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Application Designer

What are the steps in Application Development phase in Application Designer?

Application development is a systematic process. Between the design and
implementation of the application, Development phase as an eight step process:
1. Design the application.
2. Create field definitions.
3. Create record definitions.
4. Build the application data tables.
5. Create page definitions.
6. Define components.
7. Register the components.
8. Test the application.
If you delete a component definition, Is it must delete all component interfaces that
are based on that definition?

If you delete a page definition that is the only page definition within a component,
Does the system allow the delete?
A component definition must contain at least one page. If you attempt to delete a page
definition that is the only page definition within a component, the system does not allow
the delete to occur and displays an error message. If the page definition is the only page
within a component, the error message appears during a File, Delete or during an upgrade
copy to database (with a Delete action).

What is the difference between related definitions and referenced definitions?

There is a distinction between related definitions and referenced definitions. A related
definition is one that is used by the current definition. A definition reference is one that
uses the current definition.
For example, in the case of a component, pages in the component are related definitions.
The menus that use the component are its definition references.

Do upgrade-only definitions appear in development view?

After you insert definitions into a project, the upgrade-only definitions appear in the
upgrade view of the project workspace, not the development view.

What is the default constant for the Time field?

You can use %CLIENTDATE as the default constant for the Time field. %CLIENTDATE
adjusts the date as appropriate to the time zone of the browser.

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What happens if you change a field from one type to another?
If you change a field from one type to another, all records containing that field must be
rebuilt by running the Alter process. Use Find Definition References to find all incidences
of the changed field.

Can Stored formats be deleted directly?

Stored formats cannot be deleted directly. Therefore, all display formats for a specific
stored format must be deleted first. This ensures that data is not stranded in the database
under an invalid format. When the last display format is deleted for a stored format, the
stored format is automatically deleted.

If the only values for a field are Y (yes) and N (no), you don’t need to enter them in
the Translate table?
The Translate table comes with a field for Y and N named PSYESNO. When you select
the Yes/No Table Edit, the system automatically points to the PSYESNO field in the
Translate table.

Explain Effective Dates concept?

Effective dates enable you to keep historical, current, and future information in tables.
You can use the information to review the past and plan for the future. There are three
types of effective dates:
Future Data rows that have effective dates that are after the system date, which is
usually today’s date.
Current Data row with the most recent effective date that is closest to today’s (system)
date, but not a future date. Only one row is the current row.
History Data rows that have effective dates before the current data row.

For records that do not contain EFFDT, all actions (Update/Display, Update/Display All,
and Correction) operate the same way—they retrieve all existing rows for the specified

What are Control Tables?

Control tables store information that controls the processing of an application. This type
of processing might be consistent throughout an organization (in which case the entire
organization shares the same control information), or it might be used only by portions of
the organization for more limited sharing of data.

What do u understand by Table Sharing?

To share tables, you must modify the record definitions for both the table that you want to
share and the one that contains the set control field. Using the online PeopleTools
Utilities for TableSets, you define the terms or controls for sharing.

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What are TableSets?
When none of the information stored in control tables is valid for all users, but the
structure of these common tables is the same, you can set up a way to share multiple sets
of values. For example, a multicompany organization must store completely different sets
of accounting codes for its various operating entities, and the data for these accounting
codes is maintained in a set of relevant control tables. The actual data values differ, but
the structure of the control tables remains the same. PeopleTools enables you to share sets
of values in a control table through TableSets.

Does Keys for dynamic views should be effective date fields?

Keys for dynamic views should not be effective date fields.

Can Records with duplicate order keys have related language tables associated?
Records with duplicate order keys should not have related language tables associated to
them. If the record requires a related language record you must remove the order key(s).
Do not create a related language record with a duplicate order key.

Why we don’t add alternate search keys unless we need them?

Each alternate search key that you establish creates a database index when you SQL
Create the table. While database indexes are important, they consume disk space and,
when the system must support the alternate key, processing time. Therefore, don’t add
alternate search keys unless you really need them.

When does the system check for required fields?

The system only checks required fields when the page field is changed or the record
buffer is changed.

What happens if you delete a field from a record definition?

If you delete a field from a record definition, you must also delete it from any pages on
which it appears. When you delete a field, the system does not automatically delete
references to the field in PeopleCode, so you must do this manually. To determine where
the field is referenced in PeopleCode, use the Find Object References feature.

The Build Project process accesses every single record that is in the project,
including work records, even if they are marked to be deleted.

How many maximum columns per table we can have?

You can have a maximum of 500 columns per table.

Build Questions:

Can we select both Alter Tables and Create Tables to run concurrently?
You can select both Alter Tables and Create Tables to run concurrently, as long as the
Skip table if it already exists option is enabled on the Create tab in the Build Settings

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dialog box. Otherwise, there is no way to determine whether you wanted to alter or re-
create a table that already exists.

Build script file Select this option to review and update the SQL before running the
script. This is the safest method.
Execute SQL now Select this option if you don’t want to invoke another program to
(execute Structured run the SQL; the SQL runs as part of the Build process. The
Query Language disadvantage with running the SQL immediately is that you have no
now) opportunity to review the SQL before it is committed to the
Execute and build Select this option to review the SQL that the Build process just ran.

Table Creation Options:

These options determine when a table should and should not be created.

Recreate Select to drop and re-create a table if it already exists. Select this option
table if it with extreme care because if data already exists in the table, it is also
already exists dropped. If you select this option, the Build process prompts you to
confirm your intention before performing any destructive action. If you
don't care about losing the data that resides in the table, then this option is
faster than the Alter Tables option.
Skip table if Select to create only those tables that are newly defined. If you want to
it already preserve the data that already resides in existing tables or if you're just
exists interested in creating the tables that do not already exist, select this option.

View Creation Options

Similar settings are available for creating views that you use for creating tables.

Recreate view Because views are just logical views of data, it is safe to select this option;
if it already you don’t run the risk of losing physical data. Using this option ensures
exists that all views in the project are rebuilt, whether they need to be or not.
Skip view if it If you're concerned only with creating views that do not already exist in
already exists the database, select this option. This option is useful if you want to run
Build Project on a large project and only a subset of the views in the
project must be created. This consumes less time than re-creating all of the
views in the project.

Index Creation Options

These options determine when an index should be re-created.

Recreate index if it Select to re-create the index for your tables, even if you already
already exists have one in place. It re-creates the index no matter what the

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Recreate index only Select to re-create the index only if the data is being modified in the
if modified indexes.

Logging Level
Specify the detail of information that you want in your Build log output.

Fatal errors only Select this option if you want to see only the
operations that failed.
Fatal errors and warnings Select this option to add warnings to the fatal errors.
Fatal errors, warnings and Select this option to see everything that processed
informational messages successfully and all of the errors and warnings.
These options are personal preferences and do not affect the actual build of your SQL
tables, but they might help you track down potential failures.

Logging Output
Specify where and in what form you want to view your log output.

Log to Select to write the same information that appears in the log file to the
output PeopleSoft Application Designer output window. Always be aware of the
window level that you select. If there is a lot of detail (high logging level plus many
records to process), it might be easier to copy the logging information to a file
and print it later.
Log to file Select to write the log to a file. If you select this check box, you can specify a
location and name for your log file in the Log file name edit box. To search
for a name, click the Browse button. Select a .LOG type file from the Build
File Selection dialog box. If you do not select this check box, the edit box is
unavailable for entry.
Log Select to write all of the runtime options to the log. If you select this check
settings box, it is not necessary to rerun a test when you have a problem. Should it be
necessary to report a problem with the Build process or troubleshoot, it is
important to know the settings that were active.
Note. PeopleSoft recommends selecting the Log to file check box and the Log to output
window with a minimum logging level of fatal errors and warnings. In case you run into
a problem, you already have the information that is needed to research the problem.
Otherwise, you must run the process again with a higher logging level.

Script Files:
Script files can be quite large. To reduce the size of files so that they are easier to manage,
select the Output to separate files option. Also, the system never appends script files; it

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overwrites them or you can terminate the process if you elected to be prompted before a
build script file is overwritten.

File Overwrite Options

These options indicate whether you want to overwrite automatically or be prompted
before script files are overwritten. Your personal preference determines which technique
you employ.

Always Select to overwrite your previous build scripts.

Prompt for Select to be alerted when a script is about to be overwritten.
each To avoid the possibility of overwriting files altogether, you can use a
overwrite naming convention that, in itself, prevents any overwrites. For example,
you could specify a unique name for each build script, as shown:

Script File Names

The options available to select in this group box depend on your selection in the Script
File Options group box.

Output to When you select this option, an edit box appears in the Script File Names group box:
single file All Output File Name. The default name for the generated script is PSBUILD.SQL.
Note. Script files can be quite large. To reduce the size of files so that they are easier
to manage, select the Output to separate files option. Also, the system never appends
script files; it overwrites them or you can terminate the process if you elected to be
prompted before a build script file is overwritten.

Output to If you select this option, the following edit boxes appear—one for each build option:
separate Create Table File Name: The default name for this script is PSTABLE.SQL.
files Create Index File Name: The default name for this script is PSINDEX.SQL.
Create Trigger File Name: The default name for this script is
Create View File Name: The default name for this script is PSVIEW.SQL.
Alter Table File Name: The default name for this script is PSALTER.SQL.

Drop Column Options

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These options are referenced whenever a field is deleted from a PeopleTools record
definition where data exists in the database for that column.

Drop column if Select to drop the column and data and write a warning to the build
data present log.
Skip record if data Select to end the alter for that record, and write an error message to
present the log. Processing continues with the next record.
Note. Whenever you select Drop column if data present, you run the risk of losing data,
and you are prompted at runtime to confirm your choice of this option.

