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14 Astrology Classics - Accepted By The Present Scholars

By: Deepanshu Sharma

There are 14 classics which are widely accepted by the astrologers in the present time.
Although some other scripture work is also accepted by several astrologers. But for
these 14 classics, there is no difference of opinion. So let’s have a look over these 14
astrology classics one by one.


“Brihat Parashara Hora Shashtra” is the most comprehensive extant work on natal
astrology in Vedic astrology described to any rishi or sage according to the text itself.
The text says that this work was created by sage Parashara. As per the mouth of words,
earlier this classic had 100 chapters but at present no one have full form of this classic.

Currently, four different versions of this treatise are available (all other editions use the
text of Pt Sitaram Jha's version) by Khemraj Press, by Pt Sitaram Jha, by Pt
Devachandra Jha, and by Ganeshadatta Pathak. These are all Hindi editions. The text
prepared by Pt Sitaram Jha based on the manuscript supplied by Pt Jeevanath Jha.

The present versions of classic have 13 chapters in the name of remedial measures,
which cannot be grasped easily as Vedic astrology never favors remedy.


Jatak-Tatva is a standard treatise on the predictive part of Hindu astrology and follows
the Parashari system. It is written in Sanskrit. Its author has adopted the Sutra method
for imparting knowledge of Vedic astrology instead of the traditional Sloka format.

The author of this text, Mahadeva, son of Revashankar Pathak, hailed from Ratlam,
Rajasthan, he was a devotee of Goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva and well-
versed in medicine, Sanskrit and Jyotisha. Mahadeva is believed to have lived from
1842 to 1888. The brevity of the sutras employed to describe lengthy original passages
culled from other texts is noteworthy. Jatak-Tatva comprises five tatvas or sections,
namely, Samjna, Sutika, Prakirna, Strijataka, and Dasha. These five then are further
divided into 13 sub-sections.


Kalyana Varma, the famous author of this famous work was a king himself ruling a
place called Vyaghrapada, which place some of us trace in modern Madhya Pradesh
and yet some in modern Gujarat. He is also identified as Kamadeva. He must have
flourished before the 10th century as Bhattotpala (966 AD) reverentially referred to our
illustrious author in his various commentaries on works like Brihat Jataka, Brihat
Samhita etc. A statement akin to Kalyana Varma's date as mid-13th century is, however,
incredible. Seeing Bhattotpala's reference and statements by various writers, Kalyana
Varma seemed to belong to the 6th century that is immediately after the Great Master,
Varaha Mihira. During the time of Kalyana Varma, there were only a few literary gems on
astrology, viz. Prasara Hora, Brihat Jataka, Hora Sara etc.


The author of this book Shri Mantreswara is believed to have lived in the 13th century
when this valuable work must have been compiled. His knowledge of Vedic astrology
was profound and the reference in his book to Parasara, Varahamihira and other learned
astrologers indicates that he had made a deep study of all the ancient astrological
works existing in his time. It deals in a most inclusive and trustworthy manner with
almost all the astrological aspects of human life. There can be said to be nothing that
this great work has omitted from its purview.


Uttar Kalamrita is a reference work on Vedic astrology written by Kalidasa. However, it is

not the same Kalidasa who wrote Raghuvamsha and Abhijnanasakuntalam. Uttar
Kalamrita was first printed in the Telugu script. The reference to Andhra Bhasha, Urdu or
Persian, Turushka, Sukkani, Rahu Kala, and other things show that he came after the
sixteenth century.

His use of the words Udyoga, got job, mud-cleaning, Smarta, Nadi and Vinadi, Sarasa-
sallapa (a peculiar Telugu expression), Tyajya Kala and others prove that he is South

These and other factors convince us that the author belongs to a time after the 16th or
the 17th century. The Uttara Kalamrita contains a wealth of astrological principles
which are derived from earlier works on astrology namely Brihat Parashara Hora
Shastra, Brihat Jataka & Phaladeepika.


