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and meaning of Tawalla and Tabarra

By Dr Mahmood Y. Abdullah

In general terms, Tawalla is to love and follow the friends of God or to love the virtuous, truthful and just.
Tabarra is to hate the enemies of God or to hate the oppressors, unjust, dishonest and liars. Under the same
broad definition, people, no matter how religious or irreligious they may be, prefer to associate with honest,
truthful and virtuous people; and they prefer to disassociate themselves from dishonest, evil and oppressing
people. Even the Mafia likes to employ honest and truthful people, who would refrain from cheating them
and embezzling their funds.

Even the professional thieves and robbers like to employ honest accountants, who would safeguard the
confidentiality of their activities and financial transactions. Therefore, befriending good and honest people is
part of human nature; as much as, refraining from evil and bad people is. This is a natural tendency, whether
the person on the receiving end is good or bad person. Likewise, choosing the source of food and water
supply, which is clean and not contaminated is also in human nature. To consume clean and healthy food is
Tawalla. To refrain from consuming contaminated food is Tabarra.

In human society, every good originates from God; and therefore, one has to love every good thing. Every evil
originates from Satan, who revolted against God and His commands. Therefore, one has to hate and abhor
every evil.

In the Islamic teachings of Ahlul Bayt, the holy Household of the Prophet of Islam, there are ten tenets of
religion chosen for the faithful and sincere followers of religion.

Prayers (Salaat), Fast (sawm) and Hajj (pilgrimage) are associated with the acts of worship, directly
connected with the devotion to Almighty God. Zakaat and Khums relate to economic and financial
obligations; and they are directly connected with social responsibilities. Jihad, Amr bil Ma’roof (enjoining
good) and Nahi anil munkar (refraining from evil), Tawalla (befriending the friends of God and Tabarra
(hating the enemies of God) are directly associated with military, social and political lives of the community
as a whole.

There are all sorts of people in human society in general, and Muslim community in particular. If the fabric of
the society or the community is to be protected from corruption, then the affairs of the society or the
community have to be managed by God-fearing people, who are honest, truthful and just people. These types
of people have been introduced in the Qur’an as the Prophets, the Messengers of God, the Imams and their
sincere and steadfast followers. They enjoy the distinction as the friends of God. So the believers have the
obligation to befriend them, love them and follow them. This is called Tawalla under Islamic principles. On
the other hand, the evil people are those who are prepared to commit for their selfish and political motives,
every atrocity, crime, murder and acts of terror. They are the enemies of God because they act against the
teachings of God. The believers are ordered to consider the enemies of God as their enemies.

The friends of God are introduced in the Qur’an and the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet - in Ayat-e-
Tatheer (the verse of purification). The Qur’an announced the complete purification of Muhammad and Ale
Mohammad (the holy progeny of the Prophet) from every uncleanliness and deficiency. Ayat-e-Mawaddat
made their love and following as an integral part of faith (iman). The Prophet, by the command of God the
Almighty made them awliya (vicegerents) over the religion of God. The Prophet introduced them by name in
every historic incident, in Ghadeer-e-Khum, in Mubahela, in the theatres of war and peace, on the final
conquest of Makkah and on his death-bed. Without loving and following them, neither the faith is complete
nor are the prayers are accepted. In this way, the religious obligation of Tawalla is fulfilled.

The Prophet did not leave this world, the temporary abode, until he fulfilled two fundamental duties
according to Allah’s command – the compilation of the Qur’an in written form and the appointment of
Ameerul Mo’mineen Ali ibn Abi Talib and the Imams from his progeny as his successors, one after another.

At the same time, Surat al-Tawba (the Repentance) issues stern warnings to the enemies of God and the
enemies of His vicegerents, because they were bent on corrupting the whole society through their disbelief
and mischief. The Prophet opposed them during his lifetime and cursed them. Therefore, if the followers of
Ahlul Bayt also curse them, this is according to the traditions of the Prophet and in fulfilment of the
obligation of Tabarra.

If the rotten apple is not thrown away and discarded from among the fresh and healthy apples, it is bound to
rot the whole lot. For the safety and well-being of the society, the evil and corrupt elements have to be cast
out and disassociated. Otherwise, they may use the name of religion and religious slogans to promote their
murderous nature, as their predecessors did and as their impure progeny does.

That is why, the followers of Ahlul Bayt believe that the obligation of Tawalla and Tabarra are relevant for all
times and era. If these obligatory duties are not fulfilled, then the entire society would become ransom to the
evil designs of the evil people, who, because of their enormous wealth, would sponsor international
terrorism and mass-murders of innocent souls, and persecute virtuous souls and religious scholars - the
ulama of Islam.

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