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Chapter 1 

Black bog 
purple​ can recall hearing about rumors that bandits have been spotted in black 
hollow but can’t tell more than that!​As you journey through the forest you hear 
rustling in the trees besides you​ ​green​ can sense and shoot at the bush (with 
50% chance of hit. Roll d20. 11 or higher is successful shot). If the shot is 
successful the band hears a slight moan then dull thud and out pops two 
branchlings str 2 hea 14. If shot unsuccessful out pops three branchlings ​enter 
combat​ if you examine the branchlings you will find a small pouch on one of 
them containing two gold and a bridge twig (see m ​ agical items ​section of the 
intro)​. ​The adventurers ​can​ discuss what they think about the previous 
encounter and about what they think will happen next for a minute or two then 
read. ​As you continue through the forest the trees get denser and it’s getting 
harder to move the wagon.​ The wagon can no longer move and you have the 
option of getting help or cutting the branches yourself. If you choose to go for 
help read ​as you walk back down the path (​for wis 8 or up read) ​you notice 
you’ve been walking around in circles(​ and you walk back to the wagon) (for 
wis 7 or lower) ​you walk around until you eventually trip and take one damage. 
You keep walking but 1eventually you decide to go back to the wagon​( never 
finds out that he has been going around in circles). Now your only option is to 
cut the branches. If player chose to cut the branches read ​as you attack the 
branches you notice that one of the branches has moved all of a sudden you 
get attacked by a branchling(​enter combat)​.​ ​ ​Red, ​Blue ​and ​pink​ can destroy the 
branches without having to fight the branchling. The path opens to a big black 
bog. Read ​as you continue walking you come to a small clearing. the waggon 
driver decides that he is going to take a break. He asks if you could scout 
ahead. You agree. After a few minutes you come to a big black bog.it’s foggy 

and you can’t see very far. ​Part 2 : branchbeast lair​ ​The 
adventurers have to wade through the bog. Roll a d20 for each. 10 and lower 
read ​as you wade through the bog you prick yourself on a thorn take 1 damage. 
If the player rolled 1 read​ as you wade through the bog you trip and take 2 
damage.​ If the player rolled 11 or higher he doesn’t take any damage. ​Red 
automatically succeeds the roll. As the players wade through the bog the fog 
starts to clear and they bump into a huge dome made of interconnecting 
branches( none of them have any leaves). ​Purple​ can tell you that this is a 
branchbeast lair. Read​ in front of you is a porch. The porch has a bench, A 
bucket​, ​A glass bottle with a cork, And a doorway. There is a staircase leading 
up to the porch. ​The players can not see the inside of the bucket unless they use 
an action to do so. If so, they must roll a D20. If they get 16 or higher read, ​You 
look inside the bucket you can tell, that the liquid inside is liquid plasmid 
powder. There is a glass next to the bucket 
with a cork. You can use it to contain the Liquid plasmid powder. ​If they roll 
11-15 read, ​You look inside the bucket, and see a purplish gooey liquid. ​If the 
player rolls 1-10 read ​You look at the liquid, but your mind is a fog. You can not 
seem to remember anything about it. ​Orange ​can tell what the liquid is without 
needing to roll D20. It could also be used to pick locks. Roll a d20. Tell the 
people who succeeded the roll (11 or higher),​Plasmid powder can be poured out 
and molded. It dries instantly. You can also use it to pick locks.​ There is about 
enough plasmid powder to pick one lock.​ ​The player can put the plasmid 
powder into the bottle for later use. The player can use the plasmid powder 
whether or not they know what it is. If someone drinks the plasmid powder 
read ​you suddenly feel tingly all over then you feel bubbly and you start melting 
into a plasmid blob (​str5 hea20).​ A PLASMID BLOB IS A GOOEY CREATURE THAT CAN SLIP 
THROUGH CRACKS ​and stuff like that. If the player decides to sit and\or interacts 
with it (not from a range ) it comes alive and tangles around the player. Read  
as you ​select form of touching here​ the bench bends and tangles around you. 
The character has to roll a d20. On a 11-20 roll the player slips free without 
taking any damage on a 2-10 roll the player struggles to get free and takes one 
damage.If the player rolls a one he and\or she takes two damage while 
struggling to get out of the benches grasp. When somebody escapes the bench 
it goes back to how you found it. no matter how hard they tried​ ​the players 
cannot harm , break or destroy the bench in any way. If the player goes 

through the doorway read​ ​ section 1: hall ​you go through the doorway 
and you see a door to the left and a door far to the right. The hall continues for 
about fifteen more meters. ​The hall has nothing in it.if the player decides to​ ​go 
to the door on the far right(but not through it)or farther down the hall he 
and/or she notices another door on the right. If the player enters the first door 
on the left he enters section 2 (section 1 is the hall). if the player goes to the the 
door on the right he and/or she enters section 3. if the player goes to the 
second door on the left he and or she enters section 4. if the player goes 
through the door all the way at the end of the hall he and/or she enters section 

