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Dilter Pereda Guzmán


Basic Intensive VI


Betty Risco Rodríguez


April 14, 2017



Holy Week is a religious holiday in which the Church recalls the Sacrifice

of the Son of God for the Redemption of Humanity.

With the arrival of the Spaniards to Peru, this custom, like many others,

moved to Peru and soon fell into the spirit of the Andean man, not only

assimilating it but also giving it a very characteristic flavor, an example of

which are the different Manifestations of these holidays in the whole


Holy Week (also called Easter) is considered the most important holiday of

the Christian year, even more than Christmas.

Holy Week is the annual Christian commemoration of the Passion, Death and

Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Therefore, it is a period of intense

liturgical activity within the various Christian confessions. It begins on Palm

Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday, although its celebration usually begins in

several places the previous Friday (Friday of Dolores) and is considered a

part of it on Easter Sunday.

The date of the celebration is variable (between March and April depending

on the year) as it depends on the lunar calendar. During Holy Week there are

numerous examples of popular religiosity throughout the world, highlighting

the processions and representations of the Passion.


“History of the

triumphal entry of

Jesus to Jerusalem,

mounted on a donkey

and with the

applause and

applause of the

people who follow


While it is not an exact date, Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It

happened the Sunday before his death. It was a grand entrance and at the

same time, humble. The city was full of pilgrims to celebrate the Jewish

Passover. A large crowd surrounded Jesus and with branches of olive trees

and palms in his hands, accompanied him at his entrance into the city,

between songs and exclamations. Many followed in faith and hope. The olive

tree is the typical tree of the region where Jesus lived. That is why the

inhabitants of Jerusalem went out to meet Jesus with olive branches.

Saint Luke does not speak of olive trees or palms, but of people who were

carpeting the way with their clothes, as a King is received, people who

shouted, "Blessed is he who comes as King in the name of the Lord." Peace in

heaven and glory On high".

The Gospels describe how Jesus entered Jerusalem and how people carpet

their way and also how they set aside small tree branches.

“History of the events that took

place on Holy Monday and the

expulsion of the merchants from

the Temple of Jerusalem.”

Holy Monday is the second of the

days of Holy Week.

In the middle of the morning,

after sleeping in Bethany, in the

house of Lazarus, Martha and Mary (his best friends), Jesus goes up to

Jerusalem, about four kilometers away. Hunger makes it stop in the middle

of the road. He approaches a leafy fig tree, which, despite being full of

leaves, had no figs, then cursed it, for it had no fruit, causing its drought.

Upon arriving in Jerusalem, he goes to the temple and finds him full of

merchants and sellers doing business. He casts them out of the temple,

saying that it is a sacred place of prayer and that it should be treated with

respect. In the afternoon go through the olive grove on the way back to


Holy Monday is a working day in many communities, so it is possible that some

of the processions are not as crowded as those celebrated from Holy

Thursday, which is already a national holiday. A fact to keep in mind especially

for foreign tourists, since they can enjoy a calmer way of some of these


“About how Jesus is anointed in

Bethany by Mary.”

On Holy Tuesday, Jesus stays in

Bethany. Simon, the leper who had

been healed by Jesus, invites the

Lord to eat at his house, thankful

that he was.

While they are eating, a woman of the town called Maria enters the house;

He breaks a very expensive perfume bottle and throws it at the Lord's feet.

He kisses them and dries them with their hair. Mary was scolded because

she might have sold the perfume to give to the poor, but Jesus defended her

saying, "This has been a preparation for my burial."

The Christian myth holds that it is at this moment that Jesus announces his

death, causing great sorrow among his disciples. Knowing then that Jesus

makes his first announcement of betrayal. Jesus shudders and impresses his

close friends. They have spent three years together, heard his parables, his

teachings, witnessed his miracles, received his friendship and all his love, yet

one of them will betray him, to be captured, tortured and sentenced to To

die with great cruelty.

The impression of the announcement was so sudden, that the apostles,

bewildered, looked at one another, then each of them asked Jesus if he was.

“History of the

conspiracy of Judas

Iscariot to betray


Holy Wednesday is

the day that Judas

agreed with the enemies of Jesus to deliver it for the price of 30 silver

coins. It is then that Judas looks for the leaders of the Jewish people and

says to them, "What do you give me if I give you?" They rejoiced and

promised to give him money.

On Holy Wednesday, Jesus did not come to the Temple. He remained in

Bethany in a prayer vigil. Everything he had to say, he said. The revelation of

his identity is clear. The denunciation of sin also. The positions of the

important ones are also defined.

We can see that in some cities come out of procession images that

commemorate the betrayal of Judas with his kiss.

The first part of the Christian Holy Week comes to an end with the

celebration of Holy Wednesday. Holy Wednesday marks the end of Lent and

the beginning of Easter. Holy Wednesday is the day when the Sanhedrin

meets Judas Iscariot, the Jewish religious court, to condemn Jesus.


