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Town Name: ​Motor Town

Town Located:​ Designated Trade district area just

Description: ​Motor Town is a trade town located outside Motor City, the industrial powerhouse
of the Ironworks.
Currency: ​Shim (small metal disks)
Wasteland Factions:
❖ Religions
➢ Telling Vision
■ Home Improvement
➢ Sainthood of Ashes
➢ Nuclear Family
➢ Darwin
➢ Fallow Hope
➢ Final Knight
➢ Kings Court
➢ Seasons
➢ Hedons
❖ Secret Societies
➢ Black Market
■ Smugglers/Underhanded traders taking goods from within the main part
of Motor City
➢ Inner Circle
➢ Lineage League
■ Biggest Business Owners/City Commissioner/Ambassador of the Larger
Motor City area
➢ Postal Service
■ Spreading written word and share information
■ Larger Motor City spreads misinformation about education requirements
to live there. Postal Service goes along with it in order to help meet their
own goals
➢ Murder Inc.
■ Used to take out the bigger business’ competition
➢ Upper Management
➢ Servants of the Undying
➢ Trade Union
■ Trying to get access to Inner Motor City
■ Can only deal through middle men
➢ Dead Sight Society
■ Unsung heroes of the city for eradicating psions.
■ The local Dead Sight Society is extreme even by normal Dead Sight
Society standards
➢ Underground Railroad
■Short term goal: Free as many slaves in Motor City as possible using
either economic or illegal means
■ Long Term Goal: Abolish the Motor City slave trade
➢ Crafters of Alexandria
■ No longer have access to Inner Motor City or the innovations within
■ Goal: Regain access to Inner Motor City

Unique Scrap:

Unique Herbs:
● Badberry (IRL equivalent: baneberry, has a cardiogenic toxin)
● Shagnut (IRL equivalent: shagbark hickory nut, “Finest Native American Nut” <- Look
into later)

Print Ideas:
● Brews / Drugs

● Food
○ Baneberry Pie
■ Unborn of Teixiptla regain 15 Body and 20 Mind
■ All non-Unborn of Teixiptla are put to sleep for 5 minutes per craft level
■ Baywalkers are instead put into bleedout
● Gizmos

● Small, Melee

● Standard, Melee

● Large, Melee

● 2 Hander, Melee

● Knucks

● Thrown

● Javelin

● Shooter

● Bow

● Armor

● Shield

Tire Iron Gun

Powerful Pocket Watch that causes agony
“Strobe Light” to cause 5min blinding
Gun that naturally shoots radiation damage
Flaming Frying Pan
Pen that makes prints last a little longer
Hubcap shields
Armor requiring chains hanging off of it

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