
students through concept attainment model

Lilis Marina Angraini (a*). Yaya Sukjaya Kusumah (b). Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan (b).

a) Indonesian Education University, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia.

b) Riau Islamic University, Jalan kaharuddin Nasution 113, Riau, Indonesia.


This study aims to see the enhancement of mathematical generalization reasoning

ability of the university students through concept attainment model learning based on
overall and Prior Mathematical Knowledge (PMK) and interaction of both. Quasi
experiments with the design of this experimental-controlled equivalent group involved
54 of second semester students at the one of State Islamic University. The instrument
used is pretest-postest. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Levene test, t test, two-way ANOVA
test were used to analyse the data. The result of this study are: (1) The enhancement of
the mathematical generalization reasoning ability of the students who gets the learning
of concept attainment model is better than the enhancement of the mathematical
generalization reasoning ability of the students who gets the conventional learning as a
whole and it is not better based on PMK; (2) There is interaction between the learning
that is used and PMK on enhancing mathematical generalization reasoning ability.

Keywords: Concept Attainment Model; Mathematical Generalization Reasoning

Topic: Mathematics Education

Mathematical connection ability of deaf student in completing social arithmetic

Samuel Igo Leton,Wahyudin, Darhim

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study aimed at exploring the mathematical connection ability of grade 8 deaf
students in completing the social arithmetic test. This was a qualitative research with
case study and grounded theory design. Subjects of the study were six students who
were purposively chosen based on the characteristic of language and speech,
intelligence, and social emotion and were taken from three different schools, namely:
SMPLB Karya Murni Ruteng - NTT, SMPLB Negeri Semarang and SMPLB Don
Bosco Wonosobo. The result of work and interview analysis showed that mathematical
connection abilities of deaf students in completing social arithmetic test are as follows;
(1) in understanding the problem, the deaf students tended to represent the problem by
creating a mathematical model, statement, and concrete objects. (2) in making the
initial plan to complete the problem, the deaf students tended to use media associated
with a given problem. (3) If deaf students could solve the problem, they tended to
resolve it by enumerating, substitution, and tinkering with concrete objects. The results
of grounded theory analysis obtained a theoretical formulation as a strategy to build the
ability of mathematical connections skills namely; presents problems in the form of
visualization, provides learning experiences with varied questions, increases self-
confidence by giving praise, more attention from parents or teachers both at school and
in dormitory/home.

Keywords: mathematical connection ability, hearing impaired student

Topic: Mathematics Education


EDU MATH (Mandalagiri 1)

No. Topic Tittle

1. Mathematics [ABS-249] Analysis of students mathematical thinking based
Education on their learning style

Nita Delima*, Mariam Ar Rahmah, Muchamad Subali Noto

2. Mathematics [ABS-250] Enhancing Students Mathematical Synthesis
Education Ability By Superitem Learning Model

Vara Nina Yulian*, Wahyudin

3. Mathematics [ABS-254] Mathematical Communication Using Quantum
Education Teaching based on Hypnoteaching (QTH) in the Primary
School Teacher Education (PSTE) Students

Idha Novianti*, Endang Cahya Mulyaning A., Nanang Priatna

4. Mathematics [ABS-257] How is the ability of pre-services mathematics
Education teacher to read a mathematical proof?

Muchamad Subali Noto, Nanang Priatna, Jarnawi Afgani

Dahlan, S Setiyani
5. Mathematics [ABS-26] Learning arithmetic with backsound music classic
Education romantic

6. Mathematics [ABS-261] Problem Based MHM Strategy to Enhance Junior
Education High School Students Mathematical Creative Problem
Solving Ability and Mathematical Disposition

Bety Miliyawati*, Tatang Herman, Turmudi

7. Mathematics [ABS-3] Mathematically gifted student ways of thinking on
Education fractions

T Ikhwanudin, Wahyudin, and S Prabawanto

8. Mathematics [ABS-30] Analysis of statistical literacy ability among
Education madrasah tsanawiyah students

I Maryati, N. Priatna, B.A.P. Martadiputra

9. Mathematics [ABS-304] Promoting Students Self Determination Theory
Education Skill In Merills First Principle Of Instruction (MFPI)

H Wilujeng*, Y S Kusumah, and D Darhim

10. Mathematics [ABS-311] Cognitive style and gender differences in
Education conceptual understanding mathematics students

W Kusumaningsih*, HA Saputra, AN Aini

11. Mathematics [ABS-334] Analysis of students conceptual and procedural
Education understanding of linear programming

Khairunnisa*, Darhim

No. Topic Tittle
12. Mathematics [ABS-336] Error Analysis of College Students in Calculus
Education Learning scientific literation skills

Khairani, Mukhni, Faizah Qurrata Aini

13. Mathematics [ABS-356] Ethnomathematical Review of Toraja Typical

Education Carving Design in Geometry Transformation Learning

Yuda Satria Nugraha

14. Mathematics [ABS-360] Didactical Design Work Sheet of Complex
Education Variabel Function Based on Epistemology, Didactical, and
Learning trajector to Enhance Students Ability for
repreresentation and Communication

Encum Sumiaty, Endang Dedy

15. Mathematics [ABS-365] Instrument Design of Student Self-Regulated
Education Learning in Statistics Course

Dian Cahyawati*, Wahyudin, Sufyani Prabawanto

16. Mathematics [ABS-380] Geometry Thinking Ability Level by Van Hiele
Education from First Semester Students Reviewed from Gender

E Sudihartinih* and Wahyudin

17. Mathematics [ABS-50] The effect of counting method and learning style on
Education students learning outcome in mathematic lesson

Rasmitadila* and Shinta Dewi

18. Mathematics [ABS-55] The Analyzing of Students Learning Obstacles in
Education Understanding Proportion

Agung Putra Wijaya*, Tina Yunarti, M. Coesamin

19. Mathematics [ABS-7] E-learning assisted problem based learning for self-
Education regulated learning and mathematical problem solving

R. Poppy Yaniawati*, Bana G. Kartasasmita, Jusep Saputra

20. Mathematics [ABS-84] Improving Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability
Education Students through Problem-Based Learning

I I Supianti*, Wahyudin, B G Kartasasmita, E Nurlaelah

21. Mathematics [ABS-9] Clustering for multi-dimensional data set: a case
Education study on educational data

Mokhammad Ridwan Yudhanegara*, Karunia Eka Lestari

22. Mathematics [ABS-93] The Creativity of Pre-Service Mathematics
Education Teachers in Designing GeoGebra-Assisted Mathematical

A T Fatimah
23. Mathematics [ABS-146] The Effect of Students Perception on Classroom
Education Assessment to Students Attitudes

Mohammad Syaifuddin


Nita Delima (a*), Mariam Ar Rahmah (b), Muchamad Subali Noto (C)

(a) Universitas Subang, Jln. RA. Kartini Km. 3 Subang 41214, Indonesia
(b) Universitas Subang, Jln. RA. Kartini Km. 3 Subang 41214, Indonesia
(c) Universitas Swadaya Gunung Djati, Jln. Perjuangan No. 01 Karyamulya Kesambi
Cirebon Indonesia 45131


The purpose of this study is to describe the students mathematical thinking based on
their own learning style. The second objective of this research is to find out which one
of the learning style which has the highest mean score of the students mathematical
thinking. In addition, this study also aims to find out whether there is a relationship
between the students mathematical thinking with the learning style they have. Based on
the result of research, the students mathematical thinking mostly in the medium and
high category. Meanwhile, the dimension of learning style possessed by the majority of
students is an assimilating learning style. Students with moderate and high students
mathematical thinking categories, have an assimilating learning style. The mean score
of the highest students mathematical thinking test is obtained by group of students with
converging learning style. Although there is a difference in the statistical description,
but the relationship between students mathematical thinking with their own learning
styles is not significant. Nevertheless, the knowledge of the description of these two
variables can serve as a good enough reference for determining the students self-
development direction in the future

Keywords: students mathematical thinking,learning style

Topic: Mathematics Education

Enhancing Students Mathematical Synthesis Ability By Superitem Learning

Vara Nina Yulian(a,b*), Wahyudin(a)

a) Study Program of Mathematics Education, School of Postgraduate Studies,

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Study Program of Mathematics Education, Universitas Subang
Jl. RA Kartini Km 3 Subang, Subang, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the improvement of students mathematical synthesis

ability and student attitudes toward learning mathematics with superitem learning
model. This research was quasi experiment in nature, with pretest posttest control group
design. The experimental class is given in the form of learning with superitem learning
model and control classes are given learning with conventional learning model. The
populations of this study are students of 8th grade public junior high school at North
Bandung, with the research sample is selected two classes. Two classes are selected to
be used as experimental class and control class. The instrument used consisted of
mathematical synthesis ability test and attitude scale. The results of this study conclude
that students mathematical synthesis ability thats learning with superitem learning
model better than students who received learning with conventional model. Students
give positive responses and attitudes toward learning with superitem learning model.

Keywords: Mathematical Synthesis Ability; Superitem

Topic: Mathematics Education

Mathematical Communication Using Quantum Teaching based on Hypnoteaching
(QTH) in the Primary School Teacher Education (PSTE) Students

Idha Novianti (a*), Endang Cahya Mulyaning A. (b), Nanang Priatna (b)

a. Indonesia Open University

b. Indonesia University of Education


The lack of mathematical communication ability of the students is the result of less
precisely applied learning model. Quantum Teaching based on hypnoteaching is a
learning that is expected to improve students mathematical communication because by
this model the material is explained in an effective and efficient way, and also the
provision of hypnoteaching during learning its cause students eager to learn. This study
is an experimental research. There are 50 seventh semester students of PSTE student as
sample in this experiment selected randomly. An experimental class is provided with
Quantum Teaching based on hypnoteaching (QTH), and a control class is given
Ordinary Learning (OL). The instruments used are: test, observation sheet, and
interview guide. Techniques of data analysis in this study using two-way Analysis of
Variance with unequal cells. The result of this research is QTH learning have a better
mathematical communication ability than student with OL. Based on the level of
mathematical ability (high, medium, and low), medium and low-ability students show
significant differences, but not for high-ability students. Based on the response shown
through the test, students with QTH showed activity, and better performance compared
to OL.

Keywords: Mathematical communication, Quantum Teaching based on hypnoteaching,

math ability, PSTE Students

Topic: Mathematics Education

How is the ability of pre-services mathematics teacher to read a mathematical

Muchamad Subali Noto (1,2*), Nanang Priatna (1), Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan (1), S
Setiyani (2)

(1) Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
(2) Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Djati, Jl.
Perjuangan No.1 Cirebon, Indonesia


Mathematics learning at the college has demanded pre-services mathematics teacher to

have high-level mathematical skills including mathematical proofs. Several studies
have focused on improving these abilities, but very few focus on the ability to read
mathematical proofs. Though this ability that is needed by students in learning
mathematical proofs. The purpose of this study is to analyse the ability to read
mathematical proofs of students. This research is qualitative research, data obtained
through interview and test. There were two problems in geometry given to three
students with different abilities. The result shows that students ability to read
mathematical proof is still low, as a whole the students have difficulties in every step of
proofing, both in verification the proofs and writing down the concept used.

Keywords: Pre-services Mathematics Teacher, Mathematical Proofs, and Geometry

Topic: Mathematics Education



Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Tasikmalaya

Program studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD)


This study is based on our previous research results, that classical music can improve
the mathematical intelligence of elementary school students (Karlimah and Respati,
2016). But the learning model used has not been studied, therefore done further
research to develop the model of learning mathematics with backsound classical music
of the era romantik. The research method used is Design-Based Research (DBR).
Development using four stages, adoption and modification of Reeves development
design (Jan Van Akker, 2010). Research subjects were the same teachers and students
in the previous study. The study was conducted for eight months. The product of
learning model is named Romantic Learning Arithmetic Model. The result of the
research shows that the Romantic Learning Arithmetic Model is started from the
beginning activity which is opening and conditioning learning, giving motivation to
learn, doing apersepsi and learning orientation; the core activities of presenting
learning, giving learning direction, independent learning experience, and presentation
of learning outcomes, and the final activities of evaluation, follow up, and closing.

Keywords: learning arithmatics, romantic classic music

Topic: Mathematics Education

Problem Based MHM Strategy to Enhance Junior High School Students
Mathematical Creative Problem Solving Ability and Mathematical Disposition

Bety Miliyawati (a*), Tatang Herman (b), Turmudi (b)

(a*) Universitas Subang

(b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This article presents the results of research on the development of mathematics learning
with problem based Mathematical Habits of Mind (MHM) strategy to enhance
mathematical creative problem solving (MCPS) ability and mathematical disposition.
Quasi experimental research with posttest control group design involved 146 eighth
grade students from two State Junior High Schools in Subang regency, each consisting
of two classes. The instruments used were tests MCPS ability and mathematical
disposition. Research data of students pretest, posttes, and normalized gain scores for
MCPS ability were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Mann Whitney. Based on
data analysis results, it is found that there is a significant difference in the enhancement
of students MCPS ability and mathematical disposition of students between the
experimental and control groups at the high and medium school levels. On the other
hand, there is a difference in mathematical disposition in terms of school level.
Meanwhile, there is an interaction effect between problem-based MHM strategies and
school-levels on the students mathematical disposition. Conclusion, that the
enhancement of MCPS ability of students who were taught with problem based MHM
strategy is significantly greater compared conventional learning in terms of school

Keywords: problem-based learning, MHM strategy, mathematical creative problem

solving, mathematical disposition

Topic: Mathematics Education

Mathematically gifted student ways of thinking on fractions

T Ikhwanudin, Wahyudin, and S Prabawanto

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


This research aims to analyze mathematically gifted student ways of thinking on

fractions learning. The respondent was one mathematically gifted student of the 7th
graders in the junior high school. The research approach was qualitative. The data were
collected through paper and pencil measure, observation, and interview. The data were
analyzed by grounded theory with coding and constant comparison. The results showed
five mathematical thinking types; those are quantification, schematization,
symbolization, concretization and analogical thinking. The findings are then elaborated
using some related theories to justify the results

Keywords: mathematically gifted student, ways of thinking, fractions learning

Topic: Mathematics Education


I Maryati, N. Priatna, B.A.P. Martadiputra

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Abtract: This study aims to analyze the statistical literacy ability of students of
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Garut, academic year 2016/2017 grade 8th in statistical
materials, especially related to the discussion of measurement and concentration of data
based on indicators of statistical literacy ability in terms of reading statistical data,
understanding the concept statistics, communicating the process of statistical data
processing, and presenting the results of statistical data processing. The research
method used is qualitative descriptive method with case study. Subjects in this study
amounted to 35 students. The result of data analysis showed students ability in reading
statistical data given in the form of tables, diagrams and graphs of 35%, students ability
in understanding the concept to determine the distribution of data, mean, mode and
median from a data set of 32% in communicating the processing process of the
distribution of data, averages, modes, and medians by 30%, and students achievement
in presenting the processing results of data distribution, averages, modes and medians
of 28%. In addition to the difficulties experienced by students in statistical literacy
capabilities are also analyzed solutions that can be applied in minimizing the problems.

Keywords: Statistical Literacy

Topic: Mathematics Education

Promoting Students Self Determination Theory Skill In Merills First Principle Of
Instruction (MFPI)

H Wilujeng1,2*, Y S Kusumah 1, and D Darhim 1

1Math Education Department, University of Pendidikan Indonesia.

Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Math Education Department, University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang.
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan I/33, Tangerang, Indonesia


Abstract. The self determination theory is the ability that allows an individual to choose
and have several choices to determine an action. The problems experienced by the
students related to SDT are the decreasing motivation of students to develop
themselves, students are unable to be responsible and not sensitive to the feelings of
others. The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in SDT achievement
of MPK student self determination theory (high, medium and low). This research
method was quasi experiment with Post-test Only Control Design. Subjects in the study
were 124 students. The learning process was carried out through Merrills First
Principles of Instruction and ordinary learning. The results shows that the average
achievement of high, medium and low MPK on the self determination skill theory of
students who received MFPI learning are better than those who received regular
learning. In SDT indicator, autonomy and students relatedness who have high MPK are
superior in comparison to medium and low MPK. The low MPK category is better on
competence indicators compared to high MPK and medium MPK. MFPI learning
should be an alternative learning for teachers in mathematics because in addition to
improving student cognitive abilities.

Keywords: self determination theory , MFPI

Topic: Mathematics Education

Cognitive style and gender differences in conceptual understanding mathematics

W Kusumaningsih (a,b*), HA Saputra (b), AN Aini (b)

a) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b)Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Jl. Sidodadi Timur No. 24
Semarang 50125, Indonesia


This study aimed to analyze the understanding of mathematics concepts of cognitive,

reflective style students based on gender in the matrix material. This research is
descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data collected from high school
students of class XI in a cognitive, reflective style of male and female. The technique of
data collecting used in this research are tests, interviews and also equipped with
documentation. The data analysis techniques in this research are data reduction, data
display and conclusion/verification. The data validity using technique triangulation.
The results showed that cognitive, reflective style between male and female students
have a similarity understanding of mathematics concepts. In indicators that give
examples or examples of the counter of the learned concepts and have differences in
understanding of mathematics concepts; redefine the concepts in mathematics; connect
the various concepts in mathematics as well as outside mathematics; identify the
characteristic of procedure or theory and present the idea in various forms of
mathematical representation. Based on the analysis of the data can be concluded that
the understanding of mathematics concepts of cognitive, reflective style on the male is
better than on the female.

Keywords: cognitive style, concept understanding, gender diferences

Topic: Mathematics Education


Khairunnisa (a*), Darhim (b)

a) Department of Mathematics Education

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Conceptual understanding is an understanding of theories, facts, rules, descriptions, and

terminology of mathematics as well as all relevant information while procedural
understanding is the procedure or set of rules (mathematical formula) to calculate or
solve problems. Linear programming is a mathematical content very closely with
procedural. The purpose of this study was to analyze the conceptual understanding and
procedural understanding mathematics education students in the program linear
material which familiar with the procedural. This research was conducted at a
university by descriptive quantitative research methods using the test as an instrument
for analyzing the two students ability in the form of a percentage. The results showed
that 1) only 16% of students can understand correctly the concept of social arithmetic
on linear programming problem is given. 2) Only 2% were able to formulate a
mathematical model for the relationship between variables correctly and be able to
relate to the concept of a linear program as the constraints. 3) Procedural ability on the
simplex method is still less than 50%

Keywords: conceptual understanding; procedural understanding; linear programming

Topic: Mathematics Education

Error Analysis of College Students in Calculus Learning

Khairani; Mukhni; Faizah Qurrata Aini

Universitas Negeri Padang


Calculus is one of many courses in college that must be mastered by students. But,
students faced difficulty in calculus learning. There were many students who failed in
calculus course. They could not answer calculus problem correctly and made mistakes.
Purpose of this study was to describe students error in calculus learning based on
Newman Error Analysis. Type of research was descriptive qualitative. Sampling was
done by purposive sampling. Sample was 29 students who took calculus course in
2018. Instrument was students answer worksheet of calculus test. Result shows that
students have different type of error in solving calculus problem

Keywords: Calculus, Error Analysis, College Students

Topic: Mathematics Education

Ethnomathematical Review of Toraja Typical Carving Design in Geometry
Transformation Learning

Yuda Satria Nugraha (a*)

a) Magister of Teaching for Mathematics Study Program, Bandung Institute of

Technology (ITB)


Toraja Typical Carving as one of the nation culture wealth does not only have a
philosophical meaning, but also contains mathematical elements in relation to the
concept of geometry transformation. Ethnomathematics is a process of presenting the
mathematical ideas possessed by traditional societies on various sociocultural activities
that can be observed as a mathematical activity. The mathematical exploration of
Toraja Typical Carving Design such as Patedong, Pabarre Allo, Pamanuk Londong,
Pasussu, and other developmental designs is an alternative learning model that can be
applied in school. This is an important effort to preserve the national culture and as a
cultural education to the younger generation. This is a qualitative research with
ethnography approach to reveal philosophy and mathematical concept which is found
on Toraja Typical Carving Design.

Keywords: Ethnomathematics, geometry transformation, Toraja Carving

Topic: Mathematics Education

Didactical Design Work Sheet of Complex Variabel Function Based on
Epistemology, Didactical, and Learning trajector to Enhance Students Ability for
repreresentation and Communication

Encum Sumiaty, Endang Dedy

Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudhi no. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


One of the important keys to improve undergraduate students’ learning process is by

using a good learning material, especially for those who are from mathematics
department. In this study, the learning material was developed not merely by
considering the characteristic of the materials and supported by appropriate models,
methods and approaches. Further than that, it also pays attention on learning obstacles
faced by the undergraduate students from both internal and external perspectives. By
this way, the learning material was made based on epistemology, didactic, and learning
trajectory. This study was undertaken by applying Didactical Design Research (DDR)
which has three analytical phases: didactical situation analysis prior; metapedidactical
analysis; and retrospective analysis. This study was began with problems (concept
founding or even concept reinforcement), then the problems was analyzed by the
students by referring textbook for students and lastly making the teaching guide based
on the learning obstacle, didactical, and learning trajectory. After learning process and
learning obstacle test was done, an analysis was carried out and it shows that the
didactical design successfully improved the undergraduate students’ repreresentation
and communication skill. However, it seems that the undergraduate students’
repreresentation skill does significantly affect to their communication skill.

Keywords: Didactical Design Research, learning obstacle, didactical, and learning

trajectory, repreresentation dan communication skill

Topic: Mathematics Education

Instrument Design of Student Self-Regulated Learning in Statistics Course

Dian Cahyawati (a*), Wahyudin (b), Sufyani Prabawanto (b)

a) Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Jl. Palembang-

Prabumulih km 32 Inderalaya, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera, Indonesia
b) Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to obtain an appropriate instrument that can measure
student self-regulated learning in a statistics course. The first step of instrument design
is to form items that related to self-regulated learning strategy from some previous
research. The second step is to check the validity of instrument design to the expert-
judgment. The third step is to try out the instrument design to get an instrument that has
validity and reliability criteria. After all steps, the instrument can be used to measure
the scale of student self-regulated learning in statistics course for the research subject.
Those data were processed and analyzed using exploratory factor analysis to reduce the
number of items and to form some factors which consist of some of the highly
correlated items among them. These factors can be used to measure the influence of
student self-regulated learning in statistics course on other variables that are suspected
to be related to the variable of self-regulated learning in a statistics course.

Keywords: self-regulated learning, statistics course, exploratory analysis

Topic: Mathematics Education

Geometry Thinking Ability Level by Van Hiele from First Semester Students
Reviewed from Gender

E Sudihartinih1*, dan Wahyudin1

1Program Doktor Pendidikan Matematika, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas

Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


This research is an exploratory study that aims to examine the geometry abilities of
students based on gender. Participants numbered 90 people. The number of female
students is 72 people and male students are 18 people. Participants are students of
biology education programs who attend basic mathematics lectures in the first semester
of 2018/2019 academic year at one of the universities in Indonesia. The instrument
used was Van Hieles geometry thinking level test with 25 multiple choice questions.
The results showed that from 18 male students as many as 33.33% were at level 0, and
6.67% at level 1. While of 72 female students, as many as 47.22% were at level 0,
47.22% at level 1, and 5.55% at level 2. Based on these results there appears to be a
difference between male and female students. There are female students who reach
level 2, but not with male students.

Keywords: Geometry thinking, van Hiele theory, basic mathematics, gender,

explorative studies.

Topic: Mathematics Education

The effect of counting method and learning style on students learning outcome in
mathematic lesson

Rasmitadila(a*), Shinta Dewi(b)

a) Elementary School Teacher Education, Djuanda University, Jalan Raya Puncak

No.1, Bogor, Jawa Barat Indonesia.
b) Elementary School Teacher Education, Uhamka University,l. Tanah Merdeka, Kp.
Rambutan, Ciracas, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia


This aims of this study were to determine: (1) the differences in learning outcome of
mathematic between Jarimatika Method and Abacus method, (2) the differences in
learning outcome of mathematic between students with learning style of visual and
audio, (3) the interaction between counting method and learning style to the learning
outcome. This type research was quasi-experimental with research subject as many as
60 students were determined by random sampling assignment. The data collection
technique used essay test. The obtained data were analyzed by two-way Anova. The
results of this study revealed that: there were significant differences in learning
outcome of mathematic between Jarimatika Method and Abacus Method (sig p = 0.000
< &#945; = 0.05), (2) there were significant differences in learning outcome of
mathematic between students with visual and audio (sig p = 0.000 < &#945; = 0.05),
and (3) there was interaction between counting method and learning style to learning
outcome of mathematic (sig p = 0.000 < &#945; = 0.05).

Keywords: counting method, jarimatika method, abacus method, learning outcome,

mathematic lesson

Topic: Mathematics Education

The Analyzing of Students Learning Obstacles in Understanding Proportion

Agung Putra Wijaya(1*), Tina Yunarti(1), M. Coesamin(1)

(1)Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

University of Lampung, Jalan Prof. Dr. Soemantri Brodjonegoro No. 1, Gedung
Meneng, Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia.


In order to achieve learning objectives optimally, learning is designed with attention to

students learning obstacles. The purpose of this study was to analyze the obstacles of
junior high school students in undertsanding proportion. The subject of this study was
87 students of grade 7 of junior high school in Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia.
This study used a qualitative method. The data of this study were obtained through test
and interview. Based on the results of the study, 76% of students have obstacles in
undertsanding proportion. The obstacles include ontogenic obstacle, epistemological
obstacle and didactical obstacle.

Keywords: proportion, ontogenic obstacle, epistemological obstacle, didactical


Topic: Mathematics Education

E-learning assisted problem based learning for self-regulated learning and
mathematical problem solving

R. Poppy Yaniawati (a*); Bana G. Kartasasmita (a); Jusep Saputra (b)

(a) Magister of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pasundan

Jalan Sumatera no 41, Bandung 40117, Indonesia
(*) e-mail:

(b) Mathematics Education, Universitas Pasundan

Jalan Taman Sari no 6-8, Bandung 40116, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of e-learning assisted problem-based

learning (PBL) to enhance self-regulated learning and its impact on the mathematical
problem-solving skill of college students. This study used mixed methods research with
embedded design by comparing groups of e-learning assisted PBL and conventional
learning. The subjects were undergraduate students of mathematics education in
Universitas Pasundan Bandung Indonesia. The instruments were the test, questionnaire,
interview guidelines, and observation guidelines. The data analyze use of two way
ANOVA, Mann-Whitney test, and linear regression analysis. The results show that:
The mathematical problem-solving ability of students who used e-learning assisted
PBL is better rather than those who used conventional learning; The self-regulated
learning of students who used e-learning PBL is better rather than those who used
conventional learning; There is an influence of self-regulated learning on students
mathematical problem-solving skill

Keywords: mathematics learning; undergraduate students, mixed methods embedded,

two way ANOVA, influence

Topic: Mathematics Education

Improving Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability Students through Problem-
Based Learning

I I Supianti(1,2*), Wahyudin(2), B G Kartasasmita(1,2), E Nurlaelah(2)

1) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pasundan, Jl. Sumatera No. 41

Bandung 40117, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
2) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia



Creative thinking ability is one of the capabilities needed to face up various situations
and problems in life, So students should have this ability. The purpose of this study is
to determine the effectiveness of the use of problem-based learning method in
improving students creative thinking ability. The method used is a mixed method with
the explanatory sequential design. This method begins with the use of quantitative
methods by performing pretest and posttest to find out the average gains normalized
their creative ability, then continued the interview to find out more about their
experience in using problem-based learning and its effectiveness in improving the
ability of creative thinking. The result of the research shows that there is an increase of
students creative thinking ability by using problem-based learning model, with pretest
rate (19,9) and posttest (71,4) normalized gain score 0,856, the increase is in the high
category. Interview results also show that problem-based learning is effective and can
accommodate creative thinking ability, also provides flexibility to improve other
cognitive abilities

Keywords: Problem-Based Learning; Mathematical Creative Thinking

Topic: Mathematics Education

Clustering for multi-dimensional data set: a case study on educational data

Mokhammad Ridwan Yudhanegara (a*), Karunia Eka Lestari (b)

a,b) Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

Jalan H. S. Ronggowaluyo Telukjambe Timur Karawang


This paper present two-step cluster method to handle data sets in educational data
mining. It can handle multi-dimentional metric data points to produce the best quality
clustering with the available resources. Especially useful in complex data sets where
traditional clustering methods would fail to find groupings. For a case study, we use
educational data in order to assign a clustering of alumni based on the profile. The
result of clustering will help the school to evaluate and improve the quality of its

Keywords: Educational Data

Topic: Mathematics Education

The Creativity of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers in Designing GeoGebra-
Assisted Mathematical Task

A T Fatimah

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Abstract. The aim research is to obtain a description of designing of the GeoGebra-

assisted mathematical task created by pre-service mathematics teachers. This research
uses the qualitative approach of descriptive design. Participants are 26 pre-service
mathematics teachers who will implement the program of teaching experience in
mathematics teaching in high school in Ciamis. Participants work in the group about 3-
4 people to make a GeoGebra-assisted mathematical task, the topic is the system of two
linear equation. The analysis of creativity result of GeoGebra-assisted mathematical
task design based on the aim of task and competency to be achieved by the students.
The results obtained in this research is mathematical task designed using feedback
generated by GeoGebra: (1) It is purposed to introduce new content, allowing learners
to apply procedures in a new situation and developing problem-solving; (2) It produces
reasoning skills in comprehension,connection, and generalization. The results show that
prospective math teachers try hard to find out, create innovation and imagine to design
mathematical tasks which are integrated by GeoGebra creatively.

