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A brief study on Catharanthus Roseus: A review

Volume 2; Issue 2; March 2017; Page No. 20-23

 Researchers investigating its medicinal properties discovered that it contained a group of

alkaloids that, though extremely toxic, had potential uses in cancer treatment
 Alkaloids are the most potentially active chemical constituents of Catharanthus roseus.
More than 400 alkaloids are present in the plant, which are used as pharmaceuticals,
agrochemicals, flavor and fragrance, ingredients, food additives and pesticides
Pharmacological Activities
 Anti-cancer activity : Vinblastine is used experimentally for treatment of neoplasmas and
is recommended for Hodgkins disease, chorio carcinoma. Vincristine another alkaloids is
used for leukemia in children
 Anti-diabetic activity
 Anti-microbial activity : Crude extracts from different parts of the plant was tested for
anti-bacterial activity. Extract from leaves showed significantly higher efficacy. The anti-
bacterial activity of the leaf extract of the plant was checked against microorganism like
Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCIM2036, Salmonella typhimuruim NCIM2501,
Staphylococcus aureus NCIM5021 and was found that the extracts could be used as the
prophylactic agent in the treatment of many of the disease
 Anti-oxidant property
 Anti-helminthic activity
 Anti-ulcer property : Vincamine and Vindoline alkaloids of the plant showed anti-ulcer
property. The alkaloid vincamine, present in the plant leaves shows cerebrovasodilatory
and neuroprotective activity. The plant leaves proved for anti-ulcer activity against
experimentally induced gastric damage in rats
 Hypotensive property
 Anti-diarrheal property
 Wound healing property : Rats treated with 100 mg /kg/day of the Catharanthus roseus
ethanol extract had high rate of wound contraction significantly decreased epithelization
period, significant increase in dry weight and hydroxyproline content of the granulation
tissue when compared with the controls. Wound contraction together with increased
tensile strength and hydroxyproline content support the use of C. roseus in the
management of wound healing
 Hypolipidimic effect
 Memory enhancement activity

Conclusion :
Catharanthus roseus is one of the 21000 important medicinal plants found. It is used for
the cure of a number of diseases such as diabetes, sore mouth, mouth ulcers, and
leukemia. It produces about 130 alkaloids such as reserpine, vinceine, raubasin and
ajmalcine. Anti-leukemic activity is shown by vinblastine and vincristine. Different parts
of this plant produce different amounts of alkaloids, out of which root bark produces the
maximum i.e. nearly 1.79%. There are a number of reports supporting its anti-microbial
activity against Staphylococcus albusi, Bacillus megatarium, Shigella, Pseudomonas, etc.
Its anti-oxidant and anti-mutagenic effects have also been reported. Further studies need
to be done to explore its anti-tumour effects.

Evaluation of wound-healing potential of Catharanthus roseus

leaf extract in rats

 The ethanol extract of C. roseus demonstrated a significant increase in the

hydroxyproline content of the granulation tissue indicating increased collagen turnover.
Collagen, the major component which strengthens and supports extracellular tissue is
composed of the amino acid, hydroxyproline, which has been used as a biochemical
marker for tissue collagen [13].
 Any one of the phytochemical constituents present in C. roseus may be responsible for
the wound-healing activity. Recent studies with other plant extracts have shown that
phytochemical constituents like flavanoids [14] and triterpenoids [15] are known to
promote the wound-healing process mainly due to their astringent and antimicrobial
properties, which appear to be responsible for wound contraction and increased rate of
epithelization. Our earlier studies showed the presence of triterpenoids which were
responsible for the effective wound-healing activity of Cecropia peltata [16] and P.
lanceolata [17]. The wound-healing property of C. roseus may be attributed to the
phytoconstituents present in the plant, and the quicker process of wound healing could be
a function of either the individual or the additive effects of the phytoconstituents. Further
phytochemical studies are in progress to isolate, characterize and identify the specific
active compounds responsible for wound-healing activity. Electron microscopic
examination will yield the effect of the extract on angiogenesis, epithelization or collagen
deposition. Wound-healing activity of plant extracts may also be subsequent to an
associated antimicrobial effect [18].

Catharanthus roseus flower extract has wound-healing

activity in Sprague Dawley rats

Wound healing is the process of repair that follows injury to the skin and other soft tissues.
Following injury, an inflammatory response occurs and the cells below the dermis (the deepest
skin layer) begin to increase collagen (connective tissue) production. Later, the epithelial tissue
(the outer skin layer) is regenerated. There are three stages to the process of wound healing:
inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. The proliferative phase is characterized by
angiogenesis, collagen deposition,, epithelialisation and wound contraction. Angiogenesis
involves new blood vessel growth from endothelial cells. In fibroplasia and granulation tissue
formation, fibroblasts exert collagen and fibronectin to form a new, provisional extracellular
matrix. Subsequently epithelial cells crawl across the wound bed to cover it and the wound is
contracted by myofibroblasts, which grip the wound edges and undergo contraction using a
mechanism similar to that in smooth muscle cells.

