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Aircraft General Knowledge

This is a feedback document created by cadets who have sat EASA ATPL exams.
Remember their feedback is from memory and may not be accurate to the actual question.
Also bare in mind that answers in this document may be incorrect and that EASA may
change existing questions to try and trick you out. If unsure, always research the topic to find
the correct answer!
Please use the highlighter to highlight correct answers and a red font for any “boxed”
question answers.

AGK Feedback

Freezing point of JetA1?​ -47°C

What is the engine bleed air pressure measured against? ​Ambient/Atmospheric


What indications are there on APU start? ​Fault status.

What would cause an APU to shut down automatically? ​High EGT.

The use of MOGAS can increase the risk of: ​Sparking.

Engine ignition in continuous mode provides: ​Low power ignition when risk of

Power for windscreen heating is usually: ​3 Phase AC.

What type of LP fuel pump is fitted to large commercial aircraft: ​Centrifugal pumps
driven 115V 3 phase AC.

Active Clearance Control: ​Method for controlling turbine blade tip clearance in
the turbine section​.
Hot bleed air directed onto turbine casing causing it to expand allowing greater tip
Cold air will give minimum clearance!

Reaction turbine blades are arranged to form: ​A convergent duct.

Alpha range:​ The range of ‘normal’ pitch angles for positive thrust.
Aircraft General Knowledge

Beta range on prop aircraft:​ The range of pitch angles available below flight idle.

What is the correct start-up sequence for a turbine engine? (you have to pick the
answer with the correct order)

● Starter selected
● Igniters on
● Fuel on
● Light up
● Engine idle
● Starter off

Pick the 3 areas that could be provided with air from the pneumatic system of a
piston engine:

● Gyro instruments
● Cabin heating
● Pitot/static instruments
● Hydraulic pump
● Electrical generation
● Anti-icing

How would a pilot start an Auxiliary Power Unit? ​A dedicated button or switch in
the flight deck.

In a climb at constant TAS, the specific fuel consumption INCREASES/DECREASES

and the output thrust INCREASES/DECREASES? ​Specific fuel consumption shall
decrease and output thrust shall decrease.

In a descent at constant TAS, the specific fuel consumption

Specific fuel consumption shall increase and output thrust shall increase.

Chemical oxygen systems supplies passengers via the cabin or passengers at their
seats? ​It will supply
passengers via their seat, when oxygen mask fall down.
Aircraft General Knowledge

In respect of a constant speed propeller, with all parameters constant, increasing the
TAS would cause the blade angle to INCREASE/DECREASE? ​TAS increase
means that the blade angle will be increased to maintain a uniform alpha.

What does the fusible plug do in a tyre? ​Prevents the tyre exploding under
excessive temperature conditions.

What form of air supplies a Vapor Cycle Cooling Pack?? ​Ram Air

Input the value of hydraulic PSI for a heavy transport aircraft in to the box provided.
3000 PSI

Why are additives added to Jet A fuel? ​To prevent the fuel from forming any ice
within and to prevent fungal growth and corrosion.

What is Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program (SOAP) used for? ​Laboratory testing
of oil in respect of aircraft health.

In a hydraulic system, what does Pressure equal? ​Force / Area

A divergent duct will? ​Decrease the velocity and increase the pressure (static).

What is the purpose of the variable bleed valve fitted between LPC and HPC?
Perhaps to prevent stall or surge, clarification needed.

In Ohms law, current is directly proportional too? ​Voltage.

The voltage regulator is connected in a DC circuit? ​In series with the field coil.

The purpose of static discharge wicks? ​To allow static electricity to leave the
aircraft whilst in the air.

Frequency F is equal to: ​NP / 60​ (RPM N and number of pole pairs P)

The colour of fresh synthetic hydraulic fluid? ​Purple

A double pole switch in a trim system is used to do what? ​Prevent control runaway
Aircraft General Knowledge

How does Fly By Wire work? ​Electrical signals sent to a central computer and
this then sends signals to actuators.

In RTO mode, do the breaks disengage when the aircraft comes to a complete stop?

Integral fuel tanks are advantageous because? ​Lighter and stronger

The ideal property of a hydraulic fluid is? ​Incompressible

What happens when Carb Heat is applied? ​Enrich the mixture power decreases
by 15%

What kind of icing occurs in the carb? ​venturi refrigeration and throttle fuel icing.

