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a) In order to develop values like empathy and leadership skills and to apply the
classroom learning to the real world , you are expected to utilize your summer break
in providing your whole hearted support in any one of the following community
service projects:-
i. Each one Teach one ii. Clothes collection drive iii. Joy
iv. Participating in the ‘Clean v. e. Working with an NGO vi. Sto
Yamuna Drive b) Record your experiences by writing a diary entry in your un
notebooks. Also validate your account by pasting photographs
clicked, while doing the project.
Cut out six clippings of Classified Ads from the newspaper under the following heads and
paste them in your notebooks –
a. For sale
b. To-let
c. Situation vacant
d. For matrimonial
ENGLISH e. Pets / kennels
f. For purchase
Answer the following questions in your notebooks:-
The last lesson
Q1. “Bah! I have plenty of time. I’ll learn it tomorrow”. Franz was shocked when he heard
that it was the last lesson in French and he hardly knew his mother tongue. Many of us find
ourselves in similar situations and regret when all is over. What qualities should we inculcate
in our life so that we are able to achieve our goals?
Q2. Is it possible to carry pride in one’s language too far? Explain ‘linguistic chauvinism.’
Lost spring
Q3. Discuss the suitability of the title ‘ Lost Spring.’
Q4. Garbage has different meanings for the children and the adults residing in slums of
Seemapuri. Comment.
Q5. “The beauty of the glass bangles of Firozabad contrasts with the misery of people who
produce them”. Mention the hazards of working in the glass bangle industry. Discuss the
endless spiral of poverty, apathy, greed and injustice present there.
The Tiger King
Q6.What is the author’s indirect comment on subjecting innocent animals to the wilfulness
of human beings?
Q7. The title of the Maharaja reflected grandeur but his death was an anti-climax. Justify.
Q8. What is ironical about the king’s death?
Prepare a project report on following topics:
1. Half wave rectifier. 2. Full wave rectifier.
3. AND/NOT/OR Gate. 4. Step down transformer.
PHYSICS 5. Diffraction. 6. Young’s double slit experiment.
7. Amplifier. 8. Tesla coil.
If you want to choose any other topic it has to approved by the teacher. Sample project
will be shown in the class

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Investigatory projects based on CBSE norms i.e.

(i)Experiment at work (ii)Observation (iii)Conclusion
List of 20 projects given in lab manual.
Do any one (minimum 10 pages required to be put in project file)
Student have to follow the following sequence while writing the project-:
1. Title 2.Certificate 3. Acknowledgement 4. Introduction of Report
5. Experimental Work. 6. Observation 7. Result/Conclusion 8. Bibliography.
Note-This project will carry 5 marks out of 30 marks allotted for chemistry practical exam
in HYE,
preboard and final board practical examination.
To minimise the cost of the food, meeting the dietary requirements of the staple food of
the adolescent students of your school.
Task to be done
(i) Make a survey of at least 30 students to find which staple food they consume on daily
(ii) Select two food items constituting one cereal and one pulse.
(iii) Find from dietician the minimum requirement of protein and carbohydrate for an
adolescent and also find the content of protein and carbohydrate in 1 kg of selected
cereal and pulse respectively.
(iv) Find the minimum cost of the selected cereal and pulse from market.
(v) Formulate the corresponding Linear Programming problem.
(vi) Solve the problem graphically.
(vii) Interpret the result.
a. To Study of Drug Resistance In Bacteria Using Antibiotics
b. Possible Effects of Maternal Behaviour on Foetal Developmen
c. Study On Gene Therapy
d. Effects of Fertilisers, Manure and Polythene on the rate of elongation of the
e. Alzheimer’s And Dementia
BIOLOGY f. Microbes in Human Welfare
g. Detailed Study on Infertility its Causes and Treatment
h. Recombinant DNA Technology In Todays Medicine
i. DNA Fingerprinting
j. How Cigarettes Affect Your Health
k. HIV
l. Antibiotics
1. Question bank having questions in the board will be given to the students from chapter
being covered in month of May.
2. Students will be encouraged to find out the information on various environmental
programmes undertaken by Gol under various heading of
a) Air b) water
POLITICAL c) Solid and Hazardous waste d) Pesticide and chemical safety
SCIENCE Each student is supposed to pick up any one topic and research in the context of Gol role
and progress. For the same students are advised to access various government portals,
magazines like down to earth, newspaper reports etc. Collection of data will be followed
by the presentation and overall report making by the entire class under the four headings.
Class will analyse the achievements from their angle and will strive to give suggestions for
future course of action. The project will take few months for the outcome.
Practical report of Psychometric test titled: Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). The
following format is to be followed:

