Resume of Works Done by G.P.Verma, Inspector, LCS, Sonauli During The Period From 01.04.2018 To 31.03.2019

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Resume of works done by G.P.

Verma, Inspector, LCS, Sonauli during

the period from 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019
During the entire period from 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019, I remained posted
at LCS, Sonauli. The works allotted to me were CTD, Arrear recovery, Audit and
Preparation of Meeting folders alongwith other routine office works. During the
resume period, I performed routine office duty very sincerely and with utmost
care. I ensured submission of duplicate and triplicate copies of CTDs to the
Customs, Kolkata for reconciliation. I prepared the reply to the points raised by
the audit team in the internal audit report for the period 01.12.2016 to
30.11.2017 and also assisted the audit team during internal audit for the period
01.12.2017 to 30.11.2018 conducted in Feb,2019. I updated all the registers of
arrear and prepared the detailed updated record regarding recovery of arrears. I
continuously persuaded the defaulters directly as well as through Gram
Pradhans/Ward Members to deposit the Govt. dues pending with them. As a
result, a sum of Rs. 0.39 Lakhs was recovered as arrear. I prepared the write-off
proposal in respect of 19 Nepali defaulters which was submitted to higher
formation for consideration. I was the seizing officer of 02 cases of illegal import
of black pepper and prepared the draft show cause notices for issuance. I also
ensured timely submission of various reports to higher formations relating to my

Besides the above, I completed the task of Shipping Bill Verification involving
huge amount of IGST refund on EDI System pertaining to the period from
July,2017 to April, 2018 within stipulated time frame. I attended my duty
promptly with utmost dedication and devotion and always tried my best to satisfy
my superior Officers from my working & behavior.

LCS, Sonauli
Distt. - Maharajganj
Resume of works done by G.P.Verma, Inspector, LCS, Sonauli during
the period from 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018
During the period from 01.04.2017 to 04.07.2017, I was posted at CCSI Airport, Lucknow. I
was placed in ‘Group-B’ for performing flight clearance duty alongwith arrear recovery in 04
cases. During this period, I performed duty of scanning of baggage on X-Ray machine;
determination & collection of customs duty on dutiable goods (i.e. counter duty); detention of
dutiable goods for re-export/duty deposition. I booked 04 cases against cigarette smugglers and
seized cigarettes valued at Rs. 06.92 Lakhs. I prepared 04 draft SCNs in respect of the said
seizure cases which were got issued by the competent authority. Due to my sincere efforts,
arrear of Rs. 54,536/ was recovered in 01 case.

On being transferred, I joined duty on 05.07.2017 at LCS, Sonauli. Here, the works allotted
to me were CTD, Arrear recovery, Audit and Preparation of Meeting folders alongwith other
routine office works. During the period from 05.07.2017 to 31.03.2018, I performed routine
duty very sincerely and with utmost care and ensured no consignment may cross the border
without proper documentation and completing export/import formalities. I ensured submission
of duplicate and triplicate copy of CTDs to the Customs, Kolkata on monthly basis. I assisted the
audit team during internal audit for the period 01.12.2016 to 30.11.2017 and submitted
compliance audit report against the points raised in audit observations. I updated all the
registers of arrear and thereafter prepared the detailed updated record regarding recovery of
arrears. I continuously persuaded the defaulters directly as well as through Gram
Pradhans/Ward Members to deposit the Govt. dues pending with them. As a result, a sum of
Rs. 1.41 Lakhs was recovered as arrear. I also ensured timely submission of various reports to
higher formations relating to my charge.
Besides the above, I attended my duty promptly with utmost dedication and devotion and
always tried my best to satisfy my superior Officers from my working & behavior.

LCS, Sonauli
Distt. - Maharajganj

Resume of works done by G.P.Verma, Inspector, CCSI Airport, Amausi,

Lucknow during the period from 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017
During the period from 01.04.2016 to 22.06.2016, I was posted in the Technical Branch of
Central Excise Division Gorakhpur. During this period, I processed 02 remission claims of
storage loss of molasses involving duty Rs. 1.72 Lakhs; prepared 06 draft show cause notices for
demand of differential duty Rs. 14.21 Crores involved on Zarda Scented Tobacco; prepared 21
ACP/MDL fixation orders in respect of BCT/Zarda units; disposed 08 RTI applications. I ensured
timely submission of various reports related to the branch to higher formations.

On being transferred to Customs formation, I joined duty on 12.07.2016 at CCSI Airport,

Lucknow. I was placed in ‘Group-B’ for performing flight clearance duty alongwith arrear
recovery in 04 cases. Within the ambit of flight clearance, I performed duty of scanning of
baggage on X-Ray machine; determination & collection of customs duty on dutiable goods (i.e.
counter duty); detention of dutiable goods for re-export/duty deposition; seizure of goods
liable to confiscation; preparation of certificates regarding currency declaration/PIR and
collection of intelligence in respect of smuggling activities from different sources.

During the period from 12.07.2016 to 31.03.2017, our Group collected Rs. 19.53 Lakhs as
customs duty; affected 33 cases of seizure of cigarettes valued at Rs. 39.66 Lakhs and 01 case
of seizure of gold bars valued at Rs. 31 Lakhs. Out of the said seizure cases, I was the seizing
Officer in 09 cases of seizure of cigarettes valued at Rs. 11.92 Lakhs and 01 case of seizure of
gold bars weighing 01 kg. valued at Rs. 31 Lakhs. In gold case, I arrested the accused, produced
him before Judicial Magistrate in the Court and took him on remand for 14 days for further
inquiry. For this renowned case, I was awarded with cash reward of Rs. 9,000/ by the Hon’ble
Commissioner, Customs (P), Lucknow.

I prepared 16 draft SCNs in respect of seizure cases which were got issued by the
competent authorities. For recovery of arrears, I continuously persuaded the parties directly as
well as through Gram Pradhans/Ward Members to deposit the Govt. dues pending with them.
Due to my sincere efforts, arrear of Rs. 54,536/ was recovered in 01 case.

Besides the above, I dealt with passengers in very polite manner maintaining cool
temperament and ensured that no loss of Govt. revenue may occur. This was the reason that
no complaint of any harassment/misbehavior/asking for money was ever received against me. I
attended my duty promptly with utmost dedication and devotion and always tried my best to
satisfy my superior Officers from my working & behavior.

CCSI Airport, Lucknow

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