Keywords: Mathematical task, GeoGebra, creativity

Topic: Mathematics Education

The Effect of Students Perception on Classroom Assessment to Students Attitudes

Mohammad Syaifuddin
University of Muhammadiyah Malang


The objectives of this research were to analyze 1) the perceptions of the students on
classroom assessments; 2) the differences in the students perceptions on classroom
assessment based on gender and the lecturers; and 3) the effect of students perceptions
on classroom assessment to the students attitudes. The subjects were UMM students
who attended Descriptive Statistics course. Descriptive statistics course was taught by
two lecturers. The data were collected using a Students Perception of Assessment
Questionnaire (SPAQ) adapted from Gao, M. (2012) and Tadesse, M (2015). Cronbach
alpha of SPAQ was calculated and the reliability coefficient for each item was high
(alpha more than 0.80). The data were analyzed using SPSS to calculate the frequency,
the percentage, and mean of students responses using a 5 Likert scale from strongly
disagree to strongly agree on each item. The independent sample t-test with 95%
confidence interval was used to test the differences in students perceptions on
classroom assessments by gender and the lecturers. The F test was used to examine the
effects of students perceptions on classroom assessment to attitudes. This current
research has concluded the followings: 1) the perceptions of students on classroom
assessment were positive for all aspects, except for the students perceptions on their
ability to prepare for the test or work on assignments and feedback. The lowest students
perception was in the item of the lecturers praise on the students who got good grades;
(2) the perceptions of the students on classroom assessments based on gender and the
lecturers have shown no difference to all aspects of classroom assessments; and (3) the
students perceptions on classroom assessment influenced the students attitudes.

Keywords: students perception, learning, classroom assessment, attitude, descriptive


Topic: Mathematics Education


BIO/EDU BIO & CHEM/EDU CHEM (Mandalagiri 2)

No. Topic Tittle

1. Biology [ABS-386] Isolation and Identification of Potential Probiotics
Bacteria from Intestinal of Anguilla bicolor

Peristiwati, Yayan Sanjaya and Canthika Trinaya

2. Biology [ABS-178] The optimization of human blood agar (hba) for
streptococcus pneumoniae growth

Anita Oktari, Noviana Vanawati, Ulva Indah Kurniawati

3. Biology [ABS-179] Growth analysis of microsporum canis using husk
rice (Oryza Sativa L. CV. Ciherang) as a replacement for
media sabouroud dextrose agar (SDA)

Haidir Syafrullah, Anita Oktari, Yati Supriatin, Muhamad Husni

4. Biology [ABS-194] Increasing anthraquinone compounds on leaf
callus Morinda citrifolia (L.) using chitosan from shell of
shrimps (Panaeus monodon)

Widi Purwianingsih*, Adi Rahmat & Rossy Y Hidayat

5. Biology [ABS-202] Study of vegetable waste product as alternative
artificial feed to life cycle of Hermetia illuncens

Yayan Sanjaya, Suhara, Rita Sintawati and Mimin Nurjhani

6. Biology [ABS-230] Indigenous Knowledge in Utilizing Natural
Resources as Sustainable Development in Kebon Gedang
District of Ciwaringin Cirebon

Dian Permana Putri

7. Biology [ABS-394] The effect of turmeric (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza) on
reproductive aspect of male mice (Mus musculus) Swiss

Didik Priyandoko, Hernawati, Fitria Rachmayati

8. Biology Education [ABS-5] Confirmatory factor analysis of critical thinking
disposition test in university biology

Jayanti Syahfitri*, Harry Firman, Sri Redjeki, and Siti Sriyati

9. Biology Education [ABS-74] Genetics in Socio Scientific Issues: Measuring
rebuttal abilities in scientific argumentation

A Anisa, A Widodo, R Riandi, and M Muslim

10. Biology Education [ABS-81] The Development of Science Comic in Human
Digestive System Topic for Junior High School

Nelah Roswati*, Nuryani Y. Rustaman and Ikmanda Nugraha

11. Biology Education [ABS-355] Utilization of the school environment as a learning
resource to improve critical thinking skills and scientific

D A M Muharam, A Munandar and S Sriyati

No. Topic Tittle
12. Biology Education [ABS-103] Problem-based learning skills and reflection skills
of biology education students through problem-based online

M Sekarwinahyu*, N Y Rustaman, A Widodo, Riandi

13. Biology Education [ABS-136] Improving Scientific Argumentation :
Opportunities and Barriers Analysis in Inquiry based

Riezky Maya Probosari*, Fatma Widyastuti, Sajidan, Suranto,

Baskoro Adi Prayitno
14. Biology Education [ABS-177] Enhancing the Quality of Future Teaching
Practice by Increasing Scientific Attitudes and Reducing
Misconceptions of Pre-service Elementary School Teachers
through Conceptual Change Model

Restu Waras Toto, Wahyu Kurniawati, Ali Mustadi

15. Biology Education [ABS-60] Development of Digital Product Teaching
Assessment Instruments For PreService Teacher Biology

Sri Maryanti*, Dede Trie Kurniawan, Adam Malik

16. Biology Education [ABS-171] Application of Active-Cooperative Learning Model
LSA Type on Improved Senior High School Students
Learning Outcomes in the Human Immune System Sub-

Reni Ernawati*, Uus Toharudin, Yusuf Ibrahim

17. Biology Education [ABS-354] Environmental Literacy Mapping Based On
Adiwiyata and Non Adiwiyata at Junior High School in

Siti Nurwaqidah, Suciati, Murni Ramli

18. Biology Education [ABS-359] The Effect of Learning Biology-based Inquiry
Learning to the Improvement of Students Critical Thinking
in High School

Yuhana, Maridi, Sri Dwiastuti

19. Biology Education [ABS-238] Flavonoids from the Stem Bark of Akway (Drymis
beccariana Gibs) and Theirs Antimalarial Properties

Tati Herlina*, Tarso Rudiana, Euis Julaeha, Anni Parubak

20. Chemistry [ABS-111] Effect of Didactical Dialogue to Enhance Learning
Education Quality

Wiwik Kartika Sari*, Sumar Hendayana, Asep Supriatna, Susy

21. Chemistry [ABS-128] Strength Student Environmental Literacy
Education Through Education With Popular Low Carbon Teaching

M. Syahruddin Amin, Anna Permanasari, Agus Setiabudi

No. Topic Tittle
22. Chemistry [ABS-133] Analysis of Students Difficulties based on
Education Respondents Ability Test on the Topic of Geometry Molecules

Melinda Nugraha*, Asep Supriatna and Soja Siti Fatimah

23. Chemistry [ABS-142] A Correlation Study among the ability for
Education designing Content Representation, self-efficacy, the
understanding of Curriculum and Context-based chemistry
learning of Pre-service Teacher

Antuni Wiyarsi, Hari Sutrisno, Eli Rohaeti

Isolation and Identification of Potential Probiotics Bacteria from Intestinal of
Anguilla bicolor

Peristiwati*, Yayan Sanjaya **and Canthika Trinaya

Department of Biology, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


Sidat is high selling price fish in international market. This is can causes sidat fish to be
categorized as a source earners for the country. Probiotics are live bacteria promoted
healthy in fish. Probiotics can also produce bacteriocins is usefull against several strains
of pathogenic bacteria. This research aimed to isolated of probiotic bacteria in Anguila
bicolor intestine and determine the characteristics of potential probiotics bacteria. The
steps was taking sample of small intestine by dissect the stomach of Anguilla bicolor
and taking out the digesta of small intestine and then dilution techniques were
performed with pour plate and streak plate methods, Gram staining, Biochemical Tests
and making Bacteria Growth Curve. To get the ability as probiotic bacteria by using a
few test such as the ability in low pH and bile salt. The test of antagonistic ability to
pathogen bacteria was used Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The
result shows that three isolates of Gram positive and have a rod shape. The three
isolates characterized by biochemical tests belong to the genus Lactobacillus. They
were able to grow and survive on a medium which has a pH between 3-6.5 and a
medium of 0.05% and 0,1% synthetic bile salt. From the result of the antagonistic
ability test show that all isolates have the ability to produce antimicrobial that are
bacteriosida against bacterial growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas

Keywords: Anguilla bicolor, Probiotics, Lactobacillus. bacteriosida

Topic: Biology


Anita Oktari, Noviana Vanawati, Ulva Indah Kurniawati

Department of Medical Analyst, School of Analyst Bakti Asih, Bandung Indonesia


Sheep Blood Agar (SBA) is a standard media for microbiology examination. The
difficulty to get sheep blood in tropical and developing countries causes an obstacle in
culturing Streptococcus pneumoniae. In other side, the usage of Human Blood Agar
(HBA) were not recommended for culturing Streptococcus pneumoniae. The purpose of
this experimental is to get the alternative media from HBA to improve the growth of
Streptococcus pneumoniae. Methods experimental study with True experimental post
test only design. Colony of Streptococcus pneumoniae that had been checked purity
were planted on HBA media and SBA media. Observation was done in 24 hours and 48
hours, comprising of colony diameters, hemodygest diameters, and the characteristics
colony. Results after 24 hours, the mean of Streptococcus pneumoniae colony
diameters on SBA media were not significantly different (0,8 mm) with HBA media
(0,6 mm). On the 48 hours observation, the mean of colony diameters on HBA media
(1,5 mm) were narrower than those on SBA media (1,8 mm). After 24 hours, the mean
of Streptococcus pneumoniae hemolysis diameters, on SBA media (1,2 mm) were
significantly different with HBA media (0,6 mm). After the 48 hours observation,
hemolysis diameters were widest in SBA media (1,6 mm) and in HBA media (0,8 mm).
The characteristics of colony in 24 and 48 hours observation were not significantly
different in all media. Conclusion HBA is an acceptable alternative media for culturing
Streptococcus pneumoniae in poorly resourced laboratories.

Keywords: Streptococcus pneumoniae, SBA, HBA

Topic: Biology


Haidir Syafrullah (1), Anita Oktari (2), Yati Supriatin (2), Muhamad Husni (2)

(1) Medical School of Dharma Husada Bandung Indonesia

(2) Department of Medical Analyst, School of Analyst Bakti Asih, Bandung Indonesia


Rice husk is hard layer covering kariopsis which consists of two parts called the lemma
and palea are interconnected in the milling process. Chaff is categorized biomass that
can be used for a variety of needs such as raw materials and animal feed. Rice husk
containing a source of carbohydrates and proteins is one of the factors that support the
growth of mold. Sabouroud dextrose Agar (SDA) is the standard medium used for the
growth of fungi. Experimental research has been carried out by inoculating
Microsporum canis in alternative media flour rice husks. This study aimed to compare
the growth of Microsporum canis in alternative media and media control. It has been
done with varying concentrations penenelitian tempum rice husk 4.5%. 5%. and 5.5%
Observations made by 14 days, incubated at room temperature with macroscopic
examination each day by measuring the colony diameter using calipers (with units cm).
Microscopic examination covers the length of the long hyphae makrokonidia and
Microsporum canis using a microscope equipped microokuler (with units of m). By
doing staining using Lactophenol solution Cotton Blue (LPCB). Observations
processed statistically using one-way ANOVA. From the results of the statistical test
was concluded that rice husk powder concentration of 5.5% is the optimum
concentration for the growth of Microsporum canis and can be used as a replacement
media Sabouroud Dextrose Agar (SDA).

Keywords: Microsporum canis, alternative media, SDA

Topic: Biology

(Panaeus monodon)

Widi Purwianingsih (a*), Adi Rahmat & Rossy Y Hidayat

Departemen Pendidikan Biologi FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jl, Dr.

Setia Budhi no.229 Bandung Indonesia.


Elicitation is one method to increase the content of secondary metabolite compounds in

plant tissues. Anthraquinone is one of the secondary metabolite compounds that have
potential of being a medicinal agent and produced by plants. The purpose of this
research is to increase anthraquinone content in Morinda citrifolia (L.) leaf callus using
elicitation method with chitosan from shrimp shell extract (Penaeus monodon) as
elicitors. M.citrifolia (L.) callus was obtained from young leaf explants grown on
Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with 2.4-D addition of 1.75 mg / L and Kinetin 1.5
mg / L aseptically. The second subculture of callus is elicited by elicitor of chitosan
each of 0.5 ml. The concentration of elicitor used was 0, 0.5,1,1.5,2 and 2.5 mg / ml.
Harvesting of elicitation result done on day 0, 2, 4 and day 8 after elicitation. The
results showed that callus containing anthraquinone could be induced in MS medium
with addition of 2,4-D 1.75 and Kinetin 1.5 mg / L. and addition of chitosan at some
concentrations may increase anthraquinone. The highest anthraquinone content was
produced at concentration 2 mg / ml and 4 days harvest time

Keywords: Morinda citrifolia (L.), Elicitation, Elicitor, Chitosan, Anthraquinone

Topic: Biology

Study of vegetable waste product as alternative artificial feed to life cycle of
Hermetia illuncens

Yayan Sanjaya, Suhara, Rita Sintawati and Mimin Nurjhani

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Reseach about artificial food and life cycle of Hermetia illucens was conducted.
Alternative of animal organic feed is definitely needed cause its safe, cheap and healty.
An descriptive reseach was conducted by investigate H. Illucens fecundity and life
cycyle with alternative feed contain of bran, leftover vegetables and milk. The result
showed that female fecundity resulting 750 eggs per day in average. Length of life
cycle is 29 until 41 days. range of first larva is 1 until 2 days with 0,1until 0,3 cm in
length. range the second larvae is 4 until 6 days with 0,4 until 0,6 mm in length. the
third instar is around 7 until 10 days with 0,65 until 1,0 cm in length. fourth Instar is
around 11until 13 day with 1,1 until 2,4 cm in length. BSF pre pupae 2,1 until 2,5 cm in
length with a range 15 until 23 days. BSF pupae 2,3 until 2,4 cm in length with a range
24 until 31 days. The adult is 29 until 41 days with 2,2 until 2,4 cm in length. This
show organic material can be turn into BSf biomass.

Keywords: Hermetia illucens, fecundity, life cycle, artificial feed

Topic: Biology

Indigenous Knowledge in Utilizing Natural Resources as Sustainable Development
in Kebon Gedang District of Ciwaringin Cirebon

Dian Permana Putri

Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati


This study aims to find out the indigenous knowledge of the Ciwaringin society in
managing natural resources for sustainable development as a indigenous identity. The
research method used in this study is a qualitative approach. Data was obtained through
field observations and direct interviews with the indigeneous society and five
craftsmen. The results showed that the majority of the Kebon Gedang Ciwaringin
society was batik artisans which only painted batik produced in this region. In
colouring process of batik, dyeing and painting techniques are used. Natural dyes are
obtained from the bark, rind and leaves that are easy to find such as Mahogany,
Tegeran, Mango and Indigo. Indigenous knowledge is only popular among craftsmen
who originally obtained from the ancestors. This colouring technique is reused by 85%
of craftsmen and become a uniqueness of Ciwaringin batik. Although the production
process of a sheet of batik cloth is longer than the use of synthetic dyes, it increases the
selling price, beside that this method is believed to reduce the risk of environmental
pollution. This step supports the creation of sustainable development. It is hoped that
the values of indigenous knowledge can be used as references and enrich scientific
knowledge and become constructive thinking contributions to formulate policies of
environmental management and conservation.

Keywords: indigenous knowledge,natural dyes batik, Ciwaringin, sustainable


Topic: Biology


Didik Priyandoko1, Hernawati1, Fitria Rachmayati1

Study Program of Biology, Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Faculty of mathematics

and science education,, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Turmeric rhizome (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) containing various chemical compounds

including curcumin, protein, starch and essential oils are known to degrade cell
proliferation. The aim of the study aims was to determine the effect of turmeric extract
on reproductive aspects of mice (Mus musculus) male. The subjects were 24 male mice,
and divided into 4 groups (control, 140 mg / kg, 280 mg / kg and 700 mg / kg). Mice
were treated by gavage for 30 days after the previous acclimatization for 7 days.
Samples taken from the epididymal sperm in mice and testing the number, motility and
sperm abnormalities. While testicular taken to get the incision and measure the weight
of the seminiferous tubules of the testes. The data obtained were analyzed with the
Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney (p <0.05) with a 95% confidence level. The results
showed that turmeric extract for 30 days significantly influence the decrease in
testicular weight, but no significant effect on sperm count, motility, abnormalities and
testicular histology incision.

Keywords: Curcuma xanthorrhiza, Semen Morphology, Testicular Morphology, Mice

Topic: Biology

Confirmatory factor analysis of critical thinking disposition test in university

Jayanti Syahfitri1,2*, Harry Firman1, Sri Redjeki1, and Siti Sriyati1



The purpose of this study was to look at the construct validity of Critical Thinking
Disposition (CTD) test in biology. Referring to Facione theory there are seven
indicators of CTD: truth seeking, open mind, analicity, systematicity, self confidence,
inquisitiveness, and maturity. The instrument used is 10 clumps of questions consisting
of 7 questions that lead to the CTD. The test are presented in the form of cases relating
to biological content and have been validated by experts. The study involved 526
respondents who are biology education students from two universities in Bengkulu with
study level (year1, 2, 3 and 4). After confirmed with CFA the results show that CTD
test has suitable construct validity. This result is supported by the value received from
Convergent Validity which includes the factor loading value of more than 0.5, while the
Composite Reliability (CR) and Average Variance Extract (AVE) values for seven
indicators of CTD are truth seeking (CR=0.96, AVE=0.72), open mind (CR=0.94,
AVE=0.61), analicity (CR=0.97, AVE=0.76), sistematicity (CR=0.96, AVE=0.69), self
confidence (CR=0.98, AVE=0.83), inquisitiveness (CR=0.93, AVE=0.56) and maturity
(CR=0.97, AVE=0.75). From the results can be concluded that the test has construct
validity and high composite reliability to measure the CTD in biology.

Keywords: CFA, construct validity, critical thinking disposition, biology

Topic: Biology Education

Genetics in Socio Scientific Issues: Measuring rebuttal abilities in scientific

A Anisa(a), A Widodo(b), R Riandi(b), and M Muslim(c)

a)Post Graduate of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. jalan Dr. Setiabudhi no.229

Bandung Indonesia
b)Biology Education of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi no.229
Bandung Indonesia
c)Physic Education of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi no.229
Bandung Indonesia


Genetics is one of the most important concepts in understanding Biology. Even though
it is now widely applied in various socio-scientific issues (SSI), oftentimes, it is also
cause a debate in the society. Students argumentation in addressing SSI that arises can
be used as an assessment to see how students think in supporting or denying their
claims. The case study held on 21 high school students in one of West Java public
school. The aims of the study are to see students rebuttal ability and the genetic concept
they use to support their rebuttal. The results showed that among the 21 students, only 4
students were able to present rebuttal with data support in all SSI tested. As many as
55.56% of students have not been able to provide rebuttal. 15.87% of students were
able to provide rebuttal without data, and 26.98% of students were able to provide
rebuttal with supporting data. Supporting data provided is only 14% indicating a
linkage with genetic material. It shows that it is important to do the learning that
support the growth of rebuttal ability in the learning process so that students
argumentation ability becomes better, especially in understanding of the genetic

Keywords: genetics, socio scientific issues, argumentation, rebuttal

Topic: Biology Education

The Development of Science Comic in Human Digestive System Topic for Junior
High School

Nelah Roswati (a*), Nuryani Y. Rustaman(b), and Ikmanda Nugraha (a)

a) International Program on Science Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics

and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Setiabudhi No. 229, Isola, Sukasari, Bandung 40154, West Java, Indonesia
b) Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia


The engagement of science education has been covered by using media, the popular
media that usually used is printed media. One of popular printed media that actually
most accessible and may be used in science education classroom as instructional tool is
comic book. However, it is sometimes difficult to find the ideal and the appropriate
comic books that can be used as the instructional tool of science education, because
most of them are inappropriate for learning science and did not fit with the culture of
the readers. The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate the science comic
aiming to contribute science learning about human digestive system topic concepts. In
this research, a science comic book were created and implemented to 92 students of
year eight from three different junior high schools and three science teachers as a
subject implementation development. Student responses through the questionnaire and
students-teachers readability test sheets were evaluated through qualitative content
analysis. According to the result, most of the students believed that science comic book
help learning through simplifying science concept and understanding the topic easier.
Science comic book also help them to learning science more enjoy because the
presence of humor and uniqueness aspect of the science comic book.

Keywords: Instructional Media, Science Comic Book, Human Digestive System Topic

Topic: Biology Education

Utilization of the school environment as a learning resource to improve critical
thinking skills and scientific attitudes

D A M Muharam(1), A Munandar(2) and S Sriyati(2)

(1)Biology Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate, Universitas Pendidikan

Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudi 229, Bandung, Indonesia
(2)Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudi 229, Bandung, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the effect of utilization of the school environment as a
learning resource in improving critical thinking skill and scientific attitude. This study
compare differences in the improvement of critical thinking skills and scientific
attitudes between the agricultural and coastal environment. The research method used is
quasi experiment method. This design used two experimental groups and two control
groups. The experimental and control class I are the experimental and control classes
located in the agricultural environment. Experimental and control class II are
experiment and control class located in coastal environment. Data collection techniques
in this study were conducted through tests. The conclusion of this research is the
utilization of the school environment as a learning resource, both in the agricultural and
coastal environments can improve critical thinking skill and scientific attitude.
However, the improvement of critical thinking skill and scientific attitudes between the
agricultural and coastal environment do not have a significant difference.

Keywords: school environment, learning resource, critical thinking skill, scientific


Topic: Biology Education

Problem-based learning skills and reflection skills of biology education students
through problem-based online tutorial

M Sekarwinahyu 1,2*, N Y Rustaman 1, A Widodo 1, Riandi 1

1 Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan

Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2 Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Terbuka, Jl. Cabe Raya, Pondok
Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan 15418, Indonesia



This Study aims to find out the problem-based learning skills and reflection skills of
biology education students through the problem-based online tutorial model using
Gibbs reflective Cycles on the topic of algae and moss. The study is part of
development research that is program implementation phase that was conducted in the
semester 2018.1, involving 24 biology education students participating in the Plant
Development online tutorial. The study is conducted by giving discourse related to
Algae and moss difference and ask students to do problem-based learning process
(PBL) and reflect on what they have done in the PBL process. The instruments used
were the rubric of PBL and reflection skills 5 scales (range 0-4). The results showed
that the PBL skills score of biology education student is at 1.9 and the reflection skill
score is at 2.65. From the 6 PBL components assessed, the ability to formulate the
problem is the highest ability (score 2.9) and the ability to answer the problem
formulation is the lowest ability (score 1.3). Meanwhile, from the 6 reflection
components assessed, the ability to conclude is the highest ability (score 3.8) and the
ability to give the action plan is the lowest ability (score 0.9).

Keywords: Problem based learning, reflection, online tutorial, Gibbs Reflective Cycle

Topic: Biology Education

Improving Scientific Argumentation : Opportunities and Barriers Analysis in
Inquiry based Reading

Riezky Maya Probosari*, Fatma Widyastuti, Sajidan, Suranto, Baskoro Adi Prayitno

Science Education Doctoral Program

Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A Surakarta
Jawa Tengah-Indonesia


Reading is an inseparable part of science inquiry as a strategy for concept

understanding and building knowledge through literature. Related to scientific
argumentation, reading provides a very strong basis in terms of accuracy and validity of
data, evidence and theory underlying a scientific statement. In many cases, lecturers
face several challenges to effectively integrate argumentation into their classroom
instruction. The purpose of this case study was to examine opportunities and barriers of
the development of 2nd year college students scientific argumentation. The practice of
argumentation as part of scientific communication is conducted over a semester on
continuous topic using inquiry based reading instructions. This classroom based action
research was held in one of the biology education study program in Central Java,
Indonesia. Data sources included class discussion concentrated on individual
presentation that occurred in nine weeks periods, students portfolio, questionnaire, and
lecturer field notes. The opportunities and barriers of inquiry based reading was
analysed. The results showed that there are many students who lack understanding of
scientific reading strategies and how to use the information obtained to build strong
arguments. Scientific reading culture is still very low, though through habituation, this
can be resolved. Teaching strategies for doing inquiry based reading in practice are
discussed, and the implications of these findings are highlighted in relation to develop
sharper insight of scientific argumentation in science classroom.

Keywords: scientific argumentation, inquiry-based reading, biology, teacher


Topic: Biology Education

Enhancing the Quality of Future Teaching Practice by Increasing Scientific
Attitudes and Reducing Misconceptions of Pre-service Elementary School
Teachers through Conceptual Change Model

Restu Waras Toto (a), Wahyu Kurniawati (b), Ali Mustadi (c)

a) c) Primary Education Programme, Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,

b) Primary Education Programme, Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational
Science, Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This study was aimed at increasing scientific attitudes and reducing misconceptions of
39 pre-service elementary school teachers (PSESTs) at PGRI University of Yogyakarta
by implementing the conceptual change model (CCM). Scientific attitudes scales (SAS)
and misconception tests (MT) were administered to PSESTs. Observations and
documentations were conducted to record the implementation of CCM as well as the
attitudes and behaviour of the PSESTs. Data analysis techniques were the descriptive
statistic as a quantitative analysis and interactive model as a qualitative analysis. The
research results showed CCM increased scientific attitudes and reduced misconceptions
of the PSESTs. The average scores of scientific attitudes increased from 72.8 in the
initial condition to 77.1 in the cycle I, whilst the average scores of scientific attitudes
increased from 77.1 in the cycle I to 81.4 in the cycle II. CCM reduced the
misconceptions incidence in the topic of the characteristics of living things (54.3% to
5.6%), the levels of organisation of living things (69.6% to 7.7%), the human
movement system (29% to 7.7%), the human respiratory system (70.5% to 3.2%), the
human blood circulatory system (65.6% to 19.4%), and the human digestive system
(61.6% to 1%). The overall misconception incidence reduced from 22.7 PSESTs
(57.2%) to 2.3 PSESTs (6.1%).

Keywords: Attitudes; Conceptual; Change; Misconceptions; Scientific

Topic: Biology Education

Development of Digital Product Teaching Assessment Instruments For PreService
Teacher Biology

Sri Maryanti (a*), Dede Trie Kurniawan (b), adam malik (c)

a) Pendidikan Biologi FTK UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Jl. A.H Nasution No.105 Kota Bandung
b) FKIP Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon
Jl.Perjuangan No.1 Kota Cirebon
c) Pendidikan Fisika FTK UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Jl. A.H Nasution No.105 Kota Bandung


This research is aimed to know the characteristic of biological digital resource

assessment instrument to evaluate biological stop motion video biology, biology
learning web with domain, interactive multimedia biology in the form of
crossword puzzle, wondershare quiz creator, infographic, online questionnaire
with google form and teaching media material with prezzi in knowing the quality and
feasibility of digital learning materials made biology teacher candidates. The instrument
of assessment of digital teaching materials to be developed is reviewed according to the
evaluation of evaluation experts, media experts and linguists. This development
research uses ADDIE model which consists of analysis, design, development,
implementation and evaluation. The subject of the instrument assessor is the lecturer of
the evaluation course of education and three expert lecturers consisting of one
evaluation expert, one media expert, and one linguist. Review and input from this
expert lecturer as instrument validation. The developed assessment instrument has
characteristics capable of measuring the sound, music, narration, animation, writing,
color and video presentation of the biological animation video; able to measure aspects
of use, navigation system, graphic design, content, access ability, access speed and
facet of functions on the web of learning chemistry; able to measure aspects of ease of
navigation, content of cognition, presentation of assessment information, media
integration, artistic and aesthetics as well as the overall function of interactive
multimedia biology; able to measure the design aspects of the program database, user
friendly rules, material conformity, program usage and program usage techniques. Until
now there is no in-depth assessment and research on the assessment of digital resources
for biology that is widely published both in Indonesia and internationally. Therefore,
the researcher is interested to develop the right and valid instrument structure in
assessing the feasibility and quality of digital teaching materials produced by
prospective biology teacher students. These development outcomes are expected to be
published in national and international journals and serve as a reference for other
Departements Education to preparing biology teachers.

