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Copyright 2010 Kapil Mishra
You Are Free To Reproduce, Print, Or Distribute Copies Of
This book, Provided You Make No Changes Whatsoever In
The Text
“There may be times when we are
powerless to prevent injustice, but
there must never be a time when we
fail to protest.”
-Elie Wiesel
I dedicate this book to River Yamuna
that flows silently and provide for
water and life
to vast populations along her banks
without complaining about the
exploitation and encroachments
that we do to her.....

I also would like to dedicate this book

to farmers and workers
who are working day and night under
unimaginable conditions
to ensure a better tomorrow
while struggling for survival in this
age of trickle down economics

First of all, I would like to thank Preety, my wife and partner

in all my endeavors, who is always there with me and who is
most precious to me.

I would also like to thank my family including my mother, my

Didi, my sisters and my father who make me what I am.

This book was not possible without constant support from

“Youth for Justice” core members including Hemraj, Vikram
and Devahuti who are backbone of the organization. I also
would like to thank all “Youth for Justice” members, supporters
and fans who believe in the possibility of change and are
always there to fight for right cause.

I don't have words to thank Sunil Parbhakar who has stayed at

Yamuna Satyagraha site for months and gave me courage and
inspiration to raise the voice in Delhi Assembly along with

I also would like to acknowledge Rajesh Krishnan of

Greenpeace who motivated me to give a time frame to the idea
of this book.

I would also like to thank Diwan Singh, Rajinder Singh, S.A.

Naquvi, Prof. Vikram Soni. Kuldeep Nayyar, Rakesh Narwar,
Abhijit, Ramanad, Vipul, Puneet, Kamakhya, Prof. V.P. Singh,
Kishori, Bhoop Singh, Atrawati, Vinod, Devyani and all those
activist and intellectuals who are torch bearers of movement
and are busy spreading the voices of Justice across.
- Kapil

1. Shera- The Man Eater

2. Why am I writing this?

3. Games in context of Gandhi's Talisman

4. Commonwealth Games- Myths and realities

5. It's Common V/S Wealth

6. Broken Promises Shattered Dreams

7. CWG-2010: Democracy on hold

8. The Delhi Model- Scandalous Development

9. Tell me Why

10. The Struggle so far...We are the Change


Shera, mascot of the XIX Commonwealth Games 2010

Delhi, is the most visible face of the XIX Commonwealth
Games 2010 Delhi.

His name comes from the Hindi word Sher – meaning


But this Shera represents the cruel and rare side of Tiger-
the Man Eater.

He is a killer who likes destroying livelihoods of poor


An animal that preys upon humans, damages the nation’s

ancient ecological heritage, exploits the weaker sections
and supports loot of common resources.

Shera embodies values that the no nation can be proud

of: dishonesty, disrespect and unresponsive.

He is also destroying the fragile environment he lives in

and showing no responsibility towards the protection of
the ecosystem.

Today Shera is the symbol of all the wrongs that’s

happening to society.

He represents worst form of corruption in the history of

modern India.

He symbolizes dictatorship and exploitation.

Just think of the cries and before-death condition of the
poor people as they are displaced, their livelihoods are
snatched and as they are slowly being eaten.......

and for this Man Eater..its nothing but Just a Game!!


Why am I writing this?

Because it’s Time to talk about the bloody side of CWG-2010

They are killing animals, they are cutting trees, they are
displacing people, snatching livelihoods, destroying river,
looting the taxpayers, violating all possible labor laws,
increasing cost of living to unimaginable heights, asking
students to vacate hostels, destroying heritage of this age old
city and all this in the name of Green Games.

Yes as a matter of fact the only thing green about upcoming

Commonwealth Games in the city is “the money” involved in

And that’s why; anyone who is opposing the exploitation in the

name of games is being labeled as anti nation, anti people and
anti development.

Delhi is hosting Commonwealth Games in October this year.

Vision of these games includes “inculcating sports
consciousness and culture in every Indian”. As per the official
website of CWG 2010, the mission of these games includes
“creating sustainable environment and leave behind a
lasting legacy” and values include “transparency”.

Delhi won the bid in November 2003, in last six and half years
whatever has happened in the name of Games completely
defies above mentioned vision, mission and values.

Already sensitive ecological system of the city including river

Yamuna has been destroyed for upcoming “Green Games”.
Thousands of trees were cut down. City Government has
completely ignored sentiments of people and civil society
against destructive development.

Apart from ecological costs, People of this city are forced to

bear the economic burden of these games as Government and
city authorities have decided to come up with one after another
illogical project in name of developing city’s infrastructure
before the games. BRT corridor is one such example which has
become death corridor for the people of Delhi.

Initially the estimated cost of the games was around Rs. 1,899
crores which has already rose to Rs. 30,000 crores and is still
increasing. Who will pay this cost?

Yes you guessed it right, its you and me – common people of

this city who were never consulted before bidding for these
games and are still in the dark about what will happen once
these games are over.

The way these games are being organized in the city, people
are forced to pay very heavy social cost also. Thousands of
families are forced to move to the outskirts of the city in areas
like Bawana where there is no livelihood available. These
people were forcibly removed so that Govt. can use land for
“developing” venues and infrastructure related to games.

In the name of “development” and "beautification", homes of

thousands of families were demolished and people were
forcibly displaced, homeless people were removed from
shelters, some of which have been demolished. Shamelessly
authorities have decided to erect Bamboo screens around city
slums to separate visitors from the sights of the slums, it further
proves that all these efforts are being carried out keeping the
twelve days event in mind and it has nothing to do with the
welfare of common people of this historic city.
Thousands others have migrated to city as laborers to work in
various projects for commonwealth games. WHO is also
saying that these games will increase slums and unauthorized
colonies in the city.

In the name of developing Games infrastructure and sports

culture, in reality no playground or facilities were developed
for children of common people of this city. We hardly find any
playground in city, most of vacant lands that were used by
children and youth for weekly cricket matches and other sports
activities were now taken by authorities to be developed for the
games. Where are the playgrounds for the children?

The way all games related project were delayed for last seven
years and all concerned officials and authorities kept waiting
for the costs to increase till eleventh hour, it raises serious
doubts about the intention of people involved. Now you can
not raise the question as it is a matter of “national pride”.

From buying of DTC buses at higher than market rates to

construction of flyover from games villages to games venue,
constructing games village saying that it will become
university accommodation after the games and then DDA
buying it at Rs. 3-4 crores per unit and planning to gift it to
MLAs and Govt. officials at throwaway prices, there are
hundreds of examples where one can find that people of this
city are being cheated and looted in the name of
commonwealth games.

