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Chapter-7 Part I A Baker From Goa- Extra Search

Questions and Notes

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Extra Questions, Notes, Assignment and study material for Class 10th as Per
Latest CBSE Syllabus

Chapter- 7 English Language and Literature- First Flight (Latest 2018-19)

Part I. A Baker From Goa

 By– Lucia Rodrigues  

Lucia Rodrigues – A Short Biography

About the Author
Lucio Rodrigues (1916-73) was a great Konkani essayist. He wrote several articles in English and
Konkani to various periodicals and magazines. He served as the visiting professor of Folklore at
many universities and also as a professor of English in Mumbai and Goa. His essays were Class 11 Extra Questions

posthumously published under the title ‘Of Soil and Soul’ and Konkani Folk Tales’. Subtle humour Class 9 & 10 Writing Sec.
and informal narration are the essential features of his writings.
Class IX English Exams





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Reading Comprehension Jr.

Reading Comprehension Sr.



Writer's Bureau

Writing Section Jr.

Writing Section Sr.

Introduction of the lesson- Part I. A Baker From Goa   


This is a pen-portrait of a traditional Goan village baker who still has an important place in the
society. What changes take place in the life of the baker with the passage of time a glimpse is
presented in this extract.

 (गोआ के एक पर परागत गाँव के बेकर,िजसका वहाँ के समाज म अभी भी एक मह वपूण थान है,का इस पाठ म पैन-िचत्रण िकया गया है
 I समय के बीतने के साथ –साथ उस बेकर के जीवन के या पिरवतन आते है ◌ं, इसकी एक झलक इस पाठ म दी गई है I

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Plot/ Theme / Central Idea of the Lesson/ Literary Analysis of Part I. A Baker From Goa/ Main

The theme of the Story

The writer presents a pen-portrait of a traditional Goan village baker who still has an important
place in its society. Elders still think fondly of the famous Portuguese loaves of bread. The family
tradition is still carried on even today by the new generation of bakers or pads in Goa. Even today,
marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread or the bol, just as a party or a feast loses
its charm without Goan bread.

Important Word-Meanings of di cult words  from the lesson- Part I. A Baker From Goa


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[PAGE 85] : Traditional = conventional ( पर परागत; baker = one who bakes bread (पावरोटी आिद बनाने
वाला); reminiscing = remembering (याद करना); nostalgically = fondly ( नेह से ); loaves = pieces of
bread (पावरोटी); vanished = disappeared (गायब हो गया); moulders = those who mould (फफूं द बनाने वाले);
exist= being still there (मौजूद होना); furnaces = ovens (भि टयाँ); extinguished = put out (बुझा देना); thud
and jingle = falling sound along with musical sound (िगरने की संगीतमय आवाज़ के साथ ) l

[PAGE 86] : Heralding = announcing ( घोषणा करना); carries on = continues (जारी रखना ); profession =
occupation ( यवसाय); pader = a kind of baker (एक प्रकार का बेकर); longed = wished (इ छा की); sta = a
long stick (ल बी छड़ी); supported = helped (सहारा देना); banged = beat with  (ठक-ठक करना); greet =
welcome ( वागत करना); vertical = straight (सीधी); mild = light (ह का); rebuke = chide (डाँटना); parapet =
ं ेर); peep = see (देखना; fragrance = smell (सुग ध) I
wall on the edge of root (मुड

[PAGE 87] : Feast = grand party ( प्रीितभोज,दावत); absolutely = completely (पूरी तरह); peculiar =
strange (िविचत्र); starved = die of hunger (भूख से मरना); prosperous = well to do (खुशहाल); plump =
having a soft round body (गोल मटोल); testimony = statement (कथन,सबूत); jackfruit = a kind of
vegetable (कटहल) I

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Summary in English- Part I. A Baker From Goa


In this extract, the author remembers his old days in Goa when the village baker occupied an
important place in life. Although, with the passage of time, people do not eat so much bread, yet
the village bakers are still there. The Portuguese were famous for preparing the loaves of bread.
They left Goa long ago. But the traditional work of the bakers can still be seen in Goa. The furnaces
in which the bread was baked still exist there. The sound of the traditional baker’s bamboo can still
be heard. Someone in the baker’s family still carries on the business and the tradition. These bakers
are known as Pader in Goa even today.

  The author recalls that a baker used to visit the village twice a day. He used to be the author’s
friend and guide. He used to carry a bamboo stick. The sound of this stick used to wake up the
authors and others from sleep. The servants from the di erent houses bought loaves. But the
author ran to the baker for buying bread-bangles.

  The baker’s bamboo stick was a special one. He made the sound ‘jhang, jhang‘ by banging his
bamboo on the ground. With one hand the baker supported the basket of bread on his head and
with the other, he struck the ground with the bamboo. Whenever someone came to him buy bread,
he placed the basket on the bamboo. The author and the others looked into his basket. In those
times, it was a fashion to eat bread with hot tea. The author was so fond of bread that he would
not even brush his teeth before eating it.

 The village baker was especially important for all occasions. The villagers were much fond of the
sweet bread known as ‘Bol’. Marriage gifts were meaningless without these sweetbreads.
Sandwiches, cakes and bolinhas were a must for Christmas as well as other festivals. These were

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made with the bread. Thus the presence of a baker’s furnace was very essential in each village. On
all occasions, the villagers needed one or another type of cake which could be baked in the

 The baker or the bread-seller wore a special, peculiar dress. It was known as the ‘kabai’. It was a
single-piece long frock. It reached down to his knees. During the narrator’s childhood, Bakers wore
trousers which were shorter than full-length and longer than half pants. Even today if someone
wears a half pant, he is said to be dressed like a paper.

 The baker usually collected his bills at the end of the month. In the household. the baker’s monthly
accounts used to be recorded on some wall in pencil. Baking was a pro table business in those
days. ‘The bakers used to be well o . Their families never starved. Their plump bodies showed that
they were

Short Summary (2)

1.Elders Nostalgic About Portuguese Bread: Elders in Goa still think fondly about those good old
Portuguese days and their famous loaves of bread. The eaters of loaves might have died but the
makers are still there. The re in the furnaces that make these bread has not yet been
extinguished. At least, the thud and jingle of the baker’s bamboo still herald his arrival in the

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2. Baker’s Arrival: The narrator recalls his childhood in Goa. The baker used to be their friend,
companion and guide. He used to come at least twice a day. The children ran to meet the baker the
moment they heard the jingling thud of his bamboo. He would greet the lady of the house. The
elders enjoyed the typical fragrance of those loaves and the kids, the music of the bamboo.