Keywords: research development, assessment instruments, digital biology teaching


Topic: Biology Education

Application of Active-Cooperative Learning Model LSA Type on Improved Senior
High School Students Learning Outcomes in the Human Immune System Sub-

Reni Ernawati (a*), Uus Toharudin (b), Yusuf Ibrahim (b)

a) Master of Biology Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate Studies,

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
b) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Pasundan


This study aims to know the student learning outcomes by applying active-cooperative
learning model Listen-Say-Arrange (LSA) type in the human immune system sub-
concept. The method used is Quasi-Experimental, using Static Group Pre-test Post-test
Design for the research design. Research participant consists of two classes of grade 11
science students in Bandung, which is grouped into control class and experimental
class. Instrument used in this research is a multiple-choice test given through pre-test
and post-test. Data analysis show that in control class which uses the conventional
learning model (lecture method), the average value for pre-test is 52.62 and for post-test
is 68.91. While in experimental class which uses active-cooperative learning LSA type,
the average value for pre-test is 56.58 and for post-test is 77.58. T-test value for pre-test
and post-test in control class is tcount(4.85) > t0.01(66)(2.66) and in experimental class
is tcount(8.54) > t0.01(72)(2.65), both show significant differences. From the
calculation of N-Gain obtained result in medium category, N-Gain in the control class
is 0.34 and for experimental class is 0.48. Based on the results, can be concluded that
the application of active-cooperative learning model LSA type in the human immune
system sub-concept can improve students learning outcomes.

Keywords: LSA; Learning outcomes; Human immune system

Topic: Biology Education

Environmental Literacy Mapping Based On Adiwiyata and Non Adiwiyata at
Junior High School in Ponorogo

Siti Nurwaqidah 1,a) , and Suciati 2, Murni Ramli 3,b)

Sebelas Maret University

1Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University

2Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret
3Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University


This research is used to find out the effectiveness of adiwiyata program between
national, provincial, district and non-adiwiyata schools on environmental literacy based
on age and gender. The research was conducted at junior high school in march-october
2017. Type of research is ex post facto. Sampling technique used is Proportionate
stratified random sampling technique. The assessment used the MSELS standard
supported by observational data. The results show that the adiwiyata program in
ponorogo as a whole is related to the increase of environmental literacy with the sig
value. 0.000. The higher the adiwiyata level, the higher the literacy value of the
environment. Ability of environmental literacy among junior high school students
between the ages of 13, 14, and 15 years or more is not different, with sig value. 0.308.
The literacy ability of junior high school students environment between male and
female gender is different with the sig value. 0.004. For general environmental literacy
assessment in ponorogo is still low that more than 51% of respondents did not reach the
score at level 3 which is the standard level of environmental literacy. The conclusions
of the study were the types of levels of adiwiyata and gender affecting environmental

Keywords: Environmental Literacy, Environmental Education, Adiwiyata

Topic: Biology Education

The Effect of Learning Biology-based Inquiry Learning to the Improvement of
Students Critical Thinking in High School

Yuhana, Maridi, Sri Dwiastuti



This research is to know the effect of learning biology-based inquiry learning to the
improvement of students critical thinking. The research design is quantitatively
descriptive by drawing conclusion through statistical analysis. It is conducted in State
Senior High School 1 Sembalun on academic year 2017/2018 with the population of all
students in X class of natural sciences and the taken sample is students in X class of
Natural Sciences 1. Sample is determined by purposive sampling. Based on research
result of quantitatively descriptive analysis, gotten a score of pretest average value is
(46.14) and a score of critical thinking skills posttest is (79.31), while average value of
gain is (0,42) with a middle category. The inferential analysis result shows tcount =
(22.52), whereas ttable in the 5% significance level is (2.02). Therefore, tcount> from
ttable of 5%, thus Ha accepted, it means there is the significant effect between students
pretest and posttest use learning biology-based inquiry learning. The research can be
concluded that learning biology-based inquiry learning influence improvement of
students critical thinking skill in class X of natural science.

Keywords: Inquiry Learning, Critical Thinking

Topic: Biology Education

Flavonoids from the Stem Bark of Akway (Drymis beccariana Gibs) and Theirs
Antimalarial Properties

Tati Herlina1*), Tarso Rudiana 2), Euis Julaeha1), Anni Parubak3)

1)Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas

Jatinangor 45363, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia
2)Program Study Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Pharmacy, Universitas Mathlaul
Jl. Raya Labuan KM 23, Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia
3)Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas
Negri Papua,
Manokwari, West Papua, Indonesia


Akway (Drimys beccariana, Gibbs) is a plant endemic to Papua highlands contained in

Manokwari. D. beccariana is used for traditional malaria treatment in West Papua. The
methanol extract of the stem bark of D. beccariana demonstrated significant
antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum parasites, in vitro. The methanol
extract of D. beccariana was dissolved in water and partitioned between n-hexane and
ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate extract was separated through several column
chromatography techniques on silica gel, resulting in three known compounds (1-3).
The chemical structures of compounds 1-3 were identified based on spectroscopic data
and on comparison with data previously reported and identified as 5,3-dihydroxy-7,4-
dimethoxyflavone (1), 5,7- dihydroxy -4-methoxyflavone (2), and 5-hydroxy-7,3,4-
trimethoxyflavone (3). Compounds 1-3 showed strong antimalarial activity against 3D7
strain of P. falciparum with IC50 values of 0.002, 0.005, and 0.001 mikro Molar,
respectively. This result indicates that stem bark of D. beccariana is a promising source
of antimalarial agents, and merits further investigation.

Keywords: Akway, Drimys beccariana, Gibbs, flavonoid, Plasmodium falciparum,


Topic: Chemistry

Effect of Didactical Dialogue to Enhance Learning Quality

Wiwik Kartika Sari (a*), Sumar Hendayana (a), Asep Supriatna (a), Susy Lestiyani (b)

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jalan Setiabudi No 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) SMA Laboratorium Percontohan UPI
Jalan Setiabudi No 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


One of the factors that determine the learning quality is the relationship that exists
during the learning process. That relationship is the didactical dialogue and
collaboration that occurs among students. Didactical dialogue and collaboration will
happen when classroom interaction between teachers and students can critically
interrogate the topic of lesson, express and listen to multiple voices and points of view,
and create respectful and equitable classroom relations. The purpose of this study is to
analyze and describe didactical dialogue that occurs among students and collaboration
among students in sharing task and jumping task activity during learning process.
Sample was collected in one of private senior high school in Bandung, Indonesia. Data
was taken from the topic of factors affecting reaction rate. The lesson was videotaped
and transcribed. From the transcript results, the student dialogue is analyzed which
section shows the didactical dialogue and the collaboration among students in sharing
task and jumping task activities. Through this study, the deepness and spaciousness of
students thinking was influenced by teachers capability to conduct the lesson, for
instance how to elicit students idea by using question, how to give feedback from the
response and how challenging the task designed by teacher. Didactical dialogue and
collaboration among students show that quality learning process.

Keywords: Collaboration; Didactical dialogue; Learning quality

Topic: Chemistry Education

Strength Student Environmental Literacy Through Education With Popular Low
Carbon Teaching Materials

M.Syahruddin Amin, Anna Permanasari, Agus Setiabudi

Prodi Pendidikan IPA S3 SPs UPI


Education, especially science education should be able to make the students better
understand and be sensitive to the environment. Nowadays, earth is affected by the
greenhouse effect and global warming, which is caused by greenhouse gas emissions,
especially CO2. Instill the awareness and sensitivity (environmental literacy) about the
environment is very important to do. Education is the best way to grow and develop
environmental literacy among the younger generation. The educational component that
is very easy to be used as a means is a teaching material in the form of popular low
carbon teaching materials.This qualitative study, library research, aims to provide a
formulation of the social context associated with a reduction in CO2 emissions and its
scientific explanation, as well as describe the pattern of presentation of these substances
in the popular teaching materials. Popular low carbon teaching materials become a
vehicle that raises the whole substance relating to CO2 emission reduction efforts.
Substance in these materials taken from the contexts of everyday life, for example the
CO2 emissions of various types of lamp, CO2 emissions in the type of fuel, CO2
emissions in the type of energy (LPG-LNG-Biogas), until the CO2 emissions from
cigarette that burned. These contexts are given its scientific explanation (including
calculations) but are presented in a simple-structured in the popular low carbon
materials thus substantially easier to grasp. The presentation is also accompanied by
analysis, stimulation of high order thinking skills, activities, and personal-contextual

Keywords: low carbon education, environmental literacy, popular low carbon teaching

Topic: Chemistry Education

Analysis of Students Difficulties based on Respondents Ability Test on the Topic of
Geometry Molecules

Melinda Nugraha (a*), Asep Supriatna (a) and Soja Siti Fatimah (a)

a) Departemen Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229,
Bandung 40154, Indonesia


In this research, the comprehension levels and students difficulties on the subject of
molecular geometry were determined via respondents ability test. This test consist of
five items designed specifically to detect what the students think. One problem has
several options, each of which has an indicator of learning difficulty so that when the
student selects one of these options, the researcher can immediately detect the
difficulties that the student has. The students answer comes with a reason to avoid
guess answers. The test was applied on 52 students of grade X. Analysis of test results
using descriptive qualitative analysis. According to the findings obtained from the test,
the students had numerous difficulties. It was found there are 7 kinds difficulties in
geometry molecules material. The top three difficulties experienced by students are (1)
71% of students do not understand the meaning of the symbol of lewis where students
describe in the form of covalent bonds; (2) 65% of students do not understand the
influence of free electron pairs at geometry molecules; 31% of students do not
understand the various types of geometry molecules when given the problem of placing
between the name and geometry of the molecules. These results shown that students
still do not understand the basic concept of geometry molecules, so that it is required
further investigation to find out how to overcome student learning difficulties on the
topic of geometry molecules.

Keywords: students difficulties, respondents ability test, geometry molecules

Topic: Chemistry Education

A Correlation Study among the ability for designing Content Representation, self-
efficacy, the understanding of Curriculum and Context-based chemistry learning
of Pre-service Teacher

Antuni Wiyarsi, Hari Sutrisno, Eli Rohaeti

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


This study aimed to analyze the correlation among pre-service teachers’ understanding
of curriculum (UC), understanding of context-based learning (UCB), self-efficacy (SE)
and the ability for designing Content Representation context-based chemistry (CoRe-
CBC). CoRe is one of the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) representation that it
important for pre-service chemistry teacher. A correlational study was conducted on 41
pre-service chemistry teacher of postgraduate program. Pre-service teachers’
understanding of curriculum was assessed using a 30-item of multiple choices. The 6-
open ended questions were used to measure the understanding of context-based
chemistry learning. Students’ self-efficacy was assessed by a questionnaire with 18
items. A group of experts confirmed the construct and face validity of all the
instruments. The result showed a high correlation between UCB and ability for
designing the CoRe-CBC also with UC. A low correlation occurred between UC and
the ability for designing CoRe-CBC. The variable of UCB had the biggest effect on the
pre-service teacher ability for designing CoRe-CBC. However, the pre-service
chemistry teacher still had less understanding in context-based chemistry learning. This
study suggests that pre-service teachers' understanding of curriculum and context-based
chemistry learning should be improved. It will useful to support the implementing
context-based chemistry learning.

Keywords: Chemistry Learning, Context-Based Learning. Curriculum Understanding,

Content Representation, Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Topic: Chemistry Education



No. Topic Tittle

1. Education for [ABS-396] In-service Teachers’ Perception towards
Sustainable Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Myanmar
San Aye,Yin Mar Win and San San Maw
2. Education for [ABS-397] The Changes in Students’ Recognition through
Sustainable Lessons about Introduced Species
Toru DOI
3. Education for [ABS-398] An Analysis of the Recent Japanese Educational
Sustainable Reform and Education for Sustainable Development
4. Education for [ABS-399] Teacher’s education content framework on ESD-
Sustainable GAP
Uuriintuya Dembereldorj, Dulguun Jargalsaikhan, Burmaa
5. Education for [ABS-400] Toward development of the lesson plans for
Sustainable promoting the ESD literacy in the teacher education on the
Development climate systems including the interdisciplinary activity with
cultural understanding

Kuranoshin Kato*, Haruko Kato, Kengo Matsumoto and Kazuo

6. Education for [ABS-401] An Investigation of Blended Learning in At-Home
Sustainable and In-School Moral Education Using Tablet PCs
Hironori Sasaki
7. Education for [ABS-402] Re-orienting Curriculum to Address Sustainability
Sustainable in Lao PDR
Sompong Siboualipha*and Chanhthamala Southamavong
8. Education for [ABS-403] ESD on Curriculum and ESD in Curriculum: A
Sustainable Strategies to infuse ESD to the Science Teaching and
Development Learning activities in the Classroom

Agus Fany Chandra Wijay, Dadi Rusdiana, Muslim and Eko

9. Integrated Science [ABS-100] Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills and
Education Information Literacy of Students through Integrated Science
Teaching Materials

Tariza Fairuz*, Ida Kaniawati and Parlindungan Sinaga

10. Integrated Science [ABS-152] Academic Buoyancy of Science Student in Senior
Education High School: Analysis and Implications for Academic

Mawarni Anisa, M. Sugandhi Nani, Budiman Nandang, Yusuf

Syamsu, Sudrajad Dadang

No. Topic Tittle
11. Integrated Science [ABS-175] Empowering Critical Thinking Skills with
Education Problem Solving Model in Higher Education

Budi Utami*, Riezky Maya Probosari, Sulistyo Saputro, Ashadi,

Mohammad Masykuri
12. Integrated Science [ABS-187] Analysis of two-level representation about the heat
Education convection between teachers, pre-service teachers, and
elementary students

R S Anam*, A Widodo, and W Sopandi

13. Integrated Science [ABS-216] Smart edu design as a 21st century learning
Education system innovation in optimizing the role of universities

Rizki Hadiwijaya Zulkarnaen, Wawan Setiawan, Ali Ismail,

14. Integrated Science [ABS-22] The Effectiveness of Using Integrated Science
Education Practice Worksheet of Integrated Type to Enhance
Environmental Literacy

Nurhayati, Hernani, and P Sinaga

15. Integrated Science [ABS-27] Teachers Viewpoints of Teaching Science Using
Education Experiential Learning Related to Environmental Awareness

Fatma Widyastuti*, Riezky Maya Probosari, Sulistyo Saputro,

Soetikno and Sajidan
16. Integrated Science [ABS-307] The Use of Fuzzy in Determining the Potential
Education Entrepreneur

Yosini Deliana, Endah Djuendah, Eti Suminartika, Eliana

Wulandari, Lucyana Trimo, Tuhpawana and Kusnadi
17. Integrated Science [ABS-351] The Problem of Pre-service Science Teachers on
Education Newtons Law Topic: A Case Study

Nanang Winarno, Dadi Rusdiana, Eko Susilowati, Tantri

Mayasari, Ratih Mega Ayu Afifah
18. Integrated Science [ABS-369] The influence upon the principles of good
Education corporate governance on the cooperative financial
performance in Purwakarta Indonesia

Ade Elza Surachman*, Sutardjo

19. Integrated Science [ABS-67] The Use of STEM Project-Based Learning toward
Education Students Concept Mastery in Learning Light and Optics

Sofi Hanif, Agus Fany Chandra Wijaya, Nanang Winarno

20. Integrated Science [ABS-71] Using Argument-Driven Inquiry to Promote
Education Students Concept Mastery in Learning Global Warming

Erning Rahmadini Salsabila, Agus Fany Candra Wijaya, Nanang


No. Topic Tittle
21. Integrated Science [ABS-92] Science Education at Islamic University: Vision and
Education Distinction

Dindin Nasrudin, Imelda Helsy, Chaerul Rochman

22. Integrated Science [ABS-172] Plan Your Own Science Experiment: Elaborating
Education Students Creativity and Problems in Science Laboratory

Regina Lichteria Panjaitan, Atep Sujana, Asep Kurnia


In-service Teachers’ Perception towards Education for Sustainable Development
(ESD) in Myanmar

San Aye,Yin Mar Win and San San Maw

Sagaing University of Education, Myanmar


This study was carried out to explore Myanmar lower secondary school teachers’
perceptions on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The research focused on
the teachers’ level of ESD awareness and knowledge, their attitudes towards ESD, and
their willingness to adopt ESD within their classroom setting and as well as their
teaching skills. The sample consisted of 248 lower secondary school teachers of thirty
schools in Sagaing Township, Myanmar. The Five-point Likert scale questionnaire was
developed. Its reliability was measured by Cronbach’salpha.The results indicated that,
in general, the teachers have positive attitude towards ESD and willingness to adopt
ESD in their teaching subjects. However, the participants’ level of awareness of ESD
concepts is rather low and they do not understand ESD concept clearly.They do not
have adequate teaching skills for integrating ESD concept into their teaching subjects.
The findings also revealed that although there is no significant difference in the level of
awareness and knowledge of ESD concept and attitude towards ESD, level of science
teachers’ teaching skills in integrating ESD into science topics is higher than that of
other subject teachers, and a significant relationship existed in three variables:teachers’
knowledge of ESD concept, attitude towards ESD and their teaching skills respectively.
These findings might be useful as a baseline survey in implementing in-service science
teacher training program integrated with ESD in Myanmar.

Keywords: Education for Sustainable Education (ESD), Lower Secondary School

Teachers, Perception

Topic: Education for Sustainable Development

The Changes in Students’ Recognition through Lessons about Introduced Species

Toru DOI

University of Toyama


Introduced species problem is one of urgent problems to preserve biodiversity.

However, education about this problem is not sufficient in Japan, especially
compulsory education, now. Therefore, I developed lessons about introduced species,
and tried it in a junior high school. The aim of lessons is following: 1. Students will
recognize about introduced species appropriately. 2. Students will have own ideas on
how to face introduced species. The outline of lessonsare as follows. 1st and 2ndlessons:
Students listen to explanation about introduced species from the teacher. Topics are
time and history of transfer, influence on a native ecosystem. Creatures which I picked
up are Crayfish, Pill Bug, Rice, Raccoon, vegetables, garden plants, familiar wild
grasses and animals. 3rd:Students listen to explanation about Largemouth Bass and
Hard Clam from the teacher. Topics are time and history of transfer, influence on a
native ecosystem, relation to human. After that, students consider how to face them
from now on. Students listen to explanation about king crab which are transferred from
North Pacific Ocean to Baltic Sea. Topic is influence on a native ecosystem 4th and 5th:
Students talk about how to face Largemouth Bass and Hard Clam in group of four using
internet and books. After that, they share their ideas each other. As a result, the
following was identified. Before these lessons, many students thought that introduced
species are “bad” and they destroy native ecosystem. After lessons, their image
changed and many of them thought “Most important thing is knowing well about them.
Then we will judge what we shall do”.

Topic: Education for Sustainable Development

An Analysis of the Recent Japanese Educational Reform and Education for
Sustainable Development


National University cooperation Miyagi University of Education, Professor


In the recent version of Curriculum Guidelines 2020 Preamble in Japan referred to the
creation of sustainable society such as; “It is required for schools of today and the
future to help each individual pupil recognize his/her strengths and potential, respect
the value of other people, work with diverse people to overcome various social
changes, carve out a path to a fruitful life, and contribute to the creation of sustainable
society”. In this new version of Curriculum Guidelines Preamble also stress three new
points; formulating school curriculum, develop students’ individual qualities and
abilities, liaison and collaboration with a society. These new educational trends are all
based on the discussion of the effectiveness of Education for sustainable Development.
The propose of my presentation is to clarify the relationship of recent educational
reform and Education for sustainable development. Firstly, Comparative studies of
curriculum guideline and the discussion of knowledge, skills and attitude of students
inUK, Sweden, Japanand other countries will be introduced.Second, the analysis of
educational policy, especially the process for presenting recent version of Curriculum
Guidelines 2020 in Japan will be shown.Then,actual date and school practicesrelated to
the school curriculum reforms and transformation of student’s knowledge, skills and
attitude will be presented.Through this discussion, I hope to provide the opportunity to
share the information about the recent educational reform in Japan and to discuss about
the ESD’s contribution to the quality of Education.

Topic: Education for Sustainable Development


Uuriintuya Dembereldorj1, Dulguun Jargalsaikhan2, Burmaa Banzragch1

Sustainable development education center of Mongolia
National University of Mongolia


Implementation of the Sustainable Development Education - Global Action Program is

being implemented until 2030, all over the world, including field of educationin
Mongolia. Based on our research results on last 3 years, we infused the concept of the
Global Action Program into teacher education program (NUM), students ESD-GAP
knowledge has been increased little amount through attending various ESD projects and
various actions to improve physicsteachers knowledge and skills on ESD-GAP, we
focused 4 main issues content frameworkis being developed as follows: (1)Learning
content: Global issues – such as climate change – urgently require a shift in our
lifestyles and a transformation of the way we think and act. To achieve this change, we
need new skills, values and attitudes that lead to more sustainable societies.The topics
covered in the curriculum were selected as climate change, biodiversity, risk mitigation,
sustainable production and consumption. (2) Pedagogy and learning environments:
Learning and teaching should implement interventions that focus on learner.Thus,
research-oriented learning activities will be implemented. It is based on the concepts of
the lesson study to creating learning environment that enables the learner to carry out
sustainable activities. (3) Learning outcomes: Motivate learning process such as
stimulating learning, critical thinking, system thinking, decision-making, responsibility
for present and future generations, etc. (4) Societal transformation: Modify the learning
environment in which each student develops a sense of belonging to the society he or
she lives in. Students (childrens) getting sustainable living desire and to address the
global and local affairs of the "I am a world citizen".
We will present first results of our research.

Topic: Education for Sustainable Development

oward development of the lesson plans for promoting the ESD literacy in the
teacher education on the climate systems including the interdisciplinary activity
with cultural understanding

Kuranoshin Kato*(1), Haruko Kato (2), Kengo Matsumoto (3) and Kazuo Otani (4)

(1) Okayama University, Graduate School of Education (Meteorology)

(2) Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University, Faculty of Education (Music Education)
(3) Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
(4) TV Setouchi Broadcasting Co., LTD.


Education on climate system sciences including the climate variability is important not
only for providing the scientific backgrounds for the individual ESD activities (studies
on environment, disaster prevention and climate variability), but also for promoting the
students’ and teachers’ fundamental “ESD Literacy” itself, such as thinking of various
complex relations, diversity, etc. among the ESD targets. Besides, climate systems and
their variations, including their seasonal cycles, show close relationships to the various
targets in ESD, such as cultural understanding, international understanding, and so on.
Those activities, if the regions or targets which are not so familiar to the students in
their usual lives are selected for studies, would give some considerable advantage for
developing the students’ deeper understanding and imagination based on the careful
examination of the climate data and the deeper appreciation of the seasonal feeling as if
they have been there, even for what the students have not experienced. In other words,
such activities could help to promote the students’ understanding of the “heterogeneous
others”, which is very important in the ESD. We will introduce the following two
examples for construct the lesson plans associated with the above concepts. (1)
Comparison of the seasonal cycles and rainfall features among various areas in the
Asian monsoon region, with special attention to how to understand the rainfall features
deeply from the rainfall observation data (2) Report of the interdisciplinary lesson study
for the university students on a theme of the difference of the summertime “climate and
seasonal feeling” between Europe (mainly around Germany) and Japan As for the item
(1), the climate in the Asian countries is greatly dominated by the global-scale Asian
monsoon system but its regional difference is also large. Thus the climate
understanding at the viewpoint of such similarity and difference seems to be important
for the common basis for ESD in the Asian countries. Besides, the activity with the
precipitation data could be also useful for promoting the information literacy. On the
other hand, as for (2), the examination of the seasonal cycles in both regions with the
data including the day-to-day variations would favorable for leading to deeper
understanding the nature of the climate systems. Furthermore, students could perceive
that people might think rather different image depending on their environment where
they have lived, even from just the same words. Such experience in the lesson study
could also lead to the understanding of the “heterogeneous others”.

Topic: Education for Sustainable Development

An Investigation of Blended Learning in At-Home and In-School Moral Education
Using Tablet PCs

Hironori Sasaki

Chugokugakuen University, 83 Niwase, Kitaku, Okayama-city, Japan


Information technology in society has been progressing rapidly. For example, the
internet, mobile phones, and social network services have been well developed.
However, the negative effects of information technology, such as bullying and slander
on social media have become social problems for more than ten years. In order to cope
with these problems, the education of information ethics has been introduced to schools
in Japan. Nevertheless, the problems have never been solved. From now on,
cooperation with parents is indispensable to promote the education of information
ethics. The goal of this study is to develop a blended moral instruction lesson which
links a morality class at school and learning at home using a tablet PC and to evaluate
the effectiveness of the lesson. First, the theoretical framework of the study was set out,
and “a new judgment model of information ethics” was established. I assumed that
ambivalence, the state of contradictory feeling or emotion, exists behind “the three
types of knowledge” and that ambivalence influences inappropriate judgment
concerning information ethics. Therefore, a teaching method with the aim of
overcoming ambivalence was developed using the structural method. Then, I devised
the procedure of the blended moral instruction lesson. As a result, I developed three
steps: 1) Students have an introduction to the morality class at school and learn how to
use the tablet PC. 2) Students take the tablet PC home and discuss the lesson material
on the tablet PC with their parents. 3) Students have the conclusion part of the morality
class at school. Finally, I asked a teacher to practice the blended moral instruction
lesson on 4rd grade elementary school students and evaluated the effectiveness of the
lesson using a questionnaire and analyzing the students’ responses. As a result, it was
suggested that the blended moral instruction lesson was effective in educating the
students on information ethics.

Topic: Education for Sustainable Development

Re-orienting Curriculum to Address Sustainability in Lao PDR

Sompong Siboualipha* and ChanhthamalaSouthamavong

Science Education, Bankeun Teacher Training College, Tulacom district, Vientiane

Province, Lao PDR


The training program proposed within this study was intended to help Laotian science
teacher trainers to understand Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and its
integration into secondary school science lessons. The program also aimed to enhance
trainers’ knowledge of and attitudes toward ESD. Within the program, trainers were
expected to analyze science (biology, chemistry, and physics) lesson plans that
incorporated the idea of sustainability as well as to develop model lessons. The
framework for developing the program was informed by Stufflebeam’s (2003) Context,
Input, Process and Product (CIPP) evaluation model. For the context evaluation
component, the trainers’ learning needs relating to the program were clarified. For the
input evaluation component, the program contents were prescribed, corresponding to
the identified training needs. The most frequently identified training needs (and,
arguably, the most potentially beneficial) were critical thinking and problem solving;
acquiring these skills would allow the trainers to develop innovative learning
opportunities within science lessons. Therefore, the trainers listened to lectures on
integrating science education with ESD, focusing especially on ESD competencies and
the use of lesson study within science lessons that are based on ESD. The trainers
performed group ESD activities, exploring topics such as the basic components of ESD,
building students’ ESD competencies, integrating science lessons with ESD, and
developing model lessons. The process evaluation component monitored the program
process and potential procedural barriers. The trainers developed and conducted ESD
lessons at the classroom level. They integrated the idea of sustainability into each
lesson; for example, addressing energy conservation, garbage disposal, and soil
enrichment. Finally, for the product evaluation component, the outcomes of the
program were measured, interpreted, and judged.

Keywords: Lao Education, ESD, CIPP

Topic: Education for Sustainable Development

ESD on Curriculum and ESD in Curriculum: A Strategies to infuse ESD to the
Science Teaching and Learning activities in the Classroom
Agus Fany Chandra Wijaya, 1Dadi Rusdiana, 1Muslim and 2Eko Hariyono
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 2Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) exist as a prespective how to make

teaching and learning activities in the classroom become meaningfull to the student’s
livelihood in to the future comprehensively. Science’s classroom activities, somehow
not covered far enough student’s livelihood. Commonly, science ectivities in the
classroom learn how science apply in the dially live, especially technological product
prespective only, without considering how is the technology comprehensively build to
become a sustainable solution on the development issues. Utilized the case study
document review research design, several science lesson design which addapt ESD as
its perspective or approach on secondary to university level analized to find the
characteristics of the strategies has been use on it. According to the result, there are two
different kind strategies has been used to infuse ESD into the curriculum, there are
using ESD’s issues as the lesson themes, without learn specifically ESD as a content, to
enggage the science’s content or ESD on Curriculum and Learnt ESD as a part of
content specifically then develop it into a science activities design to enggage the
science’s or science’s education content or ESD in Curriculum. ESD on Curriculum
commonly fit into science’s subject content orientation courses, while ESD in
Curriculum align with the developing and applying science content into science
education orientation courses.

