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S.Y. 2019-2020 TO GRADE 10 STUDENTS


A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of the Graduate School
Bataan Peninsula State University
City of Balanga, Bataan


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Arts in Education major in
Language Education




December 2019
Chapter I



English was first introduced to the Filipinos through the American public school

system and, for half a century, the language was systematically promoted as a civilizing

tool. Today, beliefs and attitudes about English, as well as the various ways in which the

language is used, may be traced to the Filipino experience of American Colonial Education.

(Martin, 2012).

The 1987 Philippine Constitution states that “for purposes of communication and

instruction, the official language of the Philippines are Filipino and, until otherwise

provided by law, English.” This law is carried out through DECS Order No. 52 series 1987,

also known as the Bilingual Education Policy (henceforth BEP) of the Department of

Education (henceforth DepEd), which was first introduced in 1974 and then re-issued with

minor modifications in 1987. The BEP aims to develop bilingual Filipinos competent in

both English and the national language. This BEP is the recognized language-in-education

policy that is still in place today in the education sector.

This present research aims to determine the impact of English Speaking Policy to

the Grade 10 students selected public school in Bataan was based on the following

literature. In 2008, Andrew King, country director of IDP Education Philippines, a group

accredited by the Australian government to administer the International English Language

Testing System (IELTS) exam to Filipinos who seek to enter Australia as workers,
migrants or students in its universities, recently revealed a seeming drop in Filipinos’

proficiency in English from the results of Filipino takers of the IELTS they administered

in 2008. In the IDP Education Pty. Ltd’s review of IELTS results they had administered in

countries all over the world for 2008, he said that the Philippines’ average overall score

was 6.69, which was below the 7 passing score of the Australian government. In their

analysis of the results and the Philippines’ system of English instruction in schools, King

said that the deteriorating level of English proficiency could be attributed to the

deficiencies in the proficiency of the teachers teaching English as well as the poor quality

of resources or textbooks being used in schools. (The Philippine Star, 2009)

Marcelo (2010) states that, it used to be that the Philippines’ biggest competitive

advantage in the global job market is the proficiency of our skilled workers in the English

language. This advantage, however, is fast being eroded by rising competition from other

countries coupled with declining mastery of the English language by our college graduates.

By these statements, it is rather important to stress out the importance of the English

language to schools in order to enable college graduates to be globally competitive as they

venture the world of globalization. That is why the researcher wants to know the impacts

of English only policy in the selected school in Bataan and to five ideas on the institution

to make training ground for language skill enhancement and to produce globally

competitive graduates.

In this research, the researcher decided to use the triangulation analysis in studying

the impact of ESP to the Grade 10 students in Bataan. This method seeks to know the

relationship and differences between the variables and look for and sometimes explain the

cause of such relationship. It also aimed to establish a generalization that transcends the
immediate situation or particular setting, it also concern with understanding situation and

events from the point of view of the participants

With catching up in terms of English proficiency skills, there is a need to

continuously improve the country’s competitiveness in English proficiency if it wants to

stay as one of the most attractive areas for business process outsourcing (BPO) investment,

national Economic Development Authority (NEDA) director general Augusto Santos said

in press briefing in Malacanang. He said the country has to remain competitive in terms of

English proficiency as China, which has as advantage in terms of manpower is already

catching up. It’s a world of competition, a global community, Santos said.

In addition to, The Department of Education reported that 80 percent of secondary

school teachers in the Philippines failed in an English proficiency test in 2007. So where

is the veracity of those claims that the Philippines has a substantial pool of English

proficient workers? Aside from its bountiful natural resources, the other main wealth of

the Philippines is perhaps its people. Despite the poverty and corruption that still pervade

in the country, the current generation of Filipinos has ably demonstrated they can surpass

the achievements of their elders and raise the standard of living in the country. If not for

the youth, the country would not have made a name in the outsourcing business. Their

exposure to global cultures and practices has also pushed them to apply these yardsticks in

their own country, spurring improvement and innovations.