Aircraft flying at FL310 and outflow valve becomes fully open with 8000ft cabin alt.
A/c initiates rapid
descend. What happens to cabin differential pressure?
Initially cabin altitude increases until reaches ambient air pressure then
showing decreasing
alt while cabin diff press remains zero

Question about pressurization. Not sure about the detailed answers, just some bullet
outflow valve fully open. Crew dons masks and starts an emergency descent.
Indications are
Cabin altitude increases until pressure differential is 0, then the cabin VSI
shows a descent
equal to the aircraft VSI

What indication shows in cockpit if gas filled tube ruptures in fire detector system?
Generically, all of the gas (Systron Donner) types use an increase in pressure to
warn of fire or a hot
gas leak, and ​low pressure to indicate a rupture in the system.

Sensors used in vibration monitoring devices are: ​Piezoelectric crystals and


A question about the landing gear torsion link, but 3 answer possibilities included the
highest stress
Aircraft General Knowledge

experienced during a small radius turn. The differentiation was in the mounting of the
torsion link, eg
...The torsion link: ​Which is mounted between the inner and outer oleo cylinder

Constant speed prop, free turbine, power setting gets increased in cruise flight. The
condition after 3
Minutes: ​Blade pitch and free turbine speed increased

The question showed up about pressurization of the fuel tank with either bleed air or
under-wing air
intake​. In my opinion 2 possibly answers, and I appealed??

One question being a variation in regard to leakage in an oil cooler/fuel

heater...prolonged idle on the
ground waiting for take-off. Crew gets a low oil pressure warning and notices the oil
level of the same
system to be much higher than before. The other system looks ok.
Given your knowledge of oil and fuel systems, troubleshoot: ​Only one problem;
leak in an oil line causing the LP, and the oil level is higher because the
scavenge pump returns more oil to the reservoir than the pressure pump takes

What aircraft parts need anti icing? ​Pitot, static, engine inlet.

What provides the dampening in a landing gear? ​Oil.

How to start an APU? ​Dedicated APU start switch.

APU will normally shut down automatically if? ​EGT too high.

Engines runs too much at idle, oil level rises, heat, heat exchanger, leak downstream
low pressure pump, light indicator ON? ​Single fault​.

Active clearance control: ​Minimum clearance of the casing.

Why is idle in the descent faster than idle on the ground​? Require more power in
case of a go-around/missed approach.

LP Fuel pump: ​115V AC / 28V DC.

Pneumatics: ​Cabin air, gyros, pitot and static, de-icing.

Aircraft General Knowledge

Vapour cooling system: ​Ram air.

Hot Start? ​Light up followed by a very ​rapid rise in EGT​.

Primary causes:
● Low air pressure to the air starter
● Excess fuel in combustor
● Failure to allow complete draining and drying of engine after a wet start
● Strong tailwind into jet pipe
● Early opening of fuel valve

Purpose of APU:
● Pressurised air
● Electrical power
● Back-up power (engine failure)
● HP​ air for engine re-start in flight (certain cases)
● Air for cabin pressurisation and conditioning

Power supply of large jet transport aircraft: ​400 Hz.

Hydraulics systems failed: ​Do the controls not work or back up hydraulics take

Where is chemical oxygen needed? ​PAX cabin, equipment bay, Toilets.

Cooler in between supercharger and something else? ​Prevent Detonation.

Purpose of intercooler? ​Reduce detonation

Fuel drain valve purpose on a piston engine? ​Drain fuel, prevent fire on start-up

Reaction turbine, what happens over the rotors?

● Pressure Decreases
● Velocity Increases
● Temperature Decreases

Constant speed propeller? ​Efficiency across all speed ranges.

1. How to start an APU?

2. electrical startup
3. generator startup
Aircraft General Knowledge

4. bleed valve
5. dedicated apu start switch
1. 2. APU will normally shut down automatically if:
2. oil pressure too high
3. EGT too high
4. something
5. something

1. 3. Alpha range and Beta range for turboprop (2 different questions)

1. 4. VERY long question about what happens when power in a turbo-prop engine
2. don't remember the exact wording but it was something with what happens to the
free power turbine
1. 5. Question about reaction turbine - not the one that in BGS, but different
2. Something with how the reactional forces driving the turbine -
3. increase gas velocity because of convergent
4. decrease gas velocity because of divergent
5. Aerodynamic forces on a convergent
6. Aerodynamic forces on a divergent

What happens when Carb Heat is applied?

