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Interpersonal Skills Competency Training Proposal


Outstanding Performance Delivered…!

Interpersonal Skills Competency Course
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About the program


One of the most effective ways to improve your interpersonal skills is to imagine how you would like to be
treated by others. Interpersonal skills are not just important at the workplace, in school, and in life. They are
critical regardless of what level you are on in the social or workplace hierarchy. Interpersonal skills are the
skills we use every day when we communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups.
People with strong interpersonal skills are often more successful in both their professional and personal lives.
Interpersonal skills include a wide variety of skills, though many are centred around communication, such as
listening, questioning and understanding body language. They also include the skills and attributes associated
with emotional intelligence, or being able to understand and manage your own and others’ emotions.
People with good interpersonal skills tend to be able to work well in a team or group, and with other people
more generally. They are able to communicate effectively with others, whether family, friends, colleagues,
customers or clients. Interpersonal skills are therefore vital in all areas of life at work, in education and
socially. Through awareness of how you interact with others, and with practice, you can improve your
interpersonal skills.
This course seeks to add interpersonal skills competencies at knowledge level and skill level (where
applicable through case studies and role plays).
These competencies are applicable to teams at the level of functions, departments and the organization as
a whole. Participants will understand the different levels of team in their organization and relate their
individual contributions to the objective(s) of the organization as a team.
The topics covered will include a wide range of skills, such as:

 Communication skills
 Emotional intelligence
 Dispute/Conflict resolution
 Leadership

 Case studies, role plays and group discussion:

o Innovation at IDEO
o Giving feedback
o The Behavioural Continuum

Upon completion of this course you’ll be able to:

 Model high standards of leadership performance and behaviour while establishing key
performance indicators to meet your organisation’s goals and objectives
 Support team members to develop, use and share their skills
 Support team members to resolve conflict and other issues which affect performance
 Identify areas for improvement
 Focus on basic communication skills
 Use and practice their interpersonal skills
 Manage team conflict

This course is loaded with tools and resources that enables participants to identify the necessary skills to
manage relationship and lead others in the workplace.

Who Should Attend?

This program is for supervisors, managers and heads of departments as well as those being considered for
managerial position, those responsible for developing new managers- Line managers & HR Managers,
Essentially, the program seeks to build on the two leadership domains of Personal Leadership, and Relational
Leadership based on identified leadership competencies.

 Personal Leadership: This domain is the foundation of the other domains and it emphasizes
understanding on how one comes across when working with different people, understanding one’s
self, values, visions and personality. This helps to deliver result through others effectively.
 Relational Leadership: The relational domain narrows on working efffectively with a range of
stakeholders to understand their point of view, influence with integrity and give feedback in a away
that sustains relationships

Program Content:
The program is designed to run for 2 days. The competencies targeted for development include self mastery,
delivering results through others, interpersonal effectiveness.
Day One (Personal Leadership)
 Leading by Influence – Understanding leadership styles, theories, influencing tactics and
Implications in Leading Teams
 Emotional Intelligence for Leaders/Managers
 Debrief of personality types

Day Two (Relational Leadership)

 Anger Management at Work
 Dispute/Conflict Resolution
 Effective communication skills
This training course will cover:

Day/Module Module Title Course Content Summary

Day One, Leading by influence  What is Leadership?
Module One  Leadership Traits, Styles and Theories
 Difference between Leadership and Management
 2 Dimensional models of leadership behaviour
 Situational Leadership
 Understanding the process of Influencing
 Approaches to Influencing
 Influencing tactics
 The Leadership Process Model
Day One, Emotional Intelligence  Understanding Emotional Intelligence
Module Two  Analyze the brain science behind emotional intelligence.
 Identify and assess your emotions.
 Determine how to exercise emotional self-control.
 Identify your triggers and how to respond to them.
 The four box model of Emotional Intelligence
o Self awareness
o Self management
o Social awareness &
o Relationship Management
 Assess how others respond at work.
 Determine how to maximize team performance using
emotional intelligence.
Day One, Understanding Participants will undergo a personality profiling before the learning
Module Three Personality Types event. A debrief of the various personality types will form part of the
(Debrief of Personality learning program. This is a foundational element of personal and
Types) relational leadership as it will enhance the participants’ knowledge
of themselves and how to relate with others from this perspective.

