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My agriculture science SBA

NAME OF CANDITATE: Aquilia Franklin

School: Troy High School

CENTRE#: 100379

CANDITATE#: 1003790256

TEACHER: Mr Campbell

Territory: Jamaica

Year: 2019


Contents Pages

……….. I

……………. ii

Problem statement……………………………………………………………………………..




What is broiler
.... 1

Clear and sanitization of poultry


Brooding and arrival of day old chicks……………………………………………………


Feeding ………………………………………………………………………………..




Turning of litter……………………………………………………………………….

Identification of digestion









Actual Surplus/ Shortfall/


Comparing between projected with Actual Income……………………………………..

Comparing between projected with Actual Expenditure……………………………

Comparing between surplus with shortfall/ surplus………………………………..








I want to give special thanks to my teacher Mr Campbell who guided me and helped me to
do this S.B.A (school based assessment).

I also want to thank my sister Kimoya for helping me with completing the labs. I also my

mother Nadia for giving me the financial assistance to complete this project on BROILER

production. But last but not least. I want to thank the almighty god for giving me the

wisdom courage and strength to this project on cucumber production.



The broiler feed that will result in the best feed conversion ratio, Hipro or Nutramix


To determine which of the two brands of feed Hi pro or Nutramix is more efficient in the feed
conversion ratio of a batch of 200 birds,

Poultry farming is the process of raising domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks,
turkeys and geese for the purpose of farming meat or eggs for food. A broiler (Gallus
domesticus) is any chicken that is bred and raised specifically for meat production. Many
typical broilers have white feathers and yellowish skin. ... Broilers are usually grown as
mixed-sex flocks in large sheds under intensive conditions.

Hi-Pro Feeds is Jamaica’s leading brand of animal feeds. Using only the highest quality
ingredients, all of which come from certified suppliers and meet international standards, we
can ensure a quality product for our farmers. Hi-Pro is committed to partnering with farmers
to work toward best practices in caring for livestock in order to secure the best results

Nutramix feed is the best feed to give to broiler birds to ensure good growth and
development. The product is designed as a feed enhancer that helps support safe, high-quality
feed as well as animal benefits.

10 | P a g e

clear and Brooding and Watering of

Feeding of
Sanitize Arrival of day birds
poultry house old chicks

Administering Culling Turning of
of Digestive
of Medication Litter

Marketing and

11 | P a g e
Clear and sanitize poultry house



Title: sanitations of poultry house

Aim: To clear and sanitize poultry house

Material/apparatus: waters, feeders, white lime, rag, ventilators, light bulbs and bucket


 Poultry house was swept with a broom and a shovel was used to take out the dust
 A rag and water was used to clean the poultry house brooding area, feeders and waters
 The poultry house was watched with white lime
 The poultry house ventilators, light bulbs and doors was replaced with new ones


 The poultry house was unclean

 The poultry house waters, feeders and brooding area was also unclean and needed to
be sanitize.
 The poultry house ventilators, light bulbs and doors was getting they were
replaced with new ones.

Discussion: cleaning and disinfecting your poultry house. Decontaminating your poultry
house is crucial in order to prevent Marek`s disease, mycoplasma, respiratory viruses, E.coli,
mites, and other poultry health problems. Even more important is the control of Salmonella
Enteritis’s (SE) , especially in laying hens. Furthermore SE can colonize in a chicken`s
intestinal tract without necessarily causing obvious disease in the chicken itself. This may
lead to the organism invading other tissues and eventually finding its way into the
reproductive tract and ovary, contaminating the egg itself.

Additionally in order to reduce SE and other health risks, a complete dry cleaning, washing
and disinfection of the poultry house after each flock or at a minimum once each year is
recommended. Successful cleaning is hard work and requires systematic completion of

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several steps. Every step is important. Skipping one step or doing an incomplete job at any
point will make the next step harder and lead to failure.

