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I. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1) What is a fastener?

2) What types of fastener do you know?

II. Order the letters in parentheses to form words and complete the hardware poster. Now,
listen and check.


If you need a temporary fastener, go with a ______________ (NIP) or______________ (PMALC).

______________ (ILASN) are a quick and ______________ (GONL-SALITGN) fastener. They are
ideal for ______________ (ALWSL) and __________________ (DOWO FASURCES).

______________ (EWRSCS) are a more secure fastener. ______________ (DOWO EWRSCS) are
best for solid wood surfaces. But ____________________ (HETES EMLAT EWRSCS) work on wood
as well as other surfaces. Remember to check the correct ______________ (ADERHT) for your
project. This store carries both UTS thread and ____________________ (TRICME ADERHT
SUMEARE). Use an ____________________ (CHARON) for situations requiring extra support.

Use ________________ (BLOTS) when pressing pieces together from both sides. Select a bolt with
the appropriate grade. Otherwise, the bolt may ____________________ (KAREB). Get the right
____________________ (HERSWAS) and _________________ (STUN) to add strength and prevent
____________________ (MADAGE) to surfaces.

III. Write the names of the following fasteners. Use the text from above to find the name.
IV. Use your dictionaries to look up the Spanish translation of the words indicated by the

V. Listen and write the words said by the teacher to complete column A. Then match the words
with the definitions in column B.

1. ____ (………………………………………..) A) a piece of metal with a hole in the middle
2. ____ (………………………………………..) B) a long, smooth piece of metal with a wide head at one end
and a sharp point at the other end, usually used for holding
3. ____ (………………………………………..)
pieces of wood together.
4. ____ (………………………………………..)
C) a device that tightly presses things together
5. ____ (………………………………………..)
D) a thread that is measured in millimeters instead of inches
6. ____ (………………………………………..)
E) the measurement of a bolt's strength
7. ____ (………………………………………..)
F) a device that adds support to a screw.
8. ____ (………………………………………..)
G) a round, narrow piece of metal with a thread. It has a wide
9. ____ (………………………………………..) head at one end and a point at the other end.
10. ___ (………………………………………..) H) a round, narrow piece of metal with a thread and a wide
11. ___ (………………………………………..) head at one end. It is usually used with a nut.
I) a ridge that winds around a screw to hold it in place.
J) a flat, round piece of metal, plastic or rubber with a hole in
the middle, which is used to make a bolt fit tightly.
K) A thread that is measured in inches instead of millimeters.

VI. Read the sentence pair. Choose where the words best fit the blanks.

1) screw / washer

A) Place a ___________________ between the nut and surface.

B The hook is attached to the wall with a ___________________

2) bolt / thread

A) Jules attached the table leg with a ___________________

B) I don't know the best ___________________ size for the screws.

3) fastener / UTS thread

A) The mechanic was only familiar with ___________________sizes, not metric.

B) The hardware store was known for having a ___________________ for every project.

4) pin / wood screw

A) A ___________________ is not effective on metal.

B) Albert used a ___________________ to hold the boards together temporarily.

VII. Read the poster. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1) ______ Clamps are long-lasting fasteners.

2) ______ Sheet metal screws will damage wood surfaces.

3) ______ Washers protect surfaces from damage.

VIII. Read the poster again. What different thread measurements exist?

IX. Listen and complete a conversation between a mechanic and a customer.

X. Based on the conversation, choose the correct answers.

1) What is the conversation mainly about?

A) an explanation of a repair

B) an estimate of repair costs

C) a set of maintenance instructions

D) a description of a broken appliance

2) What can you infer about the new bolts?

A) They do not require washers.

B) They cost less than the old bolts.

C) They are a higher grade than the old bolts.

D) They are specially made for air conditioners.

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