Change Column Length Options

Use these options whenever the length of a character column is reduced in PeopleTools
and an alter could result in data truncation.

Truncate data if Select to alter the record and write a warning message to the build log.
field too short Note that the system does not truncate data for numeric fields because
of possible data loss.
Skip record if End the alter for that record and write an error message to the build
field too short log. Processing continues with the next record.
Note. Whenever you select Truncate data if field too short, you run the risk of losing
data, and you are prompted at runtime to confirm your choice of this option. Also,
numeric fields are not truncated to avoid any loss of data.

Alter Any
PeopleTools assumes that you want to perform alters for any modifications made to
tables, so, by default, all of the check boxes in the Alter Any group box are selected. Alter
Any allows for custom alter processing regarding adds, changes, renames, and deletes

Alter even if no changes

Select this check box to force an alter, even if no changes are made to the tables. This
check box is cleared by default. If selected, the Alter by Table Rename option in the Alter
Table Options group box is automatically selected, and the Alter in Place option is

Alter Table Options

When altering tables, the alter process takes care of the indexes regardless of the Alter
Table Options you select on the Alter tab of the Build Settings dialog box.
 Alter in Place

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Selected by default. For database platforms in which Alter in Place is not
supported, alter is automatically done by Alter by Table Rename (even if that
option is not selected).
 Alter by Table Rename
Select to create a temporary table (with changes made to the original table or its
fields); the data from the original table is imported into the temporary table. The
original table is then dropped and the temporary table is renamed to the original

Can we create indexes on views?

You can only create indexes for record definition types that are SQL or temporary tables.
You would not create indexes on views, such as a SQL view, because views are never
physically created. The Indexes option in the Tools, Data Administration menu is disabled
when a view is open.

With the Create Table or Alter options,can we clear the Create Index option?
If you are using Create Table or Alter, the Create Index option is automatically selected.
With the Create Table or Alter options, you can’t clear the Create Index option.

Explain about the alter process?

The alter process takes care of indexes regardless of the Alter Table Options you select on
the Alter tab of the Build Settings dialog box. In the case of "Alter by Table Rename," the
indexes are dropped automatically when the temp table is dropped. For the "Alter in
Place" option, the index creation process goes through the "Recreate index only if
modified" option on the Create tab.

What is the effect when creating indexes with the Alter method?
When creating indexes with the Alter method, prior to altering the table, drop the
statistics using "DROP STATISTICS" that were created explicitly on columns using

How many User Indexes can be there?

You cannot add more than 22 user indexes (A-V). The system disables the Add Index
button if the record already contains 22 user indexes.

How many Keys can the Build process automatically alters records?
The Build process automatically alters records with more than 16 keys to support
functional indexes. A warning message indicating this is included in the log file for
Microsoft SQL Server and DB2/UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. For Informix, the
warning message reads: "The record %s has more than 16 keys. Indexes will be re-
created to support functional indexes."

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Explain about Creating Triggers?
A database trigger is a type of stored procedure that runs automatically when a user
makes a specific data-modification statement (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) on a
specified table. Within PeopleTools, triggers are created in tables related to
synchronization for mobile applications and for optimization servers. Triggers are not
created for all records; they are created only for records where specific properties have
been set.

Explain about Views?

A view, in essence, is a virtual table. It is created from the results of a query run against
one or more tables. When you create views to use online, you must keep the views
synchronized with the database. Like SQL tables, you must have a record definition for
online views because the system checks the record definitions for online processing rules.
You must build the view before you can use or reference it online.

What are the two Processing Modes?

Interactive Mode:
In interactive mode (formerly called standard), when the user exits a field that has a field-
level event (for example, FieldChange, FieldEdit, RowInsert PeopleCode, prompt
validation, related display, and so on):
 A transmission to the application server is performed to run that field-level event.
 The page is displayed again.

Deferred Mode:
Deferred mode enables you to defer many of the conditions that need server processing
until running them on the application server is required or requested. For example, when
a user exits a field that has a field-level event (like FieldChange or FieldEdit PeopleCode,
prompt validation, related display, and so on), that event is not run until the next
transmission to the application server. When the next transmission to the server occurs,
PeopleTools determines which fields have changed since the last transmission. Logic on
the application server runs the appropriate system edits and PeopleCode events (in field
layout order).

You can select deferred mode processing at the field, page, and component levels. For a
field in the component to run in deferred mode, you must select deferred mode at each of
those levels. Deferred processing is the default mode at the field, page, and component

What does the refresh button do in the page?

The refresh button does not refresh the page from the database. It does cause a server trip
so that any deferred PeopleCode changes can be processed. If there are no deferred
changes or the deferred changes do not cause any errors or other changes on the page,
clicking Refresh has no effect. It may appear to the user that nothing happened. Fields on
derived work records are not updated if the user clicks the Refresh button.

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How many fields can we add up to on a page?
The PeopleSoft Application Designer allows you add up to 405 fields on a page. When
you have reached this limit, typical system behavior includes being unable to select,
move, or edit the page fields with an order number exceeding the 405–field limit. While
this limit has no affect on the page during runtime, it has the potential to disrupt
productivity during design time. If you find a page nearing the 405-field limit, PeopleSoft
recommends using subpages to decrease the number of fields on a single page.

What happens if an image definition is stored as a .GIF file, with no alternate

format selected?
It does not appear on the Layout tab of the page definition. A warning dialog box appears,
telling you to convert the image. If you are not concerned about viewing the image during
the design process, you can ignore the message because the image will appear as intended
on your page in the browser at runtime.

We can define your own static images?

Yes, we can define your own static images, such as your company logo, by creating a
new image definition. After you create the image definition, you can then add your logo
to a page using a static image control.

Why we prompts are preferred in place of drop-down list boxes?

When designing grids, use prompts in place of drop-down list boxes for better

What is an analytic grid? Why it is used?

A specific type of grid called an analytic grid can be used exclusively for applications
built for the PeopleSoft Analytic Calculation Engine.

When designing grids, use prompts in place of drop-down list boxes for better

Do all browsers support custom push buttons?

Some browsers do not support custom push buttons

While you nest a grid in a scroll area, can nest a scroll area in a grid?
While you can nest a grid in a scroll area, you cannot nest a scroll area in a grid or a grid
in another grid.

Does calendar prompt feature supports on all browsers?

The calendar prompt feature is not supported on all browsers.

Upto how many characters Record definition names & Page names restricted to?
Record definition names are restricted to a maximum of 15 characters, while page names
can have up to 18 characters.

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What happens when occurs count is set to a number other than 1?
When occurs count is set to a number other than 1, the grid displays the specified number
of rows. However, when it is set to 1, the grid displays as many rows as possible within
the given space allocated for the grid control at design time.

How about the alignment if the field is not display-only, and display-only?
If the field is not display-only, the alignment is always left-justified. If the field is
display-only, the system uses the alignment that you specify.

Display control and related fields must be in the correct order on the order page?
Yes, the display control and related fields must be in the correct order on the order page.
The display control field must be positioned before the associated related field;
otherwise, a warning dialog box appears when you save the page. Also, fetching the
related field after the control field is entered requires a transmission to the server at

Wrap Long Words property does not impact the word wrapping behavior?
The system does not restrict an edit box or drop-down list box that is configured as
Display Only and Text Only to one line of height. The text is wrapped to the next line as

Also, the Wrap Long Words property does not impact the word wrapping behavior of
shorter words that can be accommodated by the page field size at runtime. This text
automatically wraps at word boundaries in accordance with the page field size regardless
of whether this option is set.

If you specify a field as invisible in PeopleSoft Application Designer, can you make it
visible using the UnHide property?
If you specify a field as invisible in PeopleSoft Application Designer, you cannot make it
visible using the UnHide property in PeopleCode.

Why we use default ordering option?

Use the default ordering option sparingly on existing pages. It may offset any previous
order that was created. However, on new pages, you may find default ordering a useful
starting point for your control order list.

If you move a page field label manually on the page, the label position in the page
field properties dialog box automatically updates to Custom.

If the field is not display-only, the alignment is always left-justified. If the field is
display-only, the system uses the alignment that you specify.
Does Auto Fill can affect the actual value of the control, not just its visual

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How do we View the HTML for a Page?
Different browsers might have different methods for viewing the HTML for your page.

To adjust the look or function of how your page looks in the browser, do so in PeopleSoft
Application Designer. If you make changes directly to the HTML in Notepad, your
changes are not saved to the system. Each time that you open the page in the browser, it
reverts to the settings of the original page definition.

What is a component buffer?

When you open any page in a component, the system retrieves all of the data records for
the entire component and stores them in one set of record buffers, organized by scroll
level and then by page level. This component buffer consists of rows of buffer fields that
hold data for the various records that are associated with page controls, including the
primary records; related display records, derived work records, and translate table

What does the structure tab show in the Component?

The Structure tab only displays the runtime state of the PeopleCode. That is, it only
displays record field PeopleCode. For example, PeopleCode programs that are orphaned
as a result of a page definition change do not appear in the Structure tab. On the other
hand, these orphaned PeopleCode programs do appear in the PeopleCode Editor, which
displays the design-time view of PeopleCode.

Can we move or delete all pages from a component definition?

The system does not allow you to move or delete all pages from a component definition.
The component must contain at least one page definition.

What is the function that can hide a page, toolbar, & Save button?
Marking the page as hidden also hides the toolbar, including the Save button, even if you
choose to display the page by means of another method, such as the Transfer PeopleCode

If you must add a new high-level key, such as a new employee number or customer,
what are the actions needed to be added?
Select both Add and Update/Display. If you are adding information to an existing high-
level key, such as adding education data for an employee, select only Update/Display.
You're not adding a new employee ID—it already exists on the database.

What are the Actions?