These games are definitely leaving a lasting legacy but a very

bad one and if we fail to register our protest now then
tomorrow it will be too late as Delhi being the role model for
other states and cities, this model of loot in the name of
development will then be applied across nation.
Civil society and concerned individuals need to raise voice
against undemocratic manner in which authorities have bid for
these games and are spending tax payers’ money without even
talking about it in election manifesto.

Time to make clear that one can still love this city and love this
nation and hate the loot in the name of commonwealth games.
Commonwealth games are in no way a matter of national pride.

Transparency and accountability are alien terms to the whole

concept of CWG-2010. So people are never taken into

“Youth for Justice” along with several other civil society

groups and concerned individuals is talking about these issues
for very long. We have protested strongly against construction
of Games Village on River bed and cutting of trees in Delhi
University and other areas in the name of CWG projects.

We have also raised the issue of injustice being done to

laborers working at Games Village and violation of labor laws
at various Games Project sites.

From writing blogs, forming social communities to taking the

protest on road and raising the voice inside Delhi Assembly, we
have been doing all possible actions to bring the attention of
authorities to the gross injustice that is being done to the city
and its common resources and common people.

In this book, you will find a chapter that deals with Myths and
Realities associated with Commonwealth Games. The objective
is to make it clear that loving the nation doesn't mean that you
have to accept whatever is being done in the name of games
and helping the readers understand the game that is being
played in the name of CWG.

There is another chapter “Broken Promises, shattered Dreams”

that deals with some of the examples of how common people
and resources are being exploited and looted in the name of
games. It has examples of River Yamuna, cutting of trees,
violation of labor laws, souring costs etc. This chapter raises
questions on intention of individuals and agencies that are
working to make these games a “success”.

In this book, I have also tried to talk about these games in

context of democratic values and principals. Has the
administration asked or even informed people before bidding
for these games and before putting the hard earned money of
common people on stake? Have they even bothered to mention
it in their election manifesto before deciding to organize an
event that is nothing but a luxury that we can not afford. Why
people were not informed about the financial costs and binding
conditions that comes as a package along with games. CWG-
2010 is an example of how even democratically elected
governments can take people for a ride and how powerless and
helpless the people are in situations like this.

I have also tried to discuss the much debated aspect i.e. delays
in the games projects and costs involved. There is clear reason
to believe that delay in almost all game related project was
intentional and authorities were just waiting for the costs to
sour. It also provided them to create an alarming situation and a
sense of emergency so that they can spend any amount of
money at the eleventh hour justifying it in the name of national
prestige. It also provided them freedom to give contracts to
anyone and prevented questions on quality and other important
There is no point in talking about all this without actually
identifying the agencies and individuals responsible for this
loot. We all blame the system for one thing or another. Yes
definitely there are loopholes in the system which allows for
leakage. But the kind of loot that has been done in name of
CWG-2010 is beyond the “corruption”that we know. Its not
about some people taking bribe or keeping some share aside.

Its about designing a complete set of new structures and

systems of loot and killing of common people and common
resources, legitimizing the system and presenting it as role
model for “Growth and Development”. I have named it as “The
Delhi Model” as it is emerging as role model for other cities in
the country.

I have tried to identify the faces and naming them in public

through this book. I strongly believe that these people and
agencies will be brought to justice and will be held accountable
for this open loot that has been done in the name of CWG-

I have also tried to talk about ideas and opportunities to register

protest against this model of “Growth and Development”.
There is a need for common people, civil society groups,
intellectuals and concerned citizens to tell the authorities that
we do not approve what has been done in the name of
commonwealth games and we protest it.

I am writing this because I feel that there is a need to create a

debate on whether exploitation of nature and loot of poor and
middle class people is justified to fulfill senseless lust of a few
political leaders and bureaucrats for more money and power.

There is a need to discuss the lessons that we have learned in

last seven years and challenges that are ahead for concerned
citizens of this country.

While protesting against killing of river in the name of

Commonwealth Games, I found that there are people both
inside and outside the administration who understand the
seriousness of the cause and its impact on the nation in general
and on Delhi in particular.

There is also a need to immediately stop any attempt to present

Delhi as role model for rest of Indian Cities as it will have
catastrophic effects on already struggling masses of this

This book is an attempt to talk about the real side of these

Games, none of us is against the sports but Commonwealth
Games in the city are lacking the sports spirit and we need to
talk about it.

- Kapil Mishra
Games in context of Gandhi Ji's Talisman

Gandhi Ji has given us a tool to take policy decisions related to

people. We all have read his tool in our text books; the tool is
famous as “ Gandhi Ji' Talisman”.

I am repeating it here to put things in right context:

"I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or

when the self becomes too much with you, apply the
following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the
weakest man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask
yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any
use to him [her]. Will he [she] gain anything by it? Will it
restore him [her] to a control over his [her] own life and
destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj [freedom] for
the hungry and spiritually starving millions?

Then you will find your doubts and your self melt away."

It seems an easy and simple solution for all dilemmas that

our policy makers and political leadership is going through.
It asks us to see from last man's point of view.

Can we say that our present political leadership kept this

Talisman in mind while taking the decisions like
Commonwealth Games?
We find that last man/woman has nothing to gain from these
Games. He/She is fast losing the struggle of survival with
each passing day. He/She has already lost the control over
his own life and destiny to market forces and has become
invisible politically. We can easily see that by displacing
people and by snatching their livelihood, these Games are
using this last man as nothing more than a slave.

Its time to ask our policy makers and political leadership to

come back to Gandhi Ji.

Its time to talk about the last man(woman).

Commonwealth Games- Myths and Realities

There are various prevalent myths about upcoming

commonwealth games, not only among masses but also among
some decision makers and intellectuals. Even while interacting
with young students and professionals I have found that most
people believe in these myths that were systematically spread
using propaganda.

From what is Commonwealth to how the city will be affected

from these games, from environmental aspects to economic
outcomes, there are myths associated with all dimensions of
these games.

These myths are created over a period of time in a planned

manner and with selective approach. The purpose of these
myths is to hide the realities of CWG and real beneficiaries and
also to avoid any questioning regarding costs and liabilities.

These myths have created a sense of euphoria among people

and there are attempts to justify all exploitation of common
resources and common people behind these myths.

Here I have tried to list out common myths about these games.
I have also tried to discuss these myths and show the real side
of the picture briefly. After reading this chapter, anyone with an
open mind and with no vested interest involved can easily see
the real side of these games.

Myth No. 1

Delhi should be proud that it is hosting Commonwealth

Games. It is a matter of national pride and honor.
The Truth

Commonwealth Nations are group of countries that were

colonized by Britishers and there is nothing to be proud
of. Why should any nation be proud of being colonized
and why do we need to celebrate that by spending hard
earned money of poor masses who are still struggling to
recover from the loss and insult caused by Britishers to
this great country?

Myth No. 2

Commonwealth Games are contest between countries.