Topic: Education for Sustainable Development

Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills and Information Literacy of Students through
Integrated Science Teaching Materials

Tariza Fairuz (*), Ida Kaniawati, and Parlindungan Sinaga

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Critical thinking and information literacy are skills that need to be developed to deal
with the challenges of the 21st century. This study aimed to enhance critical thinking
skills and information literacy of secondary school students through developed
integrated science teaching materials. This study used Research and Development
(R&D) method and the matching-only pretest- post-test control group design. Subjects
in the research were eighth grade students. This research used two classes selected
purposely with experimental class using developed teaching materials and control class
using teaching materials commonly used in school. There were instruments applied in
this study, the quality of teaching materials questionnaire, comprehension test, critical
thinking skills tests, and information literacy tests. Based on the results of data analysis,
it could be concluded that integrated science teaching materials were feasible to use in
teaching and learning, enhancement of critical thinking skills and information literacy
of students using developed teaching materials including medium criteria, the used of
integrated science teaching materials developed was effective in enhancing critical
thinking skills and information literacy.

Keywords: Science teaching materials, critical thinking skills, information literacy

Topic: Integrated Science Education

Academic Buoyancy of Science Student in Senior High School: Analysis and
Implications for Academic Outcomes

Mawarni Anisa, M. Sugandhi Nani, Budiman Nandang, Yusuf Syamsu, Sudrajad


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Academic buoyancy is the ability to deal with academic setbacks and challenges, which
are typical of students daily life at school. We try to compare the academic buoyancy of
science students with other students and try to find out the academic buoyancy of
science students based on gender and also age at high school level. The research used
mix method approach with concurrent embedded strategy. The sample of research
involves 289 of science students from senior high school Class XI in Bandung City of
Academic Year 2017/2018 by using stratifite random sampling. The findings of this
study indicate that science students need to have higher academic buoyancy compared
with other students, male science students have higher academic buoyancy than female
science students, and the science students who have higher academic buoyancy are at
the age of 18 years and 15 years . These results are presented in an implication analysis
for academic outcomes.

Keywords: academic buoyancy, science student, senior high school

Topic: Integrated Science Education

Empowering Critical Thinking Skills with Problem Solving Model in Higher

Budi Utami*, Riezky Maya Probosari, Sulistyo Saputro, Ashadi, Mohammad Masykuri
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta


Critical thinking skills are a necessary aspect of 21st century skills. Based on Facione,
critical thinking skills include aspects of interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference,
explanation, and self regulation. The purpose of this study is to know the critical
thinking skills of students with problem solving model in the scientific method. The
classroom based action research was held in one of the science education programs in
Central Java. Data sources are collected through portfolios, discussions and
presentations and field observation records in the classroom. Students critical thinking
skills were observed and analyzed. the result of the research shows with problem
solving model of students critical thinking skill in interpretation, analysis, inference in
good category, and evaluation, explanation, and self regulation in enough category.
This shows that students need problem solving model to empower critical thinking skill
especially aspect of evaluation, explanation, and self regulation

Keywords: critical thinking skills, problem solving, teacher candidates

Topic: Integrated Science Education

Analysis of two-level representation about the heat convection between teachers,
pre-service teachers, and elementary students

R S Anam1,2*, A Widodo2, and W Sopandi2

1 Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu
Pendidikan Sebelas April. Jl. Angkrek Situ No. 19, Sumedang 45323, Indonesia
2 Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The aims of this study are to analyze and compare the two-level representation
(macroscopic and microscopic) about the heat convection. This research involves 15
teachers, 33 pre-service teachers, and 39 elementary students. Data gathered using the
diagnostic test to explore the two-level representation through verbal and drawing tests.
The result shows that in macroscopic and microscopic level teacher and pre-service
teachers have a better understanding than a student. At the macroscopic level, many
respondents have a correct answer but decreased in microscopic level even more at the
drawings test, just a few respondents can give a correct drawing. This research found
that all participant is well known about the macroscopic level but they have a lack
knowledge about the microscopic level. This research suggests that to make students
more understand about science the learning must give multiple representations to make
they understand about scientific phenomena.

Keywords: Heat convection; Macroscopic; Miscroscopic representation

Topic: Integrated Science Education

Smart edu design as a 21st century learning system innovation in optimizing the
role of universities

Rizki Hadiwijaya Zulkarnaen, Wawan Setiawan, Ali Ismail, Sugianto



The development of science and technology is closely related to the quality of higher
education. Science and technology innovation is used as a tool to empower
communities so that they can develop sustainable development. The survey results at
one of Indonesias private universities showed the low role of universities in schools as
their environment. The progress of science in universities is very fast but different from
the situation in the environment. This indicates an imbalance in the development of
knowledge that occurs in universities with schools. Based on the results of a literature
study, the smart edu design is used as an alternative solution in this regard. Smart edu is
a managerial learning system innovation adapted from the smart city concept. Features
in this program allow students, lecturers and teachers in the field to interact with each
other. Students can assess the problem without having to go to the field on the other
hand the teacher can assess the solution which is the result of learning between the
student and the lecturer. Thus the learning transparency can be built through this system
so that the inequality of knowledge development can be overcome.

Keywords: learning managerial, smart edu, smart city, university

Topic: Integrated Science Education

The Effectiveness of Using Integrated Science Practice Worksheet of Integrated
Type to Enhance Environmental Literacy

Nurhayati(1), Hernani (2), and P Sinaga (3)

1,2,3Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan

Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The aim of this study is to know the effectiveness of the use of integrated science
practice worksheet of integrated type to enhance environmental literacy. The method
used in this research was quasi experimental method. The research design uses
nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Students from two classes in one
school took part in this research. The environmental literacy instruments are arranged
by adopting and modifying problems from the MSELS (Middle School Environment
Literacy Survey). Data was collected from 64 students divided into experiment class
and control class. Data analysis uses statistical data analysis and impact effect (effect
size). The results showed that there was a significant difference from the enhancement
of environmental literacy of the control class and experimental class after treatment was
given, whereas based on the size of the impact it has the value of the big categorical
effect size. Therefore, integrated science worksheet of integrated type is effective to
enhance students literacy ability.

Keywords: worksheet, Environmental Literacy, Environmental Pollution

Topic: Integrated Science Education

Teachers Viewpoints of Teaching Science Using Experiential Learning Related to
Environmental Awareness

Fatma Widyastuti (a*), Riezky Maya Probosari (a), Sulistyo Saputro (a), Soetikno (b),
and Sajidan (a)

(a) Science Education Doctoral Program, Faculty of

Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas
Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A Surakarta, Indonesia
(b) Science Education Doctoral Program, Faculty of
Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri
Semarang, Kampus Unnes Sekaran, Gunungpati,
Sekaran, Gn. Pati, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50229


The aims of this study were knowing the teachers knowledge, the way practicing
environmental learning toward environmental issues and awareness, and perceptions of
experiential learning design . There were thirty five science teachers of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah (MTs) in Jawa Tengah and Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia
engaged as participants. Limited survey is used as research method, while qualitative
descriptive is used to analyse the data. The result shew the difference between teachers
perceptions and practicing on teaching environmental issues, but, in general, they were
interested in experiential learning implementation. The strategy and instructions are
discussing further.

Keywords: Experiential learning, Environmental awareness, Best practice

Topic: Integrated Science Education

The Use of Fuzzy in Determining the Potential Entrepreneur

Yosini Deliana, Endah Djuendah, Eti Suminartika, Eliana Wulandari, Lucyana Trimo,
Tuhpawana and Kusnadi

Universitas Padjadjaran


Unemployment in Indonesia both in the village and in the city from year to year
increase, because the number of workers who are not absorbed, and entrepreneurship is
one solution. There are so many traits an entrepreneur must have to be successful,
including risk taker, persuader, ambitious, skill, lead, and others. This entrepreneurial
group has several criteria. Entrepreneur with high potential for success is to have eight
qualities: reliable, broad network, training, serving, managing, experiencing, seeing
opportunities and cooperation. Entrepreneurs who have the potential to succeed have
five of the eight properties and low entrepreneurship has three of the eight properties.
This research was conducted in Surian Subdistrict of Sumedang District with sample of
105 people taken at random. The purpose of this study is to determine entrepreneurship
that has the potential for high success, medium and low. In addition to determining the
constraints of becoming a successful entrepreneur. The results of research useful for
aspiring entrepreneurs is to detect the odds of success in business, so it can determine
the direction in developing the potential it has.

Keywords: Potential entrepreneur, Fuzzy, random sampling and success in business

Topic: Integrated Science Education

The Problem of Pre-service Science Teachers on Newtons Law Topic: A Case

Nanang Winarno, Dadi Rusdiana, Eko Susilowati, Tantri Mayasari, Ratih Mega Ayu

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Newtons law is one of the topics of physics that must be mastered by pre-service
science teachers. This study aims to investigate the problems of pre-service science
teachers on the topic of Newtons law. The method used in this research is descriptive
method. The number of samples used were 76 pre-service science teachers consisting of
8 male and 68 female. Data collection uses written tests and interviews. The results
show that most pre-service science teachers still find it difficult to draw free-body
diagrams of objects on Newtons Law topics. Pre-service science teachers feel that
physics subjects are difficult, many formulas, and they feel it is still difficult to
understand the concept of physics when studying in senior high school. This finding
can be used as an initial reference to the problems of pre-service science teachers on
Newtons Law topics so that the lecturers can determine the right learning strategies
when teaching in class. The suggestion of this research is that the lecturers who teach
science teacher candidates are expected to give a re-explanation of the basics of physics
such as how to draw free-body diagrams before they learn the physics concept at the
next level.

Keywords: Newtons Law, Pre-service science teachers, Draw free-body diagrams

Topic: Integrated Science Education

The influence upon the principles of good corporate governance on the
cooperative financial performance in Purwakarta Indonesia

Ade Elza Surachman (1)*, Sutardjo (2)

1 Industrial Engineering Program, STT Wastukancana, Purwakarta, Indonesia

2 Industrial Management Program, STT Wastukancana, Purwakarta, Indonesia


The principles of good corporate governance include transparency, accountability,

responsibility, independence; current fairness is a must for every business organization,
including cooperatives to encourage the creation of an efficient and transparent market.
This study has the purpose of knowing and analyzing the influence of good corporate
governance principles on the cooperative financial performance in Purwakarta
Indonesia. Research data collection is questionnaire and documentation in the form of
cooperative financial statements. The sample selection technique uses purposive
sampling method, which is as many as 66 cooperative units in Purwakarta that are used
as samples for the study. The research model used was Partial Least Square-Structural
Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with SmartPLS 3 software. The results showed that the
principles of transparency, accountability and fairness significantly influence the
cooperative financial performance in Purwakarta Indonesia. Meanwhile, the principle
of responsibility and independence does not affect the financial performance of
cooperatives in Purwakarta Indonesia.

Keywords: The principles of good corporate governance, and cooperative financial


Topic: Integrated Science Education

The Use of STEM Project-Based Learning toward Students Concept Mastery in
Learning Light and Optics

Sofi Hanif, Agus Fany Chandra Wijaya, Nanang Winarno

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Learning process in some school is still in the form of direct transfer from teacher to
students, whereas students will learn better if the learning process is meaningful. The
aim of this study is to investigate the effect of STEM Project-Based Learning on
students Concept Mastery in learning light and optics. The method that is used in this
study is a weak experiment with one group pre-test and post-test design. The population
of this study is 8th-grade students in Junior Secondary School "X" that is located in
Bandung, Indonesia. The sample is chosen by purposive sampling technique consist of
25 students. The result of this study shows that students concept mastery improves from
pre-test and post-test. The improvement of concept mastery is obtained as much as 0.53
that categorized as a medium improvement. Based on the result STEM Project-Based
Learning give the better effect on students concept mastery, so it can be considered as
an alternative teaching model that can be implemented in Junior Secondary Schools.

Keywords: STEM Project-Based Learning

Topic: Integrated Science Education

Using Argument-Driven Inquiry to Promote Students Concept Mastery in
Learning Global Warming

Erning Rahmadini Salsabila, Agus Fany Candra Wijaya, Nanang Winarno

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The process of learning science in some schools is still in the form of direct transfer
from teacher to student. The learning process will be meaningful if the students
involved and explore more in building a concept. The aim of this study is to investigate
the impact of Argument-Driven Inquiry on students concept in learning global
warming. The method that is used in this research was quasi-experiment. The study
used two classes with one experimental group that used Argument-Driven Inquiry and
one control group that used Inquiry-based Learning. The population of this study is
seventh-grade students in one of Secondary School in Bandung, Indonesia. The sample
is chosen by purposive sampling technique. The participants consist of 52 students from
the experimental group and the control group. Each group consists of 26 students. The
result of this study shows the improvement of students concept mastery in the
experimental group is obtained as 0.45 and for the control group is 0.28. Based on the
result, Argument-Driven Inquiry gives the better impact in improving students concept
mastery. Argument-Driven Inquiry can be considered as one of the teaching models
that can be implemented in Junior Secondary School.

Keywords: Argument-Driven Inquiry, students concept mastery, global warming

Topic: Integrated Science Education

Science Education at Islamic University: Vision and Distinction

Dindin Nasrudin, Imelda Helsy, Chaerul Rochman

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


The Indonesian National Qualification Framework Curriculum or often called the

KKNI curriculum has forced all universities in Indonesia to equate curriculum content
according to national standards, not least the science education curriculum at the
Islamic University. This paper wants to describe the characteristics of curriculum and
science learning in one of Islamic University in Indonesia. The research method used is
descriptive qualitative through stages of science education curriculum analysis,
interview with representatives of curriculum development team and Focus Group
Discussion (FGD). The results of this study are: (1) there are differences of science
content in science education curriculum at Islamic University, either with the similar
program or with pure science program in the public university. (2) Islamic content as an
indicator of the achievement of the universitys vision and differentiator should not be
expressed in a special course, but rather incorporated in the existing courses with the
appropriate integration model. (3) The profile of learning achievement of science
education students at Islamic University is expressed in three complementary
coordinate axes, namely content, pedagogical and Islamic values. This difference in
learning achievement affects lecturing activities from planning, implementation to

Keywords: Curriculum Development, Integration Model, Islamic Science

Topic: Integrated Science Education

Plan Your Own Science Experiment: Elaborating Students Creativity and
Problems in Science Laboratory Activity

Regina Lichteria Panjaitan, Atep Sujana, Asep Kurnia Jayadinata

Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Kampus Sumedang, Universitas Pendidikan

Indonesia, Jalan Mayor Abdurrahman 211, Sumedang 45322, Indonesia


In general, science class is usually accompanied by science laboratory activity.

Conventionally, when students do their science laboratory activities, they follow
science laboratory manuals where fixed steps of the activities are already provided.
Alternatively, open-ended science laboratory manual can be implemented. In this study,
the concept of Plan-your-own-science-experiment was applied. For this descriptive
research, 65 primary-school teacher candidate students, which were divided into 8
groups, were asked to do an experiment about the effect of carbonated beverages on
balloons with a simple open-ended laboratory manual. The guidelines only suggested
the materials and apparatus required for the experiment, as well as a simple step to do
the activity. The students were expected to broaden the possibility of the experiment
with the same materials and apparatus recommended on the lab manual, and submit
reports about their self-planned experiments. Afterwards, the students reports were
elaborated for exploring students creativity emerged in the experiments they planned by
themselves, and also scrutinizing the students problems in creating their own laboratory
activity steps scientifically with an unstructured laboratory manual. The students
creativity and problems found in their reports were discussed in this study. The results
were supposed to provide science-teachers insights about positive sides and difficulties
in applying Plan-your-own-science-experiment in science laboratory activity.

Keywords: plan your own experiment; open-ended laboratory manual; science

laboratory activity

Topic: Integrated Science Education


EDU PHY & EDU CHEM (Wastukencana)

No. Topic Tittle

1. Physics Education [ABS-374] Is integrating earth and space sciences (ESS) with
other materials necessary?

M. P. Putri*, W. Liliawati, A. Samsudin

2. Physics Education [ABS-375] Conception Analysis of Class XI High School
students in Heat Transfer

Endah Nur Syamsiah, Johar Maknun, Achmad Samsudin

3. Physics Education [ABS-376] Conceptions of high school students class XI in
temperature and heat

F N Nabilah*, A Samsudin, and J Maknun

4. Physics Education [ABS-377] Analysis of earth and space science curriculum at
the junior and senior high school

Ineu Cahyati, Winny Liliawati

5. Physics Education [ABS-378] Profile of conceptual understanding of high school
students in class x mipa in newtons law material

I Made Hermanto*, Achmad Samsudin and Johar Maknun

6. Physics Education [ABS-379] Analysis of needs of web based earth and space
science learning materials for middle school students

A M Zulika*, W Liliawati, T R Ramalis, J A Utama

7. Physics Education [ABS-40] An investigation of scholars conceptual
understanding levels on fluid dynamics via four-tier test

F H Dewi*, M G Nugraha and A Samsudin

8. Physics Education [ABS-42] Using virtual laboratory to improve pre-service
physics teachers creativity and problem solving skills on
thermodynamics concept

Gunawan*, Ahmad Harjono, Hairunnisyah Sahidu, Lovy

Herayanti, Ni Made Yeni Suranti, Fahmi Yahya
9. Physics Education [ABS-44] The impact of focus explore reflect apply (FERA)
model with science writing heuristic (SWH) approach to the
improvement of students scientific reasoning abilities on
particle dynamics

Yanuar Asmara*, Ida Kaniawati, and Didi Teguh Chandra

10. Physics Education [ABS-90] A preliminary study: How is extent the fourth-
grade students understanding of the magnetic force?

A R Ningsih*, R N Afifah, Qonita, Y Gumala1, H Handayani, A

Suhandi, E Syaodih, B Maftuh, N Hermita and A Samsudin

11. Physics Education [ABS-326] Conceptions on physics teacher candidates about

No. Topic Tittle

Andi Sri Astika Wahyuni, Nuryani Rustaman, Dadi Rusdiana,

12. Physics Education [ABS-368] Problem based learning in learning engineering
machine to train creativity

Irwan Setyowidodo, Sutanto, Aprilia Dwi Handayani

13. Physics Education [ABS-76] Profile literacy of physics concepts on petroleum

C Rochman*, A. Novia1, D Nasrudin, A. Malik, Y. Dirgantara,

Rokayah, N. Hermita, and Muslim
14. Physics Education [ABS-121] The development of annual solar apparent motion
model as educational kit in the astronomy course

Catur Agus Lukitasari*, Yudhiakto Pramudya, Suparwoto

15. Physics Education [ABS-229] The identification of the cause of misconception on
dynamic electrical concept

A. Halim*, Dian Lestari, Mustafa

16. Physics Education [ABS-31] Improving students conceptual knowledge on
optical device materials with computer simulations

S Rahmadani, A Samsudin, A Danawan, I Kaniawati, E Suhendi

17. Physics Education [ABS-389] Development of web based massive open online
course on fundamental physics subject to increase students
higher order thinking skill

Vina Serevina, Raihanati, Sunaryo, Wawan Andriana

18. Physics Education [ABS-392] Measuring critical thinking skills of K-11 students
on temperature and heat: a case study

A H Aminudin*, D Rusdiana, L Hasanah and J Maknun

19. Physics Education [ABS-388] Analysis of Students Interaction on Technology
Based Conceptual Change Text in Physics Classroom

Iyon Suyana1), Lia Laela Sarah2)

20. Chemistry [ABS-306] Development of students submicroscopic
Education representation ability on molecular geometry material using
augmented reality media

Indah Wulandari, F S Irwansyah*, Ida Farida, M A Ramdhani

21. Chemistry [ABS-327] First-year university students understanding of
Education chemical equilibrium

Faizah Qurrata Aini*, Zonalia Fitriza, Fauzana Gazali, Mawardi

22 Chemistry [ABS-339] Development of three-tier test to diagnostic
Education students misconception on chemical equilibrium

Wiwi Siswaningsih

Is integrating earth and space sciences (ESS) with other materials necessary?

M. P. Putri1*, W. Liliawati2, A. Samsudin2

1Sekolah Pascasarjana Program Magister Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan

Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to obtain facts related to the process of implementing
Physics learning on Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) material in the City of Bandung.
Research conducted is a survey research. The instrument used in this study was a
questionnaire filled with teachers and students from 3 high schools in the city of
Bandung and surrounding areas with 4 questions for students and 5 questions for
teachers related to ESS learning. The sample in this study were 3 teacher respondents
and 96 junior high school students from 3 junior high schools and 3 teacher respondents
and 125 high school students from 3 high schools in Bandung City and its
surroundings. Questionnaires were distributed from 18 August 2018 to 3 September
2018. Based on this research, it can be seen that students are interested in studying ESS.
Physics learning requires the involvement of students in finding their own knowledge
through interaction with their environment. However, students stated that the perceived
obstacle in ESS learning was the lack of involvement of students in learning. ESS
requires several other disciplines that aim to produce meaningful and comprehensive
learning. But unfortunately, teachers have not integrated ESS material with other
material. Of course these results are contrary to expectations in the implementation of
ESS learning. So that in subsequent research, it is recommended to start developing
research related to the application of the STEAM approach in ESS learning to help
teachers integrate ESS material with other fields of study in a more interesting,
effective and innovative way.

Keywords: earth and space sciences (ESS)

Topic: Physics Education

Conception analysis of class xi high school students in heat transfer

Endah Nur Syamsiah1, Johar Maknun2, Achmad Samsudin3

1Sekkolah Pascsarjana Program Magister Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.
2Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


This case study research aims to get a picture of students conceptions of heat transfer
material. The population in this study are two classes of Science XI Muhammadiyah 4
High School Bandung. The sample used in this study is one class XI IPA II. Sample is
determined by purposive sampling technique. The instruments used are in the form of
test questions (three tier tests) and open interview guides. Data collection techniques
are carried out by giving questions to students and giving open interview questions to
teachers and student representatives. Data analysis is done by calculating the
percentage of each students conceptual category and seeing the results of open
interviews. The largest percentage of students conception categories is in the category
of misconception, in all sub-material heat transfer percentage of misconception is the
biggest. The following misconceptions were identified: (1) When thermal equilibrium
still occurs heat transfer occurs so that the temperature of objects is different; (2)
Objects that absorb heat more quickly, will be more slowly emit radiation heat; (3) In
the case of conduction, heat flows because it is carried by molecules of intermediate
substances that move; (4) In the event of heat transfer by convection, the rate of
convection is faster when the water boils

Keywords: Conception Analysis, Heat Transfer

Topic: Physics Education

Conceptions of high school students class XI in temperature and heat

F N Nabilah1*, A Samsudin2, and J Maknun2

1 Sekolah Pascasarjana Program Magister Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung,

2Departemen pendidikn Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


This case studies students misconceptions of temperature and heat material in high
school. The population in this study were students of class XI MIIA-2 in one of the
private high schools located in the city of Bandung, with a sample of 30 students
obtained by purposive sampling. The instrument used in the entire series of case studies
activities in the form of 12 multiple choice questions with temperature and heat
material, accompanied by the level of confidence of students answering the question.
The results showed that 86.7% of students belonged to the misconception category by
mentioning the definition of heat. Misconceptions amounted to .93.3%, in categorizing
changes in the form of objects. Students who fall into the category of misconception in
factors that influence nature change the form of objects by 96.7%. And as many as
76.7% of students entered the category of misconception in stating the principle of
conservation of energy. Participants included in the misconception category categorized
80.0% of students radiant heat transfers.

Keywords: Conceptions

Topic: Physics Education

Analysis of earth and space science curriculum at the junior and senior high

Ineu Cahyati1, Winny Liliawati2

1Postgraduate of Physics Education, Indonesian education University

2Department of Physics Education, Indonesian Education University
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


This study aims to describe the curriculum of earth and space science at junior and
senior high schools. The approach of the research is qualitative with content analysis
method. The results of the analysis obtained the provision material of earth and space
science of KTSP at junior high school for natural sciences is 7.81% and social sciences
is 5.26% from both basic competencies. While the senior high school for physics is
2.63% and geography is 19.23% from both basic competencies. Furthermore, the 2013
curriculum at junior high school for natural sciences is 11.42% and social sciences is
8.33 from both basic competencies. While at the senior high school for Physic is 6.45%
and geography is 26.30% from their basic competencies. Then, 2013 curriculum
revised edition for junior high school for natural sciences is 9.10% and social sciences
is 8.33% from from both basic competencies. While at senior high school for physics is
5.88% and geography is 27.78% from both basic competencies.

Keywords: Earth and Space Science, Curriculum

Topic: Physics Education

Profile of conceptual understanding of high school students in class x mipa in
newtons law material

I Made Hermanto1*, Achmad Samsudin2 and Johar Maknun2

1Sekolah Pascasarjana Program Magister Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.
2Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.


Conceptual understanding is the basic level thinking skills that students must have in
physics learning. At present, students are required to master 21st century thinking skills
which are part of high-level thinking skills. To be able to master thinking skills at a
higher level, students should have mastered basic level thinking skills, especially
conceptual understanding. This case study research is a preliminary research that aims
to obtain a profile of conceptual understanding of students of class X MIPA on the
subject of Newtons law. Students conceptual understanding is measured based on the
indicator of conceptual understanding of explaining, comparing, infering and
interpreting, from students answers to a test of conceptual understanding on Newtons
law material and analyzed using percentage interpretation. The research was applied in
one of the high schools in the city of Bandung with a population of 3 class X MIPA,
and the research sample selected 1 class by purposive sampling. The results showed
that students conceptual understanding for each indicator was explaining by 16%,
comparing by 32%, infering by 22% in the low category and interpreting by 38% in the
medium category. While the average conceptual understanding of students is still in the
low category with a percentage of 27%. Based on these results, it is necessary to
conduct literature review and further research to determine and apply appropriate
learning methods to improve students conceptual understanding.

Keywords: Conceptual Understanding

Topic: Physics Education

Analysis of needs of web based earth and space science learning materials for
middle school students

A M Zulika*, W Liliawati, T R Ramalis, J A Utama

Magister Program of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung,



Earth and Space Science is one of the materials taught in Physics. But the
implementation in class, often is not given in full and entrusted to other lessons because
it is constrained by various things including the availability of learning media such as
textbooks. The method used is a survey method. Questionnaires were distributed to 3
middle and 3 high schools around the city of Bandung and Bandung district with the
number of respondents 96 junior high school students, 125 high school students, 3
junior high school teachers and 3 high school teachers. From the student questionnaire,
data was obtained that earth and space science became one of the interesting material
especially if the availability of interesting teaching materials was available. Middle
school students often access the internet as additional learning resources in addition to
teacher explanations in the classroom. From the teacher questionnaire, it was also found
that textbooks and the internet were the main learning resources in delivering earth and
space science material in the classroom. The result from the preliminary study
conducted, the researchers intend to develop web-based teaching materials for high
school students. This web-based teaching material for high school students is still in the
process of drafting

Keywords: earth and space science, web

Topic: Physics Education

An investigation of scholars conceptual understanding levels on fluid dynamics via
four-tier test

F H Dewi*, M G Nugraha and A Samsudin

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung


Scholar repeatedly have difficulties in understanding complex physics concepts, such as

fluid dynamic concept. It is occured because the scholars conceptual understanding is
low, thus indicating a low scholar mental model. The study aims to describe the
scholars conceptual understanding levels on fluid dynamic using four-tier diagnostic
test. A four tier diagnostic test is a multiple choice diagnostic test that have four tiers
consist of answer tier, confidence ratings for the answer tier, and reason tier. The
instrument test utilised to describe scholars conceptual understanding level regarding to
the mental models. This research use a descriptive-quantitative methods. The data were
analyzed using the four-tier diagnostic test rubrics that were used in related literature to
analysis scholars conceptual understanding levels. The subject of this study are 40
scholar in the eleventh grade (16-17 age in average) at high school in Bandung. The
results show that scholars conceptual understanding levels mostly in SU (12.5%), PU
(45%), AC (37.5%), and NU (5%). It is concluded that four-tier diagnostic test is able
to use for investigating conceptual understanding levels.

Keywords: conceptual understanding levels, fluid dynamics , four-tier test

Topic: Physics Education

Using Virtual Laboratory to Improve Pre-service Physics Teachers Creativity and
Problem Solving Skills on Thermodynamics Concept

Gunawan (a*), Ahmad Harjono (a), Hairunnisyah Sahidu (a), Lovy Herayanti (b), Ni
Made Yeni Suranti (a), Fahmi Yahya (c)

(a) Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Mataram

Jalan Majapahit No. 62, Mataram 83125
(b) Physics Education Study Program, IKIP Mataram
Jalan Pemuda No. 59 A, Mataram 83125
(c) Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Samawa
Jl. Bypass Sering, Sumbawa 84316, Indonesia


Virtual laboratories have been developed in this study as an alternative to the limited
equipment of physics experiments. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of
virtual lab models to improve creativity and problem-solving skills for prospective
physics teachers. The research and development have been divided into 3 phases
namely, preliminary study, design development, and model testing. Model testing was
performed on two groups of thermodynamic courses using a pre-test post-test control
group design. The instruments that have been used are creativity tests and problem-
solving tests in the form of essays. Instruments of creativity include verbal and figural
aspects. Each data was analyzed using t-test and normalized gain score. The results
showed that there was an increase in creativity and problem-solving skills in both
groups. The creativity of students of the experimental group was higher than the control
group. Student problem-solving skills in the two groups differed significantly. The
experimental group has a higher problem-solving ability than the control group. This
suggested that the developed virtual lab model proved to improve the creativity and
problem solving skills ability of prospective physics teachers.

