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doubtedly be required at extra cost if large grinders originally designed for hay and the costs or portion of costs

on of costs if the material

quantities are to be guaranteed. A recent straw indicates a potential for this type of is not competitive with other fuel or feed
test of a hay cuber with a new type of die machine in orchard, forest slash, and brush stocks. Certainly, cellulosic biomass can
appears to offer the possibility of making utilization. A prototype windrow pickup compete with electrical energy and Middle
dense cubes of rice straw and other cereal and chipper system has been developed in Eastern or Alaskan oil. As a renewable
crop straws without the need for expensive Delano, California, and is currently being energy source and with the benefits to air
binder materials. This could be a real break- tested for this purpose. Other units are quality when compared with open field
through. More testing of a sustained nature under study and development at other loca- burning, it may make economic sense in
is required to determine maintenance prob- tions throughout the United States. some applications, later, if not at this time.
lems and costs. Costs have been developed on a theoreti- We need a few more technological break-
Orchard prunings may require equipment cal basis for baling straw-type biomass; throughs and economic feasibility studies
like that which might be used in the forest they currently range from $25 to $40 per ton on extended runs with the new collection
slash recovery systems. As in the case of rice delivered 25 miles from the point of pro- and densification methods and then some
straw, this could extend the operating duction, not including profits. Orchard stable economic markets for the products.
season for portable chippers, hogs, or ham- prunings, brush, and forest slash could be We have some serious hurdles to get over
mermills. Such equipment could work in hammermilled and delivered for about $20 yet, but they are becoming fewer and not
the forests and foothill brushlands in the to $30 per ton, also not including profits. quite as high as they have been, with the
summer and desert brushlands and orchard To date these costs have been too high, rapidly increasing costs of energy and fiber.
brush management during the winter, when and no ready markets have been found.
logging typically is reduced, if not stopped Alcohol production could be a major George E. Miller, Jr., is Extension Agricultural Engi-
completely. A recent test of two tub market. It is also not clear who is to bear neer, University of CaliJornia, Davis.

Energy analysis for ethanol John M. Krochta

A major question in the production and

use of fuel-grade ethanol is whether or not
cultural practices used. In addition, the
energy input for biomass raw materials such
The preparation energy input for these
steps is probably quite close to that for
it yields a net energy gain after accounting as molasses and corn stover depends very grains.
for the fossil energy input required for bio- much on agreed-upon accounting methods. Molasses, which is approximately 50 per-
mass production, harvesting, transporta- Some have argued that both materials cent sugar, only has to be diluted before
tion, and conversion. Two recent studies should be regarded as waste residues and, being fed to the fermentor. Thus, essen-
concluded that a net energy loss resulted in therefore, not subject to an energy input ac- tially no preparation energy is required.