“History of Holy

Thursday, the

Last Supper and

the Catch of


On the morning of Thursday, Peter and John prepared the supper in

Jerusalem. In the afternoon they reached the Cenacle. There Jesus washed

the feet of his disciples one by one.

Once seated at the table, he celebrates the first Mass and then ordains

priests to the Apostles so that, from now on, they celebrate the Mass. Judas

left the Cenacle before, in order to deliver him. Jesus said goodbye to his

Mother and went to the Garden of Olives. Once there, the disciples who had

asked to accompany him fell asleep. Then came Judas with all of the

synagogue and gives him a kiss (sign agreed to appoint the nominee).

Then they took him prisoner and all the Apostles fled. He was taken to the

Caiaphas Palace, where the High Priest resided. They interrogate him all

night long and he can not sleep.


“History of the capture, trial,

crucifixion and death of


At dawn on Good Friday they

capture Jesus while praying in

the Garden of Olives. They

decide to condemn him and take him to Pilate. He washed his hands and

subjected him to a trial, where they spat on him, beat him, put a crown of

thorns on him, loaded him with the cross and nailed him to it. Jesus crosses

Jerusalem with the Cross. When you go up to Calvado you meet your Mother.

Simon helps him carry the Cross. Around noon, they crucified him. To certify

his death, he was pierced with a spear.

Calvary or Golgotha is the name given to the hill or hill on the outskirts of

Jerusalem where the crucifixion of Jesus took place. Its name comes from

the form of skull that had the rocks of one of its slopes. Its Latin name is

Calvariae Locus, in Aramaic Golgotha; In all these languages it means "place

of the skull". Furthermore, according to Jewish tradition, it would be the

place where Adam's skull was buried.

At night, between Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus they unclasp him, and

leave the Body in the hands of his Mother. It is close to seven when he is

buried in the tomb. Judas, repentant, hanged himself.


“History of Holy

Saturday, the funeral

of Jesus and his


Holy Saturday Jesus

lies in his tomb and the

apostles believe that everything is over. All day her Sabbath rests in the

tomb. But her mother, Mary, remembers what her son said: "On the third

day I will be resurrected." The Apostles are coming to her side, and She

consoles them.

Holy Saturday is considered a day of mourning. In this sense, the Church

does not grant to celebrate marriage, nor administer other sacraments,

except for Penance and Anointing of the Sick.

Some Christians recognize this day as the seventh day of Holy Week, the

day Jesus "rested" from his work of providing salvation for the world.

The holy Sabbath is a day of prayer at the tomb awaiting the resurrection.

It is a day of reflection and silence. It is the preparation for the celebration

of the Easter Vigil. After this day of reflection comes the Sunday of

Resurrection that marks the end of Easter and Easter until the next year.

“History of the Holy Sunday and

the Resurrection of Jesus.”

According to Christian mythology,

Easter Sunday is the day on which

Jesus came out of his tomb. This is

fundamental to Christianity.

The story goes that as soon as it is

day, three women go to the tomb

where Jesus was buried and see that

his body is not there. An angel tells them that he has risen. They run to

where the Virgin is with the Apostles and give them the great news: He is

risen! Peter and John run to the tomb and see the bandages on the ground.

The misery they had, yesterday, is transformed into an immense joy. And

they quickly pass it on to the other Apostles and disciples. And all remain

with the Virgin waiting for the moment to meet the Lord again.

Resurrection Sunday or Easter Vigil is the day when even the poorest church

is dressed in its best ornaments, is the peak of the liturgical year. It is the

anniversary of the triumph of Christ. It is the happy conclusion of the drama

of the Passion and the immense joy that follows the pain. The Bible points

out that Christ triumphed over death and thereby opened the gates of

heaven to believers. Sunday of Resurrection is the cause that Sunday is

precisely the day chosen as rest.


 In my opinion Holy Week is very important for the life of a Christian

person as it recalls important events in the life of Jesus.

 In Holy Week there is a set of symbols that are ritualized as the

bread and wine of the last supper that become the body and blood of

Christ in the establishment of the Eucharist; So also the cross, the

foot washing, the paschal candle, the crown of thorns, the whip, the

nails, the spear, the cane with vinegar and the via crucis are elements

among others whose meanings are elaborated by Christian tradition To

convert them into referents.

 Holy Week was the last week of Christ on earth. His Resurrection

reminds us that men were created to live eternally with God.

 Suggestions for living the Holy Week:

o To attend in family to the offices and ceremonies proper of the

Holy Week because the Christian experience of these

mysteries must be communitarian.

o A small representation about the Holy Week can be organized.

o Put some concrete purpose to follow for each of the days of

Holy Week.

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