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TEST DE EVALUARE INIŢIALĂ Anul şcolar 2011-2012 Limba engleză Clasa a VIII-a L1

Numele şi prenumele elevului: ___________________________________ Data susţinerii

testului: __________________________ • • Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor
cerinţelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se
acordă 10 puncte. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

PARTEA I___________________________________________________________________(60
puncte) 1. Write the verbs in brackets into the gaps in Conditional I. Use the
will-future in the main clause. Example: Answer: If I __ (to go) to the cinema, I
________ (to watch) an interesting film. If I go to the cinema, I will watch an
interesting film.

1. If you…………………. (send) this letter now, she ………………….(receive) it tomorrow. 2.

Peggy…………………….. (go) shopping if she……………….. (have) time in the afternoon. 3.
Simon……………………….. (go) to London next week if he ……………….(get) a cheap flight. 4. If
her boyfriend………………………. (phone / not) today, she……………….. (leave) him. 5. If
they……………………. (study / not) harder, they………………. (pass / not) the exam. 6. If I
……………………(to learn), I ………………………(to pass) the exams. 7. We ………………..(not/to swim) if
the weather ……………………(to be) bad. 8. If he ………………………..(to have) a temperature,
he……………………. (to see) the doctor. 9. I ……………………….(to be) very happy if my friends
……………………..(to come). 10. If we ……………………. (not/to come) home in time, we …………………(to
miss) the film. (20x2p=40p) 2. Complete the paragraph using the present perfect
simple form of the verbs. When I was a child, I lived in a small town in Ireland.
Recently, I have come (come) back and I (1) …………………………… (find) a lot of changes.
Hundreds of new people (2) …………………………… (move) into the town, and I (3) ……………………..
(not see) many of my old friends. The old cinema (4) …………………………… (become) a
supermarket and a lot of trees (5) ………………………………. (disappear). But one thing hasn’t
changed – the beach is still clean and beautiful. (5x2p=10p) 3. Circle the correct
personality adjective in each sentence. 2. Don't go near that determined /
aggressive dog. It bit someone last week. 3. Do this ... do that ... do the other!
She's so bossy / sensitive. 4. She gets angry about everything. She's too easy-
going / quick-tempered. 5. They are all so serious / sensitive in that family. They
never laugh or have fun. (5x2p=10p) PARTEA a II-a
_______________________________________________________________(30 puncte) Write a
paragraph about your country for a tourist brochure. Use these ideas to help you. •
the countryside • the people • the cities • music • famous places • food . 1. He's
very loyal / sympathetic. If you're unhappy he's always kind and helpful.

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