industrial-grade ethanol production from counting. However, because molasses is The preparation energy required to
corn. Use of fossil fuel was assumed for all marketed as an animal feed, a production convert the cellulose contents of residues
energy inputs. energy input has been calculated based on like corn stalks to fermentable sugar has not
We have extended the effort made by the energy required to replace it with been well established. Besides cellulose,
these previous studies to include the effects another feed material, such as corn. For such materials contain enough hemicellu-
of biomass raw material, production area, materials like corn stover, only collection lose and lignin to yield products with energy
process efficiency, ethanol product, by- and transportation have been included. contents equal to that of the ethanol
products, and use of nonfossil fuels for derived from cellulose. One suggested ap-
processing. Converting biomass to ethanol proach for separating the cellulose, hemi-
When using grains like corn, grain sor- cellulose, and lignin from each other
Biomass raw material ghum, or wheat for feedstock, preparation involves several preparation steps: (1) chop-
Ethanol can be produced from a wide for fermentation involves enzyme propaga- ping the residue material to small particle
range of feedstocks based on sugar, starch, tion for starch breakdown to fermentable size; (2) dissolution and hydrolysis of the
or cellulose; sugar and starch feedstocks are sugars, yeast propagation for fermentation hemicellulose with a warm alkaline or dilute
the most widely used. Corn, grain sorghum, of the sugars to ethanol, grain grinding to acid solution to pentoses; (3) dissolution of
wheat, potatoes, sugarbeets, sugarcane, expose starch, and grain cooking and the crystalline cellulose from lignin with an
and molasses are commonly considered for enzyme addition to convert the starch to appropriate solvent; followed by (4)precip-
fermentation to ethanol, and work is under sugars. The grinding and cooking steps for itation of the cellulose in an amorphous,
way to improve the efficiency of ethanol potatoes vary from those of grains because exposed form; and ( 5 ) hydrolysis by acid or
production from cellulosic residue feed- of the potatoes’ size and moisture content, enzymes to glucose. The pentoses can be
stocks, such as corn stover and sugarcane but they require a similar preparation fermented or converted to useful chemicals
bagasse. energy input. such as furfural, while the glucose is fer-
The energy input to produce these raw Using sugarbeets or sugarcane for feed- mented to ethanol. The energy input for
materials varies between 13 and 90 percent stock eliminates the need to convert starch this longer, more complex preparation is
of the energy content of a gallon of alcohol, to sugar. However, other steps are required estimated to be two to four times that for
depending on the crop, growing region, and to produce the sugar juice for fermentation. grain preparation.
The fermentation step to produce ethanol necessary to concentrate and purify the pro- ratio of 2:2:1 in the original residue feed-
consumes very little energy, and no energy duct manufactured from the hydrolyzed stock, approximately 7 pounds of lignin will
input is charged to it here. In the case of a hemicellulose fraction of the cellulose. The be generated per gallon of ethanol pro-
cellulosic residue feedstock, the hemicellu- energy input for this system is likely to be duced. If the lignin can be dewatered to 50
lose hydrolyzate (mainly pentose) is also similar to that for producing the 200-proof percent moisture, approximately 15,000Btu
converted to useful chemicals. The input fuel-grade ethanol. will be required for drying. Thus, this value
energy for this operation is also assumed to By-product recovery-concentration and is charged to by-product recovery.
be small. drying-for grain, potato, and sugarbeet The by-product from the grains, sugar-
Distillation consumes the most energy of feedstocks requires substantially less energy beets, and potatoes could be dewatered
the ethanol production process. The fer- input than the energy value for the by- mechanically and used in wet form in local
mented mixture, which consists of approx- product as an animal feed. The energy feedlots. Some of the feed value would be
imately 10 percent ethanol along with un- input value for concentration and drying of lost in the waste water, which could be used
fermented, dissolved and undissolved the distillers grains for corn is based on for fertilization and irrigation. However,
solids, is distilled in a series of steps. The claims for energy-efficient operations made considerable energy savings would result
ethanol is first concentrated to 50 percent in by applicants in the loan-guarantee from elimination of the concentration and
a beer still, which leaves behind the unfer- program mentioned earlier. Energy-saving drying steps.
mented solids in water. The 50 percent measures such as heat recovery from
ethanol solution is fed to one or more distil- streams leaving the distillation columns and Overall energy balance
lation columns, where the ethanol is con- vapor recompression evaporation were In summarizing the energy input and out-
centrated to 95 percent (190 proof). If high- utilized. The concentration/drying energy put data, inputs of 15,000 and 10,000 Btu
quality industrial-grade ethanol is desired, inputs and the feed energy values for per gallon of ethanol are included for mis-
aldehydes and fuse1 oil are removed. Al- sorghum, wheat, potato, and sugarbeet cellaneous steam consumption and electri-
though some controversy apparently still by-products were determined as propor- cal equipment. These represent a reduction
exists, most researchers claim that these tional to those for corn based on their rela- in energy input estimates consistent with
impurities can remain in fuel-grade ethanol, tive weights. those achievable in distillation and by-
reducing the energy input for distillation. The fermentation by-products obtained product recovery. These values have been
Production of anhydrous (200 proof) when sugarcane juice, molasses, or residues doubled for residue feedstocks, because
ethanol involves breaking the 95 percent are the feedstocks have not been well char- considerably more operations are required
ethanol-water mixture by adding a com- acterized, and no fermentation by-product in this case.