The general objective of this study is to know the impact of English Only Policy to

the Grade 10 students of selected school in Bataan as English teachers, this also aims to

propose enhancement program that will help the DepEd, students, and language teacher to

uplift the level of the competencies of our students and teacher in English language. It is
clear that English Language Proficiency plays a significant role in the cause of

globalization among students that one of the researcher’s motivation in pursuing this study

Statement of the Main and Sub-Problem

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to ascertain the Triangulation analysis on the Impact of the

English Speaking Policy (ESP) of selected schools in Bataan S.Y. 2019-2020 to Grade 10


To perceive a clear understanding of the problem, the following inquiry was taken into


1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

A1.1 Age ( ) 15 ( ) 16 ( ) 17 ( ) 18 and above

A1.2 Sex ( ) Male ( ) Female

A1.3 Language spoken at home

( ) Filipino ( ) English ( ) Others

A1.4 Area of Residence ( ) Urban ( ) Rural

2. What is the perspective of Grade 10 students in English Speaking Policy?

3. To what extent is the impact of the English speaking policy of selected schools in Bataan

to the students in terms of:

2.1 Academic Performance;

2.2 Social Relations;

2.3 Personal Development

4. Is there a significant difference on the impact of English speaking policy to the Grade

10 students when they are grouped according to their profiled variables?

5. Based on the findings, an enhancement program was proposed.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study would be beneficial to the following:

School Administrators – The result of this study would help them identify the strengths

and weaknesses of the said policy. It will also serve as a basis for the improvement of the

guidelines on the policy. This study would equip them to properly motivate students to

speak English inside and even outside the campus.

Faculty – The findings of this study would help them carry out their responsibilities as

molders of minds and properly teach and encourage their students in speaking English.

Students – This study would enable them to be more attentive to their responsibilities as

students and be more aware of the trends of globalization and work better towards being

globally competitive persons.

Parents – This study would help them assess the progress of their children towards the

proficiency in English. It would awaken their consciousness of the English speaking policy

imposed by the institution.

Other researchers – this study would serve as a reference and guide to those who will

conduct future studies regarding the impact of the English speaking policy.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study was limited only in determining the triangulation analysis of the impact

of English Only Policy of Grade 10 students in the selected schools in Bataan for school

year 2019-2020. It involved getting and describing the profile of the respondents in terms
of, age, sex, language use at home and extent of academic performance; social relations,

and personal development. Collection of data was limited to the respondents from public

schools in Bataan while the treatment of data was limited to the tabular and textual

presentation of the gathered information and the computed solution of the main and sub-

problems through the use of statistical treatment as recommended by statician and trans

coding of interview of the respondents in the different schools.

Notes in Chapter I

Isabel Pefianco Martin: Diffusion and directions: English language policy in the
Philippines (2012)

14th Congress of the Republic of the Philippines. 2008. An Act Establishing a Multi-
lingual Education and Literacy Program (House Bill 3719)

Online Sources
Arroyo, G. 2003. Establishing the Policy to Strengthen the Use of the English Language as
a Medium of Instruction in the Educational System. Executive Order No. 210, 17 May
2003. <
4> (11 May 2011).

Unpublished Works
Estioko, L. 1994. History of Education: A Filipino Perspective. Manila: Society of Divine
Word. Retrieved from www.ericdigest.comJuly 27, 2019

Fernandez, D. 2009. he Red Carabao. In How, How the Carabao: Tales of Teaching English
in the Philippines, I.P. Martin (ed), 21–24. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University
Loyola Schools. Gonzales, A. 1996. Language and nationalism in the Philippines: An
update. In Readings in Philippine Sociolinguistics, M.L.S. Bautista (ed), 228–239. Manila:
DLSU Press. Retrieved from www.ericdigest.comjuly27,2019

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