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STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy

Pre-Assessment - Copy and paste the pre-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’
knowledge of the topic prior to implementing the unit lessons. Include the scoring criteria used
to determine whether the student Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, or Falls Far Below the learning
goal and measurable objectives.

Unit “Pets are Special” Pre-Assessment

1 .What does it mean to care for something?
A. To win a prize
B. To catch something
C. To be careful and gentle
2. What does “train a pet” mean?
A. To feed the pet
B. To teach the pet new things
C. To give the pet away
3. Circle the words that have the L sound in them
Pan plan pin
Can cloud cat
Flap fat fit
4. When there is more than one cat, we say:
B. Cat
C. Cats
5. Circle the words that mean more than one:
dogs cat pig
kid bugs bat
hogs rat ants
6. Circle the high frequency word: Teacher says: “BE”
bet be bin

7. Circle the high frequency word: Teachers says-“COME”

cat come clap


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My dog woke up in the morning.
I took him for a walk.
Then he ate his food.
Then he had a nap

8. What happened first in the story?

A. The dog had a nap
B. The dog went for a walk
C. The dog woke up
9. What happened last in the story?
A. The dog ate his food
B. The dog woke up
C. The dog had a nap
10. Where does a period go?
A. At the beginning of a sentence
B. In the middle of a sentence
C. At the end of a sentence

Answer Guide:
1) C
2) B
3) Up to3 pts for plan, cloud, and flap
4) C
5) Up to 4 pts for dogs, bugs, hogs, rats
6) Be
7) Come
8) C
9) C
10.) C


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0-5 incorrect- Meets the standard
5-10- incorrect- Approaches the standard
10-15- incorrect- Falls far Below

Pre-Assessment Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ knowledge on the topic,
collect and analyze the pre-assessment data to determine if you will need to modify the standards,
learning goal, or measurable objectives that will be addressed during instruction.

Number of Students

Highly Proficient (90%-100%) 5

(80%-89%) 5

Partially Proficient
(70%-79%) 2

Minimally Proficient
(69% and below) 11

Pre-Assessment Analysis: Whole Class

Based on the above data, I will change the objective to recognize L blend words instead of orally
read and spell them. I will change the inflectional endings to plural nouns because I think it is
important they grasp the concept of plural nouns before inflectional s endings. I will add in some
more high frequency words for them to recognize. Lastly I will try to add in a state standard that
addresses writing to a prompt.
Based on the above data, for the post assessment- I will change question 3. Most of the class got
this question correct because they simply had to look for the words that had an “l” in them. I will
have them draw circles when they hear a word with an L sound. I will read the words out loud.
This will give me more accurate data on who understands L blends and who doesn’t. Most of the
students scored low on story sequencing. I will change the story so that the dog is not sleeping
twice, then it won’t be as confusing. I will also test the students on additional high frequency word
As for the planning and delivery of the lesson, I will focus on vocabulary words, high frequency
word recognition and spelling, story sequencing, plural nouns and writing to a prompt. We will
also review and practice simple punctuation skills daily.

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Post-Assessment – Copy and paste the post-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’ knowledge
of the topic after implementing the unit lessons. The post-assessment can be the same as the pre-
assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures the same concepts. Include the
scoring criteria used to determine whether the student Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, or Falls Far Below the
learning goal and measurable objectives.

Unit “Pets are Special” Post-Assessment

1.What does it mean to care for something?
A.To win a prize
B.To catch something
C.To be careful and gentle
2. What does “train a pet” mean?
A.To feed the pet
B.To teach the pet new things
C.To give the pet away
3. Draw a circle every time you have a word with the L sound in it

Pan plan pin

Can cloud cat
Flap fat fit
4. When there is more than one cat, we say:
B. Cat
C. Cats
5. Circle the words that mean more than one:
dogs cat pig
kid bugs bat
hogs rat ants
6. Circle the high frequency word: Teacher says: “BE”
bet be bin

7. Circle the high frequency word: Teachers says-“COME”

cat come clap
8. Circle the high frequency word: Teacher says: “Very”

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Van Very violin
9. Circle the high frequency word: down
Did dog down

My dog barked.
So I took him for a walk.
Then he ate his food.
Then he had a nap

10. What happened first in the story?

A. The dog had a nap
B. The dog went for a walk
C. The dog barked
11. What happened last in the story?
A. The dog ate his food
B. The dog woke up
C. The dog had a nap
12. Where does a period go?
A. At the beginning of a sentence
B. In the middle of a sentence
C. At the end of a sentence

Answer Guide:
1) C
2) B
3) Up to3 pts for plan, cloud, and flap
4) C
5) Up to 4 pts for dogs, bugs, hogs, rats
6) Be
7) Come

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8) Very
9) Down
10.) C
11.) C
12.) C

Total Points possible: 17

0-6 points- Falls far below the standard
7-11 points Approaches the standard
11-17 points- Meets the standard

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