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Exposicion de Ingles

Venice itself is one large tourist sight,one of the most breathtaking in the world.
Venice events and festivals

Carnival (Carnevale)

This is the big one, Venice's greatest tourist event. St. Mark's Square fills with glamorous,
sinister figures in mask and costumes. There are masked balls and public parades and
crowds of visitors from all around the world. The Carnival takes place in February, during
the ten days leading up to Shrove Tuesday. More about the Carnival.

La Sensa

The Festa della Sensa celebrates the relationship between Venice and the sea. It involves a
procession of boats traditionally led by the doge (nowadays the mayor) who throws a ring
(nowadays a wreath) into the waves to symbolise a marriage between Venice and the sea
(or Venice's dominion over the sea, depending on interpretation). The event follows
Ascension Day, and in 2012 takes place on 20th May.

The Vogalonga

This is a huge and cheerful rowing event which takes place on a Sunday in May or June. In
2012 the date is 27th May. Thousands of participants row around a 30km course,
reclaiming the lagoon from motorised boats. More about the Vogalonga.

The Biennale

The Biennale started as an art show every two years, and has grown to become an
umbrella organisation covering a large range of events, including the Venice Film Festival.
The main art exhibition takes place in odd-numbered years, and in even-numbered years is
replaced by an architecture show. The next Art Biennale will be in 2011. More about the

Festa del Redentore

Every year Venice gives thanks for its relief from a severe outbreak of plague in the late
sixteenth century. A temporary bridge of boats crosses the Giudecca Canal to the Church of
the Redentore. The religious celebrations are held on the third Sunday of July. The night
before (Saturday) is a great party with feasting followed by night-time fireworks and the
weekend finishes with a gondola regatta. More about the Festa del Redentore.

Venice Film Festival

The annual International Film Festival in Venice is part of the Biennale (see above).
Although Venice is not a town which offers many chances to see films, once a year it puts
on a big show and attracts some important names from the movie world. In 2011 the dates
are 31st August to the 10th September. More about the Venice Film Festival.

Regata Storica

Venice is fond of boating, and this 'historic regatta' is the largest event in the year. A
colourful traditional processions of boats along the Grand Canal is followed by competitive
racing. This year the Regata Storica takes place on 4th September 2011.

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