Conclusion: it can be concluded that it is of vital importance to keep the poultry house clean
to prevents the broiler birds from being contaminated by disease such as Marek`s disease,
mycoplasma, respiratory viruses, E.coli, mites, and other poultry health problems.

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Brooding and arrival of day old chicks

Lab# 2


Title: Brooding and arrival of day old chicks

Aim: to prepare brooding area for arrival of day old chicks

Material/ Apparatus: warm water, heater in the brooder, waters, brooders and feeders


 The heater in the brooder was run to keep the day old chicks warm
 The day old chicks were placed under the brooder without delay
 \the chicks were given warm water to drink immediately in quarter-jar waters with at
least one waters for every 25 chicks
 The chicks were given feeds in the first feeders after three hours.


Discussion: brooding requirements for poultry chicks. Housing for poultry for animals’
research is unique compared to other laboratory animals. Once the fertile egg is laid by the
hen, the embryo can develop and hatch with no assistance from the hen. The need to provide
auxiliary heat for the animals is called brooding.

Additionally it is important that the chicks can easily access their water once placed so that
the birds can start hydrating after being transported from the hatchery. Place the feed close to
the water lines to ensure all chicks in the barn can access their feed and water and begin to eat
and drink right away.

Similarly, day old chicks and reared pullets need sufficient light to explore their new home
and find their way to food and water. Especially if the birds are placed in a floor, slat, or
aviary system, they will need to be able to see where to find the feeders and drinkers. A
minimum of 20 lux is recommended.

Conclusion: it can be concluded that providing brooding for day old chicks is of vital
importance because the chicks need to be warm up. Furthermore it is important to prepare

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brooding area for arrival of day old chicks so that the birds can start hydrating after being
transported from the hatchery.

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Feeding of birds

Lab# 3


Title: Feeding of birds

Aim: To feed broiler birds

Material/ apparatus: Nutramix and Hipro feeds

Activity: the chicks were fed every day through their maturity stages in order to get them to a
strong and healthy livestock, (starter, grower and finisher). This was donein a container by
hand fed or an avshape metal through which is convenient for holding the feed.


Discussion: The feed conversion ratio is a measure of the amount of feed required (in
kilogrammes) to produce 1 kilogramme of poultry meat (dressed carcase weight). It is used
here as a proxy measure for the intensity of on- farm GHG emissions. Indicator: quantity of
poultry feed produced per kilogramme (KG) of poultry meat produced.

Feeding is of vital importance since it aids in proper growth, egg and meat production and
good health, poultry birds require energy. In order to obtain desired growth rate, you must
purchase and provide highly nutritious poultry feed. So poultry feed ingredients are also
easily available. Wheat: wheat is one of the best grains as poultry feed ingredients.

Conclusion: it can be concluded that feeding is of vital importance in poultry farming since it
aids good growth and development of chicks, good health of broiler birds. Furthermore, the
feed conversion ratio is a measure of the amount of feed required (in kilogrammes) to
produce 1 kilogrammes of poultry meat.

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Watering of birds

Lab# 4


Title: watering of birds

Aim: To supply water to birds

Material/ Apparatus: plastron, water,


 piping was set up for water supply

 drains was wash with blemish seep and water
 piping was check to ensure it was running properly
 pipe was wash and installed
 installation of plumber was tested to ensure that the water was flowing properly


Discussion: maintaining drinking water quality for poultry is an important nutritional aspects
as birds consume water at twice the level of feed. One primary factor that determines the
wholesomeness of water is its microbial quality. Therefore, it should be of primary concern
for production personnel and poultry producers to the microbial quality of water supplies
provided to their birds and confirm if it is within the acceptable range. Various researches
indicate that water supplies are much vulnerable to microbial contamination and this is true
even with the farms with good management system. So watering is important for the bird to
stay hydrated and also aids in good nutrition of broiler birds.

