Dampak Kebakaran Hutan

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Yunita nur rachmah (H05216023)

The Global Impact of Indonesia forest fires

Some areas in Indonesia is famous for its natural resources whether from agriculture,
plantations, forests and mining. Our country has an area of tropical rain forest of 39,549,447
hectares. Most of the tropical rain forest in Indonesia are located on every large island such as
Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. Most of the forest in Indonesia, are tropical rain
forest. Then, name of a tropical rain forest is because always wet and humid.
The existence of these forests can also cause wildfires. Indonesian forest fires have
occurred in the previous year. Mark Harrison, et al (2009), said most of these fires occur in
Kalimantan and Sumatra, which have the world’s largest areas of tropical peatland. These fires
are a man- made disaster: the effect on wildlife, human health, the region’s economy, and local
and global climate are immense. Despite this, local people’s awereness of the impact of the
faires remains low, water-management policies are frequently innappropite and local expertise
in fire control is often ignored by gonverment and donors. For the time being forest fires from
happening in the areas of Kalimantan and Sumatra. The fire their alleged to have been planned
by certain parties for their interests. KLHK claims until the end of last week had sealed the 42
companies suspected of being behind the brain forest and land fires. Sealing it in the context
of legal proceedings.
Land and forest fires give a very bad effect, for human health and the environment. The
emergence of wildfire smoke making air pollution and lead to respiratory diseases, eye
irritation, liver, asthma etc. Respiratory tract infections can cause a person's immune system
becomes weak and more susceptible to the virus. For the reduction, source of the smoke to be
stopped so as not to breathe residents. In addition, the need to protect themselves by reducing
the interaction or activity outdoors, and using air purifiers or water purifier and may also be
using N95 masks.

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