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Politics of South Asia, Middle East, Muslim

[2019.10.12 Sat / Chapter1]

The current territories of Afghanistan, Bangladesh,

Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, India, Pakistan, and Sri
Lanka form South Asia. The South Asian Association
for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an economic
cooperation organization in the region which was
established in 1985 and includes all eight nations
comprising South Asia.

The geo-strategic location of Pakistan plays a very significant role in influencing and shaping the
dynamics of the region. It is due to this strategic backdrop that the neighbouring countries find
themselves compelled to rely on Pakistan for their strategic interests.

Unfortunately, Pakistan’s foreign policy has always lacked a coherent framework and vision to
recognise this predesigned and strategically cordial setup. Instead of turning its strategic location into
an asset, Pakistan has turned its location into a curse that the foreign countries, especially the super
powers, have exploited since the country’s inception.

Since the creation of Pakistan, global powers have exploited the country, and the stakeholders of
the state have always readily allowed them to exploit the country. In the long term, these follies of
the state have resulted in national suffering. Not only the social fabric of the country has been badly
affected, the economy has also suffered from serious damages.

Pakistan’s geo-strategic importance can be best understood in the regional and global perspective.
In geographical terms, it is surrounded by four countries. In one way or the other, the presence of
Pakistan is vital for all neighbouring countries and this raises its international importance.
Afghanistan, which is now the focus of world’s attention, is generally regarded as the breeding
ground of the global terrorism and opium production. International community, including the US,
recognises the fact that no peace is possible in Afghanistan without an active support and
cooperation of Pakistan.

The basic purpose of Soviet invasion in Afghanistan was to approach the hot waters of Arabian Sea.
Contrary to common misconception, the invasion posed a serious threat to the interests of global
powers, more than it posed to Pakistan’s existential survival. Pakistan was only used as a buffer state.

The unending involvement in Afghanistan as US’ ally has plunged Pakistan into a crisis that keeps
haunting the nation till date.

American and some other brother countries’ involvement and interference also created very
challenging situation for homeland. Relationships with United States (US) were more of
transactional nature and Pakistan miscalculated its strategic relations with the US. The US interests
in the past and even today in South Asia regions were totally contradict with the national interests of
Pakistan. Pakistan must review its relationship with the US in view of own national interest.

We have had very bizarre relationship with the US. “We miss-calculated our relationship with the
US as our strategic ally, which proved wrong throughout different historic events such as
containment of Communism, Cold War and Now containment of China. All this was not in interest
of Pakistan, but of the US as its regional interest.

Political and economic stability can play a vital role in strengthening Pakistan so it can overcome
major regional issues

Building of India as regional power by US, isolation of Iran and containment of China are the major
US interests in South Asia region. US can never our natural strategic ally, though, issues might of
common nature, but the interests are totally different.

We need to revise our relationship with the US and should create space now. Pakistan should
strengthen its relationship with China and Iran without compromising its position. Lack of policy and
lack of confidence had put Pakistan on the back burner.
파키스탄의 지리전략적 위치는 이 지역의 역학관계에 영향을 미치고 형성하는데 매우 중요한 역할을

한다. 주변국들이 자신들의 전략적 이익을 위해 파키스탄에 의존하지 않을 수 없게 된 것은 이러한

전략적 배경 때문이다.

불행하게도, 파키스탄의 외교 정책은 항상 일관성 있는 틀과 전략적으로 우호적인 설정을 인식할 수

있는 비전이 결여되어 있다. 파키스탄은 전략적인 위치를 자산으로 바꾸는 대신 외국, 특히 초강대국들이
나라 출범 이후 악용한 저주로 위치를 바꿔왔다.

파키스탄이 창설된 이후 세계 강대국은 이 나라를 착취했고, 국가의 이해당사자들은 항상 이 나라를

착취하는 것을 흔쾌히 허용해 왔다. 장기적으로 볼 때, 이러한 국가의 어리석음은 국가적 고통을
초래했다. 국가의 사회조직이 심하게 영향을 받았을 뿐만 아니라, 경제도 심각한 피해를 입었다.

