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In what follows are some expressions you can use when asking for and giving opinions:

Asking for opinion Giving opinion

 What do you think about …?  To be honest, …
 What’s your opinion about …?  Well, if you ask me, …
 What’s your view about …?  To my mind, … / In my opinion, / view …
 How do you feel about …?  I really feel that ….
 Do (don’t) you think/believe that …?  Personally speaking, I think …
 Do you really think / believe that …?  I would like to point out that …
 Are you absolutely sure that …?  I strongly believe that …
 Am I right in thinking that …?  From my point of view, ….
 Would I be right in thinking that …?  As far as I’m concerned, …
 etc.  I think / believe … /It seems to me that…

A. Respond to the following :

1. Science and technology will destroy the word some day, don’t you think so?
2. Cigarette advertisements are a danger to public health. What do you think?
3. What’s your view about brain drain?
4. Women should be given a greater role today.
5. What should be done to alleviate poverty in the country?

B. Express the same function in a different way :

1- To my mind, Moroccan TV channel 4 programmes are far from satisfactory.

2- As I see it, exams are just a waste of time. They’re useless and unreliable.
3- I personally think that behind every successful man stands a woman.
4- What’s your opinion about the Moroccan comedian, Said Naciri?
5- Am I right in thinking that what holds Muslims backward is their inability to communicate with each

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