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(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
ShavigeMalleshwara Hills, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bengaluru-560078

UG Continuous Internal Assessment – II

Program: Aeronautical Engineering
Course: Aero Thermodynamics Semester :III
Course Code: 18AE3DCATD Date: Oct 2019
Maximum marks: 50 Duration: 1hour 30 min

Q.No Marks CO BL
1 i. Define the enthalpy.
ii. What is PMM1? Define it.
iii. Define Steady flow process.
iv. Write the SFEE equation for the nozzle.
v. State the 2nd law of thermodynamics. CO2
10 L1
vi. State Kelvin-Planck statement of 2nd law. CO3
vii. State Clausius statement of 2nd law.
viii. Write the equation for COP of heat pump.
ix. What is violation of Clausius statement?
x. What is PMM2? Define it.
2 Derive the expressions for Cp and Cv using First law of thermodynamics.
10 CO2 L3
3 Discuss with neat sketch Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements
10 CO3 L2
equivalence with relevant sketches.
4 Derive an expression for SFEE in Differential form. 10 CO2 L4
5 Considering applications of SFEE (Any 3) obtain expressions for the same.
10 CO2 L3
Explain the concept of cyclic heat Engine with neat sketch and Derive an
6 expression for thermal efficiency of a cyclic Heat engine. 10 CO3 L3


7 Discuss the procedure to obtain COP for Refrigerator with neat sketch. 10 CO3 L3
Program: Aeronautical Engineering
Course: Aero Thermodynamics Semester :III
Course Code: 18AE3DCATD Date: Oct 2019
Maximum marks: 10 Duration: 10 min

Q. No Marks
When the path is completely specified, the change of state is called
1 1
i. Sate ii. Path iii. Process iv. System
The form of energy that is transferred across the boundary by virtue of
2 temperature difference 1
i. Volume ii. Heat iii. Pressure iv. None of these
The quantity of heat required to vaporize unit mass of liquid into vapor
3 i. Specific heat ii. Latent heat iii. Specific heat of vaporization 1
iv. Latent heat of vaporization
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the unit mass of
gas through one degree at constant volume, is called
4 1
i. specific heat at constant volume ii. specific heat at constant pressure
iii. kilo Joule iv. none of these
Which among the following is correct relation between COP of heat pump
and COP of refrigerator?
5 1
i. [COP]H.P. = 1 + [COP]ref ii. [COP]H.P. = 1 – [COP]ref
iii. [COP]H.P. = [COP]ref iv. none of the above
PMM2 is the machine which violates ___________
6 i. Kelvin-Planck statement ii. Clausius statement iii. both a. and b. 1
iv. none of the above
COP of a heat pump is
7 i. always less than infinity (COP < ∞ ) ii. always less that 1 (COP < 1) 1
iii. always equals to 1 (COP = 1) iv. always equals to infinity (COP = ∞ )
Which type of function the entropy is?
8 i. a path function ii. a point function iii. both a. and b. 1
iv. none of the above
Which among the following statements are correct?
(1) Energy is an extensive property
(2) Specific energy is an extensive property
9 (3) Energy is a point function 1
(4) Heat capacity is an extensive property
i. Statement (1), (2) and (3) ii. Statement (1), (3) and (4)
iii. Statement (2), (3) and (4) iv. Statement (1), (2), (3) and (4)
Which device used to separate condensate from the steam without letting
10 steam escape? 1
i. condenser ii. Steam valve iii. steam trap iv. none of the above

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