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Even the vehicle in which President Correa

Nobel Prize, Elections and was rushed out received four gun bullets.
In the meanwhile, on the same Thursday
Coup d’état in Latin America: evening, Latin American leaders headed
for Buenos Aires, Argentina, to a­ttend an
Some Thoughts emergency meeting of the Union of South
American Nations (­UNASUR), founded in
2008 to deal with the Ecuadorian situa­
Andres Lazzarini, Margarita Olivera tion. The assessment was unanimous that
it was as President Correa claimed: there
The biased way in which the local 1  Ecuador had been an a­ttempt at a coup d’état (the

and global media groups have n the morning of 30 September, not infrequent Golpe de Estado in Latin
the Ecuadorian people woke up to American) to overthrow his government.
reported on three recent events
a chaotic situation. On that Also the general secretary of the Organisa­
in Latin America – the attempted Thursday, Ecuador police officers started tion of American States (OAS) denounced
coup in Ecuador, the presidential what seemed to be a strike against the and condemned the coup d’état attempt.
elections in Brazil and the award new national service law, which was to in­ Like the successful June 2009 coup
crease the time necessary for promotion which displaced Honduras President Manuel
of the Nobel Prize in literature
and would also reduce the benefits con­ Zelaya, the corporate-controlled media
to Mario Vargas Llosa – indicates nected to such promotions. played, not unexpected, a dirty role. Indeed,
what pro-democracy and pro- Demonstrations started with the n­ation­ both foreign and national media set the
poor formations in the continent wide occupation of the police barracks and stage by calling it an “institutional crisis” or
a blockade of the main routes, but suddenly at best an “act of police indiscipline”. From
are up against in their battle to
when they decided to kidnap Ecuador Pres­ within the country the news came that along
effect change. ident Rafael Correa, it became something with the police force, the air force had para­
far more dangerous than a simple strike. lysed Quito international airport while the
Nevertheless, President Correa, a hetero­ opposition parties called for demonstrations
dox United States-trained economist, who against Correa. However, for the media all
was elected in 2006 and has since under­ this did not exist despite several deaths and
taken a left-oriented agenda, combining i­njuries. A conspiracy of silence ruled. It was
development with environmental con­ thanks to the Venezuelan TV channel Telesur
cerns, had the previous day v­etoed the con­ that the emergency declared by Correa
troversial features of the national law. He from the hospital where he was interned
had also raised the benefits for policemen came to be known by the population which,
from $700 to $1,200 during his presidential by and large, reacted in support of President
term. These “trivialities” were forgotten Correa. The following day, Correa spoke to
in the international mass media reports, the people and ordered an investigation
which actually showed the demonstrations which is now under way.
as the police exercising a right of protest Since 2006, Ecuador’s government has
against the national government’s law, and implemented economic measures that have
did not mention that the president was clashed with the interests of the United States
being detained against his will. In fact, (US) and other powerful countries. It has
when President Correa headed for the police defaulted on foreign debts and cut itself off
headquarters in Quito, he was subjected to from foreign capital markets and the Inter­
tear gas and then directed to the police hos­ national Monetary Fund (IMF). On the other
pital in the same complex. The hospital was hand, although the US and the European
surrounded by the rebels who did not allow Union (EU) condemned attempts to disrupt
the president to come out. On Thursday law and order, none of the big powers in the
afternoon, Correa was actually kidnapped. world talked explicitly about the coup. But,
Massive groups of people, concerned about would anyone in the US describe it as just “an
the president’s whereabouts, spontaneously act of police indiscipline” if Barack Obama
Andres Lazzarini and Margarita Olivera crowded in front of the hospital, but were had been kidnapped by police officers? Of
( and marga.oli@gmail. attacked by the rebellious police officers. course, they would not, but mainstream
com) are currently research fellows of the
Twelve hours after being abducted, loyal politics analysts in the global media, with
Institute of Advanced Study at the Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi. army forces eventually broke into the their cosy relations with multinational cor­
hospital to rescue Correa amid crossfire. porate giants, seemed to agree that what in
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   october 30, 2010  vol xlv no 44 23
Authority and Legitimation

During the academic years 2010/11 and 2011/12 the Shelby Cullom Davis Center for
Historical Studies will focus on problems of authority and legitimation. We welcome
proposals that explore the popular claims of authority. How have regimes of power been
legitimated, sustained, and identified with realms of justice, the sacred, or the natural?
How have cultures of consent and allegiance been created and maintained? Under what
historical conditions have those cultures fractured or dissolved?

