04 Skills Audit Document

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Skills Audit 2019

Name: Hawa Hussain Date: 11/10/19

Course: Business BTEC Level 3

Competencies rating

1 - No experience
2 - Some experience
3 - An experienced student
4 - A competent and confident student
5 - A truly outstanding student – able to confidently enter the world of work with a high level of competency.


Please see
cover page for
Be able to how to rate
More specifically Where and how have I developed this skill?
demonstrate: yourself
My competence
•Be an effective member of a team
Teamwork to achieve a successful outcome 1 2 3 4 5 I have developed this skill from my time in college
where i am asked to work within teams.
• Understand your individual role and when i was working in a team in the past, I was the
contribution to a team. researcher for the group so i knew that without me
1 2 3 4 5
doing my job which was researching, the group would
not have anytbing to present.
• I understand my behaviour and impact
on others when working in and I have developed this skill from working in groups as I
contributing 1 2 3 4 5 know if i dont do my work and do not be a good team
to the success of formal and informal member it will cause other team members to fall of
teams their work too which would make all of us slack.
• Able to listen, give and receive feedback
I am not very good at receiving critical feedback so
and respond perceptively to others. 1 2 3 4 5 this is something i feel like i need to develop myself
more with.

• Able to produce a well-structured and i feel as though i am a more chatty person rather
well than typing as i feel my words come across better
written report of substantial length. face to face rather than me typing into a report as i
1 2 3 4 5
am more able to explain myself and what i mean face
Communication - to face. This skill has slowly been improving though
written as part of my college is having to do assignements.
Write clearly and in a • Have confidence and control when i gave my self a 3 due to the fact i am not fully
style appropriate to writing confident when asked to do different types of
purpose, e.g reports, different types of document in various 1 2 3 4 5 documents, this skill is being worked on currently as
assignments, letters. styles. part of my college is handing different type of
• Able to demonstrate proficient report When writing reports my work does come out good
writing skills. however i prefer face to face spealing so i will be
1 2 3 4 5
asking my work placement to maybe give me reports
to do.

Communication – • Able to communicate own ideas verbally,

verbal with proficiency and confidence. I gave myself a 5 as I am 100% confident with
Construct coherent 1 2 3 4 5 speaking to people about my own ideas as part of my
arguments and college work is to do powerpoint presentations which I
articulate ideas feel I am really good at.
clearly to a range I am good at explaining my ideas to others as in
of audiences, • Able to explain my ideas at a range of college part of my course is doing team work and
formally and levels. 1 2 3 4 5 team work we have to express our own ideas and
informally through a sometimes I have to explain my ideas in depth for
variety of others to then understand.
techniques • Able to construct arguments and present I am really good at this skill as I feel as I can argue
these to a range of audiences. my ideas but in a professional way for example in
college when my group was arguing over what to do
1 2 3 4 5
as our team project so I set up my arguments for why
we should make and sell cards and now we are doing
this idea.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
I have developed this skill from college as in our
• Show evidence of presenting information course we are sometimes asked to make powerpoint
effectively to groups. 1 2 3 4 5 presentations and present infront of the whole class.
We have done this a couple of times which has made
me feel confident at this skill
• Able to produce well-constructed clear
presentations and use audio-visual aids
Presentation skills
where 1 2 3 4 5
appropriate e.g. PowerPoint. I gave myself a 5 as i use powerpoints a lot in college
as a way of expressing my ideas and my work.
• Able to present work fluently and
confidently, and able to respond clearly this is a good skill i feel like i have however i am not
1 2 3 4 5
and persuasively to questions and always really good at responding to comments so this
comments. is a key area i will need to work in by practicing more.

Project • Able to plan, organise and evaluate a This is a good skill i have as once in college i was the
management skills given project. team leader and i constructed a whole powerpoint
Apply effective 1 2 3 4 5 together, even when someone unexpectdly didnt
project show up to do the presentation i was already
management prepared for this.
through the • Able to execute a project plan which I posses this skill as wheni was team leader we only
setting of goals, follows a designated schedule to produce had 4 weeks to gather information together and
intermediate a 1 2 3 4 5 present it and i made sure we was done 1 week
milestones and finished piece of work within a given time before the deadline, giving us time to rehearse our
prioritisation of period findings so that we dont need to rely on notes.
activities • Able to set and prioritise a number of part of when I was a team leader was setting goals to
intermediate goals within an individual other members so i had to protise certain aspects of
or group project and to develop an 1 2 3 4 5 the powerpoint than others like i felt as though we
effective strategy and timetable for needed to work on finding the right information first
meeting them. and then make our powerpoint look intresting.
This skill is something i feel i am good at but need to
work on more because i am really good at balacning
• Able to make plans and balance 1 2 3 4 5 competing demands however i get stressed with this
competing demands on time effectively. so i need to work on this so that i balance my
competing demands on time without feeling stressed.