파키스탄의 지구전략적 중요성은 지역적, 국제적 관점에서 가장 잘 이해할 수 있다. 지리적으로 보면

4 개국에 둘러싸여 있다. 어떤 식으로든, 파키스탄의 존재는 모든 이웃 국가들에게 필수적이며, 이것은

파키스탄의 국제적 중요성을 증가시킨다. 현재 세계의 이목이 집중되고 있는 아프가니스탄은 일반적으로

세계 테러와 아편 생산의 교배지로 간주되고 있다. 미국을 포함한 국제사회는 파키스탄의 적극적인
지원과 협조 없이는 아프가니스탄에서 평화가 불가능하다는 사실을 인정하고 있다.

소련이 아프가니스탄에 침공한 기본적인 목적은 아라비아해의 뜨거운 바다에 접근하는 것이었다.

일반적인 오해와는 달리, 그 침략은 파키스탄의 실존적 생존에 가해지는 것 이상으로, 세계 강대국들의

이익에 심각한 위협이 되었다. 파키스탄은 완충국가로만 사용되었다.

미국의 동맹국으로서 아프가니스탄에 대한 끊임없는 개입으로 파키스탄은 지금까지 파키스탄을 괴롭히고

있는 위기에 처하게 되었다.

미국과 몇몇 다른 형제국들의 개입과 간섭은 조국에 매우 도전적인 상황을 만들어냈다. 미국과의 관계는
더 거래적인 성격이었고 파키스탄은 미국과의 전략적 관계를 잘못 계산했다. 과거, 심지어 오늘날까지도

남아시아 지역에서 미국의 이익은 파키스탄의 국익과 완전히 모순되었다. 파키스탄은 자신의 국익에
비추어 미국과의 관계를 재검토해야 한다.

우리는 미국과 매우 기괴한 관계를 맺어 왔다. "우리는 미국과의 관계를 전략적 동맹으로서 잘못
계산했는데, 이는 공산주의 봉쇄, 냉전, 그리고 이제 중국의 봉쇄와 같은 다른 역사적 사건에서 잘못된

것으로 판명되었다. 이 모든 것은 파키스탄에 대한 관심이 아니라 미국의 지역적 이익에 대한 것이었다.

정치적, 경제적 안정은 파키스탄을 강화하는 데 중요한 역할을 할 수 있어 주요 지역 현안을 극복할 수


미국에 의한 인도의 지역 강국 건설, 이란의 고립과 중국의 봉쇄는 남아시아 지역에서 미국의 주요
이익이다. 그러나 미국은 결코 우리의 자연적인 전략적 동맹국이 될 수 없지만, 이해관계는 완전히


우리는 미국과의 관계를 수정해야 하고 지금 공간을 만들어야 한다. 파키스탄은 중국과 이란과의 관계를
돈독히 해야 한다. 정책 부재와 신뢰 부족은 파키스탄을 뒷전으로 밀리게 했다.
Introduction to International Relations

Chapter1 (2019.10.15 Tue): The Nature and Evolution of International Relations

• Evolution of the States system

• International relations or international politics
• Present Nature of the Study

The evolution of the state has expanded over a long period in the history of human race. It has
developed from primitive society to a modern state gradually.
Difference of conditions under which they lived at different times and places gave rise to a variety
of governmental organizations. The state did not have a continuous process of evolution and

It appeared in various forms and shapes—the Tribal State, Oriental Empire, Roman Empire, the
Greek City States, the Feudal States and the Modem National States. These States differed in their
size and characteristics and have given rise to dissimilar political institutions and ideas.

The process of this evolution has not been uniform due to difference in the conditions under which
the state developed at different places and times. Therefore it is assumed different forms with a
variety of governments. Its principal forms may be discussed as follows:

• The Tribal State:

The Tribal state could not be distinguished from the tribe at the earliest stage of its evolution. In
the primitive age, the rights of citizenship depended upon kinship (blood relationship). The chief
decided everything for tribes.

• The Oriental Empire:

The earlier states were established in the fertile valley of the Ganges, the Nile, the Euphrates, and
the Tigris. Peru and Mexico were the states of empires in the western hemisphere.