The field of inquiry includes the study of political culture but it is by no means limited
to modern politics; inquiries into other forms of religious, domestic, and social authority,
broadly defined, are encouraged across a wide variety of periods and places, from
prehistory to the present and from all parts of the world. Problems could include the
rise of nationalist and civic cultures; the symbolic construction of the authority of kings,
chieftains, texts, and law; the mobilization of religious and social movements; the
legitimation of empires and regimes of labor; the naturalization of everyday forms of
domestic power; as well as challenges to authority in the form of delegitimation, resistance,
withdrawal, or revolution.

The Center will offer a limited number of research fellowships for one or two semesters,
running from September to January and from February to June. Early career scholars must
have their doctoral degrees in hand at the time of the application. Fellows are expected
to live in Princeton in order to take an active part in the intellectual interchange with other
members of the Seminar. Funds are limited, and candidates are, therefore, strongly urged
to apply to other grant-giving institutions as well as the Center if they wish to come for a
full year.

To apply please link to:, requisition # 1000414. The deadline

for receipt of applications and letters of recommendation for fellowships for 2011/2012
is December 1, 2010. Please note that we will not accept faxed applications. Applicants
must apply online and submit a CV, cover letter, research proposal, abstract of proposal,
and contact information for three references. For further information about the Davis
Center, please go to  

Daniel T. Rodgers

24 october 30, 2010  vol xlv no 44  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