• Build and maintain cooperative networks

and relationships with tutors, peers and
corporate representatives. 1 2 3 4 5 i am very easy to communicate to and talk to as in
college i feel as though i build relationships with all
Networking those i am interactng with.
• Able to promote my unique selling points
in a networking situation with prospective I have been interviewed a couple of times and in my
1 2 3 4 5
employers. last interview i got the job which is where I showed my
USP to the employers of sports direct.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
• Understand what effective negotiation
Negotiation skills 1 2 3 4 5 I have googled different negotiation techniques but
not fully grasped what makes a good negotiation so
this is something I feel I should work on.
• Demonstrate where I have carefully
explored my position and the other
person’s position, with the goal of finding a
1 2 3 4 5
mutually acceptable compromise, that
gives us both as much of what we want as I have negotiated previously in the past but was not
possible. very successful so this is a skill a need to work on
• Have negotiated in a situation where you
have found what the other person wants
matches what you are prepared to trade, 1 2 3 4 5
and that you are prepared to give what the
other person wants. I have never been in this situation so i will ask my
tutos to train me in this skill.
• Able to demonstrate my awareness of
the power dynamic in a negotiating 1 2 3 4 5 i do know this skill how ever i am not 100% confident
situation and how this can impact on me at it , i know me demonstrating my awareness of
winning or losing a negotiation. power dynamic impacts me winning or losing.

• Able to work effectively unsupervised. During our project lessons we are left to do our work
and i can work unsupervised as I am motivated to do
1 2 3 4 5 my work.

• Able to manage competing demands on this is a good skill i posses as i am good at time
Managing self your time. 1 2 3 4 5 keeping skills and this skill was developed for me by
college handing out assignements by a certain date.
• Able to efficiently prioritise tasks I am very good at meeting deadlines. One example
of this is handing in assignments. I always hand in my
1 2 3 4 5 assignments before the due date on-time and to the
best of my ability
Managing others • Understand the skills and attributes of a
leader. 1 2 3 4 5 i have been a team leader in my group and used my
communication skills to connect with the group
• Have experience of managing or leading i have experience of managing or leading another
another team or group. team or group as in college i was a team leader for
1 2 3 4 5
one of our units and now i am currently team manager
for our projecy lessons.
• Have experience of motivating a group when i was a team leader one of my team members
and giving them responsibility. felt very disencouraged with doing the presensation
1 2 3 4 5 so i motivated her and told her how it would benefit
her if she does the powerpoint , which she eventually
did do in the end.
• Listen to team members and encourage
one of my team members could not do alot of work
involvement. 1 2 3 4 5 as it was causing them stress so i made sure to
spread or work equally so it was all equal and fair,
• Experience of training or coaching people
to equip them to succeed 1 2 3 4 5 i havent coached or trained anyone so i need to gain
some experience in this
• Plan the work of a team, considering all i am good at this because i am an organised person
that must be accomplished, the various and an example of when i used this was in my team
deadlines or timeframes to be met, and the 1 2 3 4 5 work when i was the leader and had to make sure
work steps required. everything was in place and all the work was
completed in the given time frame.
• Delegate tasks and review progress to i have delegated small tasks for each person in the
achieve goals. group when i was a team leader so everyone is doing
something and all the work isnt done by one person.
1 2 3 4 5 Once the tasks have been completed, I review them
to see if it is up to my standard and see if the work
was done to the best of their ability
i am good at this skil. An example when i used this
• Able to demonstrate awareness of was whn a group member in my eam was shy to
individuals in a team, learn their strengths 1 2 3 4 5 speak outloud but i had eased her into this by letting
and weaknesses and challenge them to her rehearse infront of our team fiest and slowly
achieve to the best of their abilities. eased her into preforming to the whole group
• Can demonstrate fairness and
impartiality and be consistent when i am a very fair person and feel like i expect the same
1 2 3 4 5
holding everyone to the same standards standard of work from everyone in my team and no
and expectations. one is given extra time etc.
• Have proven ability to challenge and/or
a team member in my group didnt complete their
discipline a team member for failing to 1 2 3 4 5 work to the best of their ability so i made them re do
adhere to standards and expectations
the work still by the same date as the other one.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
Application of IT • Effective use of Microsoft Office including
i have been using microsoft word and powerpoint
Word and Powerpoint. 1 2 3 4 5 since i was in primary school and i have grew up
using these documents to present my work on.
• Able to use Excel and develop and
i have used microsoft excel in one of my
manipulate spreadsheets. 1 2 3 4 5 assignements so i am familiar with this software and
can use this very good
• Proficient in the use of email and emails are how i contact my tutors when i am at
Internet. home and am struggling with work so i am very good
1 2 3 4 5 at emails and using the internet as i use the internt
everyday and am very familiar with using the internet
for online research.
• Knowledge of computer hardware and
how to troubleshoot. 1 2 3 4 5 i have no knowldge of computer hardware and how
to trouble shoot so i will google this skill.
• Can use printer and photocopier
i can use a printer and photocopier how ever i dont
efficiently. 1 2 3 4 5 use these machines alot as my work is all online
through google classroom.
• Able to access online research
1 2 3 4 5
all my research for my assignements is through me
finding information online.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
• Able to raise vital questions and
depending on who is in the room i may not ask
problems, 1 2 3 4 5 questions and may be waiting for someone else to
formulating them clearly and precisely.
aska question so this is a skill i need to work on.
• Gather and assess relevant information,
using abstract ideas to interpret it 1 2 3 4 5
effectively. i developed this skill by attending college lessons and
doing my work.
• Come to well-reasoned conclusions and
solutions, testing them against relevant
criteria and standards. 1 2 3 4 5
i do this when i have done all my research and
Critical thinking assess the information and come to a conclusion
• Think open-mindedly within alternative
systems of thought, recognising and
assessing, as need be, your assumptions, 1 2 3 4 5
implications, and practical consequences.
i do think open mindly but not enough to grade
myself a higher mark.