Add Select to add a new high-level key, such as a new employee ID or customer.
Except in the case of effective dating, Add is used to insert a new current row or
to update future rows.
Update/Display Select to update existing rows only.
Update/Display Select to update current and future rows in an effective-dated record. Use only
All with effective-dated records. Do not use these actions unless the main record
that is associated with the page definitions is effective-dated. This is translated

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to include history at runtime.
Correction Select to update any rows (history, current, and future) in an effective-dated
record. Use only with effective-dated records. This is translated to correct
history at runtime.

What are the actions needed to select for adding a new high-level key?
If you must add a new high-level key, such as a new employee number or customer,
select both Add and Update/Display. If you are adding information to an existing high-
level key, such as adding education data for an employee, select only Update/Display.
You're not adding a new employee ID—it already exists on the database.

If you rename a menu definition, be sure to rename the corresponding registry

entries manually.

What type of data does File layouts work with?

File layouts work with hierarchical and nonhierarchical data, and they can handle files
that combine data records with nondata (audit or control) records.

How many style sheet can we specify for an application?

You can specify only a single style sheet for a page or an application. You can specify
different style classes within that style sheet for a control. You cannot specify a page-field
control class from a style sheet that is not associated with the page.

What is the default style sheet that is delivered with PeopleTools Software?
PSSTYLEDEF is the default style sheet that is delivered with your PeopleTools software
and consists of these sub style sheets:
 PSALTERNATE: Defines application alternatives to PS defaults.
 PAALTERNATE: Defines PeopleSoft Portal Solutions alternatives to PS defaults.
 PTSTYLEDEF: Defines the standard PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture and
portal defaults.

What is a file layout?

A file layout is a definition that represents the data structure of a flat (text) file to be
processed. When reading from or writing to a flat file, the PeopleCode can use a file
layout as a template to identify and correctly process the file’s records and fields.

What is a flat file?

A flat file, in the simplest sense, is a collection of fields in text format. The file must be
formatted in a way that enables the PeopleCode to locate each field.

What are the formats supported by PeopleSoft file layouts?

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 FIXED: Each field has a starting position and a length that together specify its
location in the file.
 This is the default format for new file layouts.
 CSV: Fields are located in the file by their sequence, separated by commas.
 XML: A field is located not by its position or sequence within a record, but by the
named XML tags surrounding it.

Can we create or Save files in Excel in File layouts?

Do not create or save files in Excel and then use those files for file processing.

Does file records and file fields exist only as definitions within a file layout?
Regardless of the method that you use, file records and file fields exist only as definitions
within a file layout and have no connection with any database record or field. Even with
file records based on records in the database, a change to the database record definition is
not reflected in the file layout.

What are the standard terms for record and field, when working with a file layout?
To avoid confusion with the standard terms record and field, when working with a file
layout we refer to a collection of fields as a file record and to fields as file fields.

Do we need to have a unique name for file field?

Each file field must have a unique name within its parent file record, but file fields in
different file records can have the same name.
Although each record name in a file layout must be unique, record tags do not have to be

How many Decimal Positions are allowed in File Layout Field Properties?
You’re allowed only 31 characters plus a decimal point.

How many character precision are allowed for number and signed number fields?
You’re allowed only 32–character precision for number and signed number fields, that is,
a total of 32 characters both to the right and left of the decimal. Other fields, such as
character fields, can be longer.

Can we set field length for Date, Time?

You can’t set the field length for Date, Time, and Datetime type fields. These field
lengths are automatically set to the ISO standards for such fields.

How many file records can we have at the root level in a completed file layout?
The completed file layout must have exactly one file record at the root level; all other file
records must be below that level.

Can data be previewed with an XML file?

With an XML file, the data can’t be previewed, although you can still generate and run an
import program.
Why expert entry should not be used by occasional users?

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Expert entry should be used only by expert users of the transaction who understand how
all of the fields in the transaction behave. It requires the user to know the exact keystroke
sequence for the transaction. This sequence typically varies for a transaction by customer,
depending on the customer's setup and entry requirements.
Therefore, expert entry should not be used by occasional users, because they might not be
aware of the nuances of the transaction and when it is necessary to press the Refresh hot

What is Change Control locking?

Change Control locking is keyed by PeopleSoft user IDs. When a definition is locked, it
cannot be modified by anyone other than the user ID who locked it, and it can be
unlocked only by that same user or by a Change Control administrator.

What happens if Change Control history is enabled?

When Change Control history is enabled, you can enter comments about the
modifications that you made to PeopleSoft Application Designer development
definitions. History entries contain a common set of information, including who created
the entry, when, and the type of action that is associated with the entry.

For example, when a user locks a definition, a history entry is automatically created
containing the user ID, the data and time, and an action value of Add. This entry can also
contain a project name, incident ID, and comment.

What is Change Control stamping?

Change Control stamping is always in effect, regardless of whether locking and history
are also enabled. For every definition in the database, PeopleTools maintains a last
updated stamp, which denotes the date and time of the last update and the user ID of the
person who saved the definition. When PeopleSoft delivers a new database, all of the
definitions are stamped with a PeopleSoft proprietary ID: PPLSOFT.

What happens if Action entry is Delete in Change Control locking?

If Change Control locking is enabled, you can only delete locked definitions. After a
locked definition is deleted, it is automatically unlocked and an Unlock action history
entry is added. You are not prompted for comments for this unlock event.

What are the three Change Control access levels in Change Control Security
Restricted access: - Restricts users from locking or unlocking definitions.
Developer access: - Allows users to lock any unlocked definitions and to unlock any
definitions that they have locked.
Supervisor access: - Allows users to unlock any locked definitions, regardless of who
locked them. They can also access the Change Control Administrator dialog box, in
which you lock and unlock all definitions at one time and enable and disable Change
Control locking and history.

What are the things that a Standard Change Control locking is supports?

AD 15
Standard Change Control locking is supported only for definitions that you can modify
with PeopleSoft Application Designer. Other PeopleSoft definitions can be added to a
project for upgrading, but they cannot be locked by developers. If you are a Change
Control administrator, you can lock all upgradable database definitions—both PeopleSoft
Application Designer development definitions and other types. However, for non-
PeopleSoft Application Designer definitions, this action prevents unauthorized upgrading
only—not unauthorized development.

Where is Full history tracking supported?

Full history tracking is supported only for PeopleSoft Application Designer definitions—
business processes, business process maps, fields, menus, panels, panel groups, projects,
and records. Other definition types have history entries only when the
CHGCTL_ACTION field value is C, and only if they've been upgraded.

What is migration of database?

PeopleSoft Application Designer streamlines the migration of database definitions—such
as records, pages, projects, and PeopleCode—from one PeopleSoft database to another.

What is the Process involved in Upgrading?

Basic steps to perform in PeopleSoft Application Designer regardless of the type of
upgrade, which include:
 Updating your PeopleSoft software.
 Identifying the source and target database. The source can be a file, a project, or
an entire database.
 Comparing the source and target database to determine changed definitions.
 Copy any new or changed definitions into your database and adjust all your
system components—such as application data, SQL tables, indexes, views, and so

What are the ways of Compare process available?

There are two ways to compare definitions:
 Compare all database definitions of a certain type, such as record definitions.
After doing so, you populate the upgrade project with only the definitions that are
defined differently in the source than in the target.
 Compare only the definitions in the current upgrade project to the equivalent
definitions in the target database or file.
When performing comparisons between source and target definitions, PeopleSoft
Application Designer enables you to:
 Generate workspace reports.
These reports appear in the PeopleSoft Application Designer workspace
immediately after the compare process completes.
 Generate browser reports.

AD 16
These reports are written to HTML and XML files enabling you to open the report
in a browser, share the report with coworkers easily, and store report data in an
industry-standard format.
 Visually compare page definitions.
This feature enables you to view the source and target page definitions side-by-
side with differences clearly marked.
 Visually compare and merge text definitions.
This feature enables you to view the source and target PeopleCode, HTML, SQL,
XSLT definitions side-by-side with differences clearly marked. It also enables you
to merge source PeopleCode with target PeopleCode.

What is case of “compare from file”, if the option is turned off?

When performing a compare from file, if the option is turned off, the resulting project
definition after the compare will have the same status settings and project items as in the
file project definition. The compare reports will still reflect the status settings and
differences in any child items. When the option is left on, the compare will change the
project definition based on the compare results, changing the status settings, and inserting
or deleting child items as needed.

Does Filtering comparison reports affects, the definitions that are added to a
Filtering comparison reports does not affect which definitions are added to a project
during a database comparison, only which definitions are reported. Definitions that are
defined differently in the two databases are always added to the project.

Does system check the locking status of the definitions while copying a project?
When you copy a project, the system doesn’t check the locking status of the definitions in
the source database. However, you should keep your definitions locked until the copy is

Can definitions be unlocked automatically?

Like all settings in the Application Designer Options dialog box, this setting controls the
behavior on your workstation only. Also, definitions cannot be unlocked automatically.
You must always unlock them manually.

Does Application Designer performs automatic locks and unlocks?

PeopleSoft Application Designer performs automatic locks and unlocks under certain
situations. For example, when you rename a locked definition, that definition must be
unlocked before the rename and relocked afterward. Likewise, when you delete a locked
definition, the definition is automatically unlocked after the deletion. The system does not
prompt you for comments during any of these unlock or relock actions, but corresponding
history entries are added automatically.

AD 17
Is Full history tracking is supported only for PeopleSoft Application Designer
Full history tracking is supported only for PeopleSoft Application Designer definitions—
business processes, business process maps, fields, menus, panels, panel groups, projects,
and records. Other definition types have history entries only when the
CHGCTL_ACTION field value is C, and only if they've been upgraded.

Do Filtering comparison reports affect definitions in project?