Additionally the effects of the lack of water in broiler birds are:

 the bird will become dehydrated

 poor flock performance
 kidney failure

Conclusion: it can be concluded that it is of vital importance to supply the birds with water to
ensure good hydration, growth and good nutrition of the broiler birds. Furthermore the effects
of a lack of water on broiler birds are: the bird will become dehydrated and die, it will also
result in poor flock performance and in most cases result in kidney failure.

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Administering of medication

Lab# 5


Title: Administering of medication

Aim: To administer medication

Material/Apparatus: Vitamin supplement, water and antibiotic


 water was change to fresh water

 1 ½ pack of hipovet was mixed in the drum of water


 The growths rate of the bird were slow

Discussion: Five examples of supplements that are given to broiler birds are:

 Water soluble vitamins

 Protein supplement
 Zinc
 Penicillin
 Bacitracin ( e.g., BMD, Pennitracin MD, Albac)

Additionally Refit-H is one of the best multivitamins for poultry birds. It is a combination of
vitamins A, D3, E&H and vitamins C as a liquid feed supplement. It reduces chick mortality
by removing stress by acting as an anti-stress liquid for poultry. Furthermore the benefits of
supplying vitamin liquid to birds:

 Increase meat production and FCR

 It acts as growth promoters
 Increase growth rate
 It acts as Anti-stress
 Increase body weight and growth in broilers

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Similarly, protein is needed for enhancing growth, egg production, immunity, and adaptation
to the environment. In addition, there are other biological functions which are attributed to
specific amino acids. Lysine, for example, has an important role in improving carcass quality
for chickens by supporting formation of type IIb fibre which hold smaller amounts of fat and
have low cooking loss( loss of nutrients in the cooking water), as opposed to type IIa fibres
which are form in the carcasses in case of lysine deficiency. Threonine, on the other hand,
has significant metabolic roles and helps regulation of Gl secretions and endogenous losses,
thereby improving digestibility of nutrients and preventing digestive disorders.

Conclusion: it can be concluded that five supplement that are given to broiler birds are: water
soluble vitamins, threonine, protein supplement, zinc, penicillin and bacitracin. Furthermore
the function of supplement to the growth of broilers is to increase meat functions and FCR, it
acts has a growth promoter and it acts as an anti-stress.

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Lab# 6


Title: Culling

Aim: To cull birds that are sick from the flock.

Material/ Apparatus: sick birds


 The flock of birds were observed for a few minute

 Birds were removed that are sick are malnourished


 some of the birds that were sick or malnourished were stunted

Discussion: culling (poultry) is the individual removal of genetically undesirable, inferior,

weak, diseased of genetically undesirable or infested bird from a batch of birds to ensure that
the rest of the birds does not become infected.

Additionally this is a very important aspect of poultry farming because an un-culled stock
might have a serious setback to the farmer. Culling is a continuous operation throughout the
year. Culling is advantageous because it helps in saving the feed, preventing the spread of
diseases and in bring uniformity of the stock. Similarly, culling of chickens is done at every
stage of their life. One day old chick if shows the tendency of drowsiness, inactivity and
remains thinner than the fellow ones of the same breed should be culled. Growing chicks with
a slow rate of growth of body and feathers or having a protruded breast or thin muscles or
deformed body should be culled. (> zoology)

Conclusion: It can be concluded that culling is removing of birds from a batch of birds with
undesirable characteristics. Furthermore culling is important since it help to prevent the
spread of diseases such as fowl pox, coccidiosis, mycoplasma and Necrotic Enteritis.

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Turning of litter



Title: Turning of litter

Aim: To turn the litter to reduced micro organisms

Material/Apparatus: straw and stone rake.


A stone rake was to heap up litter

A stone rake was used to removed wet litter

Press litter was supplied to dress the area with wet litter.