The Truth

Article 5 –Commonwealth Games Federation

Constitution says-
“The Commonwealth Games are contests between
athletes and not contests between countries.”

Myth No. 3

CWG 2010 is Green Games

The Truth

More than 50000 Trees have been cut for projects

related to Commonwealth Games. The Games Village
itself is a case of violation of existing Environmental
laws and is situated on ecologically sensitive river bed
of Yamuna River. The only thing green about these
games is the “money” involved.
Myth No. 4

These Games will benefit people of the City

The Truth

People of the city have already started paying the price;

cost of living in the city is going out of reach for middle
class and lower middle class citizen of the city.
Livelihood of poor people is being destroyed e.g.
Rikshaw, Tongas are not allowed as they don’t look
good. Yellow- black Taxis are on their way out (more
than 50,000 families are directly dependent on these
taxis for their living). The development that is taking
place is only for a selected class of people with a
particular life style. All Labors laws are being violated
and authorities are removing poor people from JJ
Clusters and slums in the name of beautification.

People of this city will be paying for these games for a

very long time to come in form of direct-indirect taxes,
in form of souring cost of living in the city, in form of
depleting resources, in form of losing the say in
governance and administration, in form of rising crime
rates etc. There are social, cultural and economic costs

Myth No. 5

CWG 2010 will be profit making games

The Truth

The estimated cost of these games has gone from Rs.

1,899 Crores to Rs. 30,000 Crores and is still
increasing. With wrong estimates of tourists,
sponsorship etc., there is no way these Games will
recover even 50% of the cost and taxpayer will bear the
burden of these games.

As a matter of fact no games in recent history has been

profit making in any country.

Myth No. 6

It will help the tourism industry.

The Truth

In previous Commonwealth Games held in Melborn,

Australia around 50,000 tourists came to watch the
games. The estimated number of 2,00,000 tourists
visiting New Delhi is clearly not realistic and all
estimates of boom in tourism industry based on these
estimates will fall flat. Instead of filling up the gaps and
providing much needed support to tourism industry,
authorities are talking about how games can help
tourism industry. Its is a short sighted vision with
“ready-fire-aim” approach.

Myth No. 7

These Games will boost sports culture in the city

The Truth

Not even one single investment is being made that will

help motivate children and youth to join sports. On the
other hand, various local venues and open spaces are
encroached by authorities to develop parking and other
facilities for CWG. Children in the city hardly have any
place left to play and city is facing acute crisis of play
grounds and open spaces. These games are in no way
promoting the sports or sports culture. The need is to
invest at club level and district level and to create
spaces and platforms for promoting the culture of sports
and providing right infrastructure and support for boys
and girls who want to make career in sports.

Our players struggle for minimum money to ensure

nutritious meals that can keep them fit, there is
complete absence of required infrastructure to compete
at international forums and no source of motivation that
should come from recognition and encouragement.

We all have seen how selected individuals are sitting as

chairmen of various sports bodies for years and how
any attempt to remove them or demand result is
backlashed. These individuals who are exploiting the
players and eating the talents are now proudly declaring
that CWG will boost the sports culture.

Myth No. 8

Games are helping city in getting World Class


The Truth

Most of the infrastructure is being developed on the

route of players and visitors during the games (Flyover
on Barapula Nalah) and it will be of no value to
common masses of the city once the Games are over.
Similarly the quality of infrastructure is also very poor
and unsustainable. No growth projection for the city are
being kept in mind before designing these
infrastructures and city will be required to invest again
within next 5 years to meet its need. In the name of
infrastructure only roads are being built, no investment
is being made in health, education, sanitation, water and
other important infrastructural needs. The example of
delay in Wazirabad Bridge that connects poorest part of
the city to rest and attempts of building a Signature
Bridge at massive costs instead of building a bridge that
meet the need is perfect case.

Myth No. 9

Games will provide employment and livelihood to poor

The Truth

Thousands of people migrated to city during Asian

Games and settled here once the Games were over. All
those people were forcibly removed and displaced to far
away corners of the city to clear land for
Commonwealth Games venues.

Games projects have increased migration rates and it

will increase unauthorized colonies and slums with
more people unemployed after these games.
Livelihoods of thousands of people were snatched away
in the name of games. For almost one year the civic
body MCD is not paying pension to lakhs of poor,
widows and disabled people to save money for these
Myth No. 10

Delhi will be better city after these Games

The Truth

With lesser trees, no animals, dead river, unemployed

work force, sky rocketing cost of living and acute crisis
of health, education, water, sewages related
infrastructure, Delhi will not be better than a living hell.
A perfect case study of how development should not
happen, but it will be too late to learn.
It's Common v/s Wealth

These games are symbolizing a one sided game. A game where

who will win and who will lose is already decided even before
the game is started. Its a game for those who have designed it
and the ones who will win it in the end but for others it is a
struggle for survival, a question of life and death.

This other side which is here to lose has never even been asked
whether they wish to play this deadly game or not. They are
forced to be part of the “game” and will lose whatever little
they have.

On one side there is common people and common resources

and on other side there are section of powerful group of
individuals with access and authority over these people and

The outcome of these games is designed and decided even

before beginning.

The rules, regulations, time lines of this game is designed by

same set of people who are playing from the side of powerful
people and authorities. Even the referees belongs to the same

On one hand there are people who migrated to cities searching

for their dreams of better lives and better future but ended up
being removed from their homes and livelihood in the name of
beautification and improvement, and on other hand there are
people who can encroach upon any piece of land in the name of
public interest and then construct their dream homes or earn
huge profit by selling the buildings constructed on the same
On one hand there are common resources like Yamuna river,
age old trees and vacant lands and on other hand there are
authorities who can divert, damage or destroy any natural
resource that comes in way of realizing their dreams of getting
money out of these resources up to their “full potential”.

On one hand there are poor migrant laborers who work on

various construction sites and struggle to ensure minimum food
and livelihood security for themselves and on other there are
agencies and contractors who bend and violate all possible
labor laws and exploit men, women and children to ensure
maximum possible profit out of their work.

On one hand there is 70% population of the city who lives in

unauthorized colonies and JJ Clusters and who dream of a city
with better roads, better education, health infrastructure, better
waste management, better energy and water distribution; and
on other hand there are civic agencies and companies who
delay time lines and provide poor quality infrastructure that too
only in selected areas with minimal or no investment on
health, education, water or energy related areas. Whatsoever
investment is being done, is being done keeping in mind the
nine days event and not the need and requirements of people of
this city.

On one hand there are poor people who belongs to weaker

sections like widows, aged people and handicaps who are
dependent on monthly pension support from civic body to
make their both ends meet and on other hand there are agencies
like MCD which are denying this pension amount to thousands
of poor people citing the shortage of money for the games.

