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Name : Hawa Hussain

Course : Business BTEC Level 3

Date : 11/10/19

Skills Analysis
The following form will help you to understand the skills you possess and any skill gaps you may

Working effectively with others

(For example, on a group project or with children).
Key words: approachability, team work, co-operation, rapport, adaptability
I can work effectively with others. I know I can work well with others because I have constantly
demonstrated this when we were asked to do team work in lessons. when doing teamwork I am
always cooperating with the group and expressing my own ideas in an approachable manner. an
example of me working effectively with others is in my unit 28. this unit is where I had to work with
another class member to build a business, I was approachable to the other class member and I
worked well with her.
(For example, expressing your ideas, explaining something complicated)
Key words: listening, enthusiasm, clarity, pertinence, confidence
I feel I have good communication skills I think this because I am very confident when I speak and
also when someone else is speaking I listen effectively which is a big part of communication skills.
An example of me demonstrating my communication skills and being able to explain complicated
things to others is on my work placement. on my work placement I am asked to communicate to
customers and explain to them and demonstrate to them how they can do everything online and
how to use ATM machines for different uses like paying your bills. This example proves me being
able to communicate well because i have to listen to the customers needs and do as they say.

Judgement and decision making

(For example, choosing which assignments to do, which information to include in a project)
Key words: decisiveness, research, planning, reaching a conclusion, evaluation
I am good at judgement and decision making because i usually take control of situations and take
it upon me to always weigh out the pros and cons of every situation. this has resulted in me being
good at decision making due to the fact that I am not easily swayed my opinion and am a very
strong minded individual.

Persuading and influencing

(For example, persuading someone to come to a party or accepting your argument)
Key words: communication, leadership, negotiation, charisma, motivation, determination,
forcefulness, vision, empathy
I have strong communication skills which helps me have good persuading skills. this is because in
order for me to persuade

Ability to solve problems

(For example, maths assignments, coping when team members don't pull their weight)
Key words: critical thinking, analysis, lateral thinking, creativity)
I would say that my ability to solve problems is not always the best approach This is due to the
fact that I am hotheaded. This results in me being not very effective when solving problems
because I can't solve problems fast without getting angry.
Time Management
(For example, ensuring your assignments are done on time)
I have a really good time management because i have good organ skills. this is due to the fact that
I plan ahead of time and keep a schedule of my day to day life, this helps to ensure I have enough
time to meet the deadlines and hand my work in on time. an example of me demonstrating my time
management is I never give assignments past the due date and always give it beforehand.

Use of IT
(For example, word processing a report, using a specialist package to solve a maths problem)
I thoroughly enjoy using a computer to complete my work due to my ICT skills being excellent. I am
able to process word reports effectively and enjoy using new software to complete tasks.
Achieving your goals
(For example, getting enough votes to be elected to a role in society)
Key words: determination, commitment, will-power, resolution, stamina, ambition, energy,
I am committed to making sure I get what I want. I am strong minded and strive for the best this
results in me achieving my goals due to m ambition and high energy. I have been able to secure a
work placement in a bank for this year, which is helping me to reach my goals of becoming a
mortgage advisor. by getting this valuable experience, i am using my initiative to get where I want
to be in life.
Specialist subject knowledge
i am really good at communication skills , this is because i am very confident when I talk
and i know how to listen well to others.

i am really good at time management, I know how to schedule my time well and how to
spread my work our evenly.

In which skills can you offer plenty of examples where you are using the skill?
communiction skills are used everyday in my life as when i am not in college i am either
working or at work placement where i am infront of many customers on a daily basis who
are enganging in conversation with me which is where i use my communication skills
(listening and talking).

part of my work placement and job is me working with other team members in order for our
customers to achieve the best experience.
In which skills do you have no evidence?

in the skill ability to solve problems , I have no evidence to provide as this is something I
need to work on and will ask my work placement to put me in a position where i have to
solve a problem so that I could build this useful life skills.

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