their countries would be a serious attempt extraordi­narily keen to pursue selective pri­ by leftist dictatorships, irrespective of the
at coup, was in Latin American just mis­ vatisation programmes. In addition, he is fact that almost all are governments elected
chief, especially if the country’s president strongly against strengthening of Brazil’s re­ in multiparty democracies.
opposes multinational and US interests! lations with Venezuela and Bolivia. Instead The mass media highlighted the news of
his focus is on bilateral free trade agree­ the Nobel Prize with an emphasis on his
2  Brazil ments. So a Serra victory in the second round challenging political views rather than on
The Sunday after the failed coup attempt could put at risk the Latin American under­ his prose. For example, on 7 October, BBC
in Ecuador, a presidential ballot took place standing that has been framed during the quoted the art critic, Oscar Guardiola-Rivera,
in Brazil. Going against most forecasts, last decade. Once again, like in other Latin as saying that the Nobel Prize “is indeed an
former Lula Da Silva’s cabinet chief Dilma American countries, the corporate media acknowledgement not only of Mario Vargas
Rousseff failed to cross the 50% mark nec­ groups in Brazil are driving the campaign to Llosa’s immense contribution to world litera­
essary to win in the first round for the next discredit the PT candidate on alleged corrup­ ture, but also of the cultural, economic and
presi­dency. The Workers Party’s Dilma tion charges when in office as chief minister, political renaissance taking place across
Rousseff obtained 47% against the S­ocial- while paying less attention to the contrast­ Latin America”. However, it is hard to find
Democrat José Serra who got a 33%. The ing programmes of the two candidates. evidence from recent Latin American expe­
third place went to the Green Party, which is riences that the views of the right wing, pro-
led by a former Lula Da Silva’s environment 3  The Nobel market oligarchy s­upported by the awardee,
minister Marina Silva, who obtained 20%. These two salient events could negatively who campaigned unsuccessfully for such
The second round will take place on 31 influence the future of the current left wing policies for the Peruvian presidency in 1990,
October, but the victory for the governing agenda in Latin America. However, on are compatible with the popular mood. And
party’s candidate is not in the bag. Indeed Thursday, 7 October, the attention of the in­ yet, scribblers abound on the web who want
this election is challenging for the PT (Work­ ternational mass media drastically shifted. Vargas Llosa to misrepresent the p­olitical
ers Party, to which Lula belongs) not only For the first time now in 20 years, the changes in Latin America: “Every­one knows
because it is for the first time that a woman is Swedish Academy awarded the Nobel Prize that interesting things are happening there
contesting to become president of Brazil, but in literature to a Latin American writer – [in Latin America], though their meaning
also because two d­ifferent models are at play. the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa. r­emains somewhat hidden”, Guardiola-­
The two-term Lula government undoubt­ At this point, the main question that any­ Rivera stated. Perhaps the Nobel Prize in
edly made a good beginning for the poorest one reading this article could legitimately literature is following a trend similar to
in Brazil. Thanks to social progra­mmes like raise is: what is the problem if the media gave that in economics: writing and theorising
“Beca Familia” (Family Grant), poverty has more attention to the Nobel Prize than to the favourably about right wing pro-market de­
decreased by a massive 11% between 2006 coup d’état in Ecuador or the future of the mocracy is the only r­espectable thing to do!
and 2007 (Statistics N­ational Institute of left programme in Latin America? What has The new trends in politics since 2000
Brazil). In addition, Brazil, known formally the Nobel Prize for a famous writer Vargas have given hope to ordinary citizens in Latin
as among the most unequal societies in the Llosa got to do with Latin America politics? America. Nevertheless, the privileged few
world, has i­mproved substantially in all the For many Latin Americans, like the with the power of money and the media
inequality indices, while economic (GDP) w­riters of this article, it is clear that this naturally opposes the changes: the deve­lop­
growth has shown an incredible trend over prize has come not only as recognition for ment of national and regional processes fo­
the last decade and the mostly state-led his books and prose. The 74-year-old writer cusing on regional cooperation and integra­
industrialisation is successfully under way. who once used to be a left wing supporter in tion, sustained economic growth with pro­
It has made Brazil a model countering the the 1970s is currently recognised as the most gressive income distribution, and most im­
neo­liberal agenda, by sticking to the idea high-profile critic of the “current threats” to portantly democracy for the once-forgotten
that a fundamental economic role must be Latin American democracy from within, sections of the society. They attempt to return
assigned to the government to boost devel­ and in particular of the C­uban, Venezuelan instead to market-friendly policies, accept
opment. The election of Dilma Rousseff and Bolivian governments (now, though, uncritically the advice of international
would mean a continuity of this agenda. he also added Argentine President Cristina financial institutions and shape their foreign
On the other hand, José Serra stands for Fernández de Kirchner among his targets). policies to suit US interests. Recent develop­
the pro-market policies of liberalisation and As a matter of fact, the current Latin-Ameri­ ments are significant insofar as commissions
privatisations. The candidate was planning can political experiments are seen with con­ (news misinterpreting the prize for Vargas
minister in the previous F­er­nando Henrique cern by the world establishment – Chavez, Llosa) or omissions (the attempted coup in
Cardoso government in the 1990s and initi­ the Castros, Morales, Lula, the Kirchners Ecuador) indicate that the powerful e­cono­mic
ated privatisation suggested at that time by and Correa are seen as examples which real and political groups are at work at the re­
the Washington Consensus. Moreover, western, democratic tradition must avoid gional and international levels. They seem to
since 2006 he has been the governor of the in Latin America. Vargas Llosa as one of have made up their mind that these govern­
rich region of Sao Paulo and has authorised the most prominent scribblers highlights ments, democratic or not, must be opposed.
the privatisation of the Sao Paulo State this from his abode in Spain, and the US, We hope that the Latin American people will
Bank. With these records, he seems to be dismissing all these governments as guided not be deceived by the media smokescreen.
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   october 30, 2010  vol xlv no 44 25

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