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Blockchain Technology Annotated Bibliography–

An Emerging Policy

Raghavendra Kodali

University of the Cumberland’s



Blockchain is a chain of blocks which store digital documents, which are not possible to tamper.

It’s a distributed ledger database that archives and shares every transaction that occurs in the

network of users. Once a data has been entered into block chain, it’s almost impossible to change

the data. This is achieved by Hashing and proof of work Mechanism. There is a lot interest in the

public sector in using Blockchain technology for storing Medical records, E-Notary and collecting



Morton, H. (2017). Blockchain technology: An emerging public policy issue. Denver, Colorado.:
National Conference of State Legislatures. Retrieved from
This research mainly concentrates on the interest of public sectors towards the new
emerging Blockchain technology to maintain the valuable data efficiently. Here you can get all
the State Legislation bills provided by each state. Through this we can see what are the current
policies that are considered by congress. When we go through each legislation each state, they
are different from one another. There is a good chance of analyzing and scope to know new
things what are the factors that were affecting in making different policies based on regions and
U.S.Cong., All. (2018, February 28). Blockchain: Background and Policy Issues (C. Jaikaran,
Author) [Cong. Rept. R45116 from 7-5700 sess.]. Retrieved from
This was a research report provided for members of congress by Chris Jaikaran, who was
a cyber security policy analyst. This research report provides the underlying concepts of
Blockchain technology. It provides the how can we use blockchain for governance and public
sector. It also discusses the concerns that we need to be aware of. Based on this report, the policy
makers will design the above-mentioned legislations, as a part of initial steps towards the latest
Swan, M. (2019). Blockchain economics: Implications of distributed ledgers: Markets,
communications networks, and algorithmic reality. New Jersey: World Scientific.
Through this book I’m able to understand the Blockchain economic theory, in order to
reduce the debt and risk of digital assets. Decentralization of data through block chain. This
author provides a good research on Block chain economic open network innovation. Author also

discusses the policy, regulations and incentives. The implications of income inequality by using
blockchain technology.
Advancing blockchain cybersecurity: Policy recommendations for growth and innovation. (2018,
May 14). Retrieved from
This article mainly discusses the role of Tech giant Microsoft in Blockchain technology. It
provides the Policy recommendations for growth and innovation of Advancing blockchain
cybersecurity. It mainly focuses on the role cybersecurity on blockchain technology.
Garry Gabison, Policy Considerations for the Blockchain Technology Public and Private
Applications, 19 SMU Sci. & Tech. L. Rev. 327 (2016).
Available at:
This article focuses on the privacy and copyright threat by the expansion of blockchains in public
sector. The economic affect on government, which increases the record keeping cost and
measure to investment to productivity. The possibility of achieving transperancy and Legitimacy
in record keeping.
Greenfield, A. (2017). Radical technologies: The design of everyday life. London: Verso.

The World Economic Forum estimates that taxes will be collected for the first time by a

government via blockchain by 2023. Delaware, Arizona, Nevada, Illinois, and Vermont have

adopted blockchain legislation. In 2016, the Vermont General Assembly created the policy

standards to determine the authenticity of records using blockchain technology within the state’s

rules of evidence. A Bill relating to electronic transactions; recognizing blockchain technology

as a type of electronic record for the resolutions of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. It

prevents a local government from taxing or striking restrictions upon the use of a blockchain.

The resource which I have selected the huge address the above-mentioned high demand

of Blockchain technology in public sector. Blockchain technology: An emerging public policy

issue will discuss the legislations proposed by the congress and ‘Policy Considerations for the

Blockchain Technology Public and Private Applications’ is used to compare the policies and

identify whether the bill address all the drawbacks.

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