Compulsory Question 2000 9. Write Only The Correct Answers in The Answer Book. Don't Reproduce The Questions

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9. Write only the correct answers in the Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the

(1) The founder of Scientific Management School of thought was:

(a) F.W. Taylor
(b) Herber Simon
(c) Pfiffner John
(d) Mary Parker Follet

(2) The father of Human Relations theory was:

(a) Douglas M. McGregor
(b) Elton Mayo
(c) E.N.Gladden
(d) L. Urwick

(3) The founding father of theory of Bureaucracy was:

(a)Herman Finer
(b) La Palombra
(b) Max Weber
(d) Albert Lepawsky

(4) Systems theory of management is based on the concept of components having:

(a) Independence
(b) Inter- dependence
(c) Dependence
(d) Contingency

(5) Bureaucracy of Pakistan is:

(a) Elitist
(b) Agilitarian
(c) Oligarchy
(d) Paternalistic

(6) Administrative accountability is established in government organizations by:

(a) Executive
(b) Legislature
(c) Judiciary
(d) All the three above

(7) The first book on Public Administration was written by:

(a) Pfiffner and Presthus
(b) L. D. White
(c). Simon, Smithburg and Thompson
(d) E.N. Gladden
(8) Public Administration is the study of:
(a) Maintenance of Law and Order
(b) Control of trade and commerce
(c) Public Policy implementation
(d) Politico-administrative dynamics of the state.

(9) Planning machinery in Pakistan is:

(a) Centralized
(b) Decentralized
(c) Departmentalized
(d) Compartmentalized

(10) Financially the performance of public corporations in Pakistan during the last decade
has been:
(a) Excellent
(b) Good
(c) Satisfactory
(d) Poor

(11) Public Personnel Management in Pakistan is based on the principle of:

(a) Spoils
(b) Patronage
(c) Merit
(d) Give and take

(12) Communication runs faster in:

(a) Centralized structure
(b) Decentralized structure
(c) Matrix structure
(d) Line structure

(13) Performance budgeting is based on:

(a) items of expenditure
(b) items of investment
(c) objectives of expenditure
(d) plan of implementation

(14) The concept of Politics-Administration dichotomy was given by:

(a) Frank Henry Goodnow
(b) James W. Fes1er
(c) W Paul Appleby
(d) Ordway Tead

(15) The form of Leadership in the bureaucracy of Pakistan js:

(a) Aristocratic
(b) Democratic
(c) Dictatorial
(d) Paternalistic

(16) The President of U. S. who laid the foundation of the study of public administration
(a) President Wilson
(b) President Hoover
(c) President Kennedy
(d) President Roosevelt

(17) Formal relationship in an organization is based On:

(a) Friendship
(b) Peer groups
(c) Authority on subordinates
(d) Rules and Regulations

(18) The Ideal Model of bureaucracy is based on authority of:

(a) Tradition
(b) Charisma
(c) Legal rational
(d) Money

(19) Pressure groups in public administration work for:

(a) Public interest
(b) Self interest
(c) Foreign interest
(d) Sectoral interest

(20) The administrative reforms under which various services were merged in occupational
groups were introduced in:
(b) 1973
(c) 1989
(d) 1994


i) Public administration refers to:

(a) A process
(b) A discipline
(c) A field of study
(d) All of these

(iii) The famous fourteen principles of organization were given by:

(a) Plato
(b) Henri Fayol
(c) Fredrick Taylor
(d) Max Weber

(iv) The author of the famous essay “ The Study of Administration” was:
(a) Dwight Waldo
(b) Woodrow Wilson
(c) Fredrick Taylor
(d) Margaret Thatcher

(v) Span of control means:

(a) Tenure on a post
(b) Geographical jurisdiction
(c) Power to control others
(d) Number of subordinates under a superior

(vi) Job description relates to appointing a suitable person on a job:

(a) True
(b) False

(vii) Job specification defines the parameters of the job to be done:

(a) True
(b) False

(viii) Proper job analysis is based on:

(a) Job description
(b) Job specification
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these

(ix) Bureaucracy refers to:

(a) Red tape
(b) The totality of government officials
(c) A specific set of structural arrangement
(d) All of these

(x) The mnemonic POSDCORB for management was introduced by:

(a) James Mooney
(b) Adam Smith
(c) Luther Gulick
(d) None of these

(xi) The famous Hawthorne experiments were conducted by:

(a) Elton Mayo
(b) Abraham H. Maslow
(c) Mark Twain
(d) None of these
(xii) “Hawthorne effect” refers to increase in productivity because of:
(a) Good physical working environment
(b) Secure job
(c) Presence of observers
(d) None of these

(xiii) Maslow’s highest need in his “hierarchy of needs” was:

(a) Love or affiliation needs
(b) Self –actualization needs
(c) Esteem needs
(d) None of these

(xiv) “The average human being inherently dislikes work”

(a) An assumption of theory X
(b) An assumption of theory Y
(c) An assumption of theory Z
(d) None of these

(xv) Spoils system refers to:

(a) Management through objectives
(b) Public sector concept of staffing
(c) Awarding jobs to political supporters
(d) None of these

(xvi) Deficit financing is:

(a) Excess revenues
(b) Excess expenditures
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these

(xvii) Performance audit is used as a comparison between:

(a) Actual expenditure and booked expenditure
(b) Revenue collected and potential revenue
(c) Activities of an organization with the assigned objectives
(d) None of these

(xviii) A whistle blower in an organization is a person:

(a) Who reveals bad things about his department to the public
(b) Who is a good singer
(c) Who is assigned security duties
(d) None of these

(xix) The budget cycle is:

(a) The duration for which it is applicable
(b) The process through which it has to go
(c) The time frame of preparation
(d) None of these

(xx) Group dynamics refers to:

(a) Nature of a group
(b) Development of a group
(c) Interrelationship of a group
(d) All of these


(i). The differnece between public administration and business administration is :

(a) amount of political and legal constraints on decision making

(b) the emphasis on efficiency

(c) managment structure and processes

(d) no difference between public administration and business administration

(e) None of these

Ans (c)

(ii) The emphasis of the politics-administration dochotomy is on:

(a) the focus or “what” of public administration

(b) the actors or “who” of public administration

(c) the span or “when” of public administration

(d) the locus or “where” of public administration

(e) None of these


(iii) Gulick and Urwick’s POSDCORB anagram was:

(a) reference to the locus of public administration

(b) a lisiting of when to utilize public administration

(c) an expression of administrative principles to follow

(d) a means of identifying the problem associate with bureaucracy

(e) None of these

Ans (c)

(iv) The three components that compromise publicness and privateness in society are:

