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Digitalization in Education for Modernization of Learning System: A

Boon or a Bust

Submitted By:

1. Tanchico, Gemuel
2. Vergara, Jheremy
3. Reyes, Charly Maine

Submitted To:

Mr. Jayjay Sison

October 22, 2019


I. Abstract

Education is a basic need for every human being and digitalization in education is the current

trend and necessity for every students or learners to enhance more their learning. Digital

education helps students or learners to gather knowledge in easier and different ways than before.

The authors presented a comprehensive analysis of the processes of digitalization in education,

most actively taking place in the modern world. The formation of a knowledge society and the

digital stage of development of modern civilization culture still remains a continuing process,

which itself is experiencing serious internal contradictions and problems, especially in our country.

One of the contradictions seriously impeding the modernization of education system is the

discrepancy between the speed of digitalization of the educational resources and the process itself,

which is still in a 50/50 rate. Nonetheless, digitalization in education for modernization of learning

system is still a great idea that must be considered. So authors provided an analytical summary of

digitalization impact in education and on how it can be consider as an overall boon based on their


II. Introduction

Digitalization is the integration of digital technologies into everyday life by the digitalization

of everything that can be digitalized (transformation of all information types like texts, sounds,

visuals, videos, and other data from various sources into the digital language). Digitalization

features the use of technology or gadgets like smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets, and other

tech-gadgets. Tech-gadget includes the projectors, holograms or 3D simulator, and Virtual Reality

simulator which were used in visual presentation that will enhance the student’s visualization of a

particular subject. Aside from that, E-learning system is one of the main features of it, it functions

as an innovated type of learning where in the books, notebooks, exams, and documents are

compressed in a special software, making it compact and more dependable.

We are running into the 21st Century where technology knows no bounds, the phase of radical

development where technology is taking over every corner. During this phase, the education

system is evolving for the sake of betterment, as this generation’s students are not born to be

confined by limits of simple learning; their curiosity is vast and cannot be catered with educational

systems that were designed earlier.


III. Body

The world is transforming with lightning speed since digital technology has taken off. And as

technology advances, so does its use in education. These days, classrooms and learning practices are

a world away from those of old generation knew. Tools such as E-learning, cloud computing, visual

presentation or gamification are enhancing the learning experience in a dynamic and accessible way.

The future of educational technology has introduced to the world, particularly to the first world

countries. And now the Philippines as a developing country with a very high rate of internet

consumptions is being open to this idea. But the question is: how can this country adapt this

modernization improvement in a successful outcome like the other country?

This project of transforming or adapting a digitalization in education is not new here, in the

Philippines. Actually there are already existing plan related to this topic. This project proposal has

just discussed recently, on the 12th of March 2019 at the Philippine International Convention Center

(PICC), Pasay City. The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Office of the Undersecretary

for Administration and the Information and Communications Technology Service (ICTS),

spearheaded the project “DepEd Cyber Expo” with the theme, “DRIVE 2019: The Digital Rise of

Philippine Education”. The DepEd Cyber Expo is a three-day educational technology conference and

exhibition event aimed at inspiring and transforming the experiences of learners, educators,

stakeholders, and government officials by bringing them together to revolutionize the digital learning

curve of the Filipino learners towards academic excellence.


On that conference, Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones delivered the keynote

address, and emphasized the importance of technology and the digital rise in transforming the

Department which she described as a huge, difficult, and lumbering bureaucracy. It is also stated

there the aims of The Expo in the learning areas, which is to recognize the achievements of learners in

the various fields of technology, demonstrate the latest methods and approaches in education

technology, facilitates learner’s exploration of technological solutions to problems affecting their local

communities, link the Fourth Industrial Revolution (cyber-physical systems involving entirely new

capabilities for people and machines) to learners’ career paths and their sensitivity to local and

community issues, and discuss technological innovation and strategies that help improve the

teaching learning process.

III.A. Review

Digitalization in education is not exactly a new concept, but is also neither a very old one. It is

basically the use of technological means to effectively teach students and enhance their learning

experience. It is a deeper learning experience as the student makes the effort of understanding the

concepts himself. Moreover, interactive applications in digital learning have a significant impact on

them. There are several studies which show the positive effects of the digitalization. Other studies

reveal the negative impacts of these. Some of the studies take both positive and negative into

consideration and some others show a balanced approach regarding of this topic.