Rules and regulations of this game are not even designed and
framed in favor of a particular side but can also be bended and
mended at will. For example, for poor people, living on
temporary sheds alongside yamuna river bed is not only
environmentally wrong but also a violation of high court
directions citing which authorities have forcibly removed
thousands of people. But same river bed becomes an ideal
location for multi-storey commonwealth games village.

Timing of this game is also very much in control of powerful

people and authorities that act as agents of these powerful
people exploiting the common people and common resources
at will.

So, for almost sixty years after independence, people are forced
to live without infrastructure and so called “global life style”
and suddenly one fine day they are told to pay for selected type
of infrastructural development in the city that sees development
only as construction of roads and flyovers at selected corners of
the city that too on such a short notice and hurry that no one
gets time to question the intention, quality and costs involved.

This deadly game is designed to Kill. To kill the dreams, to kill

the aspirations, to kill the livelihoods, to kill the hopes, to kill
those who do not match, To kill those who can not kill.

This game has to be stopped and it has to be stopped now.

Broken Promises, Shattered Dreams

From Delhi bidding for the Games till now, it has been a
history of lies and broken promises. Our authorities have not
only lied to the World to get these Games but have also
shattered the dreams and hopes of common people of the city.

The Biggest Lie

It is about Commonwealth Games village that is coming up on

the river bed of River Yamuna. Following promises were made
about Games Village by the authorities while bidding for the

Games Villages
(Source: Select relevant excerpts from the Report of the CG
Evaluation Commission for the 2010 Commonwealth Games
dated 7 October 2003 by Dick McColgan, Chairman)

1. The DDA (Government) is constructing the Village on a

pleasant and high quality site.

2. Delhi has guaranteed that the Games Village will be

constructed well in advance of the Games although no
specific development schedule has been provided
(Village construction timetable is anticipated to be 2

3. The estimated cost of construction of the CG village

will be Rs 185.8 crores (USD 38.8 million)

4. Post games the Village will become University

5. The Village will feature low to medium rise buildings.

6. The proximity of the Village to the airport, city and the

venues is excellent and will allow all athletes to live in
one Village.

All of above promises are nothing but a bunch of lies.

The reality is

- The village is constructed on seismic, flood prone,

ecologically sensitive zone of Yamuna River Bed.
- Games Village is in form of high rise and high end
structures - costing around Rs 1038 crores
(Source:-‘ by HRLN) just for the residential
accommodation - in the river bed in a site which is
next to a high use railway line and a very busy
National Highway.
- It is at least one hour to one and a half hour away
from the Airport (IGIA) and
- It is being sold off to the highest bidder post games

The land is grabbed by authorities in the name of “public

interest” and now the flats are sold to highest bidders who will
live in these flats post games. “Public Interest” is converted
into private profit.

Games village is just one example. This is an unending series

of lies, broken promises and shattered dreams. Organizing
commonwealth games have become only priority for the city
authorities and real priority areas like drinking water and
electricity are put on back burner. City of Delhi which is facing
acute water shortage will continue to feel the thirst with
increasing population and drying ground water table. The only
reliable source of ground water recharge in the city i.e. river
Yamuna is being killed to built games village.

More than 50,000 families were displaced to make city cleaner

before the games.27000 families are displaced only from
Yamuna Pushta area. Most of these families came to Delhi to
work for projects related to Asian Games. These families are
displaced to remote corners of the city where there are no
livelihood opportunities available for them. Health and
education facilities are a distant dream for these families.
Economically weak and politically invisible people are forced
to sacrifice to save the city from embarrassment of its poor

Several drinking water projects, electricity grid projects,

education and health related projects are put on hold and funds
are diverted to projects related to commonwealth games.

More than 60% of city population lives in unauthorized

colonies and J.J. clusters. These unauthorized colonies and JJ
Clusters have no sewage system, no supply piped drinking
water. No roads, very few schools, no toilets, few primary
health centers. Before the last assembly election, residents of
all these colonies were promised basic amenities and
regularization. Supreme Court of India has also directed the
city authorities to ensure basic amenities in these areas. But a
12 day event remained the only priority for the authorities and
60% of city population is still waiting for the games to get over
and hoping that their turn will come.

It is not that remaining 40% citizen living in regularized

colonies are anyway better. Electricity and Drinking water is a
struggle for them also.
Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has already declared
that it is running short of funds. State Government is also
requesting Central Government for more funds so that projects
related to these games can be completed in time. But none of
these authorities are bothered about common people of the city.

Games at what cost?

Poor and destitute people of this city have already started

paying for these games. One example is pension support
scheme for old age people, widows and disabled people. Due to
lack of funds with MCD, thousands of poor people are not
getting their pensions on time. For most of them, the pension of
Rs. 1000/- per month is the only source of income and only
hope to survive. Since last November, MCD has stopped giving
pension to these people without any reason. On asking, civic
agency told people that they are rechecking the records. The
reality is all the fund has been diverted for “project related to
commonwealth games”.
People are not priority, Games are.

Games projects are also affecting business community of the

city. Thousands of shops are closed and thousands other are
unapproachable due to unplanned construction and renovation
work in the name of games. Traders in age old traditional
markets like sadar bazaar and khari baoli are asked to relocate
in the name of beautification. Even in prestigious Connaught
Place area, shopkeepers are forced to run on losses due to
unplanned beautification work being done by NDMC.

Broken promises and shattered dreams is the cost that people of

Delhi are paying for commonwealth games and worst part is
that this is just the beginning.
It is said that city of Delhi was built and destroyed seven times
in the past but this is first time when city was being destroyed
by its own rulers and that too in the name of development.

Its not pick pocketing, its loot

Taxpayer of the city has already started feeling the heat of the
games, but this inflation, higher taxes and talks of imposing
professional taxes is just a glimpse of what future holds in for
common people of this city.

Bureaucrats, Politicians and Contractors nexus is all ready

sucking the last few drops of blood of the common Delhi wala.
For example, the cost of commonwealth games has gone
1575% higher in last seven years.

India’s bid document for the Commonwealth Games in 2003

estimated the cost of hosting the event at Rs 1,899 crores. After
several revisions the estimates now range from an official
figure of Rs 10,000 crores to an astounding assessment of Rs
30,000 crores by independent experts.

As per the ‘The 2010 commonwealth games: whose wealth?

Whose commons?”- a report released by Housing and Land
Rights Network prepared by Chief Justice A.P. Shah:

A look at the funds spent for the construction and upgrade of

stadiums and training venues indicates that the Games are
proving to be an expensive affair. The works saw a cost
escalation of 2160% over seven years — from a meager Rs 150
crore to a whopping Rs 3,431.4 crore.