(a) bureaucracy, consistancy and budget

(b) administration, management and organization

(c) execution, regulation and structure

(d) agency, access, interest

(e) None of these


(v) Simon refuted the administrative

(a) revealing the administrative principles

(b) showing that for every principle there is a counter-principle

(c) explaining that administrative principles can only be used in complex organization

(d) relating that administrative principles always allowed for rational descisions

(e) None of these

Ans (e)

(vi) The New Public Management can be best described as:

(a) public administration in 21st century

(b) bureaucratic model of public administration

(c) application of business practices in public management

(d) a mechanism for improving service delivery

(e) None of these


(vii) The open model for organization is reffered to as:

(a) hierarchical and militaristic

(b) technological and anti-humanistic

(c) restrictive and rigid

(d) collefgial and competitive

(e) None of these


(viii) The aim of Taylor’s scientific management was to:

(a) stress individual accomplishment over organizational yield

(b) reduce production and increase morale

(c) improve organizational efficency and production’

(d) alter machinary to lessen burden on the labour force

(e) None of these


(xi) In comparison to managers of private organizations, public bureaucrates must:

(a) spend less time on external environment and more time on internal managment

(b) spend more time on external environment and less time on internal managment

(c) spend less time on both external environment and internal managment

(d) spend more time on both external environment and internal managment

(e) None of these


(x) Supervision as a mechanism of control over subordinates has been founded to be:

(a) the most effective mechanism of control

(b) as effective as input control

(c) the less effective mechanism of control

(d) more effective than behavior control

(e) None of these

Ans (e)

(xi) According to Weber, the three types of leadership are:

(a) charismatic, traditional, legal/rational

(b) titular, controllers, organizers

(c) institutionalists, specialists, hybrids

(d) charismatic, institutionalists, specialists

(e) None of these


(xii) In terms of public administration, one defines a system:

(a) according to the organizational structure

(b) according to the administrative effectivness

(c) according to problem one wishes to resolve

(d) according to the amount of resource available

(e) None of these


(xiii) The advantage of systems approach is:

(a) it allows us to disregard the differences in world views

(b) it allows means and ends to remain ambiguous

(c) it forces us to delineate the differnces and similarities in world views and improves
efficiency and effectivness

(d) it allows for new and fresh solutions to old and distressing problems

(e) None of these


(xiv) According to humanists approach, the management scientist’s system is incomplete


(a) it fails to factor in the variable of environemnt and instability

(b) it fails to acount for the variable of uniquely human qualities such as genius and despair

(c) it gives too much emphasis to the variable of uniquely human qualities

(d) it does not consider quantifiable and measureable variables

(e) None of these


(xv) The purpose of decision tree is:

(a) decision alternatives

(b) cost analysis

(c) project coordination

(d) time analysis

(e) None of these


(xvi) the line-item budget covers:

(a) inputs only

(b) outputs only

(c) inputs and outputs

(d) neither inputs nor outputs

(e) None of these


(xvii) Performance budget covers:

(a) inputs only

(b) outputs only

(c) neither inputs nor outputs

(d) inputs and outputs

(e) None of these


(xviii) The essential differnce between mangement-by-objectives and planning-

programming-budgeting is that:

(a) MBO does not necessarily focus on inputs

(b) MBO does not necessarily focus on outputs

(b) MBO does not necessarily focus on alternatives

(b) MBO necessarily focus on alternatives

(e) None of these

(xix) one of the salient feature of civil service system of Paksitna is:

(a) prefernce for contract appointments

(b) prefernce for professionals

(c) prefernce for generalists

(d) prefernce for doctors

(e) None of these


(xx) Public goods differ from private goods on the basis of:

(a) price

(b) delivery

(c) exclusion

(d) public interest

(e) None of these



(1) Public Accountants generally perform these services:

(a) Income tax services, Management Advisory services, and independent

auditing services
(b) Internal auditing, Income tax services and management controlling.
(c) Public accounting, private accounting and budgeting.
(d) None of the above is correct.

(2) Identify the organization created by Congress to regulate security markets including
flow of information from companies to public:

(a) TVM
(b) NPV
(c) IRR
(d) SEC

(3) Select the term that describes a cash distribution to a Corporation‟s Stockholders:

(a) Paid out Capital

(b) Cash Management
(c) A dividend
(d) None of these
(e) All of the above are correct

(4) Frederick Winslow Taylor work/book entitled the principles of Scientific Management
is published, in:

(a) 1875
(b) 1901
(c) 1911
(d) None of these

(5) One of the most successful Industrialists and the father of Modern Personnel
Management is:

(a) F.W. Taylor

(b) James Watt
(c) C. Babbage
(d) Robert Owen

(6) Who has the major Contributions in the Theory of Bureaucracy:

(a) Henry Gantt

(b) Hanri Fayal
(c) W.D. Scatt
(d) Max Weber
(e) None of these

(7) Which one, of the following MNCs (Multinational Co.) has the higher revenues during
mid. 1990s:

(a) General Motor

(b) IBM
(c) AT &T
(d) General Electric
(e) None of the above

(8) Give the, name of the author who has the major contributions in the field of

(a) H. Koontz
(b) W.J. Stanton
(c) P.B. Miller
(d) Gitt Man
(e) All of these

(9) The profit margin is a ratio between the corporation‟s net income and:

(a) Total expense

(b) Total assets
(c) Cost
(d) Total revenues
(e) None of the above

(10) MNCs are responsible for the majority of Foreign Direct Investment (FDIs) and have
a higher revenues than the national income of some of the countries they serve:

(a) Fully agreed

(b) Not agreed
(c) It is not possible
(d) None of these

(11) Earned but uncollected revenues, that are recording the adjusted process, recorded
with a credit to the revenues and debit to the expense is called:

(a) Adjusted Trail balance

(b) Expenses
(c) Accrued revenues
(d) None of these

(12) Which one of the following is not a part/variable of the marketing Mix (4Ps):

(a) Product
(b) Price
(c) Place
(d) Person

(e) None of these

(13) The major steps in the accounting cycle are the following:

(a) The procedure used in worksheet

(b) Begin with Trail Balance
(c) Completed only once in business life
(d) None of the above
(e) All of these

(14) Which of the following items is not unique to the financial statements of
merchandising Companies?

(a) Cost of good sold

(b) Gross profit
(c) Account receivable
(d) Net sales
(e) All of the above
(f) None

(15) The repairs made to keep a plant/asset in normal and good operating condition are

(a) Plant Management

(b) Operation Management
(c) Ordinary repairs

(16) A company that owns more than 50% shares of another company and controls that
corporation is known as:

(a) Subsidizing
(b) Consolidated CO.
(c) None of these

(17) The process of individual growth in the full utilization of a person‟s managerial
capabilities is called management development:

(a) True
(b) False

(18) Promotion is not a part of marketing:

(a) Agreed
(b) Not agreed
(c) None of these

(19) A way of analyzing leadership style where leaders are classified on a grid with TWO
dimensions is called:

(a) Managerial grid

(b) Two way theory

(c) None

(20) Robert Owen is known as the Father of Modern Personnel Management:

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) May be Taylor

Business Administration Paper - 2001

(1) Most preferred stock pays a fixed dividend at regular intervals.

