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Project Proposal

Team Picture (picture of team members)

Chakib Ahlouche:(2nd of the right)

Alexandra Lowry:(Far right)
Lebeau Munimbazi: (Far left)
Nathan Nordling: (2nd on the left)

Project Name: ​SuperSuperMario

Team competency:​for each team member list what is prior programming
knowledge/experience (i.e. courses/languages/ internships/etc) (and # semester in college). Any
Chakib Ahlouche:
Courses taken: Com S 227 , Com S 228 , SE 185 , currently taking SE 319
Languages known: Java , C , python (little bit)
College Semester: second semester Junior .
Alexandra Lowry:
Courses taken:
Languages known:
College Semester:
Lebeau Munimbazi:
Courses taken: Com S 227,228, and 327
Languages known: Java, c++
College Semester: First semester junior
Nathan Nordling:
Courses taken: Com S 227/228 and Cpre 185/186
Languages known: Java, C
College Semester: First semester junior

Description of project:
//First, write one short paragraph to describe what your project will do:

The project will be a mobile app, developed on android studio, and will be a multiplayer 2D
game. It will allow one group of users, the players, to play in an arena and battle over resources.
It will allow another group of user, the moderators, to spectate matches and place bets on
winners as well. Administrators will have the abilities of players and moderators, as well as extra
abilities ; some abilities could be removing players or other moderators.

//Next, write another paragraph on how your project will work (what pieces make up your
//project). This is known as concept of operaMons.

The the server will control the movements of the clients. Clients will send inputs to the server
that will control the player’s character. A server will be connected to a data base which will hold
the users profile, stats, and other relevant information.

//Language/PlaNorm/libraries (list these as best as you can) example: javascript, servlets,

//MySQL, android, java

We will be using Android/xml, java, and MYSQL

Large/Complex :​ –​ make a list briefly describing what makes this project large/complex
(there has to be enough work for 4 persons for an entire semester). This will include things that
are new to your team members (for example, you may never have worked on mobile

Most of us are newbies or do not have much experience with software development so this will
likely be a relatively new experience.
-We will need to learn how to use android studio to produce a game.
-We will need to learn how to get art to be animated
-We will need to learn how to make the android client communicate with a server.
-We will learn how to set up a server.
-We will need to learn how to get a server to communicate with multiple clients.
-We will need to learn how to get the server to retrieve information from the database, and
appropriately send that information to the clients.
-We will need to learn how to get a database to work.
-We will need to spend time developing the features of our game once it is set up

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