Keywords: virtual laboratory, pre-service physics teachers, creativity, problem solving

skills, thermodynamics concept

Topic: Physics Education

The impact of focus explore reflect apply (FERA) model with science writing
heuristic (SWH) approach to the improvement of students scientific reasoning
abilities on particle dynamics

Yanuar Asmara (a*), Ida Kaniawati (b), and Didi Teguh Chandra (b)

a)Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b)Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


This study aimed to obtain a description on the differences of students scientific

reasoning abilities improvement through the implementation of the FERA model with
SWH approach compared to the implementation of the FERA model without the SWH
approach. One way to help students develop their scientific reasoning abilities is by
involving them to develop their reasoning in the learning process. The SWH template
for students consists of: (1) initial idea; (2) test; (3) observation; (4) claims; (5)
evidence; (6) reading; and (7) reflection. This study used quasi experiment research
methods with random sampling technique. Two classes were selected as study sample
and divided into experimental class and control class. The data were obtained by using
pretest and posttest to measure the improvements in scientific reasoning and the quality
of scientific reasoning. The analysis and hypothesis test results show that there was a
significant difference on the improvement of scientific reasoning between students
group who involved in the FERA model with SWH Approach and students group who
involved in the FERA model without SWH approach. The FERA model with SWH
approach can significantly improve students scientific reasoning abilities on particle

Keywords: FERA model, SWH approach, Particle dynamics, Scientific reasoning


Topic: Physics Education

A preliminary study: How is extent the fourth-grade students understanding of
the magnetic force?

A R Ningsih1*, R N Afifah3, Qonita3, Y Gumala1, H Handayani1,3, A Suhandi1,2, E

Syaodih1,3, B Maftuh1, N Hermita4 and A Samsudin2

1Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Dasar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3Departemen Pendidikan Guru Anak Usia Dini, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl.
Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
4Prodi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Riau, Jl. HR. Subrantas Km 12,5
Pekanbaru, Indonesia


This study purposes to identify about elementary level understanding of the magnetic
force over experiential learning. The indicator of understanding aspect used purposes to
extent students understanding of the elementary school. The indicator that used in this
study is a Bloom indicator. A descriptive-qualitative design has previously been
pretentious to accumulate data from fourth grade elementary students in one of
Bandung Regency (27 participants: 9-10 years old). The instrument which is operated
designed multiple choices with interview process. The significance shows that every
aspect of understanding such as: modelling, classifying, comparing, explaining, and
estimating students have dissimilar results. The students understanding mostly lies in
the indicators of the aspects of understanding the exemplifying part. Toward entirety
up, students understanding of elementary school is stumpy and necessities to be

Keywords: fourth-grade elementary school, students understanding, and magnetic


Topic: Physics Education

Conceptions on physics teacher candidates about light

Andi Sri Astika Wahyuni (a); Nuryani Rustaman (b); Dadi Rusdiana (c); Muslim (d)

(a) UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA, Jalan Setiabudhi No. 229, Isola,

Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154
(b) UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA, Jalan Setiabudhi No. 229, Isola,
Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154
(c) UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA, Jalan Setiabudhi No. 229, Isola,
Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154
(d) UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA, Jalan Setiabudhi No. 229, Isola,
Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154


The purpose of this study is to define a description of the various conceptions and
misconceptions of physics teacher candidates about the concept of light in basic physics
courses. This research was conducted on 96 students of basic physics teacher candidate
in one of state universities (PTN) in Makassar. The mixed method was used in this
study. Data collection in this research is through observation, test, analysis of test
results, limited interviews, and analysis of data by quantitative and qualitative. The
result of this research is found the misconception of physics teacher candidate about the
concepts of physics, especially about the concept of light. This shows that the low
understanding of the concept of physics teacher candidates to the basic concepts of
physics, causing misconception. Therefore , that misconceptions are define an
information to develop a continuous research that can contribute to improving the
quality of teachers candidates, especially physics teachers who will give a positive
impact on improving the quality of education, especially in Indonesia by developing a
programming of basic physics course oriented conceptual change to eliminate a
misconceptions on physics teacher candidates.

Keywords: Conceptions; Misconception; Light

Topic: Physics Education

Problem based learning in learning engineering machine to train creativity

Irwan Setyowidodo, Sutanto, Aprilia Dwi Handayani

Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


The purpose of this learning model develops high-level thinking skills in problem-
oriented situations and integrates new knowledge to train students creativity, providing
authentic issues and meaningfully emphasized real time data from websites. This
research is a research development or often called Research and Development (RnD),
Implementation of development procedures in this study include (1) research and
information collection; (2) planning; (3) development of initial product form; (4) field
test and product revision; (5) revision of the final product; and (6) dissemination and
implementation. Data collection using observation, documentation and interview
techniques. Real time data is information delivered immediately after the observation or
data collection, various real time data can be collected through the address of the
website in the internet. The module product in this study is a learning model device that
integrates real time data to train students creativity

Keywords: learning model, creativity, problem based learning

Topic: Physics Education

Profile Literacy of Physics Concepts on Petroleum Exploration

C Rochman1*, A. Novia1, D Nasrudin, A. Malik, Y. Dirgantara1, Rokayah2 , N.

Hermita3, and Muslim4

1UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H. Nasution 105, Bandung, West Java,
2STKIP Sebelas April Sumedang, Jl. Angkrek-Situ No 19 , Sumedang 45352, West
Java, Indonesia
3Universitas Riau, Jl. Bina Widya KM 12,5, Pekanbaru 28293, Indonesia
4UPI Bandung, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: Email:


Since the beginning of the 19th century, petroleum began to be explored in Indonesia
which was pioneered by the Dutch which can be further explored by the Indonesian
nation. This shows that at that time the nation of Indonesia has started literate. But now
most of the Indonesian people are allegedly lacking to understand how the process of
petroleum exploration. Based on these assumptions this study aims to obtain
exploration literacy data in the area of Bekasi based on physics concepts in learners.
Participants of this study are learners from high school are close and far from the
location of petroleum exploration. The research method used will be pragmatic
explorative. Data collection tools are literation questions consisting of processes,
concepts, contexts, and attitudes towards petroleum exploration and interview
guidelines. The results showed that the average literacy of the physics concept of
students in the low category. This study recommends the need for enrichment materials
on petroleum exploration based on local wisdom

Keywords: enrichment of teaching material, literacy of physics concept and petroleum


Topic: Physics Education

The development of annual solar apparent motion model as educational kit in the
astronomy course

Catur Agus Lukitasari (a*), Yudhiakto Pramudya (a), Suparwoto (b)

a) Postgraduate Physics Education Program, Ahmad Dahlan University

Jalan Pramuka 42, Yogyakarta 55161, Indonesia
b) Postgraduate Physics Education Program, Yogyakarta State University
Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia


This research aimed to produce astronomy learning media in the form of an annual
solar apparent motion model. The students have difficulty in understanding the concept
of celestial coordinate system. The media is needed to assist the students to understand
the concept. The model is made of acrylic material and consist of horizon planes, sky
pole track, equatorial track, sky meridians and solar track. The model is used to explain
the position of the sun when its declination value is known at a particular latitude.
Based on the assessment by 2 lecturers of content and media experts, the model has
excellent category and reliable to be used. Based on small and large scale test, the
model obtained good response and student express agree to the model when used in
astronomy study. Thus, the model deserve to be used in astronomy learning, especially
the concept of celestial coordinate system.

Keywords: astronomy; media; celestial coordinate system

Topic: Physics Education

The identification of the cause of misconception on dynamic electrical concept

A. Halim(a*), Dian Lestari(b), Mustafa(c)

a),c) Department of Physic Education, Training Teacher and Education Faculty,

Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh Indonesia 23111
b) Teacher of High School in Banda Aceh, Indonesia



This study aims to find out the causes of misconceptions experienced by high school
students on the subject matter of dynamic circuit through qualitative approach and
descriptive method. The population of this study is all students of class XII SMAN 2
Banda Aceh. The sample was chosen by purposive sampling, so that there were 21
students for the control class and 21 students for the experimental class. Data collection
was done by questionnaire technique in the form of questionnaire about the cause of
misconceptions consisted of 35 items. The results of data analysis show that the largest
percentage of causes of misconception is by students and by context. Thus it can be
concluded that the cause of misconception among high school students for dynamic
electrical circuitry is caused by the students self as well as the context. The causes of
misconceptions in students are more at the stage of cognitive development of students
and in most contexts caused by feelings of pleasure/displeasure or free/ depressed

Keywords: identification of causes of misconceptions, dynamic electrical circuits

Topic: Physics Education

Improving students conceptual knowledge on optical device materials with
computer simulations

S Rahmadani, A Samsudin, A Danawan, I Kaniawati, E Suhendi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


One of the factors causing the low level of students conceptual knowledge on optical
device materials is the difficulty of students to observe the shadow formation process so
that one can see an object. Students can not understand the function and way of
working the parts of the eye. Therefore, it is necessary to develop computer-based
instructional learning media on optical device materials. The development of learning
media using development method with the sample of research as many as 30 high
school students. The instruments utilized to determine the increase of students
conceptual knowledge were pretest and posttest in the form of multiple choices. After
using computer simulations in physics learning, students conceptual knowledge of
optical device material has increased as indicated by the normalized gain <g> with the
medium category.

Keywords: Computer Simulation, Conceptual Knowledge, Optic Devices

Topic: Physics Education

Development of Web based Massive Open Online Course on Fundamental Physics
Subject to Increase Students Higher Order Thinking Skill

Vina Serevina1, Raihanati2, Sunaryo3, Wawan Andriana4

Physics Education Study Program, State University of Jakarta


This study aims to develop massive open online course web as E-
learning on fundamental physics subject and to increase higher order thinking skill of
students. This research method used research and development by the ADDIE
(Analyze-Design-Development-Implementation-Evaluation) model. The object of this
study was 30 students in the physics education program of State University of Jakarta.
The validation in this research used material expert validation sheet, media expert
validation sheet, learning validation sheet, multiple choice questions, and higher order
thinking skill questionnaire. Material expert validation results show 86.5 % (very
good). Media expert validation results show 88.0 % (very good). Learning validation
results show 89,0 % (very good). Based on the results of the investigation on the
effectiveness of web on fundamental physics subject, obtained N-gain
equal to score of 0.72 in very high category. This shows the increased score of higher
order thinking skill participants. Based on data above, this study showed that the
development of Massive Open Online Course on fundamental physics subject can
increase high order thinking Skill of Students.

Keywords: Web based Massive Open Online Course, Fundamental Physics, Higher
Order Thinking Skill

Topic: Physics Education

Measuring critical thinking skills of K-11 students on temperature and heat: a
case study

A H Aminudin1*, D Rusdiana1, L Hasanah1 and J Maknun1

Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


Critical thinking is one of the essential skills of 21st century education. Therefore,
students are required to have these skills to be applied in physics learning. The study
aim to measure students critical thinking skills on Temperature and Heat. Samples were
taken using purposive sampling technique. Participants in this study are 29 K-11
students (10 males and 19 females) in the city of Bandung. The instruments used are
five essay questions with five different indicators. The results show that the average
value obtained is 31 with less categories. Thus, students critical thinking skills on
Temperature and Heat are still less. Consequently, there is a need for development in
the learning process to improve the critical thinking skills of K-11 students on
Temperature and Heat.

Keywords: critical thinking, k-11

Topic: Physics Education

Analysis of Students Interaction on Technology Based Conceptual Change Text in
Physics Classroom

Iyon Suyana1), Lia Laela Sarah2)

1) Physics Departement, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

2) Secondary Senior High School, Laboratory School, UPI


This study aimed to analysis the interaction of student-students, students-teacher,

students-material and students-learning media on Technology Based Conceptual
Change Text in physics classroom. The analysis based on the frequent number students
interaction and was suplemented by qualitative (descriptive) data. Observation sheet
was used to collected data of student-students interaction, student-teacher and student-
learning media interaction. In addition, the research used student’s worksheet to
collected data of student with material interaction. The finding show that there was
improvemnet of the frequent number students interaction from the first cycle to third
cycle. These finding indicated that use of Technology Based Conceptual Change Text
Appproach in physics classroom allows for adequate students interaction with material,
learning media and with other students. The result of this study can serve as reference
for future studies on students interaction in physics classroom, especially using
Technology Based Conceptual Change Text.

Keywords: Students Interaction, Technology Based Conceptual Change Text

Topic: Physics Education

Development of Students Submicroscopic Representation Ability on Molecular
Geometry Material Using Augmented Reality Media

Indah Wulandari (a), F S Irwansyah (a*), Ida Farida (a), M A Ramdhani (b)

(a)Department of Chemical Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H
Nasution No.105 Bandung 40614 Indonesia
(b)Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H Nasution
No.105 Bandung 40614 Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to apply learning using Augmented Reality (AR) media
to develop submicroscopic representation capability. The method used is a classroom
study of fourth semester students of Chemical Education UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung. Information gained by measuring student activity during learning, completion
of students on the student worksheet, as well as the ability of submicroscopic
representation after learning. The results obtained from the completion of the Student
Worksheet are categorized very well (mean 86), the highest ability on the bonding
domain and non-bonding domain indicator based on the Lewis structure (mean 94). In
the results of submicroscopic representation ability tests after learning are categorized
very well (mean 81.5), the highest ability in the determinant of bonding domains and
non-bonded domains based on Lewis structure (mean 92). This is because students
discuss and collaborate very well and supported by the use of media AR. Thus the
media AR can be used as one of the media in developing student submicroscopic
representation ability on molecular geometry material.

Keywords: Augmented Reality; Multi-Representative; Geometry

Topic: Chemistry Education

First-year university students understanding of chemical equilibrium

Faizah Qurrata Aini (*), Zonalia Fitriza, Fauzana Gazali, Mawardi

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Jalan Prof. Dr.
Hamka 25171, Padang, Indonesia


This study analyzed the understanding of first-year students on the concept of chemical
equilibrium. It involved 30 first-year students in the faculty of mathematics and natural
sciences of Universitas Negeri Padang. The students understanding was explored using
a conceptual test. The result shows that generally, students have misconceptions about
the concept of chemical equilibrium especially when the reaction reaches equilibrium
as reported by many studies. The results of this study have implications for the lecturers
in planning the general chemistry learning process, especially on the chemical
equilibrium topic

Keywords: chemical equilibrium, dynamic chemical equilibrium, students


Topic: Chemistry Education

Development of three-tier test to diagnostic students misconception on chemical

Wiwi Siswaningsih

Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, FPMIPA UPI.


The aim of this study was to develop the three-tier multiple choice diagnostic test that
was conform with criteria of content validity and reliability to identification students
misconception about chemical equilibrium. The method of this study was development
and validation methods. Test was developed in the form of three tier, the first tier
Consist of three possible answers, the second tier Consist of six possible reasons and
the third tier Consist of two certainty of respons index. Fourteen items was developed
in this study. Based on the value of content validity ratio (CVR), all items were valid.
The value of reliability of items were developed is 0.759, it means that items were
acceptable. The respondents of this study were 5 validators who are lecturers from
Departement of Chemistry Education and 35 senior high school students who was
learned subject chemical equilibrium. Based on analysis of students answer were based
on a determination key could be found students misconceptions that on dynamic
equilibrium, concentration of reactant and product are same as common misconception
in the student (57.1%).

Keywords: chemical equilibrium, misconception, multiple choice and three tier

diagnostic test.

Topic: Chemistry Education



No. Topic Tittle

1. Mathematics [ABS-255] Reflective Inquiry: Why Area is Never Negative?
Almas Fitri Hanifat*, Didi Suryadi, Encum Sumiaty
2. Mathematics [ABS-276] The Different way of understanding and way of
Education thinking between gender on the problem the linear equations
of two varia

M T Bakar, D Suryadi , and D Darhim

3. Mathematics [ABS-322] Enhancing mathematical connection ability of
Education mathematics education student through inquiry based

Aprilia Dwi Handayani*, Tatang Herman, Siti Fatimah, Irwan

4. Mathematics [ABS-329] Prospective teachers mathematical resilience after
Education participating in Problem-based Learning

Lilik Ariyanto, Tatang Herman, Utari Sumarmo and Didi Suryadi

5. Mathematics [ABS-58] Development of instructional media game education
Education on integral and differential calculus

Surya Amami Pramuditya*, Herri Sulaiman

6. Mathematics [ABS-130] Mathematical Literacy Skills Students of the
Education Junior High School In Term of Gender Differences

Mega Nur Prabawati, Prof. DR. Tatang Herman, M.Ed, Prof.

DR. Turmudi
7. Mathematics [ABS-212] Analytical thinking skill of mathematics education
Education student

Rita Kusumawardani*, Didi Suryadi

8. Mathematics [ABS-391] The application of problem based learning model
Education to improve mathematical cognitive skill and students
engagement toward curved-face three-dimensional objects in
IX grade of SMP Laboratorium Percontohan UPI

Asep Syarif Hidayat, Dwi Haryanto

9. Mathematics [ABS-57] Development of realistic mathematical problems
Education oriented bengkulu ethnomatematics for open ended problem
solving skills

Dwi Yanti, Wahyu Widada, Zamzaili

10. Mathematics [ABS-63] FI and FD Review: Creative thinking process in
Education mathematical problem solving

Ika Setyana, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, Ikrar Pramudya

No. Topic Tittle
11. Mathematics [ABS-77] Analyzing the mathematics teacher candidate
Education Pedagogic Content Knowledge (PCK) of teacher practice in

Neneng Aminah, Ika Wahyuni

12. Chemicstry [ABS-181] Utilization of learning analytic on measuring
Education student participation in online learning

Sandra Sukmaning Adji, Sri Hamda

13. Chemicstry [ABS-236] Application of corrosion E-module to improve
Education high-order thinking skills

CZ Subarkah*, R Aisyah, A Nurhayati, AY Nuryantini

14. Chemicstry [ABS-243] The analysis of students scientific skill during
Education chemical equilibrium practice

Sari Sari, Oban Sobandi and Adam Malik

15. Integrated Science [ABS-116] The development of learning material of Basic
Education Science Concept based on problems for PGSD students

Risda Amini
16. Integrated Science [ABS-237] The reconstruction of preservice elementary
Education teachers conception on free fall using cognitve conflict

Subuh Anggoro, Ari Widodo, and Andi Suhandi

17. Integrated Science [ABS-47] Developing 21st Century skills of the pre-service
Education science teachers in southeast asia through the STEAM project

Pramita Cucu Mawarni*, Yuli Rahmawati, Fauzan Khairi Che

Harun, Tula Jutarosaga, Laeli Dina Rizqiya
18. Chemicstry [ABS-99] The effect of 5E-Learning cycle model using
Education animation media on the learning activity and learning
outcomes of students in senior high school class XI on salt
hydrolysis material

Muhammad Iqbal*, Retno Dwi Suyanti, Indra Lasmana Tarigan

19. Chemicstry [ABS-82] Development of guided inquiry experiment student
Education worksheet on the topic of acid and base grade XI to
comprehend the concepts of chemistry

Ghery Priscylio, Andromeda, Mawardi, Diana Rochintaniawati

20. Chemicstry [ABS-98] Cognitive structure of students on acid-base
Education concepts through learning cycle 8E approach

Sylvia Faustine* , Yuli Rahmawati, Ahmad Ridwan, Irma Ratna


Reflective inquiry: why area is never negative?

Almas Fitri Hanifat(a*) , Didi Suryadi (b), Encum Sumiaty (b)

a) Faculty of Mathematics Education, Indonesia Unversity of Education Jalan Dr.

Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) School of Postgraduate, Indonesia, University of Education Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.
229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Reflective Thinking is an important process for an educator to be more professional.

Educator can practice reflective thinking with doing reflective inquiry. The reflective
inquiry gas a doctrine, that we not receive immediately something into information, but
its require examined and proven to be accepted as information. Information that
examine in this inquiry is statement about area is never negative. A deep inquiry to
prove that area is never negative lead to a re-reconstruction of the belief system within
self, thereby generating new perspective and providing alternative solution to answer
why area is never negative? Although its not clearly defined that area is never negative,
why people accept is as a common sense? What underlies that area is never negative,
even teacher itself dont know the reason? Doesnt teaching without understanding is
consider as irresponsible action to student? Worried with this condition researcher try
to figure it out and prove area is never negative with relation between measure, metric,
dimension, length, and area in real set. Measure is foundation in this relation, with
measure defined nonnegative, causes metric and dimension defined with nonnegative
value. Resulting length as measure in dimension one is nonnegative and proven that
area is never negative

Keywords: reflective inquiry, area, measure, dimension

Topic: Mathematics Education

The Different way of understanding and way of thinking between gender on the
problem the linear equations of two variables

M T Bakar, D Suryadi , and D Darhim

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This article discusses about way of understanding and way of thinking college students
between gender in solve math problems. A way of understanding is a cognitive product
of a mental act perform by someone, and way of thinking is a cognitive characteristic of
a menthal act. The mental act is obtained by observing their statements and actions.
Open interviews conducted by researchers after watching the learning video and check
the college student works . This research uses phenomenographic approach. Rusdi and
Ira are prospective elementary teachers who have equal ability of between gender in
solving four problems related to the linear equation of two variables. The results of this
study revealed that female college students tend to relate previous concepts to problems
on the subject, solution representation more than one way, and way of thinking appear
are to use empirical solutions and tend to follow frequently used patterns. While the
male college students answered practically, that is using the clue of the question to
obtain a solution, and way of thinking appear are to as non refential symbolic. This
implies that way of understanding college students depend on heavily on the
characteristics of their way of thinking.

Keywords: WoU, WoT, Gender,

Topic: Mathematics Education

Enhancing mathematical connection ability of mathematics education student
through inquiry based learning

Aprilia Dwi Handayani (a,b*) Tatang Herman (b) Siti Fatimah (b) Irwan Setyowidodo

a) Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahaln no. 76 Kediri, Jatim, Indonesia
b) Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung,


As a pre service mathematics teacher, the student of mathematics education are

required to have high order thinking skills. One part of high order thinking skills is the
ability of a mathematical connection. The purpose of this study is to analyze the
improvement of students mathematical connection ability as a result of the
implementation of inquiry learning. This research is a quasi experimental research
involving two classes. The first class as the experimental group which get Inquiry
learning and the second group is the control group which get the conventional learning.
The sample of this research is students who take the course of Numerical Method. The
data have been obtained and then analyzed by using t test. The results of this study
indicate that the ability of mathematical connections of students in the class that using
inquiry learning is better than the students in the class that using conventional learning

Keywords: Mathematical Connection, Inquiry Based Learning

Topic: Mathematics Education

Prospective teachers mathematical resilience after participating in Problem-based

Lilik Ariyanto, Tatang Herman, Utari Sumarmo and Didi Suryadi

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas PGRI Semarang


The main goal of this study is to improve the mathematical resilience of prospective
math teachers through implementation the Problem-based Learning. This objective can
be achieved through study used quasi-experimental method, withnon-random pretest-
posttest control design. The sample subject of this research consist of 57 prospective
math teachers at Universitas PGRI Semarang. The required data will be collected
through documentation, observation, interviews, student worksheets, pre respons, and
post respons. The results of this study are: There is the result of the improvement of
students' mathematical resilience between groups based on prior knowledge
mathematical abilities (high, medium, and low) and total who obtained the Problem-
based Learning is same and the quality of improvement is low category. This research
can be used as a reference for other researchers who want to do the same research
related on students’ resiliency on math and or math lecturers to improve the resilience
of prospective teachers to be resilient teachers on math in the future.

Keywords: mathematical resilience, Problem-based Learning, Prospective math


Topic: Mathematics Education

Development of instructional media game education on integral and differential

Surya Amami Pramuditya1,2,a), Herri Sulaiman2

1Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Djati, Jl.
Perjuangan No.1 Cirebon 45134, Indonesia



Differential equation is a compulsory subject that must be contracted by students

bachelor of mathematics education program. However, differential equation is still
considered difficult by most students. The difficulty is due to the varied solution and
the interrelationship with Integral and Differential Calculus materials. Educational
game are one of the creative industry products that can process knowledge into games.
It can be played and useful for many people. This research aims to make educational
game of differential intergral calculus which can be used as a learning supplement for
students. The other is to know response using game. The design of educational game is
to create a scenario include materials, questions, solutions and tests on Integral and
Differential Calculus. The research model used in this research is using ADDIE
(Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation), restricted at ADD. The
initial requirement analysis stage involves observing the students learning difficulties
when studying the material of Differential and Integral Calculus. The design stage is
the preparation of concepts and questions related to the material of Differential and
Integral Calculus. The development stage is to create and develop game using software
rpg game maker MV. It is based on the plot / scenario that has been compiled in the
previous stages. Then game is validated by expert as well as the practicality test games
as a user response.

Keywords: instructional media, educational game, calculus, integral, differential

Topic: Mathematics Education

Mathematical literacy skills students of the junior high school in term of gender

Mega Nur Prabawati, Prof. DR. Tatang Herman, M.Ed, Prof. DR. Turmudi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Good mathematical literacy skills will hopefully help maximize the tasks and role of
the prospective teacher in activities. Mathematical literacy focus on students ability to
analyze, justify, and communicate ideas effectively, formulate, solve and interpret
mathematical problems in a variety of forms and situations. The purpose of this study is
to describe the mathematical literacy skills of the Junior high school students in term of
gender differences. This research used a qualitative with a case study. Subjects of the
study taken from two male students and two female students of the junior high school.
Data were collected through methods think a loud and interviews. Four students were
asked to fill mathematical literacy test. Students are required to convey loud what he
was thinking when solving problems. After students get the solution, researchers
grouped the students answers and results think aloud. Furthermore, the data are grouped
and analyzed according to indicators of mathematical literacy skills. Male students have
good of each indicator in mathematical literacy skills (the first indicator to the sixth
indicator). Female students have good of mathematical literacy skills (the first
indicator, the second indicator, the third indicator, the fourth indicator and the sixth
indicator), except for the fifth indicators that are enough

Keywords: literacy, mathematical literacy, gender

Topic: Mathematics Education

Analytical Thinking Skill of Mathematics Education Student

Rita Kusumawardani (a*), Didi Suryadi (b)

a) Mathematics Education Department, Indonesia University of Education

Jalan Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Mathematics Education Department, Indonesia University of Education
Jalan Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


This study aims to describe the analytical thinking skills of Mathematics Education
Students on solving the Geometric Transformation problems. Analytical thinking is one
of parts of higher-order thinking skills that is very important in mathematics learning of
higher education. Students need to think analytically to identify information to get
knowledge or solve problem. This research is a case study of two Mathematics
Education students of Indraprasta University. The data are collected by problems
solving test and interview. Qualitative method is used to analyze the data. The results
show the students can differentiate parts of information from the problems well.
Nevertheless, the students have difficulties on organizing and attributing aspects of
analytical thinking. The conclusion is students have some difficulties to think
analytically. The further study needs to analyze the analtytical thinking skills on larger
number of sample. It may be to look the analytical thinking based on characteristics of

Keywords: analytical thinking, problem solving, mathematics

Topic: Mathematics Education

The Application of problem based learning model to improve mathematical
cognitive skill and students engagement toward curved-face three-dimensional
objects in IX grade of SMP Laboratorium percontohan UPI

Drs. H. Asep Syarif Hidayat, M.S, Dwi Haryanto, M.Pd

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung


One of the most important subject to improve cognitive and students skill is
Mathematic. Considered as human activity, Mathematic is also a subject which highly
demands logical, rational, critical, and systematical thinking. Mathematical cognitive
which of course enables to provide helpful aids to the students to deal with the
problems in their daily life. As an effort to improve the learning quality in the
classroom, an effective and proper learning model is required to be considered by a
teacher. Thus, it is expected to develop students engagement and cognitive skills. A
learning model issued in this investigation is Problem Based Learning. This
investigation is aimed to (1) to measure Mathematical cognitive skill and students
engagement toward curved-face three-dimensional objects in IX grade of SMP
Laboratorium Percontohan UPI using problem based learning model. (2) to find out the
improvement process of Mathematical cognitive skills and students engagement toward
the chapter of curved-face three-dimensional objects during the implementation of
problem based learning model in IX grade of SMP Laboratorium Percontohan UPI. (3)
to improve Mathematical cognitive skill and students engagement toward curved-face
three-dimensional objects in IX grade of SMP Laboratorium Percontohan UPI using
problem based learning model. The result of this investigation shows that the
Mathematical cognitive skill and students engagement can be improved through the
implementation of the problem based learning model toward the chapter of curved-face
three-dimensional objects. The Learning shows a significant result from cycle I to cycle
III and keep improving from cycle to cycle. The average score appeared in cycle I is
69.9, this score keep gaining a significant improvement of 81.7 in cycle II and
becoming more significant as 85.8 in cycle III. In addition to the result above, this PBL
model is able to improve the students engagement and accomplishment from cycle to
cycle. Starting from the 1st cycle, the students accomplishment reach 34.37%, 2nd
cycle reach 75%, meanwhile the 3rd cycle the students accomplishment reach 90.625%.
From the short elaboration above, the investigator jumps to a conclusion that Problem
Based Learning Model can improve students Mathematical Cognitive Skills and
Engagement. Therefore, the Problem Based Learning Model is extremely
recommended by the investigator to be implemented towards other material or chapter
and used as an alternative Mathematic learning model at school.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning Model, Mathematical cognitive skill, students

engagement, curved-face three-dimensional objects

Topic: Mathematics Education

Development of realistic mathematical problems oriented Bengkulu
ethnomatematics for open ended problem solving skills

Dwi Yanti, Wahyu Widada, Zamzaili

Postgraduate Study Program of Mathematics Education, University of Bengkulu


This research aims to develop math problems of open ended problem solving oriented
Bengkulu ethnomatematics , which valid, practical, and effective. The research method
used is design research with the type of research development or development studies
using Plomp development model. The result of this research is 5 (five) math problems
of open ended problem solving oriented Bengkulu ethnomatematics that is valid,
practical, and effective.