(a) True
(b) False

(2) Any increase in an asset item is a source of funds.

(a) True
(b) False

(3) Depreciation is a book-keeping entry that allocates the cost of assets against income
but does not involve any movement of capital.

(a) True
(b) False

(4) The maturity of a security relates to the owner‟s ability to convert it into cash on
short notice:

(a) True
(b) False

(5) The credit period represents the period of time during which a cash discount can be
taken on short notice.

(a) True
(b) False

(6) Which ratio is computed with the help of the following? Cost of goods sold/Inventory

(a) Receivable turnover

(b) Times interest earned
(c) Inventory Turnover
(d) None of these

(7) ________ is the right that is delegated to an individual or a department to control

specific processes, practices, policies and other matters relating to activities
undertaken by person in other departments.

(a) Line authority

(b) Functional Authority
(c) Line and Staff Authority
(d) None of these

(8) Decentralization is the tendency to disperse decision making in an organized


(a) True
(b) False

(9) Programmes are plans which are general statements or understandings that guide or
channel thinking in decision making:

(a) True
(b) False

(10) _______ is that part of managing that involves establishing an international s

tructure of roles for people to fill in an organization:

(a) Leading
(b) Controlling
(c) Planning
(d) None of these (Organizing)

(11) Henri Fayol applied the principle of „Division of Work‟ to all kinds of work,
managerial as well as technical.

(a) True
(b) False

(12) ________ spell out specific required actions or non-actions, allowing no discretion:

(a) Procedures
(b) Budgets
(c) Rules
(d) None of these

(13) Business buyers are as geographically dispersed as final consumers.

(a) True
(b) False

(14) The distribution between a consumer good and an industrial good is based on the
purpose for which product is purchased:

(a) True
(b) False
(15) Intensive distribution occurs when the product is stocked in as many outlets as

(a) True
(b) False

(16) Merchant wholesalers are independently owned business that do not own (take title
to) the goods they sell:

(a) True
(b) False

(17) Which of the following elements in a compensation package provides the greatest
amount of incentive for salespersons?

(a) Salary
(b) Fringe Benefits
(c) Commissions
(d) Use of Company Vehicle

(18) The process whereby the seller distinguishes between market segments, selects one
or more of these segments, and develops products and marketing-mixes tailored to
each segment is called _______ marketing.
(a) Mass
(b) Target
(c) Product Variety
(d) Service

(19) Goods that the consumer, in the process of selection and purchase, characteristically
compares on such bases as suitability, quality, price and style are called _______

(a) Shopping
(b) Specialty
(c) Unsought
(d) Convenience

(20) Product ______ is a period of rapid market acceptance and increasing profits.

(a) Development
(b) Introduction
(c) Growth
(d) Maturity

Business Administration Paper - 2002

Q1. Which one of the following statement is correct?

(a) Decisions in public organizations emphasize political priorities, while decisions in

business organizations are rational and apolitical.
(b) Public decisions makers, in contracts to their business counter parts are
constrained by administrative procedure that limit managerial authority and
(c) It is hard to get high performance out of government employees because, compared
to their business counterparts they are logy, more security oriented and less
(d) None of the above is true.

Q2. Who has written the famous book “Principles of Scientific Management”?

(a) Eltca Mayo

(b) Henls Fayol
(c) Fredric Taylor
(d) Maw weber
(e) None of These

Q3. Which one of the following cannot be consider as an important dimension on which
nation‟s culture differ?

(a) Individualism Vs Collectivism

(b) Power Distance
(c) Uncertainty Avoidance
(d) Economic development
Q4. Market penetration pricing strategy can be pursued in price sensitive market?

(a) True
(b) False

Q5. A Product can have a combination of physical product and service

(a) True
(b) False

Q6. Vertical marketing System is integration of manufacturing and marketing activities

(a) True
(b) False

Q7. Distribution of free product samples is part of publicity

(a) True
(b) False

Q8. Which one of the following is not the part of marketing Mix?

(a) Advertising
(b) Personel Selling
(c) Publicity
(d) Sales promotion
(e) None of the above is the part of martikng mix

Q9. Which one of the following is not the part of product attributes?

(a) Quality
(b) Positioning
(c) Brand
(d) Packaging
(e) None of the above

Q10. Under the monopolistic combination, market consist of few sellers who are highly
sensitive to each other‟s pricing and marketing strategies

(a) True
(b) False

Q11: Which of the following statements is not part of theory 'X'


(a) Decisions are made in participative manner

(b) Employees inherently dislike work
(c) Employees must be coerced to achieve goals
(d) Employees tend to avoid responsibilities

Q12: Which of the following statement is not true?

(a) Planning that proves inaccurate is a waste of management time
(b) Planning can eliminate change
(c) Planning reduces flexibility
(d) None of these

Q13: Which of the following sources of power is dependent onauthority?

(a) Legitimate power

(b) Coercive power
(c) Expert power
(d) Referent power
(e) None of the above

Q14: Deciding whether to record a sale when order for services is received or
when the services are performed is an example of a

(a) Classification issue

(b) Recognition issue
(c) Valuation issue
(d) None of these
Q15: Payment for a two year insurance policy (in advance) is debit to
(a) Unexpired insurance
(b) Cash
(c) Insurance expense
(d) Expired insurance

Q16: Which of the following is an important reason for studying

(a) Accounting information is useful in making economic
(b) Accounting plays an important role in society
(c) The study of accounting can lead to a challenging career
(d) None of the above

Q17: If a company has liability of 19,000 and owner's equity of 57,000 its assets are

(a) 38,000
(b) 57,000
(c) 76,000
(d) 19,000

Q18: Transactions are initially recorded in the

(a) Books of Final Entry

(b) Books of original entry
(c) T accounts
(d) Accounting equation
Q19: The term Hybrid Security is used for

(a) Common Stock

(b) Defferred Stock
(c) Preferred Stock
(d) None of the above
Business Administration Paper - 2003

(1) Business risk is influenced by the firm‟s decision to use debt in its financial
structure. TRUE

(2) The most important function of management is controlling. TRUE

(3) A short term creditor would consider liquidity ratios to be more important than
efficiency ratios. TRUE

(4) According to Maslow, when a need is satisfied, it tends to lose its ability to motivate.