3. Baker’s Importance on Christmas and Other Festivals: Marriage gifts in Goa are meaningless
with the sweet bread or the bol. Any party or feast is incomplete without bread. The baker is very
important for the village. On the occasion of her daughter’s engage segment, the lady of the
house must prepare sandwiches. Cakes and `bolinhas’ are a must for Christmas and other festivals.

4, Baker’s Dress: In good old days, the baker or bread seller had a peculiar dress. It was called the
labia. It was a single piece frock reaching down to the knees. Even today anyone who wears a shirt
and trousers shorter than full-lengths then he is said to is dressed like a paper.

5. Baking, a Pro table Profession: Baking was really a pro table profession in those days. The
bakers and their families were quite prosperous and happy. Their plumpy bodies were an open
testimony to their prosperity.

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Main Points of the Story

1. Elders often think fondly of good Portuguese days and their famous loaves of bread.
2. The age-old furnaces still bake those bread.
3. The thud and jingle of the baker’s bamboo announcing his arrival can still be heard in some
4. Even today, these bakers are known as Pader in Goa.
5. The children ran to meet and greet him.
6. They longed for bread-bangles and sweet bread of special make.
7. Marriage gifts were meaningless without the sweet bread known as the ‘bor.
8. The lady of the house must prepare sandwiches on the occasion of her daughter’s
9. Cakes and `bolinhas’ are a must for Christmas and other festivals.
10. The presence of the baker’s furnace in the village is absolutely essential.
11. The bakers in the old days used to wear a dress known as the kabai.
12. Baking was quite a pro table profession in the old days.
13. The baker and his family always looked happy and prosperous.

Summary in Hindi – Part I. A Baker From Goa- Full Text


 इस अंश म लेखक गोआ म अपने पुराने िदनों को याद करता है जब गाँव का बेकर (पावरोटी आिद बनाने वाला ) जीवन म एक मह वपूण
थान रखता था I यधिप, समय के बीतने के साथ लोग अब इतनी अिधक पावरोटी नहीं खाते, मगर गाँव म बेकर अब भी है I पुतगाली लोग
पावरोटी बनाने के िलए प्रिस थे I वे गोआ को बहुत पहले ही छोड़ गए I मगर गोआ म बेकर के पर परागत काम को अब भी देखा जा सकता
है I वे भि टयाँ िजसम पावरोटी बनाई जाती थी अब भी वहाँ िवधमान है I पर परागत बेकरों की बाँस की छड़ी की आवाज को अभी भी सुना
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जा सकता है I बेकर के पिरवार म से कोई-न-कोई अभी भी उस यवसाय और पर परा को आगे बढ़ाए हुए है I गोआ म इन बेकरों को आज भी
पेदर कहा जाता है I
लेखक याद करता है िक एक बेकर गाँव म रोज दो बार आता था I वह लेखक का िमत्र एवं पथ-प्रदशन होता था I उसने बाँस की एक छड़ी
उठाई होती थी I इस छड़ी की आवाज से लेखक और अ य लोग नींद से जाग जाते थे I अलग-अलग घरों के नौकर पावरोटी खरीदते थे I
मगर लेखक पावगजरों को खरीदने के िलए बेकर के पास भाग जाया करता था I

बेकर की बाँस की छड़ी िवशेष होती थी I उस बाँस को जमीन पर पटकर वह ‘झग- झग’ की आवाज पैदा करता था I  बेकर एक हाथ म अपने
िसर पर पावरोटी की टोकरी को सहारा देता था और दूसरे से वह बाँस को जमीन पर पटकता था I जब भी कोई उसके पास पावरोटी
खरीदने के िलए आता था तो वह टोकरी को बाँस पर रखता था Iलेखक और अ य लोग उसकी टोकरी म देखते थे I उन िदनों म गरम चाय
के साथ पावरोटी खाने का िरवाज था I लेखक पावरोटी का इतना शौकीन था की वह इसे खाने से पहले अपने दाँत भी साफ नहीं करता था I
गाँव का बेकर प्र येक अवसर पर िवशेष तौर पर मह वपूण होता था I गाँव वाले उस मीठी पावरोटी, िजसे ‘बोल’ कहा जाता था, के िवशेष
शौकीन थे I इन मीठी पावरोिटयों के िबना शादी के उपहारों का कोई अथ नहीं था I िक् रसमस एवं अ य योहारों पर सडिवच, के क और
बोिलनाह बहुत ज री होते थे I ये पावरोटी से बनाए जाते थे I इस प्रकार बेकर की भ टी म बनाया जाता था I
बेकर या पावरोटी बेचने वाला एक िवशेष प्रकार की पोशाक पहनता था I इसे ‘कबाई’ कहा जाता था I यह एक ही टु कड़े की ल बी फ् रॉक
होता था, यह उसके घुटनों तक जाता था I लेखक के बचपन के िदनों म बेकर ऐसी पै ट पहनते थे जो पूरी ल बी पै ट से छोटी होती थी और
आधी लंबाई की पै ट से ल बी होती थी I आज भी अगर कोई आधी लंबाई की पै ट  पहनता है तो कहा जाता है िक उसने पेडर जैसे कपड़े
पहने है I बेकर अपना िबल आमतोर पर महीने की अ त म लेता था I घर म बेकर के महीने भर के िहसाब को िकसी दीवार पर पेि सल से
िलखा जाता था I  उन िदनों म पावरोटी बनाना फायदे का कारोबार था I बेकर लोग समृ होते थे I उनके पिरवार कभी भी भूखे नहीं रहते थे
I  उनके मोटे शरीर इस बात को दशाते थे िक वे प्रस न है I

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 Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow :


 Our elders are often heard reminiscing nostalgically about those good old Portuguese days, the
Portuguese and their famous loaves of bread. Those eaters of loaves might have vanished but the
makers are still there. We still have amongst us the mixers, the moulders and those who bake the
loaves. Those age-old, time-tested furnaces still exist. The re in the furnaces has not yet been
extinguished. The thud and jingle of the traditional baker’s bamboo, heralding his arrival in the
morning, can still be heard in some places. Maybe the father is not alive but the son still carries on
the family profession. These bakers are, even today, known as pader in Goa.

  Word-meanings: Reminiscing = remembering ( याद करना); vanished = disappeared गायब हो गया);

moulders = those who mould ( फफूं द बनाने वाले); extinguished = put out (बुझा देना); furnaces = ovens

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भि टयाँ)

 Questions :

  (a)  What do the elders remember nostalgically?