5. ​Section 2: nursery​ ​you see two branchlings nursing 4 seedlings ( 

str 1 hea 1 ) they don't seem notice you over the sound of the crying. At the 
other end of the room there is a chest.​ The players can exit the nursery without 
getting spotted but if they try to get to the chest they will get spotted and ​enter 
combat(​with the 2 branchlings and 4 seedlings). ​Treasure: ​inside the chest is a 
scroll of sleeping (​purple​ can use it to put any creature to sleep) and a seed 

bomb (thrown for 10 damage on a radius of up to 2 creatures). ​ Section 

3: garden ​the door to section 3 is locked if the players unlock it read ​ in 
front of you is a room that looks like a forest and it is filled to the brim with 
trees.​ The room doesn’t have anything in it except for trees and a gardener the 
gardener is walking around you decide whether they meet him if you do he 
runs away to warn the branchlings in part 5, if you already killed them he just 
falls unconscious in section 5. If the players search the garden they won’t find 
anything. The gardener does not have anything on it. If the players capture the 
gardener (alive that is) and interrogate him. (the player rolls )he will tell all he 

knows (see what the gardener knows).​ Section 4: game room 

YOU ENTER THE ROOM AND​ to your left see a branchling eating at a buffet table. 
On your close right you see a branchling sleeping on a bench, next to the bench 
is a chest. On your far right you see four chairs placed around the table. There 
are branchlings sitting on the ones that are on the left and right ​(of the 
doorway)(the chairs that are close and far are empty​). The branchlines at the 
table appear to be playing a game.​ None of the branchlings notice the players. 
The players can try to get the chest without alerting any iif so they have to roll 
a d20 ( if ​orange​ makes the roll she gets a + 3 th her roll) if the player rolls 
1-17 read​ as you walk towards the chest you slip, you manage to regain your 
balance but you alert the branchlines of your presence. ​Enter combat​ the four 
branchlines in the room. If the player rolls 18 and above he and/or she 
successfully gets to the chest, empties it out and takes it back to are also 
wherever the player wants unseen. ​Treasure​:​ there is nothing of value in the 
room except for: a snap rod, a ​hammer of darkslaying​ with the word 
dreadbreaker carved on one side and the initials F.L carved on the other side, 
(​Purple​ tell that the hammer belonged to flory rockstomper a adventurer who 
disappeared two weeks ago traveling through black hollow forest. see) 12 gold 
pieces and a full heal potion (see the m
​ agic items​ section of the intro for the 
first two items) inside the chest and 4 gold pieces in a pouch hanging from the 
side of the sleeping branchling (you can only take it from him if you beat him in 
combat). There is also a +1 normal damage sword hanging from the side of the 
eating branchling ( which you can only take it from him if you beat him in 

combat). ​Section 5: barracks​ ​ to your left you see a door (​leads to 
section 6) ​to your immediate right you see two chests. A bit further to your left 
are two human people tied up in ropes. There are also a few bunk beds with 
the blankets scattered all over on the other side of the room. ​The four 
branchlings in the room charge you immediately, unless you already killed 
them in the garden. If you did the gardener is hiding behind a bed. One of the 
branchlings (whose name is chieftain swagletock and knows a little common 
tongue) has a +2 defense copper breastplate, a +1 damage short sword and a 
pouch on his belt containing a snap rod and 7 coins (all of which you can only 
get if you kill him ). If you defeat 3 of the branchlines the last one grabs a knife 
from the floor and holds it to the 2​nd ​prisoners head. ​green ​can shoot an arrow 
at the branchling if so he rolls a d20 if he rolls a 1 he accidentally shoots the 
first prisoner and the branchling kills the second so both die. 2-10 only the 
second one dies. 11-20 green shoots the branchling and both prisoners survive. 
If only the first one survives he gives you 20 gold pieces. If the second one also 
survived he gives you the following quest.​:​ the second prisoner who says her 
name is beka forgeinson says that she has no money to repay you but if you go 
to her husband's blacksmith shop and tell him the word ​gooja​ he will give you a 
secret weapon he has been making over the past few months. Beka can’t tell 
anything more about the weapon. The shop is called forgeinsons forge in the 
town grimsby. ​Treasure: ​other than the objects on chieftain swagletock the 
only things of value are the stuff in the chests: chest 1. A tanglevine whip, a 
bottle of bind pollen, and a zap arrow and 18 +1 damage bow bolts (see ​magic 
items​ section of the intro for the first three items. The crossbow bolts require 
a bow or crossbow to use) chest 2. Two +1 damage short swords and a bow 

(requires crossbow bolts or any type of arrow). ​ Section 6:crystal 


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