Filtering comparison reports does not affect which definitions are added to a project
during a database comparison, only which definitions are reported. Definitions that are
defined differently in the two databases are always added to the project.

What happens in compare from file and if the option is turned off?
When performing a compare from file, if the option is turned off, the resulting project
definition after the compare will have the same status settings and project items as in the
file project definition. The compare reports will still reflect the status settings and
differences in any child items. When the option is left on, the compare will change the
project definition based on the compare results, changing the status settings, and inserting
or deleting child items as needed.

What is the naming convention for composite reports?

The naming convention for composite reports is similar to compare reports, only the
prefix for composite report file names is "Cmp".

What are Composite Reports?

Composite reports are not a comprehensive record of all changes in the system. They
only reflect definitions that have been changed by PeopleSoft and by a customer
Note. Composite reports do not replace compare reports. Rather, a composite report
provides an alternate display of the information in compare reports, showing information
appearing in both old release and new release compare reports.
Note. Composite reports are generated only for definitions that exist within both

Are Merge Process and interface is identical for all text definition and text files?

AD 18
What are Text definitions and Text files?
Text definitions are Application Designer definitions that are comprised of text, or code.
They are:
 PeopleCode
Text files refer to text files used to store program logic or configuration settings within
the PeopleSoft system. They are:
 COBOL files (.CBL).
 Configuration files (.CFG).
 Data Mover script files (.DMS).
 Initialization files (.INI).
 SQR source files (.SQC).
 SQL files (.SQL).
 SQR report files (.SQR).
What are the definition that are need to merge separately?
The Project PeopleCode Diff/Merge feature is only available for PeopleCode definitions.
For SQL, HTML, and XSLT definitions, you need to merge each definition separately.

How many keys are required for dynamic view?

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4

When upgrading from one database to another some migrated images may not
display in a browser? How do you solve it?
To remedy this situation manually clear the cache files in your browser after the project is
copied. For more information about clearing the browser cache, refer to the
documentation for your internet browser version.

How do you trace in PeopleSoft?

A. When you go to 3-tier login screen you will see a link for Trace, there you will specify
the trace settings.

Where do you do the development in PeopleSoft?

A. Using Application Designer.

Where would the parameter values for a Process be stored?

a. Run control table
b. State record
c. Temporary Table

AD 19
Which non-key record field accepts null value?
a. Date
b. Binary
c. Number
d. Char

You have done some customizations to PeopleSoft objects and wish to move them to
the test database. Which tool would you use?
a. Upgrade assistant
b. Application designer
c. Data mover
d. SQR program

In the following url

Which one is the component definition?

What are the output formats of the file layout?

a. .csv
b. .pdf
c. .xml
d. .dhtm
e. .fixed length
How do you see the newly created Component in the 3-tier menu?
A. You need to register the component by using Application Designer.
PeopleSoft reserves ALL Message Sets (in Utilities, Message Catalog) up to which
a. 10,000
b. 19,999
c. 30,000
d. 40,000
e. 50,000

In which one of the following views would you see the fields, criteria, and other
details associated with the current query?
a. Component view
b. Object view
c. Query view
d. Designer view
e. Record view

AD 20
Prompt Tables always validate against the underlying Record?

Which of the above record definitions is NOT stored on the database and therefore
NOT required to be built?
a. View
b. SQL Table
c. Derived/Work Record
d. Sub Record
e. Query View

How many Message nodes are possible for a database?

a. 1
b. 10
c. 100
d. Unlimited

Question based on changing prompt table, what happens when changing from NO
EDIT TO EDIT option?
a. User can type own values
b. User can type only prompt table values
c. User can type only prompt table values and the default values gets
populated from the database.

How will you get a single output by combining two or more queries...
b. Outer join
c. Inner Join
d. Sub query
What are the views available in App. Designer project workspace(multiple answer)
a. Development
b. Upgrade
c. Results
d. Validate
e. Reference

How do you convert Panels to Pages?

A. Add all the Panels to a project and login to 3-tier (web) and go to PeopleTools ->
Utilities -> Administration -> Convert Panels to Pages.

What are Translate values?

A. Translate values will be assigned to fields where you will have a common 3 character
values for example Federal ID filed could have values like SSN , TIN .

AD 21
What is a Prompt Table?
A. Prompt table is used to prompt the valid values for a specific filed on a page. Prompt
table can be a view or a table.

What is Recordgroup in peoplsoft?

A Record Group is a group of related records keyed by SetID, which define the valid
values for one or more fields in PeopleSoft. Related values are keyed with/under a single
Record Group.

For example Record Group FS_02 defines edit tables related to Calendars. Record Group
FS_26 defines edit tables related to Locations. Record Group AR_02 defines edit tables
related to the Accounts Receivable Aging.

The structure of Record Groups is core to the feature of PeopleSoft known as TableSet
sharing. Record Groups support sharing one set of valid values across multiple Business

All Business Units in PeopleSoft Financials must have a completely defined TableSet of
valid values. To support this Business Units are often defined with reference to a default
SetID. The SetID value is then the key used to access the complete set of valid values
know as a Table Set.

Within a TableSet each Record Group must reference one and only one SetID. Values
specific to a Business Unit are keyed by a SetID referenced only by that Business Unit -
sometimes the actual BU is used as the key/SetID value. Values shared with one or more
Business Units are typically keyed by a more generic SetID - perhaps representative of a
market or geographic segment. Finally values shared across all Business Units are usually
keyed by a generic SetID - sometimes SHARE or MODEL.

The field property is changed from “Prompt with no edit” to “Prompt with edit”
what is the effect. No more data edit possible?
And if an error is occurred while entering the value in the Prompt table then, how
will the system identify it?
A. Prompt Table Edit gives no chance to add a new value to the field except to pick one
from the prompt list. Prompt Table No Edit can be used to pick a value from the prompt
list as well as we can add a new value that’s not in the list.

What are Temporary table and SQL view in peoplesoft?

Temporary Table: Temporary tables are used for running PeopleSoft Application Engine
batch processes. Temporary tables can store specific data to update without risking the
main application table.

SQL View: It is not a physical SQL table in the database but rather fields from one or
more SQL tables that are reorganized into a different sequence. This provides an alternate
view of information that is stored in tables.

AD 22
How is performance management taken care in People Tools?
Indexing tables on the database side helps in batch processing a great deal. Analysing
tables helps. If there is custom code make sure the SQL queries used are written well with
the use of proper keys and joins are correct as well.

How to create prompt table dynamically for the specified field

If you want the prompt table to vary depending on the context of the field indicate a field
in the derived or work record (DERIVED) that contains the name of the prompt table at
runtime. In this field enter FieldName.

The is required and indicates that you re referencing a derived or work record definition
named DERIVED. FieldName is the name of the field in that DERIVED record

There are 2 ways of creating dynamic prompts :-

1. In the record field properties mention the prompt table as EdittableXX. Assign the
view or record name based to the field based on the logic.

For example on my page I have Businesss Unit and Project ID. If i click on the Project ID
directly it needs show all the Project IDs. If I enter the Business Unit and then click on
the project ID prompt then it should show projects realted to that business Unit. In this
scenario you can assign view ps_project_all_vw to the prompt on rowinit of the Project


On the fieldchange of Business Unit the code can be written to assign another view which
has Business Unit as key and search key

DERIVED.EDITTABLE.XX ps_project_bu_vw

2) You can use Dynamic view and SQL text as dynamic views.
In the above scenario create a dynamic view which shows all Project IDs and assign to
Project ID field properties as prompt. On the FieldChange of Business Unit you can write
the code as

PS_RECORD.FIELD.SQLText "Select project_id from ps_project where business_unit '"


What are the benefits of set control field in record field properties?
Select a set control field that overrides the set control field of the record definition
specified in the prompt table. If you don't specify a name in this field the default is the set
control field of the record definition specified in the prompt table.And this set control
field is enabled for prompt table edit.

AD 23
How to migrate roles from one database to another database?
1. Login to database through App Designer as a source database.
2. Click on upgrade tab and open the project, which contains roles, which you want to
3. Double click on Roles folder under the opened project.
4. Select Action as "Copy".
5. Go to Tools > Copy Project > To Database..
6. Give database name (Target Database) to which you want to migrate roles.
7. Click on "OK"
8. Select "Roles" from different objects and copy that roles.
9. After completion of Copying double click on Roles folder under the opened project
and verify that "Done" checkbox should be checked.

What are the numbers of sub pages and secondary pages that can be created in one
Multiple number of subpages can be created in one scroll level but only one secondary
page can created in one scroll level using push/hyperlink

What is Table set sharing and Set ID?

What is the difference between Master table, Transaction table and Control table?
Set ID is the highest-level key in Peoplesoft. Its very important to understand the
concepts of SET ids and table set sharing for the purpose of centralisation and
decentralisation of data. Control tables being Location Department Job Code Salary Plan
Table..etc- there are about 8 HR control tables and a few more Finance table( I am not
very sure of the number) Now these control tables with these setids control the Data that
appears during a Transaction. Table set sharing is a place where all the control tables are
listed. it is accessed by a business unit.
Lets understand it with an example. There are two business units
lets say AZ and CA and Set ID for AZ is ab1 and setid for CA is XY1.
Now when you Navigate to table set sharing (Peopletools>utilities>table set sharing) and
open it for Business unit AZ. You will see the SETID for all the Control Tables as ab1.
The setid for this field is editable. Now suppose in the Job COde field of this Table set
sharing if you change the setid to XY1 from ab1 then when you are hiring people into
this business unit you will be able to access the jobcodes which were created with the
setid XY1. So if you want the same set of jobcodes for both business units this is what
you can do. So Control tables are the ones you create with Set IDs as the Key- eg Job
Code Department Locations..., which you create in the foundation structure. Transaction
tables are those, which use business units as the key and are used for a transaction.
I could explain this better if i could show it you in the application.