pound such as benzene in an extractive dis- concentration or feed values are listed. At Use of more energy-efficient conversion
tillation process. The resulting product can the very least they should have use for fer- steps raises the energy output-to-input ratio
be of industrial or fuel grade, depending on tilization and irrigation. However, the from previous estimates of 0.6 to 0.8 to our
whether impurities were removed in the lignin by-product from use of a cellulosic present range of 0.8 to 1.1 for grains. Thus,
earlier distillation columns. residue feedstock must be dried for sale. in areas where grain can be grown most ef-
The energy input attributed to distillation Assuming a cellulose:hemicel1ulose:lignin ficiently, at least a break-even energy situa-
depends on the type of product desired (95
percent industrial grade, 100 percent fuel
grade, or 100 percent industrial grade) and
the use of energy-saving techniques. The
latter require higher initial capital invest-
ment to achieve lower energy consumption
and operating costs: optimum distillation
design (increased number of stages and
minimum reflux ratio) and extensive heat-
recovery systems that allow exhange of heat
from hot column-exit streams to cold
column- and evaporator-inlet streams.
The recent U.S. Department of Agricul-
ture loan-guarantee program for industrial
hydrocarbons and alcohols pilot projects
included a requirement that the energy con-
tent of products and by-products from each
project exceed the total energy input from
fossil fuels. Several well-known engineering
firms have estimated that the energy input
for distillation can be cut to 30,000 Btu per
gallon of ethanol, or less, for 2oO-proof
fuel-grade ethanol. Energy input values of
30,000 and 45,000 Btu per gallon to distill
190- and 200-proof industrial-grade etha-
nol, respectively, are probably achievable.
Where a cellulosic residue is used as a
feedstock, a second distillation system is
tion exists for converting the grain to
anhydrous, fuel-grade ethanol.
Use of potatoes, sugarbeets, sugarcane,
or molasses also results in energy output-to-
input ratios quite close to 1.O. Characteriza-
tion and utilization of the fermentation by- Crop feedstocks
product from sugarcane and molasses will
probably improve their energy ratios. Addi-
tional energy-saving innovations, including
for fuel alcohol production
use of feed by-products in wet form in-
creases the energy ratio to 1.O to 1.5 for the Roy M. Sachs
grains, potatoes, and sugarbeets.
The most favorable energy balance
occurs with use of cellulosic residue as the
feedstock, largely because no energy is E t h y l alcohol is now produced in the
charged for crop production and because Ideally, economic analyses and decisions
United States by fermentation of high- concerning complex agricultural-industrial
usable by-products are obtained from the starch-containing crops, foremost among systems, as represented by crops to fuel
hemicellulose and lignin. With the attrac- which are the cereal grains and especially alcohol, should be made from systems in
tive energy balance feature of this ap- corn. Other good sources are potato, sweet operation and not merely from computations
proach, commercialization will depend on potato, yam, Jerusalem artichoke, and cas- found in this article. Currently fuel-grade,
adequate pilot-scale demonstration and sava (used in Brazil). Sugarcane, sugarbeet, fermentation ethanol sells for about $1.75 per
economic feasibility. sweet sorghum, and fodder beet (mangold) gallon in the United States. The computed
Since it is fossil energy input that is costs in table 3 are considerably below this
give higher alcohol yields per acre than the
critical and, thus, counted in the energy value and, hence, must be examined closely in
starch crops, but grains have been the main systems in operation. Such important data
balance for ethanol production from source of alcohol. were not available to the author at the time of
biomass, any use of renewable, nonfossil Alcohol itself may be regarded as a by- manuscript preparation, and interested
fuel would improve the energy balance. product. The “food and fuel” concept is readers are urged to inquire further.