Discussion: In agriculture, poultry litter or broiler litter is a mixture of poultry excreta,

spilled feed, feathers, and material used as bedding in poultry operations. Common bedding
materials include: wood shavings, sawdust, peanut hulls, shredded sugarcane, straw, and
other dry, absorbent, low-cost organic materials. The bedding materials help absorb moisture,
limiting the production of ammonia and harmful pathogens. The materials used for bedding
can also have a significant impact on carcass quality and bird performance.

Additionally there are specific practices that must be followed to properly maintained the
litter and maximize the health and productivity of the flock raised on it. Many factors must be
considered in successful litter management including time of the year, depth of the litter,
floor space per bird, feeding practices, diseases, kind of floor, ventilation, watering devices,
litter amendments, and even the potential fertilizer value of the litter after it is removed from
the house. Most poultry are grown on dirt floors with some type of bedding material.

Conclusion: it can be concluded that poultry litter is a mixture of poultry excreta, spilled feed,
feathers, and materials used as bedding in poultry operations. There are specific practices that
must be followed to properly maintained litter and maximize the health and productivity of
the flock raised on it.

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Identification of digestive organs



Title: Identification of digestive organ

Aim: To identify poultry digestive organs

Material/ Apparatus: bird digestive organs, knife and water


 A bird digestive organs was remove

 The organs was wash off with clean water
 It was placed on the table so that all the organs can be noticed
 Each organs was labelled


Discussion: Digestion is the catabolic process in the digestive tract where ingested food is
converted into simpler, soluble and diffusible substances that can be assimilated by the body.

Additionally the different digestive organs of a bird:

 Mouth
 Oesophagus
 Crop
 Liver
 Proventriculus
 Gizzard
 Small intestine
 Gall bladder
 Vent
 Cloaca
 Ceca

Similarly, the functions of the different organs.

 Beak: is to facilitate ingestion of food

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 Mouth: collect food from the beak channels it down to the oesophagus with the
tongue no chewing take place in the mouth
 Gullet: the gullets connect the mouth to the stomach. It serve the purpose of carrying
food to the stomach
 Crop: is a part of the oesophagus serves the purpose of moistening food called
amylase and store food temporarily.
 Proventriculus: is a gradual organs which is part of the stomach and secrete enzyme
and also store food
 Gizzard: is also known as the stomach which serves the functions of grinding food
with it muscular organs and small stone that it contain.
 Liver: the liver is not a specific organ but is seen as a accessory organs that produce
 Ceca: serves the purpose of microbial activitywith digest cellous material.
 Cloaca: is the opening of the digestive system which serves the purpose of
reproduction and urination.

Conclusion: it can be concluded digestion is the process by complex food is broken down
into simpler soluble substances so that it can be absorb into the blood stream.

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Lab# 9

Title: Slaughtering


Aim: Slaughter broiler birds for sale

Material/ Apparatus: knife, water, pots, polythane, bags and heat sauce.


 Mature birds were catched and placed on slaughtering line

 A small stick was used to stunt each birds
 A sharp knife was used to remove the head of the bird and allow blood to drain for a
few minute
 Dead birds were remove from the line and was dipped in warm water for a few
 Birds were DE feathered
 Each birds were eviscerated
 Edible organs were separated

Observation: the broiler were of different size

Discussion: Slaughtering is the process of slaying broilers birds for meat.

Additionally, the different steps of carrying out slaughtering are:

Step 1: Catch the bird and stunted it

Step 2: De – head or remove head

Step 3: Allow blood to drain for a few minutes

Step 4: Dip bird in hot water (best heated at 60-7o degree Celsius

Step 5: De –feathered the bird and preface an evisceration

Step 6: civic rate the bird and remove the intestines

Step 7: wash carcass and palatable one for packaging

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Step8: package the carcass for profits.

Conclusion: it can be concluded that challenges faced during slaughtering the bird was that it

was very difficult to catch the bird for stunting because I was afraid of stunting the bird at

first. Furthermore from doing this activity I learned that slaughtering can be very fun

although I was afraid of doing it at first.

