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Characters in Dungeon!

10,000 GP Dwarf
20,000 GP Bard
Gnome Illusionist
30,000 GP Thief

To win At least 10,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 4 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors 1-3.
Specials Fights as an Elf or Hero, whichever has the lower (better) score to beat the monster.
Traps The Dwarf automatically removes all traps, except those that transport him to a Chamber one level lower.

To win At least 10,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 5 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors 1-4.

To win At least 10,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 4 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors 1-2.
Specials • Fights as a Hero or Elf, whichever has the higher (worse) score.
• When rolling on the CLT table the Halfling treats a score of 11 as a 6/8 score.
• Bullets and sling:
o The Halfling can arm himself with 2 magic bullets and 6 regular bullets for his sling. The
magic bullet adds +2 to the Halfling’s dice roll. The Halfling may replenish his bullets at the
Start space. The Halfling may replenish 1 magic bullet per turn or 2 regular bullets per turn
spent at the Start space. The use of a magic bullet must be announced before the Monster
Card is revealed.
o The Halfling may attack from outside the room or chamber using magic or regular bullets.
There is no counterattack if the Halfling should fail to kill the monster. If the Halfling should
kill the monster, from outside the room or chamber, the Halfling must spend next turn
picking up any treasure in that room or chamber by moving into the space.
o The Halfling may use sling bullets to ambush from an adjacent space. He may not use sling
bullets to defend himself.
o The Halfling may choose to enter the room and fight. Treat this as regular combat.
Traps Automatically removes traps, except for the Anti-Magic Trap and those which transport him to a Chamber
one level lower, are ignored by the Halfling. The Halfling only loses magic bullets, not regular bullets, in
addition to any other magic, in the Anti-Magic Trap.

To win At least 10,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 5 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors 1-2.

To win At least 10,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 6 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors 1-2.
Specials • Fights as an Elf. May flurry 2 attacks at -1 per attack. This option may be announced after the
Monster Card is revealed. If his first flurry blow kills (or has any effect on an ambusher), the Monk
gets a bonus move of one space or may pickup any treasure with no move; which may not be used to
initiate another attack. May not flurry if using a Magic Sword.
• A Monk treats Serious Wounds as "drop one prize, retreat one square, lose one turn". He cannot
otherwise be wounded or lose turns, but he does lose prizes and can be killed.
• The Monk may not ambush other players.
• May not use Magic Armor or pickup any prize worth more than 2,000 GP.
Traps Ignores traps (leaves them behind) and is only affected by those which transport him to a Chamber one
level lower.

To win At least 20,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 5 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors 1-2.
Specials • Fights as a Hero.
• The Bard is unaffected by "Hold" and is only affected by Fireballs and Lightning Bolts on an attack
roll of 8 or better.
• In addition, he gets any combination of the following cards up to a total of 4:
o Entrancement Song is played instead of attacking. The CLT is automatically "No Effect",
and the Bard may not pick up the treasure.
o Combat Song allows the Bard to fight as a Superhero when played. . The use of a Combat
Song must be announced before the Monster Card is revealed.
• The Bard replaces spells at the rate of one per turn that he is stationary and initiating no other action.
The Bard does not have to be in the Start space to replenish spells.
• The Bard loses his songs in the Anti-Magic Trap.

To win At least 20,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 5 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors 1-2.
Specials • The Cleric has 2 spells available, which are replenished similar to the Wizards spells (one per turn at
the Start space). He can hold up to 6 spells in any combination of the following spells:
o Hold: this spell causes the monster it is thrown upon to defend at a –2 (+2 to the dice roll of
the Cleric). In addition, the monster does not get a CLT dice roll in the event that the Cleric
fails to kill the monster when he combats it. The use of this spell must be announced before
the Monster Card is revealed.
o Transference: This spell is used for moving from one Large Chamber to another. The
Main Staircase is considered a Large Chamber.
• The Cleric fights as a Hero except against undead (skeletons, zombies, ghouls, wights, wraiths,
mummies, spectres, and vampires) and EVIL HEROS, EVIL SUPERHEROS, WITCHES, and
EVIL WIZARDS. In the latter case he fights as a Superhero.
• The Cleric may not ambush others, he may be ambushed himself. If he is ambushed he fights as a
• When rolling on the CLT table the Cleric treats Seriously Wounded (3 or 12) as a retreat of 1 space, a
prize loss, and loses one turn. In all other cases, he cannot be wounded or lose a turn; however, he can
be killed or lose prizes.

