Work Plan

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Work Plan in World Literature

Subject Area: World Literature

Format of IM: Module
Team Member: Jumawan, Dan John Vernell N.
Objectives: To write an instructional material for World Literature learners’ use.
Activities/Resources Indicators Responsible
Lesson Objectives Topic Covered Activities Exercises Time Person

Lesson 1: 1. Remember the 1. Inspiration to Task 1. You’ve got a friend

weakest and lowest Life–
Discovering Personal in your life; Motivational Task 2. Watch and learn
Challenges video of Nick
Vujicic. Task 3. Off flight and light
2. To motivate and to
be motivated; 2. Daedalus and Task 4. Small group differentiated
Icarus activities
3. Make personal Nick Pontikis
Task 5. I am against of bullying
challenges to be a Dan John
better person; 5-hour Vernell N.

4. To check
comprehension level
about the story;

5. And, an essay in
cyber bullying.

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