(5) The term marketing mix refers to the degree of advertising Vs personal selling used
to market product. FALSE

(6) The difference between an agent and a merchant wholesaler is that an agent always
takes title but a merchant wholesaler does not. FALSE

(7) The management of working capital is required because of a lack of short term
synchronization between demand and supply. TRUE

(8) A manager who believes that people inherently dislike work probably accepts
McGregor‟s Theory X. TRUE

(9) Inventory carrying costs can be minimized by carrying fewer units in inventory.

(10) A balance sheet is an accounting report used solely for the corporate form of
business. FALSE

(11) For management, budgeting is perhaps the most powerful_____.

(a) Forecasting tool

(b) Control device
(c) Hiring tool
(d) Accounting measure

(12) The income statement is a summary of:

(a) Revenue and expenses

(b) Assets, liabilities and capital
(c) Increases and decreases in capital
(d) None of these
(13) One benefit of using ratio analysis when interpreting financial statements is that:

(a) Ratios facilitate comparisons between different companies.

(b) All ratios have exact standard values with which performance can be compared.
(c) Ratios take into account all the specific factors affecting particular companies and
(d) None of these
(14) Planting and policy making are primarily functions of:

(a) Top management

(b) Middle management
(c) Operating management
(d) None of these

(15) An informal organization often exists within a business because:

(a) Not all relationships can be specifically defined.

(b) Small organizations do not necessarily emphasize strict adherence to line authority.
(c) Human behavior naturally crosses established authority lines.
(d) All of these

(16) In marketing, selling and buying would be called the:

(a) Primary functions

(b) Exchange functions
(c) Profit functions
(d) Critical functions

(17) Institutional advertising is:

(a) Aimed only at people in institutions

(b) Run only by institutions
(c) Designed to promote a type of product rather than a particular brand.
(d) Designed simply to show that the firm is a good place to do business.

(18) The current ratio of a firm having Rs. 25,000 of current assets, Rs. 30,000 of fixed
assets, Rs. 5000 of current liabilities and Rs. 10,000 of fixed liabilities would be:

(a) 5:1
(b) 7:1
(c) 10:1
(d) None of these

(19) The organizational form that replaces individual authority at all levels with group
representation is:

(a) Line
(b) Line and staff
(c) Functional
(d) Committee
(20) Working Capital may be expressed as:

(a) Current assets minus current liabilities

(b) Current and fixed assets minus current and fixed liabilities
(c) Current assets over current liabilities
(d) Current and fixed assets over current and fixed liabilities

Business Administration Paper - 2004

(1) In a large corporation, the firm‟s owners are usually its top managers. False

(2) The basic information needed to construct a flow of funds statement is found on the
income statement. True

(3) The operating break-even point is the point at which operating profits equal revenues
minus operating costs. False

(4) A sinking fund is a poorly performing mutual fund whose net asset value is declining.

(5) Penetration Pricing is used when a marketer introduces a new product at a relatively
high price. False

(6) The most common channel for consumer products is manufacturer-retailer-

consumer. True

(7) In the classification of consumer products, convenience products are usually more
expensive than shopping products. False

(8) During the maturity stage of the PLC, sales increase at faster rate than during any
other stage. False

(9) A wide span of management results in few organizational levels, and a narrow span
results in many levels. True

(10) The Line relationship involves making decisions and acting on them.True

(11) Data is defined as “formal system of gathering, integrating, comparing, analyzing,

and dispersing information internal and external to the enterprise in a timely,
effective and efficient manner”.False

(12) A manager who believes that people inherently dislike work probably accepts
McGregor‟s Theory X. True
(13) If a manufacturer gives a 30 percent discount to retailers and a 10 percent discount
to wholesalers, which type of discount is being given?

(a) Quantity
(b) Cash
(c) Functional (also called trade discount)
(d) Seasonal

(14) Publicity differs from advertising in as much as:

(a) It is directed at large numbers of consumers.

(b) Its message is of a non personal nature.
(c) It is carried by the mass media.
(d) It is a non paid Form of reaching the public.

(15) In which stage of the PLC are promotion expenses per product item usually highest?

(a) Introduction
(b) Growth
(c) Maturity
(d) Decline

(16) Which of the following is not a disadvantage of using a Committee?

(a) High cost in time and money

(b) Splitting responsibility
(c) Group deliberation and judgment
(d) Compromise decisions

(17) Identify the Organization established by our Federal government to regulate security

(a) SBP
(b) SEC
(c) NAB
(d) NFC

(18) If the credit terms are 2/10, net 30 and the amount of invoice is Rs. 4000, how
much is the discount if the invoice is paid in 20 days?
(for example, the term 2/10, net 30 allows a customer to deduct 2% of the net
amount owed if the customer pays within 10 days of the invoice date. If a customer does not
pay within the discount period of 10 days, the net purchase amount
(without the discount) is due 30 days after the invoice date.)

(a) Zero
(b) Rs. 30
(c) Rs. 60
(d) Rs. 120
(19) Which of the following is not part of the promotion-mix?

(a) Public relations

(b) Product planning
(c) Personal selling
(d) Advertising

(20) Selling activities include:

(a) Sales presentations

(b) Demonstrations
(c) Handling objections
(d) Closing the sale
(e) None of these

Business Administration Paper - 2005

(1) Planning initiates other functions of management. True

(2) Managements make things to happen. False

(3) The ultimate criterion of control is the extent that activities are complete in ways
that lead to more profits. False
(4) Computer Technology helps the management but does not replace the management.

(5) Promotional mix is also known as communication mix. True

(6) Marketing environment is made up of micro-environment and macro-environment.


(7) Promotional mix is the part of marketing mix. False

(8) Marketing strategy consists of specific strategy for target markets, positioning, the
marketing mix and marketing expenditure levels. True

(9) A Financial manager has a full control over its firm‟s stock price.False

(10) Liquidity ratios measure a firm‟s ability to meet short term obligations.True

(11) The internal rate of return method is the most widely used capital budgeting
techniques. False

(12) Stock exchange facilitates investment in real assets by providing secondary market
to the financial securities.False
(13) The organizing function of management includes:

(a) How tasks to be grouped.

(b) Conflict resolution among sub-ordinates.
(c) Comparison of actual results with a budget.
(d) Definition of organization‟s goals.

(14) The key to motivating today‟s diversified work force lies in:

(a) Creativity
(b) Goal setting
(c) Support
(d) Flexibility

(15) Control should be placed:

(a) Where they are cost-effective

(b) On all activities
(c) Where there are problem areas
(d) On the single most important

(16) The marketing logic by which the business unit hopes to achieve its marketing
objective is called:

(a) Business strategy

(b) Marketing strategy
(c) Production & distribution strategy
(d) All of these

(17) Strategic planning is the process of developing a formal strategy for:

(a) Identifying clear objectives
(b) Long run survival & growth
(c) Continuity & Consistency
(d) All of these

(18) Who are the true owners of Corporation?