Gnome Illusionist
To win At least 20,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 4 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors 1-3.
Specials • Fights as a Hero or Elf, whichever has the higher (worse) score to beat the monster.
• The Illusionist has 3 spells available, which are replenished similar to the Wizards spells (once per
turn at the Start space). He can hold up to 6 spells in any combination of the following spells:
o Telekinesis Treasure: the Illusionist may only carry 1 of this spell at any time. Roll the
attack against the monster or character as if attacking as a Superhero or Wizard, which ever
is lower (better). On a successful attack the Gnome steals the treasure from the monster or, if
against, a character determine the treasure stolen at random. The monster will then move 4
spaces per turn (beginning at the end of the Illusionist’s next turn) towards the nearest player
every turn. The use of this spell must be announced before the Monster Card is revealed.
o Illusionary Warrior: the warrior will attack the monster as a Superhero or Wizard,
whichever is lower (better). If the Illusionary Warrior fails to kill the monster, the monster
does not get a CLT dice roll against the Illusionist. The Illusionist may cast this spell attack
from outside the room or chamber. If the monster is killed, the Illusionist must spend next
turn picking up any treasure in that room or chamber by moving into the space. The use of
this spell must be announced before the Monster Card is revealed.
o Transference: This spell is used for moving from one Large Chamber to another. The
Main Staircase is considered a Large Chamber.
• The Illusionist may choose to enter the room and fight. Treat this as regular combat.

To win At least 20,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 5 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors 1-2.
Specials • Fights as a Superhero.
• May make 2 attacks at -1 per attack.

To win At least 20,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 5 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors Find secret doors on a 1-2.

To win At least 30,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 5 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors 1-2.
Specials • The Thief fights as a Hero, but on all attacks that are non-sequential upon the same monster, the Thief
adds +1 to his dice score (due to stealth and surprise). If he fails to kill the monster, the Thief ignores
all CLT dice scores except 2 (he hides in the shadows to escape the monster’s wrath or climbs out of
its reach). If he ever attacks the same monster in 2 consecutive turns he loses all of the above benefits.
• On any attack roll of natural 12, it is assumed the thief has stolen the treasure without combating the
monster, and he may then take a bonus move of up to 3 spaces, but may not engage in another combat.
The monster will then move 4 spaces per turn (beginning at the end of the Thief’s next turn) towards
the nearest player every turn.
Traps All traps are ignored by the thief (left behind), except those which transport him to a Chamber one level

To win At least 30,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 5 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors 1-2.
Specials • Fights as a Wizard or Superhero; whichever has a lower (better) score.
• If ambushed the Sorcerer fights as a hero.
• Can have up to 6 spells (fireball, lightning, or transference in any combination). The Sorcerer may
replenish his spells by spending one turn per spell replenished at the Start space.
o Fireball and lightning: these are attack spells that can be used by the Sorcerer. The Sorcerer
may attack from outside the room or chamber. In this case there is no counterattack if the
Sorcerer should not kill the monster. The use of a spell must be announced before the
Monster Card is revealed.
o Transference: This spell is used for moving from one Large Chamber to another. The
Main Staircase is considered a Large Chamber.
• If the Sorcerer should kill the monster, from outside the room or chamber, the Sorcerer must spend
next turn picking up any treasure in that room or chamber by moving into the space.
• The Sorcerer may use any magic item.

