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Calculation for designing the shear attachment

When specimen diameter is 8 mm

We take , D = diameter of each rod = 20mm

σt = tensile stress = 100N/mm2

σc = compressive stress = 100N/mm2

τ = shear stress = 80N/mm2

1. For tensile failure of rods :

σt = P/(π/4).D2

or, 100 = P/.(π/4).202

or, P = 31410 N
2. For tensile failure of the eye:

σt = P/b(d0-d)
d0 = 2d = 16
100 = P/25(16-8)
or, P = 20000 N
3. For shear failure of the eye:

τ = P/b(d0-d)
or, 80 = P/25×8
P = 16000 N
4. For tensile failure of the fork :
σt =P/2.a.(d0-d)

P =24000 N
5. For shear failure of the fork :

τ =P/2.a.(d0-d)
80 =P/2×15×8
P =19200N

When specimen diameter is 12 mm

We take , D = diameter of each rod = 20mm

σt = tensile stress = 100N/mm2

σc = compressive stress = 100N/mm2

τ = shear stress = 80N/mm2

1. For tensile failure of rods :

σt = P/(π/4).D2

or, 100 = P/.(π/4).202

or, P = 31410 N

2. For tensile failure of the eye:

σt = P/b(d0-d)
d0 = 2d = 24
100 = P/25(24-12)
or, P = 30000 N
3. For shear failure of the eye:

τ = P/b(d0-d)
or, 80 = P/25×12
P = 24000 N

4. For tensile failure of the fork :

σt =P/2.a.(d0-d)

P =36000 N
5. For shear failure of the fork :

τ =P/2.a.(d0-d)
80 =P/2×15×12
P =28800 N

Procedure for the experiment

1. Insert the specimen in position and grip one end of the attachment in
the upper portion and one end in the lower portion.
2. Switch on the main switch of universal testing machine.
3. The drag indicator in contact with the main indicator.
4. Select the suitable range of loads and space the corresponding weight
in the pendulum and balance it if necessary with the help of small
balancing weights.
5. Operate (push) buttons for driving the motor to drive the pump.
6. Gradually move the head control level in left-hand direction till the
specimen shears.
7. Down the load at which the specimen shears.
8. Stop the machine and remove the specimen

shear failure in pin :

or, 80=P/2.(π/4).82
or, P=8040.96N
crushing failure of pin in the eye :

assuming, b=1.25d=1.25×20=25mm
or, 100=P/(25×8)
or, P=20000N
crushing failure of pin in the fork :

assuming, a=0.75d=0.75×20=15mm
or, P=24000N
bending failure of pin :

σb=(32/π.d3).(P/2).[(𝑏4) + (𝑎3)]
25 15
or, 100=(32/π.83).(P/2).[( ) + ( )]
4 3

or, P=893.44N

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