  (b)   Whom do the residents of Goa still have among them?

  (c)   What are the time tested things which still exist there?

  (d)   How are the bakers known as in Goa?

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  (e)   Find a word from the passage which means ‘put out’.

 Answers :

  (a)   They remember nostalgically the old Portuguese days and the loaves of bread.

  (b)   They still have the mixers, the moulders and bakers of bread.

  (c)   The furnaces of the bakers are the time-tested things which still exist there.

  (d)   The bakers are known as pader.

  (e)   ‘extinguished’.


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  During our childhood in Goa, the baker used to be our friend, companion and guide. He used to
come at least twice a day. Once, when he set out in the morning on his selling round, and then
again when he returned after emptying his huge basket. The jingling thud of his bamboo woke us
up from sleep and we ran to meet and greet him. Why was it so? Was it for the love of the loaf? Not
at all. The loaves were bought by some Paskine or Bastin, the maid-servant of the house! What we
longed for were those bread-bangles which we chose carefully. Sometimes it was sweet bread of
special make.

Word-meanings: Greet = welcome ( वागत करना): longed for = wished for (इ छा करना )

  Questions :

  (a)   What was the baker’s place in Goa in the author’s childhood days?

  (b)   What happened after the author woke up on hearing the baker’s jingling sound?

  (c)   Who bought the loaves?

  (d)   What did the narrator long for?

  (e)   Find a phrase front the passage which means ‘wished for’.

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 Answers :

  (a)   In those days the baker was the friend, companion and guide.

  (b)   He ran to meet and greet hint.

  (c)   The maid-servant of the house bought the loaves of bread.

  (d)   The author longed for ‘bread-bangles’.

  (e)   ‘longed for’.


 The baker made his musical entry on the scene with the ‘jhang, jhang’ sound of his specially made
bamboo sta . One hand supported the basket on his head and the other hanged the bamboo on
the ground. He would greet the lady of the house with “Good morning” and then place his basket
on the vertical bamboo. We kids would be pushed aside with a mild rebuke and the loaves would
be delivered to the servant. But we would not give up. We would climb a bench or the parapet and
peep into the basket, somehow. I can still recall the typical fragrance of those loaves. Loaves for

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the elders and the bangles for the children. Then we did not even care to brush our teeth or wash
our mouths properly. And why should we? Who would take the trouble of plucking the mango-leaf
for the toothbrush ‘? And why was it necessary at all? The tiger never brushed his teeth. Hot tea
could wash and clean up everything so nicely, after all!                                      

                                                                                                                                                           [H.B.S.E. March
2017 (Set-C)

  Word-meanings: Supported = helped ( सहारा देना); banged = beat with ( ठक-ठक करना ); greet =
welcome ( वागत करना); fragrance = smell (सुग ध) I

Questions :

  (a)   How did the baker make his musical entry?

  (b)   What can the author still recall?

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  (c)   What did the author and the other kids do to look into the baker’s basket?

  (d)   What was thought as a nice mouth-wash to clean up everything?

  (e)   Find a word from the passage which means ‘chide’.

 Answers :

  (a)   The baker made his musical entry with the ‘jhang, jhang‘ sound of his bamboo sta .

  (b)   The author can still recall the typical fragrance of the loaves.

  (c)   They would climb a bench or the parapet to look into the baker’s basket.

  (d)   ‘Hot tea’ was considered a nice mouth-wash.

  (e)   ‘rebuke’.


Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol, just. as a party or a feast
loses its charm without bread. Not enough can be said to show how important a baker can be for a
village. The lady of the house must prepare sandwiches on the occasion of her daughter’s
engagement. Cakes and Bolinas are a must for Christmas as well as other festivals. Thus, the
presence of the baker’s furnace in the village is absolutely essential.

Word-meanings : Feast = grand party ( दावत); charm = attraction (आकषक); absolutely = completely
पूरी तरह); essential = necessary (आव यक) l

Questions :

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  (a)   Name the chapter and the writer.

  (b)   What makes marriage gifts meaningless?

  (c)   When does a party or a feast lose its charm?

 (d)   What has the lady of the house to do on the occasion of her daughter’s engagement?

  (e)   What is a must for Christmas?

 Answers :

  (a)   Chapter: A Baker From Goa.

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      Writer: Lucio Rodrigues.

 (b)   Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol.

  (c)   A party or a feast loses its charm without bread.

  (d)   She must prepare sandwiches on such an occasion.

  (e)   Cakes or bolinhas are a must for Christmas.


The baker usually collected his bills at the end of the month. Monthly accounts used to be recorded
some wall in pencil. Baking was indeed a pro table profession in the old days. The baker and his
family starved. He, his family and his servants always looked happy and prosperous. Their plump
physique open testimony to this. Even today any person with a jackfruit-like physical appearance is
easily a baker.

Word-meanings: Recorded = written ( िलखे जाते थे); starved =die of hunger (भूख से मरना); prosperous –
well to do (खुशहाल); plump = having a soft round body (गोल-मटोल)

 Questions :

  (a)   When did the baker usually collect his bills?

 (b)   How were the monthly accounts recorded?  

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 (c)   How can you say that the baker and his family never starved?

 (d)   What kind of a person is easily compared to a baker?

 (e)   Which word in the passage means the same as ‘proof or example.’

 Answers :

  (a)   The baker usually collected his hills at the end of the month.

  (b)   The monthly accounts were recorded on some wall in pencil.

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  (c)   The baker and his family had a plump physique.

 (d)   Any person with a jackfruit-like physical appearance is easily compared to a baker.

 (e)   Testimony.



The baker or bread-seller of those days had a peculiar dress known as the labia. It was a single-
piece long frock reaching down to the knees. In our childhood, we saw bakers wearing a shirt and
trousers which were shorter than full-length ones and longer than half pants. Even today, anyone
who wears a half pant which reaches just below the knees invites the comment that he is dressed
like a pader !

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  The baker usually collected his bills at the end of the month. Monthly accounts used to be
recorded on some wall in pencil. Baking was indeed a pro table profession in the old days. The
baker and his family never starved. He, his family and his servants always looked happy and
prosperous. Their plump physique was an open testimony to this. Even today any person with a
jackfruit-like physical appearance is easily compared to a baker.