The fact sheet on infrastructure and beautification projects for

the Games released by Housing and Land Rights Network
shows that India’s bid document for the Games budgeted Rs
7.5 crore for beautification. But now even one beautification
project is costing more than Rs 7.5 crore. For instance in
August 2009, NDMC announced plans of planting 10 lakh
saplings at a cost of Rs 23.2 crore to add colour to the Games

Beautification is not only incurring financial cost but also a

human cost. ‘‘Slums are being demolished without any
rehabilitation plan. Homeless are being evicted and beggars
arrested. Livelihoods of hawkers and vendors have been taken
away. The public has been inconvenienced due to digging of
the streets and pavements,’’ the report points.

While beautification has cost the government a huge amount,

work at non-competition venues to is proving to be costly.
‘‘The Commonwealth Games Village is being constructed by
Emaar MGF at a cost of Rs 1038 crore. In May 2009, the DDA
announced a Rs 700crore bailout package for Emaar MGF, the
first such bailout for a realty company,’’ the reports adds.

Add to it the rent CWG Organising Committee pays for its

headquarters in central Delhi to NDMC. ‘‘The budget for rent
for the OC Headquarters — Rs 5.6 crore per month — which
was not accounted for initially, is reported to be Rs 175 crore,’’
the factsheet states.

‘‘Initially, Rs 770 crore was earmarked for development of

infrastructure. The state, however, allocated a Rs 1189 crore to
enhance, expand and upgrade city infrastructure. A CAG report
in 2009 estimated the cost of creating venues and infrastructure
and operational expenses at Rs 12,888 crore,’’ the fact sheet
Releasing the report, former Delhi high court chief Justice AP
Shah said: ‘‘Delhi, of late, has seen a spate of demolitions and
evictions. In some cases, evictions have been carried out in the
name of beautification projects. The urban poor are being
deprived of their rights.’’

Citing the example of demolition of a night shelter in Pusa

Road, he said: ‘‘Leaving people to die in open sky on a cold
night is the grossest violation of human rights. The right to
shelter is as important as the right to livelihood.’
(Source: Times of India, May14, 2010)

All this is happening when Govt. is denying all investment in

core sectors like health, education, even for pension schemes
for only one reason- lack of financial resources for the
upcoming commonwealth games.

The loot doesn’t stop here, everyone who can take something
from this open loot, is busy looting the city, its people and its

Take the example of new low floor buses that are being bought
by Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC). As per the report by
Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India- The decision
to purchase the buses over and above the justified rates would
burden the exchequer by Rs 244.30 crores, and another Rs.
833.30 crore as maintenance charges over the next 12 years.

Further, making the fun of hard earned money of taxpayer,

MCD has decided to buy Bomb Proof Dustbins at unit price of
Rs. 50,000. The important point to remember here is that MCD
area in the city (around 80% of the city) is at poor 168th
position in the country in terms of sanitation.
The shameless loot has not stopped here; Rs 265 crore from the
Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (Special Component Plan) for Delhi
has been diverted to the CWG fund in the year 2009-10.

From Games village, to venues, street beautification to

transport, security arrangements to media management,
authorities are spending money with both hands. But the
question here is, ultimately who will bear the burden? Is it
these authorities or the games organizing committee?

No, it is the common man of this city who is at the receiving


The city where scores of girls dies in rampage in their school

because school is overcrowded and there are no other school
nearby, the city where family committing suicide together due
to economic burden is a common news, the city where women
are forced to deliver on road as hospitals beds are full, the city
where deaths due to malnutrition and hunger is not an alien
phenomenon, the city where on an average 8-10 people die on
road everyday, the city where 60% population has no access to
piped water supply, the city where toilet in household is a
luxury not afforded by 40% population, the city where deaths
due to dengue, malaria is an annual event, spending thousands
of crores of rupees on something like commonwealth games
and expecting the tax payer to bear the burden, is nothing but a
crime, an open loot.

Yamuna: Murdering a River to built her tomb

The construction of games village on river Yamuna is one of

the biggest scandal of Independent India. Here is a government
forcibly removing people citing a high court order that no
permanent or temporary structure should be allowed on river
bed and then building a huge multistory games village at the
same river bed. Here is a government, snatching lands from
farmers ignoring a 99 year lease agreement justifying it as a
step in public interest and then giving the same land to a
private builder almost free to build games village that is sold at
Rs. 3-4 crores per unit to the officials, politicians and other
influential people who want to own these flats after the games.
As if this was not enough, Delhi Development Authority
(DDA) has given a Rs. 700 crore bailout package to the private
builder to ensure the construction on time.

Yamuna is not just a river but it is life line of Delhi. On one

hand it is providing drinking water to most of the city and at
the same time on the other hand it is the only source of ground
water recharge in the city.
Indian Express, New Delhi, November 03, 2008:
“It is fear and anxiety that makes me pen these lines,” begins
Justice Rekha Sharma in a crisp four-page verdict that says the
river is “gasping for breath”.

Supplementing a formal 45-page judgment from Justice A K

Sikri, is the four page judgment from his “sister Justice Rekha
Sharma”, who says the entire project of building on the
Yamuna riverbed is a “sad story of men fiddling with major
issues and resultantly playing havoc”. “This judgment,” she
observes, “relates to a river which once flowed majestically but
is now gasping for breath. If this continues, time is not far off
when this gift of Gods will die an unnatural death buried under
layers of silt.”

She pits the oft-mooted contention of “development” with the

environmentalists’ cry of “save the river”, and concludes that
Yamuna is more important of the two. “The significance and
importance of the Commonwealth Games is not lost on anyone
(but) the impact of building on the Yamuna, its environment,
ecology and the long-term damage is, as the petitioners
(environmentalists) say, pregnant with disaster,” the judge
notes. “If no urgent measures are taken, the Yamuna may exist
only in books.” Justice Sharma also notes: “No doubt is left
that the site in question is on the river bed.”

In his separate judgment, Justice Sikri considers the issue a

“disputed question” that needs to be looked into by an expert

But Justice Sharma goes a step further to add that even if the
construction is not on the riverbed, “urbanisation and colossal
construction underway may yet adversely affect the
environment, the river and the ecology”. She also lashes out at
the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute for
unexpectedly changing its stand to favour urbanization. Justice
Sharma concludes with a parting shot that neither the
government, DDA or the NEERI have been “fair” to the river.

Workers don't have a right here

Yamuna is not the only victim of these Games. Laborers who

came to the city from far off places like West Bengal, Bihar,
Orrissa, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh with dream of a better
quality of life and security are finding them trapped in
medieval working conditions at various Games project sites.

What can be more disgusting than the fact that working and
living condition of workers who are building stadiums, games
village, roads, flyovers, etc. to make these Games a success is
pathetic and authorities do not even want to talk about it.