Keywords: problem solving, open ended, Bengkulu ethnomatematics

Topic: Mathematics Education

FI and FD Review: Creative Thinking Process in Mathematical Problem Solving

Ika Setyana, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, Ikrar Pramudya

Mathematics Education Magister, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of

Sebelas Maret University. Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Kentingan, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia.


Abstract. The purpose of this research is to determine the ability of the creative thinking
of the students of mathematics education in problem solving based on Field Dependent
and Field Independent cognitive style. The research method used a descriptive
qualitative approach. The subject of the study is selected by purposive sampling. The
creative thinking process is the ability to problem solving or create new ideas, plan and
apply those ideas to produce a new product. The theory that used in creative thinking
process has four stages: 1) preparation, formulating a problem and making an initial
effort to solve it, 2) incubation, a period in which no effort is made directly for solve
problems and attention diverted briefly on other things, 3) illumination, gain insight
from the problem, 4) verify, test the acquired understanding and make the solution. The
Group Embedded Figures Test is applied for selecting of Field Independent and Field
Dependent subjects. The results showed the creative thinking process subject Field
Independent tends to solve the problem linear program with smooth and flexible so
classified as very creative. While the subject of Field Dependent tend not to solve the
problem linear program with flexible and smooth so classified as less creative or not

Keywords: Cognitive style, FI and FD

Topic: Mathematics Education

Analyzing the mathematics teacher candidate Pedagogic Content Knowledge

Neneng Aminah, Ika Wahyuni

Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati


This descriptive qualitative research was Pedagogic Content Knowledge (PCK) that
analyzes the mathematics teacher candidate of teacher practice in SMP and SMA
Cirebon. The participants were chosen by purposive sampling technique. They are nine
students at fourth grade of mathematics education who were divided by their multiple
intelligent level of high, medium, and low. The validated questionnaire and
measurement instrument were designed to assess PCK of mathematics teacher
candidate (Aminah & Wahyuni, 2018). The results of PCK showed that they had good
capability in making RPP, but not in practicing their teaching planning using teaching
media, delivering teaching materials, managing the class and evaluating the students.
Only students who had high academic were very good, and the rest had moderate and
low academic but they were still in good category

Keywords: Pedagogic Content Knowledge (PCK), multiple intelegent

Topic: Mathematics Education

Utilization of learning analytic on measuring student participation in online

Sandra Sukmaning Adji ( Sri Hamda


Universitas Terbuka


Learning analytics can be used to measure the level of student participation in online
learning. This study is the best practice in conducting student learning assistance
services through online learning, and aims to analyze student involvement during the
learning process. The study was conducted on subjects offered by the Open University
Chemistry Education course. The data were obtained based on the activity of online
learning for one semester conducted by tutors and each tutor holding 1 class. The
results obtained show that through learning analytic many items that can be assessed by
the tutor on student activities during the online learning take place, among which are: 1)
the number of overview accesses by the students on each topic or the reading of the
tutorial material 2) the number of access made by each student on tutorial material 3)
number of student access in reading each discussion material in discussion forum and,
4) number of response given / uploaded by every student in discussion forum. Other
information that can be gained through the use of learning analytics is the interaction of
learning that occurs between students with students and students with tutors. Interaction
patterns are illustrated through graphs and responses among students.

Keywords: Online learning, Learning analytic, Student participation, Interaction


Topic: Chemistry Education

Application of corrosion E-module to improve high-order thinking skills

CZ Subarkah (a*), R Aisyah (a), A Nurhayati (a), AY Nuryantini (b)

a) Chemistry Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H. Nasution No.
105, Bandung 40614, Indonesia
b) Physics Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H. Nasution No. 105,
Bandung 40614, Indonesia


Improving media in learning process could be used as an alternative attempt to improve

high-order thinking skills. In this research, we have succeeded in applying e-module of
corrosion in order to improve students high-order thinking skills. The research used
pre-experiment method with one-group pretest and posttest research designs. The
research used one class experiment without a comparison class. The research subject
was 38 students of second semester Chemistry Education. Categories of each students
high-order thinking skill improvement were determined using n-gain formula. The n-
gain value of students analysis skill is 0.639, categorized as a medium improvement.
The n-gain value of students evaluation skill is 0.543, categorized as a medium
improvement. And, the n-gain value of students synthesis skill is 0.73, categorized as a
high improvement. The overall n-gain value of high-order thinking skill is 0.637, which
is categorized as a medium improvement. The result showed that e-module contributed
to activate a learning process that resulted improvements of high-order thinking skills.

Keywords: high-order thinking, e-module, corrosion, analyze, evaluate, create.

Topic: Chemistry Education

The analysis of students scientific skill during chemical equilibrium practice

Sari Sari, Oban Sobandi and Adam Malik

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Assessing the students’ performance is important to measure the students’ skill during
practices. This study aims to analyze students’ scientific skills during the Chemical
Equilibrium practice. For this research, researchers used one shot case study design of
experimental method. The subject of the research is 38 students of Chemistry Education
department. The instruments of the research are observation sheet and students’
practical assessment sheet. The data were obtained through the description of students’
activities during the practical training and the analysis of performance assessment. The
result showed that 100% of the students are well-skilled at using spray bottles, dropping
plates, reading the universally-indicated pH trajectory, and cleaning the equipment of
practical training properly. 93,75% of the students excelled the skills of using pipettes,
measuring the volume of the solution, and stirring the solution. The students are less-
skilled at shifting the solution and diluting the solution, with only 68,75% of the
students passed the expected activities. The skill of choosing and disposing the waste of
the practical training has the lowest number of students excelled, with only 50% of
them passed the expected standard. Therefore, the students’ scientific skill needs an
upgrade especially on the skill of choosing and disposing the waste. The students’
assessment sheet eased the teachers to observe the practical training.

Keywords: Performance Assessment instrument, Chemical Equilibrium practice

Topic: Chemistry Education

The development of learning material of Basic Science Concept based on problems
for PGSD students

Risda Amini

Universitas Negeri Padang


This research and development aims to develop learning material for improvement the
quality of learning of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) students at lecture
of Basic Science Concept. The research method used is Borg and Gall model. The
research stages consist of (a) the stages of analysis conducted on the curriculum, the
needs of the students and the lecturers needs. (b) the learning material development
stage, which is analyzed by a team of experts. (c) the pilot stage. The research
instruments were observation sheets, interview guides, validation sheets, lecturer and
student response questionnaires, tests, performance assessment sheets, and attitude
questionnaires. The results showed that the learning material that developed are valid,
practical and effectiveness to improve learning quality of Basic Science Concept.

Keywords: Learning material, learning quality, basic science.

Topic: Integrated Science Education

The reconstruction of preservice elementary teachers conception on free fall using
cognitve conflict strategy

Subuh Anggoro (a,b), Ari Widodo (c) and Andi Suhandi (d)

a) Doctor Study Program of Basic Education, Postgraduate School, Universitas

Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Teacher Training of Elementary Education StudyProgram, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Jl. Dukuhwaluh Kembaran, Banyumas 53182, Indonesia
c) Biology Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
d) Physics Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Most of preservice elementary teachers have misconceptions about Free Fall. It were
caused by their teachers has not understood the this concepts and how to teach it. The
purpose of this study is to analyze the reconstruction of conceptions on remedial
teaching using Cognitive Conflict Strategy developed on Free Fall concept. The
research method used is mixed methods with Intervention Mixed Methods Design.
Participants of this study are preservice elementary school teachers in one of the private
university in Central Java who take the Second Basic Concept course. The results have
shown that Cognitive Conflict Strategy is effective to reconstructing the conception of
preservice elementary teachers on Free Fall using remedial teaching. This is indicated
by the most of them have experienced conceptual change with the revision level in
every misconception that occurred in the prior conception. The research
recommendations is the lecturer of Basic Science, which have elementary school
graduates background generally, should have collaborating with Physics and Biology
lecturer to develop a scientific concept understanding by using learning model that can
reconstruct the student conception.

Keywords: conception, cognitive conflict, conceptual change

Topic: Integrated Science Education

Developing 21st Century Skills of the Pre-service Science Teachers in Southeast
Asia through the STEAM Project

Pramita Cucu Mawarni (a*), Yuli Rahmawati (b), Fauzan Khairi Che Harun (c), Tula
Jutarosaga (d), Laeli Dina Rizqiya (e)

(a) SMK PGRI 8 Jakarta

Jl. CipinangMuara 1, Pondok Bambu, Jakarta, Indonesia
(b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Rawamangun 13220, Jakarta, Indonesia
(c) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
(d) King Mongkuts University of Technology Thonburi
126 Pracha Uthit Rd, Khwaeng Bang Mot, Khe tThung Khru,Krung Thep Maha
Nakhon 10140, Thailand
(e) SMA Islam AL-Azhar 8 Summarecon Bekasi
Jl. Boulevard Utara Raya, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


The research portrays the development of 21st century skills of science pre-service
teachers from three universities from Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia through the
STEAM project. In the globalization world, the society facing complex scientific,
technological, health and environmental challenges, therefore education should
contribute to preparing the science pre-service teachers with the 21st century skills
which they need to compete. The research employed qualitative research methods with
multiple data instruments of interviews by referring to 21st Century skills instrument
(Ravitz, 2014), observations, reflective journals. The program involved 46 students
from three universities with 23 science pre-service teachers. The data were analyzed
based on the pattern theme found from the data source. The study had done into three
phases. The science pre-service teachers engaged in the three phases of design thinking
(in Malaysia), prototype implementation (in Thailand), and business model
development (in Indonesia) undertaking both online and offline activities. The project
involved the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics
(STEAM) in solving the problem on University Cafeteria. The results of study showed
that the students continuously developed 21st century skills within multicultural
elements from three countries. The 21st century skills of collaboration, empathy
communication, cultural differences skills, critical and creative thinking, and the hard
skills of using technology have been developed during the project. The multicultural
environment encouraged the students to deal with cultural differences and develop their
global competencies.

Keywords: pre-service science teachers, STEAM, multicultural, 21st century skills

Topic: Integrated Science Education

The effect of 5E-learning cycle model using animation media on the learning
activity and learning outcomes of students in senior high school class XI on salt
hydrolysis material

Muhammad Iqbal (a*), Retno Dwi Suyanti (a), Indra Lasmana Tarigan (b)

a) Chemistry Education, State University of Medan

Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Percut Sei Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara
20371, Indonesia
b) Health Analyst Study Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Karya Putra Bangsa
Jl. Tulungagung-Blitar KM4, Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66291, Indonesia


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of learning model 5E learning cycle on
learning activities and student learning outcomes on salt hydrolysis material. The
research was conducted at Senior High School (SMA) Negeri 10 Medan. This research
used research design of Pretest-posttest control group design. The sample was taken by
purposive sampling technique and the obtained sample consist of 2 class which is: XI
IPA 2 as an experimental class and XI IPA I as a control class. In the experimental
class was taught used learning model 5E learning cycle using animation media and in
control, class was taught using direct instruction model using animation media. The
research instrument used the objective test in form of multiple choice questions as
many as 25 questions, which previously passed through validation test, difficulty test,
the test of different power, and reliability test with reliability value 0,91. Data analysis
in this study used parametric inferential statistical analysis method, which the pretest
and normalized score data had to pass normality and homogeneity test. X2count the
pretest and gain score in the two study classes is greater than X2table and F-count the
pretest and gain score in both the research class is greater than F-table. The research
hypothesis was tested using statistical right-tailed t-test. Based on the calculation of t-
statistical using right-tailed t-test obtained t-count results 4.29 and t-table at the 0.05
significance level 1.99. Furthermore, by t-count> t-table implied that the results of this
study indicate there is influence of learning model of learning cycle 5E using animation
media to the student learning outcomes in SMA of class XI on salt hydrolysis and
student learning activity taught by learning model 5E learning cycle using animation
media equal to 64,88%, higher than the student learning activity taught by direct
instruction model using animation media that is equal to 55,72%.

Keywords: 5E-Learning Cycle; Animation Media; Learning Activity; Learning


Topic: Chemistry Education

Development of guided inquiry experiment student worksheet on the topic of acid
and base grade XI to comprehend the concepts of chemistry

Ghery Priscylio1,2 , Andromeda2, Mawardi3, Diana Rochintaniawati4

1Departemen Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setia Budhi

No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof.Dr. Hamka Air
Tawar Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
3Departemen Kimia, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof.Dr. Hamka Air Tawar
Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
4International Program on Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Chemistry is an experimental science. The learning process in the Laboratory can help
students to learn in understanding the chemical concepts, prove various concepts and
doing simple research. Acid and Base is one of the topics of chemistry that require
experiment in the learning process. The Types of student worksheet available has not
yet guide students to to comprehend the concepts of chemistry. This research aims to
generate guided inquiry experiment student worksheet on the topic acid and base grade
XI to find the concepts of chemistry valid and practical. This development research
using stages of 4-D model i.e define, design, develop, and disseminate. Instruments of
data collection used is validation sheet and practicality questionnaire. The developed
experiment student worksheet was validated by five expert and Practicality test by 26
students in grade XI. The data obtained were analyzed using Kappa Cohen Formula.
The data obtained were analyzed by using Cohen Kappa Formula. The validity test of
the developed experiment student worksheet is in high validity categories. The
practicality test of students about developed experiment student worksheet indicated a
very high category. While the teacher practicality about developed student worksheet
obtain a very high practicality category.This finding also suggests that the developed
experiment student worksheet can help students to learn find the concepts of chemistry.
In conclusion, the worksheet can be used in chemistry learning process in laboratory
(experiment acid and base).

Keywords: Experiment Student Worksheet, Guided Inquiry, Acid - Base, 4-D Models

Topic: Chemistry Education

Cognitive Structure of Students on Acid-Base Concepts through Learning Cycle
8E Approach

Sylvia Faustine(a*) , Yuli Rahmawati(b), Ahmad Ridwan(c), Irma Ratna Kartika(d)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Rawamangun Muka Street, Jakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the cognitive structure of students in year 11 SMAN 89
Jakarta on acid-base concepts, through Learning Cycle 8E approach. The cognitive
structure represents the understanding of students of the concepts and their thinking
process. The Learning Cycle 8E consists of engage, explore, e-search, elaborate,
exchange, extend, evaluate, and explain. The research employed qualitative approached
with the free word association test, interview, and observation. In this study, acid-base
concepts were divided into the characteristics, indicator, and acid-base strength. The
cognitive structure has been explored by using free word association tests in the stage
of exploring, elaborate, extend, and explain phases. Then the concept mapping stage
has been used at the end of the lesson. The data analysis of data reduction, presentation,
and verification has been conducted to portray cognitive structure of students. The
findings indicated that students have developed their conceptual understanding in each
stage of the Learning Cycle 8E. Keywords and sentences of acid-base concepts have
been developed by students based on previous experience and new understanding.
Learning Cycle 8E model has an impact on the development of cognitive structure
which represented understanding of students. In addition, learning cycle 8E cycle can
decrease the percentage of misconception on the concept of an indicator and acid-base
strength. Therefore, chemistry teachers can employ this Learning Cycle 8E to develop
students conceptual understanding and overcome misconceptions on students.

Keywords: chemistry learning; acid-base; learning cycle 8E; cognitive structure

Topic: Chemistry Education



No. Topic Tittle

1. Biology [ABS-220] Cytotoxicity effects of Leaf Extracts of Ciplukan
(Physalis angulata; Solanaceae) on human blood and ovary
cancer cell lines

Topik Hidayat, Didik Priyandoko, Fajar Sukma Perdana, Anggi

Meinawan Insan
2. Biology [ABS-221] Blood Sugar Conditions In Hyperglycemia Mice
After Given The Biscuit From Kepok Banana Skin

Hernawati, Trisnawati Ajeng Kartini, Didik Priyandoko

3. Biology Education [ABS-256] Student conception about the Quality of Packaged

H. S. Nuryani (a*) [N. Y. Rustaman (a) & D Rochintaniawati (b)]

4. Biology Education [ABS-225] Developing POE-Based Learning to conceptual
change of student in human respiratory concept

K Kusnadi, Z. Lazuardi, and W. Surakusumah

5. Chemistry [ABS-259] Effect of Temperature on Alpha-Cellulose from
Rendement of Tobacco Stem Extraction Result

Sri Seno Handayani, Amrullah, Husnul Fatimah and Rona

6. Chemistry [ABS-384] Characterization and physicochemical properties
of chlorophyll extract from Spirulina sp.

Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh*1, M. Fathur R.1, Gun Gun

Gumilar 1, Siti Aisyah 1, Ahmad Mudzakir 1, Galuh Yuliani 1,
Asri Peni Wulandari2
7. Chemistry [ABS-393] Effect of UV C irradiation on secondary
metabolites profile and antioxidant activity of germinated
brown rice

Siti Aisyah*, Annisa Nurjanah, Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh,

8. Chemistry [ABS-387] Correlation Between The Assessment Score By
Education The Teachers And Peer As Observers About Students
Laboratory Skills In Enthalpy Change (&#8710;H)
Laboratory Activity

Nahadi1, Wiwi Siswaningsih2, and Hadi Abdul Fatah3

9. Computer Science [ABS-358] Implementation of Fuzzy Tsukamoto Method In
Decision Support System Of Journal Acceptance

Eki Nugraha (a), Aji Prasetya Wibawa (b), M. Luqman Hakim

(b), Umi Kholifah (b), Roshina Hila Dini (b), M. Rizki Irwanto

No. Topic Tittle
10. Computer Science [ABS-313] Model for Assessing Islamic Banking Readiness
based on Systems Approach

Khaerul Manaf (a*) , Aedah Binti Abd Rahman (b) , Syopiansyah

Jaya Putra (b), Beki Subaeki (b), FaizM Kaffah (b)
11. Computer Science [ABS-104] Learning Management System (LMS) model
Education based on Machine Learning supports 21st Century Learning
as the Implementation of Curriculum 2013

Herbert Siregar, Budi Laksono Putro, Rizky Rachman Judhie

Putra, Novi Sofia Fitriasari
12. Computer Science [ABS-59] The Development of Computer Adaptive Test and
Education Item Response Theory with 4 Parameters based the Logistics

Lala Septem Riza, Nurul Siti Nurjanah, Yaya Wihardi

13. Computer Science [ABS-86] Creative Learning Model As Implementation of
Education Curriculum 2013 to Achieve 21st Century Skills

Budi Laksono Putro, Waslaluddin, Rizky Rachman Judhie Putra,

Eka Fitrajaya Rahman
14. Integrated Science [ABS-199] Validation of Science Virtual Test (SVT) to Assess
Education 9th Grade Students Critical Thinking on Living Things and
Environmental Sustainability Theme

Lilit Rusyati
15. Integrated Science [ABS-222] Science Teachers Competence in Tests Construction
Education Within Revision of Blooms Taxonomy in West Java, Indonesia

Ridwan Efendi
16. Integrated Science [ABS-91] Factors influencing science student teachers GPA in
Education a bilingual science teacher education program

Ikmanda Nugraha
17. Integrated Science [ABS-16] The contribution of friendly character through
Education cooperative-learning model with example and non-example
types (CLM-ENET) on energy concepts

Suci Setyo Ningsih, Ali Mustadi

18. Mathematics [ABS-13] Cyclically Ordered Group and C^*-Dynamical

Isnie Yusnitha, Rizky Rosjanuardi and Sumanang Muhtar Gozali

19. Mathematics [ABS-54] On Linear Cyclically Ordered Sub Groups of
Cyclically Ordered Groups

Rizky Rosjanuardi, Isnie Yusnitha, Sumanang Muhtar Gozali

20. Mathematics [ABS-390] Designing an Algebra Learning Sequence: The
Education Case of Operations on Algebraic Expressions

A Jupri1, D Usdiyana1, and R Sispiyati1

No. Topic Tittle
21 Physics [ABS-113] Design of Carbon Dioxide Level Measures on Peat
soil With MG 811 Sensor

Muhamad Haidzar Aziz, Mimin Iryanti, Ahmad Aminudin

22 Physics [ABS-117] Characterization Of Electric Energy On Motor To
The Load And Conveyor Slope

Jihan Pratiwi (a*), Ahmad Aminudin (b), Judhistira Aria Utama

23 Physics [ABS-170] Analysis of Biomass Briquettes Based on
Carbonized Rice Husk And Jatropha Seed Waste by Using
Waste Newspaper Pulp as an Adhesive Material

Sri Suryaningsih (a*), Resi Resitasari (a), Otong Nurhilal (a)

24 Physics [ABS-186] Monitoring of Rainfall Infiltration to Under
Surface Using DC Resistivity Method

Nanang Dwi Ardi (a), Mimin Iryanti (a), Eleonora Agustine (b),
Cahyo Puji Asmoro (a), Ahmad Yusuf , Anggia Nur Abiyyah
Sundana, Hani Yusrina Safura, Mardiannisa Fitri, Meliza
Anggraeni, Rizky Kurniawan, Rossy Afrianti, Sumarni
25 Physics [ABS-201] Characterization of Turbidity Water Sensor
SEN0189 on The Changes of Total Suspended Solids in The

Wahyu Luqmanul Hakim*, Lilik Hasanah, Ahmad Aminudin

26 Physics [ABS-203] The Characterization Of Giant Magnetoresistance
Sensor For Bridge Deflection Measurement

Ahmad Aminudin, Rahayu Dwi Harnum, Mimin Iryanti

27 Physics [ABS-208] Electrical Properties On Plantation Fires In Liang
Anggang Village, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Mimin Iryanti, Ahmad Aminuddin, Eleonora Agustine and Yuyu

Rahmat Tayubi
28 Physics [ABS-214] The New Hilal Visibility Criterion For Tropical

Judhistira Aria Utama (A*), Ferry Mukharradi Simatupang (B)

29 Physics [ABS-227] Simulation of Topology Performance of Wireless
Sensor Network Based Multi-hop Routing

Lilik Hasanah, Heru Yuwono, Ahmad Aminudin dan Budi

30 Physics [ABS-341] Microcapsule Efficiency of Ethanol Extract of
Sepal Flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) Coated Crude
Carrageenan (Eucheuma cottoni)

Ni Ketut Sumarni*, Yana Silvia Mauru*, Evi Sulastri**, Erwin

Abd Rahim*

No. Topic Tittle
31 Physics [ABS-53] Design System Of Planting Flooring System On
Green House With Microcontroller Matrices Based

Ririn Mudiyanti (a*), Lilik Hasanah (b), Ahmad Aminudin (b)

32 Physics [ABS-6] Petrogafi And Xrd Rock Dolomites, Paciran
Formation, District Of Lamongan, East Java

Dedi Mulyadi, Haryadi Permana, Solihin, Mutia Dewi yuniati

33 Physics [ABS-79] Application of Gravity Theory on the Inter-
Regional Internal Zones Movement Based on the Movement
Generating of Land fishery Production Result in Central
Java Province

Juang Akbardin,Ahmad Samsudin, Khilyatul Khoiriyah

34 Physics [ABS-94] Effects Of Tropical Cyclone On The Parameters Of
Weather Temperature, Pressure, And Humidity In The
University Of Education Indonesia

Harbi Setyo Nugroho, Cahyo Puji Asmoro, Arief Rizqiyanto

Achmad, Nanang Dwi Ardi, Agus Fany Chandra Wijaya
35 Physics [ABS-96] Analysis on meteorological parameters wind speed,
temperature, and pressure profiles during Tropical Cyclone
Cempaka Dahlia 2017 using time series clustering

Cahyo Puji Asmoro, Lala Septam Reza, Nanang Dwi Ardi,

Hikmat, Amsor, Yuyu Rachmat Tayubi
36 Physics [ABS-223] Comparison Of Tunneling Currents In Graphene
Nanoribbon Tunnel Field Effect Transistors Calculated Using
Dirac Like Equation And Schrodinger Equation

Endi Suhendi, Lilik Hasanah, Dadi Rusdiana, Fatimah A. Noor,

Neny Kurniasih, Khairurrijal
37 Physics [ABS-4] Sensitivity of Earthquake Input Motion correlation
with Arias Intensity and Amplification, Case Study:
Yogyakarta Special Region

Arifan Jaya Syahbana(a,b*), Anggun Mayang Sari(b), Eko

38 Physics [ABS-15] Unveiling students misconceptions through
computer simulation based PDEODE learning strategy on
dynamic electricity

A Samsudin1*, Azura1, I Kaniawati1, A Suhandi1, N J Fratiwi1,

Supriyatman2, F C Wibowo3, A Malik4 and B Costu5
39 Physics Education [ABS-151] Development and implementation of collaborative,
solutive and smart teaching (CS2T) to improve 21st century
capabilities on wave and optics

E Syaodih1,2*, A Suhandi1,3, B Maftuh1, N Hermita4, N J

Fratiwi3 and A Samsudin3

No. Topic Tittle
40 Physics Education [ABS-198] Implementation of STEM Education In Indonesia:
Teachers Perception of STEM Integration Into Curriculum

Irma Rahma Suwarma, Yoshisuke Kumano

41 Physics Education [ABS-285] Investigating physics laboratory-based higher
order thinking skills (HOTs) in Indonesian high schools

A Ismail1,2,*, A Setiawan1 , A Suhandi1,, And A Rusli3

42 Physics Education [ABS-211] Development Of Basic Physics Experiments Based
On Science Process Skills (Sps) To Increase Mastery Concept
Of The Physics Preservice Teacher On The Meldes Law

M G Nugraha, S Utari and D Saepuzaman

43 Physics Education [ABS-215] Development Of Basic Physics Experiment Based
On Science Process Skills To Improve Conceptual
Understanding Of The Preservice Physics Teachers On
Boyles Law

D Saepuzaman, M G Nugraha, S Utari

44 Computer science [ABS-404] Development of general transportation
applications in garut kota web-based

Dian Nurdianaa) Mochamad fajarb) Dian Rahadianc) Purnomo

Sidiqd) Nizar Alam Hamdanie)
45 Computer science [ABS-405] Web-based student master book information
education system in vocational school of muhammadiyah banyuresmi

Galih Abdul Fatah, a), Andri Suryadi b), Yopi Nugrahac) Nizar
Alam Hamdanid) Yuniar Purwantie)
46 Computer science [ABS-406] The development of ppdb (admission of new
education students) application to develop the quality of new students’
recapitulation administration In vocational high school bumi

Demmy Dharma Bhakti, a), Syahdasah Putri b), Iman Nasrulloh

c) Tetepd) Siti Nurkamilahe)
47 Computer science [ABS-407] Education-Based Augmented Reality Applications
education For Heat Learning Media Content Lesson In Physics

Andri Suryadi a), Gina Rahayub), Irma Fitria Amaliac) Nizar

Alam hamdani d) Iyam Maryatie)
48 Mathematics [ABS-408] Student Pedagogical Content Knowledge Through
education Project Based Learning Models

Tina Sri Sumartinia), Diar Veny Rahayu b), Mega Archdisty

Noordiana c), Irena Puji Lurytawati d), Dian Mardiani e)
49 Biology [ABS-409] An Analysis Of Biomass Estimation And Carbon
Stock On Puspa (Schimma Wallichii Korth.) In Talaga Bodas
Nature Reserve Garut

Lida Amalia a), Hisny Fadilaty b), Diah Ika Putri c), Leni Sri
Mulyani d), dan Siti Nurkamilah e)

Cytotoxicity effects of Leaf Extracts of Ciplukan (Physalis angulata; Solanaceae)
on human blood and ovary cancer cell lines

Topik Hidayat, Didik Priyandoko, Fajar Sukma Perdana, Anggi Meinawan Insan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Physalis angulata has identified by molecular phylogenetic analysis and the results
showed genetically close related with an anticancer plant, Withania somnifera. The
aims of this preliminary study was to evaluate cytotoxicity effects of leaf extract of P.
angulata (LEP) either in powder or pasta form on cells viability, cells proliferation, and
inhibition on human ovary cancer cell lines (SKOV3) and human blood cancer cell
lines (HL60). Cytotoxicity effects was analysed by MTS Cell Proliferation Assay Kit.
Doxorubicin was used as positive control in this experiment. Surprisingly, two
treatments (powder and pasta) have different toxic effects. We found that IC50 and
viability (LC50) for SKOV3 cell lines for powder was between 93 ug/ml and 187
ug/ml, and 187 ug/ml and 375 ug/ml for pasta. IC50 for HL60 cell lines was 23 ug/ml
for powder and around 18 ug/ml for pasta. Cell viability (LC50) of HL60 treated with
LEP showed that 23 ug/ml for powder or 46 ug/ml for pasta. These results suggested
that LEP have antiproliferative and inhibition activities both on SKOV3 or HL60.

