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Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users
to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with
friends, family and colleagues. The site, which is available in 37 different
languages, includes public features such as:

1. Marketplace - allows members to post, read and respond to classified ads.

2. Groups - allows members who have common interests to find each other and
3. Events - allows members to publicize an event, invite guests and track who
plans to attend.
4. Pages - allows members to create and promote a public page built around a
specific topic.
5. Presence technology - allows members to see which contacts are online and

Within each member's personal profile, there are several key networking
components. The most popular is arguably the Wall, which is essentially a virtual
bulletin board. Messages left on a member's Wall can be text, video or photos.
Another popular component is the virtual Photo Album. Photos can be uploaded
from the desktop or directly from a smartphone camera. There is no limitation on
quantity, but Facebook staff will remove inappropriate or copyrighted images. An
interactive album feature allows the member's contacts (who are called generically
called "friends") to comment on each other's photos and identify (tag) people in the
photos. Another popular profile component is status updates, a microblogging
feature that allows members to broadcast short Twitter-like announcements to their
friends. All interactions are published in a news feed, which is distributed in real-
time to the member's friends.

Facebook offers a range of privacy options to its members. A member can make
all his communications visible to everyone, he can block specific connections or he
can keep all his communications private. Members can choose whether or not to be
searchable, decide which parts of their profile are public, decide what not to put in
their news feed and determine exactly who can see their posts. For those members
who wish to use Facebook to communicate privately, there is a message feature,
which closely resembles email.

In May 2007, Facebook opened up its developers' platform to allow third-party

developers to build applications and widgets that, once approved, could be
distributed through the Facebook community. In May 2008, Facebook engineers
announced Facebook Connect, a cross-site initiative that allows users to publish
interactions on third-party partner sites in their Facebook news feed.


Facebook is a social networking website that was originally designed for college
students, but is now open to anyone 13 years of age or older. Facebook users can
create and customize their own profiles with photos, videos, and information
about themselves. Friends can browse the profiles of other friends and write
messages on their pages.

Each Facebook profile has a "wall," where friends can post comments. Since the
wall is viewable by all the user's friends, wall postings are basically a public
conversation. Therefore, it is usually best not to write personal messages on your
friends' walls. Instead, you can send a person a private message, which will show
up in his or her private Inbox, similar to an e-mail message.

Facebook allows each user to set privacy settings, which by default are pretty
strict. For example, if you have not added a certain person as a friend, that person
will not be able to view your profile. However, you can adjust the privacy settings
to allow users within your network (such as your college or the area you live) to
view part or all of your profile. You can also create a "limited profile," which
allows you to hide certain parts of your profile from a list of users that you select.
If you don't want certain friends to be able to view your full profile, you can add
them to your "limited profile" list.
Another feature of Facebook, which makes it different from MySpace, is the
ability to add applications to your profile. Facebook applications are small
programs developed specifically for Facebook profiles. Some examples include
SuperPoke (which extends Facebook's "poke" function) and FunWall (which builds
on the basic "wall" feature). Other applications are informational, such as news
feeds and weather forecasts. There are also hundreds of video game applications
that allow users to play small video games, such as Jetman or Tetris within their
profiles. Since most game applications save high scores, friends can compete
against each other or against millions of other Facebook users.

Facebook provides an easy way for friends to keep in touch and for individuals to
have a presence on the Web without needing to build a website. Since Facebook
makes it easy to upload pictures and videos, nearly anyone can publish a
multimedia profile. Of course, if you are a Facebook member or decide to sign up
one day, remember to use discretion in what you publish or what you post on
other user's pages. After all, your information is only as public as you choose to
make it

In these days approximately 90% of the student population has some type of
membership or account in the various social sites, in this literature review we
will focus specifically on the largest social site today, Facebook. This literature
review will provide information on whether this social site affects the
student’s performance at school or if it doesn’t, also the history of what
Facebook is and some studies performed on the subject.
ENGLISH 1312 Facebook effects on students

Facebook effects on students: A Review of the Literature.

