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present/ base present participle (-ing) past (2form) past

participle (3form)
play(s)/ eat(s) playng / eating playd/ate
played / eaten


1.the present affirmativ S+vb(1st forma) se inampla
in mod frecvent repetat
tense simple (hobby, obisnuinta, etc)
negativ S+don't/doesn't+ vb1st
interogativ Do/ Does+S+vb 1st ?
ex.I always go to school every day
I eat vegetables every day = eu mananc legume in fiecare zi
she eats vegetables every day

2.the present to be + vb-ing are loc in prezent, in

momentul vorbirii(acum)
tense continous to be(negativ) + vb-ing
to be +S+vb-ing ?
ex: I am going to the school now = eu merg acum la scoala.
I am eating lunch now. = eu mananc pranzul acum.

5. the past vb-ed (verbe regulate) exprima o actiune care

s-a desfasurat si s-a incheiat
tense simple 2nd form (verbe neregulate) intr-un moment
trecut precizat cu adv de timp( the day
S+ didn't + vb befor yesterday, last
Did+S+vb ?
ex: I played football last year.
I ate three slices of pizza yesterday = eu am mancat 3 felii de pizza ieri. (ieri -
moment bine precizat)

6. the past WAS/WERE + vb-ing exprima o actiune trecuta in

desfasurare la un moment
tence continous wasn't/weren't +vb-ing din trecut: this time
Was/ Were +S + vb-ing ? Arata doua actiuni in
desfasutare simultan.

ex: While my brother was playing football, I was listening the radio. - in timp ce
fratele meu juca fotbal, eu ascultam radio.
I was eating, when he came = eu mancam, cand el a venit
They were eating, .... = ei mancau, cand el a venit.

7. the past perfect HAD +vb 3form/-ed Exprima o actiune

care a avut loc si s-a petrecut inaintea
tense simple S+ hadn't + vb 3form/-ed unui alt timp
trecut. (nu in desfacurare)
Had +S+vb 3form/-ed ?

ex: I had come home before my mother arrived from office = ajunsesem acasa inainte
sa ajunga mama mea de la serviciu.
I had eaten before he came. = eu mancasem inainte ca el sa vina

8. the past perfect HAD+BEEN +vb-ing Exprima o actiune

inceputa in trecut care s-a desfasurat
tense contionus hadn't + been +vb-ing continuu pe o
perioada de timp si s-a incheiat inantea
Had+S+been + vb-ing ? unui alt timp.
ex: I had been writting a letter for 20 minutes. = am scris o scrisoare timp de 20
de minute.
I had been eating raw fish for two years when I changed my diet = eu macam peste
crud de 2 ani cand mi-am schimbat dieta.

9. the present perfect HAVE / HAS + vb 3form 1)exprima o

actiune ce a avut loc si s-a incheiat intr-un
tense simplu haven't/hasn't +vb 3form/-ed moment trecut
care nu este precizat; rezultatele
Have/has +S + vb 3form/ -ed ? acestei actiuni se
pot vedea in prezent.
2)exprima o actiune care s-a
incheiat recent.
3)exprima o actiune trecuta care
avut loc intr-un moment
trecut ce facre parte dintr-o
perioada de timo care nu
s-a incheiat inca.
4)se foloseste cu averbe de
frecventa: always, sometimes,
5)exprima o actiune care tocmai s-a
incheiat: ''just".
) in prop interogative se fol adv
"already" pt a arata uimirea
ex: 1) People have polueted the planet.
2) I have just done my homework.
3) My parents have always enjoied to country.
I have/ She has eaten row fish before/recently = (eu) am (mai) mancat peste crud
inainte (actiune din trecut fara precizarea momentului din trecut)

10. the present perfect S+HAVE/HAS + BEEN +vb-ing exprima o actiune care a
inceput in trecut si continua in
tense continous haven't/hasn't +been +vb-ing
Have/has +s+been+ vb-ing ?

ex: The boys have been palying football for ten minutes. = baietii joaca fotbal de
10 minute.
I have/ He has been eating raw fish for over ten years.= eu mananc peste crud de
10 ani (actiune ce a inceput in trecut si este inca in desfacurare in momentul

3 .the future shall/will + vb 1forma tomorrow, the day

after tomorrow, next year/month
tense simple shan't/won't + vb 1form
shall/will+S+vb inf ?

ex: I will go to my parents next month.

I will eat my cake later / tomarrow= eu imi voi manca prajitura mai tarziu/ maine

3*. future cu GOING TO actiune viitoare , cu


ex: ) am going to eat only fish next week = eu voi manca numai peste saptamana
4. the future shall/will + BE + vb-ing Exprima o actiune
viitoare in desfasurare intr-un
tense continous shan't/willn't+ BE + vb-ing anumit
moment din viitor.
shall/will+S+BE +vb-ing ?
ex: They will be watching TV this time in week end.
) shall be eating breakfast at this time tomorrow. = eu voi manca micul dejun
maine la ora aceasta

11. the future will +have +vb -3forma viitor anterior. Exprima
o actiune care va fi incheiata
perfect in viitor, la un
anumit moment din viitor,
inaintea unui moment bine
precizat sau altei
actiuni din viitor.
ex: = ) will have eaten my breakfast tomorrow at 9/ at this time. = eu imi voi fi
mancat micul dejun maine la ora 9/ pe vremea aceea.

12. the future will+have+been +vb-ing exprima o actiune care

va incepe in viitor si va fi inca in
perfect continous desfacurare inainte altui
moment bine precizat sau
inainte altei actiuni din viitor
) will have been eating for an hour tomorrow at nine / at this time= eu voi fi
macand de o ora maine la 9/ pe vremea aceea.

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