From simple issues like identity cards, working hours and

minimum wages to living conditions, medical facilities, child
care, compensation, safety, welfare etc., violations of laws has
become common feature of Commonwealth Games Village.

A group of “Youth for Justice” activists including the writer of

this book have camped outside the construction site of Games
village to get the information on working conditions of workers
as there were rumors of deaths due to poor working and living
conditions at the site. What we found out was horrific. There
was talks of deaths, workers were not given any identity cards,
holding of payment was a routine issue. Laborers told us that
working and living conditions are not “human” from any angel.
We decided to protest.

On 9th March 2008, we organized a day long Hunger Strike

outside the site. Things were improved a bit after that but only
the living conditions were changed but other forms of
exploitation remained some or even worse in some cases.

So while the city is busy preparing for upcoming

Commonwealth Games to celebrate its “newly developed”
status, there are people who are paying a huge cost for it.

Who are these people?

They are the ones who came to Delhi chasing their dreams of a
better future and wishing to get away from vicious cycle of
poverty by sweating their blood. They believed in possibility of
heaven on earth. They are reaching heaven literally while city
is gearing for its biggest show of wealth and prosperity.

Trees: barrier to development

Thousands of trees are being cut down to prepare Delhi for
upcoming Games.
These are just one of the losses that has been caused to the
environment and ecology of the city, all in the name of Games.

Here one need to understand that a full grown tree is simply an

irreplaceable ecosystem in itself. Authorities are talking about
planting saplings against the number of trees cut. First of all it
is not a solution, secondly the saplings are being plant as part
of beautification drive along side roads.

So these small bush-type plants will never replace the trees that
are cut for “development”.

The river, the trees, the workers, the displaced people, the
rising cost of living in the city, the decreasing quality of life for
most sections is the outcome of these Games.

But these are just some glimpses of things to come, if this

model of growth and development is accepted as role model for
the cities and urban India, it will only led to mass urban
suicides like what is already happening in rural India in form of
farmers suicides.

This is time to ask questions, this is time to demand justice, this

is time to fix accountability and bring the culprits to justice so
that no one can ever take common people and common
resources for granted.
CWG 2010- Democracy on hold

All the principles and traditions of democratic governance were

compromised in order to organize commonwealth games in the
city. From deciding to bid for the games to last minute changes
with huge bearing on tax payers income, nothing was ever
discussed in public domain and people came to know about all
this only when things are finalized and in some situation people
are still in dark about the impact that these games will have on
our life.

Violation of principles and values of Democracy is an

unwritten norm here.

“Equality before law” is one basic principle on which

democracy is founded. But here we see that for some people
living on Yamuna banks is illegal and it become sufficient
reason for authorities to remove these people and push them
away from their homes and livelihoods. However same
Yamuna River bed becomes the ideal location when it comes to
building multistory games village which is sold to elites at
unimaginable prices.

Similarly authorities decide to put in people's money on roads

and flyovers at selected areas while wast section of population
still have no access to basic amenities like drinking water and
sewage system. Here again people have no say on where the
money should be spent.

People of the city were never discussed or even told about the
big plans of putting the tax payers money for organization of
games. Authorities have decided to even stop the pension
support for marginal sections in order to ensure funds for
games. Can you call it democratic?
The biggest thing missing from the whole planning and
implementation process of CWG 2010 is the people. So the
decisions about common people are being taken without taking
them in confidence.

And these are not small decisions, these are decisions that have
long term impact on the way we live in this city.

The “Delhi Model” which is being presented as role model for

other cities also, these decisions will affect all of us living in
any corner of this country.

On one one hand we have incidences of poverty worse than

even sub Sahara Africa both in terms of severity and number of
people affected and on other we have a Government that waits
for costs to increase so that they could get larger share from a
luxurious event that has no direct relation with needs and
aspirations of people of this country.

Participation of people is still a distant dream


"Through clever and constant application of propaganda people

can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way
around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise."
-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 1923

The new developmental approach that is being imposed upon

and promoted as role model is the “scandalous development”.
The organization of commonwealth games is a pilot run for this

What is scandalous development?

This is the new approach where authorities, agencies led by

elected representatives announce big projects and plans of
development and link these project and plans to issues of
national prestige, pride or some other emotional connect which
is difficult to challenge or even talk about.

Again the plans are made huge and enough space for
corruption and leakages are provided within the plans. Then the
money is arranged in form of loans, PPP, higher taxes, inflation
etc. and burden is passed on to the common man. Plans are
made in such a way that ensures maximum exploitation and
loot of common people, resources etc.

So at the end of the day, common man who is fighting a daily

battle for survival and don't have time to stop and ponder, feels
that some new things like roads, flyovers are coming up and he
believes that “development” is taking place for his/her good.
Few people stop and ask then why quality of life or struggles of
my survival is not getting any better for me.
At the end of it, we have more unemployed people, higher cost
of living, poorer quality of life, higher crime rates, etc. and we
still believe that some kind of development has taken place
because at selected corners of the city, we see brighter roads,
happier people and shiny facts and figures of how things are

For the Politician-bureaucrats-contractors nexus this is a win-

win situation but for common people its disastrous.

The Delhi Model

The Delhi Model is the model of “Development” that is based

on loot of common people and common resources and
justifying the same by creating some emotional connect.

This model which is now being tried in Delhi, is being

promoted as the role model for rest of country especially for
cities and metros.

The model is simple:

Plan Big
Create a myth around your plans
Give an emotional connect
Get Big loans or tax the people
Delay and wait for cost to increase
Create panic
Bend rules and regulations
Justify violations with emotional connect and panic situation
Displace people and destroy common resources
Loot and put up a big show
Pass on the burden to tax payer and common people
I have tried to identify and name the people and agencies who
are directly responsible for the loot of common people and
common resources in the name of commonwealth games. The
objective is to seek explanation and fix accountability.

Who are responsible for biggest scandal of modern India?

1. Indian Olympic Association- Headed by Suresh

Kalmadi and Randhir Singh, this organization and these
individuals are directly responsible for designing and
planning the loot in the names of commonwealth
games, sticking on the chairs for years without being
responsible and accountable to anyone.

2. Commonwealth Games organizing committee- It

consists of people from cross section of groups and
stakeholders and it is amazing to see all of them silently
witnessing and being part of biggest scandal that is
taking place in the capital city of Delhi

3. Delhi Government- Headed by Shiela Dixit, it has

created new heights of corruption and anti people
development. The worst example of how a
democratically elected government can actually surpass
people's ambition and aspiration and organize a loot of
common people and common resources. Never
bothered to seek public opinion about games and
passing on a huge burden to the tax payers of the city.
Also for last five years, all the departments have almost
stopped working for people as Games have emerged as
the only priority that the government has.

