To Be in Past (Pasado Del Verbo To Be) : Was Were

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Resumen prueba de ingles

To be in past (pasado del verbo to be ) was/were

 Significa Fue o estaba


 I
 He
 She
 It


 You
 We
 They


 Positive: p.p + to be in past + complement

 Negative:p.p + to be in past + not + complement
 Question: To be in past + p.p + complement?
- Yes ,p.p was/were
- No, p.p wasn’t /weren’t
Wh + to be in past + p.p + complement?
- An specific answer and complete ( una respuesta especifica y completa).
 Betty was in Germany last summer
 Betty wasn’t in Germany last summer
 Was betty in germany last summer?

A) Create questions for this sentence (crea preguntas para esta oracion)

Betty was in Germany last summer

1)Where was betty last summer?

She was in germany

2)when was betty in Germany?

Last year

2)who was in germany last year?


B) Put these sentences into the past use past form of vert to be

Coloca estas oraciones en pasado usando la forma de pasado dem verbo to be

 Para cambiar una oración que tenga is , am se reemplaza por was

 Para cambiar una oración que tenga are se reemplaza por were

Jane and michael are tired they were tired

She is in the park she was in the park

I am thirsty I was thirsty

C) Write questions and answers using past to be

Escribe preguntas y respuestas usando el pasado de be

I Bought these new shoes yesterday

A) (they/on sale?)__________ were they on sale?

b) (yes/ they only $25 )_____yes ,they were only$ 25

Make negatives sentences using was/were

 (Nick/in class)______Nick wasn’t in class

 (Kevin/ at my party)____kevin wasn’t at my party

Past continuous
Se utiliza para acciones que estaban pasando en un momento especifico
en el pasado
Se usa para una accion en desarrollo en el pasado cuando otra accion la
interrumpe esta accion que interrumpe esta en pasado simple
While mientras
When cuando
Past simple------ When
EXample: he was talking to work when he fell
El estaba hablando de trabajo cuando el se cayo
While-------past continuous
Example: jase called while i was watching the news
Jose llamo mientras yo estaba viendo las noticias
Estructura pasado continuo
Positive: p.p + verb to be in past + verb ing + complement
Negative p.p + verb to be in past + not + verb ing + complement
Question: verb to be in past + p.p + verb ing + complement
Wh + ver to be in past + p.p + verb ing + complement

Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in
 I (make) was making my dinner at 8 o clock last night
 Who was that guy you (danced) were dancing with at the party?
Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of
the verbs in brackets
I switched off (switch off) the computer because it was making
(make) a strange noise

Past simple
Una accion finalizada que no tiene conexión con el presente , esta accion
es un evento especifico

Present perfect
Se usa para un tiempo indefinido en el pasado no se sabe en que
momento ocurrio
Time expressions
Just: sigmifica cabar de , se puede utilizar en oraciones positivas negativas
e interrogativas, esta expresión se coloca entre el have /has + main verb
lo que quedaria como have /has + just + main verb ex: we have just
finished the film
Already: significa ya se utiliza en oraciones positivas se coloca entre have
/has + main verb ex peter has already been to italy
Still: significa todabia se utiliza eb oraciones negativas y se coloca entre
antes de have /has ex peter still hasn’t been to italy
Yet:significa aun o todabia se refiere a algo que se espera o que aun no
pasa se puede utilizar en oraciones negativas e interrogativas
Ever: significa alguna vez
Never: significa nunca se refiere cuando no hay experiencia anteriomente
se utliza en oraciones positivas se coloca entre el have /has + main verb
ex i have never travelled to japan
For: significa por o durante por lo general muetra un periodo de tiempo
completo cantidad de dias años o meses etc, se puede usar en oraciones
positivas negativas e interrogativas se coloca antes del periodo de tiempo
ex i have lived in santander for two years se utliza en presente perfecto
Since: significa desde y por lo general muestra un tiempo espefico o fecha
o dia, se puede usar en oraciones positivas negativas e interrogativas se
coloca antes del momento especifico de tiempo ex: i have lived in
santamder since 1999 se utiliza en present perfect
Ago significa antes que ahora o tiempo atrás se usa en oraciones
positivas y se coloca al final de la oracion ex i had dinner an hour ago se
utiliiza en pasado simple

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