A - Leans the mixture therefore reduces power
B- Enrich the mixture and power increases
C- Enrich the mixture, power decreases by 5%
D- Enrich the mixture power decreases by 15%

what kind of icing occurs in the carb:

-venturi and throttle refrigeration icing
-venturi refrigeration and throttle fuel icing 
and these combinations.

aircraft flying at fl310 and outflow valve becomes fully open with 8000ft cabin alt. A/c
initiates rapid descend.
Aircraft General Knowledge

What happens to cabin differential pressure?

-initially cabin altitude increases until reaches ambient air pressure then showing decreasing
alt while cabin diff press remains zero

Question about pressurization. Not sure about the detailed answers, just some bullet
outflow valve fully open. Crew dons masks and starts an emergency descent. Indications are
A) cabin vsi shows a climb until cabin pressure equals ambient, then a descent at half the rate
of the
aircraft vsi, and I think pressure differential was mentioned as well
B) cabin altitude increases until pressure differential is 0, then the cabin vsi shows a descent
equal to the aircraft vsi
C) cabin altitude decreases...pressure differential...cabin vsi...
what indication shows in cockpit if gas filled tube ruptures in fire detector system?
Generically, all of the gas (Systron Donner) types use an increase in pressure to warn of fire
or a hot
gas leak, and low pressure to indicate a rupture in the system.

Sensors used in vibration monitoring devices are:

a) piezoelectric crystals only
b) tachometers and piezoelectric crystals
c) tachometers only
d) piezoelectric crystals and magnets

A question about the landing gear torsion link, but 3 answer possibilities included the highest
experienced during a small radius turn. The differentiation was in the mounting of the torsion
link, eg
...The torsion link
a) which is mounted between the inner and outer oleo cylinder ...
b) which is mounted between drag strut and inner oleo cylinder...
c) which is mounted between drag strut and outer oleo cylinder...
d) don't recall, but it did mention the highest stress in some other conditions, not a small
radius turn

Constant speed prop, free turbine, power setting gets increased in cruise flight. The condition
after 3
Aircraft General Knowledge

A) blade pitch and free turbine speed increased

B) blade pitch increased, free turbine speed same as before
C) blade pitch decreased, free turbine speed...

Question about the appendix showing an electrical system with open contactors...external
power can be used on the ground to power ac bus 1 and 2 when which contactors are closed?
It specifically
mentioned all other contactors are assumed to remain open
A) c2-1 and c2-2 (only the ones to the ac buses)
B) c2-1, c2-2, and c1-1 (don't have the appendix with me at the moment), but it was the
connecting the external power I addition to the ones to the ac buses

The question showed up about pressurization of the fuel tank with either bleed air or
under-wing air
intake. In my opinion 2 possibly answers, and I appealed.

One question being a variation in regard to leakage in an oil cooler/fuel heater...prolonged

idle on the ground waiting for takeoff. Crew gets a low oil pressure warning and notices the
oil level of the same system to be much higher than before. The other system looks ok.
Given your knowledge of oil and fuel systems, troubleshoot:
A) two problems; leakage in the oil cooler towards the fuel and fuel nozzles becoming
B) two problems; fuel leaking into the oil and the low pressure because the pump can't
cope (I think)
C) two problems; ???
D) only one problem; leak in an oil line causing the lp, and the oil level is higher because the
scavenge pump returns more oil to the reservoir than the pressure pump takes out (roughly)

Q-What aircraft parts need anti icing

A) pitot, static, wing
B) pitot, wing, waste water outlet
C) pitot, wing, apu inlet
Aircraft General Knowledge

D) pitot, static, engine inlet

Q-What provides the dampening in a landing gear

A) nitrogen
B) hydraulic fluid

1. How to start an APU? 

a-electrical startup
b-generator startup
c-bleed valve
d-dedicated APU start switch, or something similar.