• The Greek City-States: (From 8th/6th centuries BC to 146 BC / The period ended with the
Roman conquest of Greece in the Battle of Corinth.)
Greece was especially fitted for political
growth because of its geographical position
and physical features. The mountains and the
sea divided the country into a number of
valleys and islands separated from one
As a result of these physical features each
of these units developed into self-governing
and self-sufficient city, states. Various
experiments in political institutions were made in these small states. These contributed a lot to
political thought.
Ancient Greece wasn't a single country or empire united under a single government, it was made
up of a number of city-states. At the center of each city-state was a powerful city. The city ruled the
lands and area around it. Sometimes it also ruled smaller less-powerful cities. The Greek name for a
city-state was "polis".

Each city-state, or polis, had its own constitution. Some city states were monarchies ruled by
kings or tyrants. Others were oligarchies ruled by a few powerful men on councils. The city of
Athens invented the government of democracy and was ruled by the people for many years.

• The Roman world empire: 27 BC - 395 AD / 서로마 제국의 쇠퇴 (395-476) / 동로마 제국 (395-
Rome began her career as a city state, very much like the city-states of Greece.
It changed into a republic and soon after into a big empire. As an empire, it made a valuable
contribution to political concepts especially the law.
The Roman Empire was the largest empire of the ancient world. Its capital was Rome, and its
empire was based on the Mediterranean. The Empire dates from 27 BC, when Octavian became the
Emperor, Augustus.

The empire was the third stage of Ancient Rome. Rome was first ruled by Roman kings, then by
the Roman Republic, then by an emperor.
The main language of the Roman Empire was Latin; Greek was an important secondary language.

In order to control their large empire, the Romans developed important ideas about law and
government. They developed the best army in the world at that time, and ruled by force. They had
fine engineering, and built roads, cities, and outstanding buildings. The Empire was divided into
provinces, each with a governor plus civil and military support. Letters, both official and
private, would constantly go to and from Rome. (→International law)
Rome first grew into power as a Republic. This meant that Rome's leaders, such as senators, were
elected officials that served for a limited amount of time, not kings who were born into leadership
and ruled for life. They had a complex government with written laws, a constitution, and a balance of
powers. These concepts became very important in forming future democratic governments, like the
United States.
The Republic would rule Rome for hundreds of years from around 509 BC to 45 BC.

In 45 BC Julius Caesar took over the Roman Republic and made himself the supreme dictator.
This was the end of the republic. A few years later, in 27 BC, Caesar Augustus became the first
Roman Emperor and this was the start of the Roman Empire. Much of the lower level government
stayed the same, but now the Emperor had supreme power.

As the Roman Empire grew it became more and more difficult to manage from the city of Rome.
Eventually the Roman leaders decided to split Rome into two empires. One was the Western Roman
Empire and was ruled out of the city of Rome. The other was the Eastern Roman Empire and was
ruled out of Constantinople (today's Istanbul in Turkey). The Eastern Roman Empire would become
known as Byzantium or the Byzantine Empire.

The fall of Rome generally refers to

the fall of the Western Roman Empire. It
fell in 476 AD. The Eastern Roman
Empire, or the Byzantine Empire, would
rule parts of Eastern Europe for another
1000 years.

• The Feudal States:

These were established after the
downfall of the Roman Empire.
These were not states in the real sense
of the term inasmuch as the authority of
the state was distributed in a hierarchical
manner on the basis of the ownership of land.

The basic government and society in Europe during the Middle ages (The Middle Ages, or Medieval
Times, in Europe was a long period of history from 500 AD to 1500 AD. That's 1000 years! It covers the time from the
was based around the feudal system. Small
fall of the Roman Empire to the rise of the Ottoman Empire)
communities were formed around the local lord and the manor. The lord owned the land and
everything in it. He would keep the peasants safe in return for their service. The lord, in return,
would provide the king with soldiers or taxes.

The center of life in the Middle Ages was the manor. The manor was run by the local lord. He
lived in a large house or castle where people would gather for celebrations or for protection if they
were attacked. A small village would form around the castle which would include the local church.
Farms would then spread out from there which would be worked by the peasants.