Positive Effects of Digitalization in Education

In fact, the application of digitalization in education by the present generation has a positive

impact on Information Technology or IT markets and therefore it is beneficial for the economy. It has

a positive effect on skills, thinking, and potential of the individuals. This digitalization in education is

better sources of learning for the youth as this is some sort of sources of fun and entertainment which

help them distract from daily stresses of life. The digital behavior of the youth makes them sit at one

place for a long period of time and the eye, hand, and mental coordination is maintained during that

period. Other than that, students can benefit from digital learning as they can choose their own style

that best suits them. These styles include reading textbooks, watching videos or using interactive

programs to better engage with their learning. Through digital smart tools, students can improve

their learning process by studying and engaging with content in an easier way. Additionally, digital

tools allow students to understand complex concepts and problems, as well as enhance the learners’

creativity and engagement. Indeed, interactive programs and smart tools are able to increase the

learners’ engagement and encourage them to learn voluntary and more effectively.

Negative Effects of Digitalization in Education

First, digital tools can be seen as a distraction. If students do not focus enough on what they

are studying, they can be easily distracted by these tools and waste their study time. Secondly, digital

learning can somehow exterminate the traditional way of teaching which has a physical interaction

between teachers and students. Finally, digital learning can be an expensive way of studying. Not

every student can afford a laptop, smartphones, or tablets as they are quite expensive tools. The

government still cannot fund schools to make it digitalized as it focuses on the main problems of the

country, which is the poverty. So as of now, only those who can afford is the one who can achieve

this quality of education.

III.B. Data Analysis

The authors conducted a survey on the basis of the given topic among several students of

Junior High School in both Private and Public schools within the 10 miles radius of Santa Rosa City.

Here collected necessary real time data on the basis of some questions from the population of 50

students of corresponding area. In this paper, author also introduced the given topic to classify the

students’ based on the two fields ─ Public/Private Schools and Happy/Unhappy with digitalization.


On the authors’ survey, one of the most important questions was the thought of the students

about the effectiveness of Digital Education. A maximum number of 49 (98%) students are happy

when teachers use digitalization tools inside the classroom. Only 1 (2%) students stayed in unhappy

side. As the survey’s result is suggesting, most of the students love digitalization so the teachers

should keep that fact in mind and prepare their content based on that fact.



Figure1: Effectiveness of Digitalization


Another aspect of the effect of digitalization tools inside the classroom was found when author

raised a question in their survey that is “Do you think these digitized tools are affecting your

classroom studying?” the answer was varying with the happy and unhappy ratio. Author found out

that 47 (94%) agrees with the positive effect of digitalization inside the classroom while 3 (6%) said

that traditional system is still this digitalization system. In this section, author found that students

find digitalization enhance more their studying than the traditional one.


Figure2: Digitalization Effect on Classroom Study


IV. Results

Based on the authors’ gathered information and data, the idea of digitalization in education

has a lot of potential to be implemented for the modernization of learning system particularly, in this

country. The students of this generation prefer to use digital tools as they find it very helpful to their

study. As seen above, digitalization has two sides: the pros and cons. It can be concluded that it is

essential that traditional teaching methods are carried out hand in hand with digitalization.

Furthermore, it is of utmost importance that during digital learning, there is a satisfaction within the

students as they find this way of studying more interesting. Therefore, it is safe to say that

digitalization in education is totally a boon.

V. Discussion

Same like with the other innovations, the world of digital technologies is associated with

certain contradictions and unforeseen circumstances. In the case of this country, the main problem is

to how everyone can achieve this state of education wherein there are high-level of learning that can

drag them to the endless possibilities. As much as everyone wants it, there are still unfortunate

individuals who cannot have it. But that doesn’t mean it is now impossible to have this kind of

education. The same with the other things, it takes time. The education is sharpening and sharpening

as the days passed by. But there is nothing to worry about, the students who carry the future of this

country are already working on it.



Digital Dawn (2015), Hays recruiting revue, 8 (46), 18-26

DepEd Cyber Expo (2019 Article),

Digital Learning: Positive and Negative Effects, Keylinks/Roberta Nicora

Overview and Analysis of Policy Models for the Integration and Innovative Use of Digital

Technologies in Education (10.09.19),

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