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Derivatives Summative Assessment

For this individual assignment, you will be asked to create a document, pamphlet, powerpoint,
prezi presentation, or some sort of informational presentation that will demonstrate how
derivatives and calculus can be used in real life situations or how they can be applications in real

There are going to be two parts to this assignment.

1) The first part is explaining how calculus and derivatives can be used in real life situations.
2) The second part is giving an example of a real life application of derivatives. This is the part
where you come up with a problem that deals with derivatives. If you need inspiration you
can use the textbook or the internet. IMPORTANT: I do not want to see examples copied
from the internet or textbook, because that will just show me that you are only capable of
plagiarism, and will get you a zero. Be creative or look for a subject that you like to apply
derivatives and calculus, such as, physics, chemistry, astronomy or economics.

In this assignment, the student (you) must demonstrate certain skills with derivatives. The
needed requirements are:
-Determining the slope of a function at a certain point.
-Determining the equation of the tangent line of a function at a certain point.
-Using a function that has at least two terms and one term to at least the second degree
-Using a function that will use at least one of these three derivative rules:
-Product Rule
-Quotient Rule
-Chain Rule

This assignment is going to be worth 25 points. The first part is worth is worth 10 points, and the
second part is worth 15 points. The due date for this assignment will be discussed in class, and
everyone will be assigned a day to present their presentation. So be ready!

This is the opportunity to show me have much you have learned and progressed, and an
opportunity to impress me. Also, the person who I think has come up with the best example and
application will get a 10 point extra credit for the next test. So go see how many subjects in the
real world that derivatives can be applied to. Have fun!

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