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ultramari0 (58) dans cure • il y a 3 ans

How to CURE MOST DISEASES over 90% , super simplified ( no big words) by Mario A
Sugar (Insulin) and acid (Digestion) are the sole cause of most diseases. Here's what do about
it .

Stop eating all sugars including fruit, Find out if you have to much acid OR to Little acid in
your stomach. To STOP if not cure just about everything.

1.Cancer, diabetes, Candida, tumors, Dementia ALL run off of sugar! DON'T feed the beast.

2.intermittent fasting eat only once per day max 2.

3.Use healthy fats such as grass fed organic butter, coconut oil, and avocado's, yes you can
use lard but its not as good.

4.Buy a water and air purifier .

Use clean chlorella tm or sl from healthy ranger and Hawaiian spirulina pacifica tablets to get
50x the strength of wheat grass. OR EAT TEN CUPS OF ORGANIC VEGGIES A DAY (
Take plant based trace minerals
Use virgin cod liver oil.
To little acid take apple cider vinegar organic , and betaine hydrochloride.
To much acid drink lemonade .
Take a live pro-biotic
80% fat and 20% protein i like pea or hemp.
If you have a headache when first starting eat more coconut oil (MTC oil) until your brain
make the change to Keto.

Do this until your are cured , remember all doctors run a business and will NEVER want to
lose there cash cow THAT'S YOU! always do the opposite of what the government says and
you will be safe, and that's what this diet does, is its known as the ketogenic diet. JUST with
my mods.

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