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DATE: 16/12/2018
SL.N List of Regular Activity as per IRPWM Done/ Not
O. done
1 Through packing of Track

(a) Opening of the Road.

(b) Examination of Rails, Sleepers and fastenings

(c) Squaring of Sleepers

(d) Slewing of track to correct allignment

(e) Gauging of track

(f) Packing of Sleepers

(g) Repacking of Joint sleepers and other inadequately packed sleepers

(h) Boxing ballast section and tidying

2 Picking of Slacks

3 Lubrication of and Oiling of fish plates and bolts

4 Creep/Gradient adjustment

5 Over Hauling of Track

(a) Cleaning of Track and removing debris

(b) Allignment of track to be straight and free of kinks

( c) Gauging uniformity with in tolerance limits

(d) Adjustment of Joint gaps(+/-) 2mm

(e) Rectification of weld failures and rail fractures

6 Overhauling of level crossing

(a) Checking and Cleaning of Check rails

(b) Checking RCC Slabs

( c) Winch Operations

(d) Greesing and Lubrication of Slings and Pulleys

7 Overhauling of Points and Crossing

(a) 1 in 20 cent measure

(b) Checking uniformity of gauges

( c) Clearance of the Toe, Heel of the switch at check rails and wing rail

(d) Packing under the Switch and Crossing

(e) Checking of Chairs and Fastenings for tightening

(f) Checking of creep anchors

(g) Lubrication of Slide chairs and gauge face of Tongue Rail

8 Inspection of Curves

(a) Verisign and Super-Elevation to be corrected

(b) Recouping of Ballast

( c) Radius < 400 meters-3mm tight to 20mm Slack

(d) Radius > 400 meters-3mm tight to 15mm Slack

9 Repairs to dues and cleaning of side catch water drains

10 Earth work for repairs to banks and cutting

11 Clearing grass/vegetation & pruning of trees

12 Cleaning the platform area after Coal unloading and fit for traffic

13 Coloring of Signal boards,LC Gates,Fouling Marks for fittings and


14 Inspection of all bridges and keep in tact for Running of Trains

(a) Checking Foundation Walls

(b) RCC raft and Jacketing Wall

( c) Checking of Channel Sleepers and its Bolt Fittings




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