Now a days we see how students are less interested in school matters, how they
are more interested in social sites compared than using the internet for
intellectual purposes. The social site Facebook has been said to affect the
performance of students and does not affect others. A review will be done of
this concern and will be better understood by answering these questions:

1.What is Facebook?

2.Is the use of Facebook affecting the performance of students at school?

3.Is there a better performance at school for students that do not have
Facebook accounts compared to the ones who do?

4.What kind of policy would encourage students to focus more on schoolwork

than on the social site?

The following literature review will focus on these questions providing more
information about the subject.

ENGLISH 1312 Facebook effects on students

What is Facebook?

Facebook is the largest social site in the world today, launched February 2004
by Harvard students Mark Zuckerberg and his roommate Eduardo Saverin.
Facebook was originally created for Harvard students only, for them to keep
in touch when they were away from the campus, but the site has been now
expanded worldwide with now having more than one billion active users, the
majority of these users are still college students. It has been also very famous
for being a distraction among the students.

Is the use of Facebook affecting the performance of students at school?

According to a study done by psychologist Paul A. Kirschnera of the Centre

for Learning Sciences and Technologies at the Open University of the
Netherlands there was an noticeable low G.P.A. score for the 219 American
students he tested, they had a typical grade average of 3.06. The students that
were more affected by Facebook were the ones that had this site on their
mobile devices and that when they were studying they would also be receiving
messages from Facebook and that distracted them, they could not do the
multi-task of studying while receiving messages of this site as they are used to
multi-task with everything else.

ENGLISH 1312 Facebook effects on students As said on

Choney, Suzanne (2010, September 7). Facebook use can lower grades by 20
percent. NBC news. Retrieved November 2nd 2012, from

On the other half a study performed by Reynol Junco a professor form Lock
Having University says that Facebook can not be blamed for lower grades of
college students that in fact some activities performed on Facebook actually
help increase the students grades by the students using this site as a tool for
study such as checking up on friends and sharing links. The real problem was
when students started distracting themselves by instead of taking advantage
of how Facebook can help their study’s, they would start to update they’re
status and that would completely distract them from their studies.

As mentioned in Professor Junco’s study:

Bonilla, V (2011, October 14). Time on Facebook (kind of) helps (and really
doesn’t hurt) your GPA. USA Today College. Retrieved November 2nd 2012,

ENGLISH 1312 Facebook effects on students

Also I conducted an interview to a University student who uses Facebook to

see if he personally believes this site has affected, improved or has not affected
his performance in school:

-Hello, what is your name and age please?

-My name is Ricardo Sotomayor I am 20 years old.

-Are you a College student?

-Yes, I am.

-At what college do you attend?

-I am in El Paso Community College.

-Do you have a Facebook account?

-Yes, I do as everybody in my school I’m sure does.

-How is your GPA score in school right now?

-Currently my GPA score is very low a 1.7 to be exact.

-Do you believe that Facebook has to do something with your low GPA score?

ENGLISH 1312 Facebook effects on students -I do, every time I am trying to

study and I have Facebook open I always get distracted, and can’t really
study. If I want to get things done I have to close all Facebook windows on my
computer and on my cellphone as well.

-Do you think there are helpful tools on Facebook for studying?

-Personally in my opinion, no, even if I am doing homework with a friend

through Facebook I always seem to get distracted by posts made by other

-Thank you very much for your time, and answers.

Sotomayor, R (2012, November 2). Personal Interview.

In an other study done by Trudy Hanson we see how college students spend
very few time doing school related activities compared to the time they spend
on social sites, if the time they spent on social sites they would use to do school
related activities there grades would be exceptional, taking in mind that they
spent up to 6 hours daily on these social sites as shown in the study.