Hierarchy of Rulers
King - The top leader in the land was the king. The king could not control all of the land by
himself, so he divided it up among the Barons (lord). In return, the Barons pledged their loyalty and
soldiers to the king. When a king died, his firstborn son would inherit the throne. When one family
stayed in power for a long time, this was called a dynasty.

Bishop - The Bishop was the top church leader in the kingdom and managed an area called a
diocese. The Catholic Church was very powerful in most parts of Medieval Europe and this made the
Bishop powerful as well. Not only that, but the church received a tithe of 10 percent from all the
people. This made some Bishops very rich.

Barons and Nobles - the Barons and high ranking nobles ruled large areas of land called fiefs.
They reported directly to the king and were very powerful. They divided up their land among Lords
who ran individual manors. Their job was to maintain an army that was at the king's service. If they
did not have an army, sometimes they would pay the king a tax instead. This tax was called shield

Lords and Knights - The lords ran the local manors. They also were the king's knights and could
be called into battle at any moment by their Baron. The lords owned everything on their land
including the peasants, crops, and village.

Peasants or Serfs - Most of the people living in the Middle Ages were peasants. They had a hard
rough life. The most of them were poor.

# The Renaissance was a period of time from the 14th to the 17th century in Europe. This era
bridged the time between the Middle Ages and modern times. The word "Renaissance" means
The Middle Ages began with the fall of the Roman Empire. Much of the advances in science, art,
and government that had been made by the Greeks and Romans were lost during this time. Part of
the Middle Ages is actually called the Dark Ages because so much of what was learned earlier was
lost. The Renaissance was a time of "coming out of the dark". It was a rebirth of education, science,
art, literature, music, and a better life for people in general.
A big part of the Renaissance was a cultural movement called humanism. Humanism was a
philosophy that all people should strive to be educated and learned in the classical arts, literature, and
science. It looked for realism and human emotion in art. It also said that it was okay for people to
pursue comfort, riches, and beauty.
The Renaissance started in Florence, Italy and spread to other city-states in Italy. Part of the
reason it began in Italy was because of the history of Rome and the Roman Empire. Another reason
it began in Italy was because Italy had become very wealthy and the wealthy were willing to spend
their money supporting artists and geniuses. City-states played a big role in the rule of Italy at the
time. They were often ruled by a powerful family. Some important city-states included Florence,
Milan, Venice, and Ferrara.
The term Renaissance Man refers to a person that is an expert and talented in many areas. The true
geniuses of the Renaissance were great examples of this. Leonardo da Vinci was a master painter,
sculptor, scientist, inventor, architect, engineer, and writer. Michelangelo was also a superb painter,
sculptor, and architect.

# The Reformation occurred during Renaissance times. It was a split in the Catholic Church
where a new type of Christianity called Protestantism (evangelicalism) was born.
During the Middle Ages, few people other than monks and priests knew how to read and write.
However, with the Renaissance, more and more people became educated and learned how to read. At
the same time, the printing press was invented allowing for new ideas, as well as scriptures of the
Bible, to be easily printed and distributed. People were able to read the Bible for themselves for the
first time.
A monk named Martin Luther began to question the practices of the
Catholic Church as he studied the Bible. He found many areas where he felt
the Bible and the Catholic Church disagreed. On October 31, 1517 Luther
took a list of 95 points where he thought the Church had gone wrong and
nailed it to the door of a Catholic Church.
One of the practices that Luther disagreed with was the paying of
indulgences. This practice allowed people to be forgiven of their sins when
they paid the church money. After Luther nailed his list to the Church, the
Catholics began to make less money. This made them mad. They kicked him out of the church and
called him a heretic. This may not sound bad today, but in those times heretics were often put to