4. Municipal Corporation of Delhi- This civic agency

has never thought twice before stopping the pension
support to thousands of poor widows, handicapped
people and aged people and diverted the funds for
Games related projects. Also completely ignored the
primary education and primary health related needs and
requirements of the people.

5. Government of India- It gave green signal for games

and even allotted huge budgetary support for games and
related projects. No long term planing was done and it
was done in ad hoc manner keeping open the scope of
large scale corruption. It need to explain to the people
of this country why it went ahead with such a huge
investment in something luxurious like commonwealth
games when most of our population live under very
poor and stressful conditions, when we are far behind
ensuring minimum basic amenities to most of our
population, when more than 200000 farmers have
committed suicides, when hunger deaths and deaths due
to malnutrition is a common Govt. of
India has completely blinded its eyes and ignored its
masses and their needs while going ahead with
something luxurious like these games. It is nothing but
adding insult to injury.

6. Delhi Development Authority (DDA)- Bypassed all

laws, regulations, court directions while choosing site
for games village, never cared to keep a check on
contracts guidelines, decided to pay Rs. 700 crore
bailout package to Emmar MGF without justifying it,
broken the promises made to people of India and to
International community regarding games village.

7. Labor Welfare Department of Govt. of Delhi- Totally

lost its purpose as there are rampant violation of labor
laws across all games related projects, from simple
maintenance of workers' records to minimum payment
to working hours, working conditions, living
conditions, child care, insurance, health and
compensation, at all levels the department and its
officials have kept their eyes closed throughout.

8. Other departments and agencies – all other

departments and agencies including the Ministry of
Environment and Forest, Govt of India which failed to
fulfill their responsibilities to ensure proper
permissions, to keep an eye or to fix accountability.
Tell me why?

1. Why the decision of organizing games in the city was


2. What was the motive and pushing factors behind the


3. Do you believe in democracy? If yes, then why the

decision of such a huge misuse of taxpayers money
which has direct implications on lives and destiny of
lakhs of people has been taken without even informing
the people at large?

4. Who is responsible for delay in all the Games related

projects which has caused a big difference in the cost
and which is turning out as a big burden on common
man's pocket?

5. What actions are taken against those leaders and

officials who have caused these delays?

6. Why no probe has ever been ordered to look into this

obvious scandal involving huge amount of taxpayers

7. Why the Yamuna river bed has been chosen as location

for Games Village?

8. What were other alternatives options available for

Games village and why none of those were found

9. Why the promise made to the people of this country and

to international community that “Games Village will be
converted into University accommodation” has been
broken and village is pit to sale even before the Games
are started?

10. Why DDA has given bailout package of Rs. 700 crores
to the builder of Games Village when the builder is
already selling these flats at astonishing costs?

11. Why the money related to social welfare and support

like pension schemes, SC/ST welfare fund etc. has been
diverted to Games projects and what was the priority
concerns while taking such anti people decisions?

12. Why state authorities have taken no action against open

violation of labor laws across all Games project sites?

13. Why hundreds of trees have been allowed to cut down?

14. Why the Tongas are banned and what has been done to
rehabilitate the affected families?

15. Why Games has become only priority for the

Government and no improvement is visible in areas like
health, education, traffic management etc.?

16. Why authorities are not taking any action against poor
quality of work that has been done in most Games
related project?

17. Why most of the Games related contracts (sub-

contracts) has been awarded to select few contractors
There are thousands of such questions and people should be
given the answer. The culprits of biggest scandal in the history
of modern India should be brought to justice.

Time for us to ask “WHY”?

“We are the change”

It has been more than 1000 days since we have decided to

protest the exploitation of common people and common
resources in the name of games. These 1000 days have
witnessed a remarkable change in the way we perceive

We studied the impact of Games on people and resources, we

have filed RTIs and met people across various levels of
administration, we have written letters, filed petitions,
organized street protests, mobilized people through on line and
on ground campaigning and did whatever we could. This book
is in fact in continuation of that process.

In Feb. 2006, we started as a small group of students of Delhi

School of Social Work decided to come out on road against the
unfair judicial pronouncement favoring the rich and powerful;
by mobilizing concerned citizens and making the invisible
disquiet a visible one (Jessica Lal case).

The success of people's action in above mentioned issue

furthered our involvement by opining on the Reservation Bill
in institutions of higher education, realizing the importance of
accountability we used RTI as a tool to make Government
more responsible to its citizens.

Then our constant quest for equitable justice and accountability

required that we seek answers on the issue of Farmers Suicides
in India and on Loot and Killing of Common people and
Common resources in the name of Commonwealth Games in
Chronology of Protest against Loot of Common People and
Common Resources by YOUTH FOR JUSTICE

2nd Aug to 15th August 2007

Youth for Justice, farmers of Yamuna khaddar joins Yamuna

Satyagraha. The farmers admirably took responsibility to
maintain the Satyagraha sthal led by Sunil Parbhakar. Youth for
Justice provided the much needed youth energy for the

Press conferences, folk songs, inviting

people/NGOs/politicians from Delhi and outside to sit on
satyagraha. Foreign media too troops in. On 15th august, we
staged a march to the stream of Yamuna to hoist tri-colour.
Yamuna was in good flow but devoid of its flood plains.
Unable to meander like a river and recharge the flood plain

18th Aug 2007- "YOUTH FOR YAMUNA" was launched with


19 August 2007

Satyagrahis barricaded inside the games village site, pressured

to move out. In protest, Sunil Parbhakar(25 years) get down in
an abandoned dry well and resumes his satyagraha inside the
well, with a chameleon and a snake as his co satyagrahis.

Medha patkar, Ch. Ramkaran solanki( head of 360 villages of

Delhi), Govindacharya, C.V.Rajagopal and others gather at the
satyagraha sthal.
18th September 2007


History of Bhagat Singh revived:
Sunil Parbhakar and Kapil Mishra along with Preety, Aparajita,
Pankaj from Youth for Justice and Diwan Singh from Natural
Heritage First enter Delhi assembly and stall the proceedings,
demanding discussion on Yamuna. Boys taken into police
custody. Then there were long discussions on Yamuna in

27th September 2007

Yamuna satyagraha co-organises a function along with Shahid
Bhagat Singh Brigade at Sur Ghat near Wazirabad. The
function was organized on birth day of Shahid Bhagat Singh.

2nd October 2007

300 people marched from Yamuna Satyagraha sthal to Raj

10th October 2007

March to Supreme Court- students of Aravalli Inst. Of
Management, Jal Biradari, Youth for Justice, NHF and others
totaling more than 200 marches to supreme Court to demand
justice for the river. Outnumbered and surrounded by police.

24th October 2007

24 hours Yamuna satyagraha starts at NH-8, opposite hotel
raddison at Mahipal Pur. Harvinder Rana , a local youth
volunteer and his friends take the initiative.