  Word-meanings: Peculiar = strange ( िविचत्र); starved = die of hunger (भूख से मरना); prosperous =
well to do (

Questions :

  (a)   Describe the dress worn by the bread-sellers of old days.

  (b)   When is a person said to be dressed like a pader ?

  (c)   When did baker collect his bills?

  (d)   How does the narrator estimate that the baker used to be rich?

  (e)   Find a word from the passage which means ‘strange’.

Passage-7: (Pages 85 & 86)

Our elders are often heard reminiscing nostalgically about those good old Portuguese days, the
Portuguese and their famous loaves of bread. Those eaters of loaves might have vanished, but the
makers are still there. We still have amongst us the mixers, the moulders and those who bake the
loaves. Those age-old, time tested furnaces still exist. The re in the furnaces has not yet been
extinguished. The thud and jingle of the traditional baker’s bamboo, heralding his arrival in the

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morning, can still be heard in some places. Maybe the father is not alive, but the son still carries on
the family profession. These bakers are, even today, known as pader in Goa.

Word-Meaning: Reminiscing—thinking of the past, Nostalgically—thinking fondly of the past,

Portuguese days—(here) days when Portuguese ruled over Goa, Loaves of bread—pieces of
bread, Vanished—disappeared, ended  Moulders—those who mould, Bake—roast cook on re
Age-old—since ages, Furnaces—hearths, Exist—present, Extinguished—put o , Thud—the
sound of something falling on the ground, Jingle—sound of bells, Traditional—conventional,
Bamboo—a rod of bamboo Heralding—announcing the coming of, Arrival—coming, Carries on—
carries forward, Profession—job,


(a) What do our elders often reminisce?

(b) How are the age-old furnaces time tested?

(c) What does the thud and jingle of the baker’s bamboo herald?

(d) What are bakers called in Goa?


(a) Our elders fondly remember the Portuguese days and their famous loaves of bread.

(b) The age-old furnaces still exist in Goa.

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(c) The thud and jingle of the baker’s bamboo herald the arrival of the baker.

(d) The bakers are even today known as paders in Goa.

Passage-8: (Page 86)

During our childhood in Goa, the baker used to be our friend, companion and guide. He used to
come at least twice a day. Once, when he set out in the morning on his selling round, and then
again when he returned after emptying his huge basket. The jingling thud of his bamboo woke us
up from sleep and we ran to meet and greet him. Why was it so? Was it for the love of the loaf? Not
at all. The loaves were bought by some Paskine or Bastine, the maid-servant of the house! What we
longed for were those bread-bangles which we chose carefully. Sometimes it was a sweet bread of
special make.

Word-Meaning: Guide—showing the way Set out—started, Emptying—making empty, Huge

basket—big basket, Greet—welcome, Maid-servant—maid doing the household work, Longed

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for—waited anxiously, Bread-bangles-round bunches of bread like bangles, Special make—
special design


(a) What did the children think about the baker?

(b) What made people wake up from sleep?

(c)Who used to buy loaves in the house?

(d) What did the children long for?


(a) The children thought the baker as their friend, companion and guide.

(b) The jingling thud of the baker’s bamboo woke up the people from their sleep.

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(c) The maid-servant of the house used to buy loaves from the baker.

(d) The children longed for bread-bangles.

passage-9: (Page 87)

Marriage gifts are meaningless without sweet bread known as the bol, just as a party or a feast
loses its charm without bread. Not enough can be said to show how important a baker can be for a
village. The lady of the house must prepare sandwiches on the occasion of her daughter’s
engagement. Cakes and bolinhas are a must for Christmas as well as other festivals. Thus, the
presence of the baker’s furnace in the village is absolutely essential.

Word-Meaning: Meaningless—useless, Bol—sweet bread, Feast—festivity, party Charm—

beauty, Engagement—ceremony before marriage, Thus—in this way, Presence—existence,
Absolutely—completely, Essential—necessary,


(a) What is the importance of the bol?

(b) What usual dish is prepared on the daughter’s engagement?

(c) What are the essentials for Christmas?

 (d) What is the position of the baker’s furnace in the village?


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(a) Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread or the bol.

(b) The lady of the house must prepare sandwiches on the occasion of her daughter’s engagement.

(c) Cakes and `bolinhas’ are a must for Christmas.

(d) The presence of the baker’s furnace in the village is absolutely essential.

Passage-10: (Page 87)

The baker or bread-seller of those days had a peculiar dress known as the kabai. It was a single-
piece long frock reaching down to the knees. In our childhood, we saw bakers wearing a shirt and

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trousers which were shorter than full-length ones and longer than half pants. Even today, anyone
who wears a half pant which reaches just below the knees invites the comment that he is dressed
like a pader!

Word-Meaning: Peculiar—special, Single-piece—with no joint, Comment—remark, Pader—



(a) What was the traditional dress of the baker?

(b) What was that dress like?

(c) Who is a pader?

(d) When did the author usually see the baker?


(a) The peculiar dress of the baker was known as the kabai.

(b) It was a single piece long frock reaching down to the knees.

(c) A pader is a person who bakes bread.

(d) He usually saw the baker in the morning.

Passage-11: (Page 87)

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The baker usually collected his bills at the end of the month. Monthly accounts used to be recorded
AI some wall in pencil. Baking was indeed a pro table profession in the old days. The baker and his
family never starved. He, his family and his servants always looked happy and prosperous. Their
plump physique was an open testimony to this. Even today any person with a jackfruit-like physical
appearance is easily compared to a baker.

Word-Meaning: Recorded—noted down Pro table—that gives pro t, Starved- died of hunger,
Prosperous—well-o , Plump— eshy, rather fat and round, Treral Physique – body, Open—(here)
clear, Testimony—test, proof, Jackfruit like—like a jackfruit, Physical—bodily Appearance—


(a) Why was the end of the month remarkable for the baker?

(b) How was baking as a profession in the old days?

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(c) What sort of life did the baker and his family live?

(d) What is the physical appearance of the baker compared with?


(a) The bakers collected his bills at the end of the month.

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(b) Baking was quite a pro table profession in the old days.

(c) The baker and his family always looked happy and prosperous.

(d) His physical appearance is compared with a man with jack fruit.


1.Where were bakers especially found in India?

(A) Goa                                    (B) Karnatka

(C) Assam                                (D) all of the above

Ans. (A) Goa  

2.  Who ruled over Goa?

(A) British                                (B) Portuguese

(C) French                               (D) Dutch

Ans. (B) Portuguese

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3. In the olden days baker in Goa was known as :

(A) baker                                 (B) pader

(C) kabai                                  (D) bolinhas

Ans. (B) pade

4.  What did the children like to buy ?

(A) bread                                 (B) bangle-bread

(C) bol                                                 (D) cake

Ans. (B) bangle-bread

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5.  Which name is used for the sweet bread?