# The French Revolution was a period of time in France when the people overthrew the
monarchy and took control of the government.
The French Revolution lasted 10 years from 1789 to 1799. It began on July 14, 1789 when
revolutionaries stormed a prison called the Bastille. The revolution came to an end 1799 when a
general named Napoleon overthrew the revolutionary government and established the French
Consulate (with Napoleon as leader)
After leading a military expedition in Egypt, Napoleon returned to Paris in 1799. The political climate in France was
changing. As the dictator of France, Napoleon was able to institute a number of government reforms. One of these
reforms was the famous Napoleonic Code. This code said that government positions would not be appointed based on
a person's birth or religion, but on their qualifications and ability. This was a big change in the French government.
Before the Napoleonic Code, high positions were given to aristocrats by the king in return for favors. This often led to
incompetent people in important positions.
Napoleon also helped to improve the French economy by building new roads and encouraging business. He
reestablished the Catholic Church as the official state religion, but at the same time allowed for freedom of religion
to those who weren't Catholic. Napoleon also set up non-religious schools, so anyone could get an education.
Napoleon's power and control continued to grow with his reforms. In 1804, he was crowned the first Emperor
France. At the coronation, he did not allow the Pope to place the crown on his head, but instead crowned himself.
Over the next several years, Napoleon expanded the French Empire. At its greatest extent in 1811, France
controlled much of Europe from Spain to the borders of Russia - not including Britain / Died: May 5, 1821 at St.
Helena, United Kingdom)
The French Revolution completely changed the social and political structure of France. It put an
end to the French monarchy, feudalism, and took political power from the Catholic Church. It
brought new ideas to Europe including liberty and freedom for the commoner as well as the
abolishment of slavery and the rights of women. Although the revolution ended with the rise of
Napoleon, the ideas and reforms did not die. These new ideas continued to influence Europe and
helped to shape many of Europe's modern-day governments.

• The Nation-States:
The growth of modern nation states is attributable directly to the growth of commercialism. (the
Industrial Revolution, in the period from about 1760 to 1820)
The newly arising commercial and industrial classes played a vital role in the destruction of
feudalism and the establishment of the nation-state. The feudal nobility was wiped out and the
authority of the Pope was set aside.

The urge for de-mocracy was, however, so great that the kings could not withstand it. The
Glorious Revolution of 1688 established constitutional monarchy in England. The French Revolution
of 1789 transformed the autocratic government of France into a popular democracy.

Side by side, with the development of democratic institutions, the growth of new nation states
began to take place. People professing separate identities clamored for separate states for them. Thus
the idea ‘one state, one nation’ the forefront. European states which combined in them
various nations and nationalities started breaking up. Assumption of dictatorial powers by Napoleon
and arbitrary changes made by him in the boundaries of the states was strongly resented by the
oppressed countries. The resultant rise of national feeling in Germany and Spain was the most
important cause of Napoleon’s downfall.

The Congress sought to divide Europe into a patchwork of states containing numerous
nationalities and cut at the roots of the sentiments of nationalism. The spirit of nationality, however,
could not be prevented for long.

From 1830 up to the early part of the twentieth century, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Germany, one
after another asserted the right of self-determination and nation- states were established in those
countries. It became the thesis of the 19th century that the states composed of various nationalities
were monstrous hybrids for which no excuse could be found.

Nationalism found fuller recognition in the Treaties of Paris (1919- 20). The subject nationalities
which had groaned so long under the oppression of autocrats claimed the right of self-determination.
The result was that national states were formed of the vast dominions.

The territorial adjustments of the Continent were, however, not made strictly according to the
principle of nationality. We know only too well that it was the Problem of unsatisfied nationalities
which was a potent cause of World War II. In the aftermath the big empires of England, France and
Holland etc. fell and the entire Asia and Africa was liberated.
Political history of Pakistan

Timeline of Pakistan

• BCE 3000 - The Indus Valley Civilization begins to form in Pakistan. It will dominate the region
until 1500 BCE.

• BCE 1500 - The Vedic civilization begins to form when the Aryan peoples migrate into the area.
Early sacred texts of the Hindu religion are composed.

• BCE 500 - Cyrus the Great of Persia conquers the land. Pakistan becomes part of the First
Persian Empire.

• BCE 327 - Alexander the Great conquers the Persian Empire and invades Pakistan.