Keywords: cancer cell line, Ciplukan, in vitro, Solanaceae

Topic: Biology


Hernawati, Trisnawati Ajeng Kartini, Didik Priyandoko

Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung,

Indonesia 40154


Hyperglycemia is a condition in which the blood glucose level exceeds normal limits.
Hyperglycemia is a clinical manifestation of diabetes disorder, a metabolic disorder
characterized by resistance to insulin action, inadequate insulin secretion or both.
Research has been conducted to determine blood sugar level of male mice after given
the biscuit from Kepok banana skin (Musa paradisiaca L.). The experiment was
conducted experimentally with completely randomized design (RAL) design with five
treatments i.e. positive and negative control, Banana skin flour on levels 25%, 50%,
and 75%. Each treatment was repeated as many as six tests. Prior to treatment the mice
were induced with alloxan to create hyperglycemia conditions. The biscuit from banana
skins were given for 14 days. The results of research that has been done shows that the
administration of biscuit from Kepok banana skin could be reduce blood sugar levels of
mice who have hyperglycemia. In addition, after given the biscuit from Kepok banana
skin has no effect on body weight of hyperglycemia mice. The biscuit from Kepok
banana skin on levels 75% can be consumed for people with hyperglycemia to lower
blood sugar.

Keywords: Blood sugar, Kepok banana skin, flour, hyperglycemia, mice

Topic: Biology

Student conception about the Quality of Packaged Water

H. S. Nuryani (a*) [N. Y. Rustaman (a) & D Rochintaniawati (b)]

a. The School of Postgraduate Studies of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 299 Bandung 40154
Jawa Barat, Indonesia
phone/ Fax. +6222-2001937

b. Department of Science Education

Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229 Bandung 40154
Jawa Barat, Indonesia
phone. 022-2013163 / Fax. 022-2013651


Instead of pure state, water on earth contains variety of material, either dissolved or
suspended, including microbes. Therefore before being consumed, water should be
processed first to reduce levels of contaminants to a save level. Standard of water
quality for household need (Permen No.492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010) is usually used as
reference for drinking water requirement. This preliminary study was carried out to
investigate students conception about packaged/ bottled water quality assurance
produced by certain vocational schools as products of their students. Explanatory
survey method was used in this study to detect their conception deeply. The
respondense or participants of this study was ten graders from public vocational school
in Subang and their teachers in Agribusiness course. Data were collected through
observation, interview, and test for their preconception. Research results show that
students knowledge about mineral water is not in line with their understanding about
the water quality, and their teachers as well.

Keywords: vocational school, microbiology, quality assurance, Escherichia coli,

Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)

Topic: Biology Education

Developing POE-Based Learning to conceptual change of student in human
respiratory concept

K Kusnadi, Z. Lazuardi, and W. Surakusumah

Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi

No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The study to determine effect of Predict-Observe-Explain (POE)-based learning on the

conceptual change of high school students on the human respiratory system has been
done. This study is a weak experimental of one group pretest and posttest design. The
data were obtained by a pencil and paper test in the form of reasonable-multiple choice
questions. The data were analysed by mean of difference test between pretest and
posttest scores. Based on study findings shows that a significant change in the
percentage of scientific conceptions of students between pretest and posttest. The result
shows that there is an increase conceptual change of student with average of N-gain is
0.52 (moderate category). In addition, the results also shows that a pattern of
conceptual change that positive change is 44.3%, positive survival is 20.5%, negative
change is 11% and negative survival is 24.2% respectively. Based on result shows that
POE-based learning model can be developed in senior high school to support students
in overcoming conceptual change of scientific concept.

Keywords: POE based learning, conceptual change, human respiratory system

Topic: Biology Education

Effect of Temperature on Alpha-Cellulose from Rendement of Tobacco Stem
Extraction Result

Sri Seno Handayani, Amrullah, Husnul Fatimah and Rona Seftiani

Mataram University


One of Indonesias natural resources that have not been widely used is natural fiber or
cellulose from tobacco. Previous study revealed tobacco stem contains significant level
of cellulose, around 50%. Cellulose extraction process produces different rendement
level, depending on the type of raw material and treatment used. This also means purity
level of cellulose produced to be different. This paper presents the effect of temperature
variations on tobacco stem rendement level and alfa-cellulose content. Extraction of
tobacco stem was conducted using base method. The results showed that the highest
cellulose yield was 76.25% with alfa-cellulose levels of 82% at temperature of 150^oC

Keywords: cellulose, tobacco stem, extraction, temperature

Topic: Chemistry

Characterization and physicochemical properties of chlorophyll extract from
Spirulina sp.

Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh*1, M. Fathur R.1, Gun Gun Gumilar 1, Siti Aisyah 1,
Ahmad Mudzakir 1, Galuh Yuliani 1, Asri Peni Wulandari2

1Program Studi Kimia, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat-Indonesia
2Departemen Biologi, Universitas Padjadjaran
Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang, Hegarmanah, Jatinangor, Sumedang 45363, Jawa Barat-


Spirulina sp. is a group of microalgae which has a number of pigments with diverse
bioactivities. Chlorophyll is one of the dominant pigments in Spirulina sp. that play an
important role in capturing light in photosynthesis, which helps them to get energy
from light. This study aims at investigating the characteristic of chlorophyll extract
from Spirulina sp. and its physicochemical properties to light (white, yellow, and UV-
C) and metal ions (Sn2+, K+, and Fe3+). The green spots with RF 0.45 and 0.37 values
were observed in the TLC experiment, indicating the chlorophyll a and b, respectively.
The presence of chlorophyll was also confirmed with UV-Vis and FTIR which detected
the peak absorbance and typical absorption cluster for chlorophyll. The results show the
chlorophyll was less resistance to all kinds of light (white, yellow, and UV-C). Metal
ions of Sn2+, K+, and Fe3+ exhibited no obvious effect on the chlorophyll stability in
the dark condition while in the light conditions the same metal ions influence obviously

Keywords: Spirulina sp., pigment, Chlorophyll, phsicochemical properties,

photosatbility, metal ion stability

Topic: Chemistry

Effect of UV C irradiation on secondary metabolites profile and antioxidant
activity of germinated brown rice

Siti Aisyah*, Annisa Nurjanah, Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh, Zackiyah

Department of Chemistry Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung,



This study aims to investigate the effect of UV C irradiation on the secondary

metabolites profile and the antioxidant activity of brown rice during two days
germination. The change on the metabolite profile was identified using UPLC-ESI-
QTOF, while antioxidant activity was performed using DPPH assay. The UPLC-ESI-
QTOF chromatogram showed that three new peaks were found only in the germinated
brown rice (GBR) that was irradiated by UV C. Based on the mass spectroscopy data,
one of those three compounds was tentatively identified as glycosylated flavonoid,
while the rest remained undetermined. The antioxidant activity of brown rice increased
after two days germination, whilst there were no differences between antioxidant
activities of germinated brown rice with UV-C irradiation and that of without UV-C

Keywords: UV C radiation, metabolites, brown rice

Topic: Chemistry


Nahadi1, Wiwi Siswaningsih2, and Hadi Abdul Fatah3

Departement of Chemical Education, FPMIPA UPI


The aim of this research is to analyze the performance assessment instrument in terms
of correlation between the assessment score by the teachers and peer as observers. The
instrument that has been analyzed is a performance assessment about students
laboratory skills in enthalpy change (&#8710;H) laboratory activity. The method used
in the research was Validation. The instrument was tested by 8 teachers and 32 of year
XI from one of senior high school in Bandung. The result shows that there is a
similarity of the score given by students and the score given by the teacher. This
similarity is proven by the pearson correlation score which reach >0,75-0,99 have been
categorized as very good. This result implies that performance assessment can be
administered by peers using this instrument which will provide the similar result by the

Keywords: Correlation pearson, Performance Assessment, Validity, Peer Assesment.

Topic: Chemistry Education

Implementation of Fuzzy Tsukamoto Method In Decision Support System Of
Journal Acceptance

Eki Nugraha (a), Aji Prasetya Wibawa (b), M. Luqman Hakim (b), Umi Kholifah (b),
Roshina Hila Dini (b), M. Rizki Irwanto (b)

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl.Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

b) Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl.Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia


Journal acceptance is a difficult problem to solve since in the practice it involves some
reviewers who can produce different decisions from various perspectives. Therefore, a
decision support system is needed to assist the reviewers to decide the acceptance of the
paper. This study was purposed to develop the decision support system using the Fuzzy
Tsukamoto method for journal acceptance. The Fuzzy Tsukamoto method described the
relationship between input and output of the system by using a set of fuzzy if-then
rules. From the comparison results, it was obtained that an accuracy was 100%. The
accuracy of such calculation indicated that the decision support system of the journal
acceptance was accurate. It was found that the percentages of errors were 3% between
the results of system comparison and experts and 0% between the system and manual
calculation. The low errors of the calculation indicated that DSS of journal acceptance
had high precision.

Keywords: Decision Support System; Fuzzy Tsukamoto; Paper Acceptance

Topic: Computer Science

Model for Assessing Islamic Banking Readiness based on Systems Approach

Khaerul Manaf (a*) , Aedah Binti Abd Rahman (b) , Syopiansyah Jaya Putra (b), Beki
Subaeki (b), FaizM Kaffah (b)

Universitas Sangga Buana YPKP , Asia e-University , UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,
Universitas Sangga Buana YPKP, Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis


Based Indonesias economy is driven by micro and community-based community

segments. To support the development of the sharia economy very rapidly, Islamic
banking needs to be equipped with an integrated system before the latest information
technology. Through e-banking banks and clients can be mutually beneficial, this has
become a necessity in the banking industry today. Utilization of Information Systems is
still problematic with problems between organizations of the organizations business
processes. The main objective of this research is to propose a financial model for
Islamic banking, a model that supports several levels, which aims to achieve factors and
customers, with possible values. Through a truly systematic viewpoint, e-readiness is a
concept that encompasses the environment, processes and output phases of the Islamic
banking system facilitated by internet users. An assessment model that includes all
information and information about e-readiness is one of the benefits of the proposed
model, including features at the national and regional levels in providing better
opportunities for banks in e-banking development

Keywords: e-banking, e-readiness, information systems, information technology

Topic: Computer Science

Learning Management System (LMS) model based on Machine Learning supports
21st Century Learning as the Implementation of Curriculum 2013

Herbert Siregar, Budi Laksono Putro, Rizky Rachman Judhie Putra, Novi Sofia

Computer Science Education Department Faculty of Mathematics and Science,

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The 21st Century learning is an effort to facilitate learners in the 21st century to
experience the best learning experience so that they can achieve the learning objectives
effectively. The 2013 curriculum is a shift in the 21st century education paradigm in
Indonesia. One of the prominent features of 21st century learning is digital-based
learning. Digital-based learning based on this research apply Learning Management
System (LMS). The application of Machine Learning (Online Collaboration,
Behavioral Tracking, and Learning Analytics) to LMS has great potential for realizing
21st century learning. The benefits of implementing machine learning are for LMS
automation in the assessment of the 21st century learning process, making it easier for
teachers to analyze learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to create LMS
model based on Machine Learning to support 21st Century Learning as the
Implementation of Curriculum 2013. The utilization of machine learning shows
positive result to 21st century learning process. Automated analysis can support the
21st century learning process.

Keywords: 21st Century Learning, Curriculum 2013, Learning Management System

(LMS), Manchine Learning, Online Collaboration, Behavioral Tracking, Learning

Topic: Computer Science Education

The Development of Computer Adaptive Test and Item Response Theory with 4
Parameters based the Logistics Model

Lala Septem Riza, Nurul Siti Nurjanah, Yaya Wihardi

Department of Computer Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The ability of students can be measured by making a test whose the number and content
of questions have been determined for each student. However, it is less effective
because the distribution of abilities can be different. By using Computer Adaptive Test
(CAT) and Item Response Theory (IRT), the test can be done more quickly even
though each student might solve different number and content questions. Therefore, in
this research we develop CAT and IRT with 4 parameters based logistics model to
evaluate the ability of students. Some experiments conducted on 27 students with 50
number of questions were analyzed and compared with Classical Test Theory (CTT).
The results indicate the system can be used as an alternative tool for
evaluating/assessing the ability of students.

Keywords: Computer Adaptive Test, Item Response Theory, Logistics Model,

Educational Assessment, Classical Test Theory

Topic: Computer Science Education

Creative Learning Model As Implementation of Curriculum 2013 to Achieve 21st
Century Skills

Budi Laksono Putro, Waslaluddin, Rizky Rachman Judhie Putra, Eka Fitrajaya

Computer Science Education Department

Faculty of Mathematics and Science Indonesia University of Education


The 21st century learning is an effort to facilitate learners in the 21st century to
experience the best learning experience so that they can achieve the learning objectives
effectively. The significance of the 21st century adheres to the condition of learners in
this century. Many important phenomena related to education in the 21st Century,
including: globalization and education, culture and character of the nation, and Internet
culture and Cyber Society. The 2013 curriculum is a shift in the 21st century education
paradigm in Indonesia. The curriculum of 2013 is different from the previous
curriculum, but its formal juridical foundation remains based on the National Education
System Act (SISDIKNAS) no. 20 of 2003. The 21st century learning model is a way /
technique used by teachers to facilitate the best child learning safeguard according to
childs condition, childs learning environment, and carrying capacity. The
characteristics of learner of the 21st century are important for teachers and parents to
know how to facilitate their learning. Mitchel Resnick developed a Creative Learning
Cycle method that promises to improve 21st century skills. Creative Learning Cycle
method is suitable for elementary school. Creative Learning Cycle consists of 5 stages:
Imagine, Create, Play, Share and Reflect. The purpose of this research is to create
creative learning model as implementation of curriculum 2013 at elementary school in
Bandung to reach 21st century skill. Creative Learning Model As a Learning
Implementation of Curriculum 2013 has a positive effect on the achievement of 21st
Century Skills students though not all of them have a significant influence.

Keywords: 21st Century Learning, Curriculum 2013, Creative Learning, 21st Century

Topic: Computer Science Education

Validation of Science Virtual Test (SVT) to Assess 9th Grade Students Critical
Thinking on Living Things and Environmental Sustainability Theme

Lilit Rusyati

International Program on Science Education (IPSE), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Indonesia


Critical thinking is one of important skill which required to develop the framework for
21st century learning. This study is descriptive research for analyzing the validation of
science virtual test to assess students critical thinking. The participant is junior high
school students of 9th grade (15 years old) while science teacher and expert as the
validators. The number of participants are 110 students. Research instrument is multiple
choice test based on eight elements and 26 sub elements critical thinking that has
developed by Inch et al. and completed by relevant information as the stem of question.
The eight elements consist of question at issue, purpose, information, concepts,
assumptions, point of view, interpretation and inference, implication and consequences.
There are four steps to validate science virtual test to assess students critical thinking on
the theme of Living Things and Environmental Sustainability in 9th grade Junior High
School. These steps are analysis of core competence and basic competence based on
curriculum 2013, expert judgment, legibility test and trial test. The test item criterion
based on trial test are accepted, accepted but need revision, and rejected. The reliability
of the test is &#945; = 0.58 and validity of Rxy = 0.41. It means the SVT that used is
reliable to assess 9th grade students critical thinking.

Keywords: science virtual test, students critical thinking, 9th grade students, computer-
based test, multiple choice.

Topic: Integrated Science Education

Science Teachers Competence in Tests Construction Within Revision of Blooms
Taxonomy in West Java, Indonesia

Ridwan Efendi

Departemen of Physic Education, Indonesia University of Education


A test as an instrument or systematic procedure for measuring of behavior. Teachers

require an competence to design test items. The competence needed are often lacking
and time required to design an effective test is rarely enough. This study concern was to
find out how many science teachers are aware of the Revision of Blooms Taxonomy
and are guided by it in test construction. This study was conducted through a cross
sectional survey, in which teacher samples were selected from the science teacher
population in the field. Data collection was done through teachers questionnaires and
test. Table frequency, percentage, pie charts, graphs and averages are used to answer
study questions. The finding revealed that science teachers do not adequately employ
the Blooms cognitive levels objectives in constructing their test items. It also revealed
that science teachers do not adequately make use of the action verbs in constructing test
items. The finding therefore imply that training and retraining of science teachers in test
constuction could help in improving science teachers made tests for effective learning

Keywords: Teachers Competence, Test Construction, Revised of Blooms Taxonomy

Topic: Integrated Science Education

Factors influencing science student teachers GPA in a bilingual science teacher
education program

Ikmanda Nugraha

Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229,
Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The needs for English speaking teachers in major cities continue to rise along with the
increasing number of multicultural students due to population growth. The challenge to
fulfill the need has an implication with how the teachers for the future are selected and
prepared. This study seeks to explore the possible effects of gender, origin, school type,
entry qualifications (Test of English as a Foreign Language/TOEFL) score on student
performance (Grade Point Average/GPA) in a bilingual science teacher education
program in Indonesia. This study was a cross sectional survey study in first year
students who enrolled science teacher education program. The study employed of a
sample of (N=62) of a first-year student enrolling science teacher education program.
The results from Path Analysis via regression to predict factors influencing students
GPA scores posited that there is no direct effect of students origin on GPA and TOEFL
has a direct effect on GPA. From this study, the recommendation is to conduct a follow
up program on bilingual science teacher program to improve students TOEFL scores
because TOEFL score has a direct effect on students GPA.

Keywords: Influencing factors, science student teachers GPA, bilingual science teacher
education program

Topic: Integrated Science Education

The contribution of friendly character through cooperative-learning model with
example and non-example types (CLM-ENET) on energy concepts

Suci Setyo Ningsih, Ali Mustadi

Program Magister Pendidikan Dasar Program Pascasarja, Universitas Negeri

Yogyakarta,Yogyakarta, Indonesia


In the Curriculum 2013, character education is likely needed by primary students to

realise the benefits of the 2045 gold generation, including 4C competencies; one of
which is communication skills. The aim of the research is to analyse the contribution of
cooperative learning model with example and non example types (CLM ENET) in the
primary education level on the energy concepts. The research has already been
conducted through Classroom Action Research (CAR) in the one of fourth grade
students of Sleman, Yogyakarta. The data has been collected by using observation,
interview and documentation techniques. The quantitative and qualitative data have
ever been analysed via descriptive statistics and students responses regarding to the
friendly characters. The research result reports that the implementation of CLM ENET
is able to improve students friendly characters on energy concept. Students have
already given and listened to opinions in their classroom-discussions when they
discussed and exemplified about energy conceptions and the formed-changing of
energy. In conclusion, the implementation of CLM ENET is able to improve primary
students friendly characters on energy concepts.

Keywords: friendly character, cooperative-learning model, example and non-example

types (CLM-ENET)

Topic: Integrated Science Education

Cyclically Ordered Group and C^*-Dynamical System

Isnie Yusnitha, Rizky Rosjanuardi and Sumanang Muhtar Gozali

Indonesia University of Education, Department of Mathematics Education


Let G be a group equipped with a cyclic order such that G be a cyclically ordered
group. Under the given order and a particular condition on G, the positive cone of G
P(G) is a cyclically ordered semigroup. We induced the representation of A in a Hilbert
space such that we obtain a covariant representation of C^*-dynamical system
(A,&#945;,P(G)), where &#945; is a semigroup homomorphism.

Keywords: Cyclic order, semigroup, dynamical system, representation

Topic: Mathematics

On Linear Cyclically Ordered Sub Groups of Cyclically Ordered Groups

Rizky Rosjanuardi, Isnie Yusnitha, Sumanang Muhtar Gozali

Department of Mathematics Education, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jl.

Dr. Setia Budhi 229 Bandung-Indonesia


Given a group G equipped with a cyclic order so that G is cyclically ordered group, in
this condition, all subgroups of G are cyclically ordered. When the group G is finite the
cyclic order on G is not linear, even when the group G is infinite, the cyclic order on G
is not necessarily linear. In this article we discuss an infinite group G and some
conditions so that there is a subgroup H of G in which the cyclic order on H is also
linear. The positive cone P(H) of H is then a semigroup, meanwhile the positive cone
P(G) of G is not necessarily a semigroup.

Keywords: cyclic order, group, subgroup, linear, positive cone

Topic: Mathematics

Designing an Algebra Learning Sequence: The Case of Operations on Algebraic

A Jupri1, D Usdiyana1, and R Sispiyati1

1Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.

Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


This study aims to design a learning sequence for algebra learning on the topic of
operations on algebraic expressions—which is taught for junior high school students.
To do so, we used design research method, particularly the preliminary design phase.
First, we compiled student difficulties in the topic of algebraic expressions from
previous relevant studies. This compilation is used as a consideration for designing a
learning sequence. Second, we designed the learning sequence based on the theory of
realistic mathematics education. This theory is used because it offers meaningful
mathematics for students. Finally, we conducted a focus group discussion to revise the
design in order to produce a ready-use learning sequence for the teaching experiment.
The result of this study included a sequence of algebra learning material on the topic of
operations on algebraic expressions. In sum, we consider that the designed learning
sequence for this algebra topic is more meaningful than the conventional learning
sequence for students.

Keywords: Algebra, Algebraic Expressions

Topic: Mathematics Education

Design of Carbon Dioxide Level Measures on Peat soil With MG 811 Sensor

Muhamad Haidzar Aziz, Mimin Iryanti, Ahmad Aminudin

Indonesia University of Education

St. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung


Carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution is already in a dangerous state. CO2 pollution has an
effect on increasing global warming. one of the causes of carbon dioxide pollution is
peat soil. Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest peatlands in southeast asia.
However, it is still rare to measure CO2 levels in peat soil. For the laboratory scale, this
research makes measuring CO2 in peat soil. Measuring instrument of CO2 pollution
level there are three parts, gas transmitter CO2 parts, peat soil reservoirs and sensor
system. For sensor systems, using mg 811 sensor integrated with arduino and output
from sensor in the form of voltage will be processed into PPM (Part Per Million). The
method used is CO2 gas will be channeled to peat soil through transmitter and CO2 gas
in peat soil will be measured by gas sensor. The result of this research has been made a
measure of CO2 on peat soil with a length of 70 cm and width of 40 cm.To detect CO2
gas used mg 811 sensor, gas sensors can be used in the temperature range -20 to 50o C
and sensitive at levels of 350 to 10000 ppm.

Keywords: mg 811 sensor; CO2; global warming; peat soil; pollution

Topic: Physics


Jihan Pratiwi (a*), Ahmad Aminudin (b), Judhistira Aria Utama (b)

a)Study of physics, Indonesia University of Education

St. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b)Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education, Indonesia University of
St. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Conveyor widely used in the industrial world such in factories which have a function to
move goods. The disadvantage of electric energy on conveyor can caused by the load,
motor, and time of conveyor operation. This research is focused on efficiency of
electric energy on motor conveyor with doing characterization of electric energy on
motor to the load and conveyor slope. This research is conducted in order can use
electric energy on motor conveyor exactly as needed. Conveyor is made automatic
using LDR sensor (Light Dependent Resistor) and laser, in order to save electricity. The
conducted method is by transporting load with the variation of angle slope, there are 0,
20, 30, and 40. The result of the research obtained prototype automatic conveyor which
equipped with load mass 2kg, 4kg, 6kg, 8kg, 10kg, and 12kg. The relation of electric
energy to the transported load at the angle of conveyor slope is the greater angle of the
conveyor, so the greater electric energy required

Keywords: Characterization of electric energy on motor, automatic conveyor, LDR,

laser, load mass, angle slope

Topic: Physics

Analysis of Biomass Briquettes Based on Carbonized Rice Husk And Jatropha
Seed Waste by Using Waste Newspaper Pulp as an Adhesive Material

Sri Suryaningsih (a*), Resi Resitasari (a), Otong Nurhilal (a)

(a) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas

Padjadjaran, Jalan Raya Bandung Sumedang Km. 21, Jatinangor 45363, Indonesia


Biomass waste that has not been utilized properly is rice husk and jatropha seed waste,
and there is a future need for efficient utilization of these wastes. Rice husk is the
outermost part of the rice seed, the rice milling process produced 20% - 30% of the
waste as rice husks. Jatropha seed waste is a de-oiled part of jatropha seed after the oil
extraction process for biodiesel production, and produced 70% of waste. As biomass,
both materials are potential sources of carbon that can be utilized as an alternative
energy sources such as bio-briquettes. The method used in this research is experimental
method including drying of the biomass material sample, carbonization process, refine
and filtration using 40 mesh sieve (420 &#956;m). The composition of the selected
charcoal mixture is fixed at 50:50, and the addition of the waste newspaper pulp as and
adhesive material with variations of 8% and 12% by weight. Characterization is done
by using proximate test, calorific value test and compressive strength test. After going
through pressure printing and drying process, the briquettes with 8% addition of waste
newspaper pulp adhesives have the best value of compressive load test results and has
the highest heat energy content, equal to 5.650 cal / g.

Keywords: Adhesive; Briquette; Carbonization; Caloric energy; Jatropha seed, rice


Topic: Physics

Monitoring of Rainfall Infiltration to Under Surface Using DC Resistivity Method

Nanang Dwi Ardi (a), Mimin Iryanti (a), Eleonora Agustine (b), Cahyo Puji Asmoro
(a), Ahmad Yusuf , Anggia Nur Abiyyah Sundana, Hani Yusrina Safura, Mardiannisa
Fitri, Meliza Anggraeni, Rizky Kurniawan, Rossy Afrianti, Sumarni

a) Physics Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

b) Geophysics Program, Universitas Padjajaran


The use of non-agricultural land in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia causes the land
absorption to be smaller than the use of soil for agriculture so that it can lead to surface
runoff. This study discusses how to monitor rainwater infiltration to subsurface using
resistivity method with Wenners configuration. Data retrieval takes place twice with a
span of two months and is in the same place. The first taking was conducted on
Saturday, October 14, 2017 at coordinates 6 51 38.46 S and 107 35 21.05 E with data
obtained in the form of three trajectories. The second data retrieval takes place on
Tuesday, December 12, 2017 for track 1, on Saturday 16 December 2017 for track 2
and Sunday of December 17, 2017 for the 3rd track. The second data collection is not
held in one day due to weather conditions at that time it was raining. The results show
that the comparison of visualization results of one and two data retrieval looks quite
contrasting. In the first data-visualization drawing, it is clear that rainfall infiltration
does not spread evenly. While on the second data retrieval, rain water infiltration spread
evenly with rock layers whose volume is getting thinner. This is due to the infiltration
process due to the high rainfall intensity at the time before the second data collection.
In the model is also seen when the layer of purple rocks have decreased in volume from
the first data retrieval on the second data retrieval. While the rain water infiltration
layer more evenly. Monthly weather reference data showed that temperature and evapo-
transpiration relationships over the months showed that temperature and evapo-
transpiration results from September to December were relatively stable with average
temperatures of four months being 22.38 0C and evapo-transpiration was 5.02 cm /
month. Therefore, the evaporation caused by all water, soil, vegetation and the earths
surface located at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia is 5.02 cm / month. Monitoring of
rainfall infiltration within two months from the first measurement having rainfall
infiltration of 3.9 mm / h indicates that infiltration rate is very fast and the magnitude of
evapotranspiration is 5.02 cm / month.

