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218 Journal of Administrative Sciences & Organization, November 2010, Page 218-227 Volume 17, Number 3

Bisnis & Birokrasi, Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi

ISSN 0854 - 3844, Accredited by DIKTI Kemendiknas RI No : 64a/DIKTI/Kep/2010

Development of Dynamic Capabilities of Education Service Policy

Processes in Jembrana, Bali

PT Daya Dimensi Indonesia,

Abstract. The paper believes that dynamic capabilities of public organizations, founded upon able human resources and agile
process, shall result on adaptive public policies, thus forming dynamic governance. The paper adopts the model developed
by Neo and Chen (2007) in their study on the government of Singapore. The study object of this paper is public services
in Jembrana, Bali. The paper combines both quantitative (SEM structural equation test) and qualitative approaches. The
qualitative method consists of in-depth descriptive analysis of interview responses and Soft System Methodology (SSM) to
devise the public policy development process model. SEM structural equation test provides the correlation of (i) able people to
thinking-again, (ii) agile process to thinking-ahead, (iii) agile process to thinking-across, (iv) thinking-again to thinking-across,
and (v) thinking-again to thinking-ahead. Conceptual development model using qualitative SSM suggests complementary
relations to SEM structural equation test, where dynamic capabilities are concentrated in the thinking-again aspect whereas
thinking-ahead and thinking-across are concentrated in the initiative of Jembrana Regent. The qualitative-descriptive analysis
suggests that the behaviour of the Jembrana Regency governance reflects the skills of developing dynamic capabilities: thinking
ahead, thinking again, and thinking across.

Keywords: dynamic capabilities, able people, agile process, adaptive policy, dynamic governance.

INTRODUCTION institutionalized some of them into law, which are

tuition waiver for students of primary and secondary
The series of social, political, and economic events education since 2001, scholarship grants for private
in Indonesia in the last few decades demonstrated school students since 2003, and twelve years
that the citizens need to reorganize administrative mandatory education since 2006 (Suara Merdeka
procedures of the central and local governments. Online 2005, Anonymous 2007).
Administrative reforms became a concept, in theory The issue raised in the paper is how to develop a
and practice, to create good governance and for better model on the effects of able people and agile process
Indonesian future. Administrative reforms have to dynamic capabilities in public policy procesess
wide-ranging definitions; however, the bottom line in Jembrana, starting from policy formulation,
of every definition is the creation of programs and implementation, and evaluation (Nakamura and
policies to hurdle challenges for better governance Smallwood 1980, Mustopadidjaja 2002). Policy
(Caiden 1969). processes are analysed using system approach
The study by Neo and Chen (2007) on the (Nakamura and Smallwood 1980), where policy
government of Singapore has proved that dynamic processes are viewed from environmental functions,
governance is formed if adaptive policies are made, each has its own arena and actor interacting within
in which current programs and regulations are the contexts and time the policy processes are
adjusted periodically. Such will only be true if there applied. Grindle and Thomas (1995) introduced the
is continuous learning through processes of dynamic interactive model, where public policy processes are
capabilities consisting of think-ahead, think-again, approached as dynamic phenomena and every party
and think-across capabilities in building able people involved may propose changes to every stage of the
and agile process process.
A number of local governments in Indonesia have A dynamic organization may be defined as an
been able to form dynamic governance. Among organization full of new ideas, fresh perception,
which is Jembrana Regency, Bali, identifiable continuous improvements, as well as efficient,
from several pro-public policies, such as equal adaptive, flexible, innovative, and creative actions.
opportunity of education for all. In relation with Such condition is possible if there is continuous
education service policies implemented since learning, quick and effective execution, and endless
2001, the Regency Government of Jembrana has improvements (Neo and Chen 2007). Development