(a) Debt holder

(b) Common stock holders
(c) Managers of the firm
(d) Board of directors

(19) What does an efficient port folio provide?

(a) Highest return for a given amount of risk

(b) Least risk for a given level of return
(c) Highest possible return and least amount of risk
(d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(20) The economic order quaintly (EOQ) increases when which of the following increases?

(a) Sales
(b) Ordering costs
(c) Carrying costs
(d) Both „a‟ and „b‟

Business Administration Paper - 2006

1) The three stages of marketing practices through which a company may pass are
entrepreneurial marketing, formulate marketing and entrepreneurial marketing.

2) The continual segmenting or fragmenting of markets impedes the new product

development process.[False]

3) Reverse-flow channels refer to situations where one channel level acquires a level
back in the channel, such as sears owning its own suppliers [True]

4) Planning is concerned with defining an organization‟s goals and objectives and how
to integrate and coordinate activities. [True]

5) Leadership and management are two terms for the same process.[False]

6) Effective control systems monitor everything happening in the organization.[False]

7) In informal planning, the organization‟s objectives are rarely verbalized. [True]

8) The trait approach to leadership has identified a specific set of personality

characteristics that determine leader success.[True]

9) A brand is an offering from a known source. [True]

10) The concept of compounding deals with finding the future value of a present

11) Short term creditors would be most interested in the firm‟s of leverages

12) Working capital management includes in part the administration of cash, marketable
securities, receivables and inventories. [True]
(13) Which of the following is NOT one of the four specific drivers that underpin the new

a. Industry convergence
b. Disintermediation and reintermediation
c. Customer delivered value
d. Customization and customerization
e. Digitalization and connectivity

(14) ___ lays out the target markets and viable propositions that organization will offer
based on an analysis of the best market opportunities

a. the strategic market plan

b. the portfolio analysis
c. the human resource plan
d. the tactical marketing plan
e. marketing research

15) the attractiveness of a market offering is based:

a. on the product, its placement, its price and its promotion

b. on the match between customer needs and wants and distribution and
pricing of the product
c. almost entirely on the product being offered
d. on product features and quality, services mix and quality, and price appropriateness
e. entirely on the match between perceived product and actually product

16) high levels of efforts are unlikely to lead to favorable job performance unless:

a. technology is also considered

b. quality of the effort is also considered
c. team work is also considered
d. management efforts are also considered

17) In order to bring about effective organizational change, changes in technology need
to be accompanied by making changes in _____:

a. Strategies
b. Structure
c. People
d. Both (b) and (c)

18) A capital investment is one that:

a. has the prospect of short term benefits
b. has the prospect of long term benefits
c. Is only undertaken by large corporations with large amounts of capital
d. applies only to investment is fixed assets
19) If the general level of interest rates rises, the prices of already issue bonds will:

a. Rise
b. Remain unchanged
c. Fall
d. Fluctuate

20) If the EOQ for an item decreases, the average level of inventory will:

a. Decrease
b. Increase
c. Remain the same
d. There is no relationship between EOQ and inventory levels

Business Administration Paper - 2007

(1) A decision is a choice made between two or more alternatives.(True)

(2) Frank Gilbreth is known as father of Scientific Management.(False)

(3) The responsibility for organizational planning rests with middle level management.

(4) The Hawthrone Experiments found that people were more concerned with preserving
the work group than with maximizing their pay. (True)

(5) Selling concept assumes that heavy selling and promotional efforts are needed to
stimulate more demand for the product. (True)

(6) Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or
services by identified sponsor is known as public relation. (False)

(7) Market Segmentation is concerned with dividing the market demographically and
geographically. (False)

(8) Joint Venturing is a form of entering foreign markets by joining with foreign
companies to produce or market a product or service. (False)

(9) Another name of cash flow is accounting profit. (False)

(10) The Financial Manager has full control over his firm‟s stock price.(False)

(11) Systematic risk can be diversified away by adding more securities to a portfolio.

(12) Discounting is the process of finding present value. (True)

(13) Extreme division of labour leads to result in:

(a) Motivation
(b) Boredom
(c) Decreased work skill
(d) Non-specialization
(e) None of these

(14) Fayol defines 14 principles of management. Which of the following is not one of
those principles?

(a) Scalar chain

(b) Espirit de corps
(c) Centralization
(d) Directedness of command
(e) None of these

(15) An example of pre-control established by management would be:

(a) Rules
(b) Policies
(c) Budgets
(d) All of these

(16) Firm‟s credit policy usually includes establishing:

(a) Credit standards

(b) Credit terms
(c) Collection policy
(d) All of these

(17) Liquidity ratios are computed by using information from:

(a) Balance Sheet

(b) Income statement
(c) Cash flow Statement
(d) Both (a) and (b)

(18) Conservative working capital management strategies involve:

(a) Low risk, Low return

(b) Low risk, High return
(c) High risk, High return
(d) High risk, Low return

(19) Product life cycle has the following stages:

(a) Introduction and Maturity

(b) Growth and Maturity
(c) Introduction, Maturity and Decline
(d) Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline
(20) Which product is most likely to be purchased through routine decision-making?

(a) Car
(b) Desk
(c) Soft Drink
(d) Shirt
(e) None of these

Business Administration Paper - 2008

(1) The last stage of Maslow Need Hierachy is Esteem. (False)

(2) An effective Manager is one who achieves the goal with the least amount of
resources. (True)

(3) Audit is a type of controlling system. (True)

(4) Removal of undesirable elements serves as Negative Reinforcement tool to motivate

the people. (True)

(5) Marketing of services heavily rely on advertising. (True)

(6) Advertising is paid, personal communication through media (False)

(7) Skimming pricing is used when the customers are quality conscious.(True)

(8) Advertising is usually at the top of Promotion Mix of every product.(True)

(9) Profit as against Share Price Maximization is always a desirable goal of organization.

(10) For a short-term creditor, liquidity ratios are more important than efficiency ratios.

(11) Low levels of net working capital decrease risks. (False)

(12) The present value of an annuity is inversely related to future value of annuity.