• BCE 326 - The Battle of the Hydaspes is fought. Alexander the Great wins and gains control the
Punjab region.

• BCE 322 - The Maurya Empire of India gains control of the region after Alexander the Great

• BCE 300 - Buddhism is introduced in Pakistan.

• CE 60 - The Kushan Empire begins to dominate the region. The city of Peshawar serves as the
capital for the western portion of the empire.

• CE 200s - As the Kushan Empire weakens, the Sassanid Persian Empire moves into the region.

• CE 320 - The Gupta Empire of India conquers the southern portion of Pakistan and rules there
until 600 CE.

• 450 - The White Huns enter northern Pakistan.

• 712 - Much of Pakistan is conquered by Muhammad bin Qasim of the Umayyad Caliphate.
Pakistan becomes part of the Arab Empire. Islam is introduced to Pakistan.

• 997 - The Ghaznavid Empire takes over as Mahmud of Ghazni conquers the region.

• 1160 - The Delhi Sultnate conquers much of southern Pakistan.

• 1526 - The Mughal Empire is established by Turkish Islam leader Babur.

The Mughal Empire was an empire in Asia which existed from 1526 to 1858.

The Mughal rule over India is called an Empire because it stretched over a large area. When it was
biggest it ruled most of the Indian subcontinent, then known as Hindustan, and parts of what is now
Afghanistan and modern Pakistan, between 1526 and 1707.

The Mughal emperors were Turkish Mongols originally. Babur of the Timurid dynasty founded the
Mughal Empire (and Mughal dynasty) in 1526 and ruled until 1530.

He was followed by Humayun (1530-1540) and (1555-1556), Akbar (1556-1605), Jahangir (1605-
1627), Shah Jahan (1627-1658), Aurangzeb (1658-1707) and several other minor rulers until
Bahadur Shah Zafar II(1837-1857). After the death of Aurangzeb, the Mughal Empire became weak.
It continued until 1857-58. By that time, India came under the British Raj(영국의 인도 통치).

1556 - Akbar the Great becomes the Mughal Emperor.

1736 - The Mughals are defeated by Nader Shah of Persia.

1799 - The Sikh Empire is formed.

1843 - The British defeat the Talpur Emirs of Sindh at the Battle of Miani.

1849 - The Sikhs are defeated by the British. Punjab becomes part of British India.

1857 - Pakistan becomes part of the British Indian Empire.

1893 - The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is established.

1906 - The All-India Muslim League is founded.

The All India Muslim League was a political party in British India and was the driving force
behind the creation of Pakistan as a Muslim state from British India on the Indian subcontinent. After
the independence of India and Pakistan, the League continued as a minor party in India, especially in
Kerala, where it is often in government within a coalition with others. In Pakistan, the League
formed the country's first government, but disintegrated during the 1950s following an army coup. A
party using the name Muslim League, but with no organizational connection with the original
League, is currently in government in Pakistan.

올인디아 무슬림 연맹은 영국 인도의 정당이었으며 인도 아대륙에서 영국인으로부터 이슬람 국가로

파키스탄을 탄생시킨 원동력이었다. 인도와 파키스탄의 독립 이후, 연맹은 인도에서, 특히 케랄라에서,
다른 사람들과의 연합 안에서 종종 정부에 속해 있는 군소 정당으로서 계속 되었다. 파키스탄에서, 이
연맹은 파키스탄 최초의 정부를 구성했지만, 1950 년대에 군부 쿠데타로 해체되었다. 무슬림 리그라는
명칭을 사용하지만, 원래 리그와 조직적인 연관성이 없는 정당으로, 현재 파키스탄에서 정부로 활동하고


1933 - The name "Pakistan" is introduced in the pamphlet Now or Never. The independence
movement gains momentum.

1940 - The Muslim League says there should be a separate and independent nation for India's

1947 - Pakistan becomes an independent nation from India. The first leader of Pakistan is founding
father Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

1948 - Muhammad Ali Jinnah dies. War breaks out between Pakistan and India over disputed
territory in the region of Kashmir.

1956 - Pakistan is declared an Islamic republic.