Keywords: resistivity, infiltration, rainfall, soil

Topic: Physics

Characterization of Turbidity Water Sensor SEN0189 on The Changes of Total
Suspended Solids in The Water

Wahyu Luqmanul Hakim*, Lilik Hasanah, Ahmad Aminudin

Physics Study Program, Physics Education Department, Faculty Of Mathematics

Education And Natural Sciences,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung


Turbidity has an indication that the liquid has been contaminated. In the testing process,
turbidity in water can only be measured by sampling. To be able to maintain the quality
of water, required a tool that can monitor and measure the level of turbidity of water in
real time. water turbidity sensor SEN0189 is a sensor that works by measuring the
amount of light from infrared led into the phototransistor that will produce the output
voltage on the sensor. The study was conducted to be able to characterize the ability of
sensors in detecting water turbidity. The method used is to test the sensors using
sediment soil that has been filtered with a diameter of <60 micrometer to be added into
the pond containing 1 liter of water. The results show that the greater the concentration
of sediment dissolved in the water pool the sensor output voltage will be smaller. The
sensor has a sensitivity of -0.0008 and the output voltage when the sensor detects 0
NTU is 3.9994 volts with 5V operating voltage and the sensor can detect water
turbidity linearly within the test range 1,873 NTU to 1011,93 NTU.

Keywords: Sensor, Turbidity of water, Total Suspended Solids.

Topic: Physics


Ahmad Aminudin, Rahayu Dwi Harnum, Mimin Iryanti

Departemen Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229 Bandung, Indonesia


Displacement measurement is the displacement of objects from the initial state to the
final state. Displacement can be done on landslides, building construction, or bridges.
One of the sensors used to detect displacement is the GMR sensor. The GMR sensor is
a sensor that can detect changes in magnetic fields. The configuratioan of permanent
magnet and GMR sensors can be used to detect micro-order displacement. The research
method is done by placing permanent magnets on the static and GMR sensors on the
moveble part of the bridge. The test results show that the GMR sensor can detect
10micro order. The GMR sensor voltage response to the shift distance is obtained
exponentially. Maximum shift test is obtained at half the span of the bridge. This
research can be used for monitoring bridge shift.

Keywords: micro order displacement, GMR sensor, voltage response, measurement

Topic: Physics


Mimin Iryanti, Ahmad Aminuddin, Eleonora Agustine and Yuyu Rahmat Tayubi

Physics Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jln Setiabudhi No 229 Bandung

Geophysics Department, Universitas Padjadjaran

Jln Raya Bandung Sumedang KM 21, Kab Sumedang


Electrical properties have been used in soil characteristic such as conductivity electric,
resistivity and dielectric permittivity. The aim of this study is characterization of
electrical properties at planation fires at Liang Anggang village, Kab Banjar in South
Kalimantan, Indonesia. The geoelectric resistivity WennerSchlumberger method was
conducted in field with 1 meter electrode spacing. The result of resistivity section
whose length is 52 meter varies from 149 to 1436 ohmmeter. There relatively high
resistivity (1039 until 1436 ohmmeter) at near surface until 5 meter below surface, and
deeper than 5 m has lower resistivity (149 until 752 ohmmeter). Resistivity of
plantation fires has high resistivity, because there are many organic matters and less
water content and that impact up to 5 meter the depth.

Keywords: Resistivity, Plantation Fires, Organic Matter, GeoElectric, Indonesia

Topic: Physics




Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 40154
b) Astronomy Research Division, FMIIPA, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 40132


This paper proposes a new hilal (lunar crescent formed immediately after conjunction)
visibility criterion that applies to tropical region utilizing modified mathematical model
of near-sun objects visibility. Moon-sun altitude difference (ARCV) and elongation
(ARCL) at first observable moment have been chosen as parameters and used in
developing new visibility criterion. The data indicate that the minimum ARCV and
ARCL value for naked eye observation are 4 degrees and 8.4 degrees, respectively.

Keywords: Hilal, visibility criterion

Topic: Physics

Simulation of Topology Performance of Wireless Sensor Network Based Multi-
hop Routing

Lilik Hasanah, Heru Yuwono, Ahmad Aminudin dan Budi Mulyanti

Departmen Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl.

Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154 Indonesia
Departmen Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, FPTK, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl.
Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154 Indonesia


Here is a simulation to find out the performance of WSN network with different
topology and size using Multi-hop routing, and its energy usage. The WSN network in
simulations is made with Arduino-based hardware with a compatible radio transmitter
module. The simulation is done in MATLAB software environment. In the simulation
used two network topologies, namely Random topology and Grid and network size
ranging from 9 nodes up to 256 sensor nodes. From the simulation it is found that Grid
topology has better performance especially on the number of small nodes, while
Random topology has more stable performance and better than Grid topology at large
number of nodes. The life time of the WSN network is not affected by the number of
sensor nodes in the network, but by the amount of energy available on each sensor

Keywords: Toology performance, wireless sensor network, multi-hop routing

Topic: Physics

Microcapsule Efficiency of Ethanol Extract of Sepal Flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa
Linn) Coated Crude Carrageenan (Eucheuma cottoni)

Ni Ketut Sumarni*, Yana Silvia Mauru*, Evi Sulastri**, Erwin Abd Rahim*

*)Laboratory of Physics Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,

Tadulako University
**)Laboratory of Pharmacy Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Tadulako University


The research of microcapsule efficiency of ethanol extract of sepal flower (Hibiscus

sabdariffa Linn) coated crude carrageenan has been done. The aim of research is to
determine the highest eficiency microencapsulation based on the ratio of ethanol extract
of the sepal flower toward seaweed crude carrageenan (Eucheuma cotonii ) as coating
substance. The microencapsulation was carried out by using freeze drying technique.
This encapsulation may preserve the active compound of ethanol extract. Ratio of
ethanol extract of the sepal flower toward seaweed crude carrageenan were set at 1:3
1:4 1:5 1:6 dan 1:7 (w/w). The result of research obtained that the highest eficiency
ratio is at 1:7 with percentage of 86,01%.

Keywords: Ethanol extract , crude carrageenan, efficiency microcapsule

Topic: Physics


Ririn Mudiyanti (a*), Lilik Hasanah (b), Ahmad Aminudin (b)

a) Program Studi Fisika, Universitas Pendidika Indonesia

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung
b) Program Studi Fisika, Universitas Pendidika Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung


Chilli commodities are urgently required by Indonesian citizens. Planting a chilli are
using two ways, with an open land such as a rich field and close land which is a
greenhouse. In order to develop the highest quality for chilli using greenhouse method,
we need a right treatment to watering. Nowadays, many people still using a manual
method to water plants with a long hose to reach all the plants in the garden. The
purpose of this research is to give a solution regarding that issue which to make a new
technology at watering plants using the automatic watering tool, therefore, we could
save time and energy, also knowing the accuracy of motor stepper movement. This
method research is designed and builds automatic watering tool with 3 rows x 3
columns with a total of 9 plants and method using soil moisture sensor. The result of
this research proving that accuracy of the stepper motor is 99,48%, errors that occur in
the movement of the stepper motor is very minimal and this watering system is working
when the moisture content in a soil is less than 51%.

Keywords: Plant chili, automatic watering, stepper motor, accuracy, soil moisture

Topic: Physics


Dedi Mulyadi, Haryadi Permana, Solihin, Mutia Dewi yuniati

Puslit Geoteknologi LIPI



Batugamping area research in Paciran area has attracted many geologists. Limousine
Paciran is known to have more dolomite composition than limestone located in
Tasikmalaya or other areas. The limestone facies in the area consisting of Packstone,
wackestone and mudstone of Xrd analysis on the dolomite limestone are almost
31.02%, diagenes of limestone include dissolution, dolomitization and cementation. At
this time the limestones Paciran continues to be explored by miners for mining needs,
dolomite as building construction, cement making, Neutralizing acid in the chemical
industry, magnesium and calcium sources in animal feed, flux in metal processing
industry, glass making base material, ceramic, as fertilizer in paper industry

Keywords: limestone paciran, dolomite, Xrd

Topic: Physics

Application of Gravity Theory on the Inter-Regional Internal Zones Movement
Based on the Movement Generating of Land fishery Production Result in Central
Java Province

Juang Akbardin,Ahmad Samsudin, Khilyatul Khoiriyah


The land fishery commodity producing zones and their products have limited
characteristics within the limited distribution capability due to limited availability of
infrastructure conditions. The condition of the transport infrastructure affecting the
fishery feedstock production generation zones is identified as the influencing variable
in the formation of the generation model. Regression analysis method with multiple
variable of transportation infrastructure condition based on service level and
quantitative capacity is determined as model variable formed. The result of modeling
with multiple regrestion method gradually the model resulted from the modeling of the
transportation movement production on the commodity frights the land fishery based on
condition of infrastructure and production zones that is Ln Yi = 3,27 + 0,935 Ln X1 +
0,124 Ln X 2 + 0,0183 Ln X 3 + 0.0349 Ln X 4 + 0.005 Ln X 5 - 0.083 Ln X 6 +
0.0167 Ln X 7 - 0.0482 Ln X 8 + 0.0262 Ln X 9 - 0.0182 Ln X 10 - 0.107 Ln X 13
with the model significance of the determination test R2 = 0.86. The dominant factor of
the infrastructure affecting the movement generating is the need for long-term capacity
of roads in production zones to improve the accessibility and service of road pavement
in good condition to support rising in the movement of land fisheries commodities and
the results.

Keywords: Movement Generating, Land Fishery, Production Zone, Gravity Theory

Topic: Physics


Harbi Setyo Nugroho, Cahyo Puji Asmoro, Arief Rizqiyanto Achmad, Nanang Dwi
Ardi, Agus Fany Chandra Wijaya

Laboratorium Bumi & Antariksa, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat


The tropical cyclone that occurred in indian ocean can influence the weather parameters
such as temperature, pressure, and humidity in some regions of Indonesia such as an
area of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia which is located in West Java so that the
influenced of the tropical cyclone was studied. The study was done by processing the
data generated through the Automatic Weather Station then analize the behavior of the
weather parameters such as temperature, pressure, and humidity in the area of
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia throughout 15th November 2017 until 15th
December 2017. This study concluded that the tropical cyclone can influence the
weather parameters such as temperature, pressure, and humidity in the area of
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Keywords: The Tropical Cyclone, Weather Parameter; Automatic Weather Station

Topic: Physics

Analysis on meteorological parameters wind speed, temperature, and pressure
profiles during Tropical Cyclone Cempaka Dahlia 2017 using time series

Cahyo Puji Asmoro, Lala Septam Reza, Nanang Dwi Ardi, Hikmat, Amsor, Yuyu
Rachmat Tayubi

1 Department of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

2 Department of Computer Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Meteorological parameters such as wind speed, air temperature and pressure have been
measured in the Menara Timur, FPMIPA UPI, Bandung, Indonesia during the Tropical
Cyclone Cempaka Dahlia (TCCD) from November 27 until December 2, 2017. In this
paper, we propose to analyze them by using time series clustering. The following steps
are conducted : data collecting, splitting, smoothing, distance calculation, and
clustering. The final results show cluster memberships of the three parameters on 3
time frames: one week before, the TCCD week, and one week after. After doing some
simulations, it can be seen that profiles of wind speed, air temperature and pressure on
TCCD week are on diffrent cluster from the one week before and one week after.

Keywords: Meteorological Parameters, Time Series Clusttering, Tropical Cyclone

Topic: Physics


Endi Suhendi, Lilik Hasanah, Dadi Rusdiana, Fatimah A. Noor, Neny Kurniasih,

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung


The tunneling current in graphene nanoribbon tunnel field effect transistor (GNR-
TFET) has been quantum mechanically modeled. We compared the tunneling current in
the GNR-TFET based on calculations using the Dirac like equation and the Schrodinger
equation. The transfer matrix method (TMM), which is a numerical approach, was used
to calculate electron transmittance and the tunneling current computed by using the
Landauer formula. It was found that the tunneling currents calculated using both
equations have similar characteristics for the same parameters, even though it has
different value. The tunneling currents calculated by using the Dirac like equation are
lower than those obtained under Schrodinger equation.

Keywords: Tunneling current, graphene nanoribbon, tunnel field effect transistor,

Schrodinger equation, Dirac like equation

Topic: Physics

Sensitivity of Earthquake Input Motion correlation with Arias Intensity and
Amplification, Case Study: Yogyakarta Special Region

Arifan Jaya Syahbana(a,b*), Anggun Mayang Sari(b), Eko Soebowo(b)

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung,


b) Geotechnology Research Center, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Bandung,



Earthquake problems are a hot topic that is being discussed in the scientific and
academic world, one of them is parameter sensitivity. In this study, the sensitivity level
of earthquake input motion in bedrock will be encorrelated with intensity arias and
amplification occurring at surface. The location of the study selected is an earthquake
prone area with the last record of a major earthquake in 2006, Yogyakarta Special
Region. The areas to be analysed are 3 (three) points with different geological
environments. Testing is conducted by: (1) declustering and completeness analysis of
earthquake catalogue (2) deagregation (3) selection of motion input and (4) wave
propagation analysis to obtain graph of arias intensity and amplification value. These
steps are aided by Zmap and DeepSoil software. The expected result in this study is the
quantification of the input motion sensitivity in each geological environment based on
amplification value and arias intensity. The softer the local geology environment the
higher the amplification value and the effective time on arias intesity will increase.

Keywords: Sensitivity, arias intensity, amplification

Topic: Physics

Unveiling students misconceptions through computer simulation based PDEODE
learning strategy on dynamic electricity

A Samsudin1*, Azura1, I Kaniawati1, A Suhandi1, N J Fratiwi1, Supriyatman2, F C

Wibowo3, A Malik4 and B Costu5

1 Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung,

2 Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia
3 Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Serang, Indonesia
4 Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati,
Bandung, Indonesia
5 Department of Science Education, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey


Several misconceptions occur in the students conceptions especially in the dynamic

electricity concept. Misconceptions is a students understanding which are unappropriate
with the scientific conceptions. Furthermore, if the students misconceptions have not
been unveiled, they could be a problem in the next learning process. As a consequence,
misconceptions are important faced to be changed so that students hold true conceptual
understanding. In term of unveiling students misconceptions, we highly need the
learning process which is able to make students could understand the concept
themselves. Researchers have been utilised computer simulation based PDEODE
(Predict, Discuss, Explain, Observe, Discuss and Explain) learning strategy. The
purpose of the research is to unveil students misconceptions through computer
simulation-based PDEODE learning strategy on dynamic electricity. This research has
been implemented using quasi experiment with pretest and posttest group design. The
sample who are involved in this research are consisted of 27 high school students in the
one of Bandung Barat regency and they are taken by purposive sampling technique.
The research result state that the frequency of students misconceptions decreases 0.21
in the low category. It can be concluded that the computer simulation based PDEODE
is able to unveil students misconceptions on dynamic electricity.

Keywords: misconception; PDEODE; dynamic electricity

Topic: Physics Education

Development and implementation of collaborative, solutive and smart teaching
(CS2T) to improve 21st century capabilities on wave and optics

E Syaodih1,2*, A Suhandi1,3, B Maftuh1, N Hermita4, N J Fratiwi3 and A Samsudin3

1 Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Dasar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2 Departemen Pendidikan Guru Anak Usia Dini, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl.
Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3 Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi
No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
4 Prodi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Riau, Jl. HR. Subrantas Km 12,5
Pekanbaru, Indonesia


The aim of this research was to develop and implement Creative, Solutive and Smart
Teaching (CS2T) to improve 21st century capabilities on wave and optics. The CS2T is
a learning approach that encompasses clusters of students employed collected to
elucidate a problematic, comprehensive an assignment, or produce a creation. We have
already utilised the ADDIE model (Analysing, Designing, Developing, Implementing
and Evaluating) as a research method. The samples are 37 students (15 boys and 22
girls, their ages were an average of 18 years old) at one of the primary education in the
West Java province of Indonesia on wave and optics topic. The improvement of 21st
century capabilities has been diagnosed through a creative thinking instrument (CTI),
problem solving test (PST) and observation sheet (OS). At the evaluating phase, the
CS2T is able to improve students capabilities in employed collected and improve the
realization of learning effects. In conclusion, primary students skills are able to be
improved through CS2T on wave and optics topic.

Keywords: CS2T; 21st century skills; wave and optics

Topic: Physics Education

Implementation of STEM Education In Indonesia: Teachers Perception of STEM
Integration Into Curriculum

Irma Rahma Suwarma, Yoshisuke Kumano

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Recently in America, Europe and Asia, STEM education has been viewed as an
educational reform that answers 21st-century demands in an era of productive
technology and information that trigger economic, political and demographic changes
around the world. As a developing country, Indonesia is called upon to deal with these
demands by developing qualified human resources through educational reform. STEM
education is one of the strategies for achieving this goal. Finding possibilities for the
integration of STEM in the science and math curriculum through teacher training
programs is the first step in this implementation, whether or not STEM education can
actually be included. This study took place in a school that uses two curricula (KTSP
and the 2013 national curriculum).Result of investigation of teachers perception
showed that 2013 curriculum was more appropriate for the inclusion of STEM
education than the KTSP curriculum. The impact of training on teachers perception was
shown by significant differences before an after training

Keywords: STEM integration, 2013 national curriculum, Teachers perception

Topic: Physics Education

Investigating physics laboratory-based higher order thinking skills (HOTs) in
Indonesian high schools

A Ismail1,2,*, A Setiawan1 , A Suhandi1,, And A Rusli3

1Science education program, Prosgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Department of physics education, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32,
Garut 44151, Indonesia
3Department of physics, Faculty of science and information technology, Catholic
Parahyangan University , Bandung 40141 Indonesia


The existing physics laboratory is a pivotal part of teaching and learning physics.
Several skills required by students can be facilitated by physics laboratory such as
HOTs. However, the conventional laboratory that leads to verification laboratory was
not successful training students dealing with HOTs. This present study investigates the
implementation of physics laboratory based HOTs in Indonesian high schools. A
comparative case study was conducted to take several data from participants. The
participants of this present study are 12 physics teachers and 32 students in Indonesian
high schools. A Questionnaire and critical thinking (CT) test are used to garner the
data. The finding result reveals that there four main obstacles to train and develop
laboratory activities-based HOTs: the limitation of time to conduct laboratory activities,
the limitation of lab space, the low ability of physics teachers in designing laboratory
activities-based HOTs, and low knowledge of students dealing with concepts and laws
of physics. These obstacles also support another result which depicts the low
achievement of students CT skills. A consideration of this result present study opens
deep insight and wider context in a new form of laboratory activities in Indonesia that is
augmented reality laboratory.

Keywords: Physics laboratory-Based HOTs, HOTs.

Topic: Physics Education


M G Nugraha, S Utari and D Saepuzaman

Physics education department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Jawa Barat,



The purpose of this study is to develop basic physics experiments (BPE) to improve the
mastery concept of physics preservice teacher on Meldes law. Research and
development (R&D) method is done by involving physics preservice teachers as many
as 18 students in the first year and 15 students in second year as research sample. The
research instrument uses a mastery concept multiple choice test and Student Worksheet
(SW) based on Science Process Skills (SPS) that has been reviewed which includes
observing, communicating, classifying, measuring, inferring, predicting, identifying
variables, constructing hypotheses, defining variable operationally, designing
experiments, acquiring and processing data to the conclusion. The results of the first
year of study showed that the students SPS has not been trained optimally, the students
still have difficulty in observations, determining experimental variables, inferring and
hypothesis. This resulted in the low mastery of the concept with the average score of
44.44. In the second year, experimental activities were developed by emphasizing the
basic Science Process Skills tracing at the beginning of the lecture through simple
experimental topics in a more complex. Based on the second year research data
processing showed improvement of science process skill (SPS) of students and there is
an increase of average score of 73,22. Based on the results of research, it can be
conclude that the development of basic physics experiments based on SPS has been
done to improve the mastery concept of physics preservice teacher students on Meldes
law material.

Keywords: Science process skills, mastery concept, experiment

Topic: Physics Education


D Saepuzaman, M G Nugraha, S Utari

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The study was motivated to develop Basic Physics Experiment (BPE) to improve
preservice physics teachers understanding on Boyles law. The method used Research
and Development (R& D) and involving preservice physics teachers as many as 18
students in the first year and 11 students in second year. This Study uses Student
Worksheet (WS) based on Science Proses Skill (SPS). The conceptual understanding
will be evaluated multiple choice tests for concepts Boyle Laws. The Result of the first
year showed that student achievment in observation, inferring and hypotesis aspect of
SPS not optimally. The result of conceptual understanding 46.67. In the second year,
some activity and worksheet of SPS were develop based on the finding in the first year.
Based on second year data showed improvment of SPS students and the result of
conceptual understanding on Boyle Laws 78.86. Based on the results, it can be
conclude that the development of basic physics experiment based on science process
skills to improve conceptual understanding of the preservice physics teachers on Boyles

Keywords: Science Process Skills, Experiment, Conceptual Understanding, Boyle


Topic: Physics Education

Development of general transportation applications in garut kota web-based

Dian Nurdianaa) Mochamad fajarb) Dian Rahadianc) Purnomo Sidiqd) Nizar Alam

abcd) Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl Pahlawan Sukagalih no.32 Tarogong Kidul

Garut 44151, Indonesia
e) Universitas Garut, Jl. Samarang no. 55 A Garut, Indonesia
a). E-mail :
b). E-mail :
c). E-mail :
d). E-mail :
e). E-mail :


Garut city is one of the cities that is densely packed with transportation, especially on
public transportation. The problem is that there are still many people who do not
understand the path that the public transportation passes, both in the city itself, outside
the city and even foreign tourists. The purpose of developing this application is to find
out where to go. In this study, researchers designed and built public transport
transportation applications in the web-based city of Garut with the name Garut Anyar
utilizing GIS technology in it. Application is useful for searching city transportation
routes (Angkot) in Garut City, so that users no longer feel difficulties in finding public
transport to get to their destination, especially for migrants in Garut City. In addition
this application can display information about angkot routes so that it can add to the
user's insight. The conclusion obtained from this study is the Garut Anyar application
was successfully built and useful for every user who has used this Garut Anyar
application, which has been tested 100 times a trial from the RSU route to Banyuresmi
as evidenced by an application testing questionnaire that gets good grades.

Keywords: Angkot, Public Transportation, Garut, Garut Anyar, Route.

Topic: Computer science

Web-based student master book information system in vocational school of
muhammadiyah banyuresmi

Galih Abdul Fatah, a), Andri Suryadi b), Yopi Nugrahac) Nizar Alam Hamdanid)
Yuniar Purwantie)

b c e) Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl Pahlawan Sukagalih no.32 Tarogong Kidul

Garut 44151, Indonesia
a d) Universitas Garut, Jl. Samarang no. 55 A Garut, Indonesia

a) E-mail:
b) E-mail:
c) E-mail:
d) E-mail:
e) E-mail:
f) E-mail:


The main student book information system is a web-based application that comes as a
form of modernization from a manual student main book that can streamline, and
streamline the time in importing, searching, etc. This application is made as simple as
possible so that it is easy to use by the user, in terms of interfaces and interactions in the
application so even for novice users it will be easy to understand, but even though
simple, this application can contribute a lot of reasons, Student Parent Book is the most
important book in school administration. Especially data management of students, the
Student Parent Book Information System Application is based on local host (local
network), meaning that when you want to access it does not need to be connected to the
internet, just connect to the local network and can only be accessed by users who are
connected with the admin, or recorded by admin as someone who has access rights.

Keywords: information system, student master book, web.

Topic: Computer science education

The development of ppdb (admission of new students) application to develop the
quality of new students’ recapitulation administration In vocational high school
bumi cikajang

Demmy Dharma Bhakti, a), Syahdasah Putri b), Iman Nasrulloh c) Tetepd) Siti

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl Pahlawan Sukagalih no.32 Tarogong Kidul Garut

44151, Indonesia

a) E-mail:
b) E-mail:
c) E-mail:
d) E-mail:
e) E-mail:


Every year the Vocational of High School BMI Cikajang as the education executant
accepted new students. Students who registered there were registered manually by
filling out the forms and attaching some requirements. Related to the results of
interview with the committee regarding the process of registration found the problems,
those were the disappearance of data or the registrant forms due to mixed with other
files and the lack of management administrative of new students recap by the
committee. The purpose of study was to find out PPDB application can assist the
committee in conducting the data recapitulation of new students and making efficient of
the performance of committee. Waterfall implementation was employed as a design of
study. To test the functional aspect, this study used black box testing, meanwhile to test
usability aspect it used CSUQ. The test was conducted to whole prospective new
students and the committee. The result of questionnaire was 88.2% with very decent
criteria, it can be concluded that PPDB application can help the committee in
recapitulation the data of new students; in addition, it can make efficient the
performance of committee in conducting registration collectively.

Keywords : Aplikasi PPDB, PHP, MySQL, Waterfall

Topic: Computer science education

Education-Based Augmented Reality Applications For Heat Learning Media
Content Lesson In Physics

Andri Suryadi a), Gina Rahayub), Irma Fitria Amaliac) Nizar Alam hamdani d) Iyam

abce) Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl Pahlawan Sukagalih no.32 Tarogong Kidul

Garut 44151, Indonesia
d) Universitas Garut, Jl. Samarang no. 55 A Garut , Indonesia

a) E-mail:
b) E-mail:
c) E-mail:
d) E-mail:
e) E-mail:


This study aims to create applications that can be used as a medium of physics learning
with sub-material heat. Application-shaped learning media created using Augmented
Reality-based technology Android. The application created is named Mecalor. Mecalor
application process using the Waterfall method. This Waterfall method provides a
sequential approach to software lifecycle.Testing the feasibility of the application is
done through four characteristics of the ISO 25010 standard which Suitability
Functional, Performance Efficiency, Portability, and Usability. The test was conducted
in Garut - Indonesia Vocational High School with a total of 30 students and two
software experts. Data analysis techniques use a Likert scale and Guttman scale. The
test results on the characteristics of Functional Suitability applications, Performance
Efficiency, and Portability is valid with a percentage of 100% so it can be said that the
application is good to use. Likewise, characteristics Usability test results also suggested
a value of 3.9 so that applications can Mecalor declared fit for use

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Heat Learning

Topic: Computer science education

Student Pedagogical Content Knowledge Through Project Based Learning Models

Tina Sri Sumartinia), Diar Veny Rahayu b), Mega Archdisty Noordiana c), Irena Puji
Lurytawati d), Dian Mardiani e)

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, 44151, Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.



Lack of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of a teacher becomes a problem in the

implementation of mathematics learning. Therefore, it is necessary to make appropriate
efforts in developing PCK among students as a form of formal education and as a
provision for teaching in the future. One effort that can be done is the use of project-
based learning models. This research method is mix-method with convergent design.
The sample used was students of mathematics education study program at the
Indonesian Institute of Education in Garut. The results of the study show that student
PCK as a prospective mathematics teacher who gets a project-based learning model is
better than students who get conventional learning models. In addition, the
development of PCK needs to be accompanied by the development of knowledge of
mathematical content as a whole of the teacher's competence in teaching mathematics.

Keywords: Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Project Based Learning Model

Topic: Mathematics education

An Analysis Of Biomass Estimation And Carbon Stock On Puspa (Schimma
Wallichii Korth.) In Talaga Bodas Nature Reserve Garut

Lida Amalia a), Hisny Fadilaty b), Diah Ika Putri c), Leni Sri Mulyani d), dan Siti
Nurkamilah e)

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, 44151, Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

a) E-Mail :
b) E-Mail :
c) E-Mail :
d) E-Mail :
e) E-Mail :


This study aimed to find out the estimation of Biomass and Carbon Stock on Puspa
(Schimma wallichii Korth.) and to find out the influence of environmental factors (soil
temperature, soil pH, light intensity and wind speed) on biomass, carbon stock, and a
density of Puspa Stands.) in Talaga Bodas Nature Reserve Garut. The uses of this study
were to give information about the estimation of Biomass and Carbon Stock on Puspa
Stands in Talaga Bodas Nature Reserve Garut and become a consideration in
supporting the implementation of carbon trading and its effects on global warming.
Descriptive quantitative was employed as a method in this study with systematic
sampling with random start as a sample technique. The making of the plot line using
the line plots method that was to make a stub line 100 meters length and on the stub
line a plot of 20 x20 meters, was made in 3 replications. Related to research on
estimating biomass in Puspa stands using allometric equations obtained results of
105.741tons/Ha. Carbon estimation using carbon fraction formula yielded
49,7658ton/Ha. The results of the calculation of the Puspa stand density Using the
density formula (number of Puspa/area) obtained a result of 328 Puspa/Ha.

Keyword : Biomass, Carbon stock, density, Puspa (Schimma wallichii).

Topic: Biology


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