and improvement of organizational capabilities, the thinking ahead capability is positioned in such
or, in Akwei’s term (2008), dynamic capabilities, a manner as an effort to achieve the goals of the
are continually implemented on internal resources organization (Senge 2006). The capability to think
(employee development and organizational learning) ahead is once again shown in the ability of the
and external resources (cooperation and acquisition). organization to evaluate its programs and policies
Teece et al. defined dynamic capabilities as the ability objectively and truthfully. Albaek, as quoted in
of an organization to integrate, build, and reconfigure Rist (1996) explained that evaluation of policies
internal and external competences in facing rapid produces actual and objective data which can be
changes of its surroundings (Bitar 2004). Dynamic used to improve policy enforcement. Thinking
capabilities are identified as agents of change making across capability is consistent with the development
organization development possible and at the same benchmarking of rival organizations considered
time improve its capabilities responding to external innovative in its field (Sand and Nordgård 2008,
factors (Akwei 2008). Kyro 2003, Sisson, Arrowsmith, and Marginson
The current governance must be able to 2008).
implement dynamic governance by devising To withhold the development cycle of dynamic
policies, regulations, and organizational structure capabilities (thinking ahead, thinking again, and
in accordance with changes in socio-economic and thinking across), long-term commitment and investment
citizen behaviour. As such, adaptive policies are to develop able people as well as effective, efficient,
required, and decisions to solve the ever-changing and responsive organizational processes are needed.
and ever-complex issues of the society are made The condition is inducted through conceptualization,
(Walker, Rahman, and Cave, 2001). An adaptive evaluation, and customization so that people adapt to
policy is one that meets the needs and satisfies the choose the direction which creates reforms by means
targeted society (Hartfield-Dodds, Nelson, and Cool of continual adaptive policy, thus forming dynamic
2007). Neo and Chen (2007) stated that a dynamic governance (Neo and Chen 2007).
governance is formed by way of institutionalizing The capacity to develop dynamic capabilities is
cultural values supporting the capability of the found in the human resources of the organization.
organization to be proactive in making adaptive These individuals have the capability to think,
paths, therefore creating continuous changes and rethink, feel, make decisions, as well as building
improvement. Such changes are made possible by their own personality and that of the organization.
adaptive policies, consisting of regulations, policies,
Of the inputs of the organization, only human
incentives, and organization structure amendments.
resources can make independent choices. Other
By means of the adaptive policy, governance
inputs, such as process, system, and structure are
innovation as a paramount instrument of change
decisions made by the people as the leader (Neo and
may be formed. Nonetheless, the prerequisite for
Chen 2007). Disparities of successful profiles are
the government would be to develop dynamic
expected to be minimalized by effectively managing
capabilities consisting of thinking ahead, thinking
again, and thinking across. The development must human resources by recruitment, selection, training,
be placed on paths and policies which develop performance measurement, and methods to keep
human resources and public institution processes talents (Byham, Smith, and Paese 2002). Production
development (Neo and Chen 2007). of successful profiles can guarantee individual
Thinking ahead capability is to capture early contribution to the organization as a whole since it
signals of future development processes, which is better suited to the needs and disposable resources
may correlate with current conditions. The think of the organization (Byham and Moyer 1996).
again capability is to consciously contemplate and The effectiveness of government depends not
remake currently applied functional policies as a on certain individuals, as it risks the stability of the
measure to improve performance. Thinking across administration. As such, an effective government
capability is openness to new experiences outside must be institutionalized well. Processes should
the organization so that new concepts and ideas are be designed and implemented in such a manner so
introduced to the organization (Neo and Chen 2007). that the administration keeps running and functions
The dynamic capability framework devised by Neo well, despite leadership changes. The ability of
and Chen is illustrated in Figure 1. the organization is also affected by the processes
As for organization development, developing of coordination, combination, and integration of
220 Journal of Administrative Sciences & Organization, November 2010, Page 218-227 Volume 17, Number 3
Bisnis & Birokrasi, Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi
Institutionalizing Culture, Capabilities and Change
(Boon Siong Neo dan Geraldine Chen, 2007)

Uncertainties Insights

Thinking Ahead CHANGE

Able People

Challenge Policy Dynamic

Thinking Again Adaptive Policies
Agile Process

External Ideas
Practices Thinking Across

CULTURE Constraints Confronts Catalyzes

Principles: Incorruptibility, Meritocracy, Markets, Pragmatism, Multi-racialism
Belief: State Activism, Long-term, Relevance, Growth, Stability, Prudence, Self Reliance