Difference between search record and add search record?

Search record is used to select the record which is resposible for runtime search page.
Add search record is used to add one more search record it is used when the primary
record is different from search record.

AD 24
How many Grids can we insert in a single component or page?
One of the differences between a grid and scroll is that a Grid can be inserted into a scroll
but vice-versa is not possible. In fact a Grid is incapable of housing another grid.
In the scroll you can view only one records at a time where as in the grid you can view
many records.

What happens if you don't specify a Search Record for a Component?

If you dont specify a search record you wont be able to save the component definition.
Seacrh record is always required for the component.

The search record has to be specified else component definition cannot be saved. If the
component design is such that no search record is needed to be specified then give the
search record as INSTALLATION . It directly loads the actual page without going to the
search page with the information on the page referring to the user who is currently logged
in to the peoplesoft portal.

What is the logic used by Component Buffer?

If scroll level zero of a page contains only controls associated with primary scroll record
fields that are search keys or alternate search keys then only the search key and alternate
search key fields are in the component buffer not the entire record. The values for the
fields come from the keylist and the record cannot run RowInit PeopleCode. If level zero
contains at least one record field from the primary scroll record that is not a search key or
alternate search key then all the record fields from the primary scroll record are available
in the buffer.Methods used:GetRecord GetField GetRow GetRowset

When Auto-join check box is checked what does it mean?

Common key fields
What are menu types available?
1. Standardmenu
2. Popup menu
Standard Menus is the one which is used from People tools 8.4 onwards while People
tools 8.1x and before versions used pop-up menus

If u change the long name of translate field what object to be altered?

alter the record defn

Menu path provides path to?

Menu path provides path to components.

What effect would making a change to the EMPLID field in the above project have?
Emplid is the key field to base tables(key field for tables like personal_data job
employment table). If we make changes to this field it effects the table having the key
field emplid.
Changes would occur globally; meaning the field is changed everywhere else in the

AD 25
Which one of the following PeopleSoft Objects cannot be locked by developers as
part of Change Control Locking as displayed above?
Process Definitions

What is the difference between Key and alternate search Key?

KEY-It is the primary key of the record. Can be used as search key or need not be.
Alternate search key-it is used for searching purposes.

Which effective dated rows can be retrieved in update/display mode, update/display

all and correction mode?
Update/display – can view current and future rows. Can update only future rows.
Update/display all – can view history, current and future rows. Can update only future
Correction – can view and update history, current and future rows.

What types of audits are supported by people soft? In case of record level audit
what is the structure of table?
We have field level audit and record level audit. The structure of the table in record level
can add fields from record.

What are Table Edits?

We have prompt table edit, yes/no table edit, translate table edit as the table edits.

What conditions are required to establish parent child relationship between two records?
What are the advantages with that?
Conditions are:
1) The child record should have all the key fields of parent record and at least one more
key field other than the key fields of parent record.
2) We should mention the parent record in the record properties of child record.
3) We cannot go for more than three levels of parent/child relationships.
Advantages are:
1) To have referential integrity.
2) No need to enter information again and again

Can you place Sub page into Grid? If yes How?

Yes we can insert subpage using insert subpage. After insert subpage into main page, drag
the subpage into the grid. When we save the page we are successfully able to save the
page showing that we can insert a subpage into a grid.

Can you hide a primary page in a component? Reason?

No we cannot hide the primary page of a component. If the component had only one page
then by making this page also invisible we won’t have any component existing so we are
not allowed to hide the primary page.

AD 26
What is an Expert Entry?
Expert entry enables a user to change from interactive to deferred mode at runtime for
appropriate transactions

What is Auto Update?

This record field property is used to update the date field of particular record with the
server's current date and time whenever a user creates or updates a row. Even the user
enter the data into that field, the data, which the user enters, will be updated by the
system’s current date and time.

What is Record Group? Which records can be included into a record group?
Record group consists of records with similar functionality. To setup a record in record
group we should enter a set control field value in record properties

How can you improve the security and usability of a Prompt table edit.?
Prompt table view

What are the different ways to setup row level security?

We can setup row-level security using a SQL view that joins the data table with an
authorization table. And By having Query search for data using a query security record
definition. The query security record definition adds a security check to the search.

How does peoplesoft use views? Which are online functions?

A) People soft uses views for search records, summary pages, prompt views, reports.
Search records and summary pages are online functions.

Why do PeopleSoft often use views as search records?

A) Search views are used for three main reasons.
1. Adding criteria to the search dialogue page
2. Providing row level security.
3. Implementing search page processing

How can a component have more than one search record? Give a situation.
You might want to reuse the same component multiple times with different search
records. You can accomplish this by overriding the component search record at runtime
when the component is opened from a menu item without creating separate copies of the
component. The component override is temporary, and occurs only when the component
is opened from the menu item in which the override is set. It does not change the
component definition.

What is the difference between component buffer and data buffer?

Component buffer contains all the data of the active component.
Data buffer contains the data other than the data in the component buffer (Data of other

AD 27
What is deferred processing and its advantages?
Postpones some user actions to reduce the number of trips to the database so that
increases the performance (in system edits, field edit, and field change).
1) Reduces the network traffic.
2) Increases the performance.

What Record Changes does not affect Database?

a. Change in List box in Record Field properties (correct)
b. Deleting a field
c. Removing the search key and alternate search key

I have created a Menu and a Page and given user access to that page, which of the
tables gets affected on this (Scenario)
PeopleTools Tables

What is added as new option in Build apart from Create Tables, Indexes, Views?
Create Trigger

What views available in Application Designer project workspace?

Development and Upgrade

What are Menu types available?


If a component is set to Interactive Processing and one of the Page is set to deferred
Processing then the Page performs
a. Deferred Processing
b. Interactive Processing
c. Expert Entry
d. Error
e. None

Secondary page inherits the buffer level of the control from where it was launched?
Views do not need?
a. Defaults
b. Audits
c. Descending Key
d. Alternate Search Keys
How many indexes are built if a record has 3 Search keys and 2 Alternate Search
a. 3 b.2 c. 0 d. 5

AD 28
Selecting Search Edit from Record Field Properties?
a. Validates a field for Data to be entered on save of search dialog.
b. Allows to edit the search key.
c. Searches Edit fields for some values.
d. Option available only for Alternate Search Keys

When can a value be added in the underlying table?

c. Prompt Table with Edit
d. Translate Table Edit
e. Yes/No Edit
f. Prompt Table with No Edit
g. All of the above

Which of the following record definitions is NOT stored on the database and is
therefore NOT required to be built?
a. View
b. SQL Table
c. Derived/Work Record
d. Sub Record
e. Query View

Audits can be implemented at the following levels

What Fields are typically marked as required?
e. All of the above

What type of Index is created when more than a Search Key Field exists in a
a. Non-Clustered Index
b. Unique
c. Clustered Index

All related fields are display only?


AD 29
All updateable fields at a scroll must be from the same record definition?

What is the purpose of specifying search keys and alternate search key fields?
a. For Maintaining Data Integrity
b. Building the Basic and Advanced Filters for the Search Page
c. Building the List Box in the search page
d. All of the above
e. None

What are the Component Parameters specified while creating the Content
a. Menu
b. Component
c. Market
d. Node Name
e. All of the Above

If a record in scroll are has no EFFDT field and a prompt in the scroll area has
EFFDT then the rows are retrieved based on
a. All rows are retrieved
b. Rows categorized against the system date.
c. Rows categorized by the EFFDT of the table writing to.
d. Current, active rows are retrievable.
e. None

Parent Record property in the Record Properties is used for?

a. To create Parent/Child Relationship
b. Ensures online cross-reference utilities will correctly identify the
relationships among records.
c. Enforce Data Integrity
d. Efficient buffer performance
e. None

If a Page references a field from a record, the component processor will select every
column and all rows of data subordinate to the search key for storage in the
application server buffer except
a. Level 0 with non search keys, Related Fields, Derieved/Work Field
b. Level 1 with search keys, Related Fields, Derieved/Work Field
c. Level 2 with search keys, Related Fields, Derieved/Work Field
d. Level 3 with search keys, Related Fields, Derieved/Work Field
e. Level 0 with search keys, Related Fields, Derieved/Work Field

AD 30
Which one of the following is NOT a component of the Process Scheduler?
a. Process scheduler server shutdown
b. Process monitor
c. Process scheduler server agent
d. Process scheduler PeopleTool
e. Process scheduler request dialog

In which one of the following views would you see the fields, criteria, and other
details associated with the current query?
a. Object view
b. Record view
c. Component view
d. Designer view
e. Query view

Which of the following menu options allows you to modify the Last Process Instance
Number used within the system?
a. Process Scheduler, Use, Job Definitions
b. Process Scheduler, Use, Process Servers
c. Process Scheduler, Use, Process System
d. Process Scheduler, Use, Administration
e. Process Scheduler, Use, Process Definitions

You have a situation where a field value changes, and you don't know how it
changed. There are two ways to find all references to a field.
Referring to the above information, which of the following two tools will help you
find ALL references to a field?

a. Find in PeopleCode (in Application Designer) and Find Object References (in
Application Designer)
b. Find in PeopleCode (in Application Designer) and Cross Reference Reports
c. Find Object References (in Application Designer) and PeopleSoft Query
d. Find in PeopleCode (in Application Designer) and PeopleSoft Query
e. Find Object References (in Application Designer) and Cross Reference

Where u would give the parameter values for Process to run?

a. Run control table
b. State record
c. Some other options
d. None of the above
e. All of the above

What is the use of using Dynamic View?