(A) bol                                                 (B) kabai

(C) pedar                                 (D) cake

Ans. (A) bol

6. The bakers used to wear 

 (A) kabai                                 (B) bol

(C) pedar                                 (D) all of the above

Ans. (A) kahai

7. When were the bills collected?

(A) daily                                   (B) weekly

(C) fortnightly                                      (D) at the end of the month

Ans. (D) at the end of the month

8. What type of people are bakers?

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(A)  poor                                              (B)  prosperous

(C)  both (A) and (B)                            (D)  starving

Ans. (B) prosperous

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9. Now are bakers in their physique?

(A)  weak                                             (C)  plump

(B)  sick looking                                   (D) all of the above

Ans. (C) plump

10. The elders in Goa are nostalgic about :

(A)  the Portuguese people.                (B)  the good old Portuguese days

(C)  their famous loaves of bread       (D)  all of the above

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Ans. (D) all of the above

11. The baker used to come daily.

(A)  only once                                      (B)  twice

(C)  thrice                                            (D)  four times

Ans. (B) twice

12. Who is the author of the lesson ‘A Baker from Goa’?

(A)  Lucio Rodrigues                            (B)  Lokesh Abrol

(C)  Arup Kumar Datta                         (D)  Gavin Maxwell

Ans. (A) Lucio Rodrigues

Extract Based / comprehension test  Questions and Answers of Part I. A Baker From Goa

 Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow.

1. He used to come at least twice a day. Once, when he set out in the morning on his selling round,
and then again when he returned after emptying his huge basket’.

(a) Who is ‘he’ and where is he from?

(b) Name the items he sold from his huge basket.

(c) When did he come during the day?

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(d) Where did he empty his huge basket?

Ans. (a) ‘He’ is the ‘baker’. He is from ‘Goa’.

(b) Bread loaves, cakes, bread–bangles, sweet bread, etc.

(c) He came twice—once in the morning on his selling round and again after the sale was over.

(d) He emptied his huge basket in the houses of his customers.

2. The baker usually collected his bills at the end of the month. Monthly accounts used to be
recorded on some wall in pencil. Baking was a pro table profession in the old days. The baker and
his family never starved. He, his family and his servants always looked happy and prosperous. Their
plump physique was an open testimony to this. Even today any person with a jackfruit-like physical
appearance is easily compared to a baker.

(a) Where were the monthly accounts of the baker recorded?

(b) Why did the baker and his family never starve?

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(c) Why did the baker and his family always look happy and prosperous?

(d) What are bakers compared within today’s time?


(a) When did the baker collect his bills?

(b) How can you say baking was a pro table profession?

(c) Who is being described in the above passage?

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(d) What kind of business was baking considered?

 Ans. (a) On some wall in pencil.

(b) Because baking was a pro table profession.

(c) Because they never starved as baking was a pro table business.

(d) A person with a jackfruit-like physical appearance.


(a) At the end of the month.

(b) Because the baker and his family always looked happy and prosperous.

(c) The baker.

(d) Baking was a pro table business in the old days.

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3. Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol, just as a party or a
feast loses its charm without bread. Not enough can be said to show how important a baker can be
for a village. The lady of the house must prepare sandwiches on the occasion of her daughter’s
engagement. Cakes and bolinhas are a must for Christmas as well as other festivals. Thus, the
presence of the baker’s furnace in the village is absolutely essential.

(a) Why is the baker’s furnace essential for the Goan people?

(b) On which occasions are the cakes and bolinhas necessary?

(c) When are marriage gifts rendered meaningless?

(d)  What are a must for Christmas and other festivals?


(a) What does the lady of the house prepare on the occasion of her daughter’s engagement?

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(b) What makes the marriage gifts meaningful?

(c) Name a necessary eatable that is a must to be served during engagement parties?

(d) Explain the phrase ‘loses its charm’?

Ans. (a) To prepare cakes, bolinhas, sandwiches on special occasions, rendering them necessary.

(b) On Christmas as well as other festivals and feasts.

(c) Marriage gifts are rendered meaningless without the sweet bread known as a hotel.

(d) Cakes and bolinhas.


(a) Sandwiches.

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(b) The presence of sweet bread known as but

(c) Sandwiches.

(d) Of not much value.

4. Our elders are often heard reminiscing nostalgically about those good Old Portuguese days, the
Portuguese and their famous loaves of bread. Those eaters of loaves might have vanished but the
makers are still there. We still have amongst us the mixers, the moulders and those who bake the
loaves. That age-old time-tested furnaces still exist. The re in the furnaces has not yet been
extinguished. The thud and jingle of the traditional baker’s bamboo, heralding his arrival in the
morning, can still be heard in some places. Maybe the father is not alive, but the son still carries on
the family profession.

(a) What do the elders think fondly about their past?

(b) Who recollects nostalgically about Old Portuguese days?

(c) What are the elders nostalgic about?

(d) How can you say that bread making is still popular in Goa?

Ans. (a) The elders remember very fondly the good old Portuguese days and their loaves of bread.

(b) Elderly Goans.

(c) The good old Portuguese days and the Portuguese and their famous loaves of bread.

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(d) The bakers are still there, as are the furnaces, and the tradition of baking.

5.The baker made his musical entry on the scene with ‘bang, jhang’ sound of his specially made
bamboo sta one hand supported the basket on his head and the other banged the bamboo on
the ground.

(a) How did the bakers announce their entry?

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(b) How were both of his hands occupied?

(c) How did the baker make his entry musical?

(d) How did he balance the basket on his head?

Ans. (a) By banging their bamboo sta on the ground.

(b) One hand supported the basket and the other banged the bamboo sta on the ground.

(c) He made ‘jhang-jhang’ musical sound with his bamboo sta .

(d) He balanced the basket on his head by sporting it with his one hand.

6. The presence of the baker’s furnace in the village is absolutely essential. The baker or bread-
seller of those days had a peculiar dress known as the habai. It was a single piece long frock
reaching down to the knees. In our childhood, we saw bakers wearing a shirt and trousers which
were shorter than full-length ones and longer than half pants. Even today, anyone who wears a half
pant which reaches just below the knees invites the comment that he is dressed like a pader!