(13) The three levels of a product are:

(a) Core, Packaging and Promotion

(b) Actual, Core and Pricing
(c) Augmentation, Core and Actual
(d) None of these

(14) MBO means:

(a) Management based on Organization

(b) Management based on Objectives
(c) Management by Objectives
(d) None of these

(15) The two broad price policies are:

(a) Demand and sales based pricing
(b) Penetration and low pricing
(c) Skimming and Demand based pricing
(d) None of these

(16) Quick Ratio is calculated by dividing:

(a) Current Assets by Current Liabilities

(b) Current Assets by Inventories
(c) Current Liabilities by Current Assets
(d) None of these

(17) Decreasing inventories is a source of:

(a) Assets
(b) Funds
(c) Credit
(d) None of these

(18) Entrepreneur is:

(a) Manager looking for profit

(b) Manager looking for employee‟s satisfaction
(c) Manager looking for every opportunity
(d) None of these

(19) The depth of a 'Product Mix' indicates:

(a) All products offered by a company with its versions

(b) All products offered by a company with its brands
(c) All products and service brands
(d) None of these

(20) A person directly involved in operation and accomplishment of main objectives of

the firm is called:

(a) First-Line manager

(b) Line-Manager
(c) Staff-Manager
(d) None of these

Business Administration Paper - 2009

(1) The key inputs into Discounted Cash Flow analysis are projected future cash flows.

(2) Market demand for a product is the total volume that would be sold by a defined
customer group. (False)

(3) Operational plans apply to the entire organization and establish the organization‟s
overall goals. (False)
(4) Preferred stock has a fixed divided paid every period forever so preferred stock is
essentially a perpetuity.(True)

(5) The cost of debt is the return that the firm‟s debtors demand on new

(6) With the Internal Rate of Return, we try to find a single rate of return that
summarizes the merits of a project. (True)

(7) IBM is example of a manufacturer brand. (True)

(8) Modifying job responsibilities is an example of structural change.(False)

(9) ---------- is a statement reporting the effects of a firm‟s operating, investing and
financing activities on cash flows over an accounting period.

a. Income statement
b. Annual report
c. Cash flow statement
d. Balance sheet
e. None of these

(10) ---------- studied five chief executives at work and identified ten managerial roles.

a. Max weber
b. Henry fayol
c. Henry mintzberg
d. Fredrick taylor
e. Michael porter

(11) A product life cycle -----------------.

a. Shows how a product sales or profits may rise or fall over its life
b. Tells you how long a product will sell for and make a profit
c. Is divided into three stages
d. Show how profitable a product will
e. None of these
(12) All of the following are fixed assets except

a. Building
b. Stocks
c. Production plant
d. Vehicles

(13) What is the influencing environmental factor when interest rates increase and firms
find it difficult to borrow funds

a. Political factor
b. Social factor
c. Economic factor
d. Technological factor
e. Competitive factor
(14) Which of the following is not a market entry strategy

a. Licensing
b. Indirect exporting
c. Joint venture
d. International marketing
e. None of these

(15) ------------ is information about physical working conditions, work schedule and the
organizational and social context of the job.

a. Job specification
b. Job context
c. Work activities
d. HR policy manual
e. None of these

(16) The liquidity of a firm is a measure of ---------------

a. Its ability to pay bills

b. Its ability to respond to changes in demand
c. How flexible it is in its production plannning
d. How quickly and easily a firm could relocate to another site
e. None of these

(17) Market share means ---------------

a. How well a firm is doing

b. How much power a firm has in the market
c. How many firms are there in the market
d. How big a market is
e. None of these
(18) -------------- refers to a management philosophy that requires employers to
continuously set and relentlessly meet ever high quality, cost , delivery and
availability goals.

a. Performance management
b. Performance appraisal
c. Continuous improvement
d. Management by objective
e. None of these

(19) Beta ------------.

a. Is a measure of firm specific risk

b. Is a measure of market risk
c. Is a measure of total risk
d. All of these
e. None of these

(20) What is the price of a stock that is expected to pay a 1.00 divided next year if the
cost of capital is 14% and the growth rate is zero
a. 7.14
b. 6.75
c. 11.9
d. 6.13
e. None of these

Business Administration Paper - 2010

(1) You wish to borrow $ 8000 to be repaid in 24 monthly installments at an annual

interest rate of 8%. What is your monthly payment?

a) $ 262.82
b) $ 361.82
c) $ 150.5
d) $ 325.00
e) none

(2) If you invest $ 600 every six months at 8% compounded semi annually, how much
would you accumulate at the end of 10 years?

a) $ 15,883.20
b) $ 16,926.82
c) $ 17, 866.85
d) $ 18,233.45
e) None
(3) A commercial bank will loan you $ 12,250 for three years to buy a car. The loan
must be repaid in 36 equal monthly payments. The annual interest rate on the loan I
s 12% of the unpaid balance. How large are the monthly payments?

a) $425.00
b) $350.67
c) $375.09
d) $406.88
e) none

(4) What is the future value of $500 investment, with a stated rate of 6% compounded
monthly for 7 years.

a) 700
b) 730
c) 760
d) 790
e) none

(5) You are considering investing in a preferred stock that has a dividend of $ 3.25 per
share. The market price of this stock is $ 48.625. What is the rate of return you
would expect to make on this perpetuity?

a) 6.68%
b) 6.24%
c) 6.05%
d) 6.28%
e) none

(6) What is not a disadvantage of traditional file processing system?

a) Program-data dependence
b) Reduce data redundancy
c) Limited data sharing
d) Lengthy development time
e) none

(7) An enterprise data model is a (n) _______ model.

a) numerical
b) mathematical
c) narrative
d) graphical
e) none
(8) Which is not a component of relational database?

a) Entity
b) Table
c) Attribute
d) Hierarchy
e) none

(9) Data base application can be divided into 5 categories. Which is NOT a database
application category?

a) Personal
b) Department
c) Enterprise
d) Relational
e) none

(10) A data base that supports organization wide operations and decision making is a (n)
________ database.

a) department
b) enterprise
c) work group
d) extra-net
e) none

(11) As small companies begin to achieve success, they tend to adopt some of the tools
used in professionally run marketing commas. This is a sign that the firm is in the
________ stage of marketing practice.

a) Entrepreneurial marketing
b) Formulated marketing
c) Intrepreneurial marketing
d) Effective marketing
e) none

(12) The concept of a _______ is used to describe a cluster of complementary products

that are closely related in the minds of the consumers but are spread across a
diverse set of industries.

a) Metamarket
b) Metamediary
c) Market place
d) Marketspace
e) none

(13) Marketers can increase the value of customers offering by:

a) raising benefits and reducing cost

b) raising benefits by more than raising the cost
c) lowering benefits by less than the reduction in cost
d) All of the above can increase the customers value

(14) When a firm sees its competitors as all companies that compete for the same
consumer dollars, they are concerned with the ________ level of competition.

a) Brand
b) Industry
c) Form
d) Generic
e) None

(15) The number of channel levels from raw material to final product which a company
will participate defines the firm's _________ scope.