AD 31
In which one of the following views would you see the fields, criteria, and other
details associated with the current query?
a. Object view
b. Record view
c. Component view
d. Designer view
e. Query view

Which one of the following PeopleSoft Objects CANNOT be locked by developers as

part of Change Control Locking as displayed above?
a. Process Definitions
b. Business Process Maps
c. Panel Groups
d. Fields
e. Records

In Application Designer what exactly the Development tab and Upgrade tab will do?

How many Records types we have? And what is Non-standard SQL table name will

What is the difference b/w SQL View and Query View?

What is the difference b/w Temporay Table and Derived work record? Can you
build the Temporary Table(Is it going to store it into the Database) and in what type
if situation will you used the Temporary Table?
How many characters in a tag are acceptable when importing XML files in FLT's?
When importing XML files, the longest tag name supported is thirty characters.

Preview file data is available for which file layouts?

A:Only For Fixed and Csv file layouts.

AD 32
Can we insert a long field type in file layouts? if so how much length it takes?
A:When a Long field is inserted into a file layout, it’s converted to a Character field with
a length of 0.

Explain the difference between Translate & Prompt tables. What are the occasions
when to use Translate values instead of Prompt table? What is the advantage of one
over the other?
A) Translate Table:
Translate table is a special kind of table that is limited to validating data of four
characters or less.
The translate table serves as a universal prompt table and is effective-dated
Prompt Table:
Prompt table are used to provide users with validate values from other tables, other
values are generally populated by system users, and are often application specific

What are the benefits of set control field in record field properties?
Select a set control field that overrides the set control field of the record definition
specified in the prompt table. If you don't specify a name in this field, the default is the
set control field of the record definition specified in the prompt table.And this set control
field is enabled for prompt table edit.

If u change the long name of translate field what object needs to be altered?
Alter the record definition.

Which of the following record is not found in database?

Dynamic View and Derived/Work record are not stored in the database.

What is added as new option in Build apart from Create Tables, Indexes, and
Create Trigger

What are the record types?

Ans. This is used to specify the type of Record while crating a record. There are totally 7
record types SQL Table, SQL View, Dynamic View, Derived/Work Record, Query View,
Temporary Tables & Sub Record.

What is Dynamic view & Derived/work record?

Ans. This is mainly used to increase the performance in People Code programming.

What is effective dated concept? How it acts in different modes?

Ans. This is used to maintain Different rows for the same key field value depending on
the Date.

AD 33
What is effective sequence?
Ans.Which is used to maintain different row for the same ey value
& same Effective Date.

What is alternate search key?

Ans. This is some thing like secondary key. This is found in search dialog box to search
based on this value even though this is not a key field. & search key.

Where do you set default value property?

Ans. In the record field properties in the use tab we have ‘constant’ here we set the
default value. This is used mainly for Speedy data entry and search procedure. We can set
default value in people code also.

How to skip search page?

How many levels can we insert on page?

What type of records can use on the page?

Why do we use those types of records?How to get dynamic prompt table for a field?
What is the difference between interactive mode and deferred mode?

While I am opening a page getting an error like “no buffer values ….” How can you
rectify this problem and why it is coming?

Differentiate the Update/Display and Update/Display All.

--------------number of levels is allowed for scrollbars?

AD 34
Can you add or delete rows of data at level 1 from a page without a scroll area?
(Yes/No) ----

---------------- number of grids can be placed on the Page.

An existing record has been modified. What would you do reflect these
modifications at the database level ---------------

Recreating the record will have no impact on the existing data. (True/False) ----------

For better performance 'deferred processing' is disabled. (True/False) ------------

You create a PeopleSoft menu definition for a page and then grant access to users to
view the page. Which class or classes of database tables are impacted by this step?
A. the Application data tables only
B. the PeopleTools tables only
C. the Application data tables and System Catalog tables only
D. System Catalog tables only
How can you bypass the Search dialog box in a PeopleSoft application?
A. Use the SQL table instead of a view for the search record in the component
B. Specify a component search record that has no search key, alternate search key,
or list box attributes enabled
C. Leave the search record specification blank in the component definition
D. It cannot be bypassed

Which update to an SQL table record does not require a subsequent build action in
Application Designer?
A. Changing a record field key from ascending to descending order
B. Adding a list box attribute to one of the fields
C. Adding an alternate search key attribute to one of the fields
D. Deleting a field from the record
Which statement about creating the indexes in PeopleSoft is true?
A. You can create indexes for all types of Record Definition types
B. You can create indexes for all types of Record Definition types that are SQL
Table or Temporary Table
C. You can create indexes for all types of Record Definition types that are
Derived/Work or SQL View

AD 35
D. You can create indexes for all types of Record Definition types that are Sub
Record or Dynamic View
When you delete pages in PeopleSoft, what is affected in the database?
A. Application Data Tables
B. PeopleTools Tables
C. Project Workspace
D. System Catalog
What is Prompt Table Edit?
A. Users can enter values from the Translate table or from the Prompt table
B. Users can enter new values or they can enter from the Prompt table
C. Users can input values only from the Prompt table
D. Users can input values only from the Prompt table and the system defaults
existing database table rows to the field default value

How many sub pages, secondary pages can be created in one level. ?
A1: There can be any number of sub-pages but only one secondary page in a level.
A2: Any no of subpages can created and any no of secondary pages can created.
There is no restrictions.
A3: We can create multiple sub-pages and secondary pages.
What is the use of set control field in record field properties?
A1: If we specify one field as a set control field then we will retrieve data based on this
when we are using prompt table. Based on this field only we can have valid prompt list at
the time of prompt button clicking.
A2: Set Control id is used when you want to share tables in Peopletool applications. This
key identifies the sets of information in the table that are shared by multiple companies or
business units under your corporate umbrella. You then specify a set control field, which
identifies which fields map between the original key and the TableSets. You can specify
any field that logically identifies the TableSet. In this case, you might assign Company as
the set control.

How to combine two projects?

A1: Merge project available under file menu.
A2: To merge projects:
1. Open the project in which you want to insert another project.
2. Select File, Merge Projects.
3. The Merge Projects dialog box appears.
4. Enter Selection Criteria.
5. Enter a project name or description (or the beginning characters of either).
6. Click Insert or press Enter to display projects matching the selection criteria you
7. Select a project to insert into your currently open project.

AD 36
8. Double-click the project that you want to insert, or highlight the project and click
Insert. To select multiple projects use the Shift or Ctrl keys.
9. Click Insert.
10. All selected definitions are inserted into the project in one action. After each
insert, note the information in the status bar and on the Results tab in the output

What are the benefits of set control field in record field properties?
A: Select a set control field that overrides the set control field of the record definition
specified in the prompt table. If you don't specify a name in this field, the default is the
set control field of the record definition specified in the prompt table.And this set control
field is enabled for prompt table edit.

How do you convert Panels to Pages?

A. Add all the Panels to a project and login to 3-tier (web) and go to PeopleTools ->
Utilities -> Administration -> Convert Panels to Pages.

What are Translate values?

A. Translate values will be assigned to fields where you will have a common 3 character
values for example Federal ID filed could have values like SSN , TIN .
What is search Record?
Search record is a record that has at least one search key.
What is a Prompt Table?
A. Prompt table is used to prompt the valid values for a specific filed on a page. Prompt
table can be a view or a table.
How do you see the newly created Component in the 3-tier menu?
A. You need to register the component by using Application Designer.

Explain briefly about compare reports?

A: Does this mean Compare/Report ?
If yes, then Compare/Report is used to compare different projects. In sense, when there is
a typical upgrade or for just the reason to compare the same projects in two databases we
use this feature.
When logged in as two-tier mode click on tolls > upgrade > Compare/Report. It would
then promt u for a new datbase or u can specify the same data base. THen specify the
project names and a complete report of the differnces in projects viz. objects like records,
fileds and evrything in the project would be displayed.

How do you register a portal?

A1: portal registry is a tree-like structure in which content references are organized,
classified, and registered. It is stored in a set of tables within a PeopleSoft database made
specifically for hosting portal registries. Portal registries contain folders and content

AD 37
references. Folders are similar to nodes on a tree and can be nested to create a multilevel
hierarchy. Folders contain content references, which are URLs that have been registered
in a portal registry.
A2: By navigating to PeopleTools -> Portal -> Structure and Content -> Click on the
appropriate folders further.

Table 1 relates to 0,1 or many records in Table2, Table 2 relates to Table1 as one and only
one table.
A: This is communication between 0ne instant to multiple instances.

Prompt table with no edit to no edit?

a) user can enter values from prompt table b) user can enter values from prompt table and
default value will be populated.

What are destructive statements in SQL?

b) Recreate a Table d) Recreate a View.
A: Recreate a table of course. A view is just a SQL query stored and is executed
everytime you access it. it does not store any values, just retieves them from the tables in
the query. Where as table acutally has values stored so if recreated with data present it is
destructive. If no data present then go ahead and recreate it.

What is the difference between search record and add search record?
A1 : Search Record: Specify the search record for the component.The search record
controls access to rows of data in a table, and its keys and alternate search keys appear on
the search page as criteria.
Add Search record: Specify if you want a different search record specifically for add

Secondary Pages are specified by?

Command Push button
DoModal function

What is the difference between a Grid and a scroll?

A1 : scroll area is used to maintain parent child relationship we insert grid in low level
Example : assume we have 3 scroll levels in our page level1,level2 and level3 we insert
grid in level 3
A2 : One of the differences between a grid and scroll is that a Grid can be inserted into a
scroll but vice-versa is not possible. In fact a Grid is incapable of housing another grid.
From an end-user perspective, a Grid provides visual access to many rows of data (from
the record) at the same time, whereas a scroll will display the details of one row of data.