Is there a better performance at school for students that do not have Facebook
accounts compared to the ones who do?

ENGLISH 1312 Facebook effects on students A study done in Ohio by Aryn

Karpinski demonstrates how college students who use Facebook spend less
time studying, doing school related activities and have a lower grade point
average than students who have no signed up for the social network website.
This study shows how Facebook users average GPA score is between 3.0 and
3.5, while the non users average GPA is between 3.5 and 4.0, also recorded on
this study is the time spent studying by the users and non users. A Facebook
user will spend about five hours a week studying, on the other half a non-user
of this site will spend 11 to 15 hours per week studying.

Also it is shown how students with paying jobs are less likely to use Facebook
and the students that are enrolled in school extracurricular activities are more
likely to use this social site.

In an other study done in February, Oxford University neuroscientist Susan

Greenfield warned us that social sites like these where infantilizing the human
brain like a small children’s by providing instant gratification and shortening
the attention spam.

According to Gary Smalls book “iBrain: Surviving the Technological

Alteration of the Modern Mind” people who spend time in social sites have
decreased ability to understand facial expressions and understand facial
gestures. This is affecting

ENGLISH 1312 Facebook effects on students Primarily the young people

since young minds are the most sensitive. And people that did not use these
sites did not have any of these problems at all.

What kind of policy would encourage students to focus more on schoolwork

than on the social site?

Currently most of middle schools have Facebook banned on their campus,

since students are getting distracted on the site than paying attention in class.
There should be a policy for Colleges of blocking Facebook two a weeks prior
to exams and on the exam week and also to block Facebook on students who
are not doing their homework and having low grades, I believe that this policy
will have a huge impact on students grades.


In this literature review we saw how Facebook in most of the cases does affect
directly the grades of college students, even though in some cases it helps them
achieve better grades, by correctly taking advantage of the tools provided by
Facebook, but most students cannot multitask and will get distracted with this
site, and by the studies shown how non-users have better grades than the
users it does have an effect on student GPA.
Chapter II:
Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents literature and studies which include viewpoints of some authors and
educators concerning the importance of “THE EFFECTS OF MASS MEDIA PROMOTIONS

Related Studies

Mass media is a part of the growing technology that can be seen improving as days pass by. Each
of us uses it for different purposes. It may be used for our work, everyday living and for
entertainment. But it also provides space for promotions. Mass media is likely to be a social
media too. Why? Because it helps us communicate to other people. And through
communications, we can recommend to other people the product we use. And that is an example
of promotion.

In addition to that, Patarawadee Sema, (2013, The Research Paper: Does Social Media Affect
Consumer Decision-Making?) said that social media becomes an important communication tool
that people use to connect to other people or organization. People use social media to share their
experiences, reviews, information, advice, warnings, tips and/or any kind of issues that are
interesting to their “connection” or friends.

Every people can access to the mass media and that has proven that any information is accessible
wherever you are and whenever you wanted to. That’s why the marketers take advantage of this
to promote their product and to let the people know that they were there. Not just in advertising
products in the markets, it can also help promoting some cause that needs supports.
Just like what Neha Pansare (2013, Essay on Mass Media) said, Advertising is another by
product of mass media. It helps sell goods and services through commercials and sponsorships.
The media also helps in spreading social awareness. Whether it is anti smoking propaganda or
the empowerment of women, the promotion of a greener environment or the education of the girl
child, media works relentlessly to put across social messages. The media remains unparalleled in
its services as a mode of entertainment.

There have been many studies about the mass media and its effect on the society. The biggest
effect of it that researchers can point out is the mass media effects on marketing, or any

On the other hand, Finlay SJ, Faulkner G., (2005,Physical activity promotion through the mass
media: inception, production, transmission and consumption) said, Overall, recent studies
support mass media interventions in influencing short-term physical activity message recall and
to a lesser extent associated changes in physical activity knowledge. However, the majority of
the papers were found to follow a social marketing or media advocacy theory of media
promotion with little in-depth consideration of the comprehensive media processes involved in
creating media messages and meaning.