a) Industry
b) Geographical
c) Vertical
d) Competence
(16) Which of the following best describes the organizational members who integrate and
coordinate the work of others?

a) Managers
b) Operatives
c) Subordinates
d) Customers

(17) _________ represent the lowest level of management

a) Team leaders
b) First line managers
c) Operatives
d) Laborers
e) none

(18) Which of the following roles is more important for lower-level managers than for
either middle or top-level managers?
a) Negotiator
b) Leader
c) Coordinator
d) Entrepreneur
e) none

(19) Which of the following skills involve working well with other people?

a) Technical
b) Human
c) Computer
d) Empirical
e) none
(20) The phrase most associated with scientific management is ________?

a) Management Relations
b) One of the best
c) Supply and demand
d) Quality control
e) none

Business Administration Paper - 2011

(1) Fredrick Winslow Taylor‟s Principles of Scientific Management suggested the use of
scientific methods to define:

(a) The easiest way of doing a job

(b) The most complex way of doing a job
(c) The best way of doing a job
(d) None of these

(2) The quantitative approach using quantitative techniques in Management is called:

(a) Scientific Method

(b) Operations Research
(c) Quantitative Approach
(d) None of these

(3) The perspective that Managers are directly responsible for an organization‟s success
is known as:

(a) Omnipotent view of management

(b) Management orientation
(c) Autocratic management
(d) None of these

(4) Effective Management decisions are:

(a) Emotional
(b) Based on lots of data
(c) Rational
(d) None of these

(5) Breakeven Analysis is a useful technique for:

(a) Reducing operating costs

(b) Maximizing sales
(c) Resource allocation
(d) None of these
(6) Recruitment helps:

(a) Improve productivity of HR

(b) Reduce number of employees
(c) Improve labour relations
(d) None of these

(7) Grapevine is:

(a) An office decoration plant

(b) An information network
(c) An official drink
(d) None of these (Informal Business Communication)

(8) Most important asset in an organization is:

(a) Money
(b) Plant and Machinery
(c) Employees
(d) None of these

(9) Employees resist organizational change because it:

(a) Reduces their compensation

(b) Creates uncertainty
(c) Puts more work on them
(d) None of these

(10) Strictly observing Corporate Ethics is:

(a) Not important in commercial organizations

(b) Against the concept of profit maximization
(c) An essential requirement of professional business management
(d) None of these

(11) According to Herzberg‟s Motivation - Hygiene Theory, employee‟s salary is:

(a) Hygiene Factor

(b) Motivating Factor
(c) Employee‟s Retention Factor
(d) None of these

(12) Who has the most power in Value Chain?

(a) Suppliers
(b) Distributors
(c) Customers
(d) None of these
(13) Marketing is:

(a) Sales of goods and services

(b) The range of services starting and ending with the customer
(c) Sales planning and promotion
(d) None of these

(14) Marketing Strategy is:

(a) Activities focused to defeat competitors

(b) Activities aimed at creating value and profitable relationship with customers
(c) Activities for maximizing sales
(d) None of these

(15) Cost strategy means charging:

(a) Highest price for products

(b) Lowest price for products
(c) Varying prices for products
(d) None of these

(16) Branding is:

(a) Not possible for services

(b) Not very useful commercially
(c) Useful for building product loyalty
(d) None of these

(17) Creation of value in a business means:

(a) Earning maximum profits

(b) Promoting rapid growth in sales
(c) Optimizing shareholder’s return in a company
(d) None of these

(18) Price/Earnings Ratio of a company shows relationship between its:

(a) Net profit and Sales

(b) Gross profit and Net earnings
(c) Market price of its share and Earnings per share
(d) None of these

(19) Free Cash Flows are:

(a) Net after tax profit

(b) Expected Revenues minus expected costs and capital expenditures
(c) Cash in hand and in bank
(d) None of these
(20) Term interest earned is:

(a) EBIT ÷ Interest on debt

(b) Net profit ÷ Debt
(c) Sales ÷ Interest Pa

1) the silsilah chishtiyah was founded in sub continent by whom?

A) kh. Bahaud din naqshbandi

b) kh muinud din ajmeri
c) sh. Bahaud din zakria
d) none of these

2) when shah waliullah died?

A) 1162
b) 1762
c) 1862
d) none of these

3) who was appointed the first principal of darul ulum deoband?

A) maulana mamluk ali

b) haji muhammad abid
c) maulana muhammad qasim
d) none of these

4) who floated the idea of establishment of anjuman-e-hamiat-e-islam?

A) maulana shibli
b) kh. Hamid ud din
c) munshi charag din
d) none of these

5) all india national congress was established by a british civil servant in 1885. Name the officer

a) madan mohan
b) lord dufferin
c) a.o hume
d) none of these

6) viceroy lord curzon divided the bengal in east and west on:

A) 19th may 1905

b) 19th june 1905
c) 19th july 1905
d) none of these

7) which year proved the turning point of the muslim destiny in the history of india?

A) 1905
b) 1906
c) 1907
d) none of these

8) where the annual sessions of national congress and muslim league were held

A) dehli
b) bombay
c) lucknow
d) none of these

9) who was the author of “emergence of pakistan”?

A) i.h quureshi
b) waheed-ud-zaman
c) muhammad ali ch.
d) none of these

10) when sir stafford cripps announced his farmula to seek the co-operation between
the national congress and muslim league?

A) march 30,1940
b) march 30,1942
c) march 30,1944
d) none of these

11) when the simla conference under the presidentship of lord wavell was ended?

A) june 14, 1945

b) july 14, 1945
c) august 14, 1945
d) none of these

12) by whom the farmula of 3rd june 1947 to divide india was announced?

A) lord atllee
b) lord wovell
c) lord mount batten
d) none of these

13) who was the first president of consituent assembly of pakistan?

a) quaid-e-azam
b) liaquat ali khan
c) sikandar mirza
d) none of these

14) under whom leadership the consituent of 1956 was passed?

A) liaquat ali khan

b) ch. Muhammad ali
c) sikandar mirza
d) none of these

15) when the consituent of 1973 was proclaimed?

A) april 12, 1972

b) march 23, 1973
c) august 14, 1973
d) none of these

16) when indus water treaty was signed between india and pakistan?

a) 1960
b) 1962
c) 1969
d) none of these

17) in which constitution the presidential and parliamentary systen at centre and provinces were adopted

a) 1956
b) 1962
c) 1972
d) 1973

18) when was the 18th ammendment bill passed by national assembly?

A) april 12, 2010

b) march 12, 2010
c) may 12, 2010
d) none of these (8th april 2010)

19) how much amount was allocated for the agriculture sector in the 7th five year plan?

