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Disaster may arise at any moment that cause a harmful effects. Disaster
classified in two types, can be natural or manmade activity.
Typhoon is one of my disaster experienced during my 16 years of age on
October 19, 2016. The typhoon named LAWIN, when the news warned us about this
upcoming super typhoon, we started cutting the tall trees near our house to avoid any
damages. We also tied up other parts of the house that can possibly damage by a
strong wind such as our windows and roofs because our house was made up of woods.
As news said the super typhoon will land fall at 9:00 pm in the evening, so our family
gathered together when the night came. As time passed by the typhoon came and after
hearing the strong wind we got scared especially our roofs is at risk. It’s hard to fall
asleep because we don’t know what will happen to us. So, we observed overnight until
the typhoon subside it is almost 4:00 AM when I tried to get my sleep. It is already late
when I got up so I woke up from bed and ate. We went outside to clean those mess, I
observed a lot of trees and leaves fell down as well as the roofs that been scattered
along the highway. Our barangay is peaceful and helpful, that’s why we united as one to
help each other especially those houses that has bigger impact and damaged.
Nonetheless, we should not forget each other in times of disaster. Always put in
our mind the word "help", as a quote says “No man is an Island" means we also need
other's help someday.

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