Mens Buisness

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Yarning Circle

Name: Child A , Child B, Child C , Child D , and ChildE

Date: Term one, week nine 27/03/2019

OBSERVATION: This morning while we were playing outside many of the boys
were sitting down together watching some of the other children play. Child A
called over Child B and Child C directing them to sit together in a circle. Huddled
together the boys began talked to each other. Walking over Miss Elise asked what
they were talking about, Child A turned around and said they were just talking.
The boys waited quietly as miss Elise Walked off before they began talking again.
ANAYLSIS: The boys were engaging in men’s business yarning circle developing
their communication and oral language skills. Through this activity the children
are demonstrating a sense of pride in their identity both personal and cultural.
Being Proud and strong : Develop a pride and strength in personal and cultural
identity, share a sense of belonging and connectedness.
Being an active participant: Explore their own culture and building positive rela-
tionships through interacting with others.
Being a communicator : Interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a
range of purposes.
FUTURE PLANNING: We will expand upon the boys interest through use of yarn-
ing circles to provide the children opportunities to developing their oral language,
vocabulary and communication skills. This will also assist in developing the chil-
dren sense of pride and identity through creating a sense of belonging within the
school and wider community.

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