A) rs.13600 million
b) rs.14600 million
c) rs.15600 million
d) none of these
20) which pass connects para channa and kohat with afganistan?

A) khyber pass
b) kurram pass
c) gomal pass
d) none of these

Q. what is bureaucracy and what are its characteristics? How did it play its role in strengthening
and integration of Pakistan?

Ans: Bureaucracy is an association of officials carrying out operational and administrative tasks.
The officials serving in the bureaucracy are called bureaucrats. Bureaucrats are mostly non-
elected officials, with the exception of a very few countries where certain tiers of bureaucracy are
elected. In bureaucracy the officials and employees are assigned specific responsibilities and
they have to work within the hierarchy of an authority.

Characteristics of Bureaucracy:
1. Well defined hierarchy of governance.
2. Management of tasks through rules.
3. Specifically assigned functions.
4. A bureaucrat is required to be impersonal in carrying out his work.
5. Job security is to be ensured to the bureaucrats in carrying out tough decisions.
6. Well defined regulations for upward mobility.

Role of Bureaucracy in Strengthening and Integration of Pakistan:

1. Provided government in the times when democratic governments were sent home, so made the
country governable in testing times.
2. Kept those parts of Pakistan governed where the elected representatives were not there like
3. Served as a cushion between the masses and law-enforcing arm of the state.
4. Worked towards ensuring meritocracy.
5. Despite shortcomings in fulfilling the assigned work, no other institution could replace it.

Notwithstanding what the bureaucracy did for Pakistan, it is a matter of fact that it has not been a
bureaucracy of an ideal democracy. It is a conservative bureaucracy which has resisted change
over the time. It has helped the dictators negatively in doing away with the democratic
dispensations, and had helped them in their quest for consolidation of their power. Pakistan's
bureaucracy needs to be made professional and able to cater for the modern needs.. It can only
be done through transparent and credible selection process and an up to date training process.

Q. Discuss critically the role of SilSilah( orders) in the development and progress of Muslim
Society in the Subcontinent of Indo Pakistan?
Ans: In the subcontinent Sufi's and Saints were the ones who introduced Islam. It was purely
through their efforts that Islam evolved its base in India and from that the concept of spiritualism
arose. Sufi's and Saints apart from preaching their religion in a peaceful manner also worked to
forge good relations between the different nations of Indian Subcontinent. They not only guided
their Muslim brethren in molding their lives according to the basic teachings of Islam but also
showed them the ways to make good and brotherly relations with the followers of other religions.

The major Silsilah (Orders) in the Subcontinent:

1. The Shadhiliyya order
2. The Chishti order
3. The Shattariya order
4. The Suhrawardi order
5. The Qadiri order
6. The Naqshbandi order

Saints introduced mystical form of Islam which was very moderate and projected the peace-loving
nature of this religion. Hindus and Hinduism were deeply influenced by the Sufi saints of these
orders. Their teachings played integral role in the social, economical and philosophical
development of the Muslims. Islam spread swiftly in the Indian subcontinent and across Asia due
to their selfless teachings. It can safely be remarked that it was Sufi Muslim saints, not
conquerors, who spread Islam in this part of the world.

Q. The location of Pakistan has given the strategic strength to the state. What are its physical
features and narrate its advantages and disadvantages?
Ans: Pakistan's strategic position has undoubtedly rendered it such an immense importance that
it cannot be ignored by the world powers. Pakistan's strategic location provides economic
incentives too by placing it at the hub of future economic activity in South Asia. Pakistan is also
considered as the gateway to central Asia and it's expected that its ports will attract shipments to
and from Central Asia to other parts of the world. For trading to Far East, the ports of Pakistan are
the most attractive refueling stops. Pakistan is such placed strategically that it provides access to
the warm water, to the land locked countries like Afghanistan, and to the southern provinces of

The Physical Features of Pakistan:

1. Rivers like Indus River and its five major subsidiaries making the planes fertile.
2. Mountain ranges like the Hindu Kush and Himalayas on the north.
3. Pakistan is placed on the tropic of cancer making it best place for agriculture.
4. The fertile planes of Punjab.
5. Climatically well placed, as it gets four seasons.
6. It has a long coastline.
7. Forests that make about 5 percent of the total Pakistan.
8. Huge gas and coal reserves and considerable oil reserves in the desert and arid regions.

Advantages of the Physical Features of Pakistan:

1. One of the largest irrigation system in the world: irrigates about 28 percent of land.
2. Its rivers are navigable, so transport can be done through them.
3. Its four seasons provide it with diverse crops, so there is no reliance on single crop.
4. The huge forests at the North make for 5 percent of Pakistan, making it almost wood self-
5. The mountain ranges at the north provide natural protection against the cold Siberian winds.
6. Large tract of land in Balochistan can provide natural strategic depth and Pakistan wouldn't
need to seek strategic depth in Afghanistan.

1. Extreme weathers at different locations.
2. Monsoons resulting in floods.
3. The planes of Punjab does not provide natural barrier in the face of an Indian military assault.
4. The large tract of land in Balochistan has made it difficult to access even for the state in
providing essential services.

By analyzing the both advantages and disadvantages of the physical features of Pakistan, it can
safely be concluded that the advantages far exceed the disadvantages.

Q. what are the security concerns of Pakistan? Suggest measures by revisiting the foreign policy
of Pakistan?

Ans: Pakistan faces multi-pronged security concerns, but mostly these concerns emanate from
India's Military might and its nefarious designs. There are many indigenous issues also that have
become security threats for Pakistan. A congruent and a well defined Foreign Policy can do away
with almost more than half of these threats. Lets have a look at salient security concerns of
Pakistan and some foreign policy measures that can help to tackle these issues.

Security Concerns:

1. India's growing power in terms of economy and military might.

2. Threat to Pakistan's Sovereignty due to attacks from Afghanistan.
3. India's Growing Influence in Afghanistan and its perceived anti-Pakistan activities.
4. Indigenous acts of terrorism from Taliban.
5. The insurgency in Baluchistan.
6. The resurgent energy crisis resulting in destabilization of the country.
7. Sectarian issue.

Suggested Foreign Policy Measures:

1. Promote trade and commerce to keep hostilities at bay.

2. Foreign policy should not be India centric.
3. Relaxed Visa Regime.
4. Foreign Policy should be sole prerogative of the parliament.
5. Foreign Policy should depart from that of security state to welfare state.
6. Import of technology to tackle energy crisis.

Pakistan already has a nuclear umbrella for its security, and by virtue of that the possibility of an
all out war with India is not a reality now. Pakistan's paranoiac approach towards the threat from
the East is a bit miscalculated, and the situation calls for a review of that approach towards the
foreign policy. Wanton expenditure of resources in that direction will take us no where.

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