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Packaging and marketing

Lab# 10


Title: Packaging and Marketing

Aim: To ensure the broiler birds are packaged properly

Material/ Apparatus: knife, polythane, bags, water and ice


 Chicken carcass was wash and placed in drum of ice water to chill for a few minutes

 Chickens was removed from ice water on drainer to drain

 Each chicken was placed in a polythane bag

 The chicken was weighed and weight was recorded

 Chickens was transported to storage for market

Discussion: packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products
for distribution, storage, sale and use. While marketing is all the process involved in getting
the right product to the right customer, at the right place, at the right time and at the right

Additionally it is of vital importance to packaging and market your product since:

 It helped to maintain quality( appearance, texture, flavour and nutritive value)

 To protect food safety.
 To reduce losses between harvest and consumption.
 Opens new marketing opportunities.
 Generate new jobs
 It help prevent food contamination for example by becoming infested by rodents (rats)
and other pest.

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Conclusion: It can be concluded that marketing and packaging is of vital importance since it
help to protect the food from becoming contaminated, also it helped to maintained quality
(appearance, texture, flavour and nutritional value

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Broiler Research Results and Findings

Feed conversion ratio Hi-pro feed Nutramix feed

FCR= Feed eaten (kg) 9 bags feed 7 bags feed

weight gained (kg) 1 bag feed = 25 kg 1 bag feed = 25 kg

9 ×25 = 225 kg 7 ×25 = 175 kg

Total weight of Meat 110.5 lbs meat 122.5 lbs of meat

2.2 lbs = 1 kg 2.2 lbs =1 kg

110.5lbs = 110.5×1 = 50.23kg 122.5lbs = 122.5×1= 55.7 kg

2.2 2.2

FCR = 225kg = 4.48 FCR = 175 kg = 3.14

50.23 kg 55.7 kg

FCR = 4.48kg of feed : 1kg of FCR = 3.14kg of feed : 1kg of

meat meat

The feed that give the bird the best FCR is Nutramix feed because it

took 3.14kg of feed to give the birds 1kg of meat. While the hi pro

Comments feed took 4.48kg of feed to give the broiler birds 1kg of feed.

Furthermore the Nutramix feed was cheaper than the hi pro feed

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because the Nutramix feed since it took 7 bags of feed to feed the

broiler birds while the hi pro feed took 9 bags of feeds to feed the

broiler birds

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Hi pro feed Nutramix feed

Feed Eaten Weight gained Total amont of weight gained

PROJECTED BUDGET - Income and Expenditure

Income Hi-pro Nutramix

Weight Unit Total ($) Weight Unit cost Total ($)

lbs +cost ($) lbs ($)

115lbs 200.00 23,000.00 123lbs 190.00 23,370.00

35 | P a g e
4lbs 120.00 480.00 4lbs 130.00 520.00

4lbs 120.00 480.00 4lbs 130.00 520.00

4lbs 120.00 480.00 4lbs 130.00 520.00

160.00 640.00 4lbs 180.00 720.00

25,080.00 25,650.00

Expenditure Quantity Unit Total ($) Quantity Unit cost Total ($)

cost ($) ($)

Chicks 200 105.00 21,000.00 200 104.00 20,800.00

Feed 25bags 1500.00 37,500.00 20 1,600.00 32,000.00

Hi-provit 1 pack 460.00 460.00 1 pack 460.00 460.00

Sawdust 5 bags 250.00 1,250.00 5 bags 250.00 1,250.00

Polythene Provided Provided

by school by school

Plason 2 - Provided 2 - Provided

by school by school

36 | P a g e
Feeding Tray 2 - Provided 2 - Provided

by School by School

Brooder 1 - Provided 1 - Provided

by School by School

Water 200 gal - Provided 200 gal - Provided

by School by School

(Rainfall) (Rainfall)

