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Infant Jesus Academy

Antipolo City


I. Activity. Individual Work
 The students will think of a scenario of their choice then they have to
make a comic strip that will include different figurative language.

You’re the apple of I can give you my

my eye. heart and my soul.

 Minimum of five (5) scenes.

 This will be done on a whole sheet of paper.

II. Activity. Individual Work

 The students will write a (1) paragraph (minimum of 8 sentences)
about the importance of respect and excellence of the students
toward other people by using correlative conjunctions.
 It will be done on a whole sheet of paper.

III. Activity Paired Work

 The teacher will post the following situations on the board: (the italics
and underlined words are the answers)
 The students will write an inference based on the situations given.
 It will be done on a whole sheet of paper.
1. A character has a diaper in her hand, spit-up on her shirt, and a bottle warming on
the counter. You can infer that this character is a mother.
2. A character has a briefcase, is taking a ride on an airplane, and is late for a meeting.
You can infer that this character is a businessperson.
3. A character uses words like "stat" and "emergency" and "prep" and "operation." You
can infer that this person works in the medical field.
4. A detective enters the house, which has been ransacked. He sees blood on the floor,
and it leads out the back door. You can infer that a crime has occurred in the house.
5. When you enter a house, you see backpacks by the door, small shoes scattered near
them. You see an art easel, and a room with a doll house and a toy box. You can infer
that there are children in this family.
6. Your friend walks past you without smiling. Her head is hanging down. She wipes a tear
away from her eye, and looks at her report card. You can infer that your friend did not
have good grades on her report card.
7. You walk into the room and the teacher tells you to clear your desk and get out a
piece of paper and a pencil. You can infer that an assessment will occur soon.


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