Figure 1. Dynamic Capabilities Framework

Source: Neo and Chen (2007)

various employee and task force performances. The qualitative approach used is in-depth interviews
This situation makes absorption of new ideas and to describe the effects of able people and agile
continuous reconfiguration and transformation process to education service dynamic capabilities
induction possible (Neo and Chen 2007). in Jembrana. The approach is supported by Soft
System Methodology (SSM) to analyse the effects
METHODOLOGY of able people and agile process to the development
of the dynamic capabilities of education service
This paper focuses on working aspects as model. Locations of study are Jembrana Regency
a general truth based on the issue previously office, Regional House of Representatives Office,
mentioned. Paradigm of pragmatism is used as the and certain agreed-upon locations. Information
research basis, in conjunction of a combination of sources of the study are regency officials, members
qualitative and quantitative methods (Takashori of the Regional House of Representatives, school
and Teddile, 2003:713), as well as dominant-not principals, religious figures, Head of the Schools
dominant approach, emphasizing on qualitative Committee, NGO activists, and business owners.
results (Takashori and Teddlie 2003). Information sources are selected purposively based
The qualitative method uses Structural Equation on period and position held at the organization.
Modelling (SEM) method. The population of the The SSM method is conducted by comparing real
study is every actor involved in education policy conditions with expected model conditions using
processes (policy formulation, implementation, and the seven steps proposed by Checkland (1981),
evaluation). Respondents consist of government Checkland and Scholes (1990), and Underwood
officials, members of the Regional House of (1996).
Representatives, consultants, public and religious Organizational dynamic capabilities are generated
figures, business owners, NGO activists, Head of by able people, thus forming agile process (effective,
the Schools Committee, and education foundation efficient, and responsive) during policy formulation
managers. The sample collection technique is and evaluation stages. Such is identified by the ability
snowball sampling, where the number of samples is of the organization to think ahead (anticipating
based on SEM model norms (Ferdinand 2002). Two future developments), think again (actual policy
hundred and twenty-five questionnaires are given implementation evaluation), and think across
out and filled. Data is analysed using SEM model (learning extrapolation and interpolation in different
and LISREL software. contexts). Study model hypothesis is illustrated in

Thinking Ahead
Eighth Proposition, If development of dynamic
governance is a political process, any form of
Able People resistance must be supressed. For that end, strong and
Thinking Again charismatic leaders are needed; whose characters are
creative, humble, and devout.
Agile Process


Figure 2. Study Model Hypothesis
SEM statistics model suitable to find the effects
of able people and agile process to form dynamic
Figure 2. capabilities in education service policy process in
There are eight research propositions, as Jembrana is illustrated in the Competing Model 2,
follows: First Proposition, If public organizations Figure 3 below:
are able to form dynamic capabilities, then public Several differences are found after comparing
policy processes results are efficient, effective, and Competing Model 2 with the study hypothesis model:
responsive: policies full of new ideas, continuous 1) the study hypothesis model assumes the presence
improvements, as well as efficient, adaptive, flexible, of significant and correlating relations between the
innovative, and creative actions. variables of able people and agile process with the
Second Proposition, If public organizations are paths of thinking ahead, thinking again, and thinking
able to develop able people and they produce agile across; and, 2) in the process of developing dynamic
processes, then public policy dynamic capabilities capabilities, the study hypothesis model illustrates
are formed (policy formulation, implementation, cyclic relations, i.e. the thinking ahead allows for
and evaluation). thinking again, then allows for thinking across,
Third Proposition, Public organizations are said then thinking across, and finally thinking ahead.
to have developed able people and agile processes Significantly correlated paths are not as numerous as
should they have the capabilities of thinking ahead, found in the hypothesis, as shown in Table 1 below:
thinking again, and thinking across. Based on the SEM test results above, the dynamic
Fourth Proposition, If public organizations capabilities of Jembrana Regency Government cover
are able to form dynamic capabilities, then the three dimensions: thinking again if correlated to
capabilities are materialized in the form of adaptive the development of able people, thinking ahead if
policies (policies which allows the organization to correlated to the development of agile process, and
renew its ability to respond continuous internal and thinking across if correlated to the development of
external changes). agile process.
Fifth Proposition, If public organizations are The dynamic capabilities behaviour of the
able to form adaptive policies, it will form dynamic Jembrana Regency Government in developing
governance (dynamic administration procedures) as able people covers three items: “The Capability to
programs and activities of the administration must Predict the Future” as a form of thinking ahead, “The
be adjusted to the institutionalization of cultural Capability to Confront with Actual Reality” as a form
values to support development of the organization’s of thinking again, and “The Capability to Go Across
capabilities. to Learn from Other People” as a form of thinking
Sixth Proposition, If development of dynamic across.
governance aims to strengthen administration Findings in Jembrana Regency differ from that
capacity by adapting continuously to its surroundings, of Neo and Chen in Singapore. The development
the process is known as public administration reform, of able people in Jembrana merely encourage
and as such must take into account relevant political thinking again capability, but not thinking ahead
aspects in relation with power due to resistance of and thinking across capabilities, since they remain
the planned reforms. in the level of Jembrana Regent I Gede Winasa. As
Seventh Proposition, If development of dynamic for Singapore, development of able people allows
governance correlates with political aspects, then for thinking ahead, thinking again, and thinking
policy processing stages (formulation, implementation, across simultaneously. There are disparities between
and evaluation) are considered integral to the values the Regent Winasa and his officials, for example
enforced, as differences may cause conflicts. when the Regent Winasa announced ‘equality and
222 Journal of Administrative Sciences & Organization, November 2010, Page 218-227 Volume 17, Number 3
Bisnis & Birokrasi, Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi

Figure 3. T-Vale and Standardized Solution for Competing Model 2 Path Coefficients

Table 1. Effects of Able People & Agile Process to Dynamic Capabilities

Competing Model 2
Variable T-Value T-Table Description Effect
Able People → Thinking Again 10,64 1.96 Significant 0,81 0,21
Agile Process → Thinking Ahead 7,44 1.96 Significant 0,78 0,66
Agile Process → Thinking Across 2,55 1.96 Significant 0,24 0,05
Thinking Again → Thinking Ahead 3,26 1.96 Significant 0,30 0,14
Thinking Again → Thinking Across 5,88 1.96 Significant 0,73 0,53

competition’ as his education services policy. The study findings also suggest that the correlation
The ability of Jembrana Regency Government among the elements of dynamic capabilities are not
to develop dynamic capabilities is also seen when cyclic, i.e. it does not begin from the development of
designing and implementing a number of agile thinking ahead, to thinking again, to thinking across
process policies by means of Funds, Personnel, and back to thinking ahead. Instead, it begins from
and Nature (FPN). Empirical findings support the thinking again and then to both thinking across and
view held by Garvin, that reformation reflects the thinking ahead. The dynamic capabilities of thinking
organization’s adaptation, development, and growth again to thinking ahead and thinking across is
and shown by adjusting the scale, character, and illustrated by devising Regional Regulations which
identity of theorganization (Gavin in Neo and Chen guarantees access to education.
2007). Through FPN management, the Jembrana After the Jembrana Regency Government has
Regency Government reorganizes previous policy successfully implemented thinking again on education
performance standards and measurements in services policies, the capability of thinking ahead
preparation for new challenges in the field. resulted in the passing of several public policy
Three agile processes allows for dynamic Acts, such as state-sponsored education from
capabilities, consisting of future policy compiling kindergarten to high school, scholarships grants, and
scenario and strategy processes, pinpoint budgeting tweleve years compulsory education. By virtue of the
process, and at the same time adds value to the capital, three Regional Regulations, the citizens of Jembrana
and coordination and integration improvement are guaranteed to enjoy high school education. Any
processes, which then allows for reforms and administration succeeding the administration of
education service quality improvements. Regent Winasa is obliged to continue his education