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Basic concepts
Introspective report
Project Topics-
1. Micro and Small Scale Industries
2. Goods and Services Tax Act and its Impact on GDP
3. Exchange Rate determination – Methods and Techniques
4. Sarwa Siksha Abhiyan – Cost Ratio Benefits
5. Digital India- Step towards the future
6. Make in India – The way ahead
7. Trends in Credit availability in India
8. Role of RBI in Control of Credit
9. Disinvestment policy of the government
ECONOMICS 10. Health Expenditure (of any state)
Expected Checklist:
 Presentation and writing that is succinct and coherent in project file
 Introduction of topic/title and identifying the causes, consequences and/or
 Various stakeholders and effect on each one of them
 Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues identified
 Short-term and long-term implications of economic strategies suggested in the
course of research
 Validity, reliability, appropriateness and relevance of data used for research work
and for presentation in the project file
Part 1 Comprehensive Project:
A Theory :
 Meaning of Accountancy
 Process of Accountancy
 Book Keeping ,Accounting ,Accountancy
 Double Entry System
 Terminology: Capital,Drawings,Assets ,Liabilities,Expenditure,Revenue ,Gain ,Profit
,Purchase Return and Sales Return ,Loss,Insolvency ,Purchase and Sales.
B. Comprehensive Questions :Select one Comprehensive Questions and Prepare :
1. Journal
3. Trial Balance
4. Trading and Profit & Loss Account
5. Balance Sheet.
6. Analysis & Interpretation:Gross Profit Ratio ,Net Profit Ratio ,Working
Capital Turnover Ratio ,Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio Trade Payables
Turnover Ratio.
Part 2 Project on Segment Reporting :
a. Name of the project :Segment Reporting
b. Objectives
c. Period Under Study

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d. Tools of Analysis
e. Source Material
f. Processing of the Data
Instructions :
Presentation and Submission of Project Report: Instructions
1. How to prepare and present the Project will be discussed in the class in details.
Sample files will be shown
2. The total length of the project will be of 40 to 45 pages.
3. The project should be handwritten.
4. The project should be presented in a neat folder.
5. For Further details please visit CBSE official website as given under
Students are supposed to select any one unit out of four and are required to
make only ONE project from the selected unit.
I. Project One: Elements of Business Environment
II. Project Two: Principles of Management (Principles given by Fayol or Techniques
of Taylor)
III. Project Three: Stock Exchange
IV. Project Four: Marketing
BUSINESS General Instructions:
STUDIES 1. How to prepare and present the Project will be discussed in the class in detail.
Sample files will be shown
2. The total length of the project will be of 30 to 35 pages.
3. The project should be handwritten.
4. The project should be presented in a neat folder.
5. For Further details please visit CBSE official website as given under
Project Topic:
From the beginning of life
1. The project work(one per year) can culminate in the form of Power Point
HISTORY Presentation/Exhibition/Skit/albums/files/song and dance or culture show /story
telling/debate/panel discussion, paper presentation and so on.
2. Students can use primary sources available in city archives, Primary sources can also
include newspaper cuttings, photographs, film footage and recorded written/speeches.
3. Secondary sources may also be used after proper authentication.
Prepare a project on any of the topics listed below
1 .Student Management System 2. Health Club Management System
3. Electricity Bill Generation System 4. Library Management System
5. Airways Reservation System 6. Tutorial Management System
7. Railway Enquiry System 8 Hotel Management System
9. Eating Joint Management System 10. Bank Management System
11. Address Personal Diary Management System 12. Employee Management System
13 Mobile Shop Management 14 Restaurant Management System
15 Book Shop Management System
Kindly Note: -
 The language used for programming shall be C++ only
 Topic should be selected and registered with the teacher before vacation
 Format of reports to be generated shall be discussed with the teacher I/C

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 Your project file should contain the following documents at the time of
1. Print out of all the forms (in design mode & run mode ) used in project
2. Program Code of all modules used in the program
3. Name and type of data files used in the project
4. Cover page specifying AIM of your project
5. Certificate and acknowledgement as per format discussed with
the teacher I/C
Prepare a project on any of the topics listed below
1 .Student Management System 2. Health Club Management System
3. Electricity Bill Generation System 4. Library Management System
5. Airways Reservation System 6. Tutorial Management System
7. Railway Enquiry System 8 Hotel Management System
9. Eating Joint Management System 10. Bank Management System
11. Address Personal Diary Management System
12. Employee Management System 13 Mobile Shop Management
14 Restaurant Management System 15 Book Shop Management System
Kindly Note: -
INFORMATICS  The Front end Application used for used interface shall be NetBeans and Back
PRACTICES end for managing databases shall be MySql Only
 Topic should be selected and registered with the teacher before vacation
 Format of reports to be generated shall be discussed with the teacher I/C
 Your project file should contain the following documents at the time of
1. Print out of all the forms (in design mode & run mode ) used in your project
2. Program Code of all Front end forms used in the program
3. Name Structure of all Tables used in the project along with the purpose of
their usage
4. Cover page specifying AIM of your project
5. Certificate and acknowledgement as per format discussed with the teacher I/C
Prepare a report and a Power point presentation on 'Role of Recombinant DNA Technology
in Improving Life'.
Recommended read

Practical-Every day sketching

FINE ARTS Painting composition (The market view of a rural area)
Theory –Question bank will be given.
1. Draw a neat diagram of the field/ court of any game of your choice. Write its history,
rules and regulations, terminologies and tournaments.
2. Read Unit -2 Sports and Nutrition.

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