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Block Diagrams

Chakib Ahlouche
Alexandra Lowry
Lebeau Munimbazi
Nathan Nordling

Design Description

Android User
On the Client, we are using the Android. The UI will have at least eight activities for the
application. Ideally, the client will have enough data on it that it will allow a user to play the
game while not connected to the server. On the client, there will be enough of the game’s code
that would allow a user to play the game in a single player mode. In the single player part of the
game, the android would be able to produce the game’s world, the player, all the characters
movements and the items that would be in the game. The android client would also have code
that would allow the client to communicate with a server. It would communicate with the server
with JSON requests.
The Server responses to the android user’s request with JSON responses. The server keeps
working, regardless of the inputs from the users. Ideally the server will create worlds for the
users to interact with. If new users want to interact with another person’s world’s, they would be
able to. From there, the server would control and sent information about the user’s world. The
server would control the AI movement, the worlds items, and any chat between users.
In the database, we will be storing information that can be used in the server. Things that are
going to be stored in the database are the users’ profiles, match history, as well as the world's
map, nonplayer characters, and items. In addition to that, it would also store the leaderboard
information all the users.
Super Mario Block diagram

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