The personality profiling is done using a proprietary software

application which generates individual personality reports for the
participant. Sample reports are attached for reference.
Day Two, Effective Business  Understanding the communication process,
Module Four Communication - facilitators and barriers
Influencing Through  Roles in a communication process
 Communicating in person - The Mehrabian’s
Communication Model
 Verbal and non-verbal communication
 Active listening and listening techniques
 Communication Planning
o Objectives of specific communication
o Identification and management of
o Channels of Communication
o Planning to Influence your audience –
Monroe’s motivated sequence
 Influencing through Communication - Quality Inquiry and
o Using active listening and questioning to gain
understanding and perspective without bias
o Securing support for an idea or perspective
o Handling difficult discussions
 Active Listening and creating rapport
 Giving and Receiving Feedback – BIC and SARAH Models

Day Two, Anger Management at  Defining & Recognizing Anger

Module Five Work o What is Anger?
o The Anger Pie
o Cost of Anger
o Understanding your Anger
o Anger Triggers
o Anger Pay-offs
o Exercise: The Anger Log
 Managing Anger
o ABCs of Anger
o The Anger & Violence Ladder
o Avoiding violence, blaming, and threats
o Staying calm one day at a time
o Change anger-provoking thoughts
o Ask for what you want from team members without
getting angry
Day Two, Dispute/Conflict  What is Conflict?
Module Six Resolution o Resolution Vs Reconciliation
o Causes of Conflict
o Trigger Point
o Emotions in Conflict
 Managing Team Conflict
o Team Development Wheel
 Testing
 Infighting
 Getting Organized
 High Performance
 The Accountability Ladder
 The Behavioural Continuum

Pre -Course and In-Course Activities

Personality Profiling
Participants will undergo a personality profiling before the learning event. The debrief of various personality
types will form part of the learning program. This is a foundational element of personal and relational
leadership as it will enhance the participants’ knowledge of themselves and how to relate with others from
this perspective.
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Participants will practice to give and receive feedbacks right after the session on Advanced
Communications Skills.

Our Training Approach and Delivery Methodology

Our training programs are designed to enhance specific competencies that will increase the productivity of
participants on their respective jobs. Emphasis is placed on tools that can be used to implement the principles
of our training courses. As such, all our training courses are delivered with tools that can be used by
participants after the learning event.
Our value proposition is the effect of the training on your employees’ personality, perception and
relationships which ultimately translate unto their jobs. “What you don’t have, you don’t give”.
Furthermore, in order to ensure and monitor organizational growth, a feedback mechanism has been
designed. It is called ‘the action plan’, this is a mechanism whereby participants are made to fill a form called
action plan sheet. They write what they intend to do on their respective jobs as a result of the new knowledge
acquired from the training. This form is filled in triplicates. One copy goes to the sponsor/HR manager of
the organization, another goes to the training consultant and the last copy goes to the participant. This way,
they are all able to monitor the performance of each participant and their individual contribution to the
organizational growth. This ensures that a sponsor can actually monitor in real terms, the effect of the training
program on individual effectiveness and organizational growth.

Presentation Mode – Video Facilitation, Case Studies, Live Facilitation and Group Work/Discussions
Our training programs are presented to participants through a distinctive scheme that combines real life
case studies applicable to your organization and industry, live facilitation and presentation by a consultant,
team work/problem solving and activities.

This method incorporates involvement, participation, team work and intuitive actions in a unique way that
solves practical organizational problems in the target business environment.

Learning Assessment
There shall be three (3) levels of assessing participants in this course namely: pre event assessment, in-course
assessment, post course assessment and ongoing review with the participants’ managers. The pre course
assessment will be in the form of personality assessment questionnaire. During the learning event, there shall
be case studies and discussions through which participants will be assessed informally. At the end of each
course, post learning questionnaires shall be completed by the participants in order to ascertain if learning
has indeed taken place.
It is highly recommended that participants take personality tests which will enhance their self awareness and
lay a foundation for interpersonal relationship and emotional intelligence.

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