Youth for Justice organizes a huge aarti samaroh for Yamuna

at Wazirabad with more than 500 people joining it on the bank
of river Yamuna at Sonia Vihar.
12th November
A delegation led by Shri Kuldeep Nayar including Dr. Vikram
Soni and Diwan singh from NHF meets the Group of

18th November 2007

Candle march organized by Youth for Justice at Central Park in
Cannaught Place, warning the government against turning
Yamuna Flood plains into another Nandigram.

22nd November 2007

TEMPORARY MORATORIUM – Dr. Vikram Soni and his

team’s efforts tastes success. At a meeting of YRDA attended
by 40 technical experts from various fields, the LG declares
temporary moratorium on further constructions on Yamuna
Flood Plains subject to further studies. CGWB commissioned
to do further studies and directed to work with Dr Soni’s team.

1 Dec to 9th Dec 2007

Yamuna Bhujal Bachao Yatra organized in all the villages and
colonies along both banks in Delhi. Led by Rajender Singh,
NGOs and farmers join hands to spread awareness about the
significance of Yamuna for ground water recharge.

December 2007

Message to save flood plains displayed at the back of more

than 125 Auto Rickshaws with the help of NyayaBhoomi. We
can still find these.

NHF and Youth for Justice and farmers of Yamuna Khadar

protests the dissection of yamuna Flood plains by building slip
roads in a wrong manner at Vikas Marg.

21 Feb. 2008
Panel discussion at Indian Women Press Corps(IWPC), co
organized by NHF, attended by Kuldeep Singh( former Justice,
SC), Kuldeep Nayar, Rajender Singh, Dr. Vikram Soni,
Vandana Shiva, M.C.Mehta and Bhure Lal. The topic was
preservation of natural resources in Delhi.

March 2008
We could not afford to stand mute witness to laborers’ death at
Games Village site. Youth for Justice and NHF raised the issue,
agitated against unhygienic conditions at the construction site.
With support from media, we managed to force the authorities
to clean the site and make it hygienic and the deaths stopped.

21 March 2008

Activists burn effigy of Shiela Dixit on occasion of Holi to

protest construction of Games village at flood Plains.

Dr. Soni meets Shri Kapil Sibal, heading the ministry of

Science and Technology to seek his support for protection of
natural resources of the city.

5 June 2008

7 day Yamuna Yatra from Delhi to Agra launched. Organized

by Youth for Justice with support from farmers, and NHF, the
yatris did overnight stay in the villages or towns along the
Yamuna and enjoyed hospitality of local people. It helped in lot
of sensitization and awareness raising. Crucial for future
July 2008
Security guards at Games Village not paid salary. Again an
instance of injustice right next to us. The poor youth who had
come from far away villages in country to serve as security
guard at the Games village were subject to exploitation. We
again agitated, went to Police etc. Finally, the guards got their

Meeting sports minister Mr.M.S.Gill. Shri Kuldeep Nayar used

his good offices to arrange this meeting.

NHF has completes a video film on the water recharge

potential of Yamuna Flood Plains and the’ PRESERVE and
USE’ scheme proposed. The film is shown to the LG

August 2008
Candle marchs and protests in Central Park organized by
Youth for Justice and Aryan Foundation against apathy of
judiciary towards the Yamuna cause.

1 Sept 2008
George Fernandez visits Yamuna Satyagraha sthal and admits
mistake of NDA in permitting Akshardham Mandir on the
flood plains

11 Sept 2008
March to PM’s address venue at Vigyan Bhavan- satyagrahis
taken into custody. Youth for Justice, NHF, and farmers stage
protest march to Vigyan Bhavan, the venue of Ground water
Congress addressed by Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh. The
marchers taken into police custody for through out the day.

23rd September 2008

MORATORIUM SEALED- At the concluding meeting of
YRDA, CGWB presented conclusions of its study in response
to the study by Dr. Soni’s team. CGWB accepts the water
recharge potential of flood plains. The Lt. Governor announces
sealing the moratorium.

28th September 2008

Diwan Singh represents Yamuna Satyagraha on World
Rivers’day at a function held at Budwani in M.P, organized by
Narmada Bachao Andolan.

6th October 2008

At a function held at IIC, Lodhi Road, the LG once again
announces his commitment to preserve the yamuna Flood
Plains for water recharge and biodiversity and lauds the role
played by Dr. Soni and his team.

Since then our activities have mainly been confined to a
passive mode. The farmers along with satyagrahis have been
maintaining the satyaraha sthal and continuing with relay
hunger strike to demand stop to work on Common Wealth
Games village.

During last 1000 days, hundreds of letter have been written to

the authorities, scores of protests were organized and we have
reached to thousands of people with our message for the River

and the struggle continues....

“We the people are the rightful masters of both
Parliament and the courts, not to overthrow the
Constitution but to overthrow the individuals who pervert
the Constitution.”

-Abraham Lincoln
About the Author
Kapil is an activist and social

As co-founder and coordinator

of “Youth for Justice”- a New
Delhi based youth action group
that works on spontaneous
issues that need cognizance, he
has led the youth protest on
various socio-economic issues
including Jessical Lal murder
trial, issues of Farmers suicides in various parts of
country, reservation in higher education, encroachment
on Yamuna river bed and various other issues that
directly or indirectly affect our common future.

For last three years, He is spreading voice against the

anti people development approach that is being practiced
by authorities in the name of Commonwealth Games in
the city.

He has raised the voice inside Delhi Assembly against

exploitation of Yamuna in the the name of
Commonwealth Games and got detained for the action.
He has initiated and participated in several protests
against exploitation of common people and common
resources in the name of “Growth and Development”.

He has also prepared a report as Citizen Journalist for

CNN-IBN on encroachment on river Yamuna and also
has exposed the issues of violation of labor laws at
Games sites by camping outside Games village along
with other members of “Youth for Justice”

A Masters in Social Work from Delhi School of Social

Work, Kapil is presently doing M.B.A. (P.T.) from Faculty
of Management Studies (FMS) University of Delhi.
Currently he is working with Greenpeace India as Policy

He can be contacted at:

Twitter- Youth4Justice
Facebook- Youthforjustice

upcoming books- An eye opener on farmers' suicides

What these have to say about CWG-2010

“Games Village on Yamuna river bed

is a model of destruction.”
Jairam Ramesh
Minister of Environment and Forest
Govt. of India

“Commonwealth Games is a waste of

Mani Shankar Ayyar
Member of Parliament (Rajyasabha)

“The Games are a luxury that we can

not afford”
Kuldeep Nayyar

“ This is not sport, this is loot in the

name of Games”
Rajender Singh
Megsaysay Awardee

“ Allowing construction on yamuna

river bed was a mistake”
George Fernandese
Ex- Defense Minister, Govt. of India

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