Brihat Jataka is a great classic of Vedic astrology composed by The Great

Varahamihira, who was the famous astrologer in the court of The Great king
Vikramaditya in the year 57BC. He was also a great astronomer and the first one to
mention in his work Pancha Siddhantika, based on our ancient Siddhantas, that the
ayanamsa, or the shifting of the equinox is 50.32 seconds. Brihat Jatak contains 27
chapters. This classic is eye catching due to its chapter 10 “Karmajeeva”. The topic
source of earning is described in just 4 sloka. Some might feel that it’s incomplete but
Varahamihira shows his genius attribute in it. He also authored the famous Brihat


This monumental work was done by Sri Vaidyanatba Dikshita. He was the son of a great
scholar Venkatadri. The importance of this work Jataka Parijata cannot be
exaggerated. It is a basic text book of Vedic Astrology, studied almost in all parts of the
country by students and scholars alike. It is a book invariably prescribed for study in
almost all oriental examinations on Jyotisha. Among these works is none that can excel
Jataka Parijata in providing a detailed knowledge about all the essential aspects like
Ayurdaya, Yogas, Bhavaphala, Vimshottari, Ashtakvarga, Stri Jataka, Kalachakra Dasha
etc. The work has been translated in most of the regional languages like Malayalam,
Hindi etc and is held in high esteem by astrologers as a book of great authority
throughout the country.


Sarvatha Chintamani, meaning the Gem of superior desires or thoughts, is believed to

have been written by Venkatesa Sarma in the 13th Century A.D.; it is one of the most
important and most cited astrological works particularly on the description of yoga-
formation of planets and the results of those yogas. Sarvartha Chintamani is one of the
important books of astrology belonging to ancient India. Written in Sanskrit verse it
deals with the effects of each house in the natal chart in far greater detail besides
giving the description about the planets, their effects, lifespan and prosperity. However,
it makes a clear distinction between benefic and malefic indications and their impact,
although that distinction may be prima facie indicating contrary results.

It also provides practical and very valuable comments on the subjects relating to the 12
houses of the birth-chart; in doing so it follows the unique and distinct procedure
whereby the main subject or objects pertaining to a house are first of all stated in the
very beginning of the concerned section and then astrologically explained on the basis
of the house concerned, its lord and its significator, and the results, good or bad,
declared. Sarvarth Chintamani, expands Varahamihira’s observation on the subject of
profession which is of paramount importance to all men. This important classic covers
the entire wide ambit of predictive astrology in just 17 chapters.


Asht means eight, Ashtakvarga means eight Vargas. These are Lagna & seven planets.
Ashtak Varga is a unique system developed by the genius of vedic rishis to assess the
strength of planets in transit. Our ancient sages (Rishis) have introduced such a fine
method in the form of Ashtak varga nibandh that can help us find out the benignity and
malignity of planets and their influence on the life of mankind. The concept of
calculation which is used in this classic is not connected with any other astrology
classic. Ashtakavarga is a unique system of Vedic Astrology, the parallel of which is
found in no other astrological system. All the methods are pure mathematical formula.
Even Prithyusha, son of Varamihira also said that “while general results on the basis of
transit can be known the finer results can only be had from the use of Ashtak Varga.”
This classic also shows a mathematical process to calculate the longevity of any
native. In this classic the focus is on how to use Ashtakavarga in myriad situations in
any kind of chart, be it the Birth chart, Divisional chart, Horary chart, Mundane or the
Varsha-kundali. A comparison of bindus in different houses gives an overall idea of the
life pattern. Principles have been enumerated and astrological common sense invoked.
As per the several scholars, there is no astrology classic better than this that could
make an accurate prediction. By Ashtak Varga Nibandh, all the malefic and benefic
outcome of the deeds of a man can be found out scientifically.


Bhavartha Ratnakar was formerly a little-known Sanskrit treatise on the predictive part
of Vedic astrology which is believed to have been written by Ramanuja, it had for a very
long time remained confined mainly to the southern parts of India. Bhavartha Ratnakar
does not cover the entire Predictive portion of Vedic astrology as do other standard
texts but selectively lists rules some of which are not to be found in other more
renowned texts e.g. the rule which states that a person will be fortunate in respect of
that bhava whose karaka is situated in the 12th house from the Ascendant. Scholars
have found many of these rules to be effective and revealing. Bhavartha Ratnakar has
384 slokas or verses presented in 14 Chapters.