Wound healing is a complex and dynamic process of restoring cellular structures and tissue
layers in damaged tissue as closely as possible to its normal state. Wound contracture is a
process that occurs throughout the healing process, commencing in the fibroblastic stage
whereby the area of the wound undergoes shrinkage. It has 3 phases; inflammatory,
proliferative and maturational and is dependent upon the type and extent of damage, the general
state of the host's health and the ability of the tissue to repair. The inflammatory phase is
characterized by hemostasis and inflammation, followed by epithelization, angiogenesis, and
collagen deposition in the proliferative phase. In the maturational phase, the final phase of
wound healing the wound undergoes contraction resulting in a smaller amount of apparent scar
tissue. Granulation tissue formed in the final part of the proliferative phase is primarily
composed of fibroblasts, collagen, edema, and new small blood vessels. The increase in dry
granulation tissue weight in the test treated animals suggests higher protein content. The
ethanol extract of C. roseus demonstrated a significant increase in the hydroxyproline content
of the granulation tissue indicating increased collagen turnover. Collagen, the major
component which strengthens and supports extra cellular tissue is composed of the amino acid,
hydroxyproline, which has been used as a biochemical marker for tissue collage[14].

The preliminary phytochemical analysis of the flower extract showed the presence of tannins,
triterpenoids and alkaloids. Any one of the observed phytochemical constituents present in C.
roseus may be responsible for the wound healing activity. Recent studies have shown that
phytochemical constituents like flavanoids [15] and triterpenoids [16] are known to promote
the wound-healing properties, which appear to be responsible for wound contraction and
increased rate of epithelialisation. Our earlier studies showed the presence of triterpenoids
which were responsible for the effective wound healing activity of Cecropia peltata [17] and
Pentas lanceolata [18]. The wound-healing property of C. roseus may be attributed to the
phytoconstituents present in the plant, and the quicker process of wound healing could be a
function of either the individual or the additive effects of the phytoconstituents. The early tissue
approximation and increased tensile strength of the incision wound observed in our study may
have been contributed by the tannin phytoconstituent of C. roseus from the astringent effect
which has been reported elsewhere [19] Further phytochemical
studies are in progress to isolate, characterize and identify the specific active compounds in
this plant responsible for wound healing activity. Electron microscopic examination will yield
the effect of the extract on angiogenesis, epithelialisation or collagen deposition. We plan to
conduct additional studies to examine the constituent phytochemical constituents which
contribute to the pharmacological activity of C. roseus. Wound healing activity of plant
extracts may also be subsequent to an associated antimicrobial effect [20]. Our further studies
will explore the antimicrobial effect of the extract and the specific phase of wound healing
using electron microscopy
Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Tapak Dara (Catharanthus Roseus) Terhadap Jumlah Fibroblas
Pada Proses Penyembuhan Luka Di Mukosa Oral

 Tanaman ini kaya akan kandungan alkaloid, polifenol dan turunannya, flavonoid, tanin dan
juga steroid.
 Selanjutnya pada fase inflamasi, neutrofil dan makrofag sebagai sel yang dominan pada
fase ini akan bermigrasi ke area luka dan memfagositosis mikroorganisme dan sel-sel
mati.43,44 Pada fase proliferasi akan terlihat peningkatan jumlah sel dan faktor- faktor
penyembuhan luka, salah satunya fibroblas. Jumlah fibroblas dapat dianggap sebagai
parameter penyembuhan luka.45
 Fibroblas akan menghasilkan kolagen yang akan menautkan luka, memengaruhi proses
reepitelisasi, bermigrasi dan berproliferasi untuk membentuk jaringan ikat baru dan
mensintesis kolagen yang mempengaruhi tensile strength dan kekuatan pada tempat
penyembuhan luka.1,7,41,23,45 Proliferasi dari fibroblas menentukan hasil akhir dari
penyembuhan luka.45
 Alkaloid diketahui dapat membantu mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka karena
terdapatnya aktivitas antimikroba dan antioksidan.
 Mekanisme yang terjadi pada proses penyembuhan luka adalah dengan cara mengganggu
komponen penyusun peptidoglikan pada sel bakteri, sehingga lapisan dinding sel tidak
terbentuk secara utuh dan menyebabkan kematian sel tersebut.46
 Adapun senyawa polifenol dan flavonoid dikenal mempunyai kemampuan sebagai
antioksidan dan antiinflamasi.23 Mekanisme flavonoid dalam menghambat proses
terjadinya inflamasi melalui dua cara, yaitu dengan menghambat permeabilitas kapiler dan
menghambat metabolisme asam arakidonat dan sekresi enzim lisosom dari sel neutrofil
dan sel endothelial, menghambat aktivitas enzim siklooksigenase dan lipooksigenase,
menghambat akumulasi leukosit, menghambat degranulasi neutrofil, menghambat
pelepasan histamin dan menstabilkan Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS).47,48 Flavonoid
juga berperan penting dalam menjaga permeabilitas serta meningkatkan resistensi
pembuluh darah kapiler. Oleh karena itu, flavonoid digunakan pada keadaan patologis
seperti terjadinya gangguan permeabilitas dinding pembuluh darah.47
 Tanin berperan dalam peningkatan daya tarik luka pada proses penyembuhan luka. Tanin
berfungsi sebagai astringen yang dapat menyebabkan penciutan pori-pori kulit,
memperkeras kulit, menghentikan eksudat dan pendarahan yang ringan, sehingga mampu
menutupi luka dan mencegah pendarahan yang biasa timbul pada luka serta mempercepat
 Steroid mempunyai sifat astrigen dan antimikroba dan mempunyai aktivitas antiinflamasi,
efek analgesik, yang berperan dalam proses penyembuhan luka.35,49 Aktivitas
antiinflamasi dapat mencegah terjadinya inflamasi yang berkepanjangan, sehingga
mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka.23

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