Other researchers have shown that recover- predicated on the fact that the overall nutri-
ing 50 percent of the corn field residue tional value of crops is improved even as have little information on the inputs re-
(stalks, cobs, and husks) for their energy their carbohydrate content is reduced in the quired to obtain these yields. They are the
value could supply a conversion energy fermentation process. Most of our corn, averages for nonirrigated trials with 20 dif-
input of 83,000 Btu per gallon of ethanol many other grains, and many crop by- ferent cultivars, and one expects the yields
produced. If this practice could be made products are used for animal feed. When to be significantly greater with irrigation.
economically feasible for year-round opera- the bulk of the readily digested carbohy- Four small irrigated plots of Jerusalem arti-
tion, and if soil quality were not affected, drates are removed from the grains, the choke in Davis have yielded as much as 33
use of corn field residues would improve residual spent grain, with increased protein tons per acre (average 26.5 tons per acre) of
the ethanol energy balance considerably. concentration and other benefits derived tubers in about 110 days with a July 1 plant-
Based on our analysis, 50 percent of field from the yeast organism, finds it way into ing date. We expect to obtain higher yields
residue could supply the energy require- the feed market at prices almost equal to with an earlier planting date.
ment for feedstock preparation, distilla- those of high-protein seed meals. Carbohy- Among the widely grown crops in Cali-
tion, by-product recovery, and miscellane- drate supplements to animal feeds are then fornia, the sugarbeet has by far the best
ous. Thus, the ratio of energy output to derived from lower priced hay or forage potential alcohol yield--600 to 700 gallons
input (fossil) for corn would increase to a crops. Malt and yeast supplements also per acre. Irish potatoes and corn follow at
range of 1.8 to 3.1. work well in human nutrition, and brewer’s 400 and 360 gallons per acre, respectively.
Sugarcane juice or molasses as the feed- spent grains may find use in breads and Grain sorghum may yield much more in
stock would provide the opportunity to use other products. some areas and would then be competitive
sugarcane bagasse for fuel. In normal pro- with corn. The alcohol yields were com-
cessing of sugarcane to refined sugar, suffi- The crops puted by assuming that 13.6 pounds of fer-
cient bagasse is available to produce steam Almost all yield data in this presentation mentable materials will yield 1 gallon of
for a plant to convert the molasses to come from the California Crop and Live- alcohol (147 gallons per ton fermentables),
ethanol. For the time bagasse is available to stock Reporting Service. These are average a yield used by the Battelle Institute, a pri-
provide steam for a molasses-to-ethanol yields for 1978; they are well below those vate research organization in Columbus,
plant, the energy output-to-input (fossil) which many growers achieve and below Ohio, and somewhat higher than that used
ratio would be 1.1 to 2.0. If the sugarcane those used by many analyses for biomass- by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and
were used directly to produce ethanol via to-fuel computations. other laboratories.
sugar juice, the bagasse could provide The data for Jerusalem artichoke, fodder If sweet sorghum were introduced into
enough steam for the conversion process. beet, and sweet sorghum are from small- California, it could make a strong, perhaps
Thus, the energy output to input (fossil) scale trials in Canada, New Zealand, and the best, contribution to fuel alcohol pro-
ratio would increase to 2.0 to 4.0. Texas/Louisiana, respectively; they should duction. Most varieties are quick crops,
be compared, in all justice, with high-value maturing in 110 to 130 days in Texas and
data for other crops grown under similar Louisiana, and would presumably perform
John M. Krochra is Research Chemical Engineer, conditions. The high values for fodder beet equally well in many California locations.
Western Regional Research Center, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Berkeley. do not seem unreasonable, even though we The alcohol yield of nearly 500 gallons per

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