services programs. The policy development process of Kajian School

The policy to manage Kajian School (a kind of is an example of the capability of the Jembrana
vocational school with focus on life skills) is an Regency Government in adaptive public policies.
example of the dynamic capabilities of Jembrana Policy processes of Kajian School, formulation,
Regency Government. After comparing study model implementation, and evaluation may be used as
development results by means of SSM (see Figure paths for dynamic capabilities because it resulted
4), future improvement suggestions are formulated. in decision, execution, adaptation, and innovation.
In addition, comparison by means of SSM also In accordance with Bitar’s concept (2004), dynamic
reached the same objective conclusion to that of capabilities adaptive policy path in Jembrana is a
the SEM method: Kajian School management triggering element for individuals, organizations, and
capabilities - thinking ahead and thinking across – organizational elements (resources, skills, systems,
do not cover every level of the policy enforcement. structures, and culture), thus allowing learning.
Findings show that Regent Winasa is central in the The capability of Jembrana Regency Government
development of thinking ahead and thinking across to create adaptive policies in education service
capabilities. motivates proactive dynamic governance in the
The SSM method proved the presence of thinking region. The phenomena are supported by policies,
again, as part of dynamic capabilities. The visionary regulations, and organizational structures suitable
ideas of Regent Winasa are translated by enforcer: for changes in socio-economic and social behaviour
the policy planners and the field enforcers (teachers in Jembrana. A number of creative innovations are
and principals). This proves that officials under made, such as state-sponsored education, scholarship
Winasa have developed thinking again, materialized grants, and twelve years compulsory education, and
in the form of policy evaluation effectiveness, which the establishment of Kajian School.
gradually increases quality. Several agile process policies are also made,
The phenomena which occurred in Jembrana such as budget flexibility for added value and price
disproves the concept by Lewin, as quoted in Bitar fixing to meet prices at Jembrana market. Project
(2004), that the capability of the organization is executions in Jembrana are relatively able to reduce
not affected by individual talents, but by a number the number of authority abuses due to corruption.
of elements of the organization connected with Development of agile process of officials begins
individual capabilities within the organization. On from recruitment to capacity building, which in turn
the contrary, the condition in Jembrana supports creates able people.
the view of experts who state that strong leadership Participation of the citizens in the development
allows for administration reforms. Such views are, is also supported, among others by involving the
among others, Peter’s purposive model (top-down), citizens in physical development processes by
as quoted in Farazmand (2003) or Caiden (1969), means of a block grant system, rather than the open
who emphasized on the importance of local elites, tender system. Civilian groups are involved by
who have the authority to reform and reorganize the opinion collections and formation of various NGOs.
public sector. The condition illustrates the formation of dynamic
The dynamic capabilities development model governance in Jembrana; in Hatfield-Dodds, Nelson,
devised by Neo and Chen is not entirely applicable and Cook’s term (2007), adaptive government. The
in Jembrana, but nonetheless is sufficient in Jembrana Regency Government has successfully
supporting the dynamic capabilities present there, as passed policies which could accelerate development
it renews the organization’s capability by means of in a continuous manner in order to adjust itself with
passing several public policy Acts. As explained by changes in social, economic, and politics of its
Nonaka, the Jembrana Regency Government is able people.
to construct an interaction between tacit and explicit Observation during the study showed that the
knowledge, and at the same time allows individual capability of the Jembrana Regency Government
to transfer his organizational knowledge. The cycle in forming dynamic governance is made possible
repeats when organizational knowledge moves an because of cultural values compatibility of the
individual, thus opening new knowledge and new Jembrana people, the values of which are belief,
experiences. Regent Winasa is the dominant source values held, values given, and mutual belief (Neo
of knowledge for the knowledge development of and Chen 2007). Approximately 70% of the
education policy processes. Jembrana people are Hindus; however, Balinese
224 Journal of Administrative Sciences & Organization, November 2010, Page 218-227 Volume 17, Number 3
Bisnis & Birokrasi, Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi

Figure 4. The Effects of Able People and Agile Process to Education Service Policy Dynamic Capabilities
Model Development (A Case Study on Kajian School)

culture is relatively moderate than those in eastern Based on the concept of reform by Caiden
and western Bali. The rest of the percentage is (1969), the development of the dynamic capabilities
Muslims and Christians. Some accentuating features of education service policies in Jembrana is
found are the pride of being a Jembrana, honesty, inclusive of administration reform, as it allows
integrity, being not corrupt, open, discipline, and for achievement of better values: democracy and
hardworking. good governance (transparency, accountability, and
Cultural values developed during public policy citizen participation). Administration reform also
process in Jembrana suggest the development of took place if resistance from various parties, such
a strong culture. This sort of culture is required to as the citizens, politicians, and bureaucrats, relevant
quicken reforms. Kotter and Haskett, as quoted in to the policy are present (Montgomery, in Caiden
Khasali (2005) explain that strong culture within an 1969). Because of the resistance, administration
organization has distinctive traits and pursues the reform requires backing from those in power, which
same objective, in that every employee works with in turn causes the process to have political aspects
relatively similar methods and values. (Nakamura and Smallwood 1980).