Electricity - - Provided - - Provided

by school by school

Miscellaneous - - 500.00 - - 500.00

Total projected 65,210.00 59,510.00


Projected income 40,130.00 33,860.00

– total projected


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Actual Income and Actual Expenditure

Troy High School Income and Expenditure statement 2019

Income Hi-pro Nutramix

Qua Unit Total ($) Quanti Unit cost Total ($)

ntit cost ty (kg) ($)

y ($)


Sale of meat 102. 200.00 20,500.00 105 200.00 21,000.00

Sale of able

2.1 120.00 252.00 2.1 120.00 252.00

-sale of
2.1 120.00 252.00 2.1 120.00 252.00
chicken feet
2.1 120.00 252.00 2.15 120.00 252.00
-sale of gizzard
5 100.00 500.00 5 100.00 500.00
-sale of

chicken liver


Total actual 21,756.00 22,256.00


39 | P a g e
Actual Qua Unit Total ($) Quanti Unit cost Total ($)

expenditure ntit cost ty (kg) ($)

y ($)


Chicks 25 103.00 2,575.00 25 103.00 2,575.00

Feed 7 1,500. 11,060.00 5 bags 1,560.00 7,800.00

bags 00

electrolyte hi- 1 460.00 460.00 1 pack 460.00 460.00

provit pac

Litter material 4 200.00 800.00 4 bags 200.00 800.00

(saw dust) bags

Polythene 25 2.40 60.00 25 bags 2.40 60.00


Plasmon 2 - provide by 2 - provide by

school school

feeding tray 2 - provide by 2 - provide by

school school

Brooder 1 - provide by 1 - provide by

school school

Miscellaneous - - 200.00 - - 200.00

40 | P a g e
Total actual 16,155.00 12,256.00


Actual profit 21,756.00- 22,256.00-

= total actual 16,155.00=5,601 12,256.00=9,3

.00 61.00
Income – total



41 | P a g e
Comparing project income with actual income


Hi- Pro Nutramix

projected income Actual income

On comparing my projected income verses my annual income the projected income was higher

than the actual income since Hi pro feed and the Nutramix feed was sold at a higher price

compared to the actual income.

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Comparing project and actual expenditure



Nutramix feed

Hi- pro feed

0.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 30,000.00 40,000.00 50,000.00 60,000.00 70,000.00

Actua; Expenditure projected expenditure

When Compared my projected expenditure verses my annual expenditure I made a profit,

because I price my materials and equipment at a much lower cost for I didn’t know the correct

prices the results were in my favour.

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Comparing between surplus with shortfall / surplus

My surplus verses my short fall was unexpected but accurate. Because I didn’t know how much

materials and equipment’s I would have needed or how much I would sell my chickens, the

results were on a downside.

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Based on the research conducted it can be concluded that the feed that gave the bird the best

FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio) was the Nutramix feed since the Nutramix feed The feed that give

the bird the best FCR is Nutramix feed because it took 3.14kg of feed to give the birds 1kg of

meat. While the hi pro feed took 4.48kg of feed to give the broiler birds 1kg of feed.

Furthermore the Nutramix feed was cheaper than the hi pro feed because the Nutramix feed

since it took 7 bags of feed to feed the broiler birds while the hi pro feed took 9 bags of feeds

to feed the broiler birds

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While conducting this research on broiler production some limitations faced were:

 The birds were not given the correct amount of feed

 The correct supplement were not available to give the birds

 The birds were not given enough water resulting in dehydration and different poultry


 The poultry house were not clean regularly resulting in the birds contracting a lot of


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Based on the research conducted the researcher made the following recommendations:

 Always ensure that the birds are given the correct amount of feed so that they stay


 Always ensure that the birds are given the correct supplements so that the birds do not

contract different diseases

 Always ensure that the broiler birds are given adequate amount of water so that they do

that become dehydrated

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