AD 38
How many Grids can we insert in a single component or page?
A1 : Only one grid can be created in a page
A2 : why not two or more... nested levels are not possible with grids... but we can keep
any number (i don't know the limit) of Grids...
A3 : Any number of grid or Scroll can be inserted in page or component as required, But
only 3 level of grid can be nested within a page. It starts from level 0 to 3.
A4 : any number of grids at a particular level but grid cannot be inserted at level 0 and in
a page we can go upto 4 levels ie 0 to 3 therefore grid can be inserted at level 1,2,3 and
any number of time at a particular level until n unless it is comprehensible.

What happens if you don't specify a Search Record for a Component?

A1: if we don’t specify the search record, then Component will search for the Search init
event for processing
A2: If you don’t specify a search record, you wont be able to save the component
definition. Search record is always required for the component.
A3: You can specify a dummy search record called - INSTALLATION and the
component can be saved. There won't be any search option for the page. It will directly
take you to the contents on the page.

Which of the following record is not found in database?

A1: Derived work record
A2: derived work record,dynamic view and sub record
A3: Derived Work Records and Dynamic SQL tables

Menu path provides path to?

A: Component

If u change the long name of translate field what object to be altered?

A1: Page def
A2: alter the record definition.

Which one of the following PeopleSoft Objects cannot be locked by developers as

part of Change Control Locking as displayed above?
A: Process Definitions.
Explain the difference between Translate & Prompt tables. What are the occasions
when to use Translate values instead of Prompt table? What is the advantage of one
over the other?
A) Translate Table:
Translate table is a special kind of table that is limited to validating data of four
characters or less.
The tranlate table serves as a universal prompt table and is effective-dated

B)Prompt Table:
Prompt table are used to provide users with validate values from other tables,
other values are generally populated by system users, and are often application specific.

AD 39
Can we insert sub-record into another sub-record?
Ans: Yes, we can insert a Sub-record into another Sub-record. When a Sub-record
definition is opened, go to Insert and Sub-record.

How can you Export or Import the Data in the Flat File to PS Database?
Ans: Using File Layout & Using File Handling Commands in SQR.

What is Effective Date?

Ans: This is an important Concept for an ERP using this we can enter more than one
values to row for the same key fields depending on date. Here we can maintain History,
Current & future rows. We can also maintain more number of rows for same effective
date using Effective Sequence. This concept is mainly used in most of the Control Tables.

How to build customer indexes?

Ans; By using Key fields & Alternate search key we can create system indexes. Where as
we can create User defined indexes using App. Designer. Path is: In menus Tools -> Data
Administration -> create indexes.
Difference between Query Views & Dynamic Views?
Ans: 1.Query Views are designed using Query Manager Tool where as we write SQL in
Dynamic Views.
2. Query View is Built and Exists in the Database where as Dynamic View can’t
be build so it does not exists in Database.

How do you assign Search Record to Component?

Ans: By going to the component properties, Use Tab and Specifying the search record in
that particular area I e ; ‘Add Search Record’ Property.

What are Record Types?

Ans: There are totally 7 Record Types. They are
1. SQL Table. 5. Query View
2. SQL View 6. Subrecord
3. Derived/work Record 7. Temporary Table.
4. Dynamic View

What is Scroll Area? How many can we keep on a Page?

Ans: Scroll Area is a Page Control, which contains Child Records’-Fields, which is used
to maintain the Parent-Child Relationship between Tables. We can place any number of
scroll areas on a page.

What is a Sub-Page? Why it is used?

Ans: Sub-Page is a Page control, which is mainly used to insert Sub-Records.

Why is Derived Work record used?

Ans: Derived Work record is mainly used for the Online page calculations and also used
as Functional Libraries in People Code.

AD 40
How will you delete the button [Add, Update/Display, Update/DisplayAll and
Correction] from a Page on the Browser?
Ans: By going to the Internet tab of the Component properties in the Application
Designer and disabling the checkboxes as per our requirements.

What is the difference between the Prompt Table and the Translate Table?
What are the Key-Fields in the PS_JOB and the PS_EMPLOYMENT?

You have modified some values on a page and then accidentally clicked the
navigation headings in the breadcrumbs. Which of the following is true in that
(a). The system will prompt you to save before the navigation takes place.
(b). The system will exit the page without prompting you to save any changes.
(c). The system will display a warning message before exiting the page.
(d). The system will exit the page but the changes are saved automatically.

You can select deferred mode processing at the field level, page level and component
level. Which level will override the other two?
(a). Page level (b). Field level (d). Component level
(c). In order for a field on the component to run in deferred mode, deferred mode
must be selected at each of those levels.

What is the max length a record definition can have?

(a). 13 (b). 15 (c). 17 (d). 14

Page numbers can be printed in a __________format with the PAGE-NUMBER and

LAST-PAGE commands.
(a). “Page n of m” (b). “n of m” (c). “Page# n” (d). “n/m”
List out the actions that can be performed using a PeopleSoft Page that is not
(a). Add & Update/Display Only.
(b). Add, Update/Display, Update/Display All & Correction only.
(c). Add, Update/Display All & Correction only.
(d). Update/Display, Update/Display All & Correction only.

AD 41
Is Translate Table Effective Dated?
a. No.
b. If we include historical rows then it is Effective-dated.
c. Yes
d. None of the above.
When can more than one record be referenced under a scroll area?
(a). If you want to Add key values to a search record and if you specify Add Search
Record option in Component properties.
(b). If the search record is a SQL view and built at the database level.
(c). If it is a related Display field it can be used from another record.
(d). If Level zero keys are available in the scroll area we can refer to more than
one record in a scroll area.
What are the benefits of set control field in record field properties?
Select a set control field that overrides the set control field of the record definition
specified in the prompt table. If you don't specify a name in this field, the default is the
set control field of the record definition specified in the prompt table. And this set control
field is enabled for prompt table edit.
What is the significance of Reasonable Date record field property?
(a). When the date entered is 45 days more than or 45 days less than the system
date, a error is displayed.
(b). When the date entered is 30 days more than or 30 days less than the system
date, a warning is displayed.
(c). It does the field validation using PeopleCode if date is not entered in the
correct format.
(d). It correctly formats the date no matter in which format it was entered.
What happens if you do not make a check box required?
(a). You will get warning message “Check Box is not marked as required” when
you tab out of that field.
(b). You will be able to save the Page, but the Check Box will have the default
value of “NO”.
(c). The property is automatically set when the Record Definition is Built.
(d). You will get an error message “Invalid On/Off Checkbox Value” when you
save the Page.

AD 42
What is the purpose of Inquiry Pages?
(a). To view the data and make changes if necessary in correction mode.
(b). To view the data without making any changes.
(c). To update and view the data using Update/Display mode.
(d). To be able to Add an Inquiry using Add action.
Name a few Predefined formats for Character Field Type?
(a). Uppercase, Mixedcase
(b). Name, Number and SSN
(c). Both (a) & (b)
(d). Uppercase, Mixedcase, Name & Number only.
What major difference is there between derived/work fields and other fields on
panel definitions?
(a). Derived/Work fields can be only on occurs level 0 and need to come from
the primary record definition for the level.
(b). Derived/Work fields can be only on occurs level 3 and do not need to come
from the primary record definition for the level.
(c). Derived/Work fields can be on any occurs level and need to come from
the primary record definition for the level.
(d). Derived/Work fields can be on any occurs level and do not need to come
from the primary record definition for the level.

How are the fields that appear on a search dialog box determined?
(a). All fields on the search record that have the search key, alternate search key
and the list box item checked on.
(b). All fields on the search record that have the search key or alternate search
(c). All fields on the search record that have the alternate search key.
(d). All fields on the search record that have the search key and the list box item
checked on.

When u drag drop for which all component it generate code?

CI, Fielayout, AE.

AD 43
Scope of variable declaration ?
global, component, local

If a page is deleted where it is updated ?

tools tbl
If a page is created , saved and a menu linekd to it whic tbls are affected?
ppltools tbls
Scenario - a manager exist wants to /know more abt a paricular person does not
have the key search field what does he do?
do an advanced search

If u change the long name of translate field what object to be altered?

Page def

When Auto-join check box is checked what does it mean ?

Common key fields

Why is the record description as displayed above important when creating a new
a. It is used for Upgrade processes.
b. PS Query and Tree Manager use it to identify the record.
c. It is a required description.
d. Record Description is not used.
e. To help search for records within the Application Designer.

What is the minimum number of objects an object group can consist of?
1 19.

What effect would making a change to the EMPLID field in the above project have?

a) No effect on the field itself, but only on the field's definition.

b) Changes would occur globally; meaning the field is changed
everywhere else in the database.
c) Changes to the field cannot be made unless you rename the field.
d) Changes to the field do not take effect until you build or rebuild the
entire project.
e) Changes to the field are only reflected within the current project.

Where the default style sheet should be stored if user wants it to reflect through out
the portal?

AD 44
a. Application Designer
b. Configuration manager
c. Configuration. properties
d. People Tools - Utilities - Options - Style Sheet

Which of the following two statements are true in Application Designer

a. Create a new documentation for page....
b. Create documentation for SQR
c. Documentation deliverable is Default.........
d. Printing the documentation from Application designer -> File -> Print

Which one of the following is the primary purpose of the application designer's SQL
Alter function?
a) To update the database table to be in sync with the PeopleTools
object definition of that table
b) To alter the definition of a PeopleTools object without affecting the
actual object within the database
c) To drop and recreate a table that must be changed as the result of a
d) To modify a table that needs changes as part of a customization
e) To update the PeopleTools object definition to be in sync with the
definition of that table in the database

How would you run SQL Alter to alert you to discrepancies between your record
definitions and underlying SQL tables, without actually performing changes to the
object in the database?
a. Run as a user with AUDIT permissions to the underlying database.
b. Run as a user with SELECT ONLY permissions to the underlying
c. Run as a user that has NO permissions to modify the underlying database.
d. Run the SQL Alter in Report Mode.
e. Run the SQL Alter in Audit Only Mode.