• Communicate effectively with others in I have figuired out solutions in my team project but not
figuring out solutions to complex problems, 1 2 3 4 5 enough to give myself a higher mark as I would need
without being unduly influenced by others' more experience.
thinking on the topic.

Problem solving • Able to identify, clarify and describe a

THis is a skill i feel i need to work on and i will work
problem (s). 1 2 3 4 5 on this by asking my work placement to help me
develop this skill.
• Ability to analyse the causes of a given
problem(s). 1 2 3 4 5 again i need to work on this skill by asking those
around me to help me with this.
• Ability to identify and assess alternative
solutions. 1 2 3 4 5 this skill i havent done much of so i feel like once i do
this abit more than i can grade myself higher.
• Able to choose a solution and implement Before choosing a solution, I would usually ask for
it. everyones feedback other to help me with the
solutions and understand which solution is best
1 2 3 4 5
before I implement it but I feel like i really need more
experience of this.

I would be able to see if a problem was solved or not

• Able to evaluate whether the problem(s) because i am good at understanding people and
1 2 3 4 5
was solved or not. emotions.

Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
• Able to generate new ideas and
approaches. 1 2 3 4 5 i am always generating new ideas to other people
and expressing new ways we could work.
• Able to develop new methodologies as
required. 1 2 3 4 5
I am not very good at developing new methodogies
• Able to find and implement solutions to I can find and implement solutions but I havent done
difficult problems. this enough times to give myself a high gade so i
would need more experience of doing this. An
example of this was choosing what products we was
1 2 3 4 5 going to make for our project lesson. It was a problem
as everyone wanted to sell different products such as
food and jewellery but i argued that cards were a
good investment and in the end we did cards.
• Demonstrate self-awareness and the
ability to identify own training needs. 1 2 3 4 5
i can demonstarte my self awareness.
Lifelong learning
• Pursue appropriate training to develop
skills 1 2 3 4 5 i am looking into finding courses to do which will be
and knowledge.
useful for me in the future.

Ethics and social

• Have a clear understanding of
the theoretical meaning and reference I don’t have any knowledge on moral propositions
1 2 3 4 5
of moral propositions and how their “truth and how their truth values may be determined.
values” (if any) may be determined.
• Familiar with the practical means
of determining a moral course of action. 1 2 3 4 5

• Are aware how moral outcomes Morals is to do with what’s right and wrong and I
can be achieved in specific situations. understand that your actions have an effect on
1 2 3 4 5 whether the outcome is positive or negative.