The First Chapter being the longest containing 130 slokas. The Second Chapter deals
with Dhana yogas, poverty and gain of education. The Third Chapter deals with brothers
and the Fourth, with combinations for owning vehicles and general fortune. The Sixth
and the Seventh Chapters are inter-linked and in the Eighth Chapter Fortunate
Combinations are discussed. The Ninth Chapter deals with Raja yogas and Punya
yogas. The Tenth Chapter lists important combinations which enable one to predict the
dasha or antra-dasha during whose course death is likely to occur. The Eleventh
Chapter gives information about planetary dashas and results. The Twelfth Chapter
lists combinations conferring strength to bhavas or harming the bhavas, and the in the
Thirteenth Chapter are listed some Malika yogas. The last chapter deals with the
fundamental principles of Hindu astrology.


Maansagri is amongst a few ancient treatises which were composed in the primeval
time. Although the exact origin of this text is not known, some scholars trace it to the
16th century. This astrological text however, has assumed remarkable importance for
its unique and special treatment accorded to the intricate and complex features of this
pristine monograph. This is a comprehensive and monumental primordial text of Vedic
science which holds key too many baffling doubts lurking in the minds of avid readers
and astute practitioners in this field.

Maansagri surged new frontiers in Dasha systems. This is the only known dissertation
which portends cogent effects for Astottari and Yogini Dashas. These Dashas have
become the tangible components of the horoscope in the present time and are explicitly
referred to for the affirmation of results. In fine, Maansagri Padditi, as textual
nomenclature suggests, is the unique system of delineating the horoscopes. It is a
complete text explaining the use of much Yoga, different Dasha systems and various
Chakras. There is no other text which deals with all these lesser known tools of
prognostication in Vedic astrology.


Neelkantha first time introduced the concept of progressed horoscope called the
Varshaphala or the annual chart based on sound astrological principles. The concept of
Sahams and the unique system of Dasas within a smaller period of a year are some of
the most important contributions of the Acharya. While the natal astrology gives us a
general outline of life of the native the Varshaphala gives details of the events that may
occur during each year. Tajik Neelkanthi integrates the Arabic thought in the Vedic
Astrological Principles. This has also proved to be a good treatise on horary astrology.
The system of application of aspects in the form of 16 well known yogas is an added
service to Vedic astrology. The work, in fact is not only a classic of the first order but
also a scripture in its own right. It’s the most authentic ancient work on horary (prashna)
& annual horoscopy (varshaphala).


This classic is composed by Prathyusha, son of The Great Varahamihira. As like his
father, Prathyusha was the finest astrologer. Beside this classic, he had also written
Horasaar. Name of this classic Shatpanchashika reveals a lot about it. In Sanskrit 56 is
written as Shatpanchash. This classic has 56 formulas to solve out a query. This classic
Shatpanchashika is useful to understand the meaning of planets placement at the time
of any Prashna. This classic became useful when there is no birth chart related to any
native. This classic contains 7 chapters. By having 17 & 12 slokas respectively Chapter
2 and Chapter 7 became the large chapter of this astrology classic. This classic stands
equal to the other two notable piece of knowledge known as Aaryasaptti and
Prashanvidya. As like some other text books writer Prathyusha does not contain the
Arabic, Tajik & Yavan theories in the astrology classic Shatpanchashika.


Brihat Samhita is a great classic of Vedic astrology composed by The Great

Varahamihira, who was the famous astrologer in the court of The Great king
Vikramaditya in the year 57BC. He also authored the famous Brihat Jatak. Brihat
Samhita is used in the predictions regarding to any nation. Brihat Samhita is written in
two parts Known as “Pratham Khand” & “Dwitya Khand”. First part contains 57 chapters
& second part contains 50 chapters. Each chapter covers a specific matter but chapter
no. 2, 14, 16, 19, 23, 32, 33, 40, 51, 53, 68, 69, 74, 78, 80, 86, 88, 99, 103 & 104 are most
useful in present day to day life.
Varahamihira, praise the need of true astrologer in the daily life. Even he mentioned that
how to judge a real astrologer along with it he mention the does & don’t for a pure
astrologer in this classic. In present time people like to take help from Vastu shashtra.
Such people think that Vedic astrology has no connection with Vastu Shashtra. But they
actually not know the real Vastu at all. Vastu is not a separate thing. It’s a part of Vedic
astrology. Brihat Samhita is the only astrology classic in which a whole Chapter under
the name “Vastuvidhya” deals with the queries of architecture.

In today’s time period several time we found that the weather reports delivered by the
metrology department goes absolute wrong. But if we take a look into this classic, we
will get to know several points to trace the actual forecast of any place. That is the
reason this classic is became most interesting in comparison of any other astrology
classic in the community of astrology scholars.


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