To win At least 30,000 gold pieces to win.
Movement 5 spaces per turn.
Secret Doors 1-2.
Specials • Can have up to 10 spells (fireball, lightning, illusionary warrior, or transference in any
combination). The Wizard may replenish his spells by spending one turn per spell replenished at the
Start space.
o Fireball and lightning: these are attack spells that can be used by the Wizard. The Wizard
may attack from outside the room or chamber. In this case there is no counterattack if the
Wizard should not kill the monster. The use of a spell must be announced before the Monster
Card is revealed.
o Illusionary Warrior: the warrior will attack the monster as a Superhero or Wizard,
whichever is lower (better). If the Illusionary Warrior fails to kill the monster, the monster
does not get a CLT dice roll against the Wizard. Use of this spell must be announced before
the Monster Card is revealed.
o Transference: This spell is used for moving from one Large Chamber to another. The
Main Staircase is considered a Large Chamber.
• If the Wizard should kill the monster, from outside the room or chamber, the Wizard must spend next
turn picking up any treasure in that room or chamber by moving into the space.
• The Wizard may not use magic swords or magic armour. He may pick them up and carry they them
with him.

Reference Tables

Combat Losing Table (CLT)

7, 11 No Effect
6, 8 Retreat 1 space; drop 1 prize
4, 5, 9, 10 Retreat 2 spaces; drop 1 prize; lose 1 turn
3, 12 Seriously wounded; drop all prizes, return to Main Staircase next turn
2 Killed! Drop all prizes; remove piece (see rule RE-ENTRY AS NEW DUNGEON

Player Combat Table (PCT)

Attacker Defender is
is Elf Hero Superhero Wizard
Elf 7 8 10 10
Hero 6 7 9 11
Superhero 5 6 7 10
Wizard 8 9 11 9

Spell Combat Table (SCT)

Spell Victim is
Thrown Elf Hero Superhero Wizard
Lightning Bolt 3 6 9 11
Fireball 6 5 7 9

1. Returning prizes for safe keeping: Any character is allowed to deposit prizes for “safe keeping” at
the Main Staircase.
2. Re-Entry as a new dungeon adventurer: If a player is killed, they may re-enter the game as a new
character. The player must choose a character of equal or lesser type than the one that was killed.
3. Transference out of ambush: A character with Transference available and moving into a Large
Chamber, wherein a player ambushes him, is allowed to use a Transference Spell to escape before
the ambush takes effect.
4. Secret Doors: Once a character finds a secret door, that character, not player, knows the location of
that secret door for the remainder of the game.
5. Ranged Attack: To attack from an adjacent space, the character must have at least 1 movement
point left. This represents the ability to threaten the space they are attacking.
6. To Win: The character must return to the Start area with the correct amount of treasure.

Special Cards





1 Boots of Speed: Increase movement by 1
2 Magic Armour: when rolling on the CLT add +1 on rolls of
2-6, -1 on rolls of 8-10 and 12, rolls of 7 or 11 are treated as
normal. Additional value: 1,500 gold pieces
3 Zombie 3 3 7 4 5 6
4 Orc 5 2 6 4 6 4
5 Anti-magic trap: all magic and spells gone! Upon returning to
the Start space, all spells and magic bullets are replenished in
one turn of inactivity.
6 Gnoll 4 4 7 5 8 6
7 Harpy 3 3 5 6 7 7
8 Owl Bear 4 4 9 4 6 7
9 Fireball Trap: roll on CLT. A 7 is a 8 and a 11 is a 10. Prizes
lost are considered destroyed.
10 Evil Priest 7 7 8 6 7 8
11 Wight 10 5 7 6 8 9
12 Manticore 6 6 11 9 10 11
13 Wyvern 8 8 9 8 10 10
14 Wraith 6 6 8 8 9 10
15 Fire Elemental 5 - 12 9 10 12
16 White Dragon 10 5 12 9 11 12
17 Spectre 8 8 9 7 9 11
18 Demon 9 - 11 10 12 -
19 Basilisk 10 8 12 10 12 12
20 Earth Elemental - 6 - 9 11 -






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