1960 - Ayyub Khan is elected president.

1965 - Pakistan and India again go to war over Kashmir.

1971 - East Pakistan breaks away and declares the independent state of Bangladesh.

1972 - Pakistan and India agree to peace over Kashmir. They both sign the Simla Agreement.

1991 - The Islamic Shariah law becomes part of the legal code.

1998 - Pakistan tests its first nuclear weapon.


[2019.10.12 Sat / Chapter1]

Definition of Globalization:

Globalization is a free movement of goods, service, people, capital and information across national
boundaries. It is a process of integration of the world as one market.

Concept of Globalization:

To business executive - crossing national boundaries through globalized production and marketing

To an economist - economic interdependence among countries covering increased trade, technology,

labor and capital flows.
- changing nature of production process and internationalization of financial
To a political scientist - integration of global community.
- creation of world government or cartels government.

Scope of Globalization:

- Economic: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade,
foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology.

- Political: The growing inter-connection between countries and international organizations (Free
trade, UN, NATO etc.)

- Social & Cultural:

Social globalization is global interconnect between the people of this planet. No economies, no
governments, but people. Social globalization eventually makes people feel that they all belong to
one single community called earth.

Cultural globalization refers to an emerging ‘global culture’, in which people more often consume
similar goods and services across countries and use of common language (Coca-Cola, Mc Donald
and use of English).

- Environmental: It refers to the internationally coordinated practices and regulations (often in the
form of international treaties) regarding environmental protection (International Tropical Timber
Agreement treaties).
Subject related to Globalization:
Explosion of transnational crime in a globalized world

It is now widely recognized that important aspects of the globalization process facilitate
transnational organized crime in a variety of ways.

The great global transportation and communication systems made globalization possible but also
facilitate the illegal activities of transnational criminals.

The Italian sociologist, Monica Massari, has described the criminogenic potential of the
globalization process that is constantly creating new opportunities for transnational criminals.
Globalization includes an enormous amount of economic activity that is estimated to be in the
range of between $65 to $85 trillion worth of goods and services per year. As the volume of
global trade increases, regulating what is being shipped, as well as identifying the senders and
receivers of packages or cargo is becoming more difficult. This makes it eas ier for criminals to
smuggle people or contraband, or steal valuable products or materials from legitimate producers
and customers. It is estimated that transnational organized crime was an $870 billion enterprise
in 2009.

According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, what is striking about the global
map of trafficking routes is that the world's biggest trading partners are also the world's biggest
markets for illicit goods and services.

The situation of transnational crimes has seriously influenced on the illegal drug
Trafficking, the money laundering, the human trafficking, the counterfeit banknotes and
The cyber crime

Transnational criminals have been one of the biggest beneficiaries of globalization .

세계화 과정의 중요한 측면들이 다양한 방법으로 초국가적인 조직범죄를 촉진한다는 것은 이제 널리

인정받고 있다.

이탈리아의 사회학자 모니카 마사리(Micona Massari)는 초국가적 범죄자들에게 끊임없이 새로운 기회를
만들어내고 있는 세계화 과정의 범죄 발생 가능성을 설명했다. 세계화에는 연간 65 조~85 조 달러 규모의
상품과 서비스의 범위로 추정되는 막대한 경제활동이 포함된다. 세계 무역의 규모가 증가함에 따라,
선적되는 물건을 규제하는 것은 물론, 패키지나 화물의 발신자와 수신자를 식별하는 것은 더욱
어려워지고 있다. 이것은 범죄자들이 사람들 또는 밀수품을 밀수하거나 합법적인 생산자와 고객들로부터
귀중한 제품이나 자료를 훔치는 것을 더 쉽게 만든다. 2009 년 초국가 조직범죄는 8700 억 달러 규모의
기업이었던 것으로 추정된다.

유엔 마약범죄국(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)에 따르면, 세계 최대 무역 상대국들이 세계에서

가장 큰 불법 상품과 서비스 시장이라는 점이 눈에 띈다.

초국가적 범죄자들은 세계화의 가장 큰 수혜자 중 하나이다.

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