Therefore, mass media can be a very useful tool for us. But we must not abuse it and we must
give time for us to do physical activities because it may lessen our activities and may leave us
paralyzed and dependent on it.

Related Literature

Mass media leaves us a big influence in such things. We may not notice it but we are affected.
The influence of mass media on decision-making in buying can be in any services or products.
Quality, brand, advertising or price could affect buyers’ decision-making. According to Forbes &
Vespoli, (2013, Does social media influence consumer buying behavior? An investigation of
recommendations and purchases. Journal of Business & Economics Research,11(2), 107-111.),
The results of this research present that consumers are buying either inexpensive or expensive
items, and are doing so based on recommendations from social media by their contacts or friends
on social media.Marketers could consider that social media does influence buying behavior.
According to the recommendations on purchases, 59% of all respondents were using Facebook
as their social media tool when they received a product recommendation. 37% of all users were
using Twitter.

Mass media can be considered as a part of the social media too, because it helps us to
communicate with other people by using it. In addition to what Forbes and Vespoli
said,Vinerean, Cetina & Tichindelean, (2013, The effects of social media marketing on online
consumer behavior. International Journal of Business & Management, 8(14), 66- 9.
doi:10.5539/ijbm.v8n14p66) conducted another study that shows that social media allows
consumers and prospective consumers to communicate directly to a brand representative. Since
most consumers are using the social media as tool to search and purchase items, brands or
services use this advantage to advertise their products. The online consumer is a booming market

On the other hand, Lehmann, Ruiter & Kok (2013) also conducted a study that examined the
effect of social media on a person's decision-making by sharing health information on news and
social media. The study observed the coverage of influenza vaccination on Dutch news sites and
social media websites. Dutch news sites and social media websites were promoting the
campaigns of influenza vaccine during February, March, and April, 2012. From this study the
results showed that news media and social media give different tones in messages. News media
reports tended to be more objective and non-judgmental, while social media more critical of
behaviors of Internet users and may influence the success of vaccination campaigns and
recommendations made by health authorities. It was concluded that this was the first step in e-
Health announcements.

Moreover, the relationship between social media and consumer decision-making present that
social media affects advertising attitudes, brand attitudes, and purchasing intentions of consumer.
It will not necessarily affect consumer’s decision-making, but might possess a mediating effect.
The good image of brand or product can lead the consumer to make decision on their purchases.
When consumer’s friend on social media shares or recommends services or products on their
social media, it affects brand attitude and influences their decision-making. Yet, advertising on
social media, which is provided by commercial sources affect both consumer brand attitudes and
purchasing intention, said Taining (2012, the decision behavior of Facebook users. Journal of
Computer Information Systems, 52(3), 50-59).

Indeed, social media can build brand attitudes that affect buying behavior. The good image of
brand or product can lead the consumer to make decision on their purchases. When consumer’s
friend on social media shares or recommends services or products on their social media, it affects
brand attitude and influences their decision-making. Yet, advertising on social media, which is
provided by commercial sources affect both consumer brand attitudes and purchasing intention,
said Yang (2012).

From that information, it helps marketers plan their marketing strategies. Many marketers use
social media for marketing campaigns. It is the easy way to communicate with consumers; also it
is inexpensive to advertise their brands or services.

Overall, mass media and social media have a big effect on the decision-making of the
consumers. What could be the possible solutions to this?

Scope and Limitation

The study will be limited to the preparation and selling of squash tart. The study will be conducted for
only two semesters and have only four months for implementation. The proponents have decided to
limit the study for those individuals who studied and worked in the target market place. This study will
be conducted only in Batangas State University ARASOF and the target customers are the elementary,
high school, college students and employees of said university. The proposed product is not subject for
sending sample for laboratory analysis.

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