(a) Why is a baker essential in the Goan village?

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(b) How is a traditional baker recognised?

(c) What is a person called if he wears half pant that reaches just below his knees?

(d) What does the passage tell us about?

Ans. (a) People need bread for daily use and it is also essential for all festive seasons.

(b) The one who wore a single piece long frock reaching below the knees or one who wore pants
longer than half pants, but shorter than full pants was instantly recognised as a traditional baker.

(c) He is called a pader or baker.

(d) The passage tells us about the dress of modern bakers.

7.We kids would be pushed aside with a mild rebuke and the loaves would be delivered to the
servant. But we would not give up. We would climb a bench or the parapet and peep into the
basket, somehow. I can still recall the typical fragrance of those loaves. Loaves for the elders and
the bangles for the children. Then we did not even care to brush our teeth or wash our mouths
properly. And why should we? And why was it necessary at all? The tiger never brushed his teeth.
Hot tea could wash and clean up everything so nicely, after all!

(a) How did the children manage to see what was there in the baker’s basket?

(b) What did the children like most to eat?

(c) Why would the children peep into the basket?

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(d) Why did he push aside the children?

Ans. (a) The children would climb a bench or the parapet to look into the baker’s basket.

(b) The children like bread-bangles the most.

(c) To check for their choice of bread.

(d) He did so because they used to peep into his basket and did not let him deliver the bread.

Main Characters of the Story- Part I. A Baker From Goa

Character Sketch

The Baker of Goa: The baker or the pader used to be an essential part of the Goan’s life. The baker
or bread seller had a peculiar dress during the Portuguese days. It was known as the Kabai. It was a
single piece long frock reaching down the knees. With the passage of time, he started wearing a

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shirt and trousers which were just longer than the short pants. The baker and his family always
looked happy and prosperous in the good old days. His sweet bread or the boys are still the part of
feasts, marriages and Christmas in Goa.

Extra Very Short Answer Type Important Questions

Q.1. What do the elders of Goa remember nostalgically? ‘ [H.B.S.E. March 2017 (Set-A)]

 Ans. They remember nostalgically the old Portuguese days and the loaves of bread.

 Q.2. What are the time tested things which still exist in Goa?

Ans. The furnaces of the bakers of Goa are time tested things which still exist there.

Q.3. When did the baker come daily?

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 Ans. He came daily twice. Once in the morning when he set out for his selling and the other time
after selling the bread.

 Q.4. What was the baker’s place in Goa is the author’s childhood days?

 Ans. In those days the baker was the friend, companion and guide.

 Q.5. How is the entry of the baker described?

 Ans. The entry of the baker is described as musical.

 Q.6. What did the author and the other children do to look into the baker’s basket?

 Ans. They would climb a bench or the parapet to look into the baker’s basket.

 Q.7. What is the name of the dress worn by the baker in olden days?

 Ans. It was known with the name of kabai.

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 Q.8. What is the baker called in Goa?

 Ans. baker is called ‘pader‘ in Goa.

 Q.9. What is the nancial status of a baker of Goa?

 Ans. A baker of Goa is mostly in a sound nancial position.

 Q.10. What is a kabai?

Ans. A kabai is a type of frock made out of a single piece of cloth.

 Short Answer Type Important Questions

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:

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1. What did the baker mean to the narrator during his childhood? How many times did he pay a

Ans. The baker or pader was an important person in the author’s life. He was treated like a friend.
He used to come twice a day, once in the morning to sell the bread and then while returning after
emptying his basket. The author used to run to meet him in order to take the bread-bangles. He
chatted and gossiped with him.

2.What were the bakers called? Describe their peculiar dress.

Ans. The bakers were known as pader. These bakers wore a peculiar dress known as the ‘kabai’. It
was a single piece long frock reaching down to the knees.

3. What was Kabai ? Give a brief description.


What did the bakers wear — (i) in the Portuguese days? (ii) When the author was young?

Ans. Kabai wan a particular dress — a single piece long frock reaching down the knees which the
bakers used to wear in old days. Later it was replaced by a shirt and trousers which were longer
than the shorts and shorter than the full length.

4. What are the elders in Goa nostalgic about?

Ans. In Goa, the elders are nostalgic about the good Old Portuguese days as well as the
Portuguese and their famous loaves of bread.

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5. How can you say, ‘bread-baking is still popular in Goa’?

Ans. Bread making is still very popular in Goa. Still, we can see the mixers, the moulders and those
who bake the loaves. Most of their festivals and other occasions are meaningless without the
loaves of bread.

6. “Even today any person with a jackfruit-like physical appearance is easily compared to a
baker.” Explain.

Ans. Bakers had a plump physique which meant they were happy and prosperous and hence, even
today, any person with a jackfruit like physical appearance is compared to a baker.

7.`Baking was, indeed, a pro table profession’. Justify the statement with reference to the
extract ‘A Baker from Goa’.


 Explain with examples that baking used to be a pro table profession.

Ans. Baking was indeed a pro table profession in the old days. The baker and his family never
starved. He, his family and his servants always looked happy and prosperous. Their plump physique

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was an open testimony to this.

8. How did the baker attract the children?


How does the writer know about the arrival of the baker? Why are they anxiously waiting for

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What role did the baker play in the childhood of the narrator?              

Ans. The children would know about his arrival from the ‘jhang, jhang’ sound of his bamboo stick.
They would run to meet and greet him. They tried to surround the basket but were pushed aside
until the bread was delivered to the maid. Then they were allowed to choose their bread-bangles.

9. How did the baker make his entry?

Ans. The baker made his musical entry with the ‘jhang, jhang’ sound of his specially made bamboo
sta One hand supported the basket on his head and the other banged the bamboo on the
ground. He would greet the lady of the house and then place the basket on the bamboos.

10. How were the baker’s accounts maintained?

Ans. The monthly records/accounts of the baker were maintained on some wall in pencil.

11. Is bread an important part of Goan life? How do you know this?

Ans. Bread is still an important part of Goan life. Marriage gifts are meaningless and a party or a
feast loses its charm without bread. Sandwiches are important for a daughter’s engagement. That
is what that explains the fact that the bread makers are still there.

12. What marks of the Portuguese way of life can still be seen in Goa?

Ans. Goa was once occupied by the Portuguese. They were famous for preparing the loaves of
bread. They left Goa long ago. But the traditional work of the bakers can still be seen in Goa. The
furnaces in which the bread was baked still exist there.

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13. What does the author recall about the visit of the baker to his village?