How can U make a component occurs without a search page?

If u don't want to have a search/add page,u can give any derived record as a search
record. As derived records doesn't contain any key fields,the component won't dispaly
any search/add page & it takes directly to the first page in that component...
Do not use search keys,ALt srh keys etc…

Question on types of record type

Sql table, Sql view, dynamic view, derived, temporary, subrecord
In which record is the Status of the Employee Stored?
Ans: PS_JOB.

AD 45
Is there any Limitations to Opening a File?
Ans: To open a file we have to specify the mode of file, Path and the file must exist.

What are the Before and the After Procedures? How is the Execution Sequence?
Ans: Before Procedure Level Execution is from 1 to n Level and the
After Procedure Level Execution is from n to 1 level.
As a member of the development team, you are asked to create a new record
definition to be used in an existing PeopleSoft application.
Referring to the above information, in which one of the following workspaces would
you create a new Record definition?
a. Project workspace
b. Project workspace, upgrade view
c. Object workspace
d. New object workspace
e. Project workspace, development view

How would you track ongoing changes to PeopleTools objects within your database?
a) Use change control administrator's Lock All Objects option.
b) Use change control administrator's Use Change Control Locking option.
c) Use change control administrator's Use Change Control history option.
d) Perform PeopleCode trace.
e) Run online SQL traces.
Which of the tools below would you use to view the business process map display?
a) Tree manager
b) Security administrator
c) Utilities
d) Application designer
e) Navigator

Message definitions are created using which one of the following tools?
a. EDI manager
b. Application engine
c. Application designer
d. PeopleTools utilities
e. PeopleSoft query
Where is the default system style sheet is defined for the entire system
a. Web Server
b. App Server
c. Configuration Manager d. File Server
If an object is removed from the database, it will NOT automatically be removed
from the project(s) to which it was added. How do you determine if a project
contains valid objects without checking every object manually?
a) Open Project. Choose Edit, Find Object References.
b) Open Project. Choose Edit, Find in PeopleCode.

AD 46
c) Open Project. Choose Tools, Validate Project.
d) Open Project. Choose Build, Build Project.
e) Open Project. Choose Tools, Upgrade, Compare & Report.

You have a situation where a field value changes, and you don't know how it
changed. There are two ways to find all references to a field.
Referring to the above information, which of the following two tools will help you
find ALL references to a field?
Choice 1
Find in PeopleCode (in Application Designer) and Find Object References (in
Application Designer)
Choice 2
Find in PeopleCode (in Application Designer) and Cross Reference Reports
Choice 3
Find Object References (in Application Designer) and PeopleSoft Query
Choice 4
Find in PeopleCode (in Application Designer) and PeopleSoft Query
Choice 5
Find Object References (in Application Designer) and Cross Reference Reports
When a SQL table is dropped or recreated in RDBMS, which of the below are
restored by People Soft?
a) Only the Views
b) Only the tables indexes
c) Only the grants
d) Views & Indexes
How many settings can be done for a check box that appears in a search dialog box?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three d)one of the above
Which one of the below is a correct order for developing a project
Design application, Create fields, Create Record, Create pages, Create Component,
Create Menu, Add security

What is the result of the search with the following criteria in PS Books?
SQL<Statement> Table OR Field
Which of the following does peoplesoft provide record definition?
Application data

Default style sheet

Default Style Sheet : PTSTYLEDEF
Default Style sheet set in PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, PeopleTools Options

Create index possible - which of the following tables

AD 47
a. Affects all record definition
b. Subrecord
c. Derived/Work record
d. SQL Table or Temporary Table
Your manager requests that you modify the label of the Leave Accrual menu item
from Leave Accrual to Monthly Leave Accrual. Your manager does not tell you the
name of the menu on which the Leave Accrual menu item exists. To make the
change, you must know on which menu the item is located.
Referring to the above information, which step(s) will help you find the menu
that must be updated?
Choice 1
Open Security Administrator. Open Menu Items. Choose Find Menu.
Choice 2
Choose Open. Select Object Type of Menu, and choose Menu Name Search.
Choice 3
Open the panel within the Application Designer. Choose Edit, Find Object
References. Open Panel Group. Choose Edit, Find Object References.
Choice 4
Choose Edit, Find in PeopleCode, and choose Find Menu.
Choice 5
Open the panel. Choose Edit, Find Menu.

Effective Dates
Effective dates enable you to keep historical, current, and future information in tables
There are three types of effective dates:

Future Data rows that have effective dates that are after the system date, which is
usually today’s date.

Current Data row with the most recent effective date that is closest to today’s (system)
date, but not a future date. Only one row is the current row.

History Data rows that have effective dates before the current data row.
This enables you to store multiple occurrences of data based on when it goes into
For effective-dated rows, you can have multiple occurrences of future and history, but
only one current row of data. EFFDT is almost always a key and almost never a list
item. Activate the Descending Key attribute so that the row with the most recent
effective date appears first on pages. You might enter %DATE (current system date) as
the default constant for this field.
Note. Alternatively, you can use %CLIENTDATE as the default constant for the
date field. %CLIENTDATE adjusts the date as appropriate to the time zone of the
Effective Status:
When used with EFFDT, it’s part of the mechanism that enables the system to select

AD 48
the appropriate effective-dated rows
Effective Sequence:
If EFFSEQ is paired with EFFDT, it enables you to enter more than one row with
the same effective date. Do not make EFFSEQ a required field—unrequired allows
the first EFFSEQ to be zero
Insert New Rows
Action Type View Change
Effective Date Greater Than the
Update/Display Current, Future Future only Current Row

Update/Display History, Current, Effective Date Greater Than the

Future only
All Future Current Row
History, Current, All Existing Add New Rows with No Effective
Correction Future Rows Date Restrictions

Which statement of deferred processing is true?

a. it is relevant only to application accessed via window client
b. it can be diasable only by turning-off attribute on all component & page
c. it has no impact on performance for peoplesoft application accessed using
d. it is effectively disabled if attribute is not set in component definition
(regardless of page & page field) settings
e. it can be selectively enabled or disabled for any field on a page &
component definition (Ans)

What is a query view and dynamic view?

A: Dynamic View:This is selected to define a record definition that can be used like a
view in pages and PeopleCode,but is not actually stored as a SQL view in the
database.Instead, the system uses the view text as a base for the SQL Select that is
performed at runtime.

Query View:This is Selected to define the record definition as a view that is constructed
using the PeopleSoft Query tool. Before you can create the view, PeopleSoft Application
Designer prompts you to save the definition.

On search page, suppose if I click search button for Dept id, it retrieves 10 number
of Dept ids But I want to limit the count to 5. How can you solve this?

AD 49
On the page I have Dept id only. If we click on button like POST I need to get all
information which related to dept id on the same page itself. How it will happen?

The Copy Project from File and Copy to Project to File menu items are available?
The Copy Project from File and Copy to Project to File menu items are available only to
users who have upgrade security or read-only access to the database. If these menu items
are not available to you, contact your system administrator to update your security

Is there any way to show the Prompt values as in Dropdown list box values"?

Which are the record types are found in DBMS system catalog?
SQL Table
Query View

Report categories in xml publisher; define groups that enable control over who can
access and edit report definitions and sub-templates.

When do u delete pages in Peoplesoft, what is affected in the database?

PeopleTools Tables
Which update to an SQL table does not require a subsequent build action in
Application designer?
a. Adding an alternate search key attribute to one of the fields.
b. Changing a record field key from ascending to descending order
c. Deleting a field from the record
d. Adding a list box attribute to one of the fields.

How can you bypass the search dialog box in a peoplesoft application?
Specify a component search record that has no search key, alternate search key, or list box
attributes enabled.
The performance of a component which is in deferred processing mode, is Very poor

AD 50
Operating System commands can be invoked using the following
a. Invoke
b. Call System
c. System
d. All of the above
The State Record has the following key
All of the above

The EFFDT has the following properties

a. Maintains the data history
b. Almost always a key field, if used
c. Almost never a list item
d. All the above

The record which do not have EFFDT field, the actions Update/Display,
Update/Display All and Correction operate the same way.

The display control field and related display fields need not be at the same level

The display control field and related display fields need not be at the same level

Explain Display Control field, Related Display Field and Related Edit Field?
The display control and related fields must be in the correct order on the order page. The
display control field must be positioned before the associated related field; otherwise, a
warning dialog box appears when you save the page. Also, fetching the related field after
the control field is entered requires a transmission to the server at runtime.

What is Translate table? Can you have translate values for all types of fields?
The Translate table is a prompt table, which is similar to an all-purpose data dictionary, to
store values for fields that don’t need individual prompt tables of their own

Difference between Temporary record and Derived record?

Temporary record is as Temporary date storage just like a dummy table.
Derived record is used for online transaction.

What do you understand by Occurs Level and Occurs Count?

Occurs Level

AD 51
Having an occurs level for the scroll bar enables you to designate the hierarchical parent
and child relationship. Entering 1 specifies that the scroll bar is at the first level. Entering
2 specifies that a scroll is at the second level and is a child of, or nested in, the first level
of data, and so on up to 3. A scroll can be nested in another scroll or scroll area, but it
cannot be nested in a grid.

Occurs Count
Enter the number of rows to appear at one time in the grid at runtime.
When occurs count is set to a number other than 1, the grid displays the specified number
of rows. However, when it is set to 1, the grid displays as many rows as possible within
the given space allocated for the grid control at design time.

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