Dynamic capabilities in Jembrana are different by individual talents within an organization. The
to that of Neo and Chen found in Singapore, since situation in Jembrana, on the contrary, strengthened
aspects of political and leadership is insufficiently the purposive model by Peter, quoted in Farazmand,
inputted in lieu to administration reform. Findings or the reform concept in Caiden, which emphasizes
in Jembrana suggest that the dynamic capabilities of on the importance of local elites, as those who has
education service process are engulfed by politics. the authority to start public sector reforms and
In the context of education service, they are affected reorganization.
by political relations between actors of each policy Second, education service policy processes
process environment. in Jembrana have developed moral values,
In formulating education service policies, the among which are policies which supress corrupt
Jembrana Regency Government must convince the practices by standaridizng project bids and citizen
Regional House of Representatives and the citizens involvement in development. This is an example
to accept and execute in the field the policies that have of the implementation of good governance values
been made. The Jembrana Regency Government (accountability, transparency, and participation).
proactively informs its current and future policies The phenomena in Jembrana is different with the
to the citizens through mass media and NGOs. This research done by Mohammad Mohabbat Khan,
condition allows the Jembrana Regency Government who concluded that in developed countries,
to successfully overcome hurdles thrown by the such as democratic South Asian countries, such
Regional House of Representatives, especially in the phenomena usually fails to occur. Among the factors
beginning of Regent Winasa’s administration as he of such failures is apathy of the citizens to ruling
was not supported by the majority of the House. administration as civil reforms are not considered as
There are three items successfully undertaken important agendas.
by the Jembrana Regency Government. First, the Third, Practical implications of the study cover a
Regency Government has successfully overcome number of aspects. First, the dynamic capabilities
senior bureaucrats and politicians struggling to of education service policy process in Jembrana is
keep the status quo. The effects of such action are developed, thus assisting the people of Jembrana to
abolishment of politicization of public affairs, realize their civil rights. The condition then quickens
reduction of corruption, and increasing efficiency. the dynamic capabilities of further public policy
The steps taken by the Regency Government to development process, despite Winasa no longer regent.
downsize and enrich organization functions are Forth, the role of Regent Winasa is still central in
standardization of project bids, and intensification devising scenarios and strategies of future policies.
of both role and function of Regency Supervisory In the future, a system to devise scenario and
Board. planning is needed, involving stakeholders from the
Second, there is improvement of politicians and government, private sector, and citizens.
parties quality in accordance with democratization, The Jembrana Regency Government is capable
thus balancing the greater power of bureaucracies. of thinking dynamically in managing budgets, in
As a consequence of the phenomenon, the tendency that the Government standardized the prices of
for politicians to conjure detrimental cooperation is development projects in accordance with prices in
evaded. Lastly, citizen concerns of their government Jembrana and, in turn, allows for flexible and pinpoint
are expressed through mass media and NGOs. budgeting. The decisions made usually collide with
The citizens understand their rights and are more current regulations as it does not conform to project
involved in public policy process correlating to their management instructions issued by the central or
interests. provincial government. In the future, opportunities
The findings of the study bring forth the following to improvise local public administrations by
theoretical and practical implications: adjusting rules and regulations enforced at the local
First, differences in dynamic capabilities findings and national administrations need to be devised.
of public policy process in Singapore by Neo and
Chen to that of the conditions in Jembrana are CONCLUSIONS
caused by the dominance of Jembrana Regent I
Gede Winasa. The condition is different to that of The concept of dynamic capabilities proposed
the study by Lewin et al., as quoted in Bitar, that by Neo and Chen in their study on the government
organizational development capability is not affected of Singapore can be implemented the development
226 Journal of Administrative Sciences & Organization, November 2010, Page 218-227 Volume 17, Number 3
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