Ans. The author recalls that a baker used to visit the village twice a day. He used to be the author’s
friend and guide. He used to carry a bamboo stick. The sound of this stick used to wake up the
author and others from sleep

14. How was the village baker very important for special occasions in the village?

Ans. The village baker was especially important for festive occasions. The villagers were much fond
of the sweet bread known as ‘bol’. Marriage gifts were meaningless without these sweetbreads.
Sandwiches, cakes and bolinhas were a must for Christmas as well as other festivals. These were
made with the bread.

15. Describe the bread-sellers dress.

 Ans. The baker or the bread-seller wore a special, peculiar dress. It was known as the ‘kabai . It was
a single-piece long frock. It reached down to his knees. During narrator’s childhood, Bakers wore
trousers which were shorter than full-length and longer than half pants.

16. When did the baker collect his bills? What showed that the bakers were prosperous?

Ans. The baker usually collected his bills at the end of the month. In the household, the baker’s
monthly accounts used to be recorded on some wall in pencil. Baking was a pro table business in
those days. Their families never starved. Their plump bodies showed that they were prosperous.

17. When would the baker come every day? Why did the children run to the baker?

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Ans. The baker would come twice a day. Once in the morning when he set out on his selling round,
and then again after emptying his basket. In the morning the children ran to him to have bread-

18. How did the baker make his entry in the morning?

Ans. In the morning the baker made his musical entry on the scene with the ‘jhang–jhang‘ sound of
his specially made sta . One hand supported the basket on his head and the other hanged the
bamboo on the ground.

19. What are the childhood memories described by the author in this extract?

Ans. The author passed his childhood days in Goa. In this extract, he remembers his old days in Goa
when the village baker occupied an important place in life. Although, with the passage of time,
people do not eat so much bread, yet the sillage bakers are still there.

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Q20. What do the elders reminisce about and why?

Ans. The elders reminisce nostalgically about the good old Portuguese days and the Portuguese
loaves of bread. The loaves of bread were an integral part of Goan’s life. Marriages were
meaningless without sweet bread. The lady of the house must prepare sandwiches on her
daughter’s engagement. Christmas and other festivals must have cakes and bolinhas. They still
remember the jingling thud of the baker in the morning.

Q22. How can you say that the makers of the famous Goan loaves are still there?

Ans. Many of those eaters of loaves might have died but their makers still exist. The mixers, the
moulders and those who bake the loaves are still there in Goa. The re in the furnaces has not yet
been extinguished and the thud and jingle of the baker’s bamboo can still be heard in the morning
in some places. These bakers, known as paders, exist in Goa even today. The family profession is
still carried on.

Q22. How did the baker make his musical entry on the scene in the morning?

Ans. The baker made his musical entry in the morning. The jingling thud of his bamboo woke up the
people in the morning. He used to come at least twice a day. The children ran to meet and greet
him. For children, it was not just for the love of the loaf but for the love of the jingling music.

Q23. Why was the baker, the friend, companion and guide of the children?

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Ans. For children, the very sight of the baker was quite exciting. He was their friend, companion
and guide. The jingling thud of his bamboo put them in rapture. They ran to meet and greet him. It
was not so much for the love of the loaf What they longed for were the bread-bangles. Sometimes
they liked the sweet bread of special make.

Q24. What importance did the baker’s furnace have in the village in Goa?

Ans. The loaves of bread had become an important and integral part of the lives of the people in
Goa. Marriages were meaningless without the sweet bread or the bol. No party or feast was
possible without bread. The lady of the house would prepare sandwiches on the engagement
ceremony of her daughter. Cakes and sweet breads were a must for Christmas and other festivals.
The presence of the baker’s furnace was absolutely essential in the village.

Q25. Describe the changes in the dress of the baker or the pader with the passage of the time.

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Ans. In good old days during the Portuguese rule, the baker or bread seller had a peculiar dress. It
was known as `Icabar. It was a single piece long frock reaching down to the knees. These days a
pader wears a shirt and trousers which are shorter than full lengths ones and longer than half

Q26. What was the attitude of the baker towards

(i)the lady of the house

(ii) the children

(iii) the maidservant?

Ans. (i) First of all, the baker would greet the lady of the house with “Good morning” and then
place his basket on the vertical bamboo before her.

(ii)He would push aside the children with a mild rebuke.

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(iii)The loaves were delivered to the maid-servant.

Q27. How did the children behave when they have pushed aside with a mild rebuke by the

Ans. The baker would push aside the children with a mild rebuke. But the kids would not give up.
They would climb a bench or the parapet and peep into the basket. They longed for the bread-
bangles. Actually, the jingling thud of the baker or the pader fascinated them.

Q28. Why would the children didn’t even care to brush their teeth or wash their mouths

Ans. The jingling thud of the pader and his musical entry in the morning would wake up the
children from their sleep.

They would run to greet and meet him. They didn’t even care to brush their teeth or wash their
mouths. The tiger never brushed their teeth. There was no need of doing any such thing. Hot tea

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could wash and clean up everything so nicely, after all.

Q29. When did the baker collect his bills and how did he record his monthly accounts?

Ans. The pader usually collected his bills from his customers at the end of the month. He didn’t
have a notebook to record his monthly accounts. Monthly accounts used to be recorded on some
wall in pencil.

Q30. How would you prove that baking was a pro table profession in the old days in Goa?

Ans. Baking was quite a pro table profession in Goa in the old days. The baker and his family never
starved. Even his servants could meet both the ends easily. He and his family always looked happy
and prosperous. Their plump physique was an open testimony of their happiness and prosperity.

Important Long/ Detailed Answer Type Questions- to be answered in about 100 -150 words

 Answer the following questions in 100-120 words:

1. Why was it absolutely essential to have a “baker’s furnace” in a Goan village?

Ans. The Portuguese and their famous loaves of bread had made a permanent impact on Goan soil.
The eaters of those loaves might have vanished but the makers of the loaves — the bakers still
have an important place in the society. The Goan village still has the mixers, moulders and those
who bake the loaves. There are also the age-old time-tested furnaces which exist till date. The
bakers are still important in the village. The lady of the house must Prepare sandwiches on the

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occasion of her daughter’s engagement. Cakes and bolinhas are a must for Christmas as well as
other festivals. Thus, the presence of the baker’s furnace in the village is still essential.