the answer should be an electrical startup

2. APU will normally shut down automatically if:

a-oil pressure too high
b-EGT too high

- Thermal plug, position 

Hung start
Premature * (the standar answer is low pressure)

Fly by wire, principal
Electric impulse sent to computer *

Fly by wire advantages
Weight, limitation envelop, increase ​rediability

Elasting deformation
Aircraft General Knowledge

Young module (stress, strunt)

Engines runs to much at idle, oil level rises, heat, heat exchanger, leak downstream low
pressure pump, light indicator ON
Single fault *
Double fault

Hydraulic, transducer

At FL310, depressur, pilot is informed, he reactes by decreasing altitude
Cabin alt(high-low), VSI(H-L), pressure altitude (H-L)

Advantage of Nikel/Cadmium related to Lead acid

Desactivate autobrake
Pedal break *
Reverse thrust

Rudder noise wheel steering, when taxing

Difference between de-ice and anti-ice
How to start APU (push button).
What is monitered in the cockpit when starting APU (Fuel flow gauge I believe).
Aircraft General Knowledge

Question regarding taxiing and greatest torsion on boggie beam: I belive between inner and
outer cyclinder when taxiing.
Know autobrake. Fusable plugs.
What does a zenor diode do: regulate voltage I believe

Fair exam (for me at least), I would say 65 per cent qb, and pretty balanced.
Others got exams focusing heavily on electrics, turbine and APU.


One question about beta alpha range of the prop

What is the freezing point of JET A1 (type in answer)


What is the engine bleed air pressure measured against?

a-​Ambiant/Atmospheric pressure (x)
c-Cabin pressure
d-MSL pressure

What indications are there on APU start?

a-​Fault status (x)
b-Air inlet flow
c-Fuel flow
d-Oil temp

What would cause an APU to shut down automatically?

a-​High EGT (x)
b-High oil pressure
c-Low voltage

What is the correct startup sequence for a turbine engine? (you have to pick the answer with
the correct order) ?
Aircraft General Knowledge

Starter selected
Igniters on
Fuel on
Light up
Engine idle
Starter off

Pick the 3 areas that could be provided with air from the pneumatic system of a piston engine
Gyro instruments
Cabin heating
Pitot/static instruments
Hydraulic pump
Electrical generation
Anti icing

The use of MOGAS can increase the risk of:

Sparking (x)
Excessive MAP
Icing in the carb
Fumes in the cockpit

Engine ignition in continuous mode provides:

Low power ignition when risk of flameout (x)
High power ignition for engine start
High power ignition for all phases of flight
Low power ignition for restart in flight

Active Clearance Control. Minimal/Max (Select one) clearance by air onto Rotor/Disc/Outer
Casing (select one). I went for Min and Outer Casing... although the outer bit though me
slightly. Not sure if it is correct?

Tail Pipe Fire - causes and indications. Rising EGT in cockpit is correct. The large flame out
of the back is not.

Electrical diagram - how to power AC ESS Busbar via batts. The answer with Inverter switch
is correct. The NOT gates prevent all other flows.
Aircraft General Knowledge

Hydraulic Accumulators - how are they normally pressurised. Bleed air was not an option! I
went for dedicated electical pump. No idea if this is correct.

Fuel - JET A vs JET B from bank

MOGAS increases the risk of: Sparking resulting in engine fire... or ice in the carb. (i went
for ice)

Auto Brakes - activate when? Main whee

l spin up and Weight on Wheels, Main wheels and nose wheel spin up, Main wheels and
thrust reverse, xxx
​Vapour Cooling system in piston aircraft. Something about an electric fan i think is correct...

Structures. Multiple systems doing is same role is an example of what? Multi path, Fail safe,
I went for redundancy. 

Define Pressure formular. rearrange FAP. 

A question asking about rudder checks whilst taxing. The answer is: The pilot must do
something before testing the full rudder movement during taxi.

Fuel pumps are.

How to start an APU in cockpit. Dedicated button

APU shuts down if? High Bleed air temp. 

APU question about if it can operator when airborne. One answer: Must be able to work at
height and carry lots of load. Not correct i don't think... Cant remember much else about it.  

No certification level chart stuff.

No blank answer fill ins.

The book had the pressurisation charts in it (like the ones in the Q bank), Fuel system

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