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1) Computer word processing guarantees student a write-up

which is easy to revise, and add ideas or remove vague statements.
This often encourage writers to do more writing unlike hand written
work where once a mistake is done then the whole document has to
be rewritten. The ease with which writers can write different
varieties of job with fewer discouragements improves writing skills.
Computer word processing improves students’ interactivity to the
subject matter of the writing. The fact that word processing program
indicates when there is a problem with grammar, sentence structure
and spelling mistakes by underlining where there is a problem,
encourages the student to get more involved into the writing by
doing his researches properly to avoid such mistakes. Mistakes
corrected often stick in the mind of the student therefore improving
his writing skills.
2) It will result in better work for a student. Today, computer
word processing programs have eased the editing process of
correcting spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes and sentence
punctuations. Some latest word processors are even able put in text
citations on student research papers similarly, computer writing
software are able to correct the mistakes and check for plagiarism of
researched work. The advantages that come with word processors
and these computer writing software would therefore definitely
outweigh the negative impacts on students’ writing capabilities.
3) Spelling and grammar check, Word processors have automatic
spell checking features that help in error elimination and some also
allow for grammar correction in certain instances. This is especially
useful if your spelling and grammar skills are not 100%; people can
generally type words faster than they can write using a pen. This
means you can write more pages in much less time. A processor
makes wording much clearer and easier to read than handwriting
and you can enhance the appearance of your manuscript. It also
allows sharing and synchronization which means that people in two
different locations can create a document through synchronization.
This means both can edit and add content almost simultaneously, for
example, if you are working with an editor in another part of town
or another city you can work together without having to meet up.


1) YES, Employers are free to monitor these communications, as

long as there's a valid business purpose for doing so. Many
companies reinforce this right by giving employees written notice
(for example, in an employee handbook) that their work email isn't
private and that the company is monitoring these messages.
However, even if your employer doesn't have this type of written
email policy, it still probably has the legal right to read employee
email messages transmitted through company accounts. On the other
hand, if your company takes affirmative steps to protect the privacy
of employee emails, it might have restricted its ability to monitor
these communications. For example, you might have a stronger
expectation of privacy if your employer has assured you that
company emails are private, if your employer’s system allows
messages to be designated "confidential," or if you are allowed to
create a private password known only to you. No matter what,
employers can’t monitor employee emails for illegal reasons. For
example, it would be illegal for your employer to monitor emails to
target or discourage protected activity such as employee efforts to
2) YES, I would tell my boss because it can effect on status of the
company. Because when I did not do that I miss a chance to protect
my company’s reputation. Of course, every company has a different
way of handling internal relationships. I will bring up the issue to
someone with professional experience in handling it, one easy way
to have an honest conversation about it and your concerns would be
to bring it outside the office

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