2. Give a pen-portrait of a baker in Goa.

Ans. A baker had an important place in the village life of Goa. Marriage gifts were meaningless
without bol or sweet bread, cakes and bolinhas at Christmas and other festivals. In old days the
bakers used to wear a peculiar dress — kabai – a single piece long frock reaching down the knees.
Later they started wearing a shirt and trousers which were longer than the shorts and shorter than
the full-length pants. They used to be prosperous. They, their family and servants never starved.
Their plump physique was a testimony of their prosperity and good income. The baker used to be a
good friend, companion and guide for the author. He would come twice a day and then, the
children of the house would crowd around his basket to choose the bread-bangles. Even today,
baking and bakers are famous in Goa. They still use the traditional furnaces to bake bread and
cakes. These bakers are known as paders in Goa.

3. Describe the childhood memories of the author’s life in Goa and his fondness for bread and

Ans. The author’s childhood memories are full of fun. He remembers them and gets nostalgic. The
pader or baker was an important person in the Goan village as well as in the author’s life. He used
to mix, mould and bake the loaves of bread in age-old, tested furnaces. He used to come twice a
day, once in the morning to sell the bread and then while returning after emptying his basket. He
made his musical entry with the `jhang, jhang’ sound of his bamboo sta . The author with other
children used to run to meet him in order to take the bread-bangles or sometimes the sweet bread
of special make. He chatted and gossipped with him.

4. How is the e ect of the traditional bread bakers can still be seen in Goa of today?

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Ans. The author remembers his old days in Goa when the village baker occupied an important place
in life. Bread eating was very common in those days. Apart from eating bread daily, bread held an
important place at the time of Christmas, marriages and other functions. Although, with the
passage of time, people do not eat so much bread today, yet the village bakers are still there. The
Portuguese were famous for earns the loaves of bread. They left Goa long ago. But the traditional
work of the bakers can still be seen in Goa. The furnaces in which the bread was baked still exist
there. The sound of the traditional bakers’ bamboo can still be heard. These bakers are known as
Pader in Goa even today.

5. What was the importance of the baker in the village? What kind of dress did be wear?

Ans. The village baker was especially important for all occasions. The villagers were much fond of
the sweet bread known as ‘Bor. Marriage gifts were meaningless without these sweetbreads.
Sandwiches, cakes and bolinhas were a must for Christmas as well as other festivals. These were
made with the bread. Thus the presence of a baker’s furnace was very essential in each village. The
baker or the bread-seller wore a special, peculiar dress. It was known as the ‘kabai‘. It was a single-
piece long frock. It reached -down to his knees. During narrator’s childhood bakers wore trousers
which were shorter than full-length and longer than half pants. Even today if someone wears a half
pant, he is said to be dressed like a pader.

6. Give a pen-portrait of a Goan Village baker.

Ans. A Goan village baker used to sell all kinds of bread loaves. He used to come in the morning
with a basket of bread loaves on his head. He made a musical entry on the scene with the jhang–
jhang‘ of his bamboo stick. He used to wear a peculiar dress known as the ‘kabai‘. It was a single-
piece long frock reaching down to the knees. The baker usually collected his bills at the end of the

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month. Baking was indeed a pro table profession in the old days. The baker always looked happy
and prosperous. He had a plump physique.

 Q7. What do our elders are often heard reminiscing nostalgically about in Goa? Did the old
profession of making the famous loaves of bread end with the Portuguese?

Ans. Our elders in Goa are often heard reminiscing nostalgically about the good old Portuguese
days. They are often heard saying nostalgically about their famous loaves of bread. Many eaters of
loaves might have vanished but the makers are still alive. The profession of baking loaves of bread
has not died with ending of the Portuguese rule. Goa still has the mixers, the moulders and the
bakers of those loaves. The furnaces still bake those unique loaves of bread. Even today one can
hear the thud and jingle of the traditional baker’s bamboo in the morning. Marriages, feasts,
Christmas and other festivals are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol. The
baker’s presence in even Goan village is absolutely essential. Baking was indeed a pro table
profession in good old days. However, the tradition hasn’t died completely yet.

Q8. Describe the author’s experience during his childhood in Goa? Why was the baker or the
pader the guide of children in Goa?

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Ans. The author remembers fondly his childhood days in Goa. He recalls how the baker used to be
the friend, companion and guide of the children. The thud and jingle of the traditional baker’s
bamboo woke them from their sleep. It heralded the arrival of the baker or the pader in the
morning. He used to come at least twice a day. Once, he used to set out in the morning on his
selling round. Then he returned after emptying his huge basket. The children ran to meet and
greet him. It was not for the love of the loaf. They longed for the bread-bangles. Sometimes it was
sweet bread of special make. The children especially liked the musical entry on the scene with the
`jhang, jhang’ sound of his specially made bamboo sta . He would greet the lady of the house with
good morning but put the children with a mild rebuke. The children would not give up. They would
climb a bench and peep into the basket. The author still recalls the fragrance of those loaves. The
children would become crazy at the sight of the pader. They would forget even to brush their

Q9. Baking was a pro table profession in the old days in Goa. Prove it by giving examples from
the text.

Ans. Baking was indeed a pro table profession in the old days in Goa. The people of Goa were
used to the refreshing fragrance of the loaves of bread. On all occasions .and ceremonies, they
needed them. Marriage gifts were meaningless without the sweet bread or the bol. No party was
complete if bread was not served in it. The lady of the house must prepare sandwiches on the
engagement ceremony of her daughter. Christmas and other festivals must have bolinhas during
their celebrations. The presence of the baker’s furnace Was absolutely necessary for every, GNP
village. The baker usually collected his bills at the end of the month. The baker and his family never

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starved. They always looked happy and prosperous. Their plump physique was an open testimony
to their happiness and prosperity.

Q10. Give a pen-portrait of the baker or the pader highlighting the changes that came in his
fortune and dress with the passage of the time.

Ans. The baker or the pader used to be an essential part of the Goans’ life. The baker or bread
seller had a peculiar dress during the Portuguese days. It was known as the kabai. It was a single
piece long frock reaching down the knees. With the passage of time, he started wearing a shirt and
trousers which were just longer than the short pants. The baker and his family always looked happy
and prosperous in the good old days. Their plumpy physique was an open testimony of their
happiness and prosperity. However, as the time changed, the bakers continued their profession but
with their reduced fortune and importance. The thud and jingle of the traditional bamboo of the
baker are still heard in the streets of Goa even now. Sweet bread or the boys are still the part of
feasts, marriages and Christmas in Goa. However, the old charm and craze have become rather dim
in recent days.

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