• Understand ethics in a business I know that ethics within a business is to do with

context. how a principles are put in place to guide how a
1 2 3 4 5 business behaves to ensure they aren’t doing bad

• Understand corporate social A companies responsibility towards the

responsibility (CSR). environment and community around them.
1 2 3 4 5
I have done work experience in a pharmacy and
this is an example of when I contributed to the
1 2 3 4 5 community because I was giving back to them as
• Have freely contributed to the I offered my services for free.
community through activities such as
volunteer work.


Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
Appreciate the need • Active member of a professional I am an active member of Shipley College which is a
for institution or body. professional Institute.
and show
1 2 3 4 5
commitment to
development. I don’t attend any sort of seminars or presentations
• Regularly attend seminars or outside of college.
1 2 3 4 5
presentations outside formal
curriculum timetable.
I have created a career plan and in this career plan I
have wrote about my targets for the next 5 years and
• Have ownership of, update and 1 2 3 4 5 what I hope to achieve within this time.
regularly review a Personal Development
Plan (PDP)
Take ownership of • Aware of potential employers, general I know that when I get a degree, I will have a lot of
and manage one’s recruitment practices and effective transferable skills like math skills and I will be able to
career progression, job hunting techniques. demonstrate these if I worked in a different job like
set 1 2 3 4 5 retail where I might need to add up a customers
realistic and shopping for them.
achievable goals,
and identify
and develop ways to I have created a career plan which will go through the
improve next 5 years and give a detailed explanation of what I
employability hope will happen for these years. It includes realistic
1 2 3 4 5
• Have considered own career direction and educational goals.
post-graduation and set realistic and
achievable career goals.
I have identified that I need to be more organised in
order to be more employable. I have acted upon
making myself more organised by planning ahead of
1 2 3 4 5 time and making sure that I think things through
• Have identified ways to improve your properly so things aren’t a mess for me.
employability and acted upon them.

Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
• Aware of the range of career I am very aware that there are lots of different career
Demonstrate an
opportunities within and outside opportunities outside and within the property sector.
insight into the
the property sector. For example, within the property sector you can
transferable nature 1 2 3 4 5
become a Property Management Consultant and
of skills developed
outside of the property sector, you can become a
as part of your
Mortgage Advisor.
• Fully able to demonstrate the I know that when I get a degree, I will have got a lot
to other work
transferable nature of the skills developed of transferable skills like math skills and I will be able
environments and
as part of your degree to other work 1 2 3 4 5 to demonstrate these if I worked in a different job like
the range of career
environments. retail where I might need to add up a customers
opportunities within
shopping for them.
and outside the

Present one’s skills, My knowledge on CV’s is very broad because I am

personal constantly asking Rachel and the people in my class
attributes and • A broad knowledge of types of CV's, to check it. As well as this, when employers come into
1 2 3 4 5
experiences through interview techniques and standard college, I go out of my way to ask them to look over
effective CVs, questions and recruitment techniques my CV and give me some feedback. This has helped
applications and such as psychometric testing. to broaden my CV knowledge.
interviews • Able to create a targeted CV which I always make sure that when I am applying for jobs,
effectively presents your skills, attributes I make sure that my skills, attributes and experiences
and experiences. are changed depending on what I am using my CV
1 2 3 4 5
for. For example, the CV I submitted when applying
for my current part time job is different to the CV I
submitted when applying for my work placement
• Able to present your skills, attributes and
experiences effectively in a job interview
1 2 3 4 5 I received my placement in NatWest Bank because in
my interview I made sure to present my skills,
attributes and experiences effectively.

• Know where to look to find what channels I am aware that there are many different channels
exist so I can keep up to date within my that I can visit in order to gain information on
specialism. Mortgage Advisor. For example on YouTube there is
1 2 3 4 5 a channel called Moneyweek which gives you
information on being a mortgage advisor.
• Research events within organisations I am aware that Bradford University usually have
which offer students opportunities open days in which students like me are able to
1 2 3 4 5
to get involved. attend so that I am able to go and get some
information and some career advice.
• Aware of membership bodies which I am
able to join or get support from. I know that once I join university there will be lots of
different membership bodies that I can join as part of
1 2 3 4 5
Bradford University. I understand that I will be able to
gain lots of support from this.

• Use social networking to keep in touch

I am an active member of social media, and
with latest trends within my specialism.
1 2 3 4 5 understand that I can follow lots of pages on
Mortgage